Tuesday 30 April 2019

Aftermath 2.

The Kingdom Of Nastell...

"Where are you going?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage "The ship" replies Lisell Maera who points to the krean strikeship, Fídiablo.
"We are definitely not going on that" says the once powerful mage who gestures over to some of the other airships as he adds "We'll be going on one of the others".
The messenger in the Farqian mercenary army lifts a questioning eyebrow, and in a slightly dry tone the mage Reinholt tells her "Trust me you don't want to be onboard there at the moment".
"Mira's right" says Helbe the elven thief who appears out of thin air, walking beside the exiled Vexilian mage and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Vexil.
"Hell, even I'm not traveling with them" adds the elven magic user who gestures towards the sleek looking warship in the distance as he says "Only the crew and those three, and the two dogs will be onboard it".
"That bad?" asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster "It is" is the reply of the young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel.
"To say those three are annoyed, especially him, would be an understatement" continues the highly talented elven spellcaster, who then adds "And since he's in such a mood, the wardogs are agitated too. Infact they're down right dangerous to be around at the moment".
Both Mira Reinholt and Lisell Maera slightly wince at that, then noticing what the elven masterthief is carrying, the runner in the scouts division of the Farqian mercenary army says "I gather that's not yours".
"Definitely not" says the elven master assassin as he hefts the mace he's carrying "Had to have lord Farque's sword adjust it" explains the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who then adds "Damn thing had a mind of it's own".
Mira Reinholt slightly nods his hooded head as he looks closely at the magical weapon that prince Helbenthril Raendril is carrying as the three of them walk towards the airships of the fleet, that are to the north of the city of Almaic, picking up their army.
"And the cleric himself?" asks the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands "Did you have to adjust him at all?" asks the mage Reinholt.
"Slightly" says the young elven noble who glances at his right shoulder, which Narladene the ground pixie has just settled upon.
"More tampering than adjusting" continues the elven magic user who points to an airship and says "We'll be going on that destroyer" he then adds "I just, shall we say, suggested if he'd like to join a mercenary army, and of course he agreed". Helbe the elven thief then says "Apart from that I've left his mind alone" followed by "He's all himself".
Both Lisell Maera, who is more commonly called Lis by those who know her well. And Mira Reinholt nod to that. Though they know there's going to be problems when lord Farque finally decides to meet the cleric in question.
Then Lis, an attractive young woman who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury asks "What's he like?.
"I like the fellow" declares sir Percavelle Lé Dic "You'd would" dryly murmurs Tamric Drubine in the elven language after he asked the heavily armoured knight what he thought about the cleric who has joined them, and is onboard somewhere.
"Oh he's a cleric mind you, and one who worships the wrong god" says the former earl of Lé Dic in his booming voice as they stand up in the bow of the destroyer they're on. As other ships, troop transporters and other warships, start to lift up off the ground, and into the air.
"But for all that, i doth like the chap" says the knight in the order of Saint Mar'che who was once a paladin "Where's he at?" asks the young field commander in the armies of Farque "Below deck" is the reply from sir Percavelle, who is more commonly called Percy by those who know him well. A name he isn't particularly enamoured with.
"In the galley breaking his fast" says the former paladin "I do believe the engineer chap is with him" adds the boisterous knight in the order of Saint Mar'che, who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he more commonly called by those who know him well, spots the two councillors Mira Reinholt and prince Helbenthril Raendril, along with Lisell Maera approaching the destroyer.
The nobleborn teenager who is from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin looks back along the deck of the airship, and spots Shur Kee the monk in a midships on the starboard side, watching Mira, Helbe and Lis approaching the warship.
Tam then looks to the city of Almaic away to the south. Where the last of the army of the robber baron Gergus, is departing. Heading back north to the border.
The robber baron who has taken over the armies of the three robber barons, Almard, Larimer and Markell. Who he had killed.
While upon the north wall of the city, are the men in the robber baron Solamard's army. Solamard who is the new duke of Phelm, the northern most duchy here in the kingdom of Nastell.
Once the mage, elven magic user and the messenger are onboard. The order from the captain comes to lift off.
And as the crew bring up the mooring lines. And the tri-masted warship starts to rise into the air. Helbe the elven thief hurries below deck with the mace he's carrying.
While Mira Reinholt and Lisell Maera, who are joined by Shur Kee the monk. Make their way forward to the bow deck, where Tamric Drubine is standing with sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The destroyer swings around to the south, in a wide circle as it slowly rises up into the morning sky.
"We heading back to the lands Farque?" asks Lisell Maera "Not quite" says field commander Drubine who continues with "We're to go to a rendezvous point, we're to pick up some others".
"Oh" says Lis, who then adds "Who?". "Dalin for starters" says the nobleborn teenager who was the heir to a former knight of castle Drubine, who after a slight pause adds "And Dorc too" he briefly pauses before saying "Hopefully".
"Hopefully not" murmurs Mira Reinholt, who thinks it would be good for the ork warleader to walk, anywhere really, just walk. So that he's out of the way, and not causing any mischief for the rest of them.
Ignoring sir Percavelle Lé Dic who says "Here, here" after hearing what the once powerful mage just murmured.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury says "And then back down to the lands Farque?".
"Ah, not quite" says Tam who continues with "We can't exactly because of who is onboard" the field commander then glances at the mage Reinholt.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his hooded head, then gestures towards the krean strikeship the Fídiablo which is the last airship in the fleet to lit off.
"He's not going to change the laws of his land for anyone" says the mage who is exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil "No matter who they are, and what role they may play in his overall plans" continues Mira Reinholt, who then adds "No clerics allowed in his lands, and he's sticking with that".
They all nod, even the former earl of Lé Dic. As they all know that clerics and magic using priests are forbidden in the lands Farque. And that only a small number of priests are allowed in each community in the lands ruled by the lord of the death realm.
Who for obvious reasons doesn't get along with those who believe in the gods of Volunell, who have the ability of magic.
"In time he might be allowed to visit the Krean Protectorate in the very north of Farque" says the highly skilled swordmaster "Though not anytime soon" adds the member of lord Farque's personal council.
As the group chat, continuing to talk about the newest member of their group. Who not all of them have met.
Lisell Maera walks port side, and looks aft. In the distance down on the ground. She sees the long lines of the combined army of Gergus the robber baron. Winding their way northwards in the early morning sunshine. On what feels like it will be a warm day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Though not scorching hot as it's been earlier in the week.
The messenger who is part of the scouts division in the Farqian mercenary army as the destroyer flies over the city of Almaic on it's way to the south.
Wonders how the robber baron Gergus fares. A man she spent an intimate night with earlier in the campaign. A campaign that led to the defeat of duke Hargen's army in the city of Almaic. And the duke taking his own life when his city fell to his enemies.
A man she knows she'll probably never see again. Who for a brief time in her life. Made her care for someone else apart from herself. Not something that comes easy for her.
Helbe the elven thief comes up on deck after handing the magical mace back to the cleric, who is down in the galley with the war engineer Tovis.
The first one in the group the young elven noble spots is the messenger Lisell Maera. Who is looking to aft.
The elven magic user doesn't even have to read her mind to know what she's thinking about.
The highly talented elven spellcaster who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, knows that Lis is thinking of her one time lover, the robber baron Gergus.
The elven princeling slightly sighs, as he has informed the undead warlord about that. Who didn't particularly care about it. Just as long as the attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury. Is still able to perform her duties without being distracted.
The highly talented elven spellcaster makes his way forward from a midships, keeping out of the way of the crew as the destroyer heads southwards. On it's way to pick up the cavalry commander Darid Parsen and his company. Who have hopefully found Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, along with Dorc da Orc.
The young elven noble who is the grandson of Prince Raendril, makes his way onto the bow deck and joins the rest of the group.
And after glancing over at Lisell Maera who is standing at the port rail, the elven masterthief says "He's chatting with Tovis down in the galley" in reply to his fellow councillor, the mage Reinholt asking him "Where is he?".
Helbe the elven thief looks at the others and wonders how many of them will get along with the cleric.
He knows Mira probably won't, as the once powerful mage has never liked clerics and their type of magic.
He suspects sir Percavelle, who despite him saying he likes the cleric. Will soon despise him. For the simple reason their personalities will clash. As they're quite similar. Though the cleric is no where near as pompous and boisterous as the large, heavily armoured knight.
The elven princeling guesses that both Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera will take the cleric at face value. And get along with him fine. They may not end up being the best of friends with him. But the two youngest members of the group do a pretty good job of getting along with anyone.
As for Shur Kee the monk. Helbe the elven thief isn't too sure. The acolyte in the order of Bru Li is more than tolerant of others beliefs.
But the short, statured monk who is an enigma anyway. Just might not like the cleric. All the elven magic user gets from reading Shur Kee's mind. Is that he's slightly curious about the newest member of the group.
As for the rest of the group. Narladene the ground pixie who is fluttering around the airship at the moment.
Doesn't particularly care for the cleric. For the simple reason they spent more than two days chasing the cleric across northern Nastell, before they were finally able to take him.
As for those not with the group at the moment. Prince Helbenthril Raendril guesses Darid Parsen the cavalry commander will just get along with the cleric, no matter if he likes him or not.
The same with Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. Who'll work alongside the cleric even if he doesn't particularly like him.
While as for Dorc da Orc. The young elven noble knows the large ork will hate the cleric. Which isn't much of surprise. As the ork warleader hates everyone. He just hates some people less than others.
Though the elven master archer suspects the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Will end up hating the cleric a lot. For the simple reason he'd remind Dorkindle too much of sir Percavelle Lé Dic. The person in the group the ork weaponsmith hates the most.
As for the leader of the group, lord Farque. There's no need to guess what he thinks about the newest member of the group.
Helbe the elven thief looks over at the krean strikeship the Fídiablo, which is to aft, on the starboard quarter, a couple hundred yards away.
The elven envoy doesn't know if it's imagination. But he's pretty sure he can feel the anger emanating from onboard the following krean warship.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril then turns around when sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "There's the young engineer fellow".
All of them turn to look aft, to a midships, where they see Tovis the war engineer has just come up on deck.
Then coming up the ladder onto the deck behind the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic, they see the latest person to join their group.
A member of the church of Glaine from here in the duchy of Phelm. The cleric named Beldane . . . . . .

