Thursday 15 December 2016

The Princeling 226.

Kaldeàlil Haldéilv doesn't know how long she's been unconscious, but she does know she wakes up to the feeling of water spraying across her face, and that her boots, legs, and now back all feel damp. The attractive elven magic user who is originally from beyond the Southlands, groans as she opens her eyes, the lover of the elven noble Xanderlith Karlavilt lifts her head up to see where she is, when she does, Kaldeàlil still dazed, blinks in surprise at what she sees. The attractive elven maid is near a tree, on the edge of the open ground on the otherside of the long lane from the large building she was previously in, until she was blasted out the side of it. Though slightly dazed, it's not because of what happened to her that has made Kaldeàlil Haldéilv blink in surprise, it's because there's water flowing off the roof of the building she was in, water that's across the lane, a few feet deep in some places, and that it's lapping the edge of the open ground where the elven magic user is lying. The attractive elven magic user sees guards from both sides of the conflict who were fighting in the lane, floating face down in the water, a sure sign of how hard the water, must of originally hit, while others are hurrying away, in both directions of the lane, as well as into the open ground, as water continues to flow off the rooftop. Kaldeàlil Haldéilv goes to sit up, but instead grimaces, and continues to lie where she is on the wet ground beneath the branches of a tree, she reaches up and touches beneath her tunic and breathes a sigh of relief, as the amulet she wears, is still on the fine silver chain she has around her neck. The elven magic user, who is the daughter of an elven noble from beyond the Southlands, who raped her mother, is glad she's still shielded, even though her wards are no longer on her, the attractive elven maid senses towards the building, and she breathes a sigh of relief again, as she senses that her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt is still alive, and that he's in the middle of teleporting. As Kaldeàlil Haldéilv senses her lover, she also senses Xanderlith's distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who is up on the roof of the long building, and she barely senses the human spellcaster, who despite magical appearances, is infact a mage. A mage who created the mageglobe that blew Kaldeàlil up, she grimaces in disgust at that, while sensing that there's no other spellcasters, elven or human, upon the roof of the building across the lane. As the elven magic user from beyond the Southlands senses her nobleborn lover Xanderlith Karlavilt appear again after teleporting to the rooftop, from somewhere above it, to right near his distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth, she wonders where Simmealle the water pixie has got to, she hasn't heard from or seen the tiny winged creature in sometime. Then Kaldeàlil Haldéilv, who though still dazed after what she went through, senses both elven spellcasters, Xanderlith Karlavilt and Lelalwynn Aelvilth casting, the attractive elven maid goes to sit up again, and groans and almost passes out, she lies there in frustration as she senses two spells being cast. On the roof of the long building, Xanderlith Karlavilt appears just a few yards from his distant cousin, and one time betrothed, Lelalwynn Aelvilth, the two of the them instantly cast spells at one another as they stand in few inches of water, and light rain continues to fall from the night sky. Though both of them are young, they're both well traveled, and they're both fairly experienced in combat, especially the heir and son of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, who was in exile from Alínlae for a number of decades, as Prince Avendelthíl banished him due to Xanderlith continually criticising and demeaning the rule of the previous ruling prince of Alínlae. It's from that the powerful elven magic user gets a slight advantage, as he doesn't cast the most powerful and devastating spell he can cast, he casts the quickest attacking spell he's able to cast, just a basic force spell, with as much power he can put into as quickly as he can. The force spell strikes Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who gasps then is flung backwards, in mid air, her own spell is completed, and an energyball shoots off wildly, going up into the air, missing her distant cousin by quite a distance. The attractive elven maid hits the roof, landing right near the eastern edge of the long roof, Lelalwynn Aelvilth slightly grimaces from the impact, as she feels that her wards are almost depleted, though she has hidden wards on her that she doesn't know about. Xanderlith Karlavilt glances back to the human spellcaster who is standing there watching him, the powerful elven magic user gives him a look, daring him to interfere, then the heir of house Karlavilt, turns and walks to where his distant cousin Lelalwynn is lying in a few inches of water, trying to get up. Mira Reinholt the mage glances at his gloved left hand, then sourly smiles, the once powerful mage knows his bolt shooter is well out of range to land a killing shot on lord Karlavilt's son, that's if he wasn't protected by magical wards. The Vexilian mage in exile looks down at the injured elven maid who is sitting beside him, she's looking at the two elven nobles, one of whom she's the bodyguard of, then the mage Reinholt mutters a profanity under his breath, then takes his double bladed sword from his back, and starts walking towards the eastern side of the long roof. Helbe the elven thief slightly winces as he sees Lelalwynn Aelvilth hit the roof with a splash, the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel considers that he might have to directly intervene again, even though he would rather not. The elven masterthief who senses that Lelalwynn Aelvilth's wards are all but useless, and the only thing protecting her, are the hidden wards he has cast on her, watches as Xanderlith Karlavilt walks towards the prone elven maid who is the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth. Then out of the corner of his eye as he floats there off the side of the long building, Helbenthril Raendril sees something, he sees his colleague and traveling companion Mira Reinholt the mage with his unique double bladed sword in hand, walking towards this side of the rooftop. The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel pauses for a moment, as he's sees that the mage Reinholt, who was once the most arrogant and belligerent of all individuals you would ever likely to meet, has changed so much, that he's willing with basically no magical power at his disposal at the moment, to try to intervene, then what does that makes him, Helbenthril Raendril? As Xanderlith Karlavilt stands over Lelalwynn Aelvilth, and starts saying something to her as he's about to cast a spell, the blured and shielded Helbe the elven thief narrows his eyelids as he looks at the two elven nobles, one of whom if he's able to cast, will kill the other, even with the hidden wards on her, so not even thinking about it, the princeling acts. The princeling shifts, in an instant he's on the roof, right behind Xanderlith Karlavilt, the princeling has to drop a spell, as another one that he ordinarily casts, takes a bit of power, so he drops his blur spell and appears whilst releasing the spike puncher on the inside of his right sleeve, as he punches and casts a slip spell. The princeling's spike puncher goes through the wards of Xanderlith Karlavilt who is saying in the noble elven language to his distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth "That's it for you Lelal" then the spike puncher smashes through the side of his skull and into his brain as the princeling Helbenthril Raendril says to him in the same language "I don't think so". The princeling turns his hooded head, and pulls back his right hand, the spike puncher comes free, and quickly slides back into it's hidden mechanism in his sleeve as the lifeless body of Xanderlith Karlavilt falls into the water with a splash, then wash off the side of the building while a stunned Lelalwynn Aelvilth watches on. The princeling with his face averted, nods his hooded head to the attractive elven maid who one day in all likelihood, will be his wife, then he blurs himself again, after which the princeling shifts away. Wet, damp, and still a bit dazed, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv lies there in complete shock, for one moment, she saw her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt standing there near the edge of the roof, standing over who she sensed is his distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth. Then the next moment as her lover was about to cast an energy beam, someone suddenly appeared right beside the heir to lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, did something, what, Kaldeàlil Haldéilv isn't too sure as it happened so quick, then Xanderlith Karlavilt dropped, and a moment later, his lifeless body washed off the rooftop and landed in the water in the lane below. The dazed Kaldeàlil Haldéilv lies back down, tears mingle with the water on her face as she feels like her life has come to an end, as her lover lies in the water in the lane just thirty five feet from her, she wants to scream in anger and frustration at what's just happened, but she's unable to, and all that comes out is low moan of despair. Then the attractive elven maid clenches a fist, as she lies there in abject misery, she grimaces for she caught a glimpse of the person who killed her lover Xanderlith Karlavilt before they disappeared. For whoever it was, turned their head, and looked out in this direction, it's a face Kaldeàlil Haldéilv will remember for the rest of her life, it's the face of someone she plans to find, then kill . . . . . .

Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Princeling 225.

