Thursday 9 May 2019

Aftermath 9.

The Kaldel Plains...

Sasha picks her team in the late afternoon. Choosing those she can trust. Along with others who are disposable if they run into trouble tomorrow morning.
They all know it when she picks them. They don't have any grudge against her for doing so.
Those who are a little less dependable, and are basically disposable. Know that if they survive the mission. And continue to get picked. They'll become dependable too.
And those who are more experienced and more dependable also end up getting a larger share of the cut when the cargo and the valuable parts of the downed airship are sold off by Arvelle their leader.
Going with the one eyed former mercenary, and the mage Samiel. Is Gorlic the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury.
As well as the brothers Tom and Tim, two pale skinned fellows from the mines just outside the city-state of Andelka.
As well as Sovirn, a plainswoman from further north on the plains. Closer to the kingdom of Druvic.
And with them are those Sasha deems disposable. Who she actually hopes survive their mission.
Infact she hopes they don't run into any trouble at all. Though one can never be sure in their line of work of illegal wrecking.
Last but not least is one other who is going with them in the morning. The blademaster Pallen who is Sasha's lover.
If nothing else, the group will be well behaved with the blademaster along with them.
And though everyone in the large group of illegal wreckers who occupy two villages here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
Are cautious around their leader Arvelle, and his offsider, the dwarven shipwright Mac. And with good reason. As they've been known to eliminate anyone who upsets their operation.
All are outright afraid of the blademaster from the kingdom of  Girdane, who is of plainsman stock.
For the simple reason he's an outright killer. Who is quick to murder anyone for any number of reasons.
After going over her plains in the early evening with the mage Samiel. And the former arena fighter Gorlic. Who is effectively her second. For even with his hotheaded behaviour. He can be trusted in a difficult situation.
Sasha returns to the house on the edge of the village that she shares with her lover Pallen.
The reason they're out here, away from the other houses and buildings in the village. Is because of Pallen. No one wants to be around him unless they have to.
As he's been known to kill a person for any number of reasons. From the way they look at him. To the way someone speaks or even clothes themselves.
As the temperature outside starts to drop, inside the house Sasha finds Pallen sitting on a chair, at the table in the main room, where he's reading a book.
The blademaster who has a tendency to kill people on a whim. Is also a learned man. Who in his travels has purchased a number of books and tomes. Which are on the book shelf at one end of the main room in the small house.
The good looking woman with one eye, and a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face. Smiles as she sees her lover has made them dinner. And has waited for her return to eat.
"You didn't have to" says Sasha the former mercenary, who like her lover, is also from the kingdom of Girdane. It's where they first met. And where the blademaster tried to kill her. Taking her eye, and causing the scar on her face in the process.
"I know" says Pallen the blademaster, who shrugs then adds "But i did anyway".
He then pulls the other chair back for her to take a seat. Then once she's seated, the two of them sitting side by side, start on their meal.
As they eat, the dangerous blademaster asks his lover "Who did you pick to go with us in the morning?".
Sasha tells him who she picked to accompany them in the morning. And he nods his head as she lists them off one by one.
Out of those going with them in the morning. Pallen only really trusts the former arena fighter Gorlic. Who though a bit hotheaded at times. Can be trusted in a tight situation.
And the fact he's the only one outside of Sasha that the blademaster wouldn't kill for annoying him.
As for the others, not so much. He doesn't trust spellcasters. Never has, and never will. So he instantly distrusts the mage from the city-state of Tuledare.
Even though Samiel is a necessity amongst the illegal wreckers who ply their trade across the Kaldel Plains. As he's the one who brings down the airships they target. Not to mention he gets them across vast distances through the rifts he casts.
Though if it wasn't for that necessity. Pallen would of killed the mage a while ago.
As for the brothers from Andelka, Tim and Tom. The blademaster doesn't trust them. As he thinks they're freaks with their pale skin and their red hair. Even though the brothers, who could pass as twins. Are good in a fight.
Then there's the plainswoman Sovirn. Who like Pallen is quite fair for someone of plains stock. The blademaster doesn't like her for the simple reason of the way she looks.