Monday 29 April 2019


The Kingdom Of Nastell...

"They're definitely behind us somewhere" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. Beside him, both Shawtus and Smawfri McQuade nod in agreement as they look back in the direction they've come from.
The young squad leader Barron looks back too, then he shrugs and says "I've no idea" in response to the spy Tanith asking him "Do you think we're still in Phelm?".
They've fled south after the city of Almaic fell to the enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains.
With them are others who have also fled the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Mostly soldiers, along with a few nobles and court officials.
"I don't think they'll follow us into Molnah" says Barron referring to the duchy to the south and southwest of Phelm "That's if i knew where we actually are" mutters the young squad leader.
"Keep moving" says Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well, and the name he's been using since infiltrating duke Hargen's army. Not that the duke's army actually exists anymore.
The four of them hurry up the track that winds it's way up a hill in amongst the woodlands they're in.
Which Barron has guessed is in the estates of sir Yarrim the sorcerer, along the southern border of the duchy of Phelm.
As they head uphill, they encounter the stragglers of those fleeing south after the defeat at Almaic. The young squad leader hurries them up, not caring that some of them are court officials and nobleborn.
The threat of execution by the enemy spurs them on. As none of them want to fall into the hands of the enemy who have defeated duke Hargen's army.
They top the hill, where the rest of the small squad is waiting for them. And as the other refugees from Almaic continue down the track that goes southwards down the otherside of the hill.
They look back to the north in the direction they've come from. And it's the sharp eyed elf who is the first to spot the following enemy.
"There" says Dalinvardél Tanith who is originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, who is now part of the armies of Farque.
Seeing which particular enemy are after them, Shawtus McQuade mutters "Shit" and his slightly younger and slightly shorter cousin Smawfri adds "Fuck". The two dwarven warriors who hail from the Sunreach Mountains then mutter in unison "Shit fuck".
"What is it?" asks Barron, who can just make out the enemy who are pursuing them through the woods when Dalin points them out to him.
"That lot all in black" sourly says Shawtus McQuade, who along with his cousin, were once co-chieftains of their clan.
The young squad leader grimaces, then says "They're on horseback too". "And moving fast" adds the elven spy, who looks away to the south the direction the track they've been following, goes.
"Keep going" says the elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae "The next hill to the south could be over the border for all we know" adds the spy Tanith who continues with "Hopefully they won't follow you there".
The McQuade cousins quickly glance at the tall elf in the grey hooded cloak, then the two dwarven warriors share a look of understanding.
While Barron slightly frowns, then says "You?" followed by "Don't you mean us?". The young squad leader continues with "What about you?".
The elven spy who infiltrated duke Hargen's army shrugs, then with a slight smile on his youthful looking face, says "I won't be coming" followed by "Someone has to distract them and lead them off in another direction so you lot can escape".
The young squad leader is about to argue that point, when Shawtus McQuade grabs him by the arm, and says "Come on lad, let's go".
While Smawfri McQuade says to the rest of their small squad, who survived a battle along the northern border of the kingdom, as well as the fall of the cities of Savariss and Almaic "Get moving" as he gestures down the track that heads down the otherside of the hill.
Dalinvardél Tanith nods to the two dwarven mercenaries, who nod back in return to him. Then the elven spy turns, and runs back down the way they've come from.
Shawtus McQuade, who almost has to haul Barron forward down the south side of the wooded hill, says "Come on lad, don't let his sacrifice been in vain".
"Besides, if there's one bloke who might get away from them, it'll be the ranger" adds Smawfri McQuade, as they hurry down the track following after the rest of their small squad, and the other refugees who they've met up with, who have fled the city of Almaic.
They continue in a mix of running and walking throughout the middle of the afternoon. And once they top the next hill in the woodland. Which is indeed across the border in the duchy of Molnah. They look back to the north, in the direction they've come from.
Breathing heavily, the young squad leader Barron says "Can you see him?" followed by "Can you see them?".
Both of the McQuade cousins shade their eyes with a hand to the brow as they look to the north, trying to find any sign of the mercenary ranger they know as Dalin, and the enemy who have been pursuing them.
After a long moment of silence, it's Smawfri McQuade who points away to the northeast and says "There" followed by "Horses riding east".
"How far?" asks the young squad leader "About four miles" is the reply from the slightly younger and slightly shorter of the dwarven cousins.
"They must be chasing after him" adds the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven mercenaries who hail from the Sunreach Mountains.
"Any sign of him?" asks Barron, after a while, the McQuade cousins both shake their heads no.
Then Shawtus McQuade says "They're still riding east away from us through the woods, so they must not of caught him yet". His cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement.
"That's something i guess" quietly says the young squad leader, who hopes the elven mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae, is able to evade the enemy who had been pursuing them.
"Hell, do you know how long it took to find you?" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander as he looks at the rider on the horse beside him.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy shrugs then says "I've no idea".
"For bloody ever it felt like" says the cavalry officer who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"Sorry about that, but i had to lead some people to safety" says the spy Tanith, commander Parsen grunts then says "No harm i guess" followed in a slightly dry tone with "Apart from the fact we're not part of the new duke's army".
"Oh?" says Dalin, who then asks the cavalry commander "Who is the new duke then?". "Solamard" is the reply from councillor Parsen.
The elven spy blinks in surprise, then says in a tone as equally surprised "Really?" followed by "I thought it would of been Larimer or Almard, and if not one of those two, then Gergus". As he would of guessed the youngest of the five robber barons from the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, would be the one to survive and be the new duke of Phelm, if either Larimer or Almard didn't take the ducal seat for themselves.
"Well" says the cavalry commander, who in actuality is really a hordes outrider by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen.
"Actually Gergus could of been the new duke" adds commander Parsen, who continues on with "But instead, he now has all of the southern reaches north of the border as his domain".
Dalin lifts an eyebrow in surprise at that. And as they, and the cavalry company led by the cavalry commander rides eastwards through the woodlands here in the south of the duchy of Phelm.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman explains to the elven spy what's happened, in how the robber baron Gergus made his fellow robber baron Solamard the new duke of Phelm. After having the other three robber barons, Larimer, Almard and Markell killed off.
They ride throughout the afternoon, and as they do, Dalinvardél Tanith asks the member of lord Farque's personal council "Where are we headed?".
"We're getting picked up by one of our airships" says commander Parsen "The strikeship?" asks the spy Tanith.
Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson winces then says "Ah no".
Seeing the grimace on the face of the cavalry commander, the elven spy asks him "What is it?".
The councillor shakes his head, then sourly smiles. And after a few moments of silence, Darid Parsen explains to Dalin what else has happened since he fled the city of Almaic.
"What the hell?" mutters the spy Tanith who infiltrated the army of duke Hargen, in which he did as much as possible to sabotage the plans of the then duke's army. Whilst feeding information about duke Hargen's army to his own army, the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"A cleric?" adds Dalinvardél Tanith in a mutter of disbelief.
"It's true" says commander Parsen "Have you met him?" asks the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae.
"Not yet" says the councillor, who continues with "The royal thief was still trying to find him and bring him in when i left to look for you" Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, briefly pauses before adding "And to look for someone else".
"Oh?" says Dalin as the cavalry company starts riding through land where the trees are starting to spread out, with wide open spaces now between some of them.
"We're to find him before we rendezvous with the ship" says the cavalry commander.
After he rides around a clump of trees, and gets into some open ground where he gets alongside commander Parsen's mount again, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy asks the councillor "Who?".
"Cunt" growls Dorc da Orc as he glares at the Mareb river which they've come alongside of once again.
The large ork stands there glaring at the wide river, while Teabagger the goblin Cunt sits upon a nearby rock in the late afternoon sun, on what's been a warm summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Though no where near as hot as it's been in previous days.
The small, bright green goblin who is the commander of a battalion of his own kind, within the armies of Farque. Sourly smiles as his general starts undoing his grubby knee length pants.
Teabagger looks the other way as the ork warleader drops his pants, backs up a couple of steps, crouches at the edge of the water, and proceeds to spray shit into the Mareb river, chuckling as he does so.
"Take that you cunt river" chortles the big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world.
Grunting as he squirts runny shit into the river, the ork warleader looks over at the small, bright green goblin sitting on a nearby rock.
"Cunt you wanna poo in the river too?" asks the ork weaponsmith who is a member of the wolf tribe of orks.
"No boss, i mean general" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt who is still looking away "That's alright" adds the goblin commander.
"You're fucken loss" says Dorkindle, who grunts in effort as he sprays a last bit of runny looking green, black shit across the surface of the river.
Chuckling to himself, the large ork hops forward, pulls up his knee length pants, tightens the belt, and looks back at what he's done.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grins in pleasure at seeing his shit float down the Mareb river.
Teabagger rolls his eyes, and gets up when his general says "Let's go cunt". The two of them continue northwards, keeping the river Mareb to their right. Though just out of sight, as Dorc da Orc doesn't want to look at it.
It's approaching dusk, and they're on an empty road just west of the Mareb river, when the warleader of the ork race, grunts then suddenly stops and mutters "Smells like fucken water".
Teabagger is just about to mention the river Mareb is only a hundred yards or so away to their right, when his general points to a low rise in the distance to their left, which the road leads up to.
The goblin commander looks that way too, and the next moment they suddenly see a figure standing there, waving at them.
"Yuck one of them" says the big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world.
"One of our scouts" says the small, bright, green goblin who is pretty sure he recognises the figure in the distance on the low rise.
"That's one of the water elementals in the cavalry" adds the commander of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Yeah cunt" grunts Dorc da Orc as they continue on their way along the hard packed road, heading for the low rise.
A little bit later as they're making their way up the rise, the large ork murmurs "Ooohhh horsey" in delight.
And when they top the rise, where they're met by the scout, the water elemental spouter Zaneff.
They look away to the west, where in the fading light at the end of the day, they see the cavalry company led by Darid Parsen riding this way . . . . . .

Sunday 28 April 2019

Aftermath - Prologue.

The Kingdom Of Nastell...

