Tuesday 30 April 2019

Aftermath 2.

The Kingdom Of Nastell...

"Where are you going?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage "The ship" replies Lisell Maera who points to the krean strikeship, Fídiablo.
"We are definitely not going on that" says the once powerful mage who gestures over to some of the other airships as he adds "We'll be going on one of the others".
The messenger in the Farqian mercenary army lifts a questioning eyebrow, and in a slightly dry tone the mage Reinholt tells her "Trust me you don't want to be onboard there at the moment".
"Mira's right" says Helbe the elven thief who appears out of thin air, walking beside the exiled Vexilian mage and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Vexil.
"Hell, even I'm not traveling with them" adds the elven magic user who gestures towards the sleek looking warship in the distance as he says "Only the crew and those three, and the two dogs will be onboard it".
"That bad?" asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster "It is" is the reply of the young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel.
"To say those three are annoyed, especially him, would be an understatement" continues the highly talented elven spellcaster, who then adds "And since he's in such a mood, the wardogs are agitated too. Infact they're down right dangerous to be around at the moment".
Both Mira Reinholt and Lisell Maera slightly wince at that, then noticing what the elven masterthief is carrying, the runner in the scouts division of the Farqian mercenary army says "I gather that's not yours".
"Definitely not" says the elven master assassin as he hefts the mace he's carrying "Had to have lord Farque's sword adjust it" explains the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who then adds "Damn thing had a mind of it's own".
Mira Reinholt slightly nods his hooded head as he looks closely at the magical weapon that prince Helbenthril Raendril is carrying as the three of them walk towards the airships of the fleet, that are to the north of the city of Almaic, picking up their army.
"And the cleric himself?" asks the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands "Did you have to adjust him at all?" asks the mage Reinholt.
"Slightly" says the young elven noble who glances at his right shoulder, which Narladene the ground pixie has just settled upon.
"More tampering than adjusting" continues the elven magic user who points to an airship and says "We'll be going on that destroyer" he then adds "I just, shall we say, suggested if he'd like to join a mercenary army, and of course he agreed". Helbe the elven thief then says "Apart from that I've left his mind alone" followed by "He's all himself".
Both Lisell Maera, who is more commonly called Lis by those who know her well. And Mira Reinholt nod to that. Though they know there's going to be problems when lord Farque finally decides to meet the cleric in question.
Then Lis, an attractive young woman who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury asks "What's he like?.
"I like the fellow" declares sir Percavelle Lé Dic "You'd would" dryly murmurs Tamric Drubine in the elven language after he asked the heavily armoured knight what he thought about the cleric who has joined them, and is onboard somewhere.
"Oh he's a cleric mind you, and one who worships the wrong god" says the former earl of Lé Dic in his booming voice as they stand up in the bow of the destroyer they're on. As other ships, troop transporters and other warships, start to lift up off the ground, and into the air.
"But for all that, i doth like the chap" says the knight in the order of Saint Mar'che who was once a paladin "Where's he at?" asks the young field commander in the armies of Farque "Below deck" is the reply from sir Percavelle, who is more commonly called Percy by those who know him well. A name he isn't particularly enamoured with.
"In the galley breaking his fast" says the former paladin "I do believe the engineer chap is with him" adds the boisterous knight in the order of Saint Mar'che, who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he more commonly called by those who know him well, spots the two councillors Mira Reinholt and prince Helbenthril Raendril, along with Lisell Maera approaching the destroyer.
The nobleborn teenager who is from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin looks back along the deck of the airship, and spots Shur Kee the monk in a midships on the starboard side, watching Mira, Helbe and Lis approaching the warship.
Tam then looks to the city of Almaic away to the south. Where the last of the army of the robber baron Gergus, is departing. Heading back north to the border.
The robber baron who has taken over the armies of the three robber barons, Almard, Larimer and Markell. Who he had killed.
While upon the north wall of the city, are the men in the robber baron Solamard's army. Solamard who is the new duke of Phelm, the northern most duchy here in the kingdom of Nastell.
Once the mage, elven magic user and the messenger are onboard. The order from the captain comes to lift off.
And as the crew bring up the mooring lines. And the tri-masted warship starts to rise into the air. Helbe the elven thief hurries below deck with the mace he's carrying.
While Mira Reinholt and Lisell Maera, who are joined by Shur Kee the monk. Make their way forward to the bow deck, where Tamric Drubine is standing with sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The destroyer swings around to the south, in a wide circle as it slowly rises up into the morning sky.
"We heading back to the lands Farque?" asks Lisell Maera "Not quite" says field commander Drubine who continues with "We're to go to a rendezvous point, we're to pick up some others".
"Oh" says Lis, who then adds "Who?". "Dalin for starters" says the nobleborn teenager who was the heir to a former knight of castle Drubine, who after a slight pause adds "And Dorc too" he briefly pauses before saying "Hopefully".
"Hopefully not" murmurs Mira Reinholt, who thinks it would be good for the ork warleader to walk, anywhere really, just walk. So that he's out of the way, and not causing any mischief for the rest of them.
Ignoring sir Percavelle Lé Dic who says "Here, here" after hearing what the once powerful mage just murmured.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury says "And then back down to the lands Farque?".
"Ah, not quite" says Tam who continues with "We can't exactly because of who is onboard" the field commander then glances at the mage Reinholt.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his hooded head, then gestures towards the krean strikeship the Fídiablo which is the last airship in the fleet to lit off.
