Sunday 19 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 21.

Tuledare. Border Region. 

"Why the fuck not?" growls Dorc da Orc in a tone of voice that's obviously dissatisfied as he looks over at the figure sitting on a nearby log. 
"Because he's one of us" replies Lisell Maera the scout commander, who briefly pauses before adding "Well I should say, he's Farqian". 
While she, and definitely the ork warleader are not Farqian, they do work for the Armies of Farque. 
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts in dissatisfaction, and after muttering "Should still fucken kill him". 
He stomps away between the trees, here well before dawn, in the woodlands along the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"I, the great sir Percavelle" says sir Percavelle Le Dic who speaks up when no one asked him to. 
"Wouldn't normally agree with that big green imbecile" continues the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who follows that with "But the smelly festering demon could be right, wot". 
Sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know well pauses for a moment before he says "Should just kill that chap over yonder". 
After rolling her eyes, Lisell Maera the scout commander dryly says "Right Percy, that's the thing to do" then in more normal tone, she adds "And you can be the one tell Lord Farque you killed one of his people". 
The normally boisterous, overly loud and frankly pompous former paladin, shuts his mouth after wincing at what commander Maera just said. 
Then he too wanders off, muttering to himself about how things was way easier when he wasn't part of the group that he's been traveling with for the past decade or so. 
"If I may suggest" says Shur Kee the monk, who nods over at the figure sitting on the nearby log, before saying to the scout commander "I think you have done the correct thing friend Lisell". 
"Thank you councilor" says Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. 
"Besides I do not think the company would be that happy if one their own, even one in the enemy army, would come to any harm" says the short statured monk who is an honorary member of the personal council to Lord Farque. 
The scout commander whole heatedly agrees with that. She knows her company would be up in arms if a fellow Farqian, even one fighting on behalf of the city-state of Tuledare, was killed. 
And that's just the living. If one of the undead Farqians found out one of their own who though in the enemy army was killed. Their would be consequences to be paid. 
Lis knows that the undead are fanatical when it comes to the protection of the people of their homeland. 
And they will stop at nothing to exact revenge and punishment to those who have killed one of the people of the Lands Farque. 
"I agree with the councilor" says Beldane the cleric when commander Maera looks his way. 
"There'd be hell to pay if any harm came to him" adds the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine who subdued the person in question. 
After a pause for a moment or two, the fighting cleric in the half plate armour says "The question now though, is what do we do with him?" followed by "And those of his church with him?". 
Lisell Maera softly grunts at that, and though Shur Kee the monk is the most senior here, even more so than the general, Dorc da Orc. 
It's up to her, as commander of their company when it comes to the decisions during the battle that's now underway, here in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
"What ever you decide, I am sure it will be the right decision friend Lisell" quietly says Shur Kee the monk. 
"I hope so" wryly says the scout commander in the second division of the Fifth Army of Farque. 
Who then looks over at the person they've been discussing, and watches him for a moment or two in the moonlight that's barely penetrating the forest canopy. 
Then commander Maera who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury makes her way over to the individual sitting on the fallen log. 
Jovan Garney the cleric looks up as the commander he assumes, makes her way back to where he's sitting. 
In the trees further behind him, is his fellow church members, closely guarded by Farqian soldiers in black, who one can barely see. 
The powerful young cleric knows that they're only alive because of one thing. And that's him, being a Farqian like those who have captured them. 
The commander, a foreigner who Jovan figures is a scout commander due to her light armour beneath her black hooded cloak, sits down next him. 
And the cleric in the church of Kaēvin, is pretty certain he's met her in the past, though only briefly. 
Before she speaks, Jovan Garney the cleric quietly says "You know, we've met once before". 
Lifting an eyebrow in surprise, Lisell Maera the scout commander says "We have?". 
The cleric Garney nods, then says "About nine years ago, you were with my lord, when he visited my family's farm". 
The powerful young spellcaster, nods over to where Shur Kee the monk is standing with the cleric Beldane, and adds "The councilor was with you". 
Then with a nod in the direction that both Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Le Dic wandered off in, he adds "The ork general and the foreign knight too". 
"Ah I see" says Lisell Maera as she realizes it must of been when the cleric was about to come into his powers as a child, and that he must of been only about eight years old at the time. 
