Sunday 11 December 2016

The Princeling 223.

"Bastard" mutters Jalveènd Karlavilt in satisfaction when she sees the mercenary ranger who has just killed her former lover Timur Changataison, going flying backwards off the roof after he's hit by her force spell. The niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt, the elven lord who lies dead in the building she's on top of, doesn't know what happens to the mercenary ranger next, for she too is hit by a spell, something she didn't sense as she was paying too much attention to what she could see on the otherside of the building. The attractive elven maid whose vision only just came back, grimaces as she finds herself tumbling sideways across the rooftop, hoping that her wards stay in place as a ball of green energy, explodes all around her, Jalveènd Karlavilt mutters "Bitch" through clenched teeth as she rolls end over end through the expanding green energy. Having set foot back down on the rooftop, and getting her vision back after a few fraught moments of temporary blindness, Ullendéllé Karlavilt casts a spell at the first enemy spellcaster she sees, it's her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt, who she heard yelling "No" then sensed casting a rather powerful force spell just before her vision finally cleared. The niece of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth nods in satisfaction as Jalveènd Karlavilt is hit by her energyball, which explodes with a fairly muted blast, but creates a rather bright green explosion, then the attractive elven maid from house Aelvilth sourly smiles as she senses that her distant cousin is still alive, and is tumbling uncontrollably across the roof in the midst of the explosion. As Ullendéllé Karlavilt waits to see if Jalveènd Karlavilt survived, her cousin Lelalwynn Aelvilth finally gets her vision back, it took her a little longer for she was looking directly at the bright white flash of light, when the last mageglobe exploded. The daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth has turned, and is looking back when her vision becomes complete again, the attractive elven maid sees the human spellcaster who is a mage, who she senses is very weak in magical power at the moment. Beyond him, Lelalwynn Aelvilth sees one of her personal bodyguards, Salinvelè, getting up off the roof, holding her side, next to the attractive elven bodyguard lies a dead guard captain from house Karlavilt. After quickly catching a glimpse of her cousin Ullendéllé, the daughter of the head of house Aelvilth turns back and faces to the north, she sees a couple of the remaining guards from house Aelvilth, including another of her personal bodyguards, young Tarqilindelle, having taken down the remaining guards from house Karlavilt. The elven noble who first worked out who assassinated Prince Avendelthíl, looks to the center of the long roof, at the perpetrator of the assassination that has led to the conflict over the throne of the principality of Alínlae, her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt. The heir to house Karlavilt, who is in actual fact, the head of his noble house, just that he doesn't know it yet, is rubbing his eyes, as he's still partially blind, as he was in the center of the explosion that caused the bright, white, light, the powerful elven magic user who is also a swordmaster is also deaf at the moment. Both of which are making it difficult for him to concentrate on things, Xanderlith Karlavilt is having trouble just sensing at this moment, and maintaining his wards, he'll have to wait for his vision to completely return, and his hearing to come back, before he can cast again. Wondering what the human spellcaster will do next, Lelalwynn Aelvilth glances back at him, she sees that he notices her, and he faintly grimaces as he looks beyond her to where Xanderlith Karlavilt is, then the attractive elven maid hears the weak powered mage swear in the common language. "Fucking hell" Mira Reinholt the mage mutters under his breath, the exiled Vexilian mage who needs rest to restore his depleted magical power, stands there in the lightly falling rain, not really wanting to use up the last remnants of his power, he sighs as he knows that he has to if he wants to defeat the powerful elven spellcaster from house Karlavilt. The mage Reinholt who knows he has to work in unison with the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth, looks at her and points down at the rooftop beneath the temporarily blind and deaf elven spellcaster in the center of the long roof, she nods in understanding, and looks ahead again. The once powerful mage pulls the hood of his cloak down further across his face, and creates a mageglobe, far quicker than any of the elven magic users upon the roof can cast a similarly destructive spell, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster flings the dark red mageglobe away, and it takes off to do what it was created to do. Then Mira Reinholt puts a hand beneath the front of his cloak, and takes a hold of something that's under his left arm and down his side, the Vexilian mage in exile who couldn't cast a decent spell at the moment if he wanted to, as he's so weak in power at this time. Takes a hold of his last remaining magical gambit, his last chance to do anything worthwhile with magic as his mageglobe shoots across the rooftop, though the mage Reinholt just wishes he knew what it would do, as he has no idea what this one does. By the shape of fire, i should of fucking asked that walking corpse Farque what this one does, Mira Reinholt sourly thinks to himself as he watches his mageglobe, which he definitely knows what it will do, fly at Xanderlith Karlavilt, the once powerful mage briefly shuts his eyes, for though this won't be as bright as the previous mageglobe, it will be bright enough to his eyesight, as he does, he senses lord Aelvilth's daughter has cast her