Thursday 30 May 2019

Aftermath 24.

The Kaldel Plains...

After spending part of the morning at the town that Beldane the cleric brought them to.
Where they purchased some more supplies, including some more bolts for Lisell Maera's crossbow. And more importantly a map of the area from a trader who remembered Beldane when he last visited the town.
They leave, heading north. On foot, as they were unable to purchase any horses. As none were available.
Not that they care. For once they were out of sight of the town. The powerful cleric created a gateway, which took them another eight miles north. The furthest north the fighting cleric had been to previously here on the Kaldel Plains.
He brought them to a waypoint. That clearly had tracks leading to the south, in the direction of the town they'd just been to. And to the north, in the direction of the villages they're making their way to.
As Tamric Drubine sits on the pile of rocks that marks the waypoint, and looks at their recently purchased map.
Lisell Maera says to the cleric in the church of Glaine "They were a tight lipped bunch back there in town" the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury continues with "And not just the plainsmen too, but the foreigners as well".
"I know what you mean" says Beldane the cleric, who then adds "They've always been reticent to outsiders up here in this part of the plains. Unlike elsewhere, where what settlements there are. Are quite small, and pretty inviting".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, nods to that. As she recalls the canyon settlement they came upon further south on the plains. Where the locals were friendly and informative.
"I think it's got to do with something about them not traveling across the plains so much by caravan like elsewhere" muses the powerful spellcaster who is from the kingdom of Nastell "I think?" adds the churchman, who continues with "And the influence of all the outsiders who live up here in this part of the plains".
The cleric who is a follower of the god Glaine, who is primarily worshiped in the north of the kingdom of Nastell, then says "Both Nastell and Druvic, aren't all that far away from this area of the plains" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Well, if you can call hundreds of miles not that far, but in comparison to elsewhere on the plains they're fairly close".
The fighting cleric in the half plate armour, who doesn't wear a black tabbard as Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine and Tovis the war engineer wear over their armour, says "I think that has an influence on the locals. And well, all the digging for gold around here too".
Lis who is a messenger, or runner in the armies of Farque nods slightly, then says "That maybe true, but i think there's more to that back there in that town".
The churchman from the duchy of Phelm in northern Nastell is quiet for a few moments, then he says "You think they know about what's happening up in those two villages further to the north?".
"Definitely" says the attractive young woman who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, the messenger, who is in the scouts division of one of the armies of Farque "They have to get their supplies and the like from somewhere" she then adds "And whatever they can't get from the airships they bring down. I'm guessing they get from that town we were just in".
The powerful cleric nods his head, when Lisell Maera says to him "I'm guessing that trader fellow you know has had dealings with them".
The spellcaster in the church of Glaine, along with the messenger look over at Tamric Drubine and the map he's looking at, then Beldane says "You think it's accurate?".
"What map is?" dryly says the attractive young woman who is almost as tall as the fighting cleric himself. And he stands just over six foot tall.
"Do you think it's accurate?" asks Lis, who then adds "Or near accurate?" the cleric in the church of Glaine is silent for a few moments, then he says "I think it is".
As he recalls the trader back in the town they were just in, was formerly from Nastell, and that's why they got along when Beldane was first out here on the Kaldel Plains, on a mission to convert the locals to his church.
"Like you said, what map actually is accurate" says the fighting cleric, who follows on from that with "I'm guessing it's as accurate as can be". Lisell Maera nods, and hopes it is.
Tovis the war engineer who has been looking through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece that belongs to Tamric Drubine. Walks back to the mound of rocks in the shape of a pyramid that the young field commander is sitting on.
The strips of coloured cloth, that are prayer flags, tied to the wooden pole coming up from the middle of the pyramid of rocks. Are fluttering in the constant breeze, which is coming directly from the north.
"Looks like there's a stream to the north of here" says Tovis the war engineer, who nods at the map that the young field commander in the armies of Farque is studying, and he adds "So that's at least accurate with that".
Tamric Drubine nods his head, then says "That's something i guess".
Then as he folds up the map, and tucks it into an inner pocket of his cloak, and he takes back his eyepiece from the war engineer, the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin says "Looks like there's a little over twenty five miles or so to the first village".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others, looks away to the north, then looks at the position of the sun, on this mild day here at the end of summer on the Kaldel Plains.
"We'll get there late in the afternoon, or at least nightfall" says the young field commander, who stands up from the pyramid shaped pile of rocks he's been sitting on.
Then he looks over to where Lisell Maera and Beldane the cleric are standing about twenty yards away, where they're quietly talking to one another. And he calls out to them "Let's go".
The four of them set off, heading north across the plains. Following the well used wagon track that goes north from the waypoint they just stopped at.
Tam, who as a field commander in the armies of Farque. Is in charge of their small group. Could have Beldane teleport them every so often. But he won't do so unless necessary. As having the cleric cast all the time. Will tire him out. And the nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin, knows that it's best to have the powerful cleric as ready as possible when they get close to the first of the two villages. That the illegal wreckers are believed to be based at. As who knows what could actually be there.
And the fact that at least one of them is a mage. As it was a mageglobe that brought down their warship. Then the cleric in the church of Glaine will need to have all of his powers at his disposal.
The young field commander, who is a former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in northern Sarcrin. Has them move at a steady pace. With the messenger Lisell Maera out infront as their scout. Followed at a distance by Tovis, the war engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic. While Tam and Beldane walk side by side, about thirty yards behind the young engineer.
One of the few times that field commander Drubine has the fighting cleric cast.
Is when they get to the stream, which turns out to be much wider than expected. Though like all waterways here on the Kaldel Plains, which can get scorching hot in the middle of summer, is fairly shallow.
But since it's wide, the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, has the powerful cleric teleport the four of them across it. The churchman teleports them nearly a mile to a spot he can see from the south side of the stream.
The four of them continue on their way without missing a step. Lis hurries out infront of the others. She's followed by Tovis. Then a bit further behind the war engineer. Walks Tamric Drubine and Beldane the cleric.
As they walk northwards, they see in the distance away to the west. People digging holes in the ground. Searching for gold, as it can still be found in this part of the Kaldel Plains.
And as they walk, they occasionally come across swathes of ground, where it's been dug up over the years.
Usually round holes, that have been filled in. Some look fairly recent. While others are centuries old. Where the ground looks like it's hardly been disturbed. Where time and weather has slowly turned it back to what the ground originally looked like.
Just before midday, they see a herd of antelope grazing in the distance to the east.
Something happens to spook the antelope, which take off running on masse. They spot figures giving chase, and realise it's lions hunting. Trying to bring down any of the antelope that are lame or old.
They see more than a few of the antelope go down, as some of the lions are successful.
The herd eventually settles down again, as the hunt was fairly quick. No doubt it'll happen again when one or more of the lions spots an easy prey they think they can bring down without much difficulty.
The four of them briefly stop at around midday for something to eat. Stopping near a big pile of dirt from a recent gold dig earlier during the summer.
Beldane mentions they probably won't see much more of this. As the gold fields come to an end about twenty miles north of the town they were in early this morning.
Tamric Drubine who has just checked the map again, nods to that. Then after they've eaten. He calls for them to resume their march northwards.
Following the wagon tracks of a well used trail that links the town they were in previously, with the villages further north. Villages they believe the wreckers responsible for bringing down their warship are in.
Before they set off, the young field commander gives his eyepiece to Lisell Maera, and quietly tells her "If they're any good, they'll have watchers of this trail between their villages and that town".
The nobleborn teenager continues with "Keep an eye out for them" followed by "As they'll be closer to where they're based out of, than back this way towards town".
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury nods, then heads out infront of the other three. Who follow along behind her, as they continue northwards on what's a mild day here at the end of summer on the Kaldel Plains.
The walk throughout the afternoon is pretty uneventful. And as Beldane predicted they see no more evidence of gold prospectors digging up the ground.
The only remotely eventful thing. Is that they see a lioness cross infront of them. Roaring as she does, as she's followed by her two small cubs.
They briefly stop to let her go by, then resume on their way. With Lis out infront again in the lead.
It's getting late in the afternoon, when the messenger is out infront by about a hundred yards. Has stopped, and is down low looking through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece. Where in the distance there's quite a large area of the scrubby looking trees that can found across the plains.
Lisell Maera waves the others forward, gesturing for them to keep low. The three of them hurry forward, running in a crouch to reach the messenger who is kneeling on the ground.
"What is it?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine "Movement ahead in the trees" is the quiet reply of Lis who continues with "People" she follows that with "They're trying to keep out of sight. But they probably haven't spotted us yet". She hefts the eyepiece and says "Unless they've got one of these, or there's a spellcaster amongst them".
The messenger, the field commander and the war engineer all look at the fighting cleric, who tells them "They don't".
Beldane briefly pauses before he continues on with "Well i can't sense any, that doesn't mean their isn't".
Tam nods, then says "There probably isn't" then the nobleborn teenager takes out the map of this area of the plains and looks at it.
"Here's these trees, the area is pretty big by the looks of it, as it's marked like they're woods, it's at least a few miles across" says the young field commander in the armies of Farque, who continues on with "And the wagon trail goes right through it".
Tamric Drubine pauses for a few moments, then he quietly adds "The first of the villages is on the otherside, about a quarter of mile from the area of trees" the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin then says "The second village is about two miles north of the first if this map is accurate".
The others all nod, then Tovis the war engineer asks the young field commander "What do you suggest?".
Looking at the trees in the distance, Tamric Drubine quietly says "We'll go around" then looking at the fighting cleric, he says "We'll teleport to the east side, so those in there can't catch sight of us".
"We can't go too far" says Beldane the cleric, who continues with "Because if that mage of theirs is in that village and he happens to sense this way, well he'll locate me".
"What makes you think the mage is a man?" asks Lisell Maera "Because most are" dryly says the member of the church of Glaine, who continues on with "Unlike other spellcasters who are split fairly evenly, mages are predominantly male".
"Figures" mutters the messenger, who then adds "That explains a lot".
"It certainly does" says Beldane, who then adds "May i?" as he gestures at the eyepiece.
Lis hands it to him, and the fighting cleric who doesn't want to waste power on an unnecessary spell such as farsight, looks through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece, then nods before handing the eyepiece back.
"Should we go?" asks the powerful cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell, Tamric Drubine nods then says "We'll head around this patch of trees, and by the time we get near that first village it'll be dusk" followed by "Maybe even early evening".
"If they're there?" asks Lisell Maera, who then adds "Then what?".
"We'll observe them, and see what they get up to, and study their routines and habits" says the young field commander, who looks at Lis and says in elven to her "Study your enemy".
"Study your enemy" repeats the messenger in the same language, as they've been taught that repeatedly over the years they've known one another.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury nods, then the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin says in common to the fighting cleric "Take us away".
The four of them stand up, and they draw their weapons. Then they disappear when Beldane the cleric teleports them away . . . . . .

