Thursday 1 December 2016

The Princeling 217.

On a rooftop in the southern outskirts of the city of Parlindellè, Halvelnín Aelvilth frowns as he senses away to the north, trying to figure out what's going on more than six miles away, where a battle is taking place near the center of the capital of Alínlae. The elven noble who is the heir to house Aelvilth glances back at his griffon Flashstrike, who has just ruffled the feathers of her wings in an annoyed manner as they've come forward and covered her head as it continues to lightly rain, as it has done all night. "That's definitely Lelal and Ullen" Halvelnín Aelvilth murmurs to himself, the powerful elven magic user also senses his distant cousins Xanderlith and Jalveènd Karlavilt in the vicinity of his sister Lelalwynn and cousin Ullendéllé, he also senses the human magician Timur Changataison close to them, as well as the spellcaster amongst the small group of mercenaries his father has hired. The heir to house Aelvilth is slightly surprised that the human magician who is an advisor to lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt isn't getting involved in the battle at the moment, though he's definitely not surprised the other human is heavily involved, for though he doesn't feel like a mage to the magical senses of Halvelnín Aelvilth, he definitely is one, as the son of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth has already fought side by side with him in battle. "Mageglobes going off all over the place there" murmurs the powerful elven magic user in a dry tone as he senses another of the living pieces of magic explode, the elven noble who can hear the distant thud of an explosion every once in a while from the battle near the center of the city, searches for lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, who he has sensed a couple of times near the exact same area where his sister Lelalwynn, and his cousin Ullendéllé are at the moment. Unable to find the lord of house Karlavilt, the elven noble senses elsewhere in the area, heading eastwards from where his sister Lelalwynn and cousin Ullendéllé are, one of the first spellcasters he comes across, is prince Salílvel Avendelthíl, by far the most powerful magic user in the area. The youngest member of the royal family is with the cousin of Halvelnín Aelvilth's father, the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, and others from the Master of Swords fortress in the east of the principality. Sensing further eastwards, he locates his father lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, who is the middle of casting a rather destructive energy wave, the heir to house Aelvilth faintly smiles at the skill of his father's spellcraft, for Halvelnín couldn't cast that spell with the amount of power, or lack of it, that his father is using, as lord Alvarillé Aelvilth is casting a couple of other spells at the same time. The griffon rider senses further east, and not that far from his father, he senses his aunty, the mother of Ullendéllé, Gilenthél Aelvilth, who by the feel of it, seems to be levitating at the moment. The powerful elven spellcaster slightly frowns again, as his aunt is the area where a little while ago, when he last sensed the part of the city where the battle is taking place, he also sensed prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl, the head of the royal family, as well as his heir, Dasaevallé Avendelthíl. Halvelnín Aelvilth who is not sensing the two princes now, also sensed the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt and his son Galdéan Karlavilt, the heir to house Aelvilth can't sense the axemaster's son at the moment, but he does briefly sense the elven axemaster who is the younger brother of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt. "Is he fleeing aunt Gilen?" the elven magic user murmurs to himself "That's what it feels like" adds the oldest child of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, then the powerful elven spellcaster looks back at Flashstrike again, who has let out a growling chirp, a rather difficult accomplishment, considering griffons don't exactly growl. Halvelnín Aelvilth sees that his family's griffon has pulled one wing back, lifted her head, and is looking to the north too, specifically to the northwest, and up at the cloudy, rainy night sky. The heir to lord Aelvilth looks that way as well, and after a few moments, he sourly smiles when he spots what Flashstrike is looking at, it's another griffon, from the looks of it, and where it's circling, Halvelnín Aelvilth basically figures out whose griffon it is "Is that the Karlavilt one, Quickclaw?" says the powerful elven magic user to his griffon, who replies with a rather raucous screech. Well i guess so then, the heir to house Karlavilt thinks to himself with a faint smile upon his face, while behind him, Flashstrike gets to brooding as she glares at the griffon nearly seven miles away to the northwest, in the very center of the city, near the large park that dominates the capital Parlindellè. Halvelnín Aelvilth goes back to sensing the battle, to be exact the spellcasters involved in it, the elven magic user who thinks he's been