Monday 12 December 2016

The Princeling 224.

Riley Hait the mercenary ranger wakes to the sound of a thud from a nearby explosion, and a gasp from himself as pain shoots up through his back. "It's out" he hears a voice say, a voice he vaguely recognises, then someone else, another voice, a younger voice he kind of recognises says "Here Riley, drink it" the ranger Hait feels his mouth being opened, then he tastes the rather sickly sweet taste of a healing potion in his mouth. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman groans, then he hears a deep, growling voice he definitely recognises, say in a clearly disappointed tone of voice "He still a fucken alive" followed by "Fucken stink". "Dorc" mutters Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as he opens his eyes, and sees the disapproving face of Dorc da Orc scowling down at him, the large ork grunts then moves out of the way, the mercenary ranger looks around, and finds Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine who is holding a small empty glass vial in his hand, and Caerik Alsair, who has in his hand, the punch dagger that was in the back of the ranger Hait. The three of them are looking down at him in concern, and Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman tells them "Thanks" the human ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen feels absolutely drained and exhausted, as is one often the case after taking a healing potion, but he's also feeling that because of what he's just done. I've killed my uncle, the mercenary ranger thinks to himself as he briefly closes his eyes, he opens them again as he hears another thud of an explosion somewhere nearby, then with the help of the two children, Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera, he sits up. The ranger Hait who in actual fact is Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the mercenary ranger, finds that he's beneath the branches of a large tree, he slightly winces as his muscles protest as he sits back against the tree trunk behind him, he accepts the punch dagger from Caerik Alsair, and he puts it back on his belt. Probably annoyed I'm not dead, and he can't eat me, Riley Hait dryly thinks to himself as he glances at Dorc da Orc who is standing nearby looking at him with scowl upon his broad, green, brutish looking face, then the mercenary ranger says "I'm fine, don't worry" in response to Tamric Drubine asking him "Are you okay Riley?". Well to be truthful, I'm not really, the ranger Hait thinks to himself as he sits there on the damp ground beneath the branches of the tree, he might be physically fine after having a healing potion poured down his throat by young Tam, but what he's just done, will have a lifelong effect upon the individual who is Zubutai the barbarian hordesman that a potion will never be able to heal. "Kin slayer" Riley Hait murmurs to himself in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, then the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, looks beyond where Dorc is standing with his pet pig, Piggy, to where the long building he was just on top of, is about fifty yards away. "They're still going at it up there" quietly says Caerik Alsair when he sees the ranger Hait looking at the nearby building, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head in agreement, then with the help of the former air sailor in the Tuledare aircorp, the mercenary ranger stands up. Out infront of the large tree is the undead wardog Axe, who is watching the long building, as is a number of goblins beneath some of the nearby trees, who are also watching the night sky, as their general, Dorc da Orc is doing as well, infact the warleader of the ork race is watching the rainy night sky, muttering away to himself in the incomprehensible language of his race. "What is it?" quietly asks Riley Hait in the elven language as he nods at Dorc, and some of the nearby goblins who he first met a couple of winters ago in the southern kingdom of Melaurn, though none of them will recognise the body he's in now. "A griffon" says Caerik Alsair in the same language as he answers the ranger Hait's question "From the Karlavilt townhouse" adds Tamric Drubine in elven, next to him, Lisell Maera nods her head in agreement then says "It must be flying around on the otherside of the building somewhere". "Great" dryly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then looks at Dorc da Orc who is hefting the heavy, double bowed ballista he's carrying, every so often, then he looks at Axe, who has his broad back to them as he sits out infront of the tree. Well, it's dead if it comes down low and tries to attack us, the ranger Hait thinks to himself, who figures Dorc will definitely hit it if he gets a clean shot, though that probably won't kill the large winged creature, what definitely will kill it, is the undead wardog Axe, who Riley Hait knows nothing has a chance of surviving against. The mercenary ranger and the others look up to the roof of the long building as another explosion can be heard, this one rather loud, followed a few moments later by a continuous sheet of water that comes over the side of the building, Dorkindle hisses in anger at it like an annoyed cat, making a clawing motion with one han, scratching at the air infront of him. "Well, they're definitely still going at it" quietly says Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson once the wave of water turns to nothing more than a trickle as it comes over the side of the roof, and down to the sodden ground below. Up on the roof, Mira Reinholt's mageglobe has exploded in a firey ball around Xanderlith Karlavilt when the powerful elven magic user finally gets his eyesight, as well as his hearing back, the heir to house Karlavilt, who in actual fact, is the head of the elven noble house now, is knocked off his feet by the explosion, though his wards still protect him. As he goes to get up in the swirling, expanding ball of fire, the roof beneath the swordmaster Karlavilt explodes as an energyball cast by Lelalwynn Aelvilth goes off in the building just below him. The elven noble who set into motion the events that have led to the conflict over the throne of Alínlae, which has culminated in this night