Teabagger the goblin Cunt sourly smiles as he looks towards the barn where he hears the bleating of goats in distress.
The small, bright green goblin who is originally from the southern kingdom of Melaurn. Then looks over at the farmhouse that's been so recently abandoned.
He then looks beyond the barn, to the woods where the family fled to when they saw them approaching.
And he spots a bunch of young goats, and a milking cow. Hurrying towards the woods after escaping from the rear of the barn.
Teabagger slightly winces as he hears a goat in distress from within the barn. The goblin commander in the armies of Farque. Shakes his head, and rolls his eyes. Then he turns and walks away.
The small, bright, lurid green goblin makes his way towards a tree down the wagon track that leads to the farmhouse.
There he sits in the shade beneath the branches of the tree on what's a warm summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Where he starts to doze as he waits.
They spent nearly a day and a half on the river Mareb. Unable to get off, because Dorc da Orc just sat in the middle of the raft. Refusing to help Teabagger get them to the riverbank.
They only got to one bank when Teabagger eventually got into the water, and pushed the raft as he swam.
It took half the morning  to get to the riverbank. That the small, bright green goblin was thoroughly exhausted when he finally got onto firm ground again.
While his general, the ork warleader Dorc da Orc. Still in a miserable mood after being drenched from two nights before. Didn't even acknowledge the hard work and effort it took the goblin commander to get them off the river.
They've been making their way north, back to the city of Almaic. The capital of the duchy of Phelm. Here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
After walking throughout the rest of the morning, and now into the afternoon. They've stopped at a farm here in the south of the Duchy.
The first sign of civilization they've come across after getting off the Mareb river.
And after the farmers fled, and Teabagger went into the farmhouse and got some food and supplies after leaving some coins on the kitchen table.
He came outside and found that his general had gone into the barn. And after approaching the barn and hearing what was going on inside of it.
The small, bright green goblin who is the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque. Quickly backed away, and is now dozing in the shade of the branches of a tree, next to the wagon track that leads up to the farmhouse.
Teabagger wakes up with a start when he hears a grunt, followed by "Get up cunt". And finds his general standing nearby, scowling at him.
The goblin commander gets up, then after looking around, Teabagger the goblin Cunt says "North?".
"Yeah cunt" replies Dorc da Orc as they resume their journey northwards to the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
As they walk down the wagon track, heading for a nearby road. The small, bright, green goblin looks back to the farmhouse and the barn near it, then says to his general "Goats?".
With a look of disgust upon his broad, green feral looking face, the ork weaponsmith from the southern polar region of the world says "Get fucked cunt" followed by "It was sheeps not goats".
Teabagger refrains from snorting in disbelief as he sees his general doing his best not to grin, and failing badly at it.
Then the goblin commander hears the ork warleader mutter "Fuck up whore" as he glares at the large skull tied to his belt, followed by "Me not a dirty goat fucker". Then the unintelligible mutterings in the ork language as he continues to glare at the skull on his belt.
The small, bright green goblin just slightly shakes his head as the two of them continue to walk northwards, as they return to the city of Almaic.
As they do, Teabagger wonders how the battle is going there. If it's still going at all.
In the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Mira Reinholt the mage is making his way through the ducal palace.
There's a number of others in the Farqian mercenary army with the once powerful mage. Including the messenger Lisell Maera.
But they're following the exiled Vexilian mage who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The spellcaster in black, spots a Farqian officer at the other end of a hall, who waves for the mage Reinholt to come this way.
"Where?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage when he gets to the otherside of the hall.
"Down the hallway here, and in a chamber to the right councillor" is the reply from the Farqian officer in the black uniform.
The mage, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster, nods his hooded head then asks "Everyone there and in place?".
"They're all there" is the reply from the officer in elven, the language the two of them are speaking.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Nods for the others to follow him. Then once they've gone down the hallway, and turned to the right. They find the chamber in question. Which is guarded by a quartet of soldiers in the Farqian mercenary army.
Mira Reinholt glances behind him, then says "Lis with me" followed by "The rest of you stay out here".
The member of lord Farque's personal council nods for one of the soldiers to open the doors to the chamber.
And as the Vexilian mage in exile and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury enter the chamber. The swordmaster Reinholt quietly says in elven to the messenger "Stay behind me".
Inside the large chamber are the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, who have banded together to wage a campaign of war against the duchy of Phelm, and it's duke, Hargen.
With them, are their seconds, and others of their senior staff. Who all turn to see who has entered the chamber. While there's others in the large chamber. All soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"He's dead" confirms the mage Reinholt, who as the door closes behind Lis and himself, continues with "His body was found up his personal chambers, seems he took his own life rather than be taken prisoner".
All of the robber barons nod at that, as they wouldn't expect anything less from duke Hargen after he and his army were finally defeated, and the city of Almaic taken from him.
The swordmaster from the city-state of Vexil, who is now a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then says "The duchy of Phelm is now yours to do with it as you please".
The once powerful mage continues on with "And since you've made your final payment yesterday, and your contract with us in now complete we'll be leaving the city to you lot, along with the prisoners we've taken".
Councillor Reinholt then steps back and nods, as he does he puts up a barrier spell infront of himself and Lisell Maera.
As he does, the Farqian soldiers in the large chamber who already have weapons in hand, move forward and attack the robber barons of the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains. Well, three out of the five robber barons. Along with the senior staff of those three.
And in a matter of moments, there's more than fifteen dead bodies on the floor. Including the robber barons Almard, Larimer and Markell. As well as their seconds.
After a moment's pause, the robber baron Gergus turns to his fellow robber baron Solamard and tells him "You're the new duke of Phelm".
Gergus, the youngest of the five robber barons who banded together to wage war upon the duchy of Phelm then says to the stunned looking Solamard "You can have your people come down here and join you".
Gergus, who made a separate deal with the mercenary army from the lands Farque on the first night of the battle for the city of Almaic, then says "I'll be taking over all the southern reaches".
He gestures at the trio of dead robber barons and adds "They definitely don't need it anymore, and now, nor do you". He briefly pauses, then says "Duke Solamard".
The robber baron Solamard, who realises that Gergus now controls more land than any robber baron in the Colevar Mountains has ever held. Or for that matter, more than any duke of Phelm, which is the largest duchy in the kingdom of Nastell, slowly nods his head.
"Clever" grudgingly says the robber baron Solamard, who is relieved that he isn't dead like the other three robber barons.
Gergus slightly nods, then says "Know this, don't get any ideas of coming north at some time in the future" gesturing at the trio of dead robber barons once again, he adds "I've got their armies now, so best not to get any ideas to expand to the north of the border".
The youngest of the robber barons who invaded the duchy of Phelm, then says "Besides you'll be too busy trying to get those who fled the city when it was falling into our hands".
Solamard nods to that, as he knows that as the new duke of Phelm, he has to get the entire duchy under control.
The robber baron Gergus nods to mage Reinholt and says "Councillor". Then after glancing at Lisell Maera, he leads his second Barrix and others of his senior staff, out of the chamber.
Looking at the spellcaster all in black, the robber baron Solamard says "You wouldn't mind if i have a new agreement with".
"Unfortunately no" says Mira Reinholt as he interrupts the robber baron, he continues on with "As you might of guessed, Gergus rehired us. And part of that agreement was not to help you in anyway" the once powerful mage then adds "Sorry about that". Not sounding sorry at all.
Then the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster "You're the new duke of Phelm, I'm sure you'll be get things sorted here eventually".
The exiled Vexilian mage nods his hooded head for the Farqian soldiers to exit the large chamber. The soldiers in black, all assassins, make their way from the chamber, with the scout, the subaltern Jaxs the last to leave.
"My lord duke" says Mira Reinholt to the robber baron Solamard, who he nods to, before turning, and along with Lisell Maera, make their way from the large chamber.
While in the chamber, the robber baron Solamard, the new duke of Phelm. Along with his second, and others of his senior staff.
Stand amongst the bodies of the three other robber barons, their seconds and senior staff. Who were all murdered infront of them just a short time ago.
Outside of the city of Almaic, about two and a half miles to the north of the capital city of the duchy of Phelm.
The krean strikeship Fídiablo is moored to the ground. Standing a few hundred feet infront of the sleek looking mastless airship, is a large figure in dark armour. Who is looking away into the distance towards the nearby city.
The undead scout Dargaven makes his way towards where his lord is standing. He sees the two undead wardogs Axe and Hammer are not that far from their master.
Even from where he is, Dargaven can tell they're agitated. As they prowl around in circles. Growling, and occasionally snapping at one another.
The undead scout will keep well away from them. As they've obviously picked up the mood of their master.
Dargaven doesn't walk directly towards his lord, he veers away to one side. To where the undead wardog handler Jessup is standing about forty yards from the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
For Jessup to be out of the way of the wardogs is a sure sign that being near them it's not exactly the safest place to be at the moment.
Coming to a stop next to Jessup, Dargaven glances in the direction of his lord, then he looks at the undead wardog handler he's standing next to.
Jessup lifts a questioning eyebrow, and Dargaven nods his full helmed head in reply.
Jessup takes a deep breath, even though he doesn't breathe. Then he turns to the left, and makes his way to where the undead warlord is standing by himself.
Jessup inwardly winces as the two wardogs stop their prowling, and snapping at one another. And instead growl at him as he approaches their master.
With a slightly raised gauntleted hand from their master, the two massive canines stop their growling, and sit down as they continue to watch Jessup approach the heavily armoured deathlord.
Stopping a half a dozen yards from his lord, the undead wardog hander waits for the lord and ruler of the lands Farque to look away from the city of Almaic, and look his way.
When he does, Jessup the senior wardog hander quietly says "His highness is on his way my lord".
Lord Farque just replies with a slight nod of his full helmed head, then goes back to looking towards the city of Almaic.
Jessup turns and walks away, making his way back to where Dargaven is standing. As he does, the two undead wardogs resume their prowling and circling as they growl at anything, and occasionally snap at one another.
They stand there throughout the middle of the afternoon, when eventually a figure in a white hooded cloak appears out of thin air, not far from where Jessup and Dargaven are standing.
Helbe the elven thief makes his way to where the two undead are standing. The young elven noble immediately notices that no one else is around. Apart from lord Farque and two of his undead wardogs. With only the krean strikeship Fídiablo nearby.
As he approaches Jessup and Dargaven, the undead scout Dargaven gestures for him to continue on to where the deathlord of Farque is standing.
And as he walks towards the undead warlord, the elven masterthief sees the prowling wardogs, stop and look at him, they don't stop growling as he approaches their master.
The elven princeling refrains from wincing as the two massive animals growl as they watch him. They only fall silent when their master slightly raises a gauntleted hand.
And even then, when they sit and continue to watch the elven magic user, he gets the distinct feeling they would like nothing better, than to rip him to pieces.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril stops just short of the large heavily armoured deathlord, and doesn't say anything as the lord and ruler of the lands Farque is looking towards the city of Almaic in the distance.
And when the undead warlord eventually looks his way, Helbe the elven thief just says "My lord".
After a few moments of silence, lord Farque says one word "Well?".
"He's in our camp" is the reply of the young elven noble who hails from the island principality of Laerel "Took me two bloody days to get him" mutters the elven master assassin.
"I know he's there, i can fucking well sense him" sourly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, which causes the elven magic user to wince.
Then the elven master assassin hears what can only be a sigh from within the full helm of the undead warlord, who after a few moments of silence says "You absolutely sure of this?".
Helbe the elven thief winces again, then nods his hooded head yes.
There's a moment of silence, then lord Farque mutters "Fuck" he briefly pauses then adds in a sour tone "A cleric".

