Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Princeling 220.

The undead wardog Axe leaps straight upwards, sending branches flying, not to mention Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Caerik Alsair as well as Piggy scampering, to around the otherside of the tree. Not so much Dorc da Orc, who doesn't even feel a fairly thick branch hit him on the top of the head, as he's too busy pulling back his loaded double bowed ballista, the large ork grunts once it's in firing position. The griffon Quickclaw as he swoops down, suddenly veers away, then up, as he sees something, fairly large come flying up at him at speed, the Karlavilt family griffon lets out an indignant squawk as he narrowly avoids what's about to hit him. Axe spins in mid air when he just misses the griffon who is now circling away, the massive animal rights himself, and falls back down to the ground, dropping the fifty feet to the tree below, and smashes his way back through it's branches. Dorkindle steps out from beneath the branches of the trees, looks up to the left, lifts the heavy war machine, and lets the ten foot long missile in it fly, the heavy longspear heads up in the night sky as there's a heavy crashing sound through the branches behind the ork warleader, then a thud, followed by a bark. "Fuck" mutters Dorc da Orc as he sees that his shot has missed the griffon which is winging itself away to the north at the moment, near some of the other trees, those goblin mercenaries with bows and crossbows have also taken shots at the large, winged creature that's upset with them for attacking the Karlavilt family townhouse, they like their general have missed it as well. The ork warleader looks back, then quickly moves to one side, to get out of the way of Axe who moves forward, the large ork in a rare show of insight, and the fact he doesn't want to get an arm or leg bitten off, refrains from laughing and telling the wardog of Farque that he missed the griffon just like Dorc did. Instead the general of the army of goblin mercenaries mutters "Fucken stupid birdy cat" Axe growls in agreement as they watch the Karlavilt family griffon fly away to the northeast, before more or less head back in this direction, though from the otherside of the long building infront of them, where upon it's rooftop a magical battle is taking place. "You cunts with bows and crossbows shoot that fucker when it comes back!" calls out Dorc da Orc to the nearby goblins, the large ork glances sideways at the massive animal beside him, who starts to move away to the right, while continuing to watch the griffon in the distance, which all of a sudden starts to circle around on the otherside of the long building "Fucknuts" mutters the ork warleader who reloads the double bowed ballista, before pulling it back into firing position. The griffon Quickclaw circles above the open ground on the east side of the long building where an intense magical battle is taking place, the Karlavilt family griffon whose feathers are a bit ruffled due to the near miss a short time ago, gives out a squawk of recognition as it sees it's main rider upon the roof of the long building. Xanderlith Karlavilt instinctively ducks as he's hit by an energyball, the heir to house Karlavilt, who doesn't know that he's actually the head of house Karlavilt now, slightly winces as his wards hold steady, then he glances away to his left, to the east, when he hears a familiar call. "Shit" mutters Xanderlith Karlavilt as another mageglobe comes his way, the powerful elven magic user pours more power into his barrier and protection spells, and levitates a bit off the roof, as the weak in power mage has a tendency to blow up what's beneath the elven noble. The son of lord Karlavilt looks away to the east, and gives a signal to Quickclaw who he sees circling above the open ground between the lane below, and the long, wide street, where the Ollinsállé family townhouse is at the northern end of, the large winged creature squawks in understanding, and continues to circle, just as the mageglobe explodes below Xanderlith Karlavilt. "By the shape of fire" mutters Mira Reinholt the mage, who continues muttering with "He's fucking tough" as another of his mageglobes explodes, and the nobleborn elf from house Karlavilt survives the explosion once again. The Vexilian mage in exile who is rather low on power, having exhausted the spell gems he's got, and only having what remaining power he has within himself, winces, then glances over at Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who is locked in deadly combat with his uncle Timur Changataison. The mercenary ranger and the hordes magician are on part of the roof that's nearly completely cut off, as there's a rather large chunk of the roof missing to their right, and to the north of them, as they're now closer to the western edge of the roof. "Damn you Zubutai" mutters the mage Reinholt who once again wonders if he should intervene in the fight between the ranger Hait and the advisor to the lord of house Karlavilt, the once powerful mage has been tempted to do so already, as neither one of them seems to have an advantage, as they're both evenly matched, even though Timur the son of Changatai is his fifties. Suddenly the exiled Vexilian mage flinches as he's hit by a force wave from his right, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster stumbles sideways a few steps, and a lot of the roof beneath him buckles and breaks, he breathes a sigh of relief as the wards that have been placed around him hold, as his own one's have already been shredded to pieces. Jalveènd Karlavilt grimaces in disgust, as once again a spell of hers has been unable to take care of the seemingly weak human mage, who she senses has none of his own barrier or protection spells upon himself, but has others that are around him. "Bitch" mutters Jalveènd Karlavilt as she looks up into the rainy night sky, where she sees her distant cousin Ullendéllé Aelvilth who has switched to attacking her, while her other distant cousin, Lelalwynn Aelvilth is now concentrating her attack on Xanderlith Karlavilt, who the human spellcaster is attacking too. The neice of lord Karlavilt, who doesn't know that her uncle, as well as her father, and brother are all dead, quickly looks over to the west side of the roof, where her ex lover Timur Changataison is still fighting the mercenary ranger. The attractive elven maid briefly grimaces at the stubbornness of the hordes magician who could eliminate his opponent in an instant if he should choose to, but instead he persists in fighting with his daggers, which like those in the hands of the mercenary ranger, are dripping with fresh blood. Jalveènd Karlavilt looks up and casts a spell at Ullendéllé Aelvilth, who has just sent an energyball hurtling down at the daughter of the now dead axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt, Jalveènd runs as there's a good chance her own depleted wards might not survive a direct hit from the energyball heading her way. Lelalwynn Aelvilth looks back, and sees her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt running across the roof "You better run bitch" murmurs Lelalwynn Aelvilth in satisfaction as the neice of lord Karlavilt flees the energyball that's been cast by Lelalwynn's cousin, Ullendéllé Aelvilth. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth looks to the human mage next, who she senses is very weak in power at the moment, to see what he does, he looks her way, and slightly nods his hooded head, the next instant a white mageglobe appears in his right gloved hand. He's got guts whoever he is, hardly any power left and he's still attacking, Lelalwynn Aelvilth thinks to herself, who comes to the conclusion that the human is definitely a mage, though the oddest one she has ever encountered, as he's weak in magical power to begin with, when ordinarily the average human mage is more powerful than most elven nobles. The youngest child of the head of house Aelvilth faces forward again, and braces herself for the lightning bolt that's about to hit her, it slams into her as the thud of it's accompanying thunder reverberates throughout the area, her own wards hold steady, as do the hidden one's she or anyone else knows about, are on her. Then Lelalwynn Aelvilth casts a soundblast spell at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt who has just hit her with a lightning bolt, the same Xanderlith who when they were both younger, the former Prince Avendelthíl thought they should marry. As the air ripples infront of Lelalwynn as her spell shoots towards her distant cousin Xanderlith, the white mageglobe flies by her to the left, also heading towards the son of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, the attractive elven maid suspects it will hit Xanderlith first before her own spell, as it's moving so quickly. After flinging away his latest mageglobe, which has very little power, but will be more than a little spectacular once it comes to the end of it's brief life, Mira Reinholt spins around and he sees the nearby guard from house Aelvilth go down to a knee after being hit by the sword of the guard captain from house Karlavilt. The once powerful mage quickly raises his left hand, and a six inch steel bolt shoots from the automaton lower half of his right arm that's locked with a permanent illusion spell, the steel bolt slams into the back of the Karlavilt family guard captains head, shattering his skull apart. The personal bodyguard of Lelalwynn Aelvilth, Salinvelè goes from a knee and sits down, clutching her bleeding side and a bleeding thigh as the enemy guard captain who was standing over her with his sword raised, drops down next to her face first, with most of the back of his head missing. The attractive elven maid who is breathing heavily looks over at the nearby human in the black hooded cloak, he nods to her before turning away "Thanks" murmurs Salinvelè, just then much of the roof and the night sky lights up with a searing white light after there's a small explosion about halfway down the long roof. As his mageglobe explodes, lighting up the night with an intensely bright white light, Mira Reinholt who has closed his eyes as he prepared for what was about to happen, turns in the direction of where Riley Hait the mercenary ranger and Timur Changataison are fighting. The Vexilian mage in exile lifts his left hand again and extends his arm out, the swordmaster Reinholt waits until the bright white light, which will briefly blind anyone if they were looking towards it, starts to dissipate then Mira Reinholt opens his eyes, takes aim and murmurs  "That's been long enough Zubutai" . . . . . .

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