Wednesday 29 May 2019

Aftermath 23.

The Kaldel Plains...

Sasha the former mercenary and her lover, the blademaster Pallen. Continue to watch the loading of the magetubes onto the two cargo ships.
They're business factors from the kingdom of Nastell. Regular buyers from Arvelle and his crew of illegal wreckers. One of whom, has also purchased quite a lot of the salvaged equipment from the warship they took the magetubes from.
As well as the materials and parts, the airship was actually made from. With the exception of the keel which wasn't able to be recovered as it was basically destroyed.
The two factors from the kingdom to the east of the Kaldel Plains, were able to purchase in total, eighteen of the magetubes that were recovered, including two that were in their cradles. Leaving more than twenty left to be sold.
Which the crew of illegal wreckers hope to sell sometime tonight, or tomorrow.
"Are they leaving straight away once they're loaded?" asks Pallen the blademaster as they stand up at window on the second storey of the house that Arvelle is using as his own.
"They are" replies Sasha the former mercenary as they look at the two airships on the village green, as another magetube is hoisted up by one of the wooden cranes on one of the cargo vessels.
And as the heavy, magical weapon is swung over the port rail, over to the open hatch of the forward cargo hold, the good looking, one eyed woman quietly says "They'll be free to go".
The dangerous blademaster, who is also a plainsman, nods his head as he figured as much.
As the two business factors from Nastell are regular buyers of what they salvage. And Arvelle doesn't want to threaten that relationship in anyway.
"Any idea who'll they'll sell them on to?" asks the tall blademaster, who is quite fair for a plainsman, who are predominantly darker skinned.
"The nobility, or trading companies wanting protection for their airships most likely" says the former mercenary who is originally from the kingdom of Girdane "That's what i overheard some of their crew chatting about" adds the good looking woman, who only has one eye, and has a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face.
"Makes sense" murmurs the blademaster, who like his lover, is also from the kingdom of Girdane, though his parents were from the Kaldel Plains.
The couple then look across the village green, which is essentially a large, basically circular in shape, flat area of grass.
To another house over there. Where they spot Gorlic the former arena fighter at the back door of that house, watching the pair of cargo ships being loaded.
The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury, is with a number of others in that particular house. He's in charge of them, as they observe the two vessels from the kingdom of Nastell that are being loaded at this time.
The lovers Sasha and Pallen glance at one another, then the good looking woman, who lost her eye, and received the scar down the side of her face, from the blademaster standing next to her, says "We should go down, they're about to finish up".
The tall plainsman nods, and the two of them make their way out of the room, then downstairs. Where they exit the two storey house.
After looking into the main room where the chests of coins from the sale of the eighteen magetubes, and the salvaged equipment, and ship materials are stacked up.
The lovers from the kingdom of Girdane, wander over to where Arvelle their leader, along with Mac the dwarf are standing. After saying farewell to the pair of business factors from the kingdom of Nastell.
As they stop beside the leader of the illegal wreckers, Arvelle quietly tells them "They would of purchased more if they had brought more coin" after a brief pause, he adds "I would of sold them all to them, if i could".
Sasha nods in understanding, then quietly asks the shaven headed plainsman who leads them "And that lot from Druvic?".
Arvelle grunts, then waves as one of the cargo ships undoes it's tie lines, then hauls up it's ground anchor, and starts to slowly rise up into the late morning sky, on what's a very mild day here at the end of summer in the northeast quarter of the Kaldel Plains.
"From those four vessels you lot saw, and the description you gave of them, i only recognise one" quietly says the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers, who have been bringing down airships across the Kaldel Plains for the last year or so.
The plainsman, who is fair skinned, though not as much as Pallen, continues with "So one out of four i can kind of trust" he shrugs his shoulders, then adds "As for the other three?".
"Who knows" quietly says the dangerous blademaster Pallen, the other three standing here on the edge of the village green nod in agreement with him.
Then Arvelle says "We won't know until they get here" he continues with "And what the twins Sara and Famic tell us".
Sasha nods, then quietly asks the leader of the crew of just over two hundred illegal wreckers "Has Samiel come back".
The shaven headed plainsman shakes his head no, then says "He was going to wait until this lot left" Arvelle follows that with "He's probably nearby waiting for them to leave".
"Sounds like something he'd do" quietly says Pallen the blademaster, his fellow plainsman Arvelle nods in agreement, as the two of them don't entirely trust Samiel the mage, as they do all spellcasters.
That's indeed what the powerful mage was doing. Waiting for the two cargo vessels from the kingdom of Nastell to leave.
For as soon as the second of the airships is a few miles to the east of the village. The mage, along with the brothers Tim and Tom appear on the village green.
"We letting them go?" asks Samiel the mage after he and brothers make their way into the two storey house, that Arvelle lives in.
The others are at the table in the room just off the kitchen. There they're having the midday meal.
The three who just arrived back in the village, join them at the table, and have something to eat.
"We are" says plainsman who leads them, who then asks the spellcaster originally from the city-state of Tuledare "That other lot coming down from the north?".
"We saw them" says Samiel, who continues with "All four of them" he then adds "They'll get here this evening for sure".
The powerful mage, who is the one who actually brings down the airships they target, briefly hesitates, which of course Arvelle notices, and asks "What is it?".
"Well, they could get here before nightfall if they wanted to" says Samiel, the brothers Tom and Tim, two street ruffians turned wreckers from the kingdom of Nastell, nod in agreement with the Tuledarian mage.
"Oh?" says the leader of the illegal wreckers, the powerful spellcaster nods his head yes, then says "Wind coming out of the north, and what's coming from that way is pretty steady today" he continues with "They've basically got a tail wind, and could be here later this afternoon if they wanted to".
"Oh really?" says Arvelle, who after a slight pause adds "All four ships?".
"All four now" says Samiel, who continues with "One was out infront for a bit as we watched them, but came back to be close to the others, for protection no doubt".
The shaven headed plainsman who leads the illegal wreckers nods his head, then says "Was it the twin masted bark?" he continues with "The one that's been here before a few times?" followed by "The one the twins are flying on? ".
"It was" says the powerful mage, who along with the brothers Tim and Tom, observed the airships coming from the kingdom of Druvic. For quite some time this morning from a distance.
"Rogar's ship" says Arvelle, who then adds "He probably wants to get here as quickly as possible, but is unable to as the other three are flying slowly".
"And he doesn't want to be away from their protection" says Sasha, who then adds "Especially considering one is fitted for battle with magetubes and ballista".
"He's no fool" says Arvelle, who looks at the couple from the kingdom of Girdane, and adds "You've met him before, he's a cautious fellow. And doesn't do anything to put him and his crew in danger".
"And he always pays a fair price for whatever we're selling" says Mac the dwarf who speaks up for the first time.
The former shipwright from the Cascades, those low mountains and hill country near the coast of the Southlands, inland from the crescent port of Gilsom, then adds "He might not trust those other three vessels that the twins were able to persuade to come here".
"Might not" murmurs Arvelle in agreement with his best friend, and offsider, Mac.
Then the leader of the illegal wreckers says to the others at the table "We'll have to prepare for anything before they turn up tonight" Arvelle then adds "They'll be up to something for sure".
Just then Gorlic comes in from outside, and the leader of the crew of the illegal wreckers asks the former arena fighter "How was it?".
"Not to bad" says Gorlic the former arena fighter, who takes a plate from the table and starts loading it with food.
The former arena fighter originally from the city-state of Brattonbury continues with "All depends where they are" he briefly pauses before adding "Would be best if we have that other lot land on the green where we want" Gorlic then adds "Especially the one rigged for war".
Arvelle nods, then says "We'll make sure of it" the leader of the illegal wreckers continues with "Since they're getting here tonight, we'll have an excuse to have them land where we want" he then adds "For safety of course".
The others all grin at that, and Gorlic as he sits down on a bench next to the lovers Pallen and Sasha, softly chuckles, and snorts then murmurs "They'll be safe alright".
They eat in relative silence, not speaking about much or what they'll do later tonight, when the buyers from the kingdom of Druvic eventually show up.
Once they finish eating, Arvelle has the brothers Tom and Tim, as well as a couple of others who ate their midday meal here. Check on the other preparations for tonight when the four airships from the kingdom of Druvic show up.
Once they're gone, and it's only Arvelle, Sasha, Pallen, Mac, Gorlic and Samiel still at the table in the room off to the side of the kitchen. And Mac gets up and closes the door to outside, and then takes his seat next to his best friend Arvelle.
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers quietly says "Let's just hope we can actually sell some of them".
Sasha the former mercenary nods, then says "Your best bet is Rogar, he'll definitely buy them".
"But not all of them, he can't afford to buy all of them, unfortunately" says the tall, shaven headed plainsman who leads them, he continues with "The trick will be to get him to buy some first, and have them loaded and leave while I'm still negotiating with the others".
"Think we could risk negotiating with them in the morning?" asks Gorlic, who can be more than a little hot headed at times "That's what they'll be wanting" says Arvelle, who continues with "Well those other three will at least".
"So they can take what they want" quietly says Pallen the blademaster, who continues with "That's what i would do if I've flown hundreds of miles to get to a fortune in magetubes" he then adds "Take them, instead of paying for them".
They all nod at that, as they all have a feeling this will be what they're dealing with once the buyers from the kingdom of Druvic turn up. Well at least three out of the four vessels will. With probably only one, the merchant Rogar who they've dealt with previously a number of times. Being the only one who'll likely legitimately purchase some of the magetubes.
"Might be best if you did try to haggle with the others, and draw out the negotiations" says Sasha as she looks across the table at Arvelle.
The good looking woman with just one eye, continues with "Because three ships, with their crew and whoever else they've brought as passengers, will probably outnumber us".
They all nod to that, even with the illegal wreckers who live in the next village just a few miles away. Who have made their way over to this one this morning. Arvelle's crew will most likely be outnumbered by those coming from the kingdom of Druvic who are arriving tonight some time.
"What ever happens, we'll have to be decisive" says Arvelle, who after a brief pause, adds "Even if things go well, we're bound to lose some our crew if they try to take the magetubes by force".
They all nod at that, then the tall plainsman Pallen says "Such is the life of a criminal" the dangerous blademaster follows that with "And that's the life we've chosen".
The others at the table are all in agreement with that, as they all know the risks of being illegal wreckers. And that there's a fairly good chance that the criminal activities they partake in, will take their lives . . . . . .