After working in unison with her cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt, killing their distant cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth, Jalveènd Karlavilt hears something go clank right next to her, she slightly turns and looks down, there she see a metal tube a few feet from here. The attractive elven maid who is the niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt has never seen whatever it is before, though she vaguely recalls reading something about what it is. It's as the daughter of the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt frowns as she tries to remember what it is, it explodes right next to her, extremely powerfully, which is more than a surprise to her, as she couldn't sense anything from it. Just like that, and Lelalwynn Aelvilth can't believe that her cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth is dead, as tears come to the eyes of the attractive elven maid who has just cast a lightning bolt at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt, she spots something out of the corner of her eye. She turns and sees something go flying across to the east side of the roof, the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth sees it land next to her distant cousin, Jalveènd Karlavilt, Lelalwynn Aelvilth slightly frowns as she looks at it through the lightly falling rain. The daughter of the head of house Aelvilth who has traveled widely throughout the Southlands, suddenly recognises what it is, she quickly glances in the direction of the human spellcaster, when the foot and half long steel tube she spotted, explodes with an extremely loud bang. It's by reflex that Xanderlith Karlavilt closes his eyes when he's struck by the bolt of lightning cast by his distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth, the heir of house Karlavilt, who doesn't know it but he's actually the head of his family's noble house now, suspects most spellcasters close their eyes when they're struck by a lightning bolt or similar spell. The powerful elven magic user as he levitates about eighty feet above the long building the magical battle has been taking place on, opens his eyes, and finds himself looking down at where his cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt is standing on the eastern side of the roof. Xanderlith Karlavilt slightly frowns as he spots something on the roof right beside his younger cousin Jalveènd, something that suddenly explodes with a loud bag, loud enough to rival any clap of thunder that accompanies a lightning bolt spell. Mira Reinholt the mage who couldn't of hoped for a better throw, that was assisted by the strength spell he has cast upon himself, covers his ears before the mage canister he threw explodes right next to the attractive elven maid from house Karlavilt. An ironic smile appears on the face of Mira Reinholt the mage who then murmurs "Fuck me, it's water" then the eyes of the Vexilian mage in exile open wide in surprise, and quite frankly alarm, at how powerful the explosion is, and how much water it creates from the explosion, which has a rather extraordinary two step process. The mage canister contained a waterball spell, an extremely powerful one created by a mage who was at the height of his powers a hundred years or so ago in the city of Brattonbury, where the mage Reinholt acquired the magical item during the summertime. The mage canister exploded as they all do, no matter what the spell they contain, though since they're created by mages, the most powerful of all the human spellcasters, who have a tendency for direct action, the spells they contain are almost always destructive. This one is no different, and the loud bang comes from it initially exploding, instantly there's a twelve foot wide ball of water, which Jalveènd Karlavilt suddenly finds herself floating within, she involuntarily takes a breath, though she doesn't have to, as her wards, particularly her barrier spell around her, protects her, though only briefly. An instant later and the waterball implodes, shrinking to less than a quarter of it's size, crushing everything that's caught up in it, in this instance, Jalveènd Karlavilt, whose wards stand no chance against the spell of a powerful mage. She's instantly crumpled to death, then the waterball explodes out again, regaining it's original size, then some, growing larger and larger, until it's close to forty feet in width, as water sprays in all directions from it, then it burst, exploding water outwards. From the time the mage canister initially explodes with a loud bang, then the waterball at it's extreme size finally burst, takes less than a count of three, it happens so quickly, that many on the roof don't exactly know what happen, or are able to react to it. Water flows everywhere, most going off the east side of the roof where Jalveènd Karlavilt was standing, but a lot of it also flows in the other direction, heading towards all sides of the roof, the first one hit by the wall of water is Lelalwynn Aelvilth. She's protected by her wards, but even so she's knocked off her feet, and finds herself floating across the roof, a rather surreal experience as she's ever endured, as the attractive elven noble finds that she's moving rather quickly. Mira Reinholt is knocked off his feet next, even though there's hidden wards on him, and he had already turned and was moving as far away from where the mage canister landed as he could. "Fuck" mutters the mage Reinholt as he goes skimming across the rooftop, heading towards the southern edge, the once powerful mage grabs a hold of the injured elven bodyguard of Lelalwynn Aelvilth, Salinvelè, who was holding onto the body of the dead guard captain from house Karlavilt, who got wedged in a hole in the roof when the water hit. "Thanks" gasps Salinvelè in the elven language "Might me a bit early for that" mutters the Vexilian mage in exile as they pushed along by fast flowing water a couple of feet deep, and they rush head first towards the southern edge of the roof. Further to the west side of the roof, near the center of the long building, another of Lelalwynn Aelvilth's personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle, and a house guard in the service of the Aelvilth family, are knocked off their feet too, though they don't go far, just thirty feet or so, as there's a large hole in the roof near them, and quite a bit of water that hits them, goes down it. It's the same for the body of Timur Changataison, water for the most part goes down a large gap in the roof from an earlier explosion near where his body lies. And though the corpse of the hordes magician from the southern tundra rolls over a few times, and it ends up just a couple of feet from the western edge of the rooftop, with water just passing over and around him with no real force. As for Xanderlith Karlavilt, even he doesn't avoid the effects of the mage canister exploding, for when the waterball exploded at it's optimal size, going in all directions, that included going up. The son and heir of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt turns his head as water pelts him where he levitates nearly eighty feet above the rooftop of the long building, his wards keep him safe, though he does take a drenching, and he gets soaked, causing the powerful elven magic user to sourly smile before he looks back down again. "Shit" mutters Helbe the elven thief as he too takes a drenching, the blured and shielded elven princeling who has just shifted outside, is floating just off the east side of the long building, he sourly smiles as his wards protect him, though not from getting wet. As water pours down off the east side of the rooftop, the elven masterthief who has seen the remnants of Jalveènd Karlavilt, which were nothing but wet, bloody ripped apart clothing, with very little body left, wash off the side of the roof. Quickly wipes a hand across his wet face, then mutters "Shit" again as he looks at the southern half of the roof and sees what's happened, the young elven noble who is stretched to the limit of his casting abilities, drops a couple of spells, then casts two different ones. Starting with one where Mira Reinholt and an elven bodyguard from house Aelvilth are just about to go over the southern edge of the long roof. Then a second spell towards the western side of the roof, which Lelalwynn Aelvilth is heading quickly towards as she tumbles about in the water. "By the shape of fire" mutters the mage Reinholt as he holds onto the injured elven bodyguard with his left arm, and with his right he tries to grab something, anything, that's in the water, then the two of the them go off the edge of the roof, with Salinvelè gasping, and the once powerful mage growling "Fucking hell!". "Er?" murmurs the attractive elven maid a moment later as the two of them float in the air, a few feet off the edge of the roof, the Vexilian mage in exile lets out a sigh of relief as water splashes them as it comes rushing off the rooftop. Then Mira Reinholt murmurs "Damn thieving prince" in a tone of gratitude, as he and Salinvelè float forward to the roof, and they're dropped back onto it, as the flow of water lessens. As for Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who is moving a lot quicker than the mage Reinholt, and her personal bodyguard Salinvelè were, suddenly finds herself being swept towards the western edge of the rooftop one moment, then all of a sudden the next moment, she finds herself floating quickly back in the direction she's just come from. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who was disoriented for a few moments as she tumbled about in the water when she was heading quickly towards the western edge of the roof, is now upright, almost sitting up in the water. She looks down, and sees that as the water starts to lessen, she finds that's she's within a stream of water that's going the other way from all the water on either side of it "By the forest gods, what the fuck?" a surprised Lelalwynn Aelvilth murmurs to herself. The daughter of the head of house Aelvilth goes by the spot she was standing when the wall of water hit, then feeling that the water that's going in the opposite direction than what's around it, feels pretty solid, Lelalwynn Aelvilth gets to a knee, then stands up. The water is only a foot or so deep now, lessening all the time, and the attractive elven noble from house Aelvilth looks around, she looks back to the west side of the roof, and spots one of her personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle and a house guard in the service of her family, standing there looking around like she is. Lelalwynn Aelvilth then looks to the right as the water is only a half a foot deep now, and she sees the human spellcaster, the under powered mage, along with another of her personal bodyguards, Salinvelè, near the very southern edge of the roof, where the two of them are thoroughly drenched like she is, stand up in just a couple of inches of water. As is the water beneath her, which suddenly stops flowing in the opposite direction, and Lelalwynn Aelvilth drops down through it, the water isn't flowing that quickly, and the attractive elven noble who is now close to the eastern edge of the rooftop, easily keeps her footing. Not really knowing what just happened, apart from that she was just about to be swept off the west side of the roof, but now finds that she's near the east side of the rooftop, the daughter of lord Aelvilth quickly increases the strength of her wards, and just as quickly she looks up. Lelalwynn Aelvilth sees her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt with a rather bewildered look upon his face, as he's probably wondering what just happened, then the attractive elven noble senses her distant cousin up in the night sky casting, and as she gets her wards to their full strength, her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt disappears as he teleports, she senses where he's teleporting to, it's right next to her . . . . . .

Monday 12 December 2016

The Princeling 224.