She's considered attractive. And has more than ample suitors amongst the illegal wreckers.
But to Pallen's eye, there's something a little off with the way she looks. He doesn't know what exactly. It could be her hair, or the length of her nose. He's not exactly certain. What he is certain about is that he just doesn't like her look.
And like the brothers Tom and Tim. Even if she wasn't such a good fighter who knows how to handle a sword. The blademaster would of killed her by now.
As for the others going with them tomorrow morning. Those Sasha deems disposable if they run into trouble of any kind.
If any of them even looks sideways at Pallen. He'll kill them. He has done so before in other missions they've gone on. And he'll do so again. It's just the way he is. And the way he operates.
"Did he agree with your choices?" asks the blademaster from Girdane, whose parents were plainsmen "He did" says Sasha as she knows her lover is referring to their leader Arvelle.
"That's something i guess" says Pallen, who knows the leader of the wreckers can at times contradict the decisions made by Sasha and those others in the crew who lead these types of missions.
"He knows how important this one is" says the good looking one eyed woman, who continues with "And how much profit can be made from it".
The blademaster nods his head in agreement with his lover as they continue their evening meal.
After finishing their meal and cleaning up. The two of them after using the small wash house at the back that has a small wooden bathtub.
They retire to the bedroom, and are soon asleep. With Sasha falling asleep first as she always does. While Pallen watches her do so in the moonlight coming in through the open window.
Eventually the blademaster who is a plainsman from the kingdom of Girdane, falls asleep too.
Early the next morning, and Pallen is up first, well before dawn. And after he has a quick bite to eat. Then uses the wash house out back to clean up.
He dons his armour, then his sword and blades. And waits out on the front step for his lover Sasha.
A little while later and the good looking woman with just one eye is ready, she steps outside, closes the door behind her, and asks Pallen "Ready?".
"I am" replies the dangerous blademaster, who nods for her to lead the way.
Sasha walks in the lead. Heading into the village. The former mercenary knows that having Pallen along with her has one major advantage. In that everyone who is coming along with them this morning should behave themselves. If they don't, there's a distinct possibility they'll end up dead on one of the blades that belongs to Pallen.
The two lovers from Girdane make their way to the house that Samiel the mage uses near the middle of the village.
Outside waiting for them in the murky light of pre dawn is the former arena fighter from Brattonbury, Gorlic.
"Morning" quietly says Gorlic, who says it to both of them. Safe in the knowledge that he knows Pallen probably won't kill him. As the two of them get on fairly well.
The former arena fighter isn't stupid. And he knows he's a bit of a hot head. But around the lethal blademaster he keeps his temper in check.
As he doesn't want any misunderstanding between the two of them. Which would certainly see him end up dead on the end of Pallen's sword.
"Morning" says Sasha, and even Pallen greets Gorlic with a morning.
Then the good looking, one eyed woman asks the former arena fighter "Where is he?".
"Still inside" says Gorlic, who is essentially Sasha's second in command when it comes to missions like this morning's.
The Brattonburian glances at the blademaster, then looks back at Sasha, and tells her "He should be out soon" followed by "Said he had to check something before we left".
They don't have to wait long, and the powerful spellcaster originally from the city-state of Tuledare makes his way outside.
"Good morning" says Samiel the mage by way of greeting to Sasha, who replies in kind.
The mage, who once worked with the dock authority in the city of Tuledare, just nods in greeting to Pallen.
The blademaster just stares at him in return. Which is what Samiel was expecting. As he knows Pallen would probably try to kill him if he wasn't so important in the operations of their crew of wreckers.
The blademaster has made no secret about his dislike of practitioners of magic. And infact killed a wizard back in the winter. Who had only been with the crew of illegal wreckers for a few days. Who annoyed Pallen too much. And ended up dead at the end of his sword.
Which one would think would be difficult for a spellcaster. Especially a wizard who was experienced, and powerful for one of his kind.
But taking a spellcaster by surprise when they don't expect it. Is just the same as killing anyone else who doesn't expect they're going to be attacked.
