Sunday, 12 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 19.


Looking across the street, Maiya Garney the lead scout slightly frowns, then nods when next to her, Halindrelle the elven ranger points. 
"Lóthin åv" quietly says Maiya Garney the lead scout in the elven language, the ranger from the forest city of Quinthain moves off, heading further down the street, on this cold autumn night here in the city of Tuledare. 
Moving up through the alleyway, sergeant Blufont stops beside the lead scout, and quietly asks her "Where is it?". 
"There" replies Maiya Garney who points to where Halindrelle just did a few moments ago, she follows it up with "Closed of course". 
"Of course" dryly says the company sergeant, who looks left, then right along the street, before looking to the other side at the building that will be targeted, then he quietly says "They'll be pissed when that's destroyed". 
"Definitely" quietly says the scout Garney, who follows that with "And the other ones too" after a brief pause she adds "Let's face it, their destruction is worse than any loss on the battlefield". 
Sergeant Blufont grunts in agreement with that as they look across the dark street at one of the counting houses to be found here in the city of Tuledare. 
It's the middle of the night, and Maiya Garney and her squad of infiltrators are checking out a number of strategic targets here in the capital city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout and her squad who are posing as mercenaries in the hire of the city-state of Tuledare, have checked on three of the city's counting houses. 
Know that there's other infiltration squads from the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque here in the city of Tuledare. 
And that they've all been assigned an area of the city to check out, and to watch over, as the war is brought to the capital city before the Tuledarians even know it. 
The scout Garney whose squad has been assigned what's basically the central area of the city, is about to say something to her sergeant. 
When suddenly a hooded figure appears beside the two of them, quietly saying in the elven language "I assure you, that place is busier during the daytime". 
"Fucking hell" mutters sergeant Blufont at the same time Maiya Garney grimaces and mutters "Shit" at the sudden appearance of the hooded figure next to them. 
"Highness" quietly says the lead scout who tries to keep the sour tone out of her voice, and successfully does so at the appearance of prince Helbenthril Raendril who just scared the crap out of her. 
With a nod of his hooded head at the counting house across the street, here in a quiet neighbourhood near the city center. 
Helbe the elven thief quietly asks the two of them "Just the trio of guards is it?". 
"Yes highness" quietly replies the lead scout Maiya Garney, who then adds "The two circling the building, and the one on the rooftop". 
"Not much of a challenge" murmurs the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, which causes the lead scout and the company sergeant to share a quick look. 
Uh oh, Maiya Garney thinks to herself, who then winces when the elven princeling, who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council, quietly says to them "Ah well, can't let what's in there go to waste". 
The elven envoy, who brokered the deal that saw the Fifth Army of Farque fighting for the city-state of Phamal, looks at the lead scout and quietly tells her "Scout Garney, you and your squad continue to keep a look out". 
Then with a nonchalant wave of a hand in the direction of the counting house across the street, he adds "Don't worry about that lot, they won't know what's going on". 
The member of Lord Farque's personal council, then exits the alleyway, and makes his way across the empty street. 
"Er?" murmurs sergeant Blufont, while next to him, the lead scout winces, then murmurs "Hell". As they watch the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel cross the street, and walk straight to the locked front door of the counting house. 
As the elven princeling seemingly walks through the front door of the building across the street, Maiya Garney quietly says to the company sergeant "They're not moving". 
In the light of two of the moons of Volunell in the night sky, two of the counting house guards, the one of the roof, and one who previously was walking back and forth in front of the building. Are now standing completely still, staring off into the distance. 
A few moments later, the third and final guard, makes his way around from the back of the solid looking building. 
He takes just a couple of steps, before he goes completely still, and stares off into the distance down the dark empty street just like the other two guards. 
The lead scout and the company sergeant share a look, then sergeant Blufont shrugs his shoulders, and Maiya Garney murmurs "Well he is a highly accomplished magic user". 
"And a highly accomplished thief" dryly murmurs the company sergeant, who nods to the counting house across the street, before adding "What's a bet he steals the most valuable things in there". 
The lead scout rolls her eyes, but she is in agreement with the experienced sergeant, and nods in agreement with him, when he quietly adds "He's probably already ripped off the other places that are targeted". 