Because from what Beldane the cleric was able to gather from reading the mind of the younger monk without him knowing, is that he's only seventeen years old. 
"I forget they make you clerics leave at sixteen" murmurs the scout commander, who then tells the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin "You're only the third cleric to leave your homeland in the last dozen years or so" she follows that with "You lot aren't exactly common there". 
"I know" dryly says Jovan Garney the cleric with a slight smile upon his youthful face, then after he softly clears his throat, he quietly asks "What's to be done with me?" he briefly pauses before adding "And my fellow church members?". 
Lisell Maera refrains from sourly smiling, and instead she quietly says "Don't worry, no harm will come to you". 
The commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque then wryly adds "Your fellow countrymen would string me up if something untoward happened to you" followed by "Even though you're in the enemy army". 
The cleric Garney nods as he figured as much, then he asks "And my people?" he continues with "My fellow church members?". 
Lis looks at the cleric sitting next to her, so young with such responsibility, and she tells him "No harm will come to them either" followed by "Just as long as they continue to cooperate". 
"I'll make sure of it" says the powerful young cleric with a nod of his head, relieved that his fellow church members are safe too. 
Then scout commander Maera says to the Farqian born practitioner of magic "I understand you lot were going to return to the capital this morning". 
"We are" says Jovan Garney who is a little surprised that commander in the Scouts and Rangers division of the Armies of Farque knows this. 
"How did you" says the the powerful young cleric in the church of Kaēvin who is interrupted by Lisell Maera who nods over to where Beldane the cleric stands, and says "You're not the only powerful cleric here" she briefly pauses before adding "He's the one who subdued you". 
Nodding, Jovan Garney quietly says "Rumour was that our lord traveled with a cleric" before asking "He's the one, is he?". 
"He is" answers the Brattonburian who is a scout commander in the Armies of Farque, who gestures at the mace the cleric Garney has on his belt, and adds "He sensed your alarm spells you had up, and that magical weapon of yours". 
The cleric in the church of Kaēvin grunts, as he wandered how they got the better of him, and he only detected anyone at the last instant before he was overwhelmed. 
"I wouldn't dwell on it" quietly says scout commander Maera, who follows that with "From what I know, Beldane is extremely powerful for a cleric, and he's learnt a lot being around ah certain individuals". 
It takes a moment for Jovan Garney to realize who the scout commander is referring to, then he nods in understanding. 
The councilors Raendril and Reinholt, the powerful young cleric thinks to himself, referring to the other two spellcasters who are in the group that travels with Lord Farque. 
After a few moments of silence, the cleric in the church of Kaēvin listens to the scout commander quietly tell him "It would be in your best interest that you and your church to stay out of this conflict" she then adds in a slightly wry tone "Not that it'll last much longer". 
The cleric Garney nods, then says "I understand" as he figures the war between the city-states of Tuledare and Phamal is pretty much over, now that an army of Farque has entered on the side of the Phamalians. 
Maiya Garney looks closely at the young man sitting beside her for a moment or two, as she decides what she should tell him or not. 
Then having decided, she quietly asks the Farqian born cleric "Where's your church located in the capital city?". 
After Jovan Garney explains to her where in the city of Tuledare the headquarters of the church of Kaēvin is located, and it's surroundings in the east of the city. 
Lis nods, and quietly tells him "I'd hunker down in your church grounds when you get back" followed by "And keep away from nearby places like city guard towers or army barracks if they have them in your part of the city". 
The attractive young woman in her early twenties, pauses for a moment before continuing with "And any places like counting houses too". 
The young cleric in the church of Kaēvin slightly winces as he realizes what that means, then he quietly says "I understand". 
The powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque then quietly says "Thanks for the warning". 
Scout commander Maera grunts then quietly says "Don't mention it" then after she stretches, Lis gets up and tells him "Time for you lot to go". 
Jovan Garney nods, then stands up, he holds out his right hand, and Lisell Maera clasps his right forearm and repeats "One of us" after he quietly says it to her. 
The scout commander in the Armies of Farque looks over at Beldane the cleric and nods, and he along with Shur Kee the monk he walks over to where they're standing. 