Pallen has done so in the past against spellcasters. And no doubt he'll do it again in the future.
"They're waiting for us" says Gorlic, who was up earlier than others, making sure that everyone else in the group that Sasha picked for this morning's mission, were ready on time.
The good looking one eyed woman leads the way, the mage Samiel walks beside her. While Pallen and Gorlic walk side by side behind the two of them. As they head to the village green, which isn't all that far away.
On the village green which is on the north side of the village. The others wait for them. Off to one side are the wagons for later. Over there is the leader of the illegal wreckers, Arvelle. Along with Mac the dwarf. And a number of others in the crew.
No one says anything, and the only acknowledgment from anyone in the murky light just before dawn, is a head nod from Arvelle to Sasha, who nods in return.
The good looking, one eyed woman from the kingdom of Girdane stops beside the others who will go with them.
She doesn't say anything, as they know what's expected of them. She looks at Samiel beside her, and quietly tells him "Do it".
The mage casts a rift. And after a count of nearly ten, it forms infront of them. Once it's complete, Sasha after glancing back at her lover Pallen. Steps through the rift. Followed by Gorlic, then the mage himself. Just the three of them go through first. While the others remain behind for the moment.
On the otherside of the rift, just over seven hundred and fifty miles to the south and west from the village they were just in. Sasha, Gorlic and Samiel drop to the ground a few yards to the side of the rift that the mage leaves open.
In the murky light of just before dawn, they look towards the wreck of the warship they took down two nights ago, which lies about a quarter of a mile away.
After a short while, Sasha quietly says "Anything?". "Nothing" is the reply from Samiel the mage a few moments later who has both sensed all around as far as he can, as well as cast a spell to see in the murky light, and long distances. To see if he can spot anything, or anyone.
Sasha is cautious, as she knows pretty much anything could happen. It's not as though she doesn't trust Samiel's abilities. It's just that it's best to be prudent. Especially since it was a warship that belonged to a large fleet that they took down. When normally they bring down cargo ships and trading vessels that fly by themselves.
Once the first light of dawn starts to creep across this part of the Kaldel Plains. And they see can see the downed airship, and the surrounding area a bit more clearly.
And Sasha deems it safe to move forward with their mission, the good looking one eye woman quietly says to Gorlic "Get them".
The former arena fighter gets up off the ground, and heads back through the door sized rift that's still up.
Back through the rift, and on the village green. Gorlic comes to a stop as in the early morning light he sees a dead body lying nearby. It's one of those less experienced who Sasha picked to go on the mission this morning.
Everyone else is looking at him and the rift. Gorlic looks to the right where Pallen the blademaster is standing, then at the dead body, and back at Pallen. The former arena fighter doesn't say anything, he just lifts a questioning eyebrow.
The blademaster just replies with a slight shrug of the shoulders.
Gorlic, who'll probably find out about it later, then says to the others who Sasha picked, says to them "Right, through the rift".
He turns and steps back through the rift, he's followed by Pallen. Then after a slight pause, by the others. Starting with the brothers Tim and Tom, then Sovirn the plainswoman. Then the rest of them.
Once they're all through the rift. The mage Samiel drops his rift spell and it disappears. He'll cast another one later, which will be larger allowing wagons to come through. Once they've gone and checked out the wreck just a quarter of a mile away.
"Let's go" says Sasha, who sends out Tim and Tom to scout out infront of the others, as they head towards the downed warship. To make sure that there's no one around. There shouldn't be, since Samiel was unable to find anyone. But you can never be too sure.
She pops her head up out of the ground, and in the early morning light, she watches them walk across the plains towards the wreck of the destroyer.
She knows they're the ones who brought down the airship the other night. For the simple reason the mage who was responsible for doing so is with them.
Narladene the ground pixie who remained behind because Helbe the elven thief told her to, while he and the others flew north in the jolly boat.
Comes up all the way out of the ground, and continues to watch those who have come through a rift, as they walk this way towards her and the wreckage of the destroyer . . . . . .

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