out of it long enough, and that he should participate, by arriving in surprise to attack the enemy, decides who amongst the forces of the usurpers he should attack. Deciding that the magical battle where his sister Lelalwynn Aelvilth and cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth are, is to say the least, a little crowded, and showing a bit of caution for one who is more than a little daring when it comes to combat, any combat not just magical. Halvelnín Aelvilth picks another target, one who thinks is the most difficult to deal with amongst the enemy, considering he can't sense lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt at the moment, the son of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth senses carefully trying to locate the individual he's targeted. "Are you trying to flush him out aunty?" the elven noble murmurs to himself as he senses that his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth is casting another flame spell of some kind as she levitates in the air, the heir of house Karlavilt turns and walks back to Flashstrike, he gets up in the saddle, and gives a command of obedience to her when the large winged creature gets up on all fours, and squawks in anger as she looks to the northwest, where the Karlavilt family griffon Quickclaw is circling above the city. Halvelnín Karlavilt leans forward in the saddle and quietly talks to his griffon about something, then as he continues to sense, hoping for a slip from his target, which is bound to happen if they want to stay alive as his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth is attacking them, Flashstrike crouches down then launches up into the night sky as the light rain continues to fall. The Aelvilth family griffon slowly circles this part of the southern outskirts of the capital city, here like almost everywhere else in Parlindellè with the exception of the busier west of the city, the buildings are far apart, with many trees, shrubs and open spaces between them and the streets and lanes. As he sits in the saddle upon Flashstrike, Halvelnín Aelvilth looks north, with the aid of a farsight spell to complement his natural farsight that all elvenkind have, the elven magic user gets a clear view of where he wants to go, he continues to wait. It's not too long before he senses what he's been waiting for, and Flashstrike who has been steadily climbing in the night sky, suddenly tucks her wings in and dives towards the sky rift, similar to ship's rift, that Halvelnín Aelvilth has just cast, the griffon and her rider enters the rift which disappears once they're in it. The heir to house Aelvilth knows that spellcasters in battle, even experienced one's, tend not to sense too far from battle, for the simple reason it takes up time and power elsewhere, so when a sky rift appears right above a building not far another that's totally ablaze, just to the east of the long, wide street, that has the townhouse of the Ollinsállé family at the northern end of it, the elven noble running across the roof of the building is taken totally by surprise, especially as it's up and behind them. The griffon Flashstrike exits the sky rift, diving down out of it, and she swoops down upon the large, heavily armoured elven noble running across the rooftop below. The axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt who is holding his power within himself again after quickly teleporting to this roof, looks back as he hears the diving griffon, the younger brother of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt goes to stop holding his power within himself and slam up a barrier spell, but he's too late. The blast spell cast by Halvelnín Aelvilth strikes, it isn't a usual one, instead it's a cone or funnel shaped blast spell, and instead of hitting it's target directly on, it slams into the roof, beneath and all around the elven axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt, who along with bits and pieces of the rooftop, is flung upwards into the air. Flashstrike screechs in triumph as she snatches Balindörl Karlavilt out of the air as debris flies all around, bouncing off the wards Halvelnín Aelvilth has placed around his griffon, the sword length talons of the griffon's front right claw easily pierce the heavy armour of the axemaster Karlavilt who barely gets out a scream before he's skewered. As the large winged creature climbs up, the heir to house Aelvilth looks down and sees the dead elven axemaster in the front right claw of Flashstrike, Halvelnín Aelvilth then looks down to the ground and he quickly spots his aunty, Gilenthél Aelvilth on the street near the large building that's on fire. The elven noble who lead the royal forces to victory in the battle in the occupied lands of house Ollinsállé, the only major victory the royal forces have had so far in the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, gives his griffon Flashstrike a command, who circles once before heading down to the street Gilenthél Aelvilth is on, while the dead body of Balindörl Karlavilt still hangs in the front right claw of the Aelvilth family griffon . . . . . .

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