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger wakes to the sound of a thud from a nearby explosion, and a gasp from himself as pain shoots up through his back. "It's out" he hears a voice say, a voice he vaguely recognises, then someone else, another voice, a younger voice he kind of recognises says "Here Riley, drink it" the ranger Hait feels his mouth being opened, then he tastes the rather sickly sweet taste of a healing potion in his mouth. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman groans, then he hears a deep, growling voice he definitely recognises, say in a clearly disappointed tone of voice "He still a fucken alive" followed by "Fucken stink". "Dorc" mutters Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as he opens his eyes, and sees the disapproving face of Dorc da Orc scowling down at him, the large ork grunts then moves out of the way, the mercenary ranger looks around, and finds Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine who is holding a small empty glass vial in his hand, and Caerik Alsair, who has in his hand, the punch dagger that was in the back of the ranger Hait. The three of them are looking down at him in concern, and Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman tells them "Thanks" the human ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen feels absolutely drained and exhausted, as is one often the case after taking a healing potion, but he's also feeling that because of what he's just done. I've killed my uncle, the mercenary ranger thinks to himself as he briefly closes his eyes, he opens them again as he hears another thud of an explosion somewhere nearby, then with the help of the two children, Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera, he sits up. The ranger Hait who in actual fact is Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the mercenary ranger, finds that he's beneath the branches of a large tree, he slightly winces as his muscles protest as he sits back against the tree trunk behind him, he accepts the punch dagger from Caerik Alsair, and he puts it back on his belt. Probably annoyed I'm not dead, and he can't eat me, Riley Hait dryly thinks to himself as he glances at Dorc da Orc who is standing nearby looking at him with scowl upon his broad, green, brutish looking face, then the mercenary ranger says "I'm fine, don't worry" in response to Tamric Drubine asking him "Are you okay Riley?". Well to be truthful, I'm not really, the ranger Hait thinks to himself as he sits there on the damp ground beneath the branches of the tree, he might be physically fine after having a healing potion poured down his throat by young Tam, but what he's just done, will have a lifelong effect upon the individual who is Zubutai the barbarian hordesman that a potion will never be able to heal. "Kin slayer" Riley Hait murmurs to himself in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, then the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, looks beyond where Dorc is standing with his pet pig, Piggy, to where the long building he was just on top of, is about fifty yards away. "They're still going at it up there" quietly says Caerik Alsair when he sees the ranger Hait looking at the nearby building, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head in agreement, then with the help of the former air sailor in the Tuledare aircorp, the mercenary ranger stands up. Out infront of the large tree is the undead wardog Axe, who is watching the long building, as is a number of goblins beneath some of the nearby trees, who are also watching the night sky, as their general, Dorc da Orc is doing as well, infact the warleader of the ork race is watching the rainy night sky, muttering away to himself in the incomprehensible language of his race. "What is it?" quietly asks Riley Hait in the elven language as he nods at Dorc, and some of the nearby goblins who he first met a couple of winters ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn, though none of them will recognise the body he's in now. "A griffon" says Caerik Alsair in the same language as he answers the ranger Hait's question "From the Karlavilt townhouse" adds Tamric Drubine in elven, next to him, Lisell Maera nods her head in agreement then says "It must be flying around on the otherside of the building somewhere". "Great" dryly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then looks at Dorc da Orc who is hefting the heavy, double bowed ballista he's carrying, every so often, then he looks at Axe, who has his broad back to them as he sits out infront of the tree. Well, it's dead if it comes down low and tries to attack us, the ranger Hait thinks to himself, who figures Dorc will definitely hit it if he gets a clean shot, though that probably won't kill the large winged creature, what definitely will kill it, is the undead wardog Axe, who Riley Hait knows nothing has a chance of surviving against. The mercenary ranger and the others look up to the roof of the long building as another explosion can be heard, this one rather loud, followed a few moments later by a continuous sheet of water that comes over the side of the building, Dorkindle hisses in anger at it like an annoyed cat, making a clawing motion with one han, scratching at the air infront of him. "Well, they're definitely still going at it" quietly says Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson once the wave of water turns to nothing more than a trickle as it comes over the side of the roof, and down to the sodden ground below. Up on the roof, Mira Reinholt's mageglobe has exploded in a firey ball around Xanderlith Karlavilt when the powerful elven magic user finally gets his eyesight, as well as his hearing back, the heir to house Karlavilt, who in actual fact, is the head of the elven noble house now, is knocked off his feet by the explosion, though his wards still protect him. As he goes to get up in the swirling, expanding ball of fire, the roof beneath the swordmaster Karlavilt explodes as an energyball cast by Lelalwynn Aelvilth goes off in the building just below him. The elven noble who set into motion the events that have led to the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, which has culminated in this night time battle, in an area of the capital Parlindellè, just to south of the large park in the center of the capital city. Is flung upwards in the air, he grimaces as he feels his wards weakening as he goes up though the expanding ball of fire, and the blue energy, that's shooting around like small balls of lightning from the exploding energyball. Xanderlith Karlavilt pours more power into his barrier and protection spells, and as he does, the powerful elven magic user goes to cast a levitation spell, to right himself as he twists and turns, while being flung up into the air, something he's never experienced before this night, but has endured a few times so far this night, it's something he would rather not like to experience again. Jalveènd Karlavilt comes to a stop after tumbling sideways across the roof, the green energy that had engulfed her dissipates, and with a hiss of exertion, due to being a bit battered and bruised, the attractive elven maid gets up. As she does, she senses and hears a mageglobe explode, followed a couple of moments later by an energyball going off, she looks away to her right, and slightly winces as she senses her cousin Xanderlith is in the midst of the double explosion. The niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt whose ex lover Timur Changataison lies dead over on the otherside of the rooftop, quickly casts a mindspeech spell, and gets in contact with her cousin who she senses, then sees is still alive as he's flung up into the air, she quickly tells him something. Xanderlith Karlavilt grunts when he hears what his cousin Jalveènd has to say to him by way of her mindspeech spell, and as he rights himself as his levitation spell comes into effect, and his wards protect him from the dissipating fire and energy, he agrees to what his cousin has to say. Might as well, since they're doing it, Xanderlith Karlavilt thinks to himself, who has been unsuccessful casting by himself against the enemy, and that seeing the enemy working in unison, it's best to do that in battle, so that's what he and his cousin Jalveènd do. The human spellcaster, the under powered mage is a waste of their time and effort, especially considering that they both sense he has just a miniscule amount of power within himself at the moment, and he's no threat to either one of them. That leaves their distant cousins, Lelalwynn and Ullendéllé Aelvilth, the Karlavilt cousins target just one of them, the one who they both agree they've got a good chance in taking down, considering she has cast a bit more than her cousin, and that she's naturally weaker in power than her cousin to begin with. Ullendéllé Aelvilth sees her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt getting up after surviving her energyball, the niece of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who senses the daughter of the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt casting, casts a fireball at her distant cousin, who turns and casts a spell of her own towards her. As the seven foot wide fireball forms then goes across the rooftop towards Jalveènd Karlavilt, the niece of lord Karlavilt sends a forceball towards her distant cousin, Ullendéllé Aelvilth, while her cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt casts a spell of his own, as he levitates nearly eighty feet above the damaged roof of the long building. Sensing what's about to happen, Lelalwynn Aelvilth shouts to her cousin "Ullendéllé ward!" then the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth casts a lightning bolt up at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt who is floating up in the air, after surviving her energyball and the mageglobe cast by the human spellcaster. Hearing her cousin Lelalwynn's warning, and sensing what's about to happen, Ullendéllé Aelvilth pumps power into her wards, and though her slower moving fireball will hit Jalveènd Karlavilt, her distant cousins forceball will hit her first. Ullendéllé stumbles back a step from the impact of the forceball hitting her, then the attractive elven maid from house Aelvilth winces in anticipation, as a second spell hits her, this one from her other distant cousin, Xanderlith Karlavilt. Her barrier and protection spells withstand the forceball that hits her, but unfortunately they don't against the solid beam of energy shot from the upraised right hand of the powerful elven magic user Xanderlith Karlavilt, nor do the hidden wards she has on her, that she doesn't even know about, withstand it. As her fireball hits Jalveènd Karlavilt, Ullendéllé Aelvilth opens her mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, as she's scorched away into cinders, and turned to ash in just a moment after being struck by the energy beam cast by her distant cousin. Lelalwynn Aelvilth screams in horror at what's just happened, while up in the air above the roof, Xanderlith Karlavilt flinches as he's struck by the lightning bolt, and gives thanks to the forest gods that his wards are keeping him safe again. Meanwhile his cousin, Jalveènd Karlavilt grins in satisfaction as she's struck by the fireball cast by Ullendéllé Aelvilth, which quickly disappears, barely weakening her wards as it's caster is no longer alive. While Mira Reinholt the mage mutters "Fuck" as to what's happened, the once powerful mage takes out from beneath his black cloak what he's grabbed a hold of. The exiled Vexilian mage might not have enough power to cast anything threatening or destructive, but with the miniscule amount he has within himself, he casts a spell upon himself, one that doesn't take much effort or time, he increases his strength. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster holds a foot and half long metal tube in his hands, he quickly twists one end of it, then with his increased strength, he throws it across to the east side of the roof, as he does, the once powerful mage murmurs "I wonder what it'll do?". An ironic smile appears on the face of the mage Reinholt a couple of moments later when the metal tube, which is a mage canister, lands then explodes, for within it, is an element in magic that he hardly ever uses, water. Especially not a water spell, as surprisingly powerful as the one that's released when this particular mage canister explodes . . . . . .

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Princeling 223.