Gesturing at the small clearing to their right, the older, and more experienced and powerful cleric says to the younger spellcaster "If you could have your people line up, you can cast a gateway back to the capital there". 
So in the moments just before dawn, as it starts to get light in the east, Jovan Garney watches as the gateway he has cast forms, and his fellow survivors from the destroyed airship, head back to the city of Tuledare over a hundred miles to the north. 
After the last of his fellow church members goes through the magical doorway, the cleric Garney nods to scout commander Lisell Maera, Shur Kee the monk and Beldane the cleric, before he steps through the gateway, and a few moments later it disappears . . . . . .

Tuesday 14 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 20.

Tuledare. Border Region. 

Before going to sleep, Jovan Garney the cleric cast a couple of spells to help keep himself, and the others with him safe. 
In what's obviously a dangerous zone, down here in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
The powerful teenage cleric, who finds himself in command of more than fifty souls from the church of Kaēvin. Those who survived the destruction of their airship from a Krean strikeship. 
Wakes up, sometime well before dawn, on what feels like it's going to be a cold autumn day here in the woods near the border. 
The cleric Garney who just hopes he's rested enough, so that he cast a gateway to the capital city of Tuledare. Feels the last of the residual heat from the fire that's gone out behind him. 
And though he'd prefer to keep sleeping, the powerful young spellcaster originally from the Lands Farque, knows that he better get up. 
For the sooner they leave this area of the border region, the sooner they'll get to safety. For the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin knows this area isn't particularly safe. 
Jovan Garney lies there for a few moments, listening carefully. He's glad he no longer hears magetubes firing. Which he and the others heard for quite sometime during the night. 
In the darkness before dawn, there's no sound of any magetubes. Infact there's pretty much no sounds at all. Apart from the occasional movement of those sleeping nearby, and those who have the last watch of the night. 
The young cleric in the church of Kaēvin frowns as he struggles to hear anything else apart from those here in camp. 
Then the powerful practitioner of magic quickly sits up, flinging the blanket on him, off. And looks around in the darkness of the surrounding trees. 
The cleric Garney quickly senses, making sure to hold his power within himself as much as possible. 
He doesn't sense any other spellcasters about, but that doesn't necessarily mean there isn't any other practitioner of magic nearby. 
The powerful spellcaster looks about as he gets into a crouch, he spots one of the temple guards close by, leaning against a tree, and peering into the woods further to the south. 
Jovan Garney looks in that direction too, sensing as he does so. Then the young cleric shakes the shoulder of the guardsman Oldham who was sleeping next to him. 
Waking with a grunt, Oldham the senior guardsman mutters "Hell" before quietly asking "What is it father?" as he notices the young cleric crouching beside him. 
"I'm not sure" quietly says the cleric Garney who follows that with "But it's too quiet". 
The experienced guard in the church of Kaēvin listens carefully for a few moments, then he quickly gets up, and nods in agreement with the young cleric. 
As Oldham quietly wakes up Sammit who is on the other side of him, and quietly tells the younger guardsman to start waking the others up. 
Jovan Garney carefully checks the spells he cast during the night. He slightly nods to himself, as they haven't been triggered. 
But one of the spells, has definitely noticed movement that wasn't particularly natural, wether it be animal or bird life here in the woods. 
The powerful young cleric puts a hand on the haft of his magical mace, and it gives him a slight warning. 
Jovan now knows that there's something or someone nearby who is a threat to him and the rest of the survivors of the church airship. 
"Something or someone is close by" quietly says the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin to Oldham the guardsman. 
"Fairly close" quietly continues the powerful young spellcaster, who follows on from that with "Less than thirty yards from our camp". 
The practitioner of magic slowly takes his mace from his belt loop as he peers into the darkness through the trees to the south. 
And though there's two of the three moons of Volunell still in the night sky, not much of their illumination is penetrating the forest canopy. 
The cleric Garney is just about to tell the experienced guardsman Oldham to get ready for anything, when all hell breaks loose here in the woods in the southern border region of the city-state of Tuledare. 
As shouting and yelling fills the campsite, Jovan Garney holds his mace up, and unleashes one of its powers. 
"Close your eyes!" yells the powerful young cleric in the elven language, a language that pretty much everyone in the church of Kaēvin speaks and understands. 