Wednesday 17 April 2019

The Hire 152.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The City Of Almaic...

Just to the north of the city of Almaic, in a fortification just off to one side of the road that leads up to the city gates.
The young field commander Tamric Drubine yawns as he's sitting upon an archers platform. Watching the continued attack on the north wall of Almaic this night.
The magical attack, which has been going for quite some time. Has only slacked off in the last little while. As the spellcasters in the armies led by the two field commanders Drubine and Leivyn, are finally getting tired.
As are those amongst the enemy who are maintaining the wards along the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The nobleborn teenager who is originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin, scoots over as Mira Reinholt the mage climbs the ladder to the top of the archers platform, and sits down next to the young field commander.
"Well?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine in the elven language "We've agreed to it" is the quiet reply from Mira Reinholt the mage.
The youngest of the trio of field commanders in the Farqian mercenary army nods his head. As he knows that both Mira Reinholt, and his fellow council member, the cavalry commander Darid Parsen.
Have quickly negotiated a deal with the robber baron Gergus for after the battle is won here at Almaic. And duke Hargen of Phelm is finally defeated.
Only the field commanders Drubine and Leivyn. Along with the two council members Reinholt and Parsen. As well as the messenger Lisell Maera.
Know of the new deal with just one of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, once the war for the duchy of Phelm is finally over.
"All we have to do is take the city and defeat the duke" quietly says Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
"Which isn't proving difficult" adds the young field commander in a slightly dry tone of voice as he watches a wave of blue and green energy, ripple against the section of the north wall of the city that's under magical attack.
With a shake of his hooded head, and with a slight smile upon his face, the mage Reinholt quietly says "The young, always wanting everything right now".
Looking sideways at the once powerful mage, the nobleborn teenager says "You're not exactly old Mira".
"I'm nearly thirty five years old" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil "I'm feeling all those years tonight" mutters the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
As he's basically out of power, only having whats within him. As he's used everything he had stored in the spell gems he has on him.
And the fact the wood of the archers platform he's sitting on, is hard on his rear end, and is slowly numbing his butt.
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, then tells the young field commander "Besides the night isn't over yet, we could make a break through any moment now".
"Dorc and those goblins of his?" asks the nobleborn teenager who is a former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in the north of the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"If anyone is going to succeed, it's that lot" says the swordmaster Reinholt who then silently adds, especially with that fat, fucking, crazy idiot leading them.
After looking through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece at the gates in the north wall of the city, Tam quietly asks the Vexilian mage in exile "What was that we heard earlier?" he then adds "Anyone figure out what it was?".
"That second warship they had in the palace crashed somewhere over the western side of the city" says the once powerful mage, who continues with "Well, we can't hear any magetubes firing over that way, so that's the most obvious thing that's happened".
The young field commander nods, then quietly says "Talbot might be making some real progress over there tonight" he follows that with "They might be in the city already".
"Let's hope so" murmurs Mira Reinholt, who shifts around to get more comfortable on the hard wooden platform the two of them are sitting on as they continue to observe the magical attack upon a section of the north wall of Almaic, just to the west of the city gates.
And though a large section of the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital is continually lit up as spells repeatedly hit it.
The bulk of the north wall of the city remains in darkness, or near darkness as now two of the moons are up in the sky tonight. Offering a little bit more illumination.
The mage Reinholt with his own brass, cylindrical eyepiece, which is wrapped in leather. Looks along the top of the wall. Seeing mainly the silhouettes of the enemy on the walkway that goes along the top of the north wall of Almaic.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster then looks down at the base of the wall. Going from east to west, briefly looking at the various sally ports in the wall. Which can be identified as you can just make out the outlines of them in the stonework.
The exiled Vexilian mage briefly looks at the main gates of the north wall. Before continuing to look along the base of the longest wall in the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Taking the eyepiece away from his face, Mira Reinholt, whose family owns one of the largest trading companies not just in Vexil, but all of the Southlands.
Quietly says to the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin "If we can't make a breakthrough sometime tonight, we'll have to resume the full on assault upon the wall at dawn tomorrow".
"I know" quietly says the young field commander as the two of them converse in the elven language.
"I've spoken to Leivyn about it already" adds Tamric Drubine who continues with "And we're in agreement with the resumption of the assault by our forces".
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head, then stops what he was about to say, as someone is climbing the ladder to the platform the two of them are sitting on.
It's the messenger Lisell Maera, who once she's on the platform, takes off her cloak. Scrunches it up, and sits on it.
"Darid get sick of you?" asks Tam "Something like that" replies Lisell Maera who is more commonly called Lis by those who know her well.
"Thought I'd annoy you two, since there's not much for me to do at the moment" adds the attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury.
Infact, Lis wanted to get away from where the robber barons are observing the magical attack upon the north wall of Almaic. Especially after the proposition that the robber baron Gergus came to her with.
Looking sideways at the mage Reinholt beside her, Lisell Maera quietly asks the member of lord Farque's personal council "Did you come to agreement with him?".
Knowing who and what Lis is referring to, the once powerful mage slightly nods his hooded head, then quietly says "We have".
There's a few moments of silence from the three of them sitting upon the archers platform, then the messenger in the armies of Farque quietly asks "How will it be done?".
"Might be a bit messy to instantly fight another battle after we've just won here" quietly says the Vexilian mage in exile, who ignores Tam muttering "That's if we'll ever win here" and tells the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury "Probably best if we just eliminate those out of the five who, shall we say, are surplus to requirement".
Lisell Maera nods her head in understanding, then looks to the north wall of the city of Almaic, to the section of it that's been under magical attack since just after nightfall.
The three of them look away to the right along the top of the wall, as one of the magetubes the enemy have up there, fires a shot that reverberates through the night.
"That's the first one in a while" says Lis as they watch the fourteen foot wide ball of pure energy streak through the night sky, heading towards the battlelines and part of the camp, that the army led by field commander Leivyn are in.
"They're low on power" says Mira Reinholt, who then dryly adds "Just like me".
Both Tam and Lis slightly grin at that, then the spellcaster who is originally from the city-state of Vexil, who is now a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, says "They need to top them up with power again" he continues with "Which they won't do until the morning, after they've rested".
The once powerful mage gestures to the section of the north wall of Almaic that's been under continued magical attack since earlier in the night, and he says "Takes a lot of effort and power to maintain wards that are continually bombarded, wether by magic or other methods".
Both the young woman from Brattonbury, and the nobleborn teenager from Sarcrin who have known one another for eight years now, who met when Tam was nine, and Lis was eleven years old. Nod in understanding as they both have an inkling that spellcasters need to rest after expending a lot of their power.
"It's why our attacks aren't as frequent as they were earlier in the night" adds the mage Reinholt, just as an energyball cast by one of the sorcerers in the army led by field commander Drubine, slams into the enemy wards just to the west of the gates in the north wall of Almaic, and explodes in a cascade of red energy and sparks.
"Wonder how long they can hold out for?" muses Lisell Maera, the answer from councillor Reinholt is interrupted by one of the lookouts on the next archers platform along which subcommander Waiamin is on.
"Movement along the top of the wall" calls out the lookout in the elven language.
"Where?" asks Tamric Drubine as both he and Mira Reinholt look through their brass, cylindrical eyepieces.
"On our half of the wall field commander" says the lookout on the next archers platform referring to the eastern half of the north wall of Almaic.
"About three quarters of the way from the gates" continues the lookout.
"Something's happening there" adds subcommander Waiamin from the other archers platform.
"There" murmurs Tam as he spots the enemy movement along the top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Next to him, the swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head as he looks through his leather wrapped, brass, cylindrical eyepiece, and sees some of the enemy hurrying along a section of the wall, then disappearing from view.
"They're heading down off the wall there" quietly says the mage Reinholt, both Tam and Lis look at the once powerfull mage, then the young field commander asks the council member "You think?".
"Could be" is the reply from the highly skilled swordmaster, who after watching some of the enemy disappear from view as they hurry down off the top of the wall.
He looks down at the base of the wall, going back along it towards the city gates. Next to him, the nobleborn teenager is doing the same thing.
Then after Lisell Maera quietly says "You hear that?" as she thinks she hears a slight thud from the north wall of Almaic.
Subcommander Waiamin calls out from the next platform along "Further to the left, in the direction of the river". The subcommander without waiting for his field commander, starts issuing orders.
"Well, would you look at that" murmurs Mira Reinholt as he spots it, a moment later Tamric Drubine spots it too, and grins.
"There's your breakthrough you've been waiting for" says the member of the lord Farque's personal council, as he continues to look through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece.
To the base of the north wall of Almaic, about a quarter of the way from the eastern end, where there's a hole in the wall, where one of the sally ports was.
Just outside of the hole in the wall, stands a goblin from the battalion of goblins in the Farqian mercenary army. It's one of the goblin officers, by the name of Youdead. Who is jumping up and down, and waving as he grins. Until he stumbles, and trips over his own feet, and falls flat on his face.