"Bastard" mutters Jalveènd Karlavilt in satisfaction when she sees the mercenary ranger who has just killed her former lover Timur Changataison, going flying backwards off the roof after he's hit by her force spell. The niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, the elven lord who lies dead in the building she's on top of, doesn't know what happens to the mercenary ranger next, for she too is hit by a spell, something she didn't sense as she was paying too much attention to what she could see on the otherside of the building. The attractive elven maid whose vision only just came back, grimaces as she finds herself tumbling sideways across the rooftop, hoping that her wards stay in place as a ball of green energy, explodes all around her, Jalveènd Karlavilt mutters "Bitch" through clenched teeth as she rolls end over end through the expanding green energy. Having set foot back down on the rooftop, and getting her vision back after a few fraught moments of temporary blindness, Ullendéllé Karlavilt casts a spell at the first enemy spellcaster she sees, it's her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt, who she heard yelling "No" then sensed casting a rather powerful force spell just before her vision finally cleared. The niece of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth nods in satisfaction as Jalveènd Karlavilt is hit by her energyball, which explodes with a fairly muted blast, but creates a rather bright green explosion, then the attractive elven maid from house Aelvilth sourly smiles as she senses that her distant cousin is still alive, and is tumbling uncontrollably across the roof in the midst of the explosion. As Ullendéllé Karlavilt waits to see if Jalveènd Karlavilt survived, her cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth finally gets her vision back, it took her a little longer for she was looking directly at the bright white flash of light, when the last mageglobe exploded. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth has turned, and is looking back when her vision becomes complete again, the attractive elven maid sees the human spellcaster who is a mage, who she senses is very weak in magical power at the moment. Beyond him, Lelalwynn Aelvilth sees one of her personal bodyguards, Salinvelè, getting up off the roof, holding her side, next to the attractive elven bodyguard lies a dead guard captain from house Karlavilt. After quickly catching a glimpse of her cousin Ullendéllé, the daughter of the head of house Aelvilth turns back and faces to the north, she sees a couple of the remaining guards from house Aelvilth, including another of her personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle, having taken down the remaining guards from house Karlavilt. The elven noble who first worked out who assassinated Prince Avendelthíl, looks to the center of the long roof, at the perpetrator of the assassination that has led to the conflict over the throne of the principality of Alínlae, her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt. The heir to house Karlavilt, who is in actual fact, the head of his noble house, just that he doesn't know it yet, is rubbing his eyes, as he's still partially blind, as he was in the center of the explosion that caused the bright, white, light, the powerful elven magic user who is also a swordmaster is also deaf at the moment. Both of which are making it difficult for him to concentrate on things, Xanderlith Karlavilt is having trouble just sensing at this moment, and maintaining his wards, he'll have to wait for his vision to completely return, and his hearing to come back, before he can cast again. Wondering what the human spellcaster will do next, Lelalwynn Aelvilth glances back at him, she sees that he notices her, and he faintly grimaces as he looks beyond her to where Xanderlith Karlavilt is, then the attractive elven maid hears the weak powered mage swear in the common language. "Fucking hell" Mira Reinholt the mage mutters under his breath, the exiled Vexilian mage who needs rest to restore his depleted magical power, stands there in the lightly falling rain, not really wanting to use up the last remnants of his power, he sighs as he knows that he has to if he wants to defeat the powerful elven spellcaster from house Karlavilt. The mage Reinholt who knows he has to work in unison with the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, looks at her and points down at the rooftop beneath the temporarily blind and deaf elven spellcaster in the center of the long roof, she nods in understanding, and looks ahead again. The once powerful mage pulls the hood of his cloak down further across his face, and creates a mageglobe, far quicker than any of the elven magic users upon the roof can cast a similarly destructive spell, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster flings the dark red mageglobe away, and it takes off to do what it was created to do. Then Mira Reinholt puts a hand beneath the front of his cloak, and takes a hold of something that's under his left arm and down his side, the Vexilian mage in exile who couldn't cast a decent spell at the moment if he wanted to, as he's so weak in power at this time. Takes a hold of his last remaining magical gambit, his last chance to do anything worthwhile with magic as his mageglobe shoots across the rooftop, though the mage Reinholt just wishes he knew what it would do, as he has no idea what this one does. By the shape of fire, i should of fucking asked that walking corpse Farque what this one does, Mira Reinholt sourly thinks to himself as he watches his mageglobe, which he definitely knows what it will do, fly at Xanderlith Karlavilt, the once powerful mage briefly shuts his eyes, for though this won't be as bright as the previous mageglobe, it will be bright enough to his eyesight, as he does, he senses lord Aelvilth's daughter has cast her spell, also at the powerful elven spellcaster from house Karlavilt. From where he is, Helbe the elven thief can sense everything that's happening above him on the rooftop, the blured and shielded elven magic user is looking east to the long, wide street, where the battle infront of the townhouse of the Ollinsállé family is still the heaviest. The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel senses an elven noble amongst the forces of the usurpers who is cleverly hiding himself from the nobles in the royal forces "That's quite smart" murmurs Helbe the elven thief in admiration. The elven master assassin who can just sense this particular elven noble with the forces of the usurpers, who has cast a mirror effect, and area effect spell upon himself, making it extremely difficult to locate him by magically sensing him, is about to kill the elven noble in question, when somebody pops up right infront of his face. "You weren't gone long" says the elven princeling "I've found someone" says Narladene the ground pixie, the elven masterthief raises an eyebrow, and the tiny winged creature tells him "In a tunnel, well a tunnel entrance, out in that open ground" Narladene points in the direction out the window, and she adds "He's watching the battle, well that townhouse there". "So?" says Helbenthril Raendril who figures a lot of people are probably doing that this night rainy winters night, truth be told, it's what he would be doing if he was involved in it, well that and trying to steal as much as he can "So, there's a number of dead guards from the enemy in the tunnel at its entrance, that's so" says the ground pixie in a slightly exasperated tone of voice "Oh?" says the young elven noble after a brief pause, the tiny winged creature nods her head to that. The youngest member of house Raendril, the royal family of the principality of Laerel is silent for a few moments, while Narladene murmurs "Mira" as they both sense the mage Reinholt create a mageglobe up on the roof, they also sense that he pretty much can't do anything else magically unless he finds a source of power. The elven prince as he senses that Lelalwynn Aelvilth is casting another spell up on the rooftop, glances at the tiny winged creature who has moved off to the right side of his head, as she tells him "I've got no idea who it is" Narladene continues with "But it could be him, since he's keeping an eye on that townhouse that's under attack" the ground pixie who attached herself to the elven masterthief a handful of years ago, then adds "You'll have to read his mind to be sure". "Shit" murmurs Helbenthril Raendril as they sense and hear the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt explode, and a few moments later followed by the snapping, almost crackling sound of an energy wave cast by the elven noble Lelalwynn Aelvilth, then as the elven master archer senses, Narladene gives him the answer he's looking for "He's still alive, they didn't get him". "Shit" murmurs the young elven noble again, then he says to the ground pixie hovering to one side of his head "You'll have to get Farque to see who it is" Helbe the elven thief continues with "I can't go off now" the naturally magical creature rolls her eyes, as she would rather not do that, but she can see the logic to it. The tiny winged creature moves to the nearest wall and stands upon it, then she senses down through the stone, and building, and into the ground below, she's silent for a moment or two, then she says "I can't find him" Helbe the elven thief lifts an eyebrow, and Narladene tells him "If he isn't moving, he's impossible to locate". The elven magic user nods his hooded head in understanding as he knows the ground pixie can sense all movement through the earth no matter how minute, for miles around, but an undead being like lord Farque who can stand unnaturally still at times, even she isn't able to find him sometimes. "There he is" says Narladene who continues with "He's up a rower" then the tiny winged creature waves to the young elven noble she's attached to, before she sinks through the wall she's standing on, the naturally magical creature is out through the side of the building, and winging her way eastwards over the open ground, to beyond the long, wide street where the Ollinsállé family house is, and east of that, where the undead warlord is located up one of the ancient free standing towers that are nearby. Meanwhile, Helbenthril Raendril who senses a number of spells about to be cast up on the rooftop of the long building he's in, murmurs "First thing first" the elven princeling continues murmuring with "You first" the blured and shielded elven master assassin looks to the long, wide street in the distance, he spots the elven noble cleverly hiding themselves amongst the forces of the usurpers, and he quickly casts a spell. Quickly cossing the long, wide street under the threat of enemy bow fire from the walls of the Ollinsállé family townhouse, a house guard in the service of the Balenquil family, drops to the street after his head explodes, splattering the two house guards on either side of him with bits of skull, brains and a fair bit of blood. After killing the son of lord Balenquil one of the main supporters of the usurpers the Karlavilt family, Helbe the elven thief murmurs to himself "Now what are you lot up to?" as he senses those upon the roof above him, the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel who is casting numerous spells all at the same time, slightly winces as he figures out what's about to happen above him. I better deal with what's going on up there too, the elven princeling thinks to himself, who then shifts outside and up into the rainy night sky again to get a better look at what's happening up on the roof of the long building, where a rather prolonged and intense magical battle is taking place . . . . . .

Thursday 8 December 2016

The Princeling 222.

For a brief moment as blood gushes out of his throat, and up into his mouth, Timur Changataison realises who it is that's just stabbed him in the throat. The eyes of the hordes barbarians open wide in understanding as his vision clears from his temporary blindness, and he looks at the mercenary ranger getting up infront of him, who is undoing the traditional black hordes cloth from around his face. "Zubutai" gurgles Timur Changataison the hordes magician, the mercenary ranger who looks nothing like his nephew Zubutai Timaginson, nods his head, and the barbarian hordesman who has been the advisor to lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, and who has lived here in the principality of Alínlae for the last twenty five years, wonders how this has come to be. Then with blood freely flowing from his mouth and sliced throat, Timur the son of Changatai from the pony archers horde in the southern tundra, falls backwards blacking out before he hits the rooftop dead. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger stands there looking down at his uncle who he's just killed, the ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen whose vision has returned, grimaces in pain as he accidentally knocks the punch dagger that's still in his side. As he stands there with a bloody long dagger in hand, tears run down the face of Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, the tears aren't just from his eyesight completely returning and the physical pain he's feeling, after all he's just killed his uncle, who in his last moment of life, realised who had just killed him. One moment Jalveènd Karlavilt can't see, and the next moment her vision returns to her, being an elf has made the transition from the temporary blindness to seeing again, a whole lot easier than if she wasn't an elf, the neice of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt comes to a stop, then she quickly turns around as she senses something, or to be exact, she senses nothing from one of the nearby spellcasters. The attractive elven noble is right next to the eastern edge of the rooftop, and seeing that she has run at a bit of an angle, she's no longer in line with the human spellcaster in the black hooded cloak, but she is directly in line with others upon the roof. Directly oppositie her, the elven noble sees the mercenary ranger who has been fighting her former lover Timur Changataison, with a bloody long dagger in hand, standing over someone who lies at his feet, when the elven magic user realises who it is, and the state he's in, she screams incoherently, then Jalveènd Karlavilt yells "No!" the attractive elven noble then casts a spell. Mira Reinholt the mage faintly grimaces as he sees Riley Hait the mercenary ranger take down the hordes magician who is his uncle, the once powerful mage who gave the ranger Hait a bit of an advantage, can only imagine how Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian ranger is feeling at the moment after killing a blood relative, but it's most likely not good at all. The Vexilian mage in exile who is extremely low in power at the moment, turns away and looks north along the damaged rooftop of the long building, to where he sees the elven noble who started it all concerning the conflict over the throne of Alínlae when he had prince Avendelthíl assassinated. The mage Reinholt waits, as he does he decides if he'll cast a spell or create a mageglobe, he can only do one or the other, as he needs a bit of time to recuperate some of his magical power, for though the heir to house Karlavilt is temporarily blinded, and most likely temporarily deaf too, he's still not vulnerable enough for the once powerful mage to take advantage of him. Then suddenly the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, hears a scream away to his right, the mage Reinholt looks that way when he hears someone yell "No!" the former member of the mage council of his homeland sees the elven maid from house Karlavilt is looking to the eastern side of the roof, as she casts a spell. The swordmaster Reinholt looks to his left again, and sees who the elven spellcaster is targeting, then Mira Reinholt the mage mutters "Shit" then the spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, calls out to the ranger Hait "Riley watch out!" hoping that the hidden wards on the mercenary ranger will withstand what's about to hit him. As he stands there over the dead body of his uncle, watching the blood flow from the throat his father's brother, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger wipes a hand across his tear and blood streaked face, he winces at the pain in his side, and thinks about pulling the punch dagger from his side. The ranger Hait, who just happens to be the vessel of the soul of Zubutai Timaginson, slightly frowns when he notices something, his uncle Timur the son of Changatai, is lying slightly on his side, and that there seems to be something sticking out of his lower back on the left side. The ranger Hait winces as he slightly bends to get a closer look, he recognises it, it's a solid steel bolt, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger mutters "Fuck" followed by a muttered "Mira" he goes to look in the direction of the mage Reinholt when he hears someone scream, then yell in the elven language "No!" from the opposite side of the roof. As he looks that way, the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, sees out of the corner of his right eye, Mira Reinholt who shouts out to him "Riley watch out!" the ranger Hait winces in anticipation as he figures something is about to happen to him. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman grunt as something slams into him, the mercenary ranger figures he still has spells upon him that are protecting him, for whatever has hit him, is definitely forceful enough to of killed him on impact. Unfortunately the hidden wards surrounding the ranger Hait can't prevent him from being picked up and hurled backwards as he's hit so hard, and since he's right on the edge of the rooftop, he goes flying off it "Fuck me" gasps Riley Hait as he goes flying backwards off the roof. Mira Reinholt mutters "Fuck" and he goes to change what he's about to do magically when he sees the ranger Hait hit by a force spell and go flying off the side of the roof, the Vexilian swordmaster in exile goes to use the last of his power on saving the mercenary ranger, who goes outwards, more than downwards, when he suddenly sees something. "Huh?" murmurs the mage Reinholt who blinks in surprise after seeing something unexpected, the once powerful mage pauses for a moment or two, not bothering to cast, then after shrugging his shoulders Mira Reinholt looks away dryly murmuring "Fucking doubt I'll ever see that again" and he goes back to watching what's happening towards the middle of the damaged rooftop of the long building. His heart is racing, and try as he might, Riley Hait can't close his eyes, though he does grimace in anticipation as he goes flying backwards through the air, the mercenary ranger is looking straight up at the night sky as it continues to lightly rain, as he does, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who has experienced death a number of times, and hated it every single time, never thought he would die like this. Then suddenly one moment, the ranger Hait is hurtling backwards through the air, the next moment he's come to a sudden stop "Er?" murmurs the ranger Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who looks around to see what's happened. He gulps, and goes completely still when he sees where he is, and though he's now falling quickly to the ground fifty or so feet below, he's far more secure than he was before, Riley Hait faintly smiles at the irony of him being suddenly taken from the jaws of death, and now finds himself in the jaws of the dead, well the undead to be exact. The undead wardog Axe lands on all fours with a thud, he lowers his massive head and drops the ranger Hait from his mouth, who grunts in pain when he hits the ground, glad that he lands on the side that doesn't have his own punch dagger in it. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman murmurs "Thanks" as Axe looks down at him, the undead wardog softly barks at him then wanders away, and as he lies there in pain on his side in the lightly falling rain, Riley Hait spots Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair all running towards him. The mercenary ranger blinks in surprise as he also spots Dorc da Orc who he hasn't seen all night, the large ork is carrying the double bowed ballista he's so fond of, scanning the night sky, as he hurries to where the mercenary ranger is lying, the ork warleader is followed by a number of the goblins in the mercenary army the ork warleader is the general of. Then after hearing the thud of another explosion come from up on the rooftop above, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman blacks out from the pain he's in . . . . . .

Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Princeling 221.

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger closes his eyes and turns his head as an intense white light illuminates the rooftop and the night sky above it. The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, takes a step back, hoping he doesn't fall off the roof, as he thrusts out the long dagger he's holding in his right hand. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman feels the long dagger strike leather armour and the flesh beneath it, then he grimaces in pain as the back of his left hand, which he's raised up infront of his face, is sliced open. The ranger Hait, like his opponent, Timur Changataison the hordes magician, are sporting a number of wounds, almost as many as they had, before they were both healed by spellcraft earlier. The two of them feint, moving sideways, then they slash at one another again, both missing as they're temporarily blinded for a few moments by the bright white light. As she runs across the rooftop Jalveènd Karlavilt mutters "Fuck" as an intense white light flares towards the middle of the roof, lighting it up, and the night sky above it. With her eyes closed, the neice of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt sourly smiles as she wishes she actually knew what the underpowered mage was actually going to do, but alas that's the thing with mageglobes, no one but their creator knows what they'll do. Part of the roof just behind Jalveènd Karlavilt erupts from an exploding energyball cast by Ullendéllé Aelvilth who is levitating a couple hundred feet above the long building, the attractive elven maid who is the neice of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth flinches, then flings up a hand infront of her face as the dreary night sky lights up with an intense bright white light. "Damn" mutters Ullendéllé Aelvilth as she's momentarily blinded, the attractive elven maid hears and senses her energyball explode down on the roof, narrowly missing her distant cousin and enemy Jalveènd Karlavilt who is fleeing across the rooftop. The neice of lord Aelvilth making sure her wards are secure as she senses the other spellcasters in the vicinity, lowers herself downwards with her levitation spell, hoping she can see again before she sets foot upon the roof.  For Lelalwynn Aelvilth, she's looking in the direction of the mageglobe when it explodes, and is one of those affected the most by it's blinding effects, the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth puts an arm infront of her face as she grimaces, then though she's temporarily blinded, she faintly smiles as she senses her soundblast spell is going to hit in the exact same spot that the mageglobe just exploded. As for Xanderlith Karlavilt, he takes the full brunt of the exploding mageglobes effects, the actual explosion is inconsequential, with his wards easily protecting him, but the following effects of the explosion are another matter entirely. The elven noble who set into motion the events that have led to the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, hisses as he winces from the intense white light that feels like it's going to sear through his brain even though he's shut his eyes. The elven swordmaster who is temporarily blinded goes to cast a specific healing spell to clear the temporary blindness, when suddenly he's hit by another spell, this one just as painful. Clamping both hands over his ears, Xanderlith Karlavilt yells "Fuck!" as there's an alarmingly loud bang from the soundblast spell cast by his distant cousin, and former intended bride, Lelalwynn Aelvilth, that's just hit him. The heir to house Karlavilt, who doesn't actually know that he's now the head of his noble house, is now temporarily deaf, to go with the short term blindness he's suffering, the swordmaster Karlavilt can't even hear himself mutter "Fucking hell" as he magically senses all around, while he's temporarily deaf and blind. Mira Reinholt the mage who is affected in the least by his mageglobe exploding, as he had turned away from it, as well as having his eyes closed, opens his eyes as he stands there with his left arm held out infront of him, and his left hand up, palm out. The once powerful mage doesn't even flinch when the loud bang from the soundblast spell cast by Lelalwynn Aelvilth happens a moment or two after his mageglobe lights up the rooftop and the night sky above it, the exiled Vexilian mage takes careful aim, then a six inch steel bolt shoots from the launcher in his lower left, automaton arm. Momentarily blinded, Timur Changataison who also hears the loud bang away to his right near the center of the roof, suddenly grunts in pain when something slams into his back, the hordes magician almost doubles over as he hisses in pain, it's the only thing that saves him, as his opponent the mercenary ranger clearly hears him, and swings his long dagger where his throat and face was. Though in pain, Timur the son of Changatai, sidesteps to his right as he's bent over, and he slams his enemy's punch dagger that he's now using, into the mercenary ranger's side, where it goes through the leather armour, and firmly sticks. The hordes magician who is the advisor of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt hears the satisfying sound of his opponent hiss in pain, then mutter "Fuck" in the dialect of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra. Even though he feels excruciating pain in his back, specifically his lower back, the magician Changataison gets around behind his opponent after the mercenary ranger staggers sideways a step, the hordes magician grunts in pain and exertion as he stands upright more. Then behind his taller opponent, who he grabs with his left hand, and swinging around his right hand that holds his long dagger, a temporarily blinded Timur Changataison quietly says through the traditional black hordes cloth covering the lower half of his face "Fuck your mother" before he goes to slice open the throat of the mercenary ranger. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger whose left side hurts like hell, slams up his right arm next to the side of his face when he hears what his uncle Timur just said, the long dagger of the hordes magician slashes across the armoured arm of the ranger Hait, the leather is sliced open, but that's it, as the blade slices across the iron rods sewn into the armour. The temporarily blinded Riley Hait slams his head backwards and down, smashing it into the face of his uncle the hordes magician, who lets him go, and stumbles backwards with a bloody face and broken nose, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman spins around, groaning in pain as he does so as he feels the punch dagger in him tear at his side. Both nephew and uncle are furiously blinking their eyes now as they try to clear their vision, as they do, Timur the son of Changatai kicks out, even though it's excruciatingly painful to do so, he connects, the mercenary ranger screams in pain, as it gets him in the side where the punch dagger is in him. With his vision starting to clear, Timur Changataison sees the outline of his opponent, who drops down to a knee, and even though he can't clearly see the larger mercenary, the hordes magician with the long dagger in his right hand, stabs it down at the kneeling mercenary ranger. Even though he can't see that clearly, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian sees the blurry outline of what's coming towards him, and he jerks his head to the right as he's on one knee on the roof, the ranger Hait screams in pain again as the long dagger of his uncle slams down in his left shoulder. Hissing in pain, the mercenary ranger raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, reaches up with his left hand, and grabs a hold of his uncle's wrist as it still holds the long dagger that's firmly in the left shoulder of the ranger Hait. Groaning, almost growling in pain, Riley Hait with his own dagger, quickly stabs his uncle Timur, plunging the long dagger into the left leg of the hordes magician, repeatedly, three times, going upwards, until the fourth time, he slams it into the lower stomach of his uncle and rips it upwards. Timur Changataison finally rips his hand free, and staggers sideways with torn and bloody left leg, and a ripped open stomach, as his opponents long dagger is lodged in his guts, the hordes magician goes to pull it out, which the mercenary ranger with a groan of pain and anger, is doing with the dagger in his own left shoulder. With tears streaming down his face Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman wrenches the dagger out of his left shoulder, then as his uncle pulls the dagger out of his stomach, the mercenary ranger whose vision is a little clearer, pushes up from his kneeling position even though his side and shoulder are painful beyond belief. And as his uncle Timur Changataison pulls the dagger in his stomach free, and goes to swing it in back handed motion, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger thrusts upwards with the long dagger in his right hand as he says through the traditional black hordes cloth covering the lower half of his face "Fuck your mother"" he pauses then adds "Uncle" as the long dagger slams up into the throat of Timur Changataison the magician . . . . . .

Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Princeling 220.