True, the scout Garney thinks to herself, for she and pretty much everyone else in the Armies of Farque knows that the young elf, who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, and is a member of Lord Farque's personal council. 
Is also a thief, not just any thief, but a masterthief. Who'll steal anything of worth, just for the fun of it. 
Across the street, inside the counting house. Helbe the elven thief, who indeed has already ripped off the other two counting houses here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
Makes his way downstairs, to the below ground vaults. Flying out in front of the blurred and shielded elven magic user, is his constant companion, Narladene the ground pixie. 
The naturally magical creature, originally from the Sunreach Mountains, leads the elven master assassin pass the vaults containing gold and silver bars, and chests full of coins. 
And leads him to what's essentially an office, the door opens with a wave of a hand from the elven masterthief, after he deactivates the sentry spell that was cast upon it. 
Inside the office, the tiny winged creature heads to a couple of shelves, pointing at the middle shelf of the one on the left. 
"These ones" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie who was in here a little earlier, the elven envoy nods as he looks at stack of parchments. 
Wiping the motion spell on that particular shelf, Helbe the elven thief goes through the stack of parchments, taking the ones he wants. The letters of credit, that are worth the most. 
All of which are worth way more than any chest of coins, or pile of gold bars in the other below ground vaults of the counting house. 
"Interesting" murmurs the young elven princeling from the island principality of Laerel after he takes what he wants, then goes through the contents of the two desks in the office. 
And even though it's pitch black in here, the highly skilled elven magic user, who can see in the dark anyway, has also cast a spell upon his eyesight, that allows him to see in complete darkness, as if it was the middle of a sunny day. 
And with it, he reads from a journal, or to be exact, a log book, that he's found in a hidden compartment in one of the desks. 
"What is it?" quietly asks Narladene the ground pixie as she lands upon the right shoulder of the elven masterthief, and looks down at the journal he's reading. 
The young elven noble who is a member of the personal council to Lord Farque, quickly goes through the journal, memorizing it's contents. 
Then after he puts it back in the hidden compartment where he found it, prince Helbenthril Raendril quietly tells Narladene "Funds going out of the city-state to various locations". 
The elven master assassin briefly pauses before saying "Taken by prominent members of Tuledarian society". 
"Prominent as in?" quietly asks the tiny winged creature, who lifts an eyebrow in surprise when the elven masterthief tells her "As in the members of the ruling council of Tuledare". 
The naturally magical creature nods, when the elven envoy tells her "Members of the ruling council who aren't here". He pauses for a moment, before he continues with "And now I know where they are". 
Outside, across the street, in the mouth of the alleyway, lead scout Maiya Garney and sergeant Blufont continue to watch the trio of guards, who are completely still. 
If anybody came along the street, they would think the three counting house guards were statues with the way they're standing so still. 
"Wonder what he's doing?" muses Maiya Garney the lead scout "Stealing" dryly replies sergeant Blufont, which causes the scout Garney to grin. 
"He's been a while" quietly says the lead scout, who like her sergeant is conversing in the elven language. 
The experienced sergeant nods, and is about to say something, but instead he mutters "Fuck" in surprise. 
While in a similar tone, Maiya Garney mutters "Hell" as prince Helbenthril Raendril suddenly appears beside the two of them again. 
"Change of plans" quietly says the young elf who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council. 
"Highness?" quietly asks the scout Garney, who follows that with "We're not going to destroy it?" as she gestures to the counting house across the street. 
"Oh we're still going to destroy it, and the other ones too" quietly says the elven envoy, who follows that with "This is something else" he continues with "Return to the Traveler's Comfort, we need to discuss things with spy commander Tanith". Then the elven masterthief suddenly disappears. 
The lead scout Maiya Garney and sergeant Blufont share a look, and the experienced sergeant quietly says "What's that all about?". 
After shrugging her shoulders, the lead scout quietly says "Who knows" she then adds "Get the rest of the squad, we're going back to the inn". 
The two of them move off, while behind them across the street, the trio of guards at the counting house, resume moving, totally unaware what's happened to themselves on this cold autumn night in the city of Tuledare . . . . . .

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