Jovan Garney who doesn't need to close his eyes as the wielder of the magical weapon, he's immune to it's effects. 
So he watches as a bright white light bursts into existence, lighting up the woods, making everything visible for quite some distance in all directions. 
The powerful young cleric sees that some in camp didn't heed his warning, and they're momentarily blinded by the sudden appearance of the bright white light. 
But what grabs the attention of the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin is something else, which causes his blood to run cold. As he immediately recognizes what it is, or to be exact, who it is. 
Seeing some of those in camp already fall, and knowing that this can only end up in one way. 
Jovan Garney does the only thing he knows that will save his life, and those of his church that he finds himself in charge of. 
The powerful young spellcaster shouts out a word, and one word only, hoping to his god, Kaēvin that this works. 
"Dragodrottin!" shouts out Jovan Garney the cleric as he watches the fast moving figures all in black heading through the woods that have been lit up in a bright white light by his magical mace. 
With that one word, they suddenly stop and all look in his direction. The young cleric is about to breathe a sigh of relief. When he's knocked to the ground by an invisible force. And he's unable to move, apart from his eyes. 
As he lies there upon the ground, he still has a hold of his mace, so the bright white light continues to illuminate this area of the woods they're in. 
"Tell them to drop their weapons" says a voice from behind the prone cleric in the church of Kaēvin. 
"You can talk" adds the voice which is speaking in elven, and coming from somewhere behind the powerful young spellcaster, who finds he's unable to cast. 
Jovan Garney calls out to his fellow church members to drop their weapons, and does so again when out of the corner of his right eye, he sees a rather reluctant looking Sammit, not all that keen on dropping his sword. 
The experienced guardsman Oldham also calls out for the church members to drop their weapons, as he realizes they're surrounded on all sides by figures in black armour and cloaks. 
After weapons fall to the ground, well from those who took up their weapons, and not those who were temporarily blinded by the bright white light emanating from the cleric Garney's mace. 
Another voice comes from behind the prone spellcaster, this one female, who says in elven "And who might you be?". 
"Allandél nū Des'tier" is the reply from Jovan Garney. Person of The Destroyer. Des'tier or The Destroyer being Lord Farque's elven name. While the word he called out earlier. Dragodrottin is lord Farque's name in the ancient language used by just a handful in the Lands Farque. Those who are handlers of the undead warlords wardogs. A name that all in and from the Lands Farque know from when they first learn to speak.
There's an audible pause from the female voice behind the prone cleric, then after a couple of moments she asks in an abrupt manner "Name?". 
"Jovan Garney" replies the young cleric in the church of Kaēvin who is originally from the Lands Farque. 
"Garney?" says the female voice in surprise, who follows that with "Any relation to". 
"Better not speak in elven" says the powerful young spellcaster as he interrupts whoever is speaking. 
The cleric Garney who is now speaking in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, for the simple reason he knows that no one in his church speaks that language, then says "My fellow church members speak elven, along with other languages, but not this one". 
The first voice that spoke, the male one, says in the hordes dialect "Their god is the book god, well I should say the god of scribes and wordsmiths" followed by "They're highly educated, even the lay members of the church". 
The woman grunts, then mutters "Great, smart religious fanatics fighting for the enemy" then after a slight pause, she says "Now cleric Garney, give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you, and this lot with you". 
After a moment where he swallows a suddenly dry throat, Jovan Garney in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra says "Because I'm one of you" followed by "And these people are under my protection". 
An audible sigh comes from the female voice, then in the distance a roar can clearly be heard. 
"Hell" mutters the female voice, who then says to someone else "Go and stop that giant idiot, before he blunders in here and starts killing everyone". 
She follows that with "Release him". The cleric Garney finds himself no longer being held down by that invisible force, obviously a spell of some kind. 
"Get up cleric Garney" says the female voice, who continues with "We need to have a word with you" then after a brief pause, she adds "And put out that damn light, I'm pretty sure you can see the bloody stupid thing for miles around". 
Jovan Garney gets up off the ground, and has his magical mace put out it's illumination function, then he turns around to see who has been speaking to him . . . . . .

Sunday 12 May 2024

Soldier Of Gods 19.