Author's Note - Here ends "The Hire". The main storyline will return in "Aftermath".

Tuesday 16 April 2019

The Hire 151.

The City Of Almaic...

On the east side of the city of Almaic. Along the boulevard that runs down that side of the city. And amongst the neighbourhoods closest to the Mareb river.
A number of the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Have fought their way through the defenders along this side of the city. And entered the city itself.
One of the last goblins is a small dark green one, simply renamed Shit by his general.
Who has an enemy arrow in his side. And who doesn't make it across the boulevard into the city.
But instead stumbles inside one of the towers along the riverbank. Where he trips over, avoiding an enemy's sword that would of taken his head off.
And as he lies there on the floor at the bottom of the tower. He twists one end of what he's holding. Which is a mage canister.
Wincing as he looks back across the long boulevard, where he sees one of the watchtowers along the waterfront loudly explode, and go instantly up in flames like an out of control candle.
The goblin Youdead shouts out in his native language for any of the others in the battalion who might still be on the long boulevard, to head into the city.
Youdead does that too. Though after he looks to the south along the Mareb river. Where he last saw his general and his commander who were swept downriver some time ago.
Once again not seeing the two of them. He heads into the city. Youdead who is one of the officers in the goblin battalion in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Runs down a dark lane, at the end of which, are two others in the battalion who are waiting for him.
Youdead and the two others with him turn north. As he knows the others in the goblin battalion who have entered the city of Almaic are doing right now.
For their plan this night once they got off the river, and entered Almaic, is to head north through the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
And get to the north wall of the city. Where they're to either open the main gates on the north side of Almaic. Or to open one or more of the many sally ports along the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
Youdead and the two others with him, are soon joined by three more in their battalion. And they head quickly and quietly through the streets here in the eastern quarter of the city.
Hardly tripping over their own feet, or each other's as they make their way northwards through the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Meanwhile, across on the otherside of the city. In the west of Almaic. Just within the city itself. Within where a wall would normally of been built along this side of the largest city here in the duchy.
Tovis the war engineer winces as hears the barrage of magetubes firing again. From an enemy airship in the sky somewhere a bit further within the city.
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, who is now a captain in the armies of Farque. Looks at his second in command, the sorcerer Larris.
"Think you can take down a warship" quietly asks Tovis the war engineer in the elven language as they follow the scout Jaxs and others through a series of lanes and side street, here in the western quarter of the city of Almaic.
"If there's no wards on it i could" replies Larris the sorcerer in the same language, who is holding his power within himself at the moment, so as not to give himself away to enemy spellcasters.
The two of them, and others in the group with them. Look straight up into the night sky above the lane they're in. And they see a number of magetube shots go roaring by, as they pass overhead.
On their way to hitting the ground somewhere just outside the city proper. Most likely amongst the army led by field commander Talbot, which they're part of. Which is attacking this side of the city that's the provincial capital.
"It doesn't matter if i can take down an airship or not" quietly says the sorcerer Larris as they continue down the lane they're in.
The fairly powerful sorcerer in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, slightly nods behind the two of them, at who's following them as he quietly adds "The councillor can" followed by "And with ease i believe".
Captain Tovis nods in agreement, as he glances back at Shur Kee the monk who is following behind the two of them.
"We need to find him a spot with an unobstructed view of that airship" quietly says the young engineer who was once the war engineer to a certain baron Harkonin in the eastern region of the kingdom of Druvic.
The sorcerer Larris nods his head in agreement, then after they briefly pause at the end of the lane. Then one by one they cross a dark street to another lane. The sorcerer in the armies of Farque quietly says "We need to tell the others".
The captain who commands the engineering corp in the Farqian mercenary army quietly calls out in elven to Jaxs that they need to stop and talk about something.
The scout who is a subaltern in the armies of Farque, who also happens to be a trained assassin. Has a quiet word with the other subaltern and the sergeant at arms, whose squad they've joined up with.
The order to stop is given, apart from two scouts who continue forward. Whilst the war engineer, his second in command, make their way forward. Followed by the short, statured monk wearing the odd, conical shaped hat. Who is an honorary member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Once they've stopped at the edge of a small square at the intersection of four buildings. Tovis briefly explains in the elven language what needs to be done as they hear the enemy warship firing some of it's magetubes again.
"Up on a roof perhaps" says the sergeant at arms "Or a wide street where you can see a bit more of the night sky" adds the subaltern of the squad they've joined. Which is predominantly made up of those in their own army. With less than ten who are in the army of the robber baron Markell.
"Whatever it is, the closer the better" quietly says the sorcerer Larris, who continues with "The enemy won't know what the hell it is, and the less time they have to try and figure it out, the better".
"Makes sense" quietly says the young engineer who is from the kingdom of Druvic.
Then as the subaltern starts issuing orders, mainly to do with finding a spot to see the enemy warship that's somewhere above this quarter of the city.
The war engineer and his second in command turn to the physical adept behind them, and in the common language, Tovis the war engineer quietly says to him "Councillor we were wondering if there was something you could do".
"Of course" quietly says Shur Kee the monk, who has a feeling what's going to be asked of him, and he adds "Is it do with that?" as he points in the direction they can hear the enemy warship firing some of it's magetubes once more.
Captain Tovis nods his head, then they all turn as a quiet call comes from the otherside of the small square. They cross it, where they find the scout Jaxs talking with one of the others. Who informs them that the enemy airship can be seen from the side street at the other end of the building they're next to.
They make their way along the side of the building, once they're at the end of it. First Jaxs, then Tovis, followed by Larris look away to the left down a street. And they get their first view of the enemy warship in the night sky.
"Bit too far away" says the sorcerer Larris, Tovis the war engineer nods in agreement, then turns and gestures the short statured monk forward. Who looks around the corner and spots the battlecruiser in the sky, which is easy to see as it has a number of lamps lit for running lights. And the fact every so often, it's port side magetubes are firing westwards.
"A bit closer i think" quietly says Shur Kee the monk "Down the end of the street there" says subaltern Jaxs who points to a two storey building as she adds "Up on the roof of that building".
"Sounds good to me" murmurs captain Tovis who turns to the other subaltern and the sergeant at arms and quickly tells them what they'll do.
Two of the scouts, along with the assassin Jaxs move out first. Followed by the others, who head down the street either singly or in pairs.
At the end of the street, it's the subaltern Jaxs who in a lane finds a set of outside steps that lead up to the roof of the two storey building they've picked out.
And as they start heading up them, Tovis who is still in the lane, turns to the other subaltern who quietly tells him "There's some of them nearby".
"Do your best to keep them away" quietly says the young engineer, who like the others in the Farqian mercenary army, speaks in elven unless they speak to someone who doesn't know the language.
"Will do" says the subaltern, who like Tovis and the others in the mercenary army from the lands Farque with the exception of councillor Kee, is wearing the black surcoats or cloaks that's their uniform over their armour.
As the subaltern and the sergeant at arms gathers a number of his squad and move off. The war engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic hurries up the steps to the roof.
Once he's up on the flat rooftop of the two storey building, the young engineer can clearly see the enemy airship. Which he sees is a tri-masted battlecruiser.
"Not really moving that much" quietly says Larris the sorcerer who continues with "Just drifting to starboard really".
"They're marching their line of fire back in this direction" explains the scout Jaxs as she points at the enemy warship that's on a slight tilt as they look at the back of it, as it's bow to stern, north to south in the air, about two hundred feet above the ground, and a similar distance away from them.
"Pretty standard maneuver for an airship shooting at targets on the ground" adds the assassin whose training was completed by prince Helbenthril Raendril himself.
Then the three of them, along with two others in the engineering corp in the Farqian mercenary army. Look over at the short, statured monk, who moves towards one end of the roof.
Where he puts one foot infront of the other as he slightly bends at the knees, then reaches up and takes a hold of the jade pendant he wears on a fine silver chain around his neck.
The pendant starts to glow green when the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li takes a hold of it.  Onboard the battlecruiser, up on the bow deck of duke Hargen's warship.
Sir Yarrim the sorcerer is looking to port, watching a number of magetube shots streaking down through the night, heading west, to hit the warren of buildings and lanes just outside the city proper.
The nobleborn spellcaster grins as he sees a couple of them hit the ground and explode, and in the light of the explosions, he sees an enemy catapult get blown apart.
"We're definitely getting them" says sir Yarrim the sorcerer, who is helping to maintain the wards on the forward port quarter of the airship, as it slowly drifts to starboard on a bit of an angle.
So that the magetube crews down below, can shoot down at the enemy positions, whilst marching their line of fire back towards the city proper, where the enemy are now trying to enter.
The spellcaster whose estate is located along the southern border of the duchy of Phelm. Senses then sees a fireball come up towards the airship, just to the north of them.
And as he's just about to retaliate as he knows his wards will easily halt the incoming fireball that's streaking up into the night sky towards them.
There comes a shout from aft, infact quite a bit of shouting from that end of the battlecruiser.
And as the second most influential noble in the duchy behind only duke Hargen himself, looks back to the wheelhouse on the aft deck.
Next to him, the guardsman Harvin leans over the port rail, and looks to aft.
"Shit!" exclaims Harvin the guardsman who quickly adds "Sir look at that" followed by "It's just like from before".
Sir Yarrim leans over the port rail too, and looks aft. Where he just spots a white ball of energy about to hit the stern of the battlecruiser. And he too recognises it as the same type of ball of strange, non magical energy, that hit him and Harvin earlier at dusk.
It hits the aft section of the warship, which shudders. The powerful sorcerer grimaces as he sees bits of wood and debris go flying. It's part of the magical keel of the airship, which allows it stay in the air and fly.
"Fuck" mutters the nobleman in the red armour, who grabs onto the port side rail as the warship suddenly tilts violently to port, then starts to head quickly down in that direction as all control of it in the wheelhouse has been lost.
And as there's screams and shouts from the crew as the battlecruiser starts to quickly tilt and drop port side towards the ground, picking up speed as it does so.
Sir Yarrim drops the wards he's casting, takes a hold of Harvin's right arm, and teleports them as the duke's warship starts to roll to port as it heads down towards the ground, and the city just a couple hundred feet below. On this warm summer's night here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell . . . . . .

Monday 15 April 2019

The Hire 150.