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Aftermath 22.

The Summer Palace. The Lands Farque...

Standing just behind the beach off to side of the dock that goes out into the lake.
Lord Farque looks out over the lake, on the edge of which, the Summer Palace is located.
The morning is mild, here at the end of summer in the lands Farque. And the lord and ruler of the lands that are named after his family.
Has come down here as he thinks about things. And what took place in the kingdom of Nastell and the unruled lands north of it.
Where one of his armies was hired to do a job. The first time they've done so in four and half centuries.
The heavily armoured deathlord's thoughts are interrupted. And he looks away to his left. Where a small child hurries up the beach carrying a stick.
She comes up off the beach, and hurries to where her lord is standing. She places the stick on the ground near him, with the other things she's gathered.
A rock, and a handful of sand, a bit of broken stonework from the nearby dock, a piece of wood, and now the stick.
She looks up at the tall figure in black, blue plate armour. Who nods his full helmed head to her.
The young girl, who looks more like her father, than her mother as she looks satisfied, nods in return.
Then she turns, and on her small, three year old legs, hurries back down to the beach, to search for something else to find.
The lord of the death realm who returned to his nation quite a few days ago. Well before the rest of the fleet returning from Nastell has yet to do so.
Faintly smiles behind the faceplate of his full helm, as he watches the young girl searching across the empty beach.
Then he hears her older brother, who he's sensed coming from the Summer Palace, calling out for her, wondering where she is.
Yarren, the oldest of the four Van Der Linden children makes his way out from the covered walkway.
And decides not to call out for his sister again. As a pair of guards are standing nearby on this end of the dock that leads out onto the water.
The nine year old, looks along the lakeshore to the left. And spots his lord not that far from the dock.
Looking a little further along, he finally spots his little sister Saralyn down on the beach.
Yarren winces, and hopes she hasn't been bothering the lord. As his sister can be a bit peculiar to say the least. Even more so than the twins. And the twins aren't even human.
The oldest of the Van Der Linden children nods to the nearby guards in black. Then he makes his way down the steps to the left.
And heads across the grass to the lakeshore. As he sees his sister running up from the water. Clutching something in her hand, as if it's the most precious thing she possesses.
It's a feather, and young Saralyn Van Der Linden shows it in a triumphant manner to her lord, before she gently places it down on the pile of other things she's brought up from the lakeside beach.
A throat clears from behind them, and a young voice says "My lord".
Saralyn peers around her lord, and spots her oldest brother Yarren standing back from the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
She grins at him, after he slightly winces when he spots the pile of things she's collected and put at the feet of their lord.
"Yes young Yarren?" says lord Farque after he turns to face the oldest Van Der Linden child.
Yarren bows, then says "Little Sara isn't bothering you is she?". "She isn't" replies the undead warlord.
As for little Sara, she's wandered off down to the beach again, in search of something else to find to bring to her lord.
With a slight shake of his head, as he watches his little sister down on the beach, Yarren Van Der Linden says "It's just that it's time for her morning lesson" the nine year old boy continues with "Mother is looking for her".
"Ah well, if your mother wants to take her for her lesson, then off she should go to her" says the lord of the death realm, who after a slight pause, tells the young boy "After she gets this last bit".
Last bit of what? Yarren Van Der Linden thinks to himself, as it looks to him, his sister has just gathered up bits and pieces of nothing from the beach, and deposited them on the ground infront of their lord.
"And how are your studies and training going young Yarren" asks the heavily armoured deathlord who stands well over six and a half foot tall, and is close to three hounded pounds in weight. With barely an ounce of fat on him. As he's exactly as he was when he died, with the exception of his hair. Which went from blond to black when he returned as undead.
"Well, my lord" says the oldest Van Der Linden child, who refrains from rubbing his sore left arm, that was whacked in weapons training earlier this morning.
The deathlord of Farque nods, then asks "And languages?". "Well my lord" says Yarren in the elven language, and repeats it again in dwarven.
"Bit more difficult speaking mother's languages" says the nine year old, who then adds in the air elemental language "Very difficult" followed, less assuredly, and a little hesitantly in the earth element language with "Difficult".
The undead warlord nods then says "Better than most" he continues with "Don't worry about having trouble learning the earth elemental language, i struggled with it too" he then adds in a slightly dry tone with "Your father can barely speak it, and he's known your mother for over a dozen years".
"Yes my lord" says Yarren who refrains from grinning, as it's well known his father finds it near impossible to speak one of the languages of his wife.
Considering that all of his children are learning them, even young Saralyn. Who is on the beach, head down, searching for something. What? Yarren isn't exactly sure. Knowing his little sister. It will be of importance to her.
"And your other lessons?" asks lord Farque, who then adds "From your father?".
The young boy, who knows exactly what his lord is referring to. Nods his head, then says "I think they're going well my lord".
Yarren, who knows there's no use holding anything back. As his lord knows everything, about all of his people.
"Well, I'm not exactly certain to be honest my lord" says the oldest of the four Van Der Linden children, who is already showing the height that both his mother and father have.
As he's already taller than most children his age.
"As is the way of all spellcasters who have just come into their power" says the lord of the death realm, who continues with "Especially of mages I'm told".
The undead being, who can sense life and death, as well as magic, says to the boy mage "Well since you haven't blown up parts of the palace yet, I'm guessing it's going fairly well".
Yarren Van Der Linden grins, then says "Yes my lord" he follows that with "I'll continue to do so" he then silently adds, i hope. As he's found it difficult to control his powers at times when he's casting.
The young boy looks down to the beach, where he sees his little sister Saralyn has picked up something, and is carrying it back up here to the grass behind the beach.
The small, three year old child, opens up her hand. And drops something down onto the pile of things she's gathered and placed next to her lord.
Yarren blinks in surprise, as he sees it's a small, clear gem of some kind.
Saralyn looks up at her lord, who nods to her again, this time saying "Thank you little one".
The undead warlord, who when he was alive, was a battlelord, who died at the age of just twenty two, in the most well known battle during the largest war in the history of all the Southlands.
A battle that he turned with his death, when he killed the emperor of the Holy Norstran Empire. Whose armies had come across the Great Western Ocean, and invaded the Southlands.
Says to the small child looking up at him "That will be all this morning" followed by "Go with your brother now, your mother is waiting for you".
"Yes lord" says Saralyn in her quiet voice. Her older brother's eyebrows go up in surprise, as his little sister hardly ever says a word to anyone outside of the family.
The three year old girl, skips over to her brother, who bows and says "My lord".
He slightly nudges his little sister, who turns and bows too, though it's just a nod of the head, and a bend of her knees, in a squat more than anything else, as she says "Lord".
After a nod from their lord, Yarren who slightly winced at how Saralyn addressed their lord, takes his little sister's hand and turns, and the two of them walk away, heading for the covered walkway that leads back into the Summer Palace. The smallest of the residences of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"It's my lord, not lord" quietly says the older brother to the young sister as they walk up the steps.
"His name's not my, it's lord" quietly says little Saralyn Van Der Linden, who then adds "That's just silly Yar".
The boy mage just rolls his eyes, and keeps quiet on the matter. As he knows his youngest sibling is stubborn just like their mother. And it's no use trying to dissuade either of them.
Dealing with the twins, who are three years his junior, making them three years older than little Sara. Is easier to do, and they're not human beings.
They might not be humans, just like their mother. But they're less peculiar than Saralyn and her odd little ways.
Lord Farque faintly smiles as he watches the two Van Der Linden children make their way back into the Summer Palace.
When they're out of sight, back inside. The deathlord of Farque waves over one of the nearby, black clad guards standing at the foot of the dock.
As the guard makes his way over, the undead warlord picks up the gem from the pile of things that Saralyn Van Der Linden gathered off the beach.
It's an empty spell gem, that was lost in the lake centuries ago. Which only resurfaced and washed ashore recently.
Once the guard reaches him, and after he bows, the heavily armoured deathlord points at the other things young Saralyn Van Der Linden gathered, and says "Return these to the beach" followed by "Scatter them along it".
Not bothering to ask his lord about the unusual request, the guard says "Yes my lord" then bows, and starts picking up the small pile of things the young child gathered.
And as the guard heads down to the beach, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque makes his way to the Summer Palace and into it.
Kreece Van Der Linden makes his way along a hallway in one of the upper levels of the lakeshore palace. Looking out the glass windows to his left, which offers a view of the large lake, which the Summer Palace is on the north side of.
The powerful mage, probably the most powerful one in all the Southlands at this time, has just left his family's suite. Where little Saralyn has finally turned up after her oldest brother Yarren found her. As she had wandered off again, as she often does.
The mage Van Der Linden, who is the new chancellor of the lands Farque after his father passed away due to a heart attack in the spring.
Slightly shakes his head at the antics of his youngest child. She might be human unlike the twins. And he's been reliably told she won't be a spellcaster like her oldest brother Yarren.
But without doubt she's the most peculiar of his four children. And that's saying something considering who her parents are.
For though he's a powerful human mage in his early thirties, his wife Sephiryn isn't human. She's an elemental. And not just an ordinary elemental. She's both an air and earth elemental. Two opposing elements. The only elemental in the world who is of two opposing elements.
The chancellor, who is not in his half plate armour, or wearing his sword as he makes his way around a corner. Left his family's suite after receiving a message via mindspeech from hundreds a miles away in the very north of the lands Farque. Only one type of spellcaster can do that. A navigator in the Krean Protectorate.
Kreece Van Der Linden, who has turned into an empty corridor. Makes his way to the end of it, where a closed door is. Infront of which, lies a massive shape.
The undead wardog Hammer cracks an eyelid, and looks at the powerful mage. Then his master's voice comes from within the room behind the door, in a language that only he and his fellow wardogs understand.
The massive undead canine, gets up, and moves out of the way of the door.
"Thank you Hammer" quietly says the chancellor of the lands Farque, who steps forward and knocks upon the door. And after hearing enter from the otherside of it. He opens the door, and makes his way inside.
The powerful mage waits for the undead wardog Axe, who has just got up and is walking away from the doorway.
The spellcaster closes the door behind him, and makes his way over to the large bay windows, where his lord is standing, looking out at the lake.
"My lord" says Kreece Van Der Linden the mage, the undead warlord nods, then says "You received a message from one of the senior navigators up in the Krean Protectorate" says the undead warlord.
"I did my lord" says the chancellor, who chairs the personal council to his lord "The rest of the fleet have started to return from further north" says the spellcaster who a couple of inches over six foot himself, has to look up at the large, heavily armoured figure that is his lord.
The deathlord of Farque, who returned quite a while ago on the krean strikeship, the Fídiablo by way of a few ship rifts.
Nods his full helmed head for the mage Van Der Linden to continue, and the spellcaster who also happens to be a blademaster, says "One of the ships was attacked one night flying over the Kaldel Plains" he then adds "It went down".
Noticing the pause from his chancellor, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque says "And?".
"There were a number of people onboard it" says Kreece Van Der Linden, who then names them, and tells his lord that they survived the warship going down, as did most of the crew and passengers onboard.
Then the powerful mage informs his lord, what those he named, have set out to do.
After rolling his eyes, lord Farque mutters "Fucking hell" as he knows that those Kreece have named, are more than capable. But they are also highly capable of getting themselves into trouble.
The undead warlord thinks about it for a few moments, then tells his chancellor what he wants done . . . . . .