The undead wardog Axe leaps straight upwards, sending branches flying, not to mention Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair as well as Piggy scampering, to around the otherside of the tree. Not so much Dorc da Orc, who doesn't even feel a fairly thick branch hit him on the top of the head, as he's too busy pulling back his loaded double bowed ballista, the large ork grunts once it's in firing position. The griffon Quickclaw as he swoops down, suddenly veers away, then up, as he sees something, fairly large come flying up at him at speed, the Karlavilt family griffon lets out an indignant squawk as he narrowly avoids what's about to hit him. Axe spins in mid air when he just misses the griffon who is now circling away, the massive animal rights himself, and falls back down to the ground, dropping the fifty feet to the tree below, and smashes his way back through it's branches. Dorkindle steps out from beneath the branches of the trees, looks up to the left, lifts the heavy war machine, and lets the ten foot long missile in it fly, the heavy longspear heads up in the night sky as there's a heavy crashing sound through the branches behind the ork warleader, then a thud, followed by a bark. "Fuck" mutters Dorc da Orc as he sees that his shot has missed the griffon which is winging itself away to the north at the moment, near some of the other trees, those goblin mercenaries with bows and crossbows have also taken shots at the large, winged creature that's upset with them for attacking the Karlavilt family townhouse, they like their general have missed it as well. The ork warleader looks back, then quickly moves to one side, to get out of the way of Axe who moves forward, the large ork in a rare show of insight, and the fact he doesn't want to get an arm or leg bitten off, refrains from laughing and telling the wardog of Farque that he missed the griffon just like Dorc did. Instead the general of the army of goblin mercenaries mutters "Fucken stupid birdy cat" Axe growls in agreement as they watch the Karlavilt family griffon fly away to the northeast, before more or less head back in this direction, though from the otherside of the long building infront of them, where upon it's rooftop a magical battle is taking place. "You cunts with bows and crossbows shoot that fucker when it comes back!" calls out Dorc da Orc to the nearby goblins, the large ork glances sideways at the massive animal beside him, who starts to move away to the right, while continuing to watch the griffon in the distance, which all of a sudden starts to circle around on the otherside of the long building "Fucknuts" mutters the ork warleader who reloads the double bowed ballista, before pulling it back into firing position. The griffon Quickclaw circles above the open ground on the east side of the long building where an intense magical battle is taking place, the Karlavilt family griffon whose feathers are a bit ruffled due to the near miss a short time ago, gives out a squawk of recognition as it sees it's main rider upon the roof of the long building. Xanderlith Karlavilt instinctively ducks as he's hit by an energyball, the heir to house Karlavilt, who doesn't know that he's actually the head of house Karlavilt now, slightly winces as his wards hold steady, then he glances away to his left, to the east, when he hears a familiar call. "Shit" mutters Xanderlith Karlavilt as another mageglobe comes his way, the powerful elven magic user pours more power into his barrier and protection spells, and levitates a bit off the roof, as the weak in power mage has a tendency to blow up what's beneath the elven noble. The son of lord Karlavilt looks away to the east, and gives a signal to Quickclaw who he sees circling above the open ground between the lane below, and the long, wide street, where the Ollinsállé family townhouse is at the northern end of, the large winged creature squawks in understanding, and continues to circle, just as the mageglobe explodes below Xanderlith Karlavilt. "By the shape of fire" mutters Mira Reinholt the mage, who continues muttering with "He's fucking tough" as another of his mageglobes explodes, and the nobleborn elf from house Karlavilt survives the explosion once again. The Vexilian mage in exile who is rather low on power, having exhausted the spell gems he's got, and only having what remaining power he has within himself, winces, then glances over at Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who is locked in deadly combat with his uncle Timur Changataison. The mercenary ranger and the hordes magician are on part of the roof that's nearly completely cut off, as there's a rather large chunk of the roof missing to their right, and to the north of them, as they're now closer to the western edge of the roof. "Damn you Zubutai" mutters the mage Reinholt who once again wonders if he should intervene in the fight between the ranger Hait and the advisor to the lord of house Karlavilt, the once powerful mage has been tempted to do so already, as neither one of them seems to have an advantage, as they're both evenly matched, even though Timur the son of Changatai is his fifties. Suddenly the exiled Vexilian mage flinches as he's hit by a force wave from his right, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster stumbles sideways a few steps, and a lot of the roof beneath him buckles and breaks, he breathes a sigh of relief as the wards that have been placed around him hold, as his own one's have already been shredded to pieces. Jalveènd Karlavilt grimaces in disgust, as once again a spell of hers has been unable to take care of the seemingly weak human mage, who she senses has none of his own barrier or protection spells upon himself, but has others that are around him. "Bitch" mutters Jalveènd Karlavilt as she looks up into the rainy night sky, where she sees her distant cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth who has switched to attacking her, while her other distant cousin, Lelalwynn Aelvilth is now concentrating her attack on Xanderlith Karlavilt, who the human spellcaster is attacking too. The neice of lord Karlavilt, who doesn't know that her uncle, as well as her father, and brother are all dead, quickly looks over to the west side of the roof, where her ex lover Timur Changataison is still fighting the mercenary ranger. The attractive elven maid briefly grimaces at the stubbornness of the hordes magician who could eliminate his opponent in an instant if he should choose to, but instead he persists in fighting with his daggers, which like those in the hands of the mercenary ranger, are dripping with fresh blood. Jalveènd Karlavilt looks up and casts a spell at Ullendéllé Aelvilth, who has just sent an energyball hurtling down at the daughter of the now dead axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt, Jalveènd runs as there's a good chance her own depleted wards might not survive a direct hit from the energyball heading her way. Lelalwynn Aelvilth looks back, and sees her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt running across the roof "You better run bitch" murmurs Lelalwynn Aelvilth in satisfaction as the neice of lord Karlavilt flees the energyball that's been cast by Lelalwynn's cousin, Ullendéllé Aelvilth. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth looks to the human mage next, who she senses is very weak in power at the moment, to see what he does, he looks her way, and slightly nods his hooded head, the next instant a white mageglobe appears in his right gloved hand. He's got guts whoever he is, hardly any power left and he's still attacking, Lelalwynn Aelvilth thinks to herself, who comes to the conclusion that the human is definitely a mage, though the oddest one she has ever encountered, as he's weak in magical power to begin with, when ordinarily the average human mage is more powerful than most elven nobles. The youngest child of the head of house Aelvilth faces forward again, and braces herself for the lightning bolt that's about to hit her, it slams into her as the thud of it's accompanying thunder reverberates throughout the area, her own wards hold steady, as do the hidden one's she or anyone else knows about, are on her. Then Lelalwynn Aelvilth casts a soundblast spell at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt who has just hit her with a lightning bolt, the same Xanderlith who when they were both younger, the former Prince Avendelthíl thought they should marry. As the air ripples infront of Lelalwynn as her spell shoots towards her distant cousin Xanderlith, the white mageglobe flies by her to the left, also heading towards the son of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, the attractive elven maid suspects it will hit Xanderlith first before her own spell, as it's moving so quickly. After flinging away his latest mageglobe, which has very little power, but will be more than a little spectacular once it comes to the end of it's brief life, Mira Reinholt spins around and he sees the nearby guard from house Aelvilth go down to a knee after being hit by the sword of the guard captain from house Karlavilt. The once powerful mage quickly raises his left hand, and a six inch steel bolt shoots from the automaton lower half of his right arm that's locked with a permanent illusion spell, the steel bolt slams into the back of the Karlavilt family guard captains head, shattering his skull apart. The personal bodyguard of Lelalwynn Aelvilth, Salinvelè goes from a knee and sits down, clutching her bleeding side and a bleeding thigh as the enemy guard captain who was standing over her with his sword raised, drops down next to her face first, with most of the back of his head missing. The attractive elven maid who is breathing heavily looks over at the nearby human in the black hooded cloak, he nods to her before turning away "Thanks" murmurs Salinvelè, just then much of the roof and the night sky lights up with a searing white light after there's a small explosion about halfway down the long roof. As his mageglobe explodes, lighting up the night with an intensely bright white light, Mira Reinholt who has closed his eyes as he prepared for what was about to happen, turns in the direction of where Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Timur Changataison are fighting. The Vexilian mage in exile lifts his left hand again and extends his arm out, the swordmaster Reinholt waits until the bright white light, which will briefly blind anyone if they were looking towards it, starts to dissipate then Mira Reinholt opens his eyes, takes aim and murmurs  "That's been long enough Zubutai" . . . . . .

Monday 5 December 2016

The Princeling 219.

