Sunday 4 December 2016

The Princeling 218.

The griffon Flashstrike lands, and she flicks her front right claw, sending the dead body of the elven axemaster, Balindörl Karlavilt, tumbling across the street, to finally come to a stop when it smacks up against the trunk of a large tree. Halvelnín Aelvilth dismounts, and hurries towards his aunt Gilenthél Aelvilth, who is rushing towards him, even though the axemaster Karlavilt is dead, the heir to house Aelvilth sees that there's a look of concern upon the face of his aunty. "What is it?" asks Halvelnín Aelvilth when his aunty and couple of her personal bodyguards hurry up to him "This way" says Gilenthél Aelvilth to her nephew, who she leads to the nearby free standing tower that's opposite to the large building that's well and truly ablaze. With Flashstrike waddling behind the elves, they get to the tower, where the heir to lord Alvarillé Aelvilth finds the elven swordmaster from his house, Lothalis Miladelè, and his uncle, the veteran house guard Palathenellé, there's also a royal guard with them, who leads the way around the side of the old free standing tower. There another royal guard stands, at his feet are two covered bodies, fearing the worst, and after his aunt Gilenthél nods to the royal guard, who reaches down and pulls back the cloak covering the first body, then the second. Halvelnín Aelvilth grimaces at what he sees, then he mutters "Fuck" as they stand partially protected from the lightly falling rain as they're up against the tower, the powerful elven magic user looks over at his aunty, who nods for him to join her a bit further away from the others. "How did it happen?" quietly asks the heir of house Aelvilth as he and his aunt Gilenthél speak in the language of the elven nobility "They were attacked in there" says the slightly younger sister of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who gestures to the building that's now a raging inferno, she continues with "Prince Dasaevallé was killed in there, some of the guards brought him out before i set it ablaze". The elven noble who served in the armies of Alínlae during the war against the invading Holy Norstran Empire nearly four hundred and forty years ago then tells her nephew "Prince Ralivandil was killed when he was making his escape from there" as she nods at the large building across the street that's on fire "Archer got him" adds Gilenthél Aelvilth. The son of lord Aelvilth winces, then he quietly asks "Does he know?" the powerful elven spellcaster continues with "I can sense he's here" the sister of the head of house Aelvilth says "The young prince doesn't know" she continues with "Apart from those of us here, only your father, and my cousin Nalathinéllé know". "Damn" murmurs Halvelnín Aelvilth, who then quietly says to his aunt "Hopefully he stays safe with the Master of Swords" the heir to the house of Aelvilth continues with "He's the last of the royal family who can take the throne, if he ends up dead tonight, all we've done would of been for nought". Gilenthél Aelvilth nods her head in agreement as she looks at her nephew Halvelnín, who has always been smart and thoughtful, though highly temperamental, resulting in his daring attitude and reckless behaviour. But since he's been given more responsibility during the conflict over the throne, especially since he had the breakthrough victory earlier in the week in the battle against the forces of the usurpers, who had occupied the lands of house Ollinsállé, one of the noble houses loyal to the royal family. Halvelnín has come into his own, knowing what to do, and more importantly what to say, as they help to bring stability to the principality of Alínlae, which is enduring since the end of summer, a conflict over the throne, which if not settled, will in all likelihood, lead to an all out civil war that would ravage the elven principality. "You probably didn't see" says Gilenthél Aelvilth, who gestures back around to the street infront of the old tower as she continues with "Galdéan Karlavilt lies dead a bit further down the street" Halvelnín Aelvilth nods then murmurs "Good" the powerful elven magic user quietly continues with "That's one less more of the bastards we have to deal with" his aunt Gilenthél nods her head in agreement with him, then by way of a mindspeech spell she gets in contact with her brother Alvarillé Aelvilth. The lord of house Aelvilth after hearing what his sister Gilenthél has to quickly say to him via a mindspeech spell, looks down to the courtyard to his right, there he sees his cousin the Master of Swords Nalathinéllé Aelvilth and others, including young prince Salílvel Avendelthíl come in through a hole in the wall on that side of the Ollinsállé family townhouse. Lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who is up in a south facing balcony in the main building of the townhouse that's been under attack for most of the battle, looks away to the west, and slightly south, he can make out a large building, where a rather intense magical battle is taking place, which his daughter Lelalwynn and neice Ullendéllé are in the thick of it. The head of house Aelvilth sees and hears another explosion from the rooftop that way, again from the mage in the group of mercenaries that the elven lord has hired, at the behest of Des'tier, lord Farque. The one time commander of the armies of the principality of Alínlae turns as his co-commander of those armies during the war against the Holy Norstran Empire nearly four and half centuries ago appears on the balcony with a number of others he's teleported up here with. "General" says lord Alvarillé Aelvilth with a faint smile upon his face "General" replies Nalathinéllé Aelvilth the Master of Swords as he joins his cousin at the balcony rail "Almost like old times" adds the swordmaster of swordmasters "Almost" says the head of house Aelvilth, who continues with "Though not exactly" he then adds in a slightly dry tone "Thank the forest gods it isn't". "That's for sure" murmurs Nalathinéllé Aelvilth who nods his head in agreement, then he and his cousin Alvarillé turn and nod in thanks to prince Salílvel Avendelthíl who puts up wards to what already the lord of house Aelvilth has put up all around the balcony, and much of the front of the main building of the townhouse. "Dying down a bit" says the Master of Swords as he nods to the long, wide street that the Ollinsállé family townhouse is at the northern end of "It is" says Alvarillé Aelvilth who then quietly tells his cousin who has left his fortress in the east of the principality to come to the capital for the first time in decades "Lord Balenquil is out there somewhere, as is one of the Malfrelyn sons, both are hiding at the moment". "And Tarvenillé Karlavilt?" asks Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, who is of similar age as his cousin, but is slightly taller, but leaner, he looks away to the west and south, at the large building lord Aelvilth was briefly looking at before, and he adds "He was over there a little while ago" the Master of Swords after a brief pause adds "Quite a bit going on over there at the moment, your daughter and Gilen's are in the thick of it". "He was there" murmurs the head of house Aelvilth who continues with "Not certain if he's dead or not, like his brother Balindörl and nephew Galdéan" both cousins have been informed by lord Aelvilth's sister Gilenthél that the axemaster Karlavilt and his son are dead. "That boy of yours sure knows how to make an entrance" dryly says Nalathinéllé Aelvilth, who is smiling with pride at the antics of his cousin's son Halvelnín, who he sensed a little while ago suddenly turned up in the middle of the battle, or more precisely above the battle "That he does" says the lord of house Aelvilth who then falls silent for a few moments as his cousin gives some orders. After a few of the blademasters and swordmasters from the fortress of the Master of Swords teleport down to the walls of the townhouse, to help the defenders against the forces of the usurpers attacking the Ollinsállé family townhouse. And lord Aelvilth casts an energyball beneath the long, wide street, so that it explodes beneath some of the enemy, the elven lord who has been the most loyal supporter of the royal family, and their attempts to retain the throne, and have until recently prince Ralivandil Avendelthíl be the new ruling prince of Alínlae. Glances at his cousin after glancing over at prince Salílvel Avendelthíl, and quickly says something in reply to what the Master of Swords asks him by way of a mindspeech spell, then out loud, the head of house Aelvilth quietly says to his cousin Nalathinéllé "In due time" lord Aelvilth continues with "Have to win this battle first" the elven lord then silently adds, then young Salílvel will be the new ruling prince . . . . . .

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