"He's not going to change the laws of his land for anyone" says the mage who is exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil "No matter who they are, and what role they may play in his overall plans" continues Mira Reinholt, who then adds "No clerics allowed in his lands, and he's sticking with that".
They all nod, even the former earl of Lé Dic. As they all know that clerics and magic using priests are forbidden in the lands Farque. And that only a small number of priests are allowed in each community in the lands ruled by the lord of the death realm.
Who for obvious reasons doesn't get along with those who believe in the gods of Volunell, who have the ability of magic.
"In time he might be allowed to visit the Krean Protectorate in the very north of Farque" says the highly skilled swordmaster "Though not anytime soon" adds the member of lord Farque's personal council.
As the group chat, continuing to talk about the newest member of their group. Who not all of them have met.
Lisell Maera walks port side, and looks aft. In the distance down on the ground. She sees the long lines of the combined army of Gergus the robber baron. Winding their way northwards in the early morning sunshine. On what feels like it will be a warm day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Though not scorching hot as it's been earlier in the week.
The messenger who is part of the scouts division in the Farqian mercenary army as the destroyer flies over the city of Almaic on it's way to the south.
Wonders how the robber baron Gergus fares. A man she spent an intimate night with earlier in the campaign. A campaign that led to the defeat of duke Hargen's army in the city of Almaic. And the duke taking his own life when his city fell to his enemies.
A man she knows she'll probably never see again. Who for a brief time in her life. Made her care for someone else apart from herself. Not something that comes easy for her.
Helbe the elven thief comes up on deck after handing the magical mace back to the cleric, who is down in the galley with the war engineer Tovis.
The first one in the group the young elven noble spots is the messenger Lisell Maera. Who is looking to aft.
The elven magic user doesn't even have to read her mind to know what she's thinking about.
The highly talented elven spellcaster who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, knows that Lis is thinking of her one time lover, the robber baron Gergus.
The elven princeling slightly sighs, as he has informed the undead warlord about that. Who didn't particularly care about it. Just as long as the attractive young woman who is originally from the city-state of Brattonbury. Is still able to perform her duties without being distracted.
The highly talented elven spellcaster makes his way forward from a midships, keeping out of the way of the crew as the destroyer heads southwards. On it's way to pick up the cavalry commander Darid Parsen and his company. Who have hopefully found Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, along with Dorc da Orc.
The young elven noble who is the grandson of Prince Raendril, makes his way onto the bow deck and joins the rest of the group.
And after glancing over at Lisell Maera who is standing at the port rail, the elven masterthief says "He's chatting with Tovis down in the galley" in reply to his fellow councillor, the mage Reinholt asking him "Where is he?".
Helbe the elven thief looks at the others and wonders how many of them will get along with the cleric.
He knows Mira probably won't, as the once powerful mage has never liked clerics and their type of magic.
He suspects sir Percavelle, who despite him saying he likes the cleric. Will soon despise him. For the simple reason their personalities will clash. As they're quite similar. Though the cleric is no where near as pompous and boisterous as the large, heavily armoured knight.
The elven princeling guesses that both Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera will take the cleric at face value. And get along with him fine. They may not end up being the best of friends with him. But the two youngest members of the group do a pretty good job of getting along with anyone.
As for Shur Kee the monk. Helbe the elven thief isn't too sure. The acolyte in the order of Bru Li is more than tolerant of others beliefs.
But the short, statured monk who is an enigma anyway. Just might not like the cleric. All the elven magic user gets from reading Shur Kee's mind. Is that he's slightly curious about the newest member of the group.
As for the rest of the group. Narladene the ground pixie who is fluttering around the airship at the moment.
Doesn't particularly care for the cleric. For the simple reason they spent more than two days chasing the cleric across northern Nastell, before they were finally able to take him.
As for those not with the group at the moment. Prince Helbenthril Raendril guesses Darid Parsen the cavalry commander will just get along with the cleric, no matter if he likes him or not.
The same with Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. Who'll work alongside the cleric even if he doesn't particularly like him.
While as for Dorc da Orc. The young elven noble knows the large ork will hate the cleric. Which isn't much of surprise. As the ork warleader hates everyone. He just hates some people less than others.
Though the elven master archer suspects the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Will end up hating the cleric a lot. For the simple reason he'd remind Dorkindle too much of sir Percavelle Lé Dic. The person in the group the ork weaponsmith hates the most.
As for the leader of the group, lord Farque. There's no need to guess what he thinks about the newest member of the group.
Helbe the elven thief looks over at the krean strikeship the Fídiablo, which is to aft, on the starboard quarter, a couple hundred yards away.
The elven envoy doesn't know if it's imagination. But he's pretty sure he can feel the anger emanating from onboard the following krean warship.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril then turns around when sir Percavelle Lé Dic says "There's the young engineer fellow".
All of them turn to look aft, to a midships, where they see Tovis the war engineer has just come up on deck.
Then coming up the ladder onto the deck behind the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic, they see the latest person to join their group.
A member of the church of Glaine from here in the duchy of Phelm. The cleric named Beldane . . . . . .

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