"An elf?" mutters Lord Farque with a frown upon his youthful looking face that's hidden behind the faceplate of his full helm.
"That's" says Beldane the cleric who overhead the undead warlord "Odd" adds the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine.
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque looks at the powerful practitioner of magic who hails from the kingdom of Nastell, and nods in agreement with him.
They're in an empty lane behind an old abandoned temple, where they've just dumped the mage Fendal.
The member of the mage council of Vexil is alive, but unconscious. Though he reeks of wine, much to the displeasure of Dorc da Orc who stands nearby.
The large ork is more than a little pissed off that Lord Farque took the bottle of wine he was drinking from, and poured most of it over the mage they had captured after questioning him, then rendering him unconscious thanks to a spell from Beldane.
"Come on Dorc" says the large heavily armoured deathlord of Farque, who then adds in the ork language "We're going cunt".
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque who also has the name of Draugodrottin that the people of his nation know him by.
Leads the way along the lane, with the cleric in the half plate armour walking beside him. While the ork warleader, with one last look of disgust at the unconscious mage they questioned, follows after the pair of humans.
"Think they're an intermediary?" quietly asks Beldane, who follows that with "Working for someone else maybe?".
"Maybe" quietly says the lord of the death realm, who after a pause adds "Though that mage did mention that he's fairly certain she's a magic user" followed by "Noble elves tend to not let others tell them what to do".
The undead warlord then dryly adds "It's a miracle I can get that royal fucking thief to do anything I tell him".
The fighting cleric in the church of Glaine smiles at that as they make their way from the lane behind the old abandoned temple, and turn left onto a street.
"With that giant hole in the middle of the forest up north" says the Nastellian born spellcaster, who then switches to the elven language as he adds "As well as that old abandoned dwarven mine up there that's been reworked recently".
Beldane has learnt that it's best not to mention anything dwarven related in the common language with Dorc da Orc close by.
"Even I know, that's something an elf wouldn't do" says the fighting cleric who has switched back to common, who follows that with "Or even be associated with".
Draugodrottin nods his full helmed head in agreement with that, then he quietly says "Like you said" followed by "Odd".
The two of them fall silent as they start to encounter more people on the streets of this fairly quiet neighbourhood they're in.
Though people tend to keep clear of them, as they're more than a little intimidating. Not to mention that Dorc da Orc is completely frightening to most people he encounters.
After a little while, and after the undead warlord had to grab the ork weaponsmith and haul him away because he caught the scent of some dwarves passing by a few streets away to the south of them.
Des'tier which is Lord Farque's elven name, which translates to The Destroyer, quietly says to the member of the church of Glaine "There's no elves on the ruling council at the moment according to what young Calmond Reinholt told us".
The large heavily armoured deathlord continues with "So we can rule them out for now" he follows that with "So they're most likely a merc or something similar".
The powerful cleric nods in agreement with that, as that seems to the most likely answer to what they've found out.
But Beldane knows there's still one fairly important thing they've yet to find out, and he quietly asks the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque "But why?".
The lord of the death realm just grunts at that. Then making sure that Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, continues to follow closely behind them.
Draugodrottin points to a lane that cuts between two streets, as they head southwards towards the center of the city of Vexil. On what's a cold winter's day here in the capital of the city-state.
It's mid morning, and they've stopped at a wine shop. More to keep Dorc da Orc occupied than anything else.
And as the large ork who is a general in the Armies of Farque purchases a number of casks of wine.
Much to the pleasure of the shop owner, who at first was scared witless at the presence of the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world in his shop.
Des'tier quietly says in the elven language to the fighting cleric "Since she's bribing a member of the mage council, we can assume she's more than likely involved in other criminal activity".
The large heavily armoured deathlord who is keeping an eye on Dorc, quietly continues with "Especially considering all that new digging for gold up in the hill country near the border".
Beldane slightly nods, then he quietly says in the same language "Think that's all it is?" followed by "A hunt for gold?".
As he knows you don't really need to have permission to mine in a city-state like Vexil, or pay taxes.
Compared to a kingdom like Girdane. Where you'd have to pay taxes to the local noble whose land the mine is on, as well as pay the crown.
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque slightly shakes his full helmed head, then quietly replies with "No" followed by "Not with that elaborate plan that set up the Geist cousins and their paid for army".
Draugodrottin continues with "Though the gold is probably helping to fund whatever she's up to" he then adds "Especially if she's on the outer with her house, and doesn't have access to their wealth".
