Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Princeling 225.

After working in unison with her cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt, killing their distant cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth, Jalveènd Karlavilt hears something go clank right next to her, she slightly turns and looks down, there she see a metal tube a few feet from here. The attractive elven maid who is the niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt has never seen whatever it is before, though she vaguely recalls reading something about what it is. It's as the daughter of the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt frowns as she tries to remember what it is, it explodes right next to her, extremely powerfully, which is more than a surprise to her, as she couldn't sense anything from it. Just like that, and Lelalwynn Aelvilth can't believe that her cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth is dead, as tears come to the eyes of the attractive elven maid who has just cast a lightning bolt at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt, she spots something out of the corner of her eye. She turns and sees something go flying across to the east side of the roof, the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth sees it land next to her distant cousin, Jalveènd Karlavilt, Lelalwynn Aelvilth slightly frowns as she looks at it through the lightly falling rain. The daughter of the head of house Aelvilth who has traveled widely throughout the Southlands, suddenly recognises what it is, she quickly glances in the direction of the human spellcaster, when the foot and half long steel tube she spotted, explodes with an extremely loud bang. It's by reflex that Xanderlith Karlavilt closes his eyes when he's struck by the bolt of lightning cast by his distant cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth, the heir of house Karlavilt, who doesn't know it but he's actually the head of his family's noble house now, suspects most spellcasters close their eyes when they're struck by a lightning bolt or similar spell. The powerful elven magic user as he levitates about eighty feet above the long building the magical battle has been taking place on, opens his eyes, and finds himself looking down at where his cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt is standing on the eastern side of the roof. Xanderlith Karlavilt slightly frowns as he spots something on the roof right beside his younger cousin Jalveènd, something that suddenly explodes with a loud bag, loud enough to rival any clap of thunder that accompanies a lightning bolt spell. Mira Reinholt the mage who couldn't of hoped for a better throw, that was assisted by the strength spell he has cast upon himself, covers his ears before the mage canister he threw explodes right next to the attractive elven maid from house Karlavilt. An ironic smile appears on the face of Mira Reinholt the mage who then murmurs "Fuck me, it's water" then the eyes of the Vexilian mage in exile open wide in surprise, and quite frankly alarm, at how powerful the explosion is, and how much water it creates from the explosion, which has a rather extraordinary two step process. The mage canister contained a waterball spell, an extremely powerful one created by a mage who was at the height of his powers a hundred years or so ago in the city of Brattonbury, where the mage Reinholt acquired the magical item during the summertime. The mage canister exploded as they all do, no matter what the spell they contain, though since they're created by mages, the most powerful of all the human spellcasters, who have a tendency for direct action, the spells they contain are almost always destructive. This one is no different, and the loud bang comes from it initially exploding, instantly there's a twelve foot wide ball of water, which Jalveènd Karlavilt suddenly finds herself floating within, she involuntarily takes a breath, though she doesn't have to, as her wards, particularly her barrier spell around her, protects her, though only briefly. An instant later and the waterball implodes, shrinking to less than a quarter of it's size, crushing everything that's caught up in it, in this instance, Jalveènd Karlavilt, whose wards stand no chance against the spell of a powerful mage. She's instantly crumpled to death, then the waterball explodes out again, regaining it's original size, then some, growing larger and larger, until it's close to forty feet in width, as water sprays in all directions from it, then it burst, exploding water outwards. From the time the mage canister initially explodes with a loud bang, then the waterball at it's extreme size finally burst, takes less than a count of three, it happens so quickly, that many on the roof don't exactly know what happen, or are able to react to it. Water flows everywhere, most going off the east side of the roof where Jalveènd Karlavilt was standing, but a lot of it also flows in the other direction, heading towards all sides of the roof, the first one hit by the wall of water is Lelalwynn Aelvilth. She's protected by her wards, but even so she's knocked off her feet, and finds herself floating across the roof, a rather surreal experience as she's ever endured, as the attractive elven noble finds that she's moving rather quickly. Mira Reinholt is knocked off his feet next, even though there's hidden wards on him, and he had already turned and was moving as far away from where the mage canister landed as he could. "Fuck" mutters the mage Reinholt as he goes skimming across the rooftop, heading towards the southern edge, the once powerful mage grabs a hold of the injured elven bodyguard of Lelalwynn Aelvilth, Salinvelè, who was holding onto the body of the dead guard captain from house Karlavilt, who got wedged in a hole in the roof when the water hit. "Thanks" gasps Salinvelè in the elven language "Might me a bit early for that" mutters the Vexilian mage in exile as they pushed along by fast flowing water a couple of feet deep, and they rush head first