Looking across the street, Maiya Garney the lead scout slightly frowns, then nods when next to her, Halindrelle the elven ranger points. 
"Lóthin åv" quietly says Maiya Garney the lead scout in the elven language, the ranger from the forest city of Quinthain moves off, heading further down the street, on this cold autumn night here in the city of Tuledare. 
Moving up through the alleyway, sergeant Blufont stops beside the lead scout, and quietly asks her "Where is it?". 
"There" replies Maiya Garney who points to where Halindrelle just did a few moments ago, she follows it up with "Closed of course". 
"Of course" dryly says the company sergeant, who looks left, then right along the street, before looking to the other side at the building that will be targeted, then he quietly says "They'll be pissed when that's destroyed". 
"Definitely" quietly says the scout Garney, who follows that with "And the other ones too" after a brief pause she adds "Let's face it, their destruction is worse than any loss on the battlefield". 
Sergeant Blufont grunts in agreement with that as they look across the dark street at one of the counting houses to be found here in the city of Tuledare. 
It's the middle of the night, and Maiya Garney and her squad of infiltrators are checking out a number of strategic targets here in the capital city of Tuledare. 
The lead scout and her squad who are posing as mercenaries in the hire of the city-state of Tuledare, have checked on three of the city's counting houses. 
Know that there's other infiltration squads from the Scouts and Rangers division of the Fifth Army of Farque here in the city of Tuledare. 
And that they've all been assigned an area of the city to check out, and to watch over, as the war is brought to the capital city before the Tuledarians even know it. 
The scout Garney whose squad has been assigned what's basically the central area of the city, is about to say something to her sergeant. 
When suddenly a hooded figure appears beside the two of them, quietly saying in the elven language "I assure you, that place is busier during the daytime". 
"Fucking hell" mutters sergeant Blufont at the same time Maiya Garney grimaces and mutters "Shit" at the sudden appearance of the hooded figure next to them. 
"Highness" quietly says the lead scout who tries to keep the sour tone out of her voice, and successfully does so at the appearance of prince Helbenthril Raendril who just scared the crap out of her. 
With a nod of his hooded head at the counting house across the street, here in a quiet neighbourhood near the city center. 
Helbe the elven thief quietly asks the two of them "Just the trio of guards is it?". 
"Yes highness" quietly replies the lead scout Maiya Garney, who then adds "The two circling the building, and the one on the rooftop". 
"Not much of a challenge" murmurs the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, which causes the lead scout and the company sergeant to share a quick look. 
Uh oh, Maiya Garney thinks to herself, who then winces when the elven princeling, who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council, quietly says to them "Ah well, can't let what's in there go to waste". 
The elven envoy, who brokered the deal that saw the Fifth Army of Farque fighting for the city-state of Phamal, looks at the lead scout and quietly tells her "Scout Garney, you and your squad continue to keep a look out". 
Then with a nonchalant wave of a hand in the direction of the counting house across the street, he adds "Don't worry about that lot, they won't know what's going on". 
The member of Lord Farque's personal council, then exits the alleyway, and makes his way across the empty street. 
"Er?" murmurs sergeant Blufont, while next to him, the lead scout winces, then murmurs "Hell". As they watch the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel cross the street, and walk straight to the locked front door of the counting house. 
As the elven princeling seemingly walks through the front door of the building across the street, Maiya Garney quietly says to the company sergeant "They're not moving". 
In the light of two of the moons of Volunell in the night sky, two of the counting house guards, the one of the roof, and one who previously was walking back and forth in front of the building. Are now standing completely still, staring off into the distance. 
A few moments later, the third and final guard, makes his way around from the back of the solid looking building. 
He takes just a couple of steps, before he goes completely still, and stares off into the distance down the dark empty street just like the other two guards. 
The lead scout and the company sergeant share a look, then sergeant Blufont shrugs his shoulders, and Maiya Garney murmurs "Well he is a highly accomplished magic user". 
"And a highly accomplished thief" dryly murmurs the company sergeant, who nods to the counting house across the street, before adding "What's a bet he steals the most valuable things in there". 
The lead scout rolls her eyes, but she is in agreement with the experienced sergeant, and nods in agreement with him, when he quietly adds "He's probably already ripped off the other places that are targeted". 