Monday 27 May 2019

Aftermath 21.

The Kaldel Plains...

Helbe the elven thief appears and says "There's some more wagons up ahead".
"Like the ones we came across last night?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage, referring to some burnt out wagons they found just after sunset last night.
"No they're intact" says the young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel "Though there's quite a few dead, like there was last night". Then by way of a mindspeech spell. The elven magic user informs his fellow spellcaster that he suspects Tamric Drubine and the others with him are responsible for what's happened ahead, just a few miles away.
The once powerful mage who pulls back on the tiller to lift the jolly boat higher into the morning sky.
Looks at his fellow member of the personal council to lord Farque. And quietly asks him "You sure?".
The elven masterthief nods his hooded head yes, then says "I'm sure" followed by "You'll see when you get there".
The young elven noble who is part of the royal family that rules the principality of Laerel then disappears. While the mage who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil. Continues to lift up on the tiller, sending the small air boat higher. And it's not too long before they can all see the wagons in the distance down on the plains. On what's a cool morning here on the Kaldel Plains as summer comes to an end.
From the air, as they approach they can see the bodies scattered around, and near the wagons.
All of them look to be fighting men, and none look to be plainsmen. Unlike last night, where the dead. Men, women and children, were all plainsmen.
The spellcaster originally from the city-state of Vexil, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster brings the jolly boat down. And lands it about thirty yards back from one of the wagons.
They all jump overboard after the small air boat settles. Though Teabagger the goblin Cunt slips overboard more than he jumps overboard.
Away to their right, south of the wagons. They see a few bodies lying on the ground.
While another is at the back of the wagon they're approaching. And another is leaning halfway over the side of it, from the wagon bed.
"Pray tell, i wonder who did all this, wot?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Tam and the others" answers Mira Reinholt.
The others look at him, then Darid Parsen nods his head, when the once powerful mage adds "In retaliation for what was done to those plainsmen we found early last night".
The nobleborn knight, sir Percavelle clears his throat, then says "That young chap has quite a bit of mettle to him" followed by "I do say, i do like that about him".
They make their way around the wagon, where they see Helbe the elven thief crouching down next to one of the bodies, where a cook fire was.
Shur Kee the monk nods his head when he sees a bent crossbow bolt near another of the bodies. He knows that came from his old weapon, that now belongs to Lisell Maera.
While Mira Reinholt spots another of the bodies. That doesn't seem to have any wounds to it. And isn't spoiled or corrupted like the others near it. And knows that person was killed by magic wielded by Beldane the cleric.
They stop near the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
The third inline to the throne of the principality of Laerel stands up from where he's crouching, points at the dead body at his feet, and says "Tam" he briefly pauses then adds "And Lis too" he then murmurs "Definitely Lis".
"Hell" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, as they all look at the dead body the elven princeling has pointed to.
The dead man's pants are down, and there's burn marks up and down his inner thighs. From a burning brand that was in the cook fire most likely.
And though one of his eyes has been burnt out too. The most horrific injury to him, is that his genitals have been cut off. And they're in his left hand.
Dorc da Orc who has been sniffing around, and licking his lips as he eyes up some of the dead bodies that are lying nearby.
Looks over the others, and looks down at the dead body they're all looking at. Cackling in laughter, Dorc da Orc says "Did fucken Tam do that?".
With a nod of his hooded head, the mage Reinholt says "He did".
Still laughing, the large ork says in a tone of pride "Awww he all grown up now" followed by "Me teach him so good".
The big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world, knuckles an eye as tears of laughter start to fall, then he says "Me so proud".
Rolling his eyes as he looks at the ork warleader standing there, crying in laughter as he points at the dead man on the ground, and says "Hey cunt, why you holding your cock like that?" followed by "Did it fall off?".
Councilor Reinholt says in elven "How long ago do you think this happened?".
"A couple of days ago by the state of these bodies" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander "At least" adds prince Helbenthril Raendril. Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, nods his hooded head in agreement with the nobleborn elf.
The spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Until he was stripped of most of his powers when he accidentally went offworld a number of years ago.
Knows that there's one amongst them, who knows exactly when this took place. Though getting it out of him might be a bit of chore. As at the moment, he's bent over at the waist, in the throes of a fit of laughter.
"Dorc!" yells the swordmaster Reinholt trying to get the attention of the ork weaponsmith who is busy laughing. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic after a sour look directed at the large ork, has already wandered away, just to get away from son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks.
After taking a few deep breaths, Dorkindle finally stands upright again, and wipes his eyes, then looking at the Vexilian mage in exile, he says "What cunt?".
"How long ago did all this happen?" asks the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster as he gestures around them at the dead.
After shaking his head, and chuckling again as he looks down at the dead body near where the cook fire was, the large ork sniffs a few times, then murmurs "Hmmmm" as he looks over at some of the other dead that are nearby.
"Five days ago" says Dorc da Orc as he holds up three fingers of his right hand.
"Er?" murmurs Teabagger the goblin Cunt as he looks sideways, and up at his general standing beside him.
Rolling his eyes, the mage Reinholt says in a laconic tone "So three days ago then?".
"Five cunt" says the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who then adds "can't you count?" as he continues to hold up three fingers.
"Early in the fucken morning they kill 'em" says the big, burly ork who is from the frozen bottom of the world.
"So in the morning three days ago" says Mira Reinholt in the elven language, prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head in agreement, then he says in elven "You notice anything?".
Darid Parsen has already noticed it, and he says in elven "No horses". The elven magic user nods again, then says "They're on horseback now".
"Fuck" mutters the exiled Vexilian mage, who then adds "Just as we were catching up to them".
"It can't be helped" says the elven master assassin, who informs his fellow spellcaster by way of a mindspeech spell, that Narladene has gone ahead, following the horse tracks left by Tamric Drubine and the three others with him.
"They're still heading north and east" says prince Helbenthril Raendril who continues on with "Those original wagon tracks from the crash site pass a little bit away to the east of here" he then adds "Must be a well known route they're taking".
"Think this lot are involved with those wreckers?" asks Mira Reinholt who nods down at the dead man lying on the ground infront of them.
"Do you?" asks the elven masterthief, the once powerful mage shakes his hooded head no, then says "Not certain".
The highly skilled swordmaster continues with "They didn't go after those plainsmen living in that canyon. And that lot watched them take apart that cargo ship down on the dry lake bed".
The Vexilian mage in exile after a slight pause, then says "Still, the plainsmen down there said that the wreckers looked like they were all foreigners that they could tell" he gestures around them as he adds "As are all this lot by the looks of it".
"Well whoever they were" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who points down at the dead man, who was tortured and mutilated before he died, then adds "Tam and the others found out".
"That they did" murmurs the mage Reinholt, who after a momentary pause, continues with "And they also might know where exactly the wreckers are".
"That cleric does know parts of the plains well" says the cavalry commander, who like the mage and the elven magic user, is a member of lord Farque's personal council "He spent a year or more traveling the plains for his church" adds commander Parsen who then says "So he might know exactly where these wreckers are".
Mira Reinholt faintly winces at that, and hopes that Tamric Drubine and the others don't do anything rash in retaliation for the warship they were all traveling on, being taken down out of the night sky by these illegal wreckers.
"We should get going" says the once powerful mage, who then adds "We still might be able to catch them" the highly skilled swordmaster then asks his fellow spellcaster "How far do you think we've come?".
"More than halfway i guess" says Helbe the elven thief "Another three hundred and fifty miles or so then?" says councillor Reinholt, the elven princeling nods his hooded head to that.
"We're going" says mage Reinholt to the others, then the spellcaster originally from the city-state of Vexil calls out "Dorc leave that alone!" followed by "We're leaving!".
The large ork who had wandered away, and was fingering the entrails of one of the dead bodies, and was about to have a quick snack whilst no one was looking.
Grunts in a guilty manner, and gets up and makes his way towards the others. Briefly stopping at one of the wagons, from the back of which he takes a small barrel of grain alcohol he caught a whiff of earlier.
They all make their way to the jolly boat, where sir Percavelle Lé Dic is already waiting.
After Helbenthril Raendril, the grandson of Prince Raendril, says "I'll go on ahead" and adds "You'll find their trail to the north, you can't miss it" then disappears.
The once powerful mage says "Get onboard" to the others, as he's the first one to hop aboard.
He's followed by Dalinvardél Tanith, Darid Parsen, Shur Kee, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic, then Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
Dorc da Orc is last onboard, as the rest have to basically counter his weight, until he's sitting square in the center of the small air boat. On the bench right behind the single mast that the jolly boat has.
Taking the tiller, and lifting up on it, the mage Reinholt quietly says in the elven language to his fellow councillor, Darid Parsen "Sometimes i think Tam as well as Lis are too well trained".
The cavalry commander, who in actuality is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen, nods his head in understating.
"To eliminate your enemies and such?" quietly says councillor Parsen, the highly skilled Vexilian swordmaster nods, then says "Exactly".
The once powerful mage as he lifts the tiller up, sending the jolly boat higher into the air, quietly continues with "If they get there before us, i hope they don't get it into their heads to take action, in retaliation for our ship being destroyed".
"I'm certain they won't" says Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who follows that up with "It's just the four of them, and there's what?" he then adds "More than a couple of hundred of these wreckers".
"You hope they won't" quietly says Mira Reinholt, who levels out the small air boat a few hundred feet above the ground.
And after he has Shur Kee the monk tighten one of the lines. And Dalinvardél Tanith who is looking overboard, down at the ground. Where he's spotted the tracks of at least a half a dozen horses, or even more. Heading north and east from the wagons below.
The exiled Vexilian mage quietly says to his fellow member of lord Farque's personal council "They've been around us for too long".
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Nods his hooded head to where Dorc da Orc is sitting in the middle of the boat, sipping from the barrel of grain alcohol he's got. While he glares at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is in the bow, glaring back at the ork warleader.
"In particular Tam around him" quietly says the mage Reinholt, the cavalry commander winces as he looks at the large ork, who is the person that Tamric Drubine has looked up to the most since he was a child.
"Hell" mutters Darid Parsen, who then adds "That's true". The councillor who over the years has inhabited a number of different bodies, then quietly says "Let's just hope he does the right thing".
Mira Reinholt the mage just nods to that, as they continue flying to the northeast, here on a cool morning at the end of summer on the Kaldel Plains . . . . . .