towards the southern edge of the roof. Further to the west side of the roof, near the center of the long building, another of Lelalwynn Aelvilth's personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle, and a house guard in the service of the Aelvilth family, are knocked off their feet too, though they don't go far, just thirty feet or so, as there's a large hole in the roof near them, and quite a bit of water that hits them, goes down it. It's the same for the body of Timur Changataison, water for the most part goes down a large gap in the roof from an earlier explosion near where his body lies. And though the corpse of the hordes magician from the southern tundra rolls over a few times, and it ends up just a couple of feet from the western edge of the rooftop, with water just passing over and around him with no real force. As for Xanderlith Karlavilt, even he doesn't avoid the effects of the mage canister exploding, for when the waterball exploded at it's optimal size, going in all directions, that included going up. The son and heir of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt turns his head as water pelts him where he levitates nearly eighty feet above the rooftop of the long building, his wards keep him safe, though he does take a drenching, and he gets soaked, causing the powerful elven magic user to sourly smile before he looks back down again. "Shit" mutters Helbe the elven thief as he too takes a drenching, the blured and shielded elven princeling who has just shifted outside, is floating just off the east side of the long building, he sourly smiles as his wards protect him, though not from getting wet. As water pours down off the east side of the rooftop, the elven masterthief who has seen the remnants of Jalveènd Karlavilt, which were nothing but wet, bloody ripped apart clothing, with very little body left, wash off the side of the roof. Quickly wipes a hand across his wet face, then mutters "Shit" again as he looks at the southern half of the roof and sees what's happened, the young elven noble who is stretched to the limit of his casting abilities, drops a couple of spells, then casts two different ones. Starting with one where Mira Reinholt and an elven bodyguard from house Aelvilth are just about to go over the southern edge of the long roof. Then a second spell towards the western side of the roof, which Lelalwynn Aelvilth is heading quickly towards as she tumbles about in the water. "By the shape of fire" mutters the mage Reinholt as he holds onto the injured elven bodyguard with his left arm, and with his right he tries to grab something, anything, that's in the water, then the two of the them go off the edge of the roof, with Salinvelè gasping, and the once powerful mage growling "Fucking hell!". "Er?" murmurs the attractive elven maid a moment later as the two of them float in the air, a few feet off the edge of the roof, the Vexilian mage in exile lets out a sigh of relief as water splashes them as it comes rushing off the rooftop. Then Mira Reinholt murmurs "Damn thieving prince" in a tone of gratitude, as he and Salinvelè float forward to the roof, and they're dropped back onto it, as the flow of water lessens. As for Lelalwynn Aelvilth, who is moving a lot quicker than the mage Reinholt, and her personal bodyguard Salinvelè were, suddenly finds herself being swept towards the western edge of the rooftop one moment, then all of a sudden the next moment, she finds herself floating quickly back in the direction she's just come from. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who was disoriented for a few moments as she tumbled about in the water when she was heading quickly towards the western edge of the roof, is now upright, almost sitting up in the water. She looks down, and sees that as the water starts to lessen, she finds that's she's within a stream of water that's going the other way from all the water on either side of it "By the forest gods, what the fuck?" a surprised Lelalwynn Aelvilth murmurs to herself. The daughter of the head of house Aelvilth goes by the spot she was standing when the wall of water hit, then feeling that the water that's going in the opposite direction than what's around it, feels pretty solid, Lelalwynn Aelvilth gets to a knee, then stands up. The water is only a foot or so deep now, lessening all the time, and the attractive elven noble from house Aelvilth looks around, she looks back to the west side of the roof, and spots one of her personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle and a house guard in the service of her family, standing there looking around like she is. Lelalwynn Aelvilth then looks to the right as the water is only a half a foot deep now, and she sees the human spellcaster, the under powered mage, along with another of her personal bodyguards, Salinvelè, near the very southern edge of the roof, where the two of them are thoroughly drenched like she is, stand up in just a couple of inches of water. As is the water beneath her, which suddenly stops flowing in the opposite direction, and Lelalwynn Aelvilth drops down through it, the water isn't flowing that quickly, and the attractive elven noble who is now close to the eastern edge of the rooftop, easily keeps her footing. Not really knowing what just happened, apart from that she was just about to be swept off the west side of the roof, but now finds that she's near the east side of the rooftop, the daughter of lord Aelvilth quickly increases the strength of her wards, and just as quickly she looks up. Lelalwynn Aelvilth sees her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt with a rather bewildered look upon his face, as he's probably wondering what just happened, then the attractive elven noble senses her distant cousin up in the night sky casting, and as she gets her wards to their full strength, her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt disappears as he teleports, she senses where he's teleporting to, it's right next to her . . . . . .

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