spell, also at the powerful elven spellcaster from house Karlavilt. From where he is, Helbe the elven thief can sense everything that's happening above him on the rooftop, the blured and shielded elven magic user is looking east to the long, wide street, where the battle infront of the townhouse of the Ollinsállé family is still the heaviest. The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel senses an elven noble amongst the forces of the usurpers who is cleverly hiding himself from the nobles in the royal forces "That's quite smart" murmurs Helbe the elven thief in admiration. The elven master assassin who can just sense this particular elven noble with the forces of the usurpers, who has cast a mirror effect, and area effect spell upon himself, making it extremely difficult to locate him by magically sensing him, is about to kill the elven noble in question, when somebody pops up right infront of his face. "You weren't gone long" says the elven princeling "I've found someone" says Narladene the ground pixie, the elven masterthief raises an eyebrow, and the tiny winged creature tells him "In a tunnel, well a tunnel entrance, out in that open ground" Narladene points in the direction out the window, and she adds "He's watching the battle, well that townhouse there". "So?" says Helbenthril Raendril who figures a lot of people are probably doing that this night rainy winters night, truth be told, it's what he would be doing if he was involved in it, well that and trying to steal as much as he can "So, there's a number of dead guards from the enemy in the tunnel at its entrance, that's so" says the ground pixie in a slightly exasperated tone of voice "Oh?" says the young elven noble after a brief pause, the tiny winged creature nods her head to that. The youngest member of house Raendril, the royal family of the principality of Laerel is silent for a few moments, while Narladene murmurs "Mira" as they both sense the mage Reinholt create a mageglobe up on the roof, they also sense that he pretty much can't do anything else magically unless he finds a source of power. The elven prince as he senses that Lelalwynn Aelvilth is casting another spell up on the rooftop, glances at the tiny winged creature who has moved off to the right side of his head, as she tells him "I've got no idea who it is" Narladene continues with "But it could be him, since he's keeping an eye on that townhouse that's under attack" the ground pixie who attached herself to the elven masterthief a handful of years ago, then adds "You'll have to read his mind to be sure". "Shit" murmurs Helbenthril Raendril as they sense and hear the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt explode, and a few moments later followed by the snapping, almost crackling sound of an energy wave cast by the elven noble Lelalwynn Aelvilth, then as the elven master archer senses, Narladene gives him the answer he's looking for "He's still alive, they didn't get him". "Shit" murmurs the young elven noble again, then he says to the ground pixie hovering to one side of his head "You'll have to get Farque to see who it is" Helbe the elven thief continues with "I can't go off now" the naturally magical creature rolls her eyes, as she would rather not do that, but she can see the logic to it. The tiny winged creature moves to the nearest wall and stands upon it, then she senses down through the stone, and building, and into the ground below, she's silent for a moment or two, then she says "I can't find him" Helbe the elven thief lifts an eyebrow, and Narladene tells him "If he isn't moving, he's impossible to locate". The elven magic user nods his hooded head in understanding as he knows the ground pixie can sense all movement through the earth no matter how minute, for miles around, but an undead being like lord Farque who can stand unnaturally still at times, even she isn't able to find him sometimes. "There he is" says Narladene who continues with "He's up a rower" then the tiny winged creature waves to the young elven noble she's attached to, before she sinks through the wall she's standing on, the naturally magical creature is out through the side of the building, and winging her way eastwards over the open ground, to beyond the long, wide street where the Ollinsállé family house is, and east of that, where the undead warlord is located up one of the ancient free standing towers that are nearby. Meanwhile, Helbenthril Raendril who senses a number of spells about to be cast up on the rooftop of the long building he's in, murmurs "First thing first" the elven princeling continues murmuring with "You first" the blured and shielded elven master assassin looks to the long, wide street in the distance, he spots the elven noble cleverly hiding themselves amongst the forces of the usurpers, and he quickly casts a spell. Quickly cossing the long, wide street under the threat of enemy bow fire from the walls of the Ollinsállé family townhouse, a house guard in the service of the Balenquil family, drops to the street after his head explodes, splattering the two house guards on either side of him with bits of skull, brains and a fair bit of blood. After killing the son of lord Balenquil one of the main supporters of the usurpers the Karlavilt family, Helbe the elven thief murmurs to himself "Now what are you lot up to?" as he senses those upon the roof above him, the young elven noble from the principality of Laerel who is casting numerous spells all at the same time, slightly winces as he figures out what's about to happen above him. I better deal with what's going on up there too, the elven princeling thinks to himself, who then shifts outside and up into the rainy night sky again to get a better look at what's happening up on the roof of the long building, where a rather prolonged and intense magical battle is taking place . . . . . .

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