Sunday 26 May 2019

Aftermath 20.

The Kaldel Plains...

Riding out infront of the others as it approaches dusk. Lisell Maera reins in when she hears her name being called out from behind.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury who is a messenger in the armies of Farque. Looks back and sees the others hurrying to catch up to her, as she's been scouting out infront of them.
Once they join her, Tamric Drubine the field commander says "Beldane is pretty sure he recognises just up ahead".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well. Looks over at the cleric Beldane, who nods his head then says "Skirt along those trees up ahead, and there's a creek that leads to a way point".
"Way point?" asks Lisell Maera the messenger "Where caravans tend to stop where several routes cross" is the reply from the powerful cleric, who is a member of the church of Glaine.
Lis nods, then asks "How far?". "About a mile and a half away" replies the churchman who hails from the kingdom of Nastell.
"Want me to check it out?" asks the attractive messenger as she looks at the young field commander in the armies of Farque "Will probably get there before sunset" adds Lisell Maera.
The nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head yes, then says "Take Beldane with you".
Then in the elven language, Tamric Drubine adds "Keep him out of trouble if anyone is there".
Lis nods at that, then in common, Tam says to the fighting cleric "Listen to what Lis has to say" followed by "And do what she says" the nobleborn teen briefly pauses before adding "I'm not exactly asking you there cleric".
"I understand field commander" says Beldane who perfectly understands an order when he's given one. And he doesn't takes umbrage at one given to him by a teenager who is more than a decade younger than him.
"Come on" says the messenger or runner as they're often referred to, who nods her head for the powerful cleric to follow her.
The two of them ride ahead, while Tamric Drubine and Tovis the war engineer follow at a distance, and a slower pace. As the two of them are also leading the spare mounts.
Out infront, Lisell Maera and Beldane the cleric ride around the scrubby looking trees, and soon come upon the creek. Which they follow eastwards. As they do, the messenger in the armies of Farque sniffs, then says "I think someone's there, i can smell smoke".
The powerful spellcaster in the church of Glaine, nods his head as they ride side by side, and he says "Same here".
Then the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury asks the fighting cleric "Can you sense anyone there?".
Beldane, who often forgets that those he's with now, those who aren't spellcasters themselves. Know an awful lot about practitioners of magic, and their ways.
Which he knows has a lot to do with them always being around spellcasters. Shakes his head no, then says "I can't sense anyone".
"At least that's something" says Lisell Maera, who peers ahead in the last light of the day as it nears sunset. Then she quietly tells the churchman who hails from the duchy of Phelm in northern Nastell "There's some wagons there" followed by "A caravan is there, maybe more than one".
As he peers ahead, Beldane the cleric nodd his head, and quietly says "Looks like it" the fighting cleric who is a member of the church of Glaine then adds "Plainsmen for sure".
The way point turns out to be pile of rocks were two well known caravan routes cross here in this part of the Kaldel Plains.
The pile of rocks are about four feet high, and in the shape of a rough pyramid. With a long pole sticking out of the top of it. The pole that's about twelve foot tall, has strips of coloured cloth hanging from it.
Gently blowing in the late afternoon, early evening breeze that's across this part of the plains.
Beldane quietly informs Lis that the coloured cloths are prayer flags to the gods of the plainsmen.
The two of them dismount, and walk their horses forward to the caravans that have stopped here at this way point.
There's definitely two distinct caravans, one with a trio of wagons, and the other with four.
There's some distance between the sets of wagons. Though the plainsmen from both caravans are for the most part around one large fire between the two caravans.
When the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury and the fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell are spotted walking their mounts towards them.
They're warmly greeted by the two sets of plainsmen. Who Beldane quietly informs Lisell Maera, are always cordial to other travelers on the plains. Even those who aren't plainsmen like themselves.
The powerful spellcaster, who knows a lot of the ways and customs of the plainsmen of the Kaldel Plains, as he spent a year and a half traveling here on a mission for his church, trying to convert the plainsmen.
Takes the lead, when Lis murmurs to him "You know them and their ways, you talk to them" the messenger in the armies of Farque adds "See if you can find out anything about that lot who have been taking down ships".
Then as the churchman from the north of the kingdom of Nastell, speaks with the plainsmen. Lisell Maera waits for Tamric Drubine and Tovis the war engineer to catch up.
As she does, the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, observes the plainsmen of these two caravans, that have stopped at this particular way point at the crossroads of these two routes.
Lis who has noticed that the heavy wagon tracks they've been following since the site of the crashed cargo ship they came across, or what was left of that airship. Heads northwards from the way point here.
Spots a couple of children coming back along those tracks. As they've spent the late afternoon playing around to the north of the way point.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury sees men, women and children all helping to cook at the fire between the two sets of wagons.
While others are preparing beds in the wagons. Which are large, and are covered with a box like structure. Some of the side walls of the wagons have been opened. While the doors at the back of them are all open.
Lis spots a small herd of goats, nearby under the watchful eye of two order children and a young man.
The messenger wonders about the hardships of the plainsmen living their lives where they're continually traveling. Though she must admit they also have a lot of freedom, and not constrained to living in one spot. Apart from during winter, which they tend to settle down for.
Beldane has explained that even those who live in the settlements they've come across. And others in the villages and towns further to the northeast. Travel and wander across the Kaldel Plains for part of the year.
The messenger in the armies of Farque faintly smiles as her life isn't all that different really. For since the age of eleven, she has continually traveled across the Southlands, and even beyond.
She realises she has a lot more in common with the plainsmen of the Kaldel Plains as it first appears.
And though she doesn't travel in a family group like they do. She's never really had a family anyway. Apart from a younger brother who is growing up in one of the temples back in Brattonbury.
Lisell Maera turns and sees Tamric Drubine and Tovis the war engineer approaching as the sun drops down to the horizon in the west.
When the two of them arrive leading the spare mounts. They too are greeted by the plainsmen of the two caravans.
And Beldane after talking with some of the plainsmen, makes his way back from the fire to speak with Lis, Tam and Tovis.
"Some of them have heard of those who have been taking down airships across the plains" quietly says the fighting cleric as he informs the others what he's found out.
The churchman from the kingdom of Nastell continues with "They're based out of a pair of villages up in the northeast of the plains".
"You know these villages?" asks Tamric Drubine, who then adds "Have you been there before?".
"I don't" says Beldane, who then adds "They're further north than I've ever been on the plains" the member of the church of Glaine continues with "Though i have been to a town about thirty, or forty miles south of them".
The nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin nods his head to that, then he asks the powerful spellcaster "Can you get us to this town?".
"I can" says the fighting cleric who then adds "It'll take me two gateways, but the second one will be over a much shorter distance".
Tam then looks over at Lis who asks him in the elven language "Should we go to this town tonight?" followed by "Or in the morning?".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque is silent for a few moments as he looks around, then quietly says in elven "In the morning" he follows that with "Tonight might be the only bit of respite we get for a while".
The messenger nods to that, then in the common language, Tamric Drubine says "We'll leave in the morning by gateway".
"The horses?" asks Tovis the war engineer "We'll give them to the plainsmen here" answers the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
The four of them are invited to have the evening meal with the two caravans of plainsmen. Which they gladly accept. As the food is of much better quality, not to mention better prepared and cooked than what they've been eating of late.
After the meal, there's singing of songs by the plainsmen around the camp fire. And though the plainsmen speak the common language. They also have their own patois, or dialect. Which nowadays is mainly used for songs and the recital of their oral history.
The four outsiders all come to the silent agreement that the plainsmen should speak their own dialect. As it's a much finer language upon the ear than the common tongue.
Which is considered a clipped off, and murky language compared to many other languages spoken across the world of Volunell.
Once the singing of songs is completed. The plainsmen of both caravans start to slowly wander off to their wagons. Until eventually Tam, Lis, Tovis and Beldane are the only ones left at the fireside.
They bed down there, and as the fire is large. It's the warmest night's sleep they've had so far since their ship was brought down. As the fire for the most part keeps the chilly night at bay.
They're up early the next morning, well before dawn as are many of the plainsmen and women, who prepare for the day, as they get ready to set off from the way point.
After a cooked breakfast, the four of them split the amount of horses they have. And give four mounts each to the two caravans. A generous gift for sure. As the prolonged thank you's from both sets of plainsmen testify to.
Then as the two caravans are getting ready to leave as the sun starts to rise in the east. The field commander, the messenger, the war engineer and the fighting cleric make their way from the way point. Walking to the northeast across the plains.
Once the caravans have departed the way point, with one going north and the other heading south.
Beldane the cleric looks at Tamric Drubine, and the nobleborn teenager gives him the go ahead to create a gateway.
Which is exactly what the powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell does. Once it's formed, Lis goes through first, followed by Tovis, Tam and finally Beldane. A couple of moments after they've gone through. The gateway disappears from the plains.
A goat that's wandered away from a nearby heard bleats at Beldane once he's dropped the second of the gateways behind him.
They're about a mile south of a town, nearly three hundred miles away from the way point they spent the night at with the two caravans of plainsmen.
As Tovis shoos away the gate, Tamric Drubine asks the fighting cleric form the kingdom of Nastell "Where's the town?".
"North, about a mile or so from here" says Beldane who has brought them to a cluster of scrubby looking trees.
They set off, and immediately they notice small mounds of dirt dotted across the plains in the distance to the west and northwest.
"What's that?" asks Lisell Maera who points to the mounds of dirt, who continues with "Is that holes in the ground too?".
"Digging for gold" says Beldane who then explains "Gold was discovered in this part of the plains centuries ago. And though the last big rush was well over two hundred years ago. People still dig for it these parts".
"Explains why all the towns and villages are up here in the northeast of the plains" says Tovis the war engineer, who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, where he once served a baron Harkonin.
"Exactly" says the churchman who is a follower of the god Glaine, who then quietly adds "You'll also find a lot more foreigners up here like us, than you will elsewhere on the plains".
"Keep an eye on things" quietly says Tamric Drubine in elven to Lisell Maera "As well as on the cleric and Tovis too" adds the young field commander who continues with "I will too".
Then switching to the common language, the nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin who leads their small group, says to the young engineer and the fighting cleric "Be careful what you say and do".
Tam continues with "There's a good chance that some of those we're after could actually be here, since the villages they're in are just thirty to forty miles north of here".
Both Tovis and Beldane nod, then Lis says "Is that a road over there?" as she gestures away to the east.
"It is" says the powerful spellcaster, who continues with "It heads to the next town in that direction, and goes even beyond that, where it eventually turns into a track that finally leads into Nastell".
After a little while they get to the road that comes up from the southeast, and they walk along it as it leads to the town, which is far bigger than what Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera and Tovis the war engineer were expecting.
"We'll try and find out what we can" quietly says field commander Drubine as they walk along the road, and approach the town on this fairly cool morning on the Kaldel Plains at the very end of summer . . . . . .