Beldane nods, then quietly asks the deathlord of Farque "You know which house she's in?" followed by "Which principality she's from?".
"I will once we find out her actual name" is the quiet reply of Des'tier as they stand near the front door of the wine shop, watching Dorc da Orc, who has started haggling with the shop owner over the prices of the various casks he's intending to buy.
The powerful cleric looks at the undead warlord with a raised eyebrow, and the fighting cleric slightly nods when the lord of the death realm quietly tells him "That name she gave the mage Fendal is obviously fake".
"What does it mean?" quietly asks the cleric in the church of Glaine, who follows on from that with "I have absolutely no idea when it comes to the noble elven language".
"Salinéll" quietly says Lord Farque, who continues with "That means, Not Me" he then adds "No elf would name their child that, she's using a play on words to use a fake name".
Beldane nods, then after glancing out the front window of the shop, the powerful practitioner of magic from the kingdom of Nastell quietly asks "Are you?".
"I am" says Des'tier as he quietly interrupts the fighting cleric "There's a hell of a lot of spellcasters in the city" dryly adds the lord of the death realm.
"Tell me about it" dryly says the powerful cleric, who like the undead warlord, is sensing as far and wide as possible, for an elven magic user.
But unlike Beldane, Draugodrottin can easily sense any practitioner of magic who wants to be hidden from other spellcasters.
The large heavily armoured deathlord can easily identify the race of the spellcaster, and their sex too.
"There's thousands of casters in the city" quietly says the member of the church of Glaine, who continues with "And not just at the Mage College".
Lord Farque nods his hooded head in agreement, then quietly says "Most anywhere in The Southlands" he then adds "More even than Brattonbury which has more people there".
The undead warlord then quietly tells the fighting cleric in the half plate armour "Concentrate on the eastern quarter of the city" followed by "Elves like to stay there due to the forest groves there, and the ones beyond the wall that way".
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque continues with "I'll concentrate on the rest of the city, just in case she's out and about this morning".
Beldane nods, then senses eastwards, trying to locate any elven magic user, who like all elves who can cast, is noble born.
The powerful cleric just hopes this so called Salinéll isn't holding her power within herself. As it'll be impossible for him to locate her if she is.
No such problems for Lord Farque who can locate any spellcaster no matter what. And after a few moments, Des'tier is able to sense a number of elven magic users in the city of Vexil. And five of them are female.
The lord of the death realm slightly narrows his eyelids as he concentrates, then nods his full helmed head and quietly tells Beldane "Found her".
As one of the five female elven nobles in the capital of the city-state, is actively hiding herself from other spellcasters with a magical item she has in her possession.
"Dorc, pay the cunt" says Draugodrottin in the ork language, who continues in orkish with "We're fucking going".
Beldane the cleric opens the front door of the wine shop and steps outside into the cold wind of this winter's day.
He's followed by Lord Farque and eventually Dorc da Orc, who after grumbling, just chucks down a bunch of coins on the counter top. Way more than what the half a dozen wooden casks of wine he's got are actually worth.
"West" says the deathlord of Farque, who ignores the muttered "Not north" from Dorkindle, and leads the way to the right down the street the wine shop is on.
Gesturing upwards, the lord of the death realm tells the fighting cleric "Look for a suitable tower or tall building".
Beldane nods in understanding, then sourly smiles as behind them, Dorc da Orc says "There, a fucken tower" .
The large ork is pointing at the Mage Tower of Vexil, which dominates the center of the capital of the city-state.
"Not that one cunt" dryly says Des'tier in orkish, who then points, and in common says to the cleric in the church of Glaine "There".
Beldane nods, then after the ork warleader gets closer, he teleports the three of them to the top of a tower that's not too far away.
On top of the tower, and as the cold wind buffers them, they look westwards across the city of Vexil.
After a few moments, Lord Farque points in the distance towards the west wall of the city, and says "Somewhere near the wall there".
Draugodrottin is about to say something else, but he pauses for a moment, then suddenly mutters "Fuck".
He follows that with "Rift" the large heavily armoured deathlord continues with "She's just gone through with some others" followed by "A pair of elves, and six humans, two of whom are spellcasters".
And as Dorc da Orc starts drinking from the spigot of one of the wine casks he's just purchased, Beldane quietly says to the undead warlord "Which way is the other side of that rift" he then adds "I couldn't sense anything".
"North" is the reply from the lord of the death realm, who follows on from that with "Just over a couple hundred miles away".
The fighting cleric nods in understanding, then quietly says "The hill country" he then adds "The border region" . . . . . .