Thursday 17 December 2020

To War 87.

Summer. In The South Of The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

The evening, like the day is cool. Especially for the summertime, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who is standing next to where the Quick Gull is moored at the edge of the camp.
Looks away to his right, and sees the two spellcasters. Mira Reinholt the mage and Beldane the cleric, walking this way.
The two practitioners of magic, who couldn't be more different in personality and temperament than you'll ever likely to find.
Have been helping out the healers, who are tending to the wounded and injured from this morning's battle.
"How was it?" asks Jarjin Littlefoot when the two spellcasters join him next to the Quick Gull.
The mage Reinholt just shrugs, while Beldane the cleric says "Those who'll live, will live".
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, continues with "Lord Gormica's vassal, sir Riknall is going to live" followed by "I got to him in time".
The halfling, who isn't what he appears to be, nods. As he caught sight of sir Riknall after the battle. And thought the nobleman from the province of Karricaw, wouldn't survive that long.
As Beldane, who is a member of the church of Glaine, a god worshiped primarily in the north of the kingdom of Nastell, yawns after a busy afternoon and early evening healing.
The hobbit, who is a former air sailor from the far east coast of the continent, the Sultanate of Dreese to be exact.
Asks his fellow member of lord Farque's personal council "You heard anything from the royal thief?".
"Nothing" is the reply from Mira Reinholt the mage, who then asks the halfling, who isn't what he appears to be "Have you?".
"No" says councilor Littlefoot, who continues on with "Nothing since just before the enemy broke off, and retreated" he briefly pauses before adding "Or what was left of them.
The once powerful mage grunts, then the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, sourly says "Typical".
While next to him, the powerful cleric in the church of Glaine grins.
"Are you casting aspersions on my character again Mira?" says Helbe the elven thief who suddenly appears out of thin air, beside the three of them. Standing next to the small, sleek looking, single masted airship that like Jarjin Littlefoot, is originally from the Sultanate of Dreese.
"Yes" dryly says the mage Reinholt, who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil.
Which earns a chuckle from the young elven noble who hails from the island principality of Laerel. Which lies across the Kuyriers Straits from the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Where have you been?" asks the hobbit, who isn't what he appears to be.
Though councilor Littlefoot, a former air sailor in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese. Looks and acts like he does.
He's actually a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson.
Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Jarjin Littlefoot. Who died last summer during a battle in the halfling's homeland of Dreese.
"The question should be, what have i been doing" says the highly talented elven magic user.
"They've been wiped out" continues the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
"The retreating enemy" adds the elven masterthief who like Mira Reinholt and Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
"Oh?" says the halfling, whose eyebrows rise in surprise.
Nodding his hooded head, the elf who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, says "They ran into that lot from Selvah Na late this afternoon".
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel briefly pauses, before adding "They didn't stand a chance".
The other three, the halfling, the human mage, and the human cleric share looks.
Then Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson asks the elven princeling "What happened?".
The elven master assassin explains to them what happened to the enemy army after they retreated from the battle, that they soundly lost this morning.
How they crossed back over the border into the province of Moleau.
Where Helbe the elven thief, manipulated them into heading northwest, the direction he wanted them to go.
For waiting in that direction, was a large army of nearly ten thousand strong, from the rebellious southern province of Selvah Na, who absolutely despise the crown.
The enemy army consisting of the king's own, and allies to the crown and king from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
Or to be precise, those who survived the morning battle, that took place not far from here, in and around some woods.
Had no chance when they ran into the army from Selvah Na, who were lying in wait for them.
The survivors in the enemy army from this morning's battle, stood no chance against the large army from the province of Selvah Na.
They were wiped out to a man, killing all the soldiers, and most of the camp followers too.
The army from the province of Selvah Na only let a relatively small number of the camp followers go free after the battle, that was short and brutal, finishing as the sun started to go down in the west, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
As some of the ship's lamps are lit to offer a bit of illumination. The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel says "I told them to let some of the camp followers to escape".
The highly talented elven magic user continues with "So word can spread that another of the crown's armies has been defeated down here in the south of the kingdom".
The elf who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then adds "The more people throughout the kingdom know how poorly things are going for the crown, the better".
The other three, Jarjin Littlefoot, Mira Reinholt, and Beldane Pollét nod in agreement with the elven masterthief.
As they've already got confirmation from the capital city, that some of the population in Calinar have heard of the other defeats the crown has had, in it's war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw, the crown holds responsible for attacks in the south of the province of Moleau.
Infact, the one who informed them about that information from the capital, walks across the deck of the Quick Gull, and at the starboard rail looks down at the four of them standing next to the small, sleek looking, single masted airship that's originally from the far east coast of the continent.
Jarjin Littlefoot, Mira Reinholt, Beldane Pollét and prince Helbenthril Raendril look up at Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who says to them "Just had an interesting conversation with general Sumic".
The elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae, who is now a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque, adds "Come up onboard and listen to what he has to say".
The four others make their way onboard, simply by levitating up onto the deck of the Quick Gull.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin sourly smiled as Helbe the elven thief floated him onto the deck of the small, single mashed vessel that was previously in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese, and is now in the Farqian fleet.
They head down below deck to the captain's cabin, where the spy Tanith has food and wine set out for them.
In the lamp lit cabin this cool summer's evening, they listen to what the prisoner, general Sumic of the king's own has to say.
After the general in the king's own explains to them an idea of his.
The others, who are all part of the group that travels with lord Farque, are silent for a little while.
Eventually it's Jarjin Littlefoot who breaks the silence with "You think it's a possibility?" followed by "Do you think it actually has merit?".
"I do" says general Sumic of the king's own, who was taken prisoner in battle, in the east of the province of Corlinda early last week.
"He does" says Helbe the elven thief after reading the mind of the prisoner.
The others nod, then Jarjin Littlefoot says to the elven masterthief, the human mage, the elven spy and the human cleric "We'll have to get in contact with him, to see what he thinks of it". Referring to lord Farque.
"I'll get a hold of him" says the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who then dryly adds "Whenever that may be".
The mage Reinholt nods, then he says "Think the twins will like this idea?". Referring to the twin brothers, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
"Maybe" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who after a brief pause, adds "We might actually have to tell them about it".
For though they give lord Gormica of Salmah Forest a basic, overall strategy of what they're doing in the war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
They don't tell him too much in the way of specifics. Unless it involves his own army. Like the did in the build up of this morning's battle. Near some woods, here in the northwest of the province of Corlinda.
"Should i go and get them?" asks Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, followed by "Both of them?".
"I will" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "After all, it is my job". As he's the envoy for the first army of Farque to the nobleman from the kingdom of Karricaw. Who has hired them in the war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, glances out the stern windows of the captain's cabin, then disappears.
As the elven princeling goes into camp to get the twin brothers, lord Gormica and baron Wilmot.
The others, including the prisoner general Sumic, sit down at the captain's table, and have something to eat and drink.
They discuss a number of things as they dine, just not the suggestion that the general in the king's own has put forth.
A little while later, and the two noblemen who are twins. Who recently led each other's provinces to war against one another.
Come onboard the Quick Gull with Helbe the elven thief, who brings them below deck to the captain's cabin.
The mage Reinholt who has created a lightball, that offers better illumination than the lamps in the cabin.
Says to the noblemen who are twin brothers "As they envoy has probably told you, there's something we would like to discuss with you".
The twins nod, then lord Gormica of Salmah Forest asks "What is it?".
Both the mage Reinholt, and Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nod to their fellow council member, Helbe the elven thief to explain.
"It's something the general here has suggested" says the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, gesturing at the prisoner, general Sumic of the king's own.
The lord of Salmah Forest nods, then the elven masterthief tells him "The recent victories we've had in battle is definitely an advantage to your cause".
The elven princeling briefly pauses before he adds "Though there might be something we can do to give you complete victory, and give you what you want".
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw shares a look with his twin brother Wilmot, who rules the baroncy of Pirtgott, here in the province of Corlinda.
Then lord Gormica looks at the elven envoy, and asks him "And what's that?".
"That we get rid of the influence of the dowager queen at court" says Helbe the elven thief, who after a brief pause, adds "By getting rid of her" . . . . . .

