Monday 5 December 2016

The Princeling 219.

Tamric Drubine glances over at Axe who has briefly turned his head to the left, and is looking away to the north, before he goes back to looking ahead and up, at the long building they were on earlier, the massive animal softly barked before doing so. Tamric along with Lisell Maera flinch as another explosion comes from the rooftop, this one blowing debris off it, further to the right of where they are beneath some trees, Piggy who is dozing as he lies against the tree trunk behind the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin, lets out a surprised oink when he hears the latest explosion. The former heir to castle Drubine in the north of his homeland steps out from beneath the branches he's under, and in the lightly falling rain as he looks up at the building the others are still on, specifically Mira Reinholt the mage and Riley Hait the mercenary ranger are still on, wonders if he should mention again that someone go up and have look. That someone Tam is referring to, is the Farque wardog Axe, who has ignored that suggestion so far, and is likely to do so again, as he just sits there, looking up at the nearby rooftop, seemingly not caring how it goes, the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin suspects if Axe was truly worried, he would of intervened again. Once more the large, black canine who Tam, Lisell as well as Caerik Alsair don't know is undead, looks away to his left, to the north, and softly barks, accompanied by a low growl, before he looks up at the rooftop where the magical battle is taking place. After a thud of thunder that always seems to accompany a lightning bolt spell can be heard, Piggy suddenly oinks and snorts, then gets up, Tamric Drubine looks back at him, and sees the large, heavily armoured pet pig is looking away into the darkness to the north. The big, pink, domesticated pig, lets out a little squeal, and with his curly little tail, flipping around, he takes off at a trott "Where's he going?" murmurs Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera is thinking the exact same thing, so is Caerik Alsair, who after a brief pause, says "You hear that?". The two children, along with the former air sailor from the city-state of Tuledare listen as they look away to the north, the direction that Piggy has wandered off to, the thud of explosions nearby doesn't make it easy, but they do hear something away to the north. Stepping closer to the massive bulk of Axe, Lisell Maera glances at Tamric Drubine and quietly asks him "Do you hear that?" the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head that he does hear it, then he looks closely at Axe, who is paying attention to what's happening on the rooftop, not whatever it is that's to the north. "Axe doesn't seem worried" quietly says the former heir to the knight of castle Drubine, the undead wardog barks in agreement, and after Tam, Lis, and Caerik share a look, they hear an oinking and grunting Piggy away to the north, the heavily armoured pig seems to be pleased about something. Looking away to the north, the three of them by a brief break in the clouds, and with a bit of shining moonlight see a number of figures approaching through the lightly falling rain, most are shorter than average, while one of them is obviously Piggy, who is trotting beside a rather large, and ominous looking figure. Tamric Drubine breaks into a smile as the sound of another explosion comes from the nearby rooftop, then the former heir to castle Drubine quietly says "Dorc" coming into view, the large ork can be heard saying something in his totally incomprehensible language, then Dorc da Orc follows that up in the common language with "Yeah cunts, it's me". The ork warleader who is with a number of his goblin army, is limping, and he occasionally clutches at his side, the goblins stand back as they near Axe, while Dorkindle gives the massive animal a wide berth, the undead wardog for his part, ignores the warleader of the ork race, who whacks a branch out of the way with a swinging arm, and then stands near the nobleborn boy from Sarcrin, the former air sailor from Tuledare, and the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury. "Are you alright Dorc?" asks Lisell Maera, who takes a couple of steps away from the large ork, who damp, reeks more than usual "Yeah Dorc fucken fine" replies the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who after grunting as he briefly touches his side, mutters "Fucken cunt priests". The ork warleader and a number of his goblin army pursued the remaining members of the church of Galavin for quite a distance back westward through the city, until one of the last of their spellcasters was able to have enough time to cast a rift, so that they could escape through it, away from the pursuing ork general and his goblin mercenaries. After glancing sideways at Farque's wardog Axe, who Dorc is glad to see is ignoring him, the large ork