The Battle Of Almaic...

After quickly returning to the palace of the duke, to get some of his potions, and to get more men out to the western side of the city.
Sir Yarrim the sorcerer has the remaining warship here in the grounds of the palace, take off and head westwards as the enemy are trying to make a push through on that side of Almaic, more than anywhere else in the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The nobleborn sorcerer, as he's just about to leave along with the experienced guardsman Harvin, and others in his personal household guard they've gathered here in the palace.
The nobleman whose estates are along the southern border of the duchy, looks around. Then unable to spot someone, he calls over a page, and asks the young lad where the swordmaster Berric, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard is.
"He went to the north wall sir Yarrim" is the reply of the page, who then adds "Just before sunset".
Hopefully he gets himself killed up there, sir Yarrim thinks to himself, for when he returned to the ducal palace. He sensed the magical attack upon the north wall of the city by the enemy.
"Very well" says the powerful sorcerer, who with a nod of his head, dismisses the young page.
Then the spellcaster, who is the second most influential noble in the duchy behind only duke Hargen himself.
Looks away to the west in the night sky, and sees the duke's airship flying over this part of the city, heading towards the western side.
The sorcerer Yarrim just hopes the cruiser stays in the air tonight, unlike the smaller frigate, which the enemy knocked out of the sky during the day, over to the east of Almaic.
"Stand close" orders sir Yarrim, who knows that if they're not able to hold up, and force back the enemy offensive along the west side of the city. Then the battle for the city that's the provincial capital is surely over for them. Defeated by the enemy who have come down out of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains to the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
The powerful sorcerer and his guardsmen disappear, as he teleports them to the battlecruiser in the night sky, where it's heading away from the duke's palace. Going towards the western quarter of the city.
As they do, the first messengers start arriving from the eastern quarter of the city tonight. Informing the duke and his senior advisors. That the enemy have somehow got across the Mareb river. And that they're on the docks and along the boulevard that goes down the east side of Almaic. Fighting those who are defending that side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Though the truly odd thing about the enemy who have got across the Mareb tonight, to get to the east side of the city. Is that they're all goblins.
Meanwhile along the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic, the swordmaster Berric winces at the sound of another loud explosion, that briefly lights up the top of the north wall. Just to the west of where the city gates stand.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods his head as the experienced guard Ludoc, who is next to him, sourly says "Determined bastards aren't they?".
The swordmaster, who is the highest ranking commoner in the duke's court. Just hopes to hell the wards along the wall, in particular the section the enemy are targeting. Continue to withstand the spells they're tossing at it. Which they've been doing since just after nightfall.
"Where's the sorcerer?" asks commander Berric "That way i think" replies Ludoc nodding his head towards the section of the wall that's under heavy magical attack.
"Come on, i need to speak to him" says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "I had a feeling you were going to say something like that" mutters Ludoc, who along with his commander survived one of the battles along the border, as well as the battle for the northern city of Savariss.
Berric who also happens to be a swordmaster, along with Ludoc. And the others of their company who came with them to the north wall of the city, who have survived the day's fighting.
Make their way along the top of the wall, keeping low as they head along the walkway. Heading to where explosion after explosion is taking place.
They pause for a few moments, covering their ears as they do so. As a magetube just a bit further along the walkway. Shoots at the enemy army that for the most part, has retreated back to the battlelines to the north of Almaic.
It's one of the few times of late that one of the magetubes along the top of the wall has fired.
As all of then are very low on power. And the spellcasters here on the top of the wall, and in the northern quarter of the city. Are too busy to fill the large magical weapons with more power. As most of them are busy with maintaining the wards. Those that are still intact,  that are protecting the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
Moving along the dark, unlit walkway would normally be treacherous. But not so tonight. Due to a section of the wall, about thirty yards, or ninety or so feet in length. That is continually alight as the enemy targets it over and over again with their spells.
Commander Berric grunts as Ludoc says "There he is" when he spots the sorcerer Dominic, crouching alongside a merlon. Looking to the north towards the enemy.
Keeping low, the swordmaster who is the most well known commoner in the entire duchy, scrambles forward, and joins the sorcerer who he's good friends with, at the side of the merlon.
"Why are they attacking just this stretch of the wall?" asks the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard. Who flinches as a fireball comes towards them. Which hits just to the right of them, splashing liquid fire everywhere against the wards protecting this part of the north wall of Almaic.
Liquid fire that lights up the night along this section of the wall, with it's orange and red flames.
"Because some of the wards failed here earlier" says Dominic the sorcerer, who then tells his friend the swordmaster "And we had to recast them quickly" he briefly pauses before adding in a quiet tone "Which is never really a good thing".
Commander Berric winces at hearing that, then he covers his ears and closes his eyes as his friend Dominic calls out in warning to those along the section of the wall that the enemy spellcasters are targeting "Energyball coming in!" followed by "One of the big ones!".
It must of hit further down the wall, down towards the base. As Berric feels the wall actually shake due to the loud explosion.
"Hell, that's loud" says the experienced guard Ludoc from behind his commander, the swordmaster nods in agreement as he opens his eyes, and sees blue sparks shooting up along the wards as they head up into the night sky.
"Think we can hold out?" asks commander Berric "Honest answer?" says the sorcerer, who also happens to be the best of friends with sir Yarrim the sorcerer, along with Beldane the cleric in the church of Glaine. Two individuals who definitely do not get along. Even more so than commander Berric and the sorcerer Yarrim.
"Yes honest" quietly says the swordmaster who hails from the northern city of Savariss.
"Maybe" says the sorcerer Dominic, who then adds "But what i can tell you is that they're expending a hell of a lot more power to attack this section of the wall, than we are as we defending it".
"That's something at least" quietly says Berric, the commander of duke Hargens personal guard.
The two of them pause for a moment, as one of the magetubes further along the walkway. This one on the eastern half of the north wall of Almaic. Shoots at the enemy camp, that's further back behind the battlelines.
After the reverberating thud of the magetube firing dies down. The swordmaster Berric is about to ask the sorcerer Dominic something when Ludoc interrupts and says "Look at that, away to the south over the city" followed by "Pretty sure that's the battlecruiser that was moored at the palace".
They look south across the city of Almaic, and indeed they see the running lights of an airship, that's heading westwards over the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Hell, things must be bad to the west if they've sent that in" quietly says commander Berric, both the sorcerer Dominic and the experienced guard Ludoc nod their heads in agreement with what the skilled swordmaster from the northern city of Savariss just said.
After speaking with the captain and the spellcasters onboard the warship. The sorcerer Yarrim makes his way to the bow of the airship. And looks to where they're going.
The guardsman Harvin walks up and joins the nobleborn spellcaster in the bow, and quietly says "It's going to be hell for the duke's men down there my lord".
"I know" is the quiet reply of sir Yarrim the sorcerer, who continues with "I've told the captain to not target too closely to the watchtowers".
The nobleman in the red armour, that's reflecting in the light of the slightly shuttered lamp here in the bow, after pausing for a moment or two, quietly says "Even so, our forces who have engaged the enemy might get caught up in the bombardment".
The guardsman from the estate of the nobleborn sorcerer, nods his head at that, as it was something he was expecting once sir Yarrim decided to send this airship into battle tonight.
Then as the battlecruiser starts to slightly turn to starboard, so that it's port side magetubes will be able to fire, the sorcerer Yarrim quietly says "Wonder if that person is still down there?".
"Which one my lord?" asks Harvin, who along with sir Yarrim, were lucky to get out of the battle along the west side of the city a little earlier at dusk.
"The one who sent that ball of whatever the hell it was at us" says the nobleborn spellcaster who is in a relationship with lady Elaine, the younger sister of duke Hargen of Phelm, the lady Elaine who also happens to be the duke's new heir.
Harvin grimaces as he remembers getting hit by the white ball of strange energy that blasted him and sir Yarrim backwards out of an open window.
"I hope not" mutters the member of the powerful sorcerer's personal household guard.
The sorcerer Yarrim faintly smiles, for though he's got no idea how to counter whoever it is that attacked at dusk just outside the city proper. He wants to know who they are, and what it is they actually do. As it isn't magical in anyway, at least as far as sir Yarrim can tell.
Behind them in the bow, are the others of sir Yarrim's personal household guard he's brought along with them.
And they all turn as orders are shouted from the aft deck of the tri-masted warship, where the wheelhouse is located.
The battlecruiser turns more quickly, as they're now quite close to the line of watchtowers that mark where a wall would've normally been built here along the west side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. And then it begins to tilt down to port as it starts to slow again
A few moments later, and a barrage of twenty five magetubes firing from the port side of the duke's warship rocks the night. Sending magetube shots, ranging from six feet in width to nearly eighteen feet in width. Streak through the night sky, lighting up the night with various colours as they head down towards the ground.
Sir Yarrim as he stands upon the slightly tilted deck, nods his head as he sees the magetube shots are going to hit outside the city proper first.
The captain has ordered his below deck crew to fire upon the warren of buildings and lanes outside the city proper first. Then have them work their way back to the city itself. Marching their line of fire backwards until it's around the watchtowers that mark where a wall would normally be along the west side of the city of Almaic.
"Here we go then" quietly says sir Yarrim as he senses first one, then a second, and then a third enemy spellcaster target the airship.
The powerful sorcerer casts wards in conjunction with the crew's spellcasters to help protect the warship.
While down below, the port side magetube crews are now firing at will. As the battle for the city of Almaic escalates on this warm summer's night here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell . . . . . .

Sunday 14 April 2019

The Hire 149.

Almaic. Phelm...