Wednesday 16 December 2020

To War 86.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

Helbe the elven thief follows the retreating army northwards.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel finds who is left in command of the enemy army. And tampers with their mind.
As the defeated army made of the king's own, and allies of the crown and king from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
Cross back over the border into the province of Moleau.
The highly talented elven magic user has the enemy commander take his army further to the northwest.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Watches the retreating enemy for a bit. Finding, not all that surprisingly. That it's the king's own, even though they've been defeated. Are the ones still keeping their discipline.
Not so much the others, those belonging to various lords and nobles from throughout the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
They're fleeing in a pell mell fashion. Getting in one another's way. Often leaving their wounded and injured behind.
And that's not to mention the camp followers. Who are even more chaotic than the rest of the army.
With many of their carts and wagons getting in the way of soldiers both on foot, and on horseback.
As the defeated army representing the king and crown of Melaurn, continues to flee to the northwest, now that they're in the province of Moleau.
The elven master assassin who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
Looks at his right shoulder as Narladene the ground pixie suddenly appears there.
"They're there" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie.
"How far?" quietly asks Helbe the elven thief.
"About eight or nine miles" replies the naturally magical creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains.
The tiny winged creature nods her head at the retreating army, and says "They'll probably get there before nightfall" she continues with "In the late afternoon probably".
"Probably" quietly says the elven masterthief who stands upon a small hill, above the road the enemy army are heading north along.
"What have you been up to?" quietly asks the ground pixie who has been attached to the elven magic user for a number of years now.
"Oh this and that" quietly says the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel, who briefly flashes a smile upon his face.
Narladene, who met and attached herself to the young elven noble from the island principality, over fifteen years ago. In the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
Shakes her head, as she sensed the elven princeling from Laerel casting multiple times as she was away.
What the elven spellcaster was actually doing. Was eliminating a number of threats in the enemy army. Who survived the battle this morning in some woods, across the border in the province of Corlinda.
The elven master assassin who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Decided early on to keep the senior most officer in the king's own alive. As he needed someone to actually take control of the enemy army who have fled north across the border into the province of Moleau.
And a few other officers in the king's own, who actually know what they're doing.
But apart from them, everyone else is fair game. Especially the nobility from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar who survived this morning's battle.
And even more so than them. Any enemy spellcaster who was able to survive the battle.
Where quite a few of them had already been killed. Either someone dumb enough to take on Mira Reinholt the mage in battle. Or face Beldane the cleric on the battlefield.
Or any of them just pure unlucky to be near prince Helbenthril Raendril himself.
Who predominantly observed the battle more than anything else. As he wanted to see the enemy army both defeated. And when they retreated, he wanted them to go in a certain way. Which is exactly what they're doing right now.
Since then, the elven magic user, as usual as he's out and about. He's blurred and shielded.
So that he can't been seen by anyone. Nor can he be sensed by any other practitioner of magic.
Has been picking off a fair number of the enemy nobility and spellcasters, and others he deems fit to be eliminated.
Some of it has been fairly easy. As quite a few of those he's targeted are already wounded or injured. He's just helped them on their way to the afterlife.
Having a wounded nobleman bleed out a hell of a lot quicker than would naturally occur.
To a number of concussed officers and nobles not waking up at all. With five of them dying in the wagons they're in the back of.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the royal family who that rules the island principality of Laerel.
Had to be a bit more imaginative after that as he got rid of a number of others in the enemy army who are retreating north, and west from the border with the province of Corlinda.
The highly talented elven magic user, who is of middling power at best when it comes to magic.
But is extremely inventive, and has the unique ability to cast multiple spells at once. Up to a dozen at a push, sometimes even more.
When most other practitioners of magic struggle to cast two spells simultaneously.
Had one perfectly hale and healthy nobleman from the province of Alindar.
Lose control of his horse, and run head first into a tree off the side of the dusty dirt road the enemy army is traveling on.
The horse survived the head on run into the thick oak like tree, not so the nobleman from the province of Alindar.
The elf who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Had an officer in some Calinarian lord's army, go crazy. Draw his sword, cut down his lord.
And turn on some of the other soldiers he's known for years. Before he was eventually cut down by his friends and comrades.
The elven master archer had one of wagons go out of control. With the driver unable to rein in his team of horses.
The horse drawn wagon plowed into some of the foot soldiers in a few of the noble's armies from the province of Alindar.
Eventually running over, and trampling to death the captain of the guard of one of the nobles from Alindar. The elven master assassin's intended target.
Eventually the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel gave up on making things look like accidents or incidents. And just killed a number of those he's targeted, as they've either walked or rode along the road, that the retreating army is on.
An officer in the king's own just falls off his horse dead. As did an officer, from an army from the province of Calinar. Whose lord, and his vassals had died in the morning during the battle.
While a nobleman from the province of Alindar suffered the same fate. And as one of his sergeant at arms, who was the most senior retainer to survive the battle, rushed to his aid, he dropped dead too.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril looks down at the passing army who are heading further north and west, after crossing back into the province of Moleau.
Then he glances at Narladene on his right shoulder, and asks the ground pixie who is attached to him "Where exactly are they?".
"That way" says the naturally magical creature who points northwest, the direction more or less, the enemy army who survived this morning's battle across the border in Corlinda, are fleeing in.
The highly talented elven magic user who is blurred and shielded, nods his hooded head.
As he does, the tiny winged creature crouches down, and clings onto his shoulder and cloak as she senses he's about to cast.
The next moment, the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel shifts away, heading to the northwest.
Following the directions of Narladene the ground pixie. It doesn't take too long to get where he wants to go.
It's barely the middle of the afternoon, when he makes it there.
The highly talented elven magic user after quickly checking out the surrounding countryside.
Makes his way into the army camp he's traveled to.
The elven master assassin who is blurred and shielded eventually spots someone he recognises.
The elven masterthief who is the envoy for the first army of Farque drops his blur spell, then says in the common language "Where are the others?".
"You" gasps a nobleman from the province of Selvah Na after he jumps in fright at the sudden appearance of the elf in the white hooded cloak beside him.
"Yes, me" dryly says the elven princeling from Laerel, who follows on from that with "The others?".
As a crowd of the nobleman's guards start to gather, the noble from Selvah Na clears his throat, then points to further in the camp and says "That way".
The elven master archer nods his hooded head, then says "Very well" followed by "Come along, there's a lot to discuss".
As the two of them head further into the camp of the large army from the province of Selvah Na.
Infact, it's the largest army in the warzone by far.
With close to ten thousand soldiers in the services of various lords, ladies and other nobles from Selvah Na.
The most rebellious province in the kingdom of Melaurn.
Who Helbe the elven thief negotiated with to join lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and his war against the crown and king of Melaurn.
It was fairly easy negotiation for the elven envoy. For the simple reason every noble, and for that matter, most of the local population in the province of Selvah Na, absolutely hates the crown.
They discuss the journey the large army from the southern most province in the kingdom took to get here.
Going north and west out of Selvah Na. And instead of going north into the province of Corlinda. They went into the province of Romial.
There they traveled a little more cautiously. Even so, they only encountered one force that was loyal to the crown and king.
And that enemy army of about five hundred soldiers who were making their way to Corlinda.
Stood no chance against the large army from the province of Selvah Na. Who wiped them out in no time. Before continuing on their way northwards through Romial, and they eventually made their way up into the province of Moleau, where they are now.
Near the center of the camp, on what's a relatively cool day for the summertime in this part of the kingdom of Melaurn.
They find the command tent, that has a number of the nobility from the province of Selvah Na, in and around it.
At the appearance of the elven envoy who represents the first army of Farque.
Conversations halt, and the nobles and officers look at the elf in the white hooded cloak who has showed up in camp.
"Gentlemen" says Helbe the elven thief in the common language.
"And ladies" adds the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
"Gather around" continues the highly talented elven magic user, followed by "There's something we need to discuss".
After more than a few shared looks, one of the nobles, a lord from the port city of Ramgee speaks up, and asks "What is it?".
"Why, a battle of course" says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who continues with "There's an enemy army retreating in this direction".
The elven envoy pauses for a moment, before he adds "And i want you lot to wipe them out" . . . . . .

Tuesday 15 December 2020

To War 85.

Summer. Corlinda.