gestures at the long building infront of them, and he says "What the fuck is going on here?" Tamric Drubine answers with "A battle" the former heir to castle Drubine in the north of his homeland continues with "Mira and Riley are up there" as he points up at the roof of the long building. After the sound of a loud bang can be heard from up on the nearby rooftop, Dorc da Orc grunts, then he waves a large meaty hand at the building and says "That tree fucker in there too" the ork weaponsmith adds "Fucken Helbe" Tamric, Lisell and Caerik all look at him, as they didn't know Helbe the elven thief was also here. "You sure Dorc?" asks the nobleborn boy from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Course me fucken sure" says the large ork, who continues on with "Me smell the pointy eared cunt" the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks then murmurs "Hmmmmm" as he thinks about something. Don't take too long to think cunt, you might break your teeny tiny brain, Dorc da Orc thinks to himself, the large ork sighs then mutters in his own language "Fuck up ya bitch" then ignoring the voice of his 'Mother' within in his mind, who is continuing to berate him, the ork weaponsmith says "Maybe me and the gob-a-lin cunts will go up there". The undead wardog Axe growls as he gives a quick glance at Dorkindle "Then again, maybe me fucken won't" says the warleader of the ork race, the massive animal softly barks, pays no more attention to the large ork, and looks back up at the nearby rooftop. After sourly looking at Axe who is ignoring him again, Dorc da Orc grunts, then looks at the two children and the young man, and he tells them "Cunts are fighting around on the otherside, maybe me and the gob-a-lins will deal to them fuckers" the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks quickly looks at Axe to see if he objects to that, and finds that the big, black dog is ignoring him. Dorkindle thinking that's a good idea, grunts and is about to call out to Teabagger the Goblin Cunt to have the goblins go around to the otherside of the large building, when they all hear a loud screach up in the night sky. "What's that?" asks Lisell Maera who steps out from beneath the branches of tree, and she looks up into the cloudy, rainy night sky, Dorc da Orc grunts then mutters "Fucken cunt" then he says "Birdy cat" with a raised eyebrow, the orphan girl from the city-state of Brattonbury asks him "A what?". "Griffon" replies the ork weaponsmith a few moments later when he finally remembers what it's actual name is, the large ork after a slight pause as a bright flash briefly appears upon the rooftop, followed by an explosion up in the sky above it, says "From that shithole place me and the gob-a-lins fucken attacked". "The Karlavilt townhouse?" asks Tamric Drubine who along with the others, knows that the ork warleader and his army of goblin mercenaries were to attack the Karlavilt townhouse earlier in the night, after a grunt, Dorkindle says "That's the fucken place" a wide grin appears on the broad, feral looking face of the large ork as he adds with a chuckle "That fucken hole is burning the fuck down now". Another screach can be heard in the night sky a bit further away to the north, as the Karlavilt family griffon, Quickclaw continues to circle and search for those who attacked the townhouse and city residence of the Karlavilt family, which has all but burnt to the ground, after Dorc da Orc and his goblin army stormed it early in the evening. "Bunch of fucken leaf munchers up there" Dorc da Orc murmurs to himself in the ork language as he smells who is up on the nearby rooftop, the large ork can also smell one other human up there apart from Mira Reinholt and Riley Hait, a human who smells similar to what Zubutai the barbarian hordesman once smelled like when he was alive. "A fucken pony riding cunt me bet" murmurs the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks in his native language, which no one here understands apart from Axe, and to a lesser degree, very lesser degree, just a few basic commands really, Piggy "Fucken smells like one of them cunts" mutters Dorc da Orc as he deeply sniffs. The large ork who is the general of an army of goblin mercenaries, looks over at the nearby goblins who are beneath the branches of some of the other trees close by, and he starts issuing orders, after he's told their leader Teabagger just the first thing he wants done, the ork warleader growls "Fuck" and he takes the heavy, double bowed ballista he has, and he goes to quickly load it. The undead wardog Axe who has been sitting back on his haunches, gets up and steps forward and looks up, the wardog of Farque backs up again, continuing to look up through the overhead branches, while Dorc da Orc quickly says to Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair "Move back cunts" as he continues to load the heavy war machine he has . . . . . .

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