Thursday 8 December 2016

The Princeling 222.

For a brief moment as blood gushes out of his throat, and up into his mouth, Timur Changataison realises who it is that's just stabbed him in the throat. The eyes of the hordes barbarians open wide in understanding as his vision clears from his temporary blindness, and he looks at the mercenary ranger getting up infront of him, who is undoing the traditional black hordes cloth from around his face. "Zubutai" gurgles Timur Changataison the hordes magician, the mercenary ranger who looks nothing like his nephew Zubutai Timaginson, nods his head, and the barbarian hordesman who has been the advisor to lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, and who has lived here in the principality of Alínlae for the last twenty five years, wonders how this has come to be. Then with blood freely flowing from his mouth and sliced throat, Timur the son of Changatai from the pony archers horde in the southern tundra, falls backwards blacking out before he hits the rooftop dead. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger stands there looking down at his uncle who he's just killed, the ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen whose vision has returned, grimaces in pain as he accidentally knocks the punch dagger that's still in his side. As he stands there with a bloody long dagger in hand, tears run down the face of Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, the tears aren't just from his eyesight completely returning and the physical pain he's feeling, after all he's just killed his uncle, who in his last moment of life, realised who had just killed him. One moment Jalveènd Karlavilt can't see, and the next moment her vision returns to her, being an elf has made the transition from the temporary blindness to seeing again, a whole lot easier than if she wasn't an elf, the neice of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt comes to a stop, then she quickly turns around as she senses something, or to be exact, she senses nothing from one of the nearby spellcasters. The attractive elven noble is right next to the eastern edge of the rooftop, and seeing that she has run at a bit of an angle, she's no longer in line with the human spellcaster in the black hooded cloak, but she is directly in line with others upon the roof. Directly oppositie her, the elven noble sees the mercenary ranger who has been fighting her former lover Timur Changataison, with a bloody long dagger in hand, standing over someone who lies at his feet, when the elven magic user realises who it is, and the state he's in, she screams incoherently, then Jalveènd Karlavilt yells "No!" the attractive elven noble then casts a spell. Mira Reinholt the mage faintly grimaces as he sees Riley Hait the mercenary ranger take down the hordes magician who is his uncle, the once powerful mage who gave the ranger Hait a bit of an advantage, can only imagine how Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian ranger is feeling at the moment after killing a blood relative, but it's most likely not good at all. The Vexilian mage in exile who is extremely low in power at the moment, turns away and looks north along the damaged rooftop of the long building, to where he sees the elven noble who started it all concerning the conflict over the throne of Alínlae when he had prince Avendelthíl assassinated. The mage Reinholt waits, as he does he decides if he'll cast a spell or create a mageglobe, he can only do one or the other, as he needs a bit of time to recuperate some of his magical power, for though the heir to house Karlavilt is temporarily blinded, and most likely temporarily deaf too, he's still not vulnerable enough for the once powerful mage to take advantage of him. Then suddenly the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, hears a scream away to his right, the mage Reinholt looks that way when he hears someone yell "No!" the former member of the mage council of his homeland sees the elven maid from house Karlavilt is looking to the eastern side of the roof, as she casts a spell. The swordmaster Reinholt looks to his left again, and sees who the elven spellcaster is targeting, then Mira Reinholt the mage mutters "Shit" then the spellcaster who was once more powerful than any other mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, calls out to the ranger Hait "Riley watch out!" hoping that the hidden wards on the mercenary ranger will withstand what's about to hit him. As he stands there over the dead body of his uncle, watching the blood flow from the throat his father's brother, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger wipes a hand across his tear and blood streaked face, he winces at the pain in his side, and thinks about pulling the punch dagger from his side. The ranger Hait, who just happens to be the vessel of the soul of Zubutai Timaginson, slightly frowns when he notices something, his uncle Timur the son of Changatai, is lying slightly on his side, and that there seems to be something sticking out of his lower back on the left side. The ranger Hait winces as he slightly bends to get a closer look, he recognises it, it's a solid steel bolt, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger mutters "Fuck" followed by a muttered "Mira" he goes to look in the direction of the mage Reinholt when he hears someone scream, then yell in the elven language "No!" from the opposite side of the roof. As he looks that way, the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, sees out of the corner of his right eye, Mira Reinholt who shouts out to him "Riley watch out!" the ranger Hait winces in anticipation as he figures something is about to happen to him. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman grunt as something slams into him, the mercenary ranger figures he still has spells upon him that are protecting him, for whatever has hit him, is definitely forceful enough to of killed him on impact. Unfortunately the hidden wards surrounding the ranger Hait can't prevent him from being picked up and hurled backwards as he's hit so hard, and since he's right on the edge of the rooftop, he goes flying off it "Fuck me" gasps Riley Hait as he goes flying backwards off the roof. Mira Reinholt mutters "Fuck" and he goes to change what he's about to do magically when he sees the ranger Hait hit by a force spell and go flying off the side of the roof, the Vexilian swordmaster in exile goes to use the last of his power on saving the mercenary ranger, who goes outwards, more than downwards, when he suddenly sees something. "Huh?" murmurs the mage Reinholt who blinks in surprise after seeing something unexpected, the once powerful mage pauses for a moment or two, not bothering to cast, then after shrugging his shoulders Mira Reinholt looks away dryly murmuring "Fucking doubt I'll ever see that again" and he goes back to watching what's happening towards the middle of the damaged rooftop of the long building. His heart is racing, and try as he might, Riley Hait can't close his eyes, though he does grimace in anticipation as he goes flying backwards through the air, the mercenary ranger is looking straight up at the night sky as it continues to lightly rain, as he does, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who has experienced death a number of times, and hated it every single time, never thought he would die like this. Then suddenly one moment, the ranger Hait is hurtling backwards through the air, the next moment he's come to a sudden stop "Er?" murmurs the ranger Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who looks around to see what's happened. He gulps, and goes completely still when he sees where he is, and though he's now falling quickly to the ground fifty or so feet below, he's far more secure than he was before, Riley Hait faintly smiles at the irony of him being suddenly taken from the jaws of death, and now finds himself in the jaws of the dead, well the undead to be exact. The undead wardog Axe lands on all fours with a thud, he lowers his massive head and drops the ranger Hait from his mouth, who grunts in pain when he hits the ground, glad that he lands on the side that doesn't have his own punch dagger in it. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman murmurs "Thanks" as Axe looks down at him, the undead wardog softly barks at him then wanders away, and as he lies there in pain on his side in the lightly falling rain, Riley Hait spots Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair all running towards him. The mercenary ranger blinks in surprise as he also spots Dorc da Orc who he hasn't seen all night, the large ork is carrying the double bowed ballista he's so fond of, scanning the night sky, as he hurries to where the mercenary ranger is lying, the ork warleader is followed by a number of the goblins in the mercenary army the ork warleader is the general of. Then after hearing the thud of another explosion come from up on the rooftop above, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman blacks out from the pain he's in . . . . . .

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