"Let them go" says Mira Reinholt the mage, who follows that with "We want them to retreat northwards".
The Farqian subaltern with him nods, then steps away and starts shouting in common at some of the soldiers from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda who are preparing to chase after the enemy who are retreating.
The once powerful mage looks down at the dead body on the ground infront of him.
One of the young messengers in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque, and he grimaces.
Then as the subaltern walks back to him, the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque points at the dead runner, and quietly says "Have the youngster buried" followed by "Don't leave him out for any scavengers to get to".
"Yes councilor" says the subaltern, who then waves over the sergeant at arms and some of the others in the small company that the mage Reinholt had with him during the battle.
While the Vexilian mage in exile, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster, walks away.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Until he was stripped of most of his powers, when he went offworld through a rift/void spell he accidentally cast.
Stops by a tree, and leans against it, and watches the enemy army, or what's left of it. Retreating northwards away from the woods where the battle took place.
The mage, who was the youngest ever member of the mage council of Vexil.
Which he was kicked off, when he committed an act of treason during the Battle of Vexil. And he was sent into exile from his homeland.
Hopes the enemy keeps going north, across the border back into the province of Moleau.
Then head more to the northwest. As in that direction, waits the army of rebellious lords from the southern most province of Selvah Na.
Who went around the province of Corlinda, and into the province of Romial, before going up into Moleau.
Avoiding the crown and king's forces so far in the war between the crown and king of Melaurn, against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The swordmaster Reinholt knows that the survivors of this enemy army consisting of the king's own, along with allies to the crown from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
Will have no chance against the large army from the province of Selvah Na. That's lying in wait to the northwest in the province of Moleau.
The spellcaster, who can rightfully boast that he was more powerful than any other human spellcaster in the Southlands for a few years when he was a younger man.
Glances away to his left as he senses another practitioner of magic approaching from that direction.
The next moment, Beldane the cleric suddenly appears walking this way after teleporting from further around the woods.
Stopping next to councilor Reinholt, Beldane the cleric says to his fellow spellcaster "They are in full retreat then?".
"They are" replies Mira Reinholt, whose family owns one of the most wealthy and influential trading companies, not just in Vexil, but the entire Southlands.
The fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell, turns and looks back at the black clad Farqian soldiers carrying away the body of one of the young messengers in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of Farque.
Beldane, who is a member of the church of Glaine, a god worshiped predominantly in the north of the kingdom of Nastell, slightly scowls as he watches the black clad youngster being carried away.
Glancing sideways at the powerful spellcaster beside him, who he sees scowl.
Mira Reinholt the mage quietly says "You couldn't of done anything to help him".
The highly skilled swordmaster continues with "He was killed instantly".
Beldane grunts when he hears that, then he turns back around, and faces north like the Vexilian mage in exile, and watches the retreating army in the distance.
"Tovis has come back" says the Nastellian cleric, who is the sole member of the group that travels with lord Farque.
That's yet to step foot into the lands Farque. Because he's a cleric, who are banned from entering the lands ruled by the undead warlord.
The mage Reinholt nods his hooded head as he thought as much. As he caught a glimpse of the Quick Gull in the sky during the battle.
"I thought so" says the practitioner of magic who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Then the spellcaster, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster.
Eyebrows shoot up, and he looks at the fighting cleric in the halfplate armour, who quietly tells him "He brought back that enemy general he took to the capital with him".
"What the fuck?" murmurs Mira Reinholt, who after a brief pause, adds "Why the hell did he do that?".
The member of the church of Glaine tells him why as they head back through the trees.
The once powerful mage occasionally nods, but stays quiet as he listens to the powerful cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell.
It's only after Beldane informs the mage Reinholt that the king, did indeed get the messages that general Sumic took to the capital.
That the highly skilled swordmaster speaks up and says "Well, at least that's something".
The fighting cleric nods in agreement, and glances away from where some of the Farqian soldiers are killing a number of the wounded and injured enemy.
Even the soldiers in the combined army of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
Keep well away from the killing of their injured enemies by soldiers in the first army of Farque.
"Think it'll make a difference?" quietly asks Beldane the cleric as they walk southwards through the woods.
"The missives sent to the king?" adds the powerful practitioner of magic, who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell.
"I hope so" says the exiled Vexilian mage, who continues on with "I don't want this war dragging on into the autumn".
"Same" murmurs the churchman in the halfplate armour.
Who then slightly nods as the once powerful mage quietly tells him "It all depends on what the king does".
The spellcaster, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque briefly pauses before he continues with "Or what i suspect, he's actually able to do".
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell looks at his fellow practitioner of magic, and nods in agreement with him.
As they learnt from questioning the enemy general, Sumic. Or more precisely, from Helbe the elven thief reading his mind.
That the crown of Melaurn, is a bit of fractured power base at best.
And though the king of Melaurn, king Harman the Third. Does have absolute control over the crown and kingdom.
There's a faction at court, that's hugely influential. That faction being led by the king's mother.
The former queen of Melaurn. Who is referred to as the dowager queen of Melaurn.
As if she still has some sort of power at her disposal. As she did when she was the wife of the former king.
Who are if rumours are true, she might of had killed off. So that her son could take the throne.
As she thought she would have more  control over him, compared to her husband the previous king.
And though that was certainly true when the current king was younger, before he took the throne.
It's certainly not true now, especially since he married just a few months before his father died.
Married a noblewoman of little consequence from the province of Karricaw, against the wishes of both his father and mother.
Now the dowager queen tries to carve out power wherever she can. Like now with the war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
And though the king was onboard with it to begin with. Because of the unprovoked attacks in southern Moleau. Wrongly attributed to lord Gormica.
It's the dowager queen and her faction at court, who are the ones most pressing for the war in southern Melaurn to escalate.
Though that might all change thanks to the missives sent with general Sumic to the capital city Calinar Which the king of Melaurn, has now apparently read.
The two spellcasters, one from that city-state of Vexil, and the other from the kingdom of Nastell.
Make their way out of the woods. There, the cleric in the church of Glaine teleports the two of them to a rise a few hundred yards south of the woods, where a battle just took place.
"Did he tell you?" asks Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit after Mira Reinholt and Beldane the cleric appear next to him.
"He did" says the once powerful mage, who looks around then asks "Where's that general?".
"On the Quick Gull" replies the halfling who isn't exactly what he appears to be.
"Down the backside of the rise" adds the hobbit who is a former air sailor from the Sultanate of Dreese.
A nation all the way on the otherside of the continent from the Southlands.
"And where's his royal thiefness?" asks the swordmaster Reinholt who looks around and can't find any sign of Helbe the elven thief anywhere, which isn't unusual.
"Who the hell knows" dryly says the hobbit, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson.
Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of the halfling from the far east coast of the continent.
"He said he was going to follow their retreat" says the hobbit who like the mage Reinholt, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
"So take of that, what you will" adds the former air sailor who served in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
The Vexilian mage in exile, along with the cleric from the kingdom of Nastell.
Follows Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who leads the way up and over the rise, and down the otherside.
Where the small, sleek looking, single masted airship, the Quick Gull is moored.
"Dalin is with him" says councilor Littlefoot, who continues with "Seems the general has had a change of heart".
The hobbit from the far east coast of the continent, then says "Seems he's had a change of heart for good reason".
"Oh?" says the once powerful mage as they approach the vessel, that like Jarjin Littlefoot, is originally from the Sultanate of Dreese.
Nodding his head, the former air sailor says "Oh he's still loyal to the king, nothing will ever stop that, considering the two of them are friends".
The halfling, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, briefly pauses, before he adds "After what's happened recently in the capital, he's not too fond of the crown though".
As they make their way onboard the Quick Gull, Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson, quietly says "He's never really liked the dowager queen anyway, but after his treatment at the palace, the general absolutely despises the old queen now".
"Interesting" murmurs Mira Reinholt the mage, while next to him, Beldane the cleric nods in agreement.
Once onboard the small, sleek looking, single masted airship, originally from the Sultanate of Dreese.
The Vexilian mage in exile asks his fellow council member "He have any idea how the king reacted to the missives we sent?".
"None" is the reply of the halfling from the far east coast of the continent, who follows that with "He would of if he had been there when the king read them".
Jarjin aka Zubutai the son of Timagin then adds "But since it was one of our contacts in the palace, who actually gave the king the messages, we don't know yet" followed by "Word hasn't got to us from the spies in the capital yet".
The mage Reinholt nods his hooded head, as he and his fellow spellcaster, Beldane the cleric.
Follow hobbit council member below deck, and to the captain's cabin. In which, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy waits with the prisoner, the enemy general in the king's own, Sumic.
Once they're in the captain's cabin, the Vexilian mage in exile, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster.
Reads the mind of the enemy general, which he suspects Helbe the elven thief already did before he left.
The once powerful mage slightly nods his hooded head, as he finds that general Sumic doesn't just dislike the dowager queen after his treatment in the capital.
He absolutely hates the old queen, who is the mother of king Harmard the Third of Melaurn. Who he wants to see dead, preferably at his own hands.
Not bothering to hide what they say, as general Sumic understands the elven language.
Mira Reinholt says to both the prisoner, and the spy Tanith "Think the king will go for any of those suggestions?".
"Beats me" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy with a shrug of his shoulders.
While the prisoner, general Sumic is a little slower to answer, and eventually says "He might do".
The enemy general momentarily pauses before continuing on with "If he finds out that i was in the middle of all that commotion in the palace, he might change his thoughts about the war here in the south".
The two spellcasters, the halfling and the elf all share looks, then the mage Reinholt as he looks at the enemy general, asks him "But will the old queen do?".
"Yes, that is the question, isn't it" says the general in the king's own, who after a brief pause adds "She could do just about anything, especially if it prolongs the war down here in the south" . . . . . .

Monday 14 December 2020

To War 84.

Summer. In The Northwest Of The Province Of Corlinda.