Thursday 23 May 2019

Aftermath 19.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Anything?" asks Gorlic the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"Nothing" replies Samiel the mage as he looks across the sky towards the north.
The spellcaster who is originally from the city-state of Tuledare, then says "Seems our luck has run out".
"Seems like it" says the arena fighter who at times can be more than a little hot headed.
The two of them keep looking to the north, with the mage looking far further as he's cast a farsight spell upon himself.
They've been here in the north of the Kaldel Plains, for a day and a half now. They started a few hundred miles to the west of the villages they're based at. And steadily headed north. Though only going to places that Samiel already knows. As one can't cast a rift to a place they've never been to, or seen before.
As of yet, they've yet to spot a single airship coming south from the kingdom of Druvic, which is just a couple hundred miles further to the north.
Samiel, who has been looking more to the northeast, as that's the direction a lot of vessels coming from Druvic head, as they make their way further south across the Kaldel Plains. To get to elsewhere in the Southlands.
Says to the former arena fighter standing next to him "Might have to go way out west, to find one going in that direction, usually all the way to the coast". Which is a good fifteen hundred miles further from the western fringes of the plains.
"That's a hell of a long way to find an airship" says Gorlic, who continues with "Not to mention if we do find one and bring it down, it'll take weeks to bring the keel back by wagon, since we can't bring that through one of your rifts".
The powerful mage grunts at the prospect of that, then he says "That definitely is a disadvantage". Samiel then sighs as he continues to look away to the north, trying to locate an air vessel that they could potentially target.
Gorlic looks away to their right, and spots Sasha and Pallen heading this way from the small camp their group has set up. Which will be quickly broken down when they decide to move again.
Which the former arena fighter, who fought for nearly three years in the famous fighting arenas of Brattonbury. Suspects will be pretty soon, as it looks like Sasha has had enough in this spot.
"Anything?" asks Sasha the former mercenary who has taken out her cylindrical eyepiece and is looking through it to the north.
"Nothing" says Gorlic who answers for Samiel, who he guesses is probably sick of answering that particular question.
"No luck today it seems" quietly says the good looking, one eyed woman "Or yesterday for that matter" dryly adds Pallen the blademaster, who like his lover Sasha, is from the kingdom of Girdane.
"That's a fact" says Samiel the mage, who then looks at Sasha, and asks the former mercenary "Should we leave?".
"We should" says the former mercenary who leads the small group who goes out and finds their targets, and brings them down.
"We could stop in a couple of places on our way back" says the mage who once worked for the port authority, to be exact, the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare itself.
The powerful spellcaster then adds "Just for a short time in each, just incase our luck returns".
Sasha glances at her lover Pallen, and the blademaster, who though from Girdane, is actually a plainsman, one of just a few of them in the crew of illegal wreckers.
The dangerous blademaster just shrugs his shoulders in reply to that enquiring look from his lover.
Sasha looks back at the mage, and tells him "Okay" followed by "Just a short time in each place".
The good looking woman, who has just one eye, and a gnarly looking scar down the side of her face where the eye is missing, tells Gorlic "Have the others break down the camp" she follows that with "We're going".
They break down the camp fairly quickly, as they brought just a handful of tents with them. To offer them shelter at night, where it gets a little chilly on the Kaldel Plains. Even now, at the end of summer.
Once the camp is down, and everything is packed, Sasha gives the nod to go ahead for Samiel to cast a rift.
A few moments later and a rift starts to appear as multi coloured lights, in what can only be described as a shape that roughly resembles a door.
A few moments after that and the rift completely froms, and Gorlic is the first one through, followed by Sasha, then Pallen.
The others go through after them, then finally Samiel is the last one through the rift. Which he drops once he's on the otherside.
The otherside is about a hundred miles further east of where they just were. Not far from quite a large patch of the scrubby looking trees that can be found across the Kaldel Plains.
The entire group, all look at the sky, in all directions, before finally just looking to the north in the direction of the kingdom of Druvic. Observing the midday sky in that direction. Hoping to spot an airship which they can target.
They're all fairly quiet as they do, then Sasha glances at Samiel, and the mage from the city-state of Tuledare shakes his head no.
"Next place" says the good looking woman, who lost her eye, and gained her scar from her lover Pallen, who was trying to kill her at the time during a battle.
The Tuledarian mage waits a few more moments as he continues to look north, then he casts another rift spell.  Once it's formed, Gorlic is the first one through again, followed by Sasha and Pallen, and the rest of the group. Samiel is the last one through again.
"Down" says Pallen who grabs the mage once he's through the otherside of the rift, which he quickly drops as the blademaster drags him down to the ground.
"Where?" asks the mage, meaning the threat, as he sees everyone else is flat on the ground too.
He doesn't even have to wait for the answer from Pallen, as he can already sense it. Infact it's four of them. Airships, about five miles away.
"To the north, four ships, about five miles away, heading east away from us" quietly says the fair skinned plainsman who is a blademaster, who then asks Samiel "Any spellcasters onboard who can sense you?".
"At that distance and heading away from us, not unless they're a mage, or an extremely powerful sorcerer or wizard" says the spellcaster from Tuledare, who is now holding his power within himself. Who can see the airships in the distance heading east, and south.
The powerful mage who murmurs "Hope they've got no lookouts with eyepieces looking this way". Winces when the blademaster dryly says to him "Or elves or dwarves".
"Forgot about them" mutters Samiel who watches the airships, that seem to be merchant vessels.
"Traders?" asks the spellcaster from Tuledare "Looks like trade ships" quietly says Pallen, who then adds "At least one is rigged for war".
Samiel looks at the blademaster, who nods away to their right. There on the ground a few yards away, lies Sasha, who is looking through her cylindrical eyepiece.
"One of them is armed with magetubes and ballista" quietly says the good looking, one eyed woman.
The Tuledarian mage nods, and decides to risk it. He stops holding his power within himself, and senses.
Samiel grunts, then says "The twins". The two lovers Sasha and Pallen look at him, and he tells them "Sara and Famic are onboard the third ship" the mage continues with "I can sense Sara".
The former mercenary Sasha nods, then says "Must be the buyers from Druvic" she adds "Arvelle mentioned Davon had returned from Nastell, but the twins hadn't come back from Druvic yet".