Tamric Drubine glances over at Axe who has briefly turned his head to the left, and is looking away to the north, before he goes back to looking ahead and up, at the long building they were on earlier, the massive animal softly barked before doing so. Tamric along with Lisell Maera flinch as another explosion comes from the rooftop, this one blowing debris off it, further to the right of where they are beneath some trees, Piggy who is dozing as he lies against the tree trunk behind the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin, lets out a surprised oink when he hears the latest explosion. The former heir to castle Drubine in the north of his homeland steps out from beneath the branches he's under, and in the lightly falling rain as he looks up at the building the others are still on, specifically Mira Reinholt the mage and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger are still on, wonders if he should mention again that someone go up and have look. That someone Tam is referring to, is the Farque wardog Axe, who has ignored that suggestion so far, and is likely to do so again, as he just sits there, looking up at the nearby rooftop, seemingly not caring how it goes, the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin suspects if Axe was truly worried, he would of intervened again. Once more the large, black canine who Tam, Lisell as well as Caerik Alsair don't know is undead, looks away to his left, to the north, and softly barks, accompanied by a low growl, before he looks up at the rooftop where the magical battle is taking place. After a thud of thunder that always seems to accompany a lightning bolt spell can be heard, Piggy suddenly oinks and snorts, then gets up, Tamric Drubine looks back at him, and sees the large, heavily armoured pet pig is looking away into the darkness to the north. The big, pink, domesticated pig, lets out a little squeal, and with his curly little tail, flipping around, he takes off at a trott "Where's he going?" murmurs Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera is thinking the exact same thing, so is Caerik Alsair, who after a brief pause, says "You hear that?". The two children, along with the former air sailor from the city-state of Tuledare listen as they look away to the north, the direction that Piggy has wandered off to, the thud of explosions nearby doesn't make it easy, but they do hear something away to the north. Stepping closer to the massive bulk of Axe, Lisell Maera glances at Tamric Drubine and quietly asks him "Do you hear that?" the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head that he does hear it, then he looks closely at Axe, who is paying attention to what's happening on the rooftop, not whatever it is that's to the north. "Axe doesn't seem worried" quietly says the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine, the undead wardog barks in agreement, and after Tam, Lis, and Caerik share a look, they hear an oinking and grunting Piggy away to the north, the heavily armoured pig seems to be pleased about something. Looking away to the north, the three of them by a brief break in the clouds, and with a bit of shining moonlight see a number of figures approaching through the lightly falling rain, most are shorter than average, while one of them is obviously Piggy, who is trotting beside a rather large, and ominous looking figure. Tamric Drubine breaks into a smile as the sound of another explosion comes from the nearby rooftop, then the former heir to castle Drubine quietly says "Dorc" coming into view, the large ork can be heard saying something in his totally incomprehensible language, then Dorc da Orc follows that up in the common language with "Yeah cunts, it's me". The ork warleader who is with a number of his goblin army, is limping, and he occasionally clutches at his side, the goblins stand back as they near Axe, while Dorkindle gives the massive animal a wide berth, the undead wardog for his part, ignores the warleader of the ork race, who whacks a branch out of the way with a swinging arm, and then stands near the nobleborn boy from Sarcrin, the former air sailor from Tuledare, and the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury. "Are you alright Dorc?" asks Lisell Maera, who takes a couple of steps away from the large ork, who damp, reeks more than usual "Yeah Dorc fucken fine" replies the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who after grunting as he briefly touches his side, mutters "Fucken cunt priests". The ork warleader and a number of his goblin army pursued the remaining members of the church of Galavin for quite a distance back westward through the city, until one of the last of their spellcasters was able to have enough time to cast a rift, so that they could escape through it, away from the pursuing ork general and his goblin mercenaries. After glancing sideways at Farque's wardog Axe, who Dorc is glad to see is ignoring him, the large ork gestures at the long building infront of them, and he says "What the fuck is going on here?" Tamric Drubine answers with "A battle" the former heir to castle Drubine in the north of his homeland continues with "Mira and Riley are up there" as he points up at the roof of the long building. After the sound of a loud bang can be heard from up on the nearby rooftop, Dorc da Orc grunts, then he waves a large meaty hand at the building and says "That tree fucker in there too" the ork weaponsmith adds "Fucken Helbe" Tamric, Lisell and Caerik all look at him, as they didn't know Helbe the elven thief was also here. "You sure Dorc?" asks the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Course me fucken sure" says the large ork, who continues on with "Me smell the pointy eared cunt" the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks then murmurs "Hmmmmm" as he thinks about something. Don't take too long to think cunt, you might break your teeny tiny brain, Dorc da Orc thinks to himself, the large ork sighs then mutters in his own language "Fuck up ya bitch" then ignoring the voice of his 'Mother' within in his mind, who is continuing to berate him, the ork weaponsmith says "Maybe me and the gob-a-lin cunts will go up there". The undead wardog Axe growls as he gives a quick glance at Dorkindle "Then again, maybe me fucken won't" says the warleader of the ork race, the massive animal softly barks, pays no more attention to the large ork, and looks back up at the nearby rooftop. After sourly looking at Axe who is ignoring him again, Dorc da Orc grunts, then looks at the two children and the young man, and he tells them "Cunts are fighting around on the otherside, maybe me and the gob-a-lins will deal to them fuckers" the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks quickly looks at Axe to see if he objects to that, and finds that the big, black dog is ignoring him. Dorkindle thinking that's a good idea, grunts and is about to call out to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt to have the goblins go around to the otherside of the large building, when they all hear a loud screach up in the night sky. "What's that?" asks Lisell Maera who steps out from beneath the branches of tree, and she looks up into the cloudy, rainy night sky, Dorc da Orc grunts then mutters "Fucken cunt" then he says "Birdy cat" with a raised eyebrow, the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury asks him "A what?". "Griffon" replies the ork weaponsmith a few moments later when he finally remembers what it's actual name is, the large ork after a slight pause as a bright flash briefly appears upon the rooftop, followed by an explosion up in the sky above it, says "From that shithole place me and the gob-a-lins fucken attacked". "The Karlavilt townhouse?" asks Tamric Drubine who along with the others, knows that the ork warleader and his army of goblin mercenaries were to attack the Karlavilt townhouse earlier in the night, after a grunt, Dorkindle says "That's the fucken place" a wide grin appears on the broad, feral looking face of the large ork as he adds with a chuckle "That fucken hole is burning the fuck down now". Another screach can be heard in the night sky a bit further away to the north, as the Karlavilt family griffon, Quickclaw continues to circle and search for those who attacked the townhouse and city residence of the Karlavilt family, which has all but burnt to the ground, after Dorc da Orc and his goblin army stormed it early in the evening. "Bunch of fucken leaf munchers up there" Dorc da Orc murmurs to himself in the ork language as he smells who is up on the nearby rooftop, the large ork can also smell one other human up there apart from Mira Reinholt and Riley Hait, a human who smells similar to what Zubutai the barbarian hordesman once smelled like when he was alive. "A fucken pony riding cunt me bet" murmurs the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks in his native language, which no one here understands apart from Axe, and to a lesser degree, very lesser degree, just a few basic commands really, Piggy "Fucken smells like one of them cunts" mutters Dorc da Orc as he deeply sniffs. The large ork who is the general of an army of goblin mercenaries, looks over at the nearby goblins who are beneath the branches of some of the other trees close by, and he starts issuing orders, after he's told their leader Teabagger just the first thing he wants done, the ork warleader growls "Fuck" and he takes the heavy, double bowed ballista he has, and he goes to quickly load it. The undead wardog Axe who has been sitting back on his haunches, gets up and steps forward and looks up, the wardog of Farque backs up again, continuing to look up through the overhead branches, while Dorc da Orc quickly says to Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair "Move back cunts" as he continues to load the heavy war machine he has . . . . . .

Sunday 4 December 2016

The Princeling 218.

The griffon Flashstrike lands, and she flicks her front right claw, sending the dead body of the elven axemaster, Balindörl Karlavilt, tumbling across the street, to finally come to a stop when it smacks up against the trunk of a large tree. Halvelnín Aelvilth dismounts, and hurries towards his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth, who is rushing towards him, even though the axemaster Karlavilt is dead, the heir to house Aelvilth sees that there's a look of concern upon the face of his aunty. "What is it?" asks Halvelnín Aelvilth when his aunty and couple of her personal bodyguards hurry up to him "This way" says Gilenthél Aelvilth to her nephew, who she leads to the nearby free standing tower that's opposite to the large building that's well and truly ablaze. With Flashstrike waddling behind the elves, they get to the tower, where the heir to lord Alvarillé Aelvilth finds the elven swordmaster from his house, Lothalis Miladelè, and his uncle, the veteran house guard Palathenellé, there's also a royal guard with them, who leads the way around the side of the old free standing tower. There another royal guard stands, at his feet are two covered bodies, fearing the worst, and after his aunt Gilenthél nods to the royal guard, who reaches down and pulls back the cloak covering the first body, then the second. Halvelnín Aelvilth grimaces at what he sees, then he mutters "Fuck" as they stand partially protected from the lightly falling rain as they're up against the tower, the powerful elven magic user looks over at his aunty, who nods for him to join her a bit further away from the others. "How did it happen?" quietly asks the heir of house Aelvilth as he and his aunt Gilenthél speak in the language of the elven nobility "They were attacked in there" says the slightly younger sister of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who gestures to the building that's now a raging inferno, she continues with "Prince Dasaevallé was killed in there, some of the guards brought him out before i set it ablaze". The elven noble who served in the armies of Alínlae during the war against the invading Holy Norstran Empire nearly four hundred and forty years ago then tells her nephew "Prince Ralivandil was killed when he was making his escape from there" as she nods at the large building across the street that's on fire "Archer got him" adds Gilenthél Aelvilth. The son of lord Aelvilth winces, then he quietly asks "Does he know?" the powerful elven spellcaster continues with "I can sense he's here" the sister of the head of house Aelvilth says "The young prince doesn't know" she continues with "Apart from those of us here, only your father, and my cousin Nalathinéllé know". "Damn" murmurs Halvelnín Aelvilth, who then quietly says to his aunt "Hopefully he stays safe with the Master of Swords" the heir to the house of Aelvilth continues with "He's the last of the royal family who can take the throne, if he ends up dead tonight, all we've done would of been for nought". Gilenthél Aelvilth nods her head in agreement as she looks at her nephew Halvelnín, who has always been smart and thoughtful, though highly temperamental, resulting in his daring attitude and reckless behaviour. But since he's been given more responsibility during the conflict over the throne, especially since he had the breakthrough victory earlier in the week in the battle against the forces of the usurpers, who had occupied the lands of house Ollinsállé, one of the noble houses loyal to the royal family. Halvelnín has come into his own, knowing what to do, and more importantly what to say, as they help to bring stability to the principality of Alínlae, which is enduring since the end of summer, a conflict over the throne, which if not settled, will in all likelihood, lead to an all out civil war that would ravage the elven principality. "You probably didn't see" says Gilenthél Aelvilth, who gestures back around to the street infront of the old tower as she continues with "Galdéan Karlavilt lies dead a bit further down the street" Halvelnín Aelvilth nods then murmurs "Good" the powerful elven magic user quietly continues with "That's one less more of the bastards we have to deal with" his aunt Gilenthél nods her head in agreement with him, then by way of a mindspeech spell she gets in contact with her brother Alvarillé Aelvilth. The lord of house Aelvilth after hearing what his sister Gilenthél has to quickly say to him via a mindspeech spell, looks down to the courtyard to his right, there he sees his cousin the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth and others, including young prince Salílvel Avendelthíl come in through a hole in the wall on that side of the Ollinsállé family townhouse. Lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who is up in a south facing balcony in the main building of the townhouse that's been under attack for most of the battle, looks away to the west, and slightly south, he can make out a large building, where a rather intense magical battle is taking place, which his daughter Lelalwynn and neice Ullendéllé are in the thick of it. The head of house Aelvilth sees and hears another explosion from the rooftop that way, again from the mage in the group of mercenaries that the elven lord has hired, at the behest of Des'tier, lord Farque. The one time commander of the armies of the principality of Alínlae turns as his co-commander of those armies during the war against the Holy Norstran Empire nearly four and half centuries ago appears on the balcony with a number of others he's teleported up here with. "General" says lord Alvarillé Aelvilth with a faint smile upon his face "General" replies Nalathinéllé Aelvilth the Master of Swords as he joins his cousin at the balcony rail "Almost like old times" adds the swordmaster of swordmasters "Almost" says the head of house Aelvilth, who continues with "Though not exactly" he then adds in a slightly dry tone "Thank the forest gods it isn't". "That's for sure" murmurs Nalathinéllé Aelvilth who nods his head in agreement, then he and his cousin Alvarillé turn and nod in thanks to prince Salílvel Avendelthíl who puts up wards to what already the lord of house Aelvilth has put up all around the balcony, and much of the front of the main building of the townhouse. "Dying down a bit" says the Master of Swords as he nods to the long, wide street that the Ollinsállé family townhouse is at the northern end of "It is" says Alvarillé Aelvilth who then quietly tells his cousin who has left his fortress in the east of the principality to come to the capital for the first time in decades "Lord Balenquil is out there somewhere, as is one of the Malfrelyn sons, both are hiding at the moment". "And Tarvenillé Karlavilt?" asks Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, who is of similar age as his cousin, but is slightly taller, but leaner, he looks away to the west and south, at the large building lord Aelvilth was briefly looking at before, and he adds "He was over there a little while ago" the Master of Swords after a brief pause adds "Quite a bit going on over there at the moment, your daughter and Gilen's are in the thick of it". "He was there" murmurs the head of house Aelvilth who continues with "Not certain if he's dead or not, like his brother Balindörl and nephew Galdéan" both cousins have been informed by lord Aelvilth's sister Gilenthél that the axemaster Karlavilt and his son are dead. "That boy of yours sure knows how to make an entrance" dryly says Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, who is smiling with pride at the antics of his cousin's son Halvelnín, who he sensed a little while ago suddenly turned up in the middle of the battle, or more precisely above the battle "That he does" says the lord of house Aelvilth who then falls silent for a few moments as his cousin gives some orders. After a few of the blademasters and swordmasters from the fortress of the Master of Swords teleport down to the walls of the townhouse, to help the defenders against the forces of the usurpers attacking the Ollinsállé family townhouse. And lord Aelvilth casts an energyball beneath the long, wide street, so that it explodes beneath some of the enemy, the elven lord who has been the most loyal supporter of the royal family, and their attempts to retain the throne, and have until recently prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl be the new ruling prince of Alínlae. Glances at his cousin after glancing over at prince Salílvel Avendelthíl, and quickly says something in reply to what the Master of Swords asks him by way of a mindspeech spell, then out loud, the head of house Aelvilth quietly says to his cousin Nalathinéllé "In due time" lord Aelvilth continues with "Have to win this battle first" the elven lord then silently adds, then young Salílvel will be the new ruling prince . . . . . .