"You might want to circle around to the east maybe" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who pauses for a moment or two, before adding "Or the west".
"I'd rather not go either way" dryly says the captain of the Quick Gull.
Who then calls out some orders, and the small, sleek looking single masted airship turns to starboard, as the captain decides to go to the west of the woods just up ahead.
As they fly south, here in the northwest of the province of Corlinda.
The captain of the small airship, that's originally from the far east coast of the continent. The Sultanate of Dreese to be exact. And is now part of the fleet from the lands Farque.
Also has the helmsman have the Quick Gull rise in altitude. After all, there's a battle taking place, in and around the woods just ahead.
And the captain of the small, single masted vessel doesn't want any stray spells heading their way.
Dalinvardèl Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Is with the captain next to the helmsman at the wheel.
He looks forward, to where the prisoner, general Sumic is standing next to the starboard rail in a midships. Looking down at the running battle in and around the woods below.
The enemy general, who has no complaints about his treatment. Infact his captors have kept him alive, when a faction in his own army. Had him captured and imprisoned on his return to the capital Calinar.
And once he was broken out of the palace dungeons by his enemies. They kept him alive, when the faction in the crown under the auspices of the dowager queen tried to hunt him down and kill him.
Something he'll never forgive, and never forget for the rest of his life. However long it may last.
"Think they'll welcome him back?" quietly asks the captain of the Quick Gull, whose command of the elven language is amongst the best of his crew. Who have only been learning it for less than a year now.
"Maybe" says the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae. Who is now a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"Eventually i guess" adds the elf who is a member of the group that travels with lord Farque.
"Though I'm betting only if the dowager queen is no longer around" continues the spy Tanith.
The captain of the Quick Gull nods in agreement, as he keeps an eye on both the helmsman, and the rest of the crew of the small airship that's now part of the Farqian fleet.
Who led some of the crown's fleet on a merry chase over the city of Calinar, then out to sea just a few days ago.
Before they took off up the coast, to the safety of the lands Farque. Where yesterday morning they picked up Dalinvardèl Tanith and the enemy general who had fled to the safety of the lands Farque.
"I think they'll be surprised we've brought him back" says the airship captain.
Next to him, the elven spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae, before joining the group that travels with lord Farque.
Winces at that from the ship's captain, as Dalin was doing his best to forget about that.
No such luck now, as they're about to meet up with a fair few members of the group who travel along with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The lookout up the mast calls something out, and the spy Tanith steps to the starboard side rail, to get a better a view of things.
The elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, steps back to be beside the captain of the Quick Gull, and tells him "There's a rise about three hundred yards south of the woods" followed by "They're there".
The airship captain nods, then starts calling out orders, as he has his vessel give the battle taking place down below on what's a relatively cool summer's day, a wide berth.
General Sumic looks to port, as the Quick Gull goes around to starboard.
The small vessel, is at a slight angle to starboard too, and the general in the king's own, gets a good look at the battle taking place down below.
Sumic who though a commoner, grew up in the palace in the capital city Calinar. As his parents were servants in the palace.
And their only son, Sumic became friends with the then crown prince, Harmard. Who is now king Harmard the Third of Melaurn.
Can see that the battle on the south side of the woods looks to be on an even footing from what he can tell.
He nods his head, as he sees how heavy the fighting has got between the opposing armies.
One fighting for the king and crown, made up of the king's own, and allies to the crown, from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
And the other a combined army of the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda. Led by lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who finds himself, through no fault of his own. At war with the crown and king of Melaurn.
As the small, sleek looking, single masted airship swings further away from the battle as it circles away to the west then the south.
The Calinarian general, sees a slight shift in the battle from his vantage point onboard the Quick Gull.
It looks like a calvary element in the combined army from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
Has broken through, and is wrecking havoc amongst the foot soldiers in the king's own, and the allies with them.
Then general Sumic suddenly catches movement out of the corner of his eye, as a figure suddenly appears out of nowhere on the aft deck.
The senior officer in the kings own, who can actually call himself friend of king Harmard the Third.
Nods his head, as he recognises the figure in the white hooded cloak who has just appeared next to those near the wheel.
"Fuck" mutters Dalinvardèl Tanith when Helbe the elven thief suddenly appears beside him saying "Why did you bring him back?".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel then says "Never mind, i know why".
"Do you mind?" sourly says the spy Tanith who scowls at the idea of his mind being read by the highly talented elven magic user.
"I didn't read your mind" says the elven masterthief, who then nods his hooded head to where general Sumic is standing in a midships, and adds "I read his".
The elven master assassin who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who is slightly shorter than the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae, says to him "Unless you want me to read your mind?" followed by "Which I'm perfectly happy to do".
Dalin just sourly smiles in response to that, which causes the elven master archer to chuckle.
Then the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel says to the captain of the Quick Gull "Captain go around to the south side of that rise down there" followed by "It'll be safe to land there".
"Aye councilor" says the airship captain who starts calling out orders.
As the small, sleek looking, single masted vessel originally from the Sultanate of Dreese, which is all the way over on the east coast of the continent, almost half the world away.
Starts to drop down in altitude, the spy Tanith nods his hooded head down at the battle raging in and around some woods, here in the northwest of the province of Corlinda.
"How goes it?" asks the elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"We should be victorious" states the elven princeling who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
"Now" dryly adds the young elven noble who also happens to be a member of royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
"Oh?" says Dalinvardèl Tanith with a sideways look at the elven master assassin.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril tells the elven spy from Alínlae "I just captured their commander as you were flying over the woods".
"Another one?" says the company commander with a nod of his hooded head in the direction of the enemy general, Sumic.
A wince briefly appears on the youthful looking face of the elven masterthief, who then says in a slightly sour tone of voice "I might of killed him as i captured him".
Dalin rolls his eyes, as the highly talented elven spellcaster says "I didn't mean to".
Then after shrugging his shoulders, councilor Raendril adds "It happens sometimes".
"I bet" dryly says the spy Tanith as the Quick Gull drops down to the rise a few hundred yards to the south of the woods.
As the battle between the combined army of the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
And an army consisting of the king's own, and allies to the crown and king of Melaurn, from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar continue to rage on. Here in the northwest of the province of Corlinda, on what's a cool day for the summer, in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
After the Quick Gull sets down on the south side of the rise, the two elves. One a spy from the principality of Alínlae. And the other, a prince from the island principality of Laerel.
Along with the prisoner, general Sumic of the king's own, disembark.
And make their way up the back of the rise, to the top. Where a number of people are observing the battle.
"What's he doing here?" asks Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, when he turns around, and finds the prisoner, general Sumic with Helbe the elven thief, and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy.
"A long story" says the Dalin, who after a brief pause continues with "We might of busted him out of the palace dungeons, and caused a bit of an incident in the capital Calinar".
"Hell" mutters the halfling who is not what he appears to be.
The hobbit, who is a former air sailor from the Sultanate of Dreese, which lies on the far east coast of the continent, shakes his head, then says to the spy Tanith "You better explain what happened".
As he keeps half an eye on the battle along the south side of the woods.
The halfling, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson.
Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Jarjin Littlefoot.
Listens to the elven spy explain what happened in the capital city Calinar, where he and others took the prisoner, general Sumic.
As he listens, the hobbit who is a former air sailor who served in the fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
Occasionally winces when Dalinvardèl Tanith tells him certain things about what happened in Calinar.
Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head when the spy Tanith quietly tells him how general Sumic was captured and put in the palace dungeons by the dowager queen's men.
And the subsequent escape of the enemy general by Dalin and other Farqian spies who are in the capital city Calinar.
After the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, who is now a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Explains how he and general Sumic escaped the capital city, and made their way north into the lands Farque.
Jarjin Littlefoot, who like Helbe the elven thief, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, says "Do you know if the king finally got those messages?".
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy nods his head, then says "We got word yesterday just before we left Farque".
The elf who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae, then adds "Our contact in the palace, a sir Dalacain was able to meet with the king and give him the missives".
After a couple moments of silence, Jarjin Littlefoot shares a look with prince Helbenthril Raendril, then the former air sailor from the Sultanate of Dreese quietly says "Well, at least he knows, so that's something".
After a brief pause, councilor Littlefoot says "Wonder what he'll do?".
Dalinvardèl Tanith nods to that as he watches the battle taking place in and around the woods just a few hundred yards away from their position up a rise.
Then the elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque quickly looks around at those on the rise, then he asks "Where's Mira?".
"There" says Helbe the elven thief in a slightly dry tone of voice after they hear the thud of an explosion in the distance amongst the woods where the battle is taking place.
"Figures" murmurs the spy Tanith a moment later as burning debris can be seen rising up into the sky from within the woods just a few hundred yards away.
As the battle between the combined armies of the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
Against an army consisting of the king's own, and allies to the crown and king of Melaurn from the provinces of Calinar and Alindar.
Continues to rage on, this fairly cool summer day here in the northwest of the province of Corlinda, in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .

Sunday 13 December 2020

To War 83.

Summer. Corlinda. Melaurn.