True, the scout Garney thinks to herself, for she and pretty much everyone else in the Armies of Farque knows that the young elf, who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, and is a member of Lord Farque's personal council. 
Is also a thief, not just any thief, but a masterthief. Who'll steal anything of worth, just for the fun of it. 
Across the street, inside the counting house. Helbe the elven thief, who indeed has already ripped off the other two counting houses here in the center of the city of Tuledare. 
Makes his way downstairs, to the below ground vaults. Flying out in front of the blurred and shielded elven magic user, is his constant companion, Narladene the ground pixie. 
The naturally magical creature, originally from the Sunreach Mountains, leads the elven master assassin pass the vaults containing gold and silver bars, and chests full of coins. 
And leads him to what's essentially an office, the door opens with a wave of a hand from the elven masterthief, after he deactivates the sentry spell that was cast upon it. 
Inside the office, the tiny winged creature heads to a couple of shelves, pointing at the middle shelf of the one on the left. 
"These ones" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie who was in here a little earlier, the elven envoy nods as he looks at stack of parchments. 
Wiping the motion spell on that particular shelf, Helbe the elven thief goes through the stack of parchments, taking the ones he wants. The letters of credit, that are worth the most. 
All of which are worth way more than any chest of coins, or pile of gold bars in the other below ground vaults of the counting house. 
"Interesting" murmurs the young elven princeling from the island principality of Laerel after he takes what he wants, then goes through the contents of the two desks in the office. 
And even though it's pitch black in here, the highly skilled elven magic user, who can see in the dark anyway, has also cast a spell upon his eyesight, that allows him to see in complete darkness, as if it was the middle of a sunny day. 
And with it, he reads from a journal, or to be exact, a log book, that he's found in a hidden compartment in one of the desks. 
"What is it?" quietly asks Narladene the ground pixie as she lands upon the right shoulder of the elven masterthief, and looks down at the journal he's reading. 
The young elven noble who is a member of the personal council to Lord Farque, quickly goes through the journal, memorizing it's contents. 
Then after he puts it back in the hidden compartment where he found it, prince Helbenthril Raendril quietly tells Narladene "Funds going out of the city-state to various locations". 
The elven master assassin briefly pauses before saying "Taken by prominent members of Tuledarian society". 
"Prominent as in?" quietly asks the tiny winged creature, who lifts an eyebrow in surprise when the elven masterthief tells her "As in the members of the ruling council of Tuledare". 
The naturally magical creature nods, when the elven envoy tells her "Members of the ruling council who aren't here". He pauses for a moment, before he continues with "And now I know where they are". 
Outside, across the street, in the mouth of the alleyway, lead scout Maiya Garney and sergeant Blufont continue to watch the trio of guards, who are completely still. 
If anybody came along the street, they would think the three counting house guards were statues with the way they're standing so still. 
"Wonder what he's doing?" muses Maiya Garney the lead scout "Stealing" dryly replies sergeant Blufont, which causes the scout Garney to grin. 
"He's been a while" quietly says the lead scout, who like her sergeant is conversing in the elven language. 
The experienced sergeant nods, and is about to say something, but instead he mutters "Fuck" in surprise. 
While in a similar tone, Maiya Garney mutters "Hell" as prince Helbenthril Raendril suddenly appears beside the two of them again. 
"Change of plans" quietly says the young elf who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council. 
"Highness?" quietly asks the scout Garney, who follows that with "We're not going to destroy it?" as she gestures to the counting house across the street. 
"Oh we're still going to destroy it, and the other ones too" quietly says the elven envoy, who follows that with "This is something else" he continues with "Return to the Traveler's Comfort, we need to discuss things with spy commander Tanith". Then the elven masterthief suddenly disappears. 
The lead scout Maiya Garney and sergeant Blufont share a look, and the experienced sergeant quietly says "What's that all about?". 
After shrugging her shoulders, the lead scout quietly says "Who knows" she then adds "Get the rest of the squad, we're going back to the inn". 
The two of them move off, while behind them across the street, the trio of guards at the counting house, resume moving, totally unaware what's happened to themselves on this cold autumn night in the city of Tuledare . . . . . .