"You see that?" asks Smawfri McQuade "What?" says Shawtus McQuade who is looking away to the north and towards the river after finishing eating.
"There's definitely fighting going on up there" adds the slightly older and slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, who then looks at his younger cousin, then says "Well, what was it?".
"I thought i saw an ork go by on the river" is the reply from Smawfri McQuade, there's a few moments of silence from Shawtus McQuade as he stares at his slightly younger cousin, then he mutters "The fuck?" followed by "You been fucking drinking or something?".
"Piss off, you know i haven't" says the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors who are mercenaries from the Sunreach Mountains, who have been hired by duke Hargen's recruiters.
Shawtus McQuade frowns, then looks towards the Mareb river, this time further south, to where Shawtus gestures as he says "Thought i saw it heading south".
The slightly older of the two cousins, both of whom were the co-chieftains of their clan. Can't see that far along the river as it heads south, as it curves away from the city of Almaic, going through a series of low hills.
"Don't see anything downriver" says a frowning Shawtus McQuade, who then looks at his slightly younger cousin, and asks him "You sure?".
"I am" says Smawfri, who pauses before continuing with "I think" he pauses once more then adds "It was on a raft" the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors pauses again, then says "With a goblin".
Shawtus McQuade blinks in surprise, and looks at his cousin, then after a few moments of silence says "A goblin?".
"Yes a goblin" says Smawfri McQuade who sourly smiles as his slightly older cousin looks at him like he's gone bonkers.
"You're telling me a filthy fucking ork, who we both know hate the water almost as much as they hate us" says Shawtus McQuade referring to dwarven kind "Was on a raft out on the river" adds the slightly older and slightly taller of the dwarven warriors whose clanhold is in the Sunreach Mountains "With a goblin, who we both know they despise" continues Shawtus McQuade, who after a slight pause adds "You sure you haven't been sneaking a drink when i haven't been looking?" followed by "Because that sounds nuts".
"Oh get fucked" mutters Smawfri McQuade, who falls silent as the elven mercenary ranger Dalin crosses the rooftop and joins them.
"What are you two going on about?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as the McQuade cousins look like they were in the middle of a heated argument in the dwarven language.
Hiking a thumb at his cousin Smawfri, Shawtus McQuade says in a slightly dry tone of voice in the common language "He thinks he saw an ork out on the river, with a goblin".
After a few moments of silence after blinking a few times in surprise as he stares at Smawfri McQuade, the spy Tanith says "Er?" followed by "An ork?" he looks to the Mareb river, and adds "Out on the river?" followed by "With a goblin?".
As the slightly younger of the dwarven warriors sourly smiles, his slightly older, not to mention slightly taller cousin rolls his eyes, then says "So he says".
"Huh?" says the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army, who looks away to the south along the river, as he adds in a tone of disbelief "You don't say". Even though he figures Smawfri McQuade probably did see an ork and a goblin on a raft.
"I know you lot" says Dalinvardél Tanith referring to dwarven kind "Don't exactly, shall we say, get along with orks" adds the elf from the principality of Alínlae.
"That's putting it fucking lightly" sourly says Shawtus McQuade, his cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement, and does so again when the slightly older of the two of them adds "We fucking hate them, and they us".
"Quite" dryly says Dalinvardél Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well, and it's the name he's going by whilst ensconced in the army of the duke of Phelm.
"Still, I've never heard of one willingly going on water" continues Dalin, who is posing as a mercenary ranger whilst in the army of duke Hargen of Phelm "From what i understand they hate the stuff" adds the spy Tanith who briefly pauses before saying "Not to mention they dislike goblins, something to do with all the various shades of greens goblins are i think".
"See told you it sounds nuts" murmurs Shawtus in the dwarven language to his slightly younger cousin Smawfri "Oh forget it" mutters the slightly shorter of the two dwarven warriors, who then stomps away.
The elven spy, who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, lifts a questioning eyebrow as he looks at Shawtus McQuade. Who just shrugs his shoulders, as he thinks his cousin is sorely mistaken.
As no way would an ork be out on a raft on the Mareb river this night. In the company of a goblin of all people.
Then the slightly taller of the two dwarven warriors, asks the elf he thinks is just a mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae "Is there fighting along the boulevard by the river, further north of here?".
"Sounds like it" says the spy Tanith, who then gestures away off the building they're on top of, as he adds "There's a messenger down below, young Barron is speaking with him".
The next moment they hear their young squad leader calling up to them on the roof, telling them and the rest of the squad to come down.
They all head down off the rooftop, with the sour looking Smawfri following behind the others. Once they join their young squad leader, he informs them that the enemy are making a push into the west side of Almaic this evening. And that sir Yarrim the sorcerer has ordered as many of the duke's forces to head over to the west side of the city as possible.
"The west side?" says Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "There's fighting along the boulevard to the east, and it's a fair bit closer".
The young squad leader looks at the at the elf he thinks is a mercenary ranger, who tells him "Their is".
Dalinvardél Tanith continues with "Sounds like some of the enemy have found a way across the river, or it's those who got across the river earlier in the day who have grouped together".
The elven spy in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army then says "They could very well be a distraction because of what's going on over on the west side of the city".
Shawtus McQuade slowly nods to that, whilst his cousin Smawfri grunts in agreement with that assessment from the elf they think is a skilled mercenary ranger from the principality of Alínlae.
"Over to the west side of the city as we've been ordered then" says Barron the squad leader after making up his mind, the young squad leader who is from further south in the duchy, says to the elf "Lead the way Dalin".
The spy Tanith sets off into the night, followed closely by the McQuade cousins and the rest of the small squad.
Dalinvardél Tanith is just glad young Barron decided to head to the west side of the city. As it'll take some time to get there from where they are in the southeast of the capital of the duchy of Phelm. In all likelihood keeping them out of harm's way as they cross the city.
And the fact that the elven spy suspects that Dorc da Orc's goblin battalion has found some way to get onto the long boulevard down the east side of Almaic. If the sounds of fighting from there is anything to go by.
And because of the possible sighting of the large ork and a goblin on the river by the dwarven warrior Smawfri McQuade.
Meanwhile, just north of the city that's the provincial capital. Watching the concentrated attack upon the north wall, just to the west of the gates.
Lisell Maera who is standing next to Darid Parsen the cavalry commander. As they watch another energyball slam against the wards the enemy have up, and explodes. Lighting up the night sky with sparks of green energy that sprays everywhere.
Notices out of the corner of her eye, the robber baron Gergus looking over at her, as he often does.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a messenger in the armies of Farque, is going to ignore the robber baron she spent an intimate night with earlier in the campaign.
When she notices him continuing to look her way, instead of the usual glances he directs at her.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, looks his way. And the youngest of the five robber barons from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains who have hired the Farqian mercenary army for their war against duke Hargen of Phelm.
Nods his head back behind those who are watching the magical attack upon a portion of the north wall of the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm, here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Lis turns and walks back behind the others, as does the robber baron from the southern reaches of the mountain range to the north of the kingdom.
Once they're beyond the torch light, the robber baron Gergus quietly tells the messenger in the Farqian mercenary army "There's something i need to tell you".
Before he does, the youngest of the five robber barons takes a hold of the right hand of Lis, then quickly kisses her on the lips.
After Gergus briefly clears his throat, and quickly looks to where the others are observing the magical attack upon the north wall of Almaic, he quietly says to the attractive young woman who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury "Concerning what you mentioned earlier".
With Gergus still holding her right hand, Lisell Maera stands there in stunned silence as she listens to what he has to quietly say to her.
After he's finished, and after he glances to where the others are near the road, continuing to watch the attack this night upon a section of the north wall of the city.
Lisell Maera says just one word "Why?" as she looks at the man, a decade or so older than her, who is still under thirty years old, who being the youngest of the five robber barons, is also considered the most daring out of the five.
"After all you've achieved so far" quietly adds the messenger in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, she briefly pauses before continuing with "And all the loss too".
Gergus nods as he knows she's referring to his former second, and brother inlaw Hammond, who died earlier in the campaign.
Then the youngest of the robber barons gestures around them and quietly tells Lis "This place isn't for my people" he quietly continues with "Oh they could live up in the foothills in the north of the duchy fine enough, or in the farmland further south too" Gergus then adds "But in the larger towns, and the cities like Savariss, and here in Almaic, i think not".
The robber baron nods to where three of his fellow robber barons are standing watching the magical attack upon a section of the north wall of the capital city of the duchy, and quietly says "Nor their people, they just won't admit it because they want to be the new duke".
"And you don't?" quietly asks Lisell Maera "Not anymore" is the quiet reply from Gergus as he softly squeezes her right hand.
"You know i can't" quietly says Lis, who is interrupted by the robber baron who quietly tells her "I know" followed by "I wouldn't ask you to leave your army, no matter how much I'd want you to".
The attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury, briefly closes her eyes, then opens them, and faintly smiles when Gergus quietly says "I do like when you do that".
"I bet" murmurs Lis in the elven language, who then asks the robber baron "Have you mentioned this to him?".
"No, i thought it would be a surprise" is the quiet reply from Gergus "Well, it's definitely going to be that" dryly murmurs Lisell Maera, who ever practical, says "And you've got the coin to pay for it?".
"Yes" responds the robber baron, he quietly continues with "I'll make the first payment, before the city here is finally taken".
Lis slowly nods, then quietly says "I need to tell someone".
Gergus nods in understanding, then steps forward, and kisses her again, this time for longer, and more passionately. The robber baron then steps back, squeezes her hand once more, then lets it go. And walks away, heading back into the torch light to rejoin his fellow robber barons and their senior officers.
While Lis slowly walks back to where the others are, to inform the councilors Darid Parsen and Mira Reinholt. The decision that the robber baron Gergus has made concerning who will rule the duchy of Phelm, once the city of Almaic is taken, and duke Hargen is defeated . . . . . .

Thursday 11 April 2019

The Hire 148.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The City Of Almaic...