Krissner, the son of baron Wilmot of Pirtgott. Grimaces then drops to the ground as away to the right amongst the woods, there's a loud explosion.
The young noble from here in the province of Corlinda doesn't know who did what there. And he doesn't particularly what to find out.
The son of the baron of Pirtgott gets up, as do the others around him. As they can hear shouting from up ahead.
Krissner, gets up running. Heading forward through the trees, like the others from his father's army who are with him.
The oldest son of the baron of Pirtgott as he runs, can definitely hear the fighting from up ahead.
As he runs, Krissner is glad that he and the soldiers with him are going in the right direction. As for a moment there, he didn't think they were.
The nobleborn youngster, who is still just in his teens. Hopes that he and the others with him can make a difference in the fight.
As the battle between the forces of the crown and king of Melaurn, against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who is from the province of Karricaw.
Continues to rage on across the north of the province of Corlinda, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
On what's been a relatively cool day for summer, here in this part of southern Melaurn.
Further afield, actually in a field to be exact. To the east of the woods where a battle is taking place, in and around it.
Mira Reinholt the mage is down behind a stone wall that separates a paddock.
To either side of the once powerful mage, is a small company of black clad Farqian soldiers.
The spellcaster who is from the city-state of Vexil, his homeland that he's in exile from.
Pops up his head, and looks over the stone wall towards the nearby woods.
The mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, ducks back down behind the stone wall.
"Some of them are heading this way" quietly says Mira Reinholt the mage to the subaltern and the sergeant at arms who are on either side of him.
"Any idea how many councilor?" quietly asks the subaltern.
"A hell of a lot more than us" is the quiet reply of the mage who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Until he was stripped of the vast majority of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void spell he accidentally cast.
Quietly says to the subaltern and the sergeant at arms "They'll try and head around to the rear of the army".
Both Farqian soldiers nod to that, then the mage Reinholt, who is speaking elven, quietly says to them "We just have to get them going in the direction we want them to go".
The sergeant at arms, nods then quietly says "Councilor, may i?".
The spellcaster who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster nods his head yes.
And the sergeant quietly calls over a couple of the messengers, and gives them some orders.
Mira Reinholt faintly winces when hears those orders. But he doesn't say anything to counter them.
The Vexilian mage in exile, along with the sergeant at arms, and the subaltern.
Watch as the two teenage messengers, get up, climb over the stone wall, and hurry in the direction of the nearby woods.
The spellcaster who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque slightly nods his hooded head, when the sergeant at arms quietly says "Bait".
The once powerful mage, along with the subaltern and the sergeant at arms.
Pop their heads up, and look over the top of the wall, towards the nearby woods.
Where the combined army, predominantly made up of the forces of lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, and his twin brother, baron Wilmot of Pirtgott.
Are in battle with an army made up of the king's own, and allies to the crown and king of Melaurn.
And though the battle is mostly taking place on the otherside of the woods.
A fair few number of the enemy, are making their way through the woods, heading this way.
Hoping to outflank the army of the twin brothers Gormica and Wilmot. Who earlier in the summer, were at war with one another.
The mage, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster spots through the trees, some of the enemy who are hoping to get behind the army defending the province of Corlinda from the crown's forces.
Mira Reinholt, who prepares to create some mageglobes. Hopes the enemy give chase to the two teenage runners who are hurrying along the treeline.
As the small company with him behind the stone wall, out in a farmer's field.
Are far outnumbered by the number of enemy who are coming this way.
The exiled Vexilian mage knows that if the two runners are chased, and that the enemy forces follow after them.
That there's a substantial sized force in the combined armies of the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda waiting for them.
To the south of the woods, Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit is on a small rise, he looks to his right, and quietly asks "Well?".
"There's still heavy fighting going on in there" replies Helbe the elven thief with a nod of his hooded head at the nearby woods.
The young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel, which is across the Kuyriers Straits from the kingdom of Melaurn, glances at his right shoulder.
Where Narladene the ground pixie, who is invisible to everyone apart from the elven masterthief, quietly tells him something.
Then the highly talented elven magic user, who like the halfling standing beside him, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, says "A bunch of them are coming down the west side of the woods, heading this way".
The hobbit, who isn't exactly what he appears to be, nods his head, and says "Mira's got them heading this way" followed by "Good".
The halfling, who though is from the far east coast of the continent, the Sultanate of Dreese to be exact.
Though in actuality, he's really hordes barbarian outrider, from the southern tundra.
By the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of the hobbit who is a former air sailor in the air fleet of the Sultan of Dreese.
Turns to a nearby officer in the first army of Farque and says to her "Have a messenger go down and inform lord Gormica that the enemy will be coming down from the west side of the woods as expected".
The officer nods and says "Yes councilor". Then she calls over one of the black clad runners in the scouts and rangers division of the first army of army, and gives the young teenage messenger the order.
"This should be interesting" quietly says Jarjin aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman.
As the enemy army, and their army, who are predominantly from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
Are fairly evenly matched when it comes to numbers from what Helbe the elven thief was able to determine.
The halfling who is a former air sailor in the air fleet of the Sultan of Dreese, looks away to the east.
Where the two armies are already engaged in battle.
The hobbit who is a member of the personal councilor to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Can't actually see the fighting going on over on that side of the woods.
Can definitely hear it, as another explosion comes from within that side of the woods.
And a couple of moments later, smoke and burning debris rise up into the sky.
On what's been a much cooler summer day that what it has been recently, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"Here they come" quietly says Helbe the elven thief.
The young elven noble, who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, points to the west side of the woods.
Jarjin aka Zubutai Timaginson, nods his head as he looks that way, and spots a couple of black clad Farqian messengers running this way.
Two runners who are being pursued by the enemy, who are a mix of the king's own, and allies to the crown and king of Melaurn.
The enemy briefly stop, when they spot the army from the provinces of Corlinda and Karricaw, that hasn't already engaged in the battle that's going on, in and around the woods.,
The army from the capital Calinar, as well as the provinces of Calinar and Alindar, the two western most provinces in the kingdom of Melaurn.
Start to form ranks, as they prepare to charge the army that's waiting at the base of the rise, less than a quarter of a mile south of the woods.
At the base of the rise, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, who is watching the enemy appear on the west side of the woods, form ranks.
Looks back, and up the rise, waiting for the signal from those who are observing things from up there.
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw, who finds himself at war with the crown and king of Melaurn.
Looks away to his left, and spots his twin brother Wilmot, the baron of Pirtgott.
Looking this way, where he's infront of some of his men, and others from the province of Corlinda.
The baron of Pirtgott nods to his twin brother, then looks ahead to where the enemy are coming around from the west side of the woods.
Who were hoping to come back around and take the combined army on the east side of the woods, who are already engaged in battle with the king's own, and the allies of the crown and king of Melaurn, from behind.
"My lord, there's the signal" says sir Deemus who is beside the lord of Salmah Forest.
The nobleman who recently led the province of Karricaw to victory in a war against the province of Corlinda.
Who now finds himself at war against the crown, and the king of Melaurn.
Looks back up at the rise, and sees the signal for him to give the order to charge whenever he wants to.
The Karricawian nobleman, looks at the approaching army who have made their way from around the west side of the woods.
Then he lifts up his left arm, drawing the attention of many in the combined armies from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
The lord of Salmah Forest waits a few more moments, then he drops his left arm.
"Charge!" shouts lord Gormica of Salmah Forest, which is repeated by officers up and down the front ranks in the army.
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw, who leads it along with the province of Corlinda against the crown and king of Melaurn.
Spurs his horse, and it along with all the other riders in the front ranks, surge forward to confront the enemy army.
The infantry, and other foot soldiers, take off running, following after the cavalry. Who are charging the enemy forces who are heading this way.
On what's been a relatively cool summer's day, here in northern Corlinda, in the west of the province.
Narladene the ground pixie has taken off, as Helbe the elven thief will go in search of whoever is in command of the enemy, who have come out of the west side of the woods, and headed south to confront the combined army that was waiting at the base of the rise.
The naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains.
Who met prince Helbenthril Raendril and attached herself to him in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic a number of years ago.
Is heading to the woods, over on the east side, where a significant force from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda have already engaged in the enemy army who have come down through the province of Moleau, and crossed over the border into the province of Corlinda.
She looks away to the west, just before there's one loud explosion, followed by a second.
At the rear of the ranks of the enemy army who have made their way from the west side of the woods, and made their way south.
The ground pixie nods her head, as she briefly watches the effects of the explosions caused by two mageglobes created by Mira Reinholt come to their end of their short existence.
The tiny winged creature looks ahead as she makes her way around to the east side of the woods.
When she suddenly senses something away to the north in the air.
The ground pixie rises up into the sky, and when she's a couple hundred feet up, she hovers there, looking away to the north.
Narladene narrows her eyelids as she looks northwards, and spots an airship in the distance, about fifteen miles away to the north, heading this way.
The naturally magical creature knows that the Farqian fleet, has been keeping the skies clear around the border between the provinces of Corlinda and Moleau.
Slowly nods her head, as she eventually recognises the small, sleek looking, single masted airship that's coming this way.
"He's back" murmurs Narladene the ground pixie, who drops back down, and heads back in the direction she's come from.
To go and find Helbe the elven thief, to inform him that the Quick Gull, and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy has come back from the city of Calinar, the capital of the kingdom of Melaurn.
As she goes in search of the young elven noble she's attached to. Narladene wonders how things went for the spy Tanith in the capital city Calinar.
Hopefully successfully, the ground pixie thinks to herself as she goes in search of the elven masterthief who is now amongst the enemy as the two armies to the south of the woods, engage in battle . . . . . .

Thursday 10 December 2020

To War 82.

Summer. The Province Of Corlinda.