"Well there they are" says Samiel, who gets up off the ground as he adds "No one's looking back this way" the others get up too.
They're near a narrow river that runs across this part of the plains. And though there's hardly any of the scrubby looking trees around, there's plenty of the long, wheat coloured grass in this area they've come to. Which is about another hundred miles closer to the villages that the crew of illegal wreckers are based in.
"There's four other spellcasters too, one on each ship" says the powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil, the former mercenary nods at that, then quietly says "They're taking no chances" followed by "And bringing an armed ship too".
The good looking woman from the kingdom of Girdane shares a look with her lover the plainsman, then she quietly asks Samiel "How far are we from the villages?".
The mage gives her the distance in miles he thinks they're from their base. Then Sasha murmurs "They'll get there tomorrow evening i guess if they keep flying at this speed".
"Arriving at night, nothing untoward with that" says Pallen in a slightly dry tone of voice, the former arena fighter Gorlic nods his head in agreement at that sentiment from the dangerous blademaster.
As the potential buyers from the kingdom of Druvic, of magetubes they've got off the wreck of the warship that they took down, and salvaged from.
Could cause an awful lot of trouble if they arrive at night. Especially considering that one of their vessels is equipped with both magetubes and ballista.
"Do you want to go up and check things out?" asks Samiel, Sasha thinks about it for a moment, then says "No" followed by "The less they know about us, the better" she then adds "And if they don't know that we actually know about them, even better".
Her lover, the plainsman from the kingdom of Girdane, quietly asks her "You think they'll all show up?".
"We'll find out when they arrive tomorrow night" quietly says Sasha, who is more than a little cautious when it comes to outsiders they have to deal with.
They've already had a couple of bad experiences over the last year. When potential buyers of what they've salvaged from airships they've brought down. Have tried to either cheat them on a deal. Or straight out try to take their salvaged materials by force.
"But we have to be ready for anything" quietly says Sasha, who continues on with "Who knows what could happen, especially since they've got an armed ship flying with them.
The good looking, one eyed woman with a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face, says "Best we get back and inform Arvelle of this" she then adds "The sooner he knows, the better".
Samiel the mage nods in agreement to that, and after observing the four vessels in the distance for a little bit longer. The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare creates a rift.
The otherside of the rift is in the house that Samiel is using in the village they're based at.
They all walk out into the main room of the house, with the mage coming out of the rift last, which he then drops.
Sasha dismisses the others, then she Pallen, Samiel and Gorlic head to the village green. And the two storey house just off to the side of it that Arvelle uses.
The leader of the illegal wreckers is in the room just off the kitchen, at the table looking at maps of the Kaldel Plains with his offsider Mac the dwarf.
"Anything?" asks Arvelle the plainsman once they're all in the room off the kitchen, and he's sent his lover, one of the local plainswomen outside.
"Nothing" is the reply of Sasha, who after a slight pause adds "Kind of".
"Oh?" says the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers, who though slightly disappointed the group led by Sasha couldn't find another suitable target. Is definitely interested in what else she has to say.
"Though we didn't find another target" says the good looking woman with just one eye, who continues with "We did spot four airships flying together, heading right here".
Both the plainsman, who is tall and has a shaved head. And the dwarf who is a former shipwright from the Cascades. Lift an eyebrow in interest as they look at the former mercenary from the kingdom of Girdane.
"Buyers from Druvic" says Sasha, who continues with "Samiel sensed Sara onboard one of them".
Arvelle nods his head, then says "They're due" followed by "So that isn't that much of a surprise".
Sasha nods to that, then says "One of the airships is rigged for combat, it has both magetubes and ballistas on it".
Both Arvelle and Mac frown when they hear that, then the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers asks "A warship?".
"No, a trade vessel built to accommodate those vessels" says Samiel the mage, who continues with "It's about the size of a large frigate i guess" the Tuledarian spellcaster then adds "Though wider of beam, and no where near as quick or maneuverable as an actual warship".
Arvelle is quiet for a few moments, then he quietly says "I don't like the sound of this" the tall plainsman, who is quite fair skinned for a plainsman continues with "Even when nobles from either Druvic or Nastell have come to us previously to buy our salvage, they didn't fly here on heavily armed vessels".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers once again murmurs "I don't like the sound of this" followed by "At all".
Then after a moment or two of silence, Arvelle asks "You'd think the twins would know they're up to no good".
"You'd think so" says Sasha who pauses then adds "But".
"But what?" asks the tall, tan skinned plainsman "Sara is a competent enough sorcerers" says the mage Samiel who knows exactly what Sasha is getting at.
"But she doesn't have the wits about her to figure out any intrigue" continues the powerful spellcaster who worked for the dock authority in Tuledare, when he lived in his homeland.
"Her brother Famic does, but he doesn't have the means to find out for certain" adds Samiel, who then says "Unless he overhears something being said".
Arvelle grunts at that, then quietly says "I hear you" followed by "Sometimes i wish he was the spellcaster and not her" the tall plainsman, continues with "Ah well, we can't do anything about that".
After a slight pause, the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers says "But there is something we can do if some of those buyers try some dodgy shit, and take what we've got".
Those around the table nod, then after Arvelle asks "When do you think they'll get here?" and Sasha replies with "Sometime tomorrow night".
The tall plainsman quietly says "Right this is what we'll do" followed by "Just incase they try something".
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers then quickly tells the others of a plan he's just come with.
After they hear him out, Sasha says "Best to be safe and be ready for something" followed by "Don't want to get caught with our pants down, so to speak".
Arvelle nods in agreement with that, then he turns to his best friend and offsider, Mac and tells him "Go and check on those magetubes again, the ones still in their cradles" the tall plainsman looks at Samiel as he adds "Go with him".
The mage and the dwarven shipwright head out to the wagons lined up along this side of the village green. To check on the magetubes, specifically the handful still in their cradles. Those magetubes that can still be safely used . . . . . .

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Aftermath 18.

The Kaldel Plains...