War machines on both sides of the Mareb river take shots at their opposition during the evening.
And though catapult loads are sporadic, not shooting all the time. The times they do send a shot over, they tend to hit something. Especially on the city side of the Mareb river. Where a lot of damage has been done throughout the battle so far.
Most of the docks have been at least partially damaged. While those with piers that stick out into the wide river. Have basically been destroyed.
With only the ends up against the long boulevard that runs down the east side of Almaic, still intact.
Even then, they're damaged in some way or the other. Especially with what happened earlier in the battle. When around midday, the Mareb briefly stopped running. Before it resumed. Destroying a lot of the docks. And sweeping away many in the army from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, who have invaded the duchy of Phelm, here in northern Nastell. Who at the time were crossing the riverbed.
As a catapult near a damaged tower, sends a lot of rocks and bits of broken masonry. Flying through the night across the Mareb river.
And a few moments later, a war machine amongst the robber baron's forces. Sends pitch covered rocks, that are on fire, briefly lighting up the night sky, as they head towards the long boulevard that's down the east side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Further up the river this evening, a small flotilla. If one can call a bunch of hastily built rafts a flotilla. Is heading down river. With all of those onboard, none of them human. Clearly able to see what's happening on both sides of the Mareb river.
The further south they go, they row and pole their rafts more towards the city side of the wide river.
Keeping a careful watch on the war machines on both sides of the Mareb. Watching the loads go flying through the night sky, either to the long boulevard that runs along the east side of the city of Almaic. Or to the otherside of the river.
Where some of their forces, infact the largest of their forces. Are positioned during the battle for Almaic.
They're waiting for the war machines in their army opposite the capital of Almaic. To cease firing. For when the war machines over there do halt. They'll swing their rafts into the city, where they hope to get onto those docks that haven't been destroyed. Then onto the long boulevard, which they'll cross and enter the city itself. Though there's a lot to be done by then.
They're in eastern quarter of the city, though towards the southern end of Almaic. They're up on a rooftop, where they've got a fire going in a bucket brazier. Upon which they're cooking meat they obtained from a nearby butcher here in the south of the city.
Where they've spent a lot of the afternoon, and early evening. Searching for the enemy who got across the river earlier in the day when the Mareb stopped flowing for a little while.
They were unable to find any of them. Though they were close a number of times. At least according to their scout they were. Their scout, the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae, by the name of Dalin.
The trio of nonhumans in the small squad, and the squad leader himself. Are at the northern end of the rooftop, looking in that direction, towards the north of the city.
"Something's definitely going on up there" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as they see in the distance, part of the north wall of Almaic, continuing to light up.
They can hear the explosions every so often, and once and while they hear the low thud of a magetube up on the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital, firing at the enemy.
"Can you see specifically what's happening?" asks the squad leader Barron, who hails from further south in the duchy of Phelm, about halfway between Almaic and the southern border of the duchy.
"Explosions" dryly says Shawtus McQuade the dwarven warrior, next to him his slightly younger, and slightly shorter cousin Smawfri, grunts in agreement.
While standing next to the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, the spy Tanith nods his hooded head in agreement.
"Well, they're obviously launching another attack up there" says the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army "This one magical" adds the Dalinvardél Tanith, who is more commonly called Dalin by those who know him well. And it's also the name he's using whilst undercover here in the army of the duke of Phelm.
The elven spy, who is passing himself off as a mercenary ranger from his homeland of Alínlae. Along with the McQuade cousins. Told the young squad leader at dusk, that the enemy had pulled back from the north wall of Almaic.
For in the distance, they saw the defenders along that wall of the city, had stopped battling the enemy.
"Hopefully those wards up there can hold them out" quietly says young Barron "Hope so" grunts Shawtus McQuade, who continues with "Because they're already taken a battering throughout the day".
He pauses, as there's a particularly loud explosion away to the north, along the wall up there. It's bright too, so much so. That even Barron, with his human eyesight and night vision. Can see part of the north wall, along the top of it. Silhouetted as the night sky lights up there for more than a few moments.
"Hell, that's bright" says Dalinvardél Tanith who shades his eyes for a bit, and wonders if his traveling companion. Mira Reinholt the mage, had anything to do with that explosion along the top of the north wall of Almaic.
As that's something the councilor Reinholt would do. Dalin suspects that he did.
While next to the spy Tanith, Smawfri McQuade who is also shading his eyes, mutters in dwarven "Some asshole magic user is going overboard up there".
Next to him, his slightly older, and slightly taller cousin Shawtus, who briefly turns his head away, as even his dwarven night vision can't compensate for the brightness away to the north that lights up the night sky for a bit, grunts in agreement with his cousin.
"Those along that part of the wall, well their night vision is going to be screwed for the next little while" says Dalinvardél Tanith who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae "That's if they're not blinded for a bit" adds the elven spy who has infiltrated duke Hargen's army.
The two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, nod in agreement with the spy Tanith, who they think is a skilled mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Alínlae.
They watch and listen to the magical attack in the distance along the north wall of the city wall for a bit longer.
Before they turn away, and they make their way to where the rest of their small squad are around the bucket brazier, cooking their dinner.
"Didn't expect us to hold them out to be honest" quietly says the squad leader Barron "Nor did i" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, who knows the duke's forces have been able to prevail today, because of the failure of general Halvane's army to get across the Mareb river.
"Though, we don't exactly know what's going on over on the west side of city" continues the elven spy in the armies of Farque, who has infiltrated the duke of Phelm's army.
"That's true" admits the young squad leader, while both of the McQuade cousins grunt in agreement with what the spy Tanith just said.
Then the slightly younger of the two dwarven warriors from the Sunreach Mountains, says "Well, we can't do much about it now" Smawfri McQuade continues with "Might as well eat what's been cooked" as he nods to the selection of meats that have been grilling on the bucket brazier.
"First smart thing you've said all day you idiot" mutters Shawtus McQuade in the dwarven language "Go sit on a pike you dickhead" is the muttered reply in the same language from the slightly shorter and slightly younger dwarven warrior from the Sunreach Mountains.
As they and the rest of their small squad, who survived a battle along the northern border of the kingdom. Then the battle for the northern city of Savariss.
Have something to eat for dinner, this warm summer's night here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
They start rowing their raft to the right as the catapults in the army of general Halvane have finally ceased.
They try not to splash the water too much with their oars. And are relatively successful in not doing so.
But even then, they still continue further south compared to many of the other rafts, that are heading into the city side of the Mareb river.
For the simple reason their raft is so much larger than the others. And there's more of them onboard it. Making it heavier and more difficult to handle.
Not to mention there's a big fat heavy lump sitting in the middle of the raft. Who weighs almost as much as everyone else onboard combined.
Who refuses to lift a hand to help them row towards the riverbank on the city side of the Mareb.
Who is keeping exactly in the center of the raft, to keep as far away from the water as possible.
Even so that doesn't stop him from encouraging the others onboard. The kind of encouraging that involves a lot of muttered swearing.
"Fucken row ya cunts" mutters Dorc da Orc, who is trying to keep as quiet as possible, as the battalion has an order to be as silent as possible as they row down the Mareb river.
"Fucken gob-a-lins" mutters the large ork in his native language as he looks back behind them, and sees a number of the other rafts going in towards the damaged docks along the city side of the Mareb river.
A few moments later there's shouts from the enemy in the night, as the first of the rafts get to some of the damaged docks. And get onto them, then the long boulevard that runs along the east side of the city of Almaic.
"Row ya fucken cunts" hisses the ork warleader.
"Help us you fat fuck" mutters Youdead in the goblin language as he and the others with oars struggle to get them into the riverbank on the city side of the Mareb.
"Silence" quietly orders Teabagger the goblin Cunt in the same language.
"What was that?" quietly asks the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
"Just telling them to hurry boss, er general" is the quiet reply from the goblin commander in the common language.
"That's what me been fucken tellin' them what to fucken do, but they not listen" mutters the ork weaponsmith, while further behind them, more in the flotilla of rafts are putting into the city side of the river.
And disembarking, with only a few losing their footing and falling into the river. While others confront the enemy. Who are taken by surprise. By an attack from the water, that's come down river, and not across it.
Seeing that they could very well keep drifting by the city if he doesn't do something. Dorc da Orc grunts, then moves. Which isn't the smartest thing he could of done.
As the raft starts to spin as he upsets the weight balance. As he moves to one edge of the hastily built raft.
Some of the goblins scramble to the otherside to counter the shift in weight. And the raft slowly stops spinning out of control.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe grabs a discarded oar. Puts it into the water with a grimace upon his broad, green, brutish looking face. Then he starts paddling. Doing his best not to splash water upon himself.
And though they continue southwards down the Mareb river, they are now heading into towards the city. Though far further south than the rest of the battalion. With the nearest raft behind them, is nearly a hundred yards further north.
"Fuck me" mutters Dorkindle in disgust as he accidentally splashes water on himself, then he sourly smiles as shouts of alarm come from the nearest enemy. Then he and the goblins on the raft see archers and crossbowmen shoot towards them. Though they shoot blindly in the night, arrows and bolts do go zipping by them. As they come in towards the riverbank on the city side of the Mareb.
"You cunts jump if we get close" quietly says the ork general as they come in towards a badly damaged dock that's up against the riverbank.
"You two stay fucken close to me" adds the warleader of the ork race nodding at Youdead and Teabagger.
Then as they're just about to the dock, and Dorc da Orc hisses "Fucken jump".
A fireball from the top of a nearby tower appears, and streaks down, more or less towards them and their raft.
Goblins leap across the gap between the raft and the damaged dock. With basically Dorkindle the only one doing the paddling to keep the raft near the riverbank.
"Give it cunt" hisses the large ork at Youdead, who hands it to his general.
Then as the raft starts drifting away from the damaged dock. The ork weaponsmith grabs Youdead. And biffs him across to the damaged dock.
Only the ork general and the goblin commander remain on the raft as it drifts away from the riverbank. While a fireball comes their way.
As it does, Dorc da Orc turns one end of the mage canister he's holding. Then hurls it towards the tower that the fireball came from.
The ork warleader who sees that the fireball is going to hit the water infront of them. Has no idea what the mage canister will do. Just that it'll be destructive because it was made by a mage.
The big, burly ork grabs Teabagger, and is about to jump for it. When the fireball hits the river. Just off to the side of the raft.
Water goes everywhere, swamping the two who remain on the raft. Almost knocking them overboard as the raft spins uncontrollably about. Dorc da Orc roars in anger at getting totally soaked.
Then the mage canister lands on the boulevard, right next to the nearby tower, and explodes. And in typical mage fashion, the metal canister about a foot and half long. Explodes in spectacular fashion. It explodes in a wall of water that goes in all directions. Including back in the direction it came from.
Blinking his eyes to clear water from them, Dorc da Orc looks to where he hears the mage canister explode.
The ork general blinks in surprise, then with a sour look upon his broad, green feral looking face, he grunts "Fuck" in resigned tone of voice.
The large ork keeps a hold of Teabagger, and grabs the edge of the raft and clings onto it tightly as they and the raft they're on is hit by the expanding wall of water. Which sends them and the raft downriver at speed . . . . . .