The next morning, and the enemy army have pulled back their campsite.
Still on the south side of the road, but way back from Castle Measum. Out of range of the trebuchets that the engineers in the first army of Farque are using.
The site of their previous camp that was bombarded during the night. Is a mess of burnt out wagons, carts and tents.
As well as quite of few bodies lying among the wreckage of the previous campsite.
As the sun rises, on what's a relatively cool morning for the summertime here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda.
A yawning Tovis the war engineer makes his way up a set of steps to the parapet of the west wall of the large castle.
Once he's up on top of the wall, the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
Who is now a captain in the engineering corp of the armies of Farque.
Makes his way to above the main gates of lord Measum's castle.
Once there, Tovis looks down at the twin guard houses on the otherside of the moat, or what's left of them.
The war engineer, who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin in eastern Druvic. Before joining the group who travels with lord Farque.
Had Heinë the sorceress destroy the guard houses across the moat from the main gate during the night.
So the enemy, if they got close to the castle again, couldn't use them as cover.
And though the large stone pillars and archway on the otherside of the moat from the gates still stand.
The guard houses to either side of it, are just burnt out shells now. Not even that really, piles of burnt debris more than anything else.
The commanding officer in the armies of Farque doesn't regret whatsoever ordering that to be done.
Even though it was the first real argument he's had with lord Measum concerning the defense of the large castle that's the local nobleman's ancestral home.
Tovis who sees that more of the enemy are moving out, to head around to the othersides of Castle Measum.
Looks to his right, and down into the open ground behind the west wall.
Where he has had one of the two trebuchets moved to.
As he figures, as well as Dorc da Orc telling him. After last night, the enemy won't concentrate their attack upon the southern half of the west wall today.
The ork warleader is of the opinion the enemy, made up of soldiers predominantly from the province of Olind. As well as the provinces of Moleau and Mofosild.
All loyal to the crown and king of Melaurn. Who are at war with lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
The nobleman from the province of Karricaw, who leads his province. And by default, the province of Corlinda. Who he defeated in the recent war between the neighbouring provinces, here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
Will spread out this morning once they eventually attack. Or so the ork general believes.
Tovis then looks away to his right along the top of the wall, all the way to the northwest tower of the large castle. Where he suspects Dorc da Orc is this morning.
As the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic spots Teabagger the Goblin Cunt.
And a couple others in the goblin battalion, that serves in the armies of Farque. Just outside the tower room.
Which his suspicions are confirmed just a few moments later, when the large ork steps out of the doorway, and onto the parapet of the west wall of lord Measum's castle.
A couple moments later, the ork weaponsmith is followed out of the tower room by his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
And as they head this way along the parapet, Tovis looks the other way. Southwards along the west wall battlements. And he spots Shur Kee the monk heading in this direction.
The short, statured monk who is from beyond the Southlands. The far east coast of the continent, where his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee is located.
Is joined by Heinë the sorceress, who has just come a set of steps to the top of the west wall.
Then the captain in the armies of Farque looks out at the enemy again. And wonders when they'll attack. He knows the brunt of their attack will come against the west wall of Castle Measum.
For even with the moat, it's the longest wall of the large castle by far. And also the shortest, by over twenty feet compared to the north wall, which stands close to fifty feet tall along most of it's length.
Tovis knows the enemy will spread out today when they attack. As the defenders can't be everywhere once the fighting gets underway.
The war engineer, who is in charge of the defence of lord Measum's castle.
Who has been charged by lord Farque to keep the enemy here in northeastern Corlinda occupied. So that they don't continue southwards into the heart of the province of Corlinda. Or to the southeast, into the neighbouring province of Karricaw.
Tovis takes out his brass, cylindrical eyepiece and looks at the enemy army as he's joined by his adjunct.
While a group of runners, and the signalmen stand nearby.
The captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque is watching the enemy as the others start arriving, here above the main gates of Measum Castle.
"A fine day for a battle, wot" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic after he walks by his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc, who he glares at.
As the large ork scowls in return, the large, heavily armoured knight then adds "I say there engineer, what are these miscreants up to?" followed by a belated "Wot".
"They are already moving" says the young engineer, who just like the nobleborn knight, hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
"They're moving some of their men around to the othersides of the castle" adds the captain in the armies of Farque as he continues to look through his eyepiece.
Then the war engineer takes the eyepiece away from his face as the sorceress Heinë quietly says to him in the elven language "That lord Measum is coming captain".
Tovis looks to their left along the wall, and sees the local nobleman lord Measum, and his guard captain Domall and others walking along the parapet, heading this way.
The young engineer sees the local lord look down to where the guard houses once stood on the otherside of the moat.
A look of bitter disappointed crosses the face of lord Measum as he slightly shakes his head, seeing in the morning light, those guard houses burnt to the ground.
Tovis glances at both the sorceress Heinë, and Shur Kee the monk, who both saw that reaction from the local lord.
Quietly in the common language, Shur Kee the monk says "You did the right thing Tovis concerning those guard houses out there".
The softly spoken acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, who killed not one, but two enemy spellcasters during the night, then adds "They were a liability to us and the defense of the castle".
"The honoured councilor is right" says Heinë the sorceress in the common language, the subaltern in the engineering corp then adds in the elven language "If Measum doesn't like it, tell him to take a jump off the walls, and have someone else defend his damn stupid castle".
"I see diplomacy isn't one of your strong points subaltern" dryly says Tovis in the elven language, who then adds "Please don't voice those opinions in common infront of lord Measum and his men".
The sorceress, who has a bit of an attitude to say the least, sourly smiles, but she does nod her head yes in acknowledgment to her commander.
Then she steps aside, and stands next to councilor Kee as the local lord walks up to captain Tovis.
"Captain" says lord Measum in greeting.
"Lord Measum" replies Tovis the war engineer.
The local nobleman who is still obviously not happy about the guard houses on the otherside of the moat being destroyed.
Looks out at the enemy army who are allies to the crown and king of Melaurn, and he asks "What do you expect them to do this morning?".
"They'll attack us" says the young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
"You can see it already" adds the captain in the armies of Farque, who continues on with "They're spreading out, sending men around to the othersides of the castle".
"So to spread us out as well?" asks the local lord, whose family has called this large castle home for centuries.
"Yes" says the commanding officer of the Farqian first army's engineering corp, who follows that with "But they'll concentrate their attack upon this wall".
Tovis doesn't mention the obvious, in that the west wall is the longest wall by far, and at just twenty five tall along the length of most of it, it's the shortest of the castle walls.
In the early morning light, the trebuchet behind the southern half of the west wall of Measum Castle.
Can be seen sticking up over the top of the long west wall.
If the catapults were closer to the wall, the tops of them could be seen from the otherside too.
The war engineer briefly looks through his eyepiece, and after taking it down from his face, he points and says "See there".
The captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque continues with "They're putting together their siege engines".
The young engineer, who prior to joining the group that travels with lord Farque, served in the army of a baron Harkonin in the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
Follows on from that with "They have plenty of ladders already by the looks of it" he continues with "I expect them to attack before they've completed their siege towers and catapults".
To the right of captain Tovis, the ork warleader, Dorc da Orc grunts in agreement with him.
Already the enemy, who are sending men out to the othersides of the large castle.
Are now sending men forward towards the west wall of lord Measum's ancestral home.
"Think they'll parlay?" asks Domall, lord Measum's captain of the guard.
"Maybe" says Tovis the war engineer, who continues with "We'll ignore it of course".
The commanding officer of the engineering corp in the first army of Farque, looks at the local nobleman and asks him "If that's okay with you?".
Lord Measum nods his head, and says "That's fine".
The captain in the armies of Farque, nods and looks out at the enemy again, as do the others.
And it's not too long before a rider comes forward holding a spear, that has a flag of truce flying from it.
Once the enemy envoy, stops just back from the moat, opposite the main gates of castle Measum. He calls out "Lord Measum!".
That's all he gets to say, as captain Tovis says in elven to one of his rangers "Shoot him".
An arrow shot from a longbow slams into the enemy negotiator, knocking him off his horse, which bolts, and heads back the way it came from.
While the enemy envoy, a member of the household of one of the nobles in the army that's crossed over the border into the province of Corlinda.
Lies there dead on the ground, with a yard long shaft through his chest, easily penetrating his leather armour.
There's shouts of outrage, and a chorus of yells that come from the enemy ranks.
Who have started to move forward towards the west wall of Castle Measum, on this clear but cool morning for the summertime.
"I was kind of hoping they'd break ranks and rush forward" states Tovis the war engineer, who shrugs his shoulders and in the elven language tells his adjunct "Signal the crews to ready to launch".
The more junior Farqian officer does so, as he does Tovis says in common to lord Measum "They'll be here soon enough".
The war engineer follows that with "If you like, you can stay here on the west wall".
Where the fighting will be heaviest, silently adds the young engineer, who then says "Or you can go to one of the other walls".
Tovis leaves it unsaid, that it will be much safer on one of the three other walls of the large castle.
After a sharing a look with his captain of the guard, lord Measum says to the war engineer "I'll stay here for the meantime, if that's alright?".
"Of course" says the young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
Who has already made it clear to the local nobleman, that he is to obey his orders when it comes to the defense of Castle Measum.
"They're in trebuchet range captain" quietly says the war engineer's adjunct in the elven language.
"Give the order to launch when they like" says Tovis in the same language.
And a few moments later, the thunk of a trebuchet launching it's first load of the morning, can be heard right across Castle Measum, and outside it's walls too.
As barrels of rocks go flying through the morning sky in netting, which rips apart in flight, sending the barrels raining down upon the front ranks of the advancing enemy.
Barrels that shatter apart when they hit the ground, sending rocks flying into the ranks of the enemy soldiers, hitting them hard enough to shatter bones with ease, and kill others from the impact.
Tovis the war engineer says to those near him on the parapet of the west wall, above the main gates of Castle Measum "This is going to be a long day of battle".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a captain in the armies of Farque, continues with "Get ready for them to storm the walls" . . . . . .

Wednesday 9 December 2020

To War 81.

