Wednesday 7 December 2016

The Princeling 221.

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger closes his eyes and turns his head as an intense white light illuminates the rooftop and the night sky above it. The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, takes a step back, hoping he doesn't fall off the roof, as he thrusts out the long dagger he's holding in his right hand. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman feels the long dagger strike leather armour and the flesh beneath it, then he grimaces in pain as the back of his left hand, which he's raised up infront of his face, is sliced open. The ranger Hait, like his opponent, Timur Changataison the hordes magician, are sporting a number of wounds, almost as many as they had, before they were both healed by spellcraft earlier. The two of them feint, moving sideways, then they slash at one another again, both missing as they're temporarily blinded for a few moments by the bright white light. As she runs across the rooftop Jalveènd Karlavilt mutters "Fuck" as an intense white light flares towards the middle of the roof, lighting it up, and the night sky above it. With her eyes closed, the neice of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt sourly smiles as she wishes she actually knew what the underpowered mage was actually going to do, but alas that's the thing with mageglobes, no one but their creator knows what they'll do. Part of the roof just behind Jalveènd Karlavilt erupts from an exploding energyball cast by Ullendéllé Aelvilth who is levitating a couple hundred feet above the long building, the attractive elven maid who is the neice of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth flinches, then flings up a hand infront of her face as the dreary night sky lights up with an intense bright white light. "Damn" mutters Ullendéllé Aelvilth as she's momentarily blinded, the attractive elven maid hears and senses her energyball explode down on the roof, narrowly missing her distant cousin and enemy Jalveènd Karlavilt who is fleeing across the rooftop. The neice of lord Aelvilth making sure her wards are secure as she senses the other spellcasters in the vicinity, lowers herself downwards with her levitation spell, hoping she can see again before she sets foot upon the roof.  For Lelalwynn Aelvilth, she's looking in the direction of the mageglobe when it explodes, and is one of those affected the most by it's blinding effects, the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth puts an arm infront of her face as she grimaces, then though she's temporarily blinded, she faintly smiles as she senses her soundblast spell is going to hit in the exact same spot that the mageglobe just exploded. As for Xanderlith Karlavilt, he takes the full brunt of the exploding mageglobes effects, the actual explosion is inconsequential, with his wards easily protecting him, but the following effects of the explosion are another matter entirely. The elven noble who set into motion the events that have led to the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, hisses as he winces from the intense white light that feels like it's going to sear through his brain even though he's shut his eyes. The elven swordmaster who is temporarily blinded goes to cast a specific healing spell to clear the temporary blindness, when suddenly he's hit by another spell, this one just as painful. Clamping both hands over his ears, Xanderlith Karlavilt yells "Fuck!" as there's an alarmingly loud bang from the soundblast spell cast by his distant cousin, and former intended bride, Lelalwynn Aelvilth, that's just hit him. The heir to house Karlavilt, who doesn't actually know that he's now the head of his noble house, is now temporarily deaf, to go with the short term blindness he's suffering, the swordmaster Karlavilt can't even hear himself mutter "Fucking hell" as he magically senses all around, while he's temporarily deaf and blind. Mira Reinholt the mage who is affected in the least by his mageglobe exploding, as he had turned away from it, as well as having his eyes closed, opens his eyes as he stands there with his left arm held out infront of him, and his left hand up, palm out. The once powerful mage doesn't even flinch when the loud bang from the soundblast spell cast by Lelalwynn Aelvilth happens a moment or two after his mageglobe lights up the rooftop and the night sky above it, the exiled Vexilian mage takes careful aim, then a six inch steel bolt shoots from the launcher in his lower left, automaton arm. Momentarily blinded, Timur Changataison who also hears the loud bang away to his right near the center of the roof, suddenly grunts in pain when something slams into his back, the hordes magician almost doubles over as he hisses in pain, it's the only thing that saves him, as his opponent the mercenary ranger clearly hears him, and swings his long dagger where his throat and face was. Though in pain, Timur the son of Changatai, sidesteps to his right as he's bent over, and he slams his enemy's punch dagger that he's now using, into the mercenary ranger's side, where it goes through the leather armour, and firmly sticks. The hordes magician who is the advisor of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt hears the satisfying sound of his opponent hiss in pain, then mutter "Fuck" in the dialect of the hordes barbarians of the southern tundra. Even though he feels excruciating pain in his back, specifically his lower back, the magician Changataison gets around behind his opponent after the mercenary ranger staggers sideways a step, the hordes magician grunts in pain and exertion as he stands upright more. Then behind his taller opponent, who he grabs with his left hand, and swinging around his right hand that holds his long dagger, a temporarily blinded Timur Changataison quietly says through the traditional black hordes cloth covering the lower half of his face "Fuck your mother" before he goes to slice open the throat of the mercenary ranger. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger whose left side hurts like hell, slams up his right arm next to the side of his face when he hears what his uncle Timur just said, the long dagger of the hordes magician slashes across the armoured arm of the ranger Hait, the leather is sliced open, but that's it, as the blade slices across the iron rods sewn into the armour. The temporarily blinded Riley Hait slams his head backwards and down, smashing it into the face of his uncle the hordes magician, who lets him go, and stumbles backwards with a bloody face and broken nose, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman spins around, groaning in pain as he does so as he feels the punch dagger in him tear at his side. Both nephew and uncle are furiously blinking their eyes now as they try to clear their vision, as they do, Timur the son of Changatai kicks out, even though it's excruciatingly painful to do so, he connects, the mercenary ranger screams in pain, as it gets him in the side where the punch dagger is in him. With his vision starting to clear, Timur Changataison sees the outline of his opponent, who drops down to a knee, and even though he can't clearly see the larger mercenary, the hordes magician with the long dagger in his right hand, stabs it down at the kneeling mercenary ranger. Even though he can't see that clearly, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian sees the blurry outline of what's coming towards him, and he jerks his head to the right as he's on one knee on the roof, the ranger Hait screams in pain again as the long dagger of his uncle slams down in his left shoulder. Hissing in pain, the mercenary ranger raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, reaches up with his left hand, and grabs a hold of his uncle's wrist as it still holds the long dagger that's firmly in the left shoulder of the ranger Hait. Groaning, almost growling in pain, Riley Hait with his own dagger, quickly stabs his uncle Timur, plunging the long dagger into the left leg of the hordes magician, repeatedly, three times, going upwards, until the fourth time, he slams it into the lower stomach of his uncle and rips it upwards. Timur Changataison finally rips his hand free, and staggers sideways with torn and bloody left leg, and a ripped open stomach, as his opponents long dagger is lodged in his guts, the hordes magician goes to pull it out, which the mercenary ranger with a groan of pain and anger, is doing with the dagger in his own left shoulder. With tears streaming down his face Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman wrenches the dagger out of his left shoulder, then as his uncle pulls the dagger out of his stomach, the mercenary ranger whose vision is a little clearer, pushes up from his kneeling position even though his side and shoulder are painful beyond belief. And as his uncle Timur Changataison pulls the dagger in his stomach free, and goes to swing it in back handed motion, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger thrusts upwards with the long dagger in his right hand as he says through the traditional black hordes cloth covering the lower half of his face "Fuck your mother"" he pauses then adds "Uncle" as the long dagger slams up into the throat of Timur Changataison the magician . . . . . .

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