time battle, in an area of the capital Parlindellè, just to south of the large park in the center of the capital city. Is flung upwards in the air, he grimaces as he feels his wards weakening as he goes up though the expanding ball of fire, and the blue energy, that's shooting around like small balls of lightning from the exploding energyball. Xanderlith Karlavilt pours more power into his barrier and protection spells, and as he does, the powerful elven magic user goes to cast a levitation spell, to right himself as he twists and turns, while being flung up into the air, something he's never experienced before this night, but has endured a few times so far this night, it's something he would rather not like to experience again. Jalveènd Karlavilt comes to a stop after tumbling sideways across the roof, the green energy that had engulfed her dissipates, and with a hiss of exertion, due to being a bit battered and bruised, the attractive elven maid gets up. As she does, she senses and hears a mageglobe explode, followed a couple of moments later by an energyball going off, she looks away to her right, and slightly winces as she senses her cousin Xanderlith is in the midst of the double explosion. The niece of lord Tarvenillé Karlavilt whose ex lover Timur Changataison lies dead over on the otherside of the rooftop, quickly casts a mindspeech spell, and gets in contact with her cousin who she senses, then sees is still alive as he's flung up into the air, she quickly tells him something. Xanderlith Karlavilt grunts when he hears what his cousin Jalveènd has to say to him by way of her mindspeech spell, and as he rights himself as his levitation spell comes into effect, and his wards protect him from the dissipating fire and energy, he agrees to what his cousin has to say. Might as well, since they're doing it, Xanderlith Karlavilt thinks to himself, who has been unsuccessful casting by himself against the enemy, and that seeing the enemy working in unison, it's best to do that in battle, so that's what he and his cousin Jalveènd do. The human spellcaster, the under powered mage is a waste of their time and effort, especially considering that they both sense he has just a miniscule amount of power within himself at the moment, and he's no threat to either one of them. That leaves their distant cousins, Lelalwynn and Ullendéllé Aelvilth, the Karlavilt cousins target just one of them, the one who they both agree they've got a good chance in taking down, considering she has cast a bit more than her cousin, and that she's naturally weaker in power than her cousin to begin with. Ullendéllé Aelvilth sees her distant cousin Jalveènd Karlavilt getting up after surviving her energyball, the niece of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth who senses the daughter of the axemaster Balindörl Karlavilt casting, casts a fireball at her distant cousin, who turns and casts a spell of her own towards her. As the seven foot wide fireball forms then goes across the rooftop towards Jalveènd Karlavilt, the niece of lord Karlavilt sends a forceball towards her distant cousin, Ullendéllé Aelvilth, while her cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt casts a spell of his own, as he levitates nearly eighty feet above the damaged roof of the long building. Sensing what's about to happen, Lelalwynn Aelvilth shouts to her cousin "Ullendéllé ward!" then the daughter of lord Alvarillé Aelvilth casts a lightning bolt up at her distant cousin Xanderlith Karlavilt who is floating up in the air, after surviving her energyball and the mageglobe cast by the human spellcaster. Hearing her cousin Lelalwynn's warning, and sensing what's about to happen, Ullendéllé Aelvilth pumps power into her wards, and though her slower moving fireball will hit Jalveènd Karlavilt, her distant cousins forceball will hit her first. Ullendéllé stumbles back a step from the impact of the forceball hitting her, then the attractive elven maid from house Aelvilth winces in anticipation, as a second spell hits her, this one from her other distant cousin, Xanderlith Karlavilt. Her barrier and protection spells withstand the forceball that hits her, but unfortunately they don't against the solid beam of energy shot from the upraised right hand of the powerful elven magic user Xanderlith Karlavilt, nor do the hidden wards she has on her, that she doesn't even know about, withstand it. As her fireball hits Jalveènd Karlavilt, Ullendéllé Aelvilth opens her mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, as she's scorched away into cinders, and turned to ash in just a moment after being struck by the energy beam cast by her distant cousin. Lelalwynn Aelvilth screams in horror at what's just happened, while up in the air above the roof, Xanderlith Karlavilt flinches as he's struck by the lightning bolt, and gives thanks to the forest gods that his wards are keeping him safe again. Meanwhile his cousin, Jalveènd Karlavilt grins in satisfaction as she's struck by the fireball cast by Ullendéllé Aelvilth, which quickly disappears, barely weakening her wards as it's caster is no longer alive. While Mira Reinholt the mage mutters "Fuck" as to what's happened, the once powerful mage takes out from beneath his black cloak what he's grabbed a hold of. The exiled Vexilian mage might not have enough power to cast anything threatening or destructive, but with the miniscule amount he has within himself, he casts a spell upon himself, one that doesn't take much effort or time, he increases his strength. The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster holds a foot and half long metal tube in his hands, he quickly twists one end of it, then with his increased strength, he throws it across to the east side of the roof, as he does, the once powerful mage murmurs "I wonder what it'll do?". An ironic smile appears on the face of the mage Reinholt a couple of moments later when the metal tube, which is a mage canister, lands then explodes, for within it, is an element in magic that he hardly ever uses, water. Especially not a water spell, as surprisingly powerful as the one that's released when this particular mage canister explodes . . . . . .

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