Summer. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

The bombardment begins just after nightfall. When Tovis the war engineer gives the order to his chief range finder Gamedé.
One goes off, so does a second, and a third catapult launch their loads over the west wall of castle Measum.
And though the rocks, and barrels of burning pitch and naphtha doesn't reach the enemy camp.
And instead lands amongst the enemy soldiers who are on duty watching the large castle.
The pair of trebuchets, launching large boulders, easily reach the camp the enemy have set up.
Smashing into tents, wagons and people alike. Hitting both soldiers and camp followers.
Enemy soldiers scatter, especially those close to the large castle, here on the west side of lord Measum's ancestral home.
They don't have any heavy weaponry of their own to retaliate with. As they've brought the equipment and materials with them.
But they've yet to assemble them. Infact, they haven't even begun assembling their catapults.
As the last of their heavy wagons only arrived just before sunset, on what was a warm and sunny summer's day.
Here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda. The area close to where the three provinces of Moleau, Mofosild and Corlinda border one another. Which the locals call the Corlinda Corner.
On the south wall of the large castle. A pair of elven rangers, standing a couple of merlons apart. Draw their longbows, and let the arrows to them fly.
The yard long shafts slams into a pair of enemy soldiers sitting around a fire, a couple hundred feet from the south wall of castle Measum.
Two more arrows quickly follow from the elven rangers longbows. Striking the two remaining soldiers from the province of Moleau, who are sitting around the fire they've made.
Further along the south wall parapet, a half a dozen goblins with crossbows, shoot off the bolts they have in their weapons.
A trio of enemy soldiers, who have got close to the moat. And are walking alongside it.
Trying to use the cover of darkness to see the water level in the moat that joins a river away to the south.
Drop to the ground riddled by the crossbow bolts. Which to the surprise of the goblins all of them actually hit.
As they, along with the nearby elven rangers as well as others on the south wall parapet.
Shoot at the enemy, who have come from the province of Olind, as well as the provinces of Moleau, and Mofosild.
Who are fighting on the side of the crown and king of Melaurn. Against lord Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Who those within castle Measum, including those from a significant force in the first army of Farque. Are fighting on behalf of.
The battlements of the large castle, on all four walls are in darkness. As those on them, don't need light to see by. No torches are lit so the enemy can't really see what's going on along the large castle's parapets.
On the north wall of lord Measum's ancestral home. Teabagger the Goblin Cunt. The commander of the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque.
Continues on his way along the parapet towards the northwest corner tower.
The goblin commander who is followed by one of his officers, Dickhead Thirty Something.
Has just spoken to some of the battalion, who have been assigned to duty along the top of the north wall.
Telling them not to shoot at the enemy unless they get closer to the castle walls.
As the enemy army, who are predominantly from the province of Olind.
Have put a number of their men all around the large castle, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda. One of two provinces, that until recently, were at war with one another. As they disputed the border between Corlinda and the province of Karricaw.
Though the vast majority of them are around on the west side of Measum Castle, where their camp is located.
While very few are on the east side of the large castle. As the ground their is quite rocky, and comes up a hill. That a narrow road goes up to the gate on that side of lord Measum's ancestral home.
The goblin commander Teabagger, and the newly prompted officer Dickhead. Who is more commonly called Thirty Something by the others in the battalion.
Look away to their left as they walk along the parapet of the north wall of the castle.
Where down in the castle itself, in the distance in the open ground towards the south wall.
The thrum and creak of a trebuchet can be heard, as it launches a large boulder.
Which sails up and over the twenty five foot tall west wall with ease. As it sails through the night sky, and eventually lands in the enemy camp with a thud.
The goblin commander who hails from here in the kingdom of Melaurn. The northern province of Sorros to be exact, not all that far from the lands Farque.
Can't see the large boulder land within the enemy camp. Nor can Dickhead Thirty Something.
But both goblins could definitely hear it, as it landed with an echoing thud.
Which they could hear with their naturally enhanced hearing, easily enough. Even from up here, on the parapet of the north wall of the local nobleman's castle.
They continue on their way along the top of the north of Measum Castle, the only really straight wall the castle has.
They reach the northwest tower, and enter the tower room, where a few of the human soldiers in the first army of Farque. Are waiting with a squad of lord Measum's guards.
They part for the two goblins, who walk through the tower room, and go out the other door, and make their way onto the west wall.
Teabagger the Goblin Cunt and Dickhead Thirty Something make their way along the top of the west wall of the large castle. The longest wall that castle Measum has by far.
They head along the parapet, occasionally passing some of their battalion. As most of the goblins are here on top of the west wall.
The two of them head along the parapet of the wall, that curves outwards a bit, before curving inwards to join the south wall at the tower on the southwest corner of lord Measum's ancestral home.
The goblin commander and the newly appointed officer, make it to halfway along the battlements.
Above the main gates of the large castle. Where a number of people are observing the attack upon the enemy army who have laid siege upon the local nobleman's castle.
"They're not really doing anything around on the other walls captain" says Teabagger the Goblin Cunt.
Nodding his head, Tovis the war engineer says "As to be expected".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is a commanding officer in the armies of Farque. A captain in the first army's engineering corp.
Who finds himself in charge of the defense of lord Measum's ancestral home.
Nods down to the enemy to the west of the large castle, here in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, and says "Unlike here" followed by "Where they're in a bit of turmoil".
Tovis who with the aid of the light of two of the three moons that are up in the night sky tonight.
Can see what's happening close to the west wall of Castle Measum. Where the enemy soldiers who were on night duty, are scattering after the bombardment began.
The war engineer, who previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin, in the east of his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
Occasionally catches glimpses of what's happening further back, in the camp the enemy have set up.
More so now, as tents, wagons and carts are set on fire. As a couple of large boulders smothered in pitch and naphtha are set alight, and flung from the two trebuchets to land in the enemy campsite.
The captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque glances away to his left.
Where Dorc da Orc stands chuckling, as number of the enemy in their camp have been set on fire from burning naphtha that's be flung in all directions.
After the burning boulders landed within the camp the enemy has set up on the flat, even ground.
A few hundred feet out from the southern half of the west wall of Measum Castle.
Not far from the large ork, his bitter rival sir Percavelle Lé Dic is sniggering as he watches the burning people running around in a panic.
"The cunts always fucken runs when they burn" says Dorc da Orc between chuckles. "The fucken use-a-less cunts" adds the ork warleader.
Who is about to continue on, but is interrupted by the subaltern, Heinë the sorceress, who says "Spell incoming".
Then they see a fireball come from near the enemy camp, heading straight for the top of the west wall of the large castle.
Heading to above the gates, where they're watching the bombardment upon the enemy who are fighting on behalf of the crown and king of Melaurn.
They all duck beneath the battlements, including Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Who wait until the last moment to duck down beneath the merlons the two of them are standing behind.
As liquid fire splatters across the top of the battlements above the gates in the west wall of the ancestral home of lord Measum.
Heinë the sorceress looks at Tovis the war engineer, and in the elven language asks him "You want me to retaliate captain?".
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, shakes his head, and says "No" followed by "Keep protecting the gates".
The attractive young woman who hails from the Summer Palace in the lands Farque wryly smiles, and nods her head.
Tovis who is of the opinion the enemy spellcasters should attack the main gates of the castle, which they're yet to do.
Looks to his right, to where Shur Kee the monk is crouching down behind a merlon, as the liquid fire from the fireball an enemy spellcaster has cast, burns itself out.
"Shur Kee did you see where that fireball came from?" asks the war engineer in the common language.
"I did friend Tovis" is the calm reply of Shur Kee the monk while he kneels down behind the next merlon along.
"Think you can get who just cast that?" asks the captain in armies of Farque, who commands the engineering corp of the first army of Farque.
"I shall endeavour to try" says the short, statured monk who is from the far east coast of the continent, where his homeland the kingdom of Wah Lee is located.
The acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li gets up, and walks southwards a bit along the parapet.
Going by Dorc da Orc, who has stood back up, and just thrown a longspear a couple hundred feet.
That skewers an enemy officer, who is calling out orders, yelling at those close to the moat on this side of the large castle to fall back.
The physical adept walks by sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who glances sideways at the short, statured monk who even at night on this mild summer's evening, wears his odd conical shaped hat.
The nobleborn knight originally from the kingdom of Druvic quickly steps closer to his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc.
As he sees Shur Kee the monk take hold of the jade pendant on the fine silver chain he wears around his neck.
The large ork who is a general in the armies of Farque scowls as he sees his bitter rival step this way.
Then the ork weaponsmith sees Shur Kee, and sees what the short, statured monk is doing.
"Krom" mutters the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world.
"He gonna start yelling all that fucken brewing shit ain't he?" adds the large ork in a tone of disgust mixed with a bit of caution.
As Dorc da Orc, or Dorkindle which is his given name. Along with his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Have been around Shur Kee the monk long enough, to know what he's about to do.
Infact the nobleman originally from the kingdom of Druvic, in the past has been on the receiving end of what the physical adept is about to do. And was lucky enough to survive that encounter.
The warleader of the ork race watches the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, who briefly closes his eyes.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks then looks at the enemy, and when the short, statured monk opens his eyes, Dorkindle tells him "See that fucken tent burning?" followed by "Infront of that fucken burn-ed up wagon".
The physical adept, who is in trance like state, nods his head yes, and says "I do".
"That magicky cunt is there" says the ork who is a general in the armies of Farque.
The monk who is the living incarnation of the Jade Warrior Bru Li, nods his head.
Then Shur Kee stands slightly side on in a fighting stance, putting his hands down by his side, at his right hip.
"Narille" mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic who takes another quick step away from the short, statured monk.
Next to the heavily armoured knight, his bitter enemy the ork warleader unconsciously takes another step away from the physical adept too.
Who suddenly thrusts his arms out and forward of himself, hands open, and fingers extended as he shouts "Bru Li spirit!".
As a ball, about seven foot wide, white, almost translucent in colour goes shooting off from the battlements towards the enemy camp.
Dorc da Orc dryly says "That cunt is dead". Next to him, his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who doesn't agree with him about much. Nods in agreement with the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
As they, and the others along the top of the west wall of Measum Castle watch the ball of white light, that isn't magical in anyway streak through the night.
Heading straight for a spellcaster within the enemy camp that's being bombarded by those defending the large castle that's the ancestral home of the local nobleman, lord Measum . . . . . .

Tuesday 8 December 2020

To War 80.

Summer. Measum Castle. The Province Of Corlinda. The Kingdom Of Melaurn.