Thursday 1 December 2016

The Princeling 217.

On a rooftop in the southern outskirts of the city of Parlindellè, Halvelnín Aelvilth frowns as he senses away to the north, trying to figure out what's going on more than six miles away, where a battle is taking place near the center of the capital of Alínlae. The elven noble who is the heir to house Aelvilth glances back at his griffon Flashstrike, who has just ruffled the feathers of her wings in an annoyed manner as they've come forward and covered her head as it continues to lightly rain, as it has done all night. "That's definitely Lelal and Ullen" Halvelnín Aelvilth murmurs to himself, the powerful elven magic user also senses his distant cousins Xanderlith and Jalveènd Karlavilt in the vicinity of his sister Lelalwynn and cousin Ullendéllé, he also senses the human magician Timur Changataison close to them, as well as the spellcaster amongst the small group of mercenaries his father has hired. The heir to house Aelvilth is slightly surprised that the human magician who is an advisor to lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt isn't getting involved in the battle at the moment, though he's definitely not surprised the other human is heavily involved, for though he doesn't feel like a mage to the magical senses of Halvelnín Aelvilth, he definitely is one, as the son of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth has already fought side by side with him in battle. "Mageglobes going off all over the place there" murmurs the powerful elven magic user in a dry tone as he senses another of the living pieces of magic explode, the elven noble who can hear the distant thud of an explosion every once in a while from the battle near the center of the city, searches for lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, who he has sensed a couple of times near the exact same area where his sister Lelalwynn, and his cousin Ullendéllé are at the moment. Unable to find the lord of house Karlavilt, the elven noble senses elsewhere in the area, heading eastwards from where his sister Lelalwynn and cousin Ullendéllé are, one of the first spellcasters he comes across, is prince Salílvel Avendelthíl, by far the most powerful magic user in the area. The youngest member of the royal family is with the cousin of Halvelnín Aelvilth's father, the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, and others from the Master of Swords fortress in the east of the principality. Sensing further eastwards, he locates his father lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, who is the middle of casting a rather destructive energy wave, the heir to house Aelvilth faintly smiles at the skill of his father's spellcraft, for Halvelnín couldn't cast that spell with the amount of power, or lack of it, that his father is using, as lord Alvarillé Aelvilth is casting a couple of other spells at the same time. The griffon rider senses further east, and not that far from his father, he senses his aunty, the mother of Ullendéllé, Gilenthél Aelvilth, who by the feel of it, seems to be levitating at the moment. The powerful elven spellcaster slightly frowns again, as his aunt is the area where a little while ago, when he last sensed the part of the city where the battle is taking place, he also sensed prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl, the head of the royal family, as well as his heir, Dasaevallé Avendelthíl. Halvelnín Aelvilth who is not sensing the two princes now, also sensed the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt and his son Galdéan Karlavilt, the heir to house Aelvilth can't sense the axemaster's son at the moment, but he does briefly sense the elven axemaster who is the younger brother of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt. "Is he fleeing aunt Gilen?" the elven magic user murmurs to himself "That's what it feels like" adds the oldest child of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, then the powerful elven spellcaster looks back at Flashstrike again, who has let out a growling chirp, a rather difficult accomplishment, considering griffons don't exactly growl. Halvelnín Aelvilth sees that his family's griffon has pulled one wing back, lifted her head, and is looking to the north too, specifically to the northwest, and up at the cloudy, rainy night sky. The heir to lord Aelvilth looks that way as well, and after a few moments, he sourly smiles when he spots what Flashstrike is looking at, it's another griffon, from the looks of it, and where it's circling, Halvelnín Aelvilth basically figures out whose griffon it is "Is that the Karlavilt one, Quickclaw?" says the powerful elven magic user to his griffon, who replies with a rather raucous screech. Well i guess so then, the heir to house Karlavilt thinks to himself with a faint smile upon his face, while behind him, Flashstrike gets to brooding as she glares at the griffon nearly seven miles away to the northwest, in the very center of the city, near the large park that dominates the capital Parlindellè. Halvelnín Aelvilth goes back to sensing the battle, to be exact the spellcasters involved in it, the elven magic user who thinks he's been out of it long enough, and that he should participate, by arriving in surprise to attack the enemy, decides who amongst the forces of the usurpers he should attack. Deciding that the magical battle where his sister Lelalwynn Aelvilth and cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth are, is to say the least, a little crowded, and showing a bit of caution for one who is more than a little daring when it comes to combat, any combat not just magical. Halvelnín Aelvilth picks another target, one who thinks is the most difficult to deal with amongst the enemy, considering he can't sense lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt at the moment, the son of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth senses carefully trying to locate the individual he's targeted. "Are you trying to flush him out aunty?" the elven noble murmurs to himself as he senses that his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth is casting another flame spell of some kind as she levitates in the air, the heir of house Karlavilt turns and walks back to Flashstrike, he gets up in the saddle, and gives a command of obedience to her when the large winged creature gets up on all fours, and squawks in anger as she looks to the northwest, where the Karlavilt family griffon Quickclaw is circling above the city. Halvelnín Karlavilt leans forward in the saddle and quietly talks to his griffon about something, then as he continues to sense, hoping for a slip from his target, which is bound to happen if they want to stay alive as his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth is attacking them, Flashstrike crouches down then launches up into the night sky as the light rain continues to fall. The Aelvilth family griffon slowly circles this part of the southern outskirts of the capital city, here like almost everywhere else in Parlindellè with the exception of the busier west of the city, the buildings are far apart, with many trees, shrubs and open spaces between them and the streets and lanes. As he sits in the saddle upon Flashstrike, Halvelnín Aelvilth looks north, with the aid of a farsight spell to complement his natural farsight that all elvenkind have, the elven magic user gets a clear view of where he wants to go, he continues to wait. It's not too long before he senses what he's been waiting for, and Flashstrike who has been steadily climbing in the night sky, suddenly tucks her wings in and dives towards the sky rift, similar to ship's rift, that Halvelnín Aelvilth has just cast, the griffon and her rider enters the rift which disappears once they're in it. The heir to house Aelvilth knows that spellcasters in battle, even experienced one's, tend not to sense too far from battle, for the simple reason it takes up time and power elsewhere, so when a sky rift appears right above a building not far another that's totally ablaze, just to the east of the long, wide street, that has the townhouse of the Ollinsállé family at the northern end of it, the elven noble running across the roof of the building is taken totally by surprise, especially as it's up and behind them. The griffon Flashstrike exits the sky rift, diving down out of it, and she swoops down upon the large, heavily armoured elven noble running across the rooftop below. The axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt who is holding his power within himself again after quickly teleporting to this roof, looks back as he hears the diving griffon, the younger brother of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt goes to stop holding his power within himself and slam up a barrier spell, but he's too late. The blast spell cast by Halvelnín Aelvilth strikes, it isn't a usual one, instead it's a cone or funnel shaped blast spell, and instead of hitting it's target directly on, it slams into the roof, beneath and all around the elven axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt, who along with bits and pieces of the rooftop, is flung upwards into the air. Flashstrike screechs in triumph as she snatches Balindörl Karlavilt out of the air as debris flies all around, bouncing off the wards Halvelnín Aelvilth has placed around his griffon, the sword length talons of the griffon's front right claw easily pierce the heavy armour of the axemaster Karlavilt who barely gets out a scream before he's skewered. As the large winged creature climbs up, the heir to house Aelvilth looks down and sees the dead elven axemaster in the front right claw of Flashstrike, Halvelnín Aelvilth then looks down to the ground and he quickly spots his aunty, Gilenthél Aelvilth on the street near the large building that's on fire. The elven noble who lead the royal forces to victory in the battle in the occupied lands of house Ollinsállé, the only major victory the royal forces have had so far in the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, gives his griffon Flashstrike a command, who circles once before heading down to the street Gilenthél Aelvilth is on, while the dead body of Balindörl Karlavilt still hangs in the front right claw of the Aelvilth family griffon . . . . . .