Once again they set off early in the morning. After spending the night down on the ground, amongst some of the scrubby like trees that are dotted across parts of the Kaldel Plains.
They also set off after Dorc da Orc has taken his morning dump. As the large ork tends to take a crap just after he's woken up, and eaten something.
The jolly boat once it's a couple hundred feet off the ground, heads northeast. As they continue their journey in that direction. As they know the ones responsible from bringing down the Farqian destroyer. Are somewhere in the northeast quarter of the Kaldel Plains.
It's mid morning, on what is a noticeably cooler day than the warm day yesterday. And nothing much has happened apart from the usual argument between sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc. Which resorts to basically a scowling contest between the two after Mira Reinholt the mage threatens to biff them overboard.
When the once powerful mage, who is looking through his leather wrapped, brass cylindrical eyepiece spots something away to the east.
"What's that?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage "Where?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who has briefly taken the tiller from the Vexilian mage in exile as he looks through his eyepiece.
"Away to starboard, about ten miles" replies the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who after a brief pause adds "A river?".
Ignoring the "Stay the fuck away from there then" that comes from Dorc da Orc as he sits on the bench in the middle of the small air boat.
Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, frowns as he looks away to the east, using a hand to shade his eyes.
"Not sure" says the elven spy who is originally from the principality of Alínlae, where he served in one of the more prominent noble households.
"If it is, it's pretty damn deep" adds the spy Tanith, the mage Reinholt nods in agreement then says "We'll head up and get a better look".
The spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil, takes back the tiller, and gradually pulls up on it, sending the jolly boat higher into the morning sky as they continue flying to the northeast.
When they get to a height of over five hundred feet, and start approaching seven hundred feet. Dalin nods his head, then says "It's a canyon" the spy Tanith continues with "Fairly long one too" the spy in the armies of Farque then adds "There's another in the distance to the east, probably even longer. Looks like they run north, south for the most part".
The mage in the thin black hooded summer cloak, nods his head, then glances at Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who like him is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
"Might as well check it out" says the swordmaster Reinholt "Might as well" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander "If nothing else we can follow it north since we're going that way" says the once powerful mage, the cavalry commander nods in agreement to that.
And the Vexilian mage in exile turns the jolly boat more to starboard, and has Shur Kee the monk slack one of the lines of the sail. As the small air vessel quarters into the wind, which is coming directly from the east this morning across this area of the Kaldel Plains.
A little bit later in the morning, and they're over the first canyon. Teabagger the goblin Cunt who is leaning over the starboard side gunwale, or gunnell as they're often referred to. Is grabbed by his general Dorc da Orc before he can fall overboard.
"Silly fucken gob-a-lin" says the big, burly ork who hails from the frozen southern polar region of the world as he puts Teabagger down on the bench beside him, then say "Stay".
"It's deep" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque adds "And there is a river down in it, but just a little one".
"Me fucken tell 'em to stay away from it, but do them cunts listen to Dorc?" mutters the ork warleader in the incomprehensible language of his race "No, the fucken cunts don't" continues Dorkindle in a mutter.
Ignoring the mutterings of the ork weaponsmith. Which is rather easy to do, considering no one knows what the hell he's saying when he speaks in his native language.
Darid Parsen says "It must be at least a few hundred feet deep". The cavalry commander, who in actuality is a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen.
Looks at Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, as does the mage Reinholt, when the elf from the principality of Alínlae says "There's something away to the north" he continues with "Head up higher so i can see what it is".
As the Vexilian mage in exile sends the jolly boat higher into the morning sky, the spy Tanith nods his head, then says "It's a village, well if you can call it that".
"What?" asks councillor Reinholt, who continues with "In the canyon?".
"It is" replies the Dalin, who continues with "About another four miles to the north".
The swordmaster Reinholt looks at his fellow councillor, Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who shrugs his shoulders.
Then the spellcaster all in black says "Might as well check it out" followed by "If nothing else, at least we can find out some information".
As the mage in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil, starts following the canyon northwards, he asks the spy Tanith "Think they're plainsmen there?".
"Probably" says Dalin, who after a slight pause, adds "What, with this being the plains and all".
"Smartass" mutters Mira Reinholt, while his fellow councillor, commander Parsen, chuckles at that witty quip from the elven spy.
A little bit later in the morning, and they're over the village in the canyon. Calling it a village, is more than a little optimistic. As it's just a handful of roundhouses, with a few other buildings. It's more of a settlement than a village. And it's inhabitants are plainsmen.
Who come out and watch the small air boat drop down into the canyon. And land just outside the settlement.
The plainsmen are just about to greet those onboard, when Dorc da Orc suddenly stands up and stretches.
Half of the plainsmen scream in fright, and the other half have already turned around, and ran back inside their houses when they caught sight of the big, burly looking ork. Who stands seven and half foot tall, and weighs around seven hundred and fifty pounds.
The other half who screamed, men, women and children, turn and take off running to their homes too.
"Dorc" says Mira Reinholt in an exasperated tone of voice "What?" asks Dorkindle, who then adds "What the fuck did me do?".
"You were born" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a droll tone of voice from where he stands up in the bow, and hops overboard.
"Fuckhead bitch" mutters the ork warleader with a glare directed at the heavily armoured knight "Dorc gonna make a shit pie, and shove it in that cunt mouth of yours, and make you eats it" adds the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks.
"Stay with the boat Dorc" says the mage Reinholt, who continues with "Can't have you scaring everyone away while we try to get information".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts, and surprisingly stays put. Though only after Teabagger the goblin Cunt says "I'll stay with you boss, er general".
And Shur Kee the monk says "I will remain with the boat and friend Dorc".
The others head into the settlement, as they do, the ork warleader calls out to them with "Oi cunts, get some booze!" followed by "Me fucken smells some in there".
The Vexilian mage in exile nods that he will, then he along with Darid Parsen, sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dalinvardel Tanith enter the small settlement located at the bottom of the canyon.
The four of them are received more warmly without the large ork in their midst. And as the four of them speak with the plainsmen, it's the spy Tanith who discovers who was here in the settlement earlier in the week.
After speaking with some of the locals, the four of them meet up outside one of the roundhouses.
Where the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae says "Tam and the others were here the day after the ship went down".
Dalin points away to the east, as he continues with "There's something that way we should go and take a look at".
"You find out which way they went?" asks the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
"North" is the answer from the spy Tanith, who then adds "Specifically the northeast".
They head back to the jolly boat, with the cavalry commander Darid Parsen carrying a couple of large clay fired jugs, which hold mead.
Much to the delight of Dorc da Orc when he sees them.
Then once the four of them are onboard the small air boat, the mage Reinholt takes the tiller. And sends the air vessel up and out of the canyon.
"There" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who continues with "That dry lake bed".
"I see it" says the swordmaster Reinholt, who slightly turns the jolly boat to starboard, and sends it more to the east.
The exiled mage from the city-state of Vexil nods his head when he spots what the spy Tanith points at.
"What is that?" asks Shur Kee the monk "What's left of an airship" replies the elf who hails from the principality of Alínlae.
The mage Reinholt sets the jolly boat down on the ground in the dry lake bed, next to the remains of an airship. Which isn't much, just a few of massive ribs of the underside of the hull. Everything else of the vessel, which looked like to be a cargo ship, is gone.
"They took it down in the spring" explains Dalin, who continues with "The plainsmen back in the canyon watched them strip it down, and salvage pretty much everything including the keel".
"They get around, don't they?" quietly says Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin referring to the illegal wreckers who brought down the tri-masted destroyer they were on. Who also took down this vessel.
"I do say, over here" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic continues in a sour tone with "The foul beast has discovered something".
They make their way over to where Dorc da Orc and Teabagger are standing. The ork weaponsmith grunts, then points at the ground and says "Tam".
"All four of them?" asks councillor Reinholt "Yeah cunt" is the reply from the warleader of the ork race.
"North?" asks the once powerful mage, the big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world grunts in reply to that.
"They can't of got too far since they're only on foot" says Darid Parsen as they make their way back to the jolly boat.
The cavalry commander who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, continues with "We might be able to catch up to them late tomorrow, or early the following day".
The swordmaster Reinholt nods his hooded head in agreement as he works out the distances one can travel on foot, in comparison to flying on the jolly boat. Even with less than favourable winds.
"Probably the day after tomorrow" says the Vexilian mage in exile, as he hops back into the small air boat with the others.
Then just as Mira Reinholt goes to take the tiller in hand, Helbe the elven thief appears saying "I wondered where you lot had got to".
The young elven noble originally from the island principality of Laerel, looks over at what little remains of a transport airship, then says "Those illegal wreckers have been busy haven't they?".
His fellow councillors the mage Reinholt and commander Parsen nod in agreement, then the highly skilled swordmaster tells his fellow spellcaster "Tam and the others were here the day after our ship went down".
The elven magic user in the all white hooded cloak nods his head, and Mira Reinholt tells him "They've gone north".
The once powerful mage looks over at the spy Tanith, who tells the elven masterthief "There's also a caravan route further to the north and east, which is pretty well used, especially during summer".
Dalin points to the north, and adds "You can see wagon tracks leaving here, heading in that direction".
The young elven noble glances at his right shoulder, and Narladene the ground pixie who is invisible to all except for the elven magic user she's attached to. Nods her head, and drops off his shoulder, and dives down into the ground.
"I'll go and check it out" says Helbe the elven thief who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel. The elven master assassin then adds "At least they're going the same way as us".
Then prince Helbenthril Raendril disappears as he blurs himself and shifts away, heading north and east. The same way Narladene is going, though she's underground.
Mira Reinholt takes the tiller, and lifts up on it, sending the jolly boat into the air.
The spellcaster in exile from his homeland of Vexil doesn't take the small air boat up too high, as the winds are actually better closer to the ground today, on what's a fairly cool late summer's day.
After he gets Shur Kee to undo a line, and as Dorc da Orc drinks from one of the clay jugs of mead. The mage Reinholt points the jolly boat to the northeast, and they continue their journey above the Kaldel Plains in the aftermath of the warship they were on previously, was knocked out of the sky by a crew of illegal wreckers . . . . . .