"Should we send off a volley at them?" asks Domall, the captain of the guard.
"No" says Tovis the war engineer with a shake of his head.
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a commanding officer in the armies of Farque adds "We'll wait until they're bunched up".
The captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque briefly pauses before he continues with "Even better, once they've set up camp".
Just down along the parapet, here on the west wall of Measum Castle, Dorc da Orc grunts in agreement with the war engineer.
While nearby, the large ork's bitter rival. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, nods in agreement with what the young Druvician engineer just said.
The enemy army has turned up, infact a lot of them are still making their way along the road from the west that leads to the large castle.
Off to the south of the road, where the ground is more level. Their camp is starting to be set up. And wagons and carts are heading that way. As the first of the camp followers are setting up their camp.
Tovis the war engineer glances down behind them in the open ground between the wall and the small town that's inside the castle.
It's not really a courtyard, is far too large for that. It's just open ground. Which if the west wall is ever breached by an attacking force.
Will make an excellent killing ground for those defending the ancestral home of lord Measum.
Tovis who doesn't hope it gets to that. But has already planned for that possibility.
Looks to the southern end of the open ground behind the west wall.
There he's already placed a lot of his corps equipment, and weapons.
As he knew the enemy would set up camp to the south of the road.
The ground there, is just too good to pass up for a campsite. And it makes the war engineer's job a lot easier once he launches an attack upon the enemy army who have turned up.
Turning to his adjunct, Tovis quietly says to him in the elven language "Send a messenger to inform the chief range finder what he thinks of their position".
The adjunct nods and waves over one of the messenger, and tells him the order.
The youngster hurries away along the parapet, while the captain who commands the engineering corp in the first army of Farque.
Wanders over to where Dorc da Orc is standing, here on top of the west wall of Measum Castle.
The large ork who is looking both miserable, and excited. Such a thing is possible for an ork.
As he's miserable in the late afternoon heat and sunshine. But excited at the prospect of a battle.
Glances down at Tovis, who quietly asks him "What do you think Dorc?".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he previously served in the army of a baron Harkonin.
Knows that opinion of the ork warleader is essential if they want to hold out the enemy army.
For though you wouldn't take any other opinion from the ork general at any other time.
But when it comes to a battle, no matter where, or between who. The large ork's knowledge is indispensable.
As he has the knack of seeing a battle playing out in his mind. Something that comes both naturally to him. And something he's learnt from the lord Farque, who is a master at it.
"Too fucken spread out along the road for attacking 'em now" says Dorc da Orc who approves of Tovis waiting to attack the enemy.
The big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world continues with "Good to fucken wait so they all fucken bunched up" he then adds in a mutter "The cunts".
The ork warleader nods to where the enemy, allies to the crown and king of Melaurn are setting up their camp, and he says "Fucken hit the cunts there when they all get here".
The ork weaponsmith who sticks up well over the merlon infront of them as he's so tall, looks down at the war engineer, and says to him "Attack the fuckers at night".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks continues with "You fuckers are fucken use-a-less at seeing in the dark". Referring to all humans.
"Blind fucken cunts" mutters Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle, which is his given name.
Tovis sourly smiles, but he's in agreement with the warleader of the ork race.
The war engineer believes the enemy won't attack this afternoon. As they've been traveling all day.
And to attack them first, and at night. Looks like the best option.
Besides he has the advantage of general Dorc, a battalion of goblin soldiers. And a number of elven scouts and rangers with him.
Who can all see in the nighttime just as if it was the daytime.
A definite advantage over the enemy, whose army, along with their camp followers, are all humans.
The captain who commands the engineering corp in the first army of Farque then quietly asks the ork general "Smell any spellcasters down there Dorc?".
"Magicky cunts?" asks the ork weaponsmith who starts sniffing furiously.
"Yeah" says Tovis, who doesn't have his friend, Larris the sorcerer with him at the moment.
As Larris is with one of the other forces that makes up the first army of Farque.
Dorkindle grunts, then says "Can't fucken tell". The large ork has to be a little closer to smell if anyone reeks of magic.
The young engineer nods, and waves over his adjunct, and after nodding down to the southwest corner tower, says in elven to his adjunct "Have subaltern Heinë come here" followed by "There's things we need to discuss with her".
The adjunct calls over a runner, and sends him off all the way down to the southwest corner tower.
As he waits for the subaltern to arrive, the war engineer asks Shur Kee the monk if he can tell if there's any practitioners of magic amongst the enemy who have already shown up.
As he knows the short, statured monk has a number of unique abilities at his disposal.
Unfortunately, the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, can't tell if the enemy have any spellcasters.
Tovis, who finds himself in command of the defense of lord Measum's castle.
And engaging the enemy here, in what the locals call the Corlinda Corner.
Keeping them occupied, so that they don't go further southwards into the heart of the province of Corlinda.
Or southeast into the neighbouring province of Karricaw. The province that lord Gormica of Salmah Forest calls home.
Lord Gormica being the nobleman who has hired to the first army of Farque. As the Karricawian noble finds himself at war against the crown and the king of Melaurn.
"We'll attack them after sunset" quietly says the war engineer to the ork weaponsmith.
"Even their stragglers should be here by then" adds the young engineer, who is originally from the east of the kingdom of Druvic.
The Harkonin fief to be exact, which is the fief directly to the south of the Lé Dic fief.
Which just happens to be sir Percavelle's family's lands. Infact the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic, is the former earl of the Lé Dic fief.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world grunts in agreement with that.
"The fucks won't know what hit 'em" says the weaponsmith who is the son of the previous matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
Who he killed in a fight, which was only fair. As she was doing her best to kill him at the time.
Then general Dorc looks southwards along the parapet as captain Tovis has turned that way.
The large ork, sourly smiles and says "Fucken magicky cunt" he briefly pauses before adding "Nice fucken tits though".
As along the parapet, walks subaltern Heinë, along with the runner who was sent to fetch her.
The subaltern, is an attractive young woman in her early twenties, around the same age as Tovis.
And while the war engineer is originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
The subaltern is a Farqian through and through. As she's from the Summer Palace, one of the small cities, or citadels in the lands Farque.
The captain in the engineering corp will easily admit he finds Heinë physically attractive.
He's not attracted to her in any other way. Such as he is to Lisell Maera the scout.
Who he knows he has no chance with. But he still dreams about the idea of being in love with the scout Maera.
The other runner gets back first, and informs the war engineer about what the chief range finder thinks of the situation.
The captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque nods after hearing that, then quietly says in elven to his adjunct "Have Gamedé prepare the loads" followed by "We'll begin the bombardment once it's nightfall". As the adjunct waves over a nearby signalman.
The other runner returns with subaltern Heinë, those nearby, with the exception of Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic get out of her way.
As the subaltern is prickly at best. And bad tempered at worst.
Not exactly the best attitude when one is a spellcaster.
The only person the attractive looking subaltern pays any deference to, is Shur Kee the monk.
Heinë nods in greeting to the short, statured monk who is the honorary member of the personal council to lord Farque.
She stops before her commander, and Heinë the sorceress says in elven to the young engineer "You wanted to see me captain?".
Tovis who is always courteous to the attractive young woman from the Summer Palace, as both Helbe the elven thief and Mira Reinholt the mage.
Told him to treat Heinë as if she was a mage. As she has the born attitude of a mage. All the arrogance of the most powerful of the human spellcasters.
But as the mage Reinholt described to Tovis, it's lucky for everyone around Heinë that she's only a sorceress.
And not an actual mage. As she would be a nightmare to deal with.
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil readily admitted to the war engineer, that subaltern Heinë is almost as arrogant as he once was when he still had his vast amounts of power at his disposal.
And when Tovis asked Dorc da Orc, Shur Kee the monk, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Who all knew Mira Reinholt when he was the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
If the sorceress Heinë was anything like the mage Reinholt when he was younger and all powerful.
They all admitted there was similarities. Though Dorkindle mentioned that Mira, or Killer as he calls him. Was way more cunty than Heinë the sorceress could ever be.
And that the attractive looking subaltern hadn't had her hand cut off yet like what happened to Mira.
Which sent the ork general into fits of laughter. While Tovis frowned, as he had always thought the once powerful mage has his left arm, below the elbow, bitten off by a dragon.
The young engineer looks down at the subaltern, who is just a couple of inches over five foot in height.
And he quietly asks her in the elven language "Any spellcasters amongst the enemy who have turned up?".
The sorceress looks out at the enemy, predominantly from the province of Olind. Who are allies to the crown and king of Melaurn.
Heinë briefly senses so as not to give herself away to any enemy spellcasters who might be close.
She slightly nods, then turning to the war engineer, she says in the elven language "None here yet".
The attractive looking young woman, with light brown, almost blonde, shoulder length hair, continues with "Though I'm pretty certain there's at least one, maybe two, further back on the road still coming this way".
The young engineer originally from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a commanding officer in the armies of Farque, is silent for a few moments as he thinks about something.
Then the captain in the engineering corp of the first army of Farque quietly asks the subaltern "Think you can take them out once they're here?".
Heinë gives Tovis a haughty look implying that was one of the stupidest questions he's ever asked.
"Of course" says the sorceress in a tone of arrogance, who then adds in a slightly more respectful tone of voice "Captain".
The war engineer who is in charge of things here at castle Measum, and in what the locals call, Corlinda Corner.
Looks out at the enemy army as more and more of them turn up, as the afternoon gets later, and later.
Then as the enemy army, comprising of soldiers mainly from the province of Olind, as well as the provinces of Moleau and Mofosild.
Starts to send out some of their soldiers around to the north and south sides of the large castle that's the ancestral home of lord Measum.
Tovis the war engineer turns to his adjunct, and quietly tells him "Inform all our officers and sergeant at arms to be ready for an attack upon the enemy once nightfalls".
The young engineer then switches to the common language, and tells Dorc da Orc, Shur Kee the monk and sir Percavelle Lé Dic what he's just ordered.
Scowling as he wipes the sweat from his forehead, Dorc da Orc suddenly grins and says "Fucken get some".
As he contemplates the prospect of fighting the enemy once it's nighttime.
Here on another warm summer's day, in the northeast of the province of Corlinda, in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn . . . . . .