Sunday 30 June 2019

Aftermath 44.

The Kaldel Plains...

"That's definitely a village ahead in the distance" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
"Sit down Dorc" says Mira Reinholt the mage when the large ork goes to stand up to look away to the north to try and see the village in question.
The ork warleader grunts and remains sitting on the bench in the middle of the jolly boat.
The once powerful mage who is originally from the city-state of Vexil then asks the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae "How far do you think?".
"About six or seven miles" is the reply from the spy Tanith, he continues with "There's a large patch of those trees about a mile and half south of there" he then adds "The village is definitely beyond that".
The Vexilian mage in exile who is at the tiller of the airboat nods his hooded head, then he looks away to the west, where the sun is dropping down towards the horizon on what's been a cool day here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
"It'll be sunset soon" says the mage Reinholt in the elven language to Darid Parsen the cavalry commander who is beside him.
"We'll definitely get there this evening" adds the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
"Might want to work on a plan instead of flying right into the place" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who continues on with "After all they've got a mage with them" he then says in a wry tone as he looks sideways at his fellow council member "And we all know how they can be".
Mira Reinholt sourly smiles, then says "I wonder if the royal thief has gone in there yet?". The swordmaster Reinholt doubts it, as Helbe the elven thief said he'd only scout a few miles out infront of the small vessel since they're so close to where they're heading.
"Can you sense anything?" asks the cavalry commander who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson who just happens find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen. Who is a former foot soldier in the army of lady Linara Lé Dic, who rules her family's fief in the kingdom of Druvic.
"Nothing" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, who shakes his head no when Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman says "That mage?" and does so again when the cavalry commander adds "Or Beldane?".
"I can only sense to a little over a third of a mile away" says the swordmaster who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"One of the joys of not having all that much power" dryly adds the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation, to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
The mage Reinholt who can't be sensed himself due to an amulet he wears around his neck, says to his fellow council member "There's no other spellcasters within half a mile away, i do know that".
"Apart from me" says Helbe the elven thief who suddenly appears beside his fellow spellcaster in the stern of the small air vessel, which is a jolly boat from the destroyer they were traveling on, until that particular warship met an untimely demise when it was knocked out of the night sky by the mage who is part of the illegal wreckers who have been bringing down airship across the Kaldel Plains over the last year or so.
"How far did you go?" asks Mira Reinholt, who then adds "Get to those trees in the distance?".
"Just short of there" says the young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel, an island that lies off the coast of the Southlands, opposite the southern kingdom of Melaurn and the south coast of the lands Farque.
"I didn't sense anyone" says the elven magic user, who continues on with "Though that doesn't mean no one's about" he then adds "And besides, that village is still too far out of my range to sense anyone" he then adds "That mage, and any other spellcasters they have could very well be at that village at this moment".
Councillor Reinholt nods his hooded head in agreement, then he says "We should be cautious" the once powerful mage as he pushes down on the tiller so that the airboat drops in altitude then adds "And come up with some kind of plan".
Both of his fellow council members nods in agreement, then as the swordmaster Reinholt says in a slightly dry tone "Instead of blundering into things like we usually do".
Teabagger the goblin Cunt who has stood up on the bench he and his ork general have been sitting on, says "Boss what's that?" as he looks away to the north.
The small, bright lurid green goblin who commands the battalion of goblins in the armies of Farque, then adds "It looks like a little light".
As Dorc da Orc says "What you fucken talkin' 'bout cunt?" and Mira Reinholt yells "Sit down Dorc!" as the large ork goes to stand up again.
Dalinvardél Tanith who is in the bow next to sir Percavelle Lé Dic, says "It does look like a little light". The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, who has a hand raised to shade his eyes, as the sun rapidly sets in the west and dusk takes over, says "It looks like one of those".
Dalinvardél Tanith who is more commonly referred to as Dalin by the others, pauses for a moment or two as he continues to look to the north, the direction they're heading, then he shouts "Mageglobe!" as he recognises what he sees rapidly approaching from the north.
The two spellcasters, both sense. And though the Vexilian mage in exile can't sense it as it's too far away for him to do so. The elven magic user senses it, and mutters "Fuck" in the royal elven language.
"Ward" quickly says the young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
The mage Reinholt slightly nods, and though his fellow spellcaster and council member slams up the most powerful barrier and protection spells he knows around the jolly boat.
The Vexilian mage in exile does something else straight away, quicker than any ward spell that can be cast. He creates a mageglobe of his own, which takes off out of his right hand. Heading directly towards the incoming mageglobe from the north. 
Once it's taken off, does the spellcaster who is also a swordmaster, puts up wards of his own. Hoping that they, and the ones prince Helbenthril Raendril has up, will protect them and the jolly boat.
Mira Reinholt rather doubts it, as the mageglobe the illegal wrecker used to bring down their warship, easily went through the ship's wards.
The once powerful mage knows that their best bet lies with his own mageglobe. Which he hopes will at least blunt the attack of the living piece of magic that's rapidly coming towards the airboat in the fading light at the end of this cool day, here in this part of the Kaldel Plains.
The two mageglobes shoot by one another in midair. By the simple act of the one coming from the north, dipping down beneath the one created by councillor Reinholt.
The living piece of magic created by the Vexilian mage in exile doesn't give up so easily. It stops in midair, and spins around, and heads back the way it came from. In pursuit of the other mageglobe.
And though Mira Reinholt no longer has the all out destructive and devastating power he had when he was in his early twenties.
He is still a mage of immense ability, and more importantly, experience. As a man in his mid thirties, he's been casting spells and creating mageglobes since he was child of seven.
And in the Southlands, there is probably no other mage in the last twenty five years who has created as many mageglobes as Mira Reinholt.
For whenever a mage creates one of the living pieces of magic that only they can create. They infuse it with knowledge that they've accumulated to help the mageglobe complete it's task.
And the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil who has given this particular mageglobe the fairly basic task of stopping this other mageglobe.
Has infused it with the knowledge of speed. That being the most essential part of it's makeup.
The mage Reinholt knows he can't compete with the other mage when it comes to power. But he can compete when it comes to speed.
For the once powerful mage who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque. Knows the other mage infused his living piece of magic to move at pace. He won't of given it all out speed. For he's a mage, and the first thing a mage, any mage does, is give his mageglobe destructive power. No matter what their task is.
And if this mageglobe is similar to the one that brought down the Farqian destroyer last week. Then it will be power that's first and foremost what it's made up of.
Not so for Mira Reinholt's living piece of magic. He knows he's outmatched when it comes to power. So it's outright speed he's put first when he's created his mageglobe. Experience, and the loss of his vast amount of powers, has taught him that speed is more important for his mageglobes.
And it's proven, when his living piece of magic, which has had to stop, and fly back the way it's come from. Rapidly gains on the other mageglobe, quickly approaching it from behind.
Now in the fading light of dusk, all of those onboard the jolly boat can see the two small lights, one red and one blue, both the size of a small apple.
Quickly approaching the small airboat they're flying in.
The blue mageglobe is steadily approaching the red one that's infront. And Dalinvardél Tanith who is in the bow, cringes while next to him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic ducks down.
As the two mageglobes, get within just thirty feet of the prow of the jolly boat, when the mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt, gets within touching distance of the other living piece of magic, and ends it's existence with an explosion.
And though that explosion isn't particularly large, it is large enough, and violent enough to cause the other mageglobe to come to the end of it's own life prematurely.
The red mageglobe explodes, violently and with a lot of force. So much so, that the wards put up by Helbe the elven thief, are shredded apart.
And the wards hastily put up by Mira Reinholt within them, are almost destroyed too. With his protection spell being wiped out. And his barrier spell only barely staying up.
If that red mageglobe had hit their wards head on and exploded. They and the small airboat would of been destroyed instantly.
But thanks to the speed of the living piece of magic created by the once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil. The jolly boat is still in one piece. Kind of.
The red mageglobe might not of hit them head on, and destroyed them. The explosion it created when it prematurely came to the end of it's life. Was enough to send the small flying vessel into a flat spin.
Whipping it violently about, dropping it down in altitude even quicker than it was originally going.
It spins so fast, that Teabagger the goblin Cunt is thrown sideways, and the only reason he isn't flung overbroad, is because he bounces off the barrier spell cast by the mage Reinholt, that's the only ward that's still intact.
Same goes for Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, who is knocked backwards, and would of gone over the stern if it wasn't for the barrier spell that's still up.
As Helbe the elven thief grabs his fellow councillor, commander Parsen. The third councillor onboard, pulls up on the tiller, trying to halt the jolly boat from falling out of the sky as it continues to flat spin uncontrollably.
Mira Reinholt yanks up on the tiller, and it breaks off in his hands.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril turns to his fellow spellcaster, and finds him standing there holding half the tiller, with a sour looking expression on his face.
"Fuck" mutters the elven magic user "Abandon ship?" adds the elven master assassin "Abandon ship" says the Vexilian mage in exile as the small vessel flat spins wildly out of control. "Dorc!" shouts Mira Reinholt, who then adds "Jump overboard!" followed by "Abandon ship!".
The ork warleader doesn't have to be told twice, he grabs Teabagger, and basically rolls over the port side, cackling with laughter as he falls out of the sky, holding tightly onto the small, bright green goblin.
The two of them don't freefall for very long. The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts when his sudden decent slows down and the levitation spell on him cast by the mage Reinholt takes effect.
"I've got Shur Kee, Dalin and Percy" says Helbe the elven thief, who shifts forward, reappears next to Shur Kee the monk. The two of them disappear, then an instant later they reappear in the bow next to Dalinvardél Tanith and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
And as the small airboat continues to wildly flat spin, the four of them vanish as the elven magic user teleports them off the jolly boat.
Mira Reinholt takes hold of the left arm of his fellow councillor Darid Parsen, looks overboard then the two of them disappear into the fading light of dusk as the once powerful mage teleports them away.
When they disappear, the mast of the jolly boat snaps off, and it goes flying overboard. Ripping the lines out, taking the fittings and bits of both gunwales with it.
The small airboat starts tumbling, rolling over and over as it plummets out of the sky. And just a few moments later it slams into the ground. Shattering apart, sending wood flying in all directions.
Fifty yards away from where the jolly boat impacts with the ground. Darid Parsen the cavalry commander looks away to his right, and spots prince Helbenthril Raendril, along with Shur Kee the monk, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy and sir Percavelle Lé Dic walking this way.
Standing next to commander Parsen, his fellow councillor, Mira Reinholt the mage, who has just drained some power from a spell gem in a hidden pocket of his cloak.
Is looking up into the sky where Dorc da Orc, who is holding onto Teabagger the goblin Cunt, is descending towards the ground.
In just a few moments, the large ork who is grinning from ear to ear, touches down onto the ground next to the once powerful mage who has levitated him to the ground.
"Fucken sweet" says Dorc da Orc once he's firmly on the ground, then after setting the wide eyed Teabagger down, the ork warleader adds "Fucken sucks about the boat, me liked that little cunt" . . . . . .

Thursday 27 June 2019

Aftermath 43.

The Kaldel Plains...

After they returned late last night, they continued to watch the village where the crew of illegal wreckers are based in.
Then throughout most of the day, Lisell Maera has been with a group of locals. Who are out and about. Searching for the missing dwarf named Mac. And as it turns out, searching for herself as well.
Seems that she and others have been found out so to speak. The mage named Samiel, and another wrecker by the name of Gorlic.
Returned from the town further south on the plains yesterday. Having found out about her and the others. In particular Beldane, who was recognised as a fighting cleric in the church of Glaine by someone in the town that's thirty miles to the south of the village.
The messenger in the armies of Farque, who is originally from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who can pass herself off as a plainswoman, as she's tall and has a similar colouring to a lot of the locals.
Makes her way back to the village from the north, where she and some of the other locals have been searching for any sign of Mac the dwarf. As well as the group of four who include herself, Beldane the cleric, Tovis the war engineer and the young field commander, Tamric Drubine.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others, falls back behind the rest of the group as they return to the village after searching around the scrubby like trees to the north of the village. Including around the area the illegal wreckers call the dumping ground.
That's where they dump the bodies of those that they kill. Including their own, as quite a few of them have been killed by the other wreckers. In particular the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers. A plainsman by the name of Arvelle.
And even more so by another plainsman, though he's actually from the kingdom of Girdane, the blademaster named Pallen.
Lis falls behind the recent lover of the leader of the illegal wreckers. Who still has a bruised face after Arvelle beat her after finding out that Mac the dwarf was missing, as well as a sizeable chunk of the illegal wreckers fortune had disappeared.
And as the locals enter the village on the north side, the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury goes to her left. And heads around to the east side of the village.
As she does, the messenger or runner as they're often referred to. Wonders what information the others have been able to gather. And in others, she means Narladene the ground pixie who she knows is now with them.
As she briefly spotted the naturally magical creature yesterday when Narladene, who has been speaking to Tamric Drubine, briefly appeared to Lis.
"She's coming back" says Narladene the ground pixie "Lis" adds the tiny winged creature.
Tamric Drubine glances down next to his right elbow where Narladene is standing on the ground "From around the north side of the village" adds the naturally magical creature who is attached to Helbe the elven thief.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque as he lies upon the slight rise about quarter of a mile to the east of the village. Looks through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece, and after a few moments, he spots Lisell Maera disguised as a plainswoman, make her way around from the north side of the village.
"Are Tovis and Beldane still heading here?" quietly asks Tamric Drubine who with the exception of Narladene, has been here by himself for most of the day, especially now during the afternoon.
"They are" says the tiny winged creature who can feel through the ground, the war engineer and the fighting cleric heading this way from the trees even further to the east.
"And that wizard can't sense Beldane?" quietly asks the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"He can't" says the ground pixie, who then adds "Even if the cleric wasn't holding his power within himself i doubt that wizard would locate him" Narladene continues in a dry tone with "That wizard doesn't exactly sense that often".
"Oh?" says Tamric Drubine, who is more commonly called Tam by those who know him well.
"Compared to the mage and the sorceress he doesn't" says the naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, the largest mountain range in all the Southlands.
"Good thing those two aren't here at the moment" quietly says Tam, who then quickly gets up to one knee, and gives the all clear signal when he sees Lisell Maera looking this way.
Once he's lying flat on the ground again, the nobleborn teenager who is the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, a castle located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
Asks the naturally magical creature standing next to his right elbow "Are the others anywhere near here yet?".
Narladene, who knows exactly who the young field commander is referring to, senses away to the south, and after a few moments, the tiny winged creature grins.
"They're heading this way" says the ground pixie who can sense Helbe the elven thief, along with Mira Reinholt the mage.
She looks up at the clear afternoon sky on what's been a cool day here in the northeast region of the Kaldel Plains, and after checking the position of the sun, Narladene says "They should be here in the early evening".
"At least that's something" murmurs Tamric Drubine, who then falls silent as Lisell Maera steadily approaches the small rise that he's lying on, as he continues to observe the nearby village. One of two villages that the crew of illegal wreckers live in, and work from.
Lis hurries around the back of the rise, then gets down low and makes her way up it. The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury crawls the last bit up the rise, and comes to a stop next to the young field commander.
"What did you find out?" quietly asks the nobleborn teenager, the messenger quietly tells Tam what she found out after spending most of the day with a group of the locals.
Field commander Drubine nods his head, as Lis pretty much tells him what Narladene has already explained to him.
Then once the messenger, who is part of the scouts division in one of the armies of Farque has told him what she's found out. The nobleborn teenager quietly tells her "Seems a wizard down in that town, recognised who, or i should really say, what Beldane is".
Tamric Drubine nods towards the nearby village, as he adds "Seems they're of the opinion that the four of us, especially Beldane, helped that dwarf steal from them" he continues with "That's why they're searching for us too".
"The things people make up" murmurs the attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, where she was born and brought in the city-state of Brattonbury, until she left there at the age of eleven when she met the group she's now part of.
After hearing what Narladene whispers to him, Tam looks behind them, to the east, and spots Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric in the distance, jogging this way.
"Tovis and Beldane are approaching" quietly says the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
"Is it safe for Beldane to be here?" asks Lisell Maera, Tamric Drubine nods, then says "He is" followed by "The mage and sorcerers are gone, out searching for the dwarf, as well as us" the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin then adds "Just the wizard is here at the moment, and it seems he's a bit lax when it comes to searching for other spellcasters".
"Convenient for us" quietly says Lisell Maera, who then looks at field commander Drubine who quietly tells her "The others will be here in the early evening".
Knowing exactly who Tam is referring to, Lis asks him "You sure?".
"Well, I'm not since i don't actually know for myself" says the young field commander who points at the ground next to his right elbow between himself and the messenger lying next to him, and he adds "But she certainly does".
The attractive young woman whose mother was a street prostitute and whose father was a sailor, looks to where Tam pointed, and she briefly catches a glimpse of a grinning Narladene the ground pixie  who looks up at her, before disappearing from view.
The young field commander who can still see the tiny winged creature, who like all pixies and sprites has the ability to reveal themselves to whoever they want, quietly says to the messenger in a slightly dry tone "I'm guessing they'll make an entrance when they show up".
Lisell Maera slightly winces, then says "What do you think they'll do when they get here?".
"Their worst" dryly says the young field commander who nods to the nearby village, then adds "Especially to that lot there, considering they know it was them who took down our ship".
Narladene nods in agreement to that, and the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury says "I've got a feeling we don't want to get too close to whatever happens".
"That's why we're going to stay out here" says the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, who nods to the nearby village as he adds "And not in there".
A short while later, and Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric arrive, and make their way onto the rise, where they lie down onto the ground next to the two youngest members of the group.
Field commander Drubine informs them what they've found out today, and he also tells the powerful cleric that it's alright to stop holding his power within himself.
As the wizard, the only spellcaster of the three amongst the crew of illegal wreckers who is the nearby village at the moment. Is lazy in sensing for other spellcasters in the area. And has hardly done so all day.
Tam who doesn't tell the war engineer and the fighting cleric about the others turning up sometime in the early evening, does say to them "Best we keep a careful eye on the village, and whoever comes and goes".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque continues with "Who knows who could turn up" he follows that with "It could be anyone".
Lisell Maera faintly grins at that, and she too doesn't mention that the others, who include Dorc da Orc, Mira Reinholt the mage, Helbe the elven thief, Shur Kee the monk, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, could turn up in the early evening.
Instead she just says "It could be anyone" Lis then adds "Keep your eyes open for anything" followed by "Both in and outside of the village".
The four of them continue to watch the nearby village throughout the late afternoon, then Tovis the war engineer eventually says "I suppose it's a cold dinner here?" he follows that with "Or should we head back east to the camp?".
"A cold dinner here" says Tamric Drubine who doesn't want any fires lit here, he continues with "Like i said, we're staying here to watch them into the night".
"A cold night it'll be" quietly says Beldane the cleric, as the day, which has been fine and sunny, has definitely been cooler than the days previously, a sure sign that summer has come to an end in this part of the Kaldel Plains.
Tam slightly nods his head when he hears Narladene whisper to him that riders are approaching the village from the southwest, and they'll be here by dusk.
He assumes it's those wreckers who went that way early in the morning, led by the couple of Sasha the former mercenary, and Pallen the blademaster.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin looks that way through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece, and as yet can't see them. So he goes back to observing the nearby village.
A little while later as the sun starts to drop towards the horizon in the west, Narladene the ground pixie quickly whispers to the young field commander "That mage is approaching from the west".
"Beldane hold your power within yourself" says Tamric Drubine who continues with "That mage is heading back here".
The fighting cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell doesn't question the nobleborn teenager, he just holds his power within himself.
"Hmmm he stopped" the tiny winged creature murmurs to herself, who drops down to the ground from where she's hovering next to Tam's right ear.
The naturally magical creature originally from the Sunreach Mountains who is attached to prince Helbenthril Raendril nods her head after feeling through the ground.
The ground pixie hovers up next to the head of the young field commander and whispers to him "That mage has stopped, to talk with those riders I'm guessing".
The naturally magical creature who is sensing away to the west, where she can sense the mage named Samiel a few miles from the village, senses him teleport himself and one other again.
The tiny winged creature frowns as he's no longer coming this way towards the village. Instead he's teleported away to the south.
She senses in a straight line in the direction he's going. And beyond that, to what she eventually senses.
"Shit" suddenly mutters Narladene, who dives down into the ground, and takes off, heading south.
"Er?" says Tamric Drubine who caught sight of the naturally magical creature disappear into the ground "You there?" quietly says the young field commander in the elven language, the language the ground pixie speaks to him. He gets no response from the naturally magical creature.
"What is it?" asks Lisell Maera in the same language "She's gone" replies the young field commander in the armies of Farque.
"Where'd she go?" asks the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury "I have no idea" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin who wonders where Narladene has taken off to, as previously since she's been with them here, she's told him wherever she's going to.
I wonder what's happening? Tamric Drubine thinks to himself . . . . . .

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Aftermath 42.

Above The Kaldel Plains...

It's late in the morning, and above the Kaldel Plains and a few thousand feet up in the sky a myriad of coloured lights appear.
Then the next moment a ship rift appears, and out of it shoots the krean scoutship the El Mariq.
The fairly small, streamlined, mastless airship comes to an almost instant stop after flying out of the ship rift at more than two hundred knots.
The vessel drops down in altitude at a steady thirty knots as the ship rift disappears, and from the low wheelhouse located aft, walks the chief navigator Golthindil.
The krean spellcaster makes his way forward along the flat deck, making his way to where a lone figure stands in the bow.
"This is the area my lord" says Golthindil the navigator as he comes to a stop beside lord Farque, the powerful practitioner of magic continues with "This is the location given to us by the crew of the Fídiablo from what those at rear of the fleet told them".
Lord Farque nods his full helmed head, then says "Over there" as he points away to starboard "There's something there about four miles away" adds the undead warlord.
The chief navigator gives a signal to the captain and the crew in the wheelhouse, and the El Mariq turns to starboard, picking up speed as it does.
A curious frown appears on the dragon like features of the chief navigator as he and the heavily armoured deathlord look eastwards, then Golthindil says "Looks like a ship" followed by "Or what's left of it".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods, then says "It's ours" the undead warlord Farque continues with "Looks like someone's been busy tearing it apart".
The scoutship's chief navigator nods his head in agreement, as all that remains of the Farqian warship is part of the magical keel, and the ribs of the hull structure attached to it.
The El Mariq sets down a couple hundred feet from the wreck. The scoutship, which is smaller and faster than a larger strikeship, though it can't fly as far by way of a ship rift.
Left the Krean Protectorate in the north of the lands Farque last night. It's traveled the nearly four thousand miles from there to here in this part of the Kaldel Plains in just over half a day. Going through a few ships rifts to accomplish it.
Once the dark, sleek looking mastless vessel is on the ground, lord Farque yells out something in the ancient language of command.
A moment later and the undead wardog Axe pops his head up out of one of the open hatches in the deck.
And when he sees his master jump overboard, the massive canine comes up on deck, then leaps overboard too.
As the lord and ruler of the lands Farque and his wardog walk towards the wreck of one of his destroyers.
Golthindil and the two other navigators onboard, along with the air marine captain assigned to the El Mariq with his squad. Wing their way to what remains of the Farqian warship.
After the lord of the death realm gives a hand signal, and a command to Axe. And the massive undead wardog wanders off sniffing at the ground.
The chief navigator lands beside the undead warlord, who asks him "How far can you go back?".
"Not too far my lord" says Golthindil, who continues with "Just over a week is about my limit" the chief navigator, who like all krean navigators, is an extremely powerful spellcaster, then adds "It's a little easier if there's been some casting around".
"It was brought down just over a week ago" says lord Farque who is also known as Draugadrottin by the people of his lands, he continues in a slightly dry tone with "Those idiots took off the following morning in one of the ship's boats according to the survivors".
Golthindil just nods his head, as he and everyone else in the lands Farque pretty much knows who those idiots are.
Des'tier as his elven name is, points away to his right, where a eighty yards or so further to the north of the remains of the warship, Axe is sniffing at the ground.
"He's found something" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who along with Golthindil walk to where the undead wardog has sat down, and barked a few times.
While the two other navigators and the air marine captain, remain aloft, studying the ground.
As they walk to where the massive dog is sitting, scratching behind an ear, the chief navigator of the El Mariq says "Wagon tracks".
The heavily armoured deathlord who has noticed them too, nods and says "Probably whoever it was that stripped the ship".
The lord of the death realm comes to a stop next to his wardog, who stands up, and with his nose, points at a spot on the ground.
Draugadrottin looks at it closely, silently communicating with his sword strapped to his back as he does so.
"A rift was here" says lord Farque to the chief navigator of the El Mariq, Golthindil nods, and crouches down to study the ground.
As he does, the air marine captain wings his way down to them, and after he lands and says "My lord" to the undead warlord, he points a bit further away to the left, the direction the wagon tracks continue onto, and he says "Those tracks disappear about another fifty yards away".
"No doubt through a rift" says the navigator Golthindil, who points at the ground infront of him as he adds "Larger than this one most likely, so the wagons can go through it".
As Axe wanders off again, lord Farque asks the krean spellcaster "Is this good enough?". "I think so" says the chief navigator, who looks up, and by way of mindspeech calls down his fellow navigators.
The two glide down to the ground, tucking in their wings once they land.
And as the trio of navigators stand together and communicate with one another via mindspeech.
Lord Farque and the air marine captain, a large krean named Armathil step back, and out of their way.
The heavily armoured deathlord and the air marine watch the spellcasters, and after a while of silent communication with his fellow navigators, the chief navigator turns and says to the lord of the death realm "We should be able to do it my lord" followed by "Unfortunately there will be no sound".
"I understand" says Draugadrottin who with a nod of his full helmed head, gives the chief navigator permission to proceed.
"Observe" quietly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque to the air marine "Yes my lord" is the quiet reply of Armathil.
They watch as the El Mariq's navigators cast a spell in unison. A unique ability that the krean spellcasters have. Something they do with ease, where other spellcasters who try to work together to cast the same spell, struggle, and more often than not, fail.
Though the spell cast by the three navigators is extremely difficult, and could fail. But by the skill of the three of them, and frankly raw power of them, especially from the chief navigator himself. They're able to cast their spell.
It's a viewing spell. No ordinary viewing spell. As this one goes back in time to this very spot. More than a week ago. And where lord Farque looks, it's overlayed with a moving image, slightly green in colour of what was happening here a little over a week ago.
Des'tier as he's called by an older generation of elven kind who might know who he is. Slightly nods his full helmed head as he watches the viewing spell that shows him a rift forming, and once it's complete a number of people walking out of it.
The deathlord of Farque takes a mental image of them. Taking particular attention to a number of them.
A good looking woman with one eye, a tall plainsman who follows closely behind her. A stocky looking fellow, who walks near them as they chat about something. And finally, the spellcaster who makes his way out of the rift last. From the way he walks, and his arrogant looking demeanor, lord Farque immediately recognises him as a mage.
Which isn't too surprising, as the survivors of the warship in his fleet that was brought down. Spoke of a mageglobe that struck the destroyer, badly damaging the keel, which ultimately brought it down the night it was attacked.
Lord Farque and the air marine captain Armathil watch as those who have come out of the rift walk towards them, and then go through them.
The large heavily armoured deathlord and the large krean turn and watch the images of those who came out of the rift walk towards the wreck of the Farqian warship.
The viewing spell gets bigger, and they see the downed warship in a more put together state than it is now. Though in the image, there's wagons lined up near it. And people all over it, taking the remains of the airship apart, basically stripping it down.
"Wreckers" mutters Armathil the air marine making his thoughts clear on what he thinks of that profession. Infact all krean have a loathing for that kind of work, and those who partake in it.
The krean who are the finest airship builders in the world. Will rebuild a downed or damaged airship. Even one they haven't originally built themselves. Rather than take one apart, and sell the parts for profit.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque and the air marine captain continue to watch the viewing spell, until they're interrupted when Axe wanders over and nudges at his master.
"What?" dryly says the undead warlord in the ancient language of command to the massive animal, that's basically the same height at the shoulder as his master.
Lord Farque who stands over six and half foot tall, lifts an eyebrow behind the faceplate of his full helm as Axe barks and growls to explain something to him.
"Show me" says the lord of the death realm in the ancient language of command.
As the undead wardog, with tail wagging, bounds away, the heavily armoured deathlord says in the krean language to Armathil "Continue to watch the viewing spell".
"Yes my lord" replies the air marine commander, and the undead being who rules the nation that's named after his family, follows after the wardog he's brought along with him.
Axe has stopped just fifty yards away, and is looking at the ground, and pawing at it.
"You sure?" asks Des'tier, a name which translated from the royal elven language means The Destroyer.
"You can smell her from over a week ago?" adds the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The massive, black dog, that has a blocky head, and a short, stubby tail, who is even taller than his master, and weighs in excess of fifteen hundred pounds, barks yes.
Axe bites at the ground a few times, then throws dirt and grass up into the air, which he snaps at in pleasure, barking and growling as he vigorously shakes his head from side to side as if he's mauling something.
"Idiot" mutters lord Farque after rolling his eyes at the antics of his wardog, who has made it no secret in the past that he would like to give Narladene the ground pixie a bite or two as he finds her annoying most of the time. As she tends to natter on all the time at him. And Axe just ignores her.
"And what were you doing here gnat?" murmurs Draugadrottin who turns and crouches down, looking back to where the krean are standing, at the spot of a rift.
Then he looks to the remains of one of his warships, which at the moment is overlaid with the viewing spell that the krean navigators are casting.
Watching them, that's what you were doing here, the lord of the death realm thinks to himself, who then silently adds, so that means that boat full of idiots know where these wreckers are.
Lord Farque stands back up, and snaps his fingers for Axe to follow him, Des'tier makes his way back to where the four krean are standing.
There the image cast by the navigators speeds up, and they watch those in it move in fast motion. Seeing them take apart the downed Farqian warship piece by piece, and loading their wagons with what they've stripped from it.
The undead warlord watches the wagons heading off, to where another rift is, just fifty yards away to the left.
The viewing spell returns back to normal speed, and the lord of the death realm watches as those wreckers he took notice of early go through the rift on some of the wagons.
Once the last wagon goes through, the mage who has cast the rift, is the last one through, a moment later his spell vanishes, as does the viewing spell cast by the krean navigators.
"That's all we could do my lord" says Golthindil the chief navigator "That was plenty enough" says lord Farque, who continues with "I guess since they came out of that first rift facing south, that they came from the north?".
"That would be the logical assumption my lord" says Golthindil, Draugadrottin nods his full helmed head then turns to Armathil and tells him "Inform the captain we'll be leaving and heading north".
"Yes my lord" says the air marine captain, who spreads open his wings, launches into the air, and heads back to the El Mariq.
"How far do you think that mage could cast a rift to?" asks the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, a nation that has the Krean Protectorate in it's northern mountains.
After briefly conferring with his fellow navigators, the chief navigator says "Well over five hundred miles my lord" Golthindil then adds "And by the size of that rift he made for the wagons to pass through, I'd say up to seven hundred miles".
"Seven hundred" quietly says the heavily armoured deathlord who continues with "So they could be anywhere between here and seven hundred miles away to the north".
The chief navigator nods his dragon like head, then says "Seems likely they'll be at the far end of that range my lord" he then adds "For all their brazen attitude, and the amount of time it took that first rift to form, a mage won't waste power unnecessarily when it comes to a spell like a rift" Golthindil follows that with "They are direct and to the point, and i believe he cast it to somewhere at least five hundred miles north of here".
The two other navigators nod in agreement with the El Mariq's chief navigator, then lord Farque says "Very well" he then adds "Back to the ship".
The two other navigators lift off and fly back to the scoutship, while Golthindil walks with the deathlord of Farque, who calls Axe to him.
The massive undead wardog who had wandered off away to the north, runs back and follows behind his master and the powerful krean spellcaster.
"Should i inform the captain that we will go by rift, or we'll fly straight?" asks the chief navigator "We'll go by rift at least a couple hundred miles to somewhere north of here that you know of" says Des'tier, who continues with "After that, we'll fly straight as we search for the idiots, and these wreckers i assume they're after" he briefly pauses for a moment before adding "And the four who are missing".
"Yes my lord" says Golthindil, who when they get to the El Mariq, wings his way to the wheelhouse to aft, while both lord Farque and Axe leap up onto the deck.
As the krean scoutship lifts up off the ground, Draugadrottin who stands at the bow end of the flat, mastless deck with his wardog sitting behind him.
Wonders about the four of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer, and the newest member of the group, the cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, named Beldane.
For though the cleric in the church of Glaine was sensed by the survivors, getting off the warship as it was going down. By way of a gateway spell, which was assumed the other three with him went through, a gateway that was believed to of taken them north.
There was no sign of them from the survivors of the downed destroyer. Nor did the undead warlord or Axe find any sign of them at the crash site.
Now where are the four of you? the lord and ruler of the lands Farque thinks to himself, as the krean scoutship El Mariq gains speed, as the navigators prepare to cast a ship rift that will take the airship further north above the Kaldel Plains . . . . . .

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Aftermath 41.

The Kaldel Plains...

It doesn't take long before Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy hears something about the illegal wreckers.
Seems that they're quite a common subject of conversation amongst the locals. Especially since some of them have been in town so recently.
The spy who is originally from the elven principality of Alínlae is in an inn called Mards.
Where even at this early time in the morning, there's quite a few customers. Both locals and visitors. A visitor to town is what he's passing himself off. Though to be fair, he really is a visitor to town.
The spy Tanith, who has only been in town for a short amount of time. Has already noticed that amongst the locals, there's actually more foreigners than there are plainsmen.
And that many of the larger towns on the Kaldel Plains, like this one is. That's rather common, where you'll find more people from elsewhere who have settled down in the town, than actual plainsmen.
As the plainsmen are mainly a nomadic people. Who traverse the Kaldel Plains, predominantly from north to south, and back again. In their wagons as they graze their flocks.
As he sits alone at a table, Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others. Listens to a conversation at the next table.
Where a couple of locals, originally from the kingdom of Nastell if their accents are anything to go by.
Are discussing the recent visit of some of the illegal wreckers, who live in the two villages further to the north of town.
In particular the last two, who were in town yesterday. One of whom is well known to be the mage who takes down the airships the illegal wreckers target.
And the other being a bit of a hotheaded individual, who is often referred to being the muscle amongst the wreckers.
Who by the sounds of it, has got into a few scraps with some of the locals when he's visited the town in the past.
The elven spy listens as the two Nastellians discuss how the two wreckers were looking for one of their own. A dwarf by the sounds of it. A fellow named Mac, who apparently has gone missing, and the wreckers are trying to find him.
Dalinvardél Tanith who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Before he joined the group who were searching for him. And joined the armies of Farque at the same time.
Continues to listen to the two at the table next to his. While listening to the other conversations in the common room of Mards inn.
Hoping to hear something about the missing four of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric.
So far he hasn't heard any mention of them whatsoever. The elven spy is hoping that he will as he continues to listen to the two men sitting at the table next to his.
Meanwhile near the center of town, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander and Teabagger the goblin Cunt are making their way down a lane.
"Busy place" says Teabagger the goblin Cunt, as the town is a hive of activity even though it's still fairly early in the morning.
"That it is" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander as they stop at the end of the lane, and they look out onto a road and watch some wagons go by.
Two of the wagons are clearly gold diggers heading back to the nearby gold fields that are to the southwest and west of town.
While four wagons further down the road, heading the other way. Are even more identifiable as a troupe of traveling performers.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt, who'd like to see the show the troupe puts on, says "Over there boss, er councillor".
The small, bright green goblin who is originally from the southern kingdom of Melaurn, nods to the otherside of the road, and adds "I can hear them".
"Must be behind that building" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander who continues with "Looks like a chandlers or traders".
"They must be working in the storeroom" says the commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque.
Commander Parsen, who is a member of the personal council to the lord Farque nods, then says "Let's go over" he continues with "You go around back and see what they can tell you".
The cavalry commander who in actual fact, is really a hordes barbarian outrider by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen, then says "And I'll speak with the trader".
Teabagger nods, then the two of them cross the road, with councillor Parsen keeping an eye on the small goblin, making sure he doesn't trip over his own feet.
"I'll just go around" says the goblin commander, the cavalry commander nods and watches Teabagger go around the side of the building.
Then Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman enters the building, which is indeed a traders, a fairly successful one by the looks of it from what councillor Parsen sees when he enters it.
They stare at him, while he looks at them. There's a fair few moments of silence, until it's broken when one holding an empty wooden box drops it on his foot, causing him to swear in his own language.
One of the others looks at him and sourly smiles, then he looks over at who is standing at the open barn like doors, and says in their language "Hell, you're a bit bright aren't you?".
Shrugging his shoulders, Teabagger the goblin Cunt who is glad to hear his native language again, says in the same language "It can't be helped".
Then the goblin who dropped the empty box on his own foot, who is sitting on the storeroom floor rubbing his sore foot, asks "Does your boss know you're in all that get up?".
Teabagger faintly smiles, as he knows these goblins has never seen one of their own kind in a uniform, wearing armour, with weapons, says "He does".
The goblin commander, who garnered a few stares when he and commander Parsen walked through town, looks at the trio of goblin workers in the storeroom of the trader's and says to them "I wonder if you can help me with something?".
"Just as long as you don't want to be king of the storeroom" mutters the third goblin, as that's a daily argument between the trio of goblins who work here.
And by the looks of the small, bright green goblin all in black, in the armour who has weapons, who by the looks of it, knows how to handle those weapons too. He could be the king of their storeroom without too much effort on his part.
Teabagger refrains from grinning, and doesn't bother mentioning anything to do with that, instead he says "I'm looking for some people" followed by "I wonder if you've seen them?" the goblin commander then adds "Or if they've been in your bosses shop?".
In the southwest of town, a blurred and shielded Helbe the elven thief stands outside of a house, looking through a gap in the slightly ajar window shutters.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, has already checked on the two other spellcasters in town. A witch and a sorcerer, both of whom know a fair bit about the illegal wreckers. But nothing about the missing four of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer, and Beldane the cleric.
The elven masterthief who is now checking on the third local spellcaster, a wizard by the name of Barra. By all accounts, a fairly young practitioner of magic who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell.
Senses inside the house, as he's already done outside. The blurred elven magic user nods his hooded head at what he finds.
Then the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel shifts inside, easily passing through the wards the young wizard has up around his house.
The elven master assassin is floating above the floor, as he studies the rows of potions that are on the shelves in the kitchen.
The young elven noble who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, looks away to his left. And a moment later, the wizard Barra makes his way from his bedroom.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril watches the young human spellcaster, who must only be twenty one or twenty two years old, get something to eat for breakfast.  Apparently Barra has a healthy larder, as he isn't wanting for food at all.
As the wizard prepares himself breakfast, the highly talented elven spellcaster who is secretly watching him, reads his mind.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user, who finds it easy to cast multiple spells at one time. Reads the young wizard's mind with ease.
And lifts a slightly arched eyebrow up in surprise at what he finds. The elven princeling slightly nods his hooded head at what he finds.
So they were here, and now the wreckers know about them, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself as he goes over the conversation Barra had yesterday with two of the illegal wreckers. The mage named Samiel, and a bully boy by the looks of it, a fellow by the name of Gorlic.
The elven master archer finds out that Barra spotted the group of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric. When the four passed through town earlier in the week.
And though Beldane was holding his power within himself making it impossible for other spellcasters to sense him.
The young wizard who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell, immediately recognised Beldane as a fighting cleric in the church of Glaine.
The son of the heir to the throne of Laerel, slightly shakes his hooded head as he continues to read the mind of Barra the wizard.
And after he finds out why the two illegal wreckers, Samiel and Gorlic were in town. Something about finding a missing dwarf by the name of Mac.
The elven masterthief looks out the gap in the window shutters, and shifts outside. Easily going through the wizard's wards, who doesn't even know the elven magic user was in his home, reading his mind.
Councillor Raendril shifts to a rooftop, then looks around. The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel looks to the east.
And in the distance that way he spots the jolly boat in the morning sky slowly heading north. The elven master assassin nods, then shifts again. As he goes in search of the others who came into town with him.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander and Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
Well before midmorning they all meet in the rendezvous point that Helbe the elven thief described.
The spy Tanith is the last one to show up just off to the side of one the few squares in town. This one like the other two, is small.
It's basically a courtyard on the north side of town where two lanes meet. Very few people use it, even in a busy town such as this one.
"Time to go" quietly says the elven princeling after Dalin shows up a little bit after Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson and Teabagger the goblin Cunt.
"Don't you want to know what i found out?" asks Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as the young elven noble starts heading down one of the lanes, with the others following after him.
"I already know" says the elven magic user who then adds "I've just read your mind".
"Thanks" sourly says the elven spy who hails from the principality of Alínlae.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque shrugs his shoulders, then says "It saves time".
At the end of the lane, prince Helbenthril Raendril points to the right, then says to the others "This way".
The four of them go that way, and eventually end up on a road that takes them north out of town.
Helbe, Darid, Dalin and Teabagger continue along the road for about quarter of mile, before going off it, to the east.
After walking across the plains for a little bit, and discussing the fact that the illegal wreckers know about the four of Tam, Lis, Tovis and Beldane.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel teleports them further to the east.
When they reappear, they see the small airboat a hundred yards away, lowering down to the ground, the four of them walk the rest of the way to it.
They get to the jolly boat just a little while after it touches down, they climb aboard. Though commander Parsen has to help Teabagger get onboard after the small, bright green goblin slips of the gunwale in his first attempt to climb aboard.
"What did you find out?" asks Mira Reinholt the mage when the four of them who went into town, are all onboard, and he pulls up on the tiller, sending the small vessel up into the morning sky.
"Quite a lot actually" says prince Helbenthril Raendril as the jolly boat gains altitude on this sunny, but cool morning in the northeast region of the Kaldel Plains.
"Not the least of which, is that those wreckers now know about Tam and the others" adds the elven magic user, who like the mage Reinholt and commander Parsen, is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"That" quietly says the once powerful mage who continues with "Might not be the best for the four of them" adds the Vexilian mage in exile.
The elven masterthief nods his hooded head in agreement as they continue on their way northwards over the Kaldel Plains . . . . . .

Monday 24 June 2019

Aftermath 40.

The Kaldel Plains...

Early the next morning, well before dawn like he's done every day they've traveled north across the Kaldel Plains.
Helbe the elven thief has gone on ahead, leaving the others behind who are still waking up. And in the incase of Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic, still fast asleep.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel doesn't travel too far ahead. Just a few miles actually, when he spots the large town in the distance.
The elven magic user suspects they would of got there last night. If the wind hadn't died down to almost nothing, which slowed the progress of the jolly boat.
They didn't risk Mira Reinholt the mage casting anything, just incase he got too carried away, and a storm showed up that could of potentially damaged the small airboat they're traveling in.
The elven masterthief looks away to the west, at the tents dotted across the plains in that direction. Camps of gold diggers, who are working one of the last viable gold fields in all of the Kaldel Plains.
The grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, looks back to the north at the town.
And though the sun has yet to come up over the horizon to the east. The elven princeling can already see that people are up and about. Getting on with the start of the day.
The elven master assassin suspects the town gets quite busy. Especially with the gold fields so close. Not to mention the crew of illegal wreckers in the two villages further north. Who no doubt come down to this town, to sell and trade their ill gotten goods and materials.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril watches the town for a little while longer. Then he blurs himself, and shifts away. Heading towards the town, to see what he can find out about the four who are missing that they're searching for. Who he suspects Narladene the ground pixie has found as she has yet to return to him.
The elven magic user will also find out anymore information he can about the illegal wreckers, who are in the villages, about thirty miles north of town.
Meanwhile, a few miles further to the south. The rest of the group are awake. Surprisingly it was sir Percavelle Lé Dic who was the last to get up.
As Dorc da Orc, who slept naked on the ground as it was a cool night, cold for everyone else. Was awake before the nobleborn knight who hails from the kingdom of Druvic.
Everyone was glad the ork warleader woke by himself. As no one wants to wake up the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world when he sleeps naked.
Not even Teabagger the goblin Cunt who normally takes pleasure in waking up the large ork, usually with a hammer. Wanted to get close to the ork weaponsmith, who slept naked some distance from the others who were in and near the jolly boat.
As they lit a fire next to the airboat, not only to cook their dinner last night. But to offer them some heat during the coldest night so far since they've been on the Kaldel Plains.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic might of been the last to wake, but the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che who slept in his suit of plate armour, and who was the closest to the fire all night.
Is his usual boisterous self, first thing in the morning, as the sun starts to rise in the east on what's a fairly cool morning which heralds the end of summer, and the arrival of autumn in this area of the Kaldel Plains.
"I do say, what a bracing morning we've got chaps" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in his loud pompous voice "Easy for you to say, you basically slept on the fire last night" says Mira Reinholt the mage who has put on his gloves this morning, the first time he's done so, since the spring.
The heavily armoured knight ignores that, and he also ignores the "Eat a dick ya knight cunt" from a growling Dorc da Orc who for once is the first one to climb onboard the jolly boat.
The nobleman from Druvic, who is the former earl of Lé Dic, looks around, takes a deep breath, then states "I do believe we shall make progress today".
"He's probably right" says Darid Parsen the cavalry commander in the elven language as he and Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy climb aboard the small airboat.
Shur Kee the monk follows them, as does the mage Reinholt. While Teabagger the goblin cunt. Is picked up by Dorc da Orc, who sighs and grunts in disgust when the small, bright green, goblin goes to climb aboard, but slips backwards off the starboard side gunwale.
Last to get on the jolly boat, is sir Percavelle or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others. The large, heavily armoured knight takes his usual place in the bow.
And once he's seated, and Dalinvardél Tanith and Shur Kee raise the sail, Mira Reinholt gets them off the ground after he lifts up on the tiller.
As they climb up into the morning sky, the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil says "We should reach that town fairly soon".
Darid Parsen nods his head in agreement, then says to the spy Tanith "Keep an eye out for it".
The cavalry commander, who like the once powerful mage, is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, quietly says to his fellow councillor "We might want to think about what we're going to do".
Councillor Parsen, who in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen, then adds "Go into that town or not".
"We'll wait until the royal thief gets back, and see what he has to say" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil "He might find something out there about the others" continues the mage Reinholt, who then adds "And about those wreckers".
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his head in agreement, then as the once powerful mage turns the jolly boat slightly to starboard to help catch the breeze this morning, the cavalry commander says "Let's hope he does".
They fly northwards as the sun continues to rise in the east, on what's a clear and sunny, though cool day here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
And it's not too long afterwards, that Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group says "There's that town".
Both Dorc da Orc and Teabagger the goblin Cunt have spotted it too, and the large ork just grunts as they look away to the north, where in the distance is a fairly large town.
At the tiller, the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to found anywhere in the Southlands, drops the small airboat down towards the ground.
The small vessel gets to about twenty feet above the ground, when the others in the airboat, that would be the four humans. Are able to finally see the smudge in the distance that's a town.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster has Dalin reef the sail so that they slow down a bit "Might want to wait for his royal thiefness to show up" says the exiled Vexilian mage.
"Well, I'm here" says Helbe the elven thief who suddenly appears in the jolly boat, between his fellow councillors, the mage Reinholt and commander Parsen.
"That town is a lot larger than i thought" says the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel as he gestures to the town in the distance.
"A few of us might want to go in and find out about them" adds the elven magic user, referring to both the missing four of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric. As well as the illegal wreckers who occupy two villages further to the north of the town in the distance.
"You find out anything at all?" asks the swordmaster Reinholt as he lets the jolly boat gently drift northwards just twenty feet above the ground.
"Nothing about Tam and the others" says the elven princeling who only had a quick look around in the town before coming back to the others.
"But i did about those wreckers" adds the elven master archer, who continues with "Apparently some of them were in town over last couple of days, they've all left now, gone back north to the villages they're based out of".
"How far away are they?" asks Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin "Just thirty miles" replies the highly talented elven magic user.
"We could be there later this afternoon or early this evening if the winds are fair" quietly says the once powerful mage, his fellow councillors nod in agreement to that.
Then Mira Reinholt asks the elven masterthief "Who do want to go into town with you?". "Not Dorc" says prince Helbenthril Raendril who then adds "Or Percy".
Then ignoring the "Oi cunt, why the fuck not?" from the ork warleader, and the "I do say, that's not very fair wot" from the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che.
The young elven noble from Laerel says "Dalin, Darid and the goblin Teabagger".
The goblin commander who is surprised to be included, looks at the elven master assassin, who says to him "Plenty of goblins in town, you'll fit right in" followed by "You'll be able to find out things the others won't".
The mage Reinholt nods his hooded head in agreement with that, then says "We'll fly around the town" he then adds "Go out east, before continuing north".
"We'll meet you north of town" says Helbe the elven thief, who then looks at commander Parsen, the spy Tanith along with Teabagger the goblin Cunt, and tells them "Let's get going".
"Don't let Dorc's fucken gob-a-lin get killed" mutters the ork weaponsmith after the four who are going into town, disappear off the jolly boat.
Then after the swordmaster Reinholt has Shur Kee the monk unreef the sail, and the Vexilian mage in exile starts turning the small airboat to starboard as he gains altitude.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world scowls when he spots the other four on the ground in the distance to the north, before they disappear again when the elven magic user teleports them closer to the town.
They walk the last half mile or so into town, approaching it from the southeast on what's clearly a road.
There's no one else on the road, and as they walk in the early morning light, Helbe the elven thief quietly says to the others "Keep your eyes and ears open for anything" followed by "Not just what we're after".
The highly skilled elven magic user glances at Teabagger the goblin Cunt, then in the elven language he says to his fellow councillor Darid Parsen "Take the goblin with you".
"I will" says the cavalry commander, then switching to the common language, Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson asks the elven princeling "Where do you want to meet up?".
"There's a place on the north side of town" says the elven masterthief who then gives a detailed description of the place he wants to meet up at.
The other three all nod, then the young elven noble says "There's a trio of spellcasters in town, i haven't checked them out yet" he continues with "I'll do so now while you three see what you can find out".
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel says to the others "Good luck" then he disappears as he blurs himself, then he shifts the last hundred yards or so into town.
While the others keep walking towards it as the sun continues to get higher in the morning sky, on what looks like it's going to be a fine and sunny, though cool day here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
As he lifts the hood of his dark grey cloak onto his head, Dalinvardél Tanith says in the elven language "You two going to be alright?".
"We'll be fine" says councillor Parsen in the same language who then tells the elven spy "Stay out of trouble".
"I will" says Dalin, who then adds "Remember, this is what i do". Then he steps off the clearly marked road, and heads towards a house. He steps into the shade along one side of the house, and all but disappears from sight. Then he goes around the house, and enters the town.
While Darid Parsen and Teabagger the goblin Cunt continue on the road, and as they're approach the town, the cavalry commander quietly says to the small, bright lurid green goblin walking next to him  "Let's see what we can find out".
The commander of the goblin battalion in the armies of Farque nods his head, and the two of them enter the fairly large town, which first thing in the morning is just starting to get busy with the activity of daily life . . . . . .

Sunday 23 June 2019

Aftermath 39.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Had some of your lot in yesterday morning selling me some of their stuff" says the merchant, he continues with "Have you got some more for sale?".
"Not at the moment" says Gorlic the former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury, who then adds "Some others might be down in another day or two, I'm sure they'll have more things to sell you".
The illegal wrecker then asks the merchant "What I'm actually wondering is if you've seen one of us recently" Gorlic continues with "He might of come in yesterday as well".
"Hmmm who?" asks the man behind the counter who owns a trade store, that sells everything from rope to weapons, the merchant continues with "Just those lads yesterday is the only ones up from your way that's been in recently".
"Not the dwarven fellow you've dealt with previously?" asks the former arena fighter from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who continues with "Mac's his name".
"Haven't seen him since last month" says the merchant who is a regular buyer of the goods that the illegal wreckers bring to town to sell, he continues with "When you lot brought in nearly a dozen wagons worth of goods".
Gorlic, who is a hothead at times, refrains from sighing, as this is the third store in town he and the other illegal wreckers sell to, that he's been in today, where the proprietor hasn't seen the missing dwarf Mac.
The former arena fighter, then nods to a pile of goods that he recognises from one of the airships that's still being torn apart back in the village further to the north on the plains, and he asks the merchant "Will you have any trouble selling them now that it's going into autumn?".
"Should be able to sell them fairly quickly" says the business owner, who continues with "Always have people coming into town wanting to buy stuff" he then adds "Only really slow down in the wintertime, and usually only sell to the locals then. Though even then, people are still willing to buy what you lot send down".
Gorlic nods, and continues to chat with the merchant for a little while longer, until he finally wishes him farewell, and exits the store when a pair of gold prospectors come in, wanting to buy some equipment.
Outside, the former arena fighter from the coast of the Southlands looks around, and wonders where Samiel the mage is.
Gorlic shrugs his shoulders, and sets off. Hoping to find the powerful spellcaster somewhere.
The illegal wrecker heads to the center of town this afternoon, on what's been a cool day. The first real cool day of the year so far. The first true sign that summer has finally come to an end on the Kaldel Plains.
As he makes his way through the busy town, people keep clear of the Brattonburian. As the locals, whether they be plainsmen or foreigners who live here in town. Know that he's one of the illegal wreckers from the two villages about thirty miles further north on the plains from town.
While those visitors to town who spot him, keep clear of Gorlic. For the simple reason, the slightly balding man in his thirties, who around six foot tall. Whose muscular frame has gone a bit to fat. Who like many from the coast of the Southlands, is tan skinned.
Has on him more weapons than most men own. He has bracers of daggers and knives. As well as throwing axes and hammers. A pair of shortswords, and a brutal looking long dagger he has strapped to his back.
The former arena fighter who is in hardened leather armour, and has a plate of steel armour over his left shoulder and upper left arm.
Is a bit of a disreputable looking individual, even though he's quite jovial and outgoing when he isn't losing his temper.
People who don't know him, tend to keep clear of him. He doesn't know why, and he really doesn't care. In his opinion, it saves him a lot of time in unnecessary chatter with people he doesn't know.
So as he makes his way through the bustling town, he's only going to places where the people know him. Going to places that he knows Mac the dwarf frequented when he visited town. Often in the company of Gorlic, and some others, such as Pallen the blademaster, Sasha the former mercenary, as well as Samiel the mage.
As for the mage, he's just exited one of the inns they stay at when they spend any extended amount of time in town.
The innkeeper and those who work in his establishment haven't seen or heard from Mac since earlier in the summer. When he visited just over a month ago with some of the others when they brought down the last of the smaller items off a trade ship that Samiel took down, further south on the Kaldel Plains, in the canyon country.
The powerful mage looks around, and spots Gorlic coming down the main road that goes through town.
The former arena fighter from the city-state of Brattonbury spots the spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare standing outside the inn, and makes his way over to him.
"Any luck?" asks Samiel the mage "Nothing" is the reply from Gorlic, who then asks the powerful spellcaster "And you?".
The mage, who before he took up a life of crime and joined the illegal wreckers, worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare, sourly smiles then says in a tone that matches his smile "Nothing as well".
Gorlic sighs, then looks around and says "Now what?" the former arena fighter who is doing well to keep a hold of his temper, continues with "I don't think he came to town" followed by "And if he did, i don't think many people noticed him".
Samiel nods his head in agreement, then quietly says to the Brattonburian "There's a few spellcasters in town" the powerful mage continues with "Let's go and speak with them" he briefly pauses before adding "If Mac didn't get help from Davon, then he might of had outside help".
"You think one of the spellcasters in town?" quietly asks Gorlic as they move away from the front of the inn "If not one of them, they might know of someone else who has been in town, who could of helped Mac out" replies Samiel.
The former arena fighter nods at the logic of that, then he walks beside Samiel who heads to the nearest spellcaster in town that he can sense as it gets later in the afternoon on what's been the first truly cool day of the year, even though it's been a clear and sunny day here in this part of the Kaldel Plains.
They head to the south of town, and through the houses and buildings to their right, they can see in the distance out on the plains, the mounds of dirt where gold prospectors have been digging up the ground looking for the valuable metal.
The land to the south and southwest of town, and further west. Is the last really big gold field on the Kaldel Plains. And people come from far and wide to try their luck to find the gold.
Samiel points to a house, and says "That one" Gorlic nods and asks him "They know you're here?". "Of course" says the powerful mage who has been sensed for sometime by every spellcaster in town, ever since he approached from the north.
The Tuledarian mage knocks on the door, and a voice on the otherside says "Come in". The pair of illegal wreckers enter the house.
Gorlic who has never been here before looks around, and is surprised to find a clean spotless place, where the main room and kitchen are one.
At the table sits a fairly young man in robes, reading a book, while in the kitchen on some shelves, are rows of vials of magical potions.
"Mage" says the young man sitting at the table "Wizard" replies Samiel who makes his way to the table and sits down opposite the local spellcaster, while Gorlic remains standing just behind his fellow wrecker.
"What can i do for you?" asks the wizard named Barra, who continues with "A potion perhaps?".
"Maybe" says the powerful mage who glances to the rows of potions on the shelves in the kitchen. Samiel doesn't have many uses for potions, but there are a few he'll use. Particular healing potions, as one can't heal themselves with a spell.
"What I'm actually wanting is some information" says the spellcaster who used to work for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare.
"Oh?" says Barra the wizard, who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell, who left there a few years ago and set up shop here in the bustling town in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
"Such as?" asks the young wizard, who has knack at creating potions, better than most spellcasters he's met, and certainly better than anyone else here in this region of the Kaldel Plains.
"You mind if i cast?" asks Samiel who thinks it's best to be a bit courteous about it.
"As if i could stop you anyway" dryly says the young wizard from Nastell who is badly outmatched in magical power by the mage.
"True" says the illegal wrecker with a grin upon his face, the powerful mage then adds "Thought it was best to ask first".
The wizard Barra nods then says "That's fair enough i guess" he follows that with "Go ahead".
"I was wondering if you seen one of my acquaintances" says Samiel as he casts a spell. The young wizard lifts an eyebrow then says "A truth spell?".
The powerful mage nods his head, and tells the other practitioner of magic "Thought it would be best, instead of reading your mind" he pauses before adding "Besides I'm not particularly adept at doing that".
"You mages" says the young wizard with a shake of his head, who continues in a dry tone with "Magic isn't just about blowing things up you know".
Samiel can't help but grin at that, then he says with a shrug of his shoulders "What can you do?" he then adds "It's in our nature".
"Apparently" dryly says the local wizard, who then asks the powerful spellcaster sitting opposite of him at the table "Who is it you're looking for?".
"A dwarven fellow by the name of Mac" says the Tuledarian mage who continues with "I came here to your place with him in the spring if you remember".
"I remember" says Barra the wizard who continues with "That's the only time I've seen him". "Damn" murmurs Samiel as the young wizard is telling the truth.
The powerful mage drops the truth spell, then asks the local spellcaster "You think he might of visited any of the others in town?" referring to the other practitioners of magic here in the bustling town.
"I can't see why he would" says Barra the wizard who continues with "Your ah acquaintances don't exactly mingle with our kind, especially considering they've got you and that other one to do any magic for them".
Samiel nods and doesn't mention that there's actually two other spellcasters with him in the crew of illegal wreckers, who are based in the two villages further to the north on the plains.
"So i doubt he would of visited them" says the young wizard, who then adds in a slightly drool tone "Besides that old sorcerer and that witch are notorious gossips, trust me i would of heard it from them if that dwarven acquaintance of yours visited them".
The powerful mage originally from the city-state of Tuledare nods once more as he thinks about something, then he asks the young wizard "Has there been any other spellcasters in town recently?" he then adds "Anyone really, ones you might not know?". Barra slightly frowns, then says "There was a cleric in town earlier this week".
"There was?" asks Samiel the mage, while behind him, Gorlic is suddenly more interested in what's being discussed.
"He was holding his power within himself so he couldn't be sensed, but i recognise what he was when i spotted him walking through town" says the young wizard who then adds "His armour and vestments gave him away" he continues with "He's in the church of Glaine, and their fighting clerics are a pretty common sight in Nastell, especially up in the north of the kingdom".
"Now isn't that interesting" quietly says Samiel with a glance back at Gorlic, who nods his head in agreement.
"By himself?" asks the powerful mage "He was with three others" says the local wizard who is originally from the kingdom of Nastell, who then adds "Fairly young folk they were, my age and younger" Barra follows that with "Two young men, and a young woman, all armed and armoured, adventurers probably, maybe even soldiers as the three of them were in black for the most part".
"Even more interesting" murmurs Gorlic from where he stands behind Samiel, who nods when he hears that.
Then the powerful mage asks the young wizard "Do you know where they visited whilst in town?".
"A few stores in the north of town" says Barra who continues with "Apparently the cleric had been here in the past, just before i came here" he then tells the illegal wreckers which places the four strangers visited while they were briefly in town.
"Thanks for that" says Samiel as he gets up out of the chair, the Tuledarian mage looks to the kitchen, and after glancing at Gorlic, he says to the young wizard "Actually i might buy a couple of potions while I'm here".
The illegal wreckers leave the wizard's house, and Samiel gives one of the healing potions he's just purchased to the former arena fighter.
"Just incase you get into trouble" says the powerful mage as he hands the healing potion to Gorlic "Only use it if looks like you're dying" adds Samiel.
"I will" says the Brattonburian who then adds "Thanks".
The spellcaster originally from the city-state of Tuledare nods, then says "Come on" followed by "Let's go and find out what this cleric and these others were up to while they were in town".
As they head through town, making their way to the north side of it as it gets later in the afternoon and it approaches dusk. Samiel suddenly senses his mageglobe quickly approaching from the north.
The powerful mage tells Gorlic this, and that the living piece of magic must of found what it was sent out to find.
When the mageglobe shows up, and plops itself in Samiel's right hand. The Tuledarian mage studies it, looking at the images it shows him.
The powerful mage sourly smiles as he sees the mageglobe found five chests that he described to it that were missing.
It found five identical ones that are still amongst the fortune the illegal wreckers still have, not the ones that Mac the dwarf stole.
"What was it?" asks Gorlic after the living piece of magic disappears in the hand of the powerful mage.
"Nothing" says Samiel who continues with "It didn't find them" the powerful mage follows that with "Waste of bloody time". The two of them continue through town, hoping to find out what they can about the cleric in the church of Glaine and three others who are with him . . . . . .

Thursday 20 June 2019

Aftermath 38.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Any sign of Davon?" asks Pallen the blademaster "Nothing" replies Sasha the former mercenary who has just come back from the village green, where work is being done on two of the airships there now. With nearly twenty of the wreckers working on each ship, as they continue to strip down and take apart the airships.
The couple who are originally from the kingdom of Girdane, where they first met on opposite sides of a battlefield between a pair of noblemen.
Are standing outside the long building used essentially as a tavern, near the middle of the village.
"He'll take a bit longer to come back after he's found any potential buyers" says the good looking woman with just one eye, and a gnarly looking scar down one side of her face, all courtesy of her lover Pallen.
"He can't travel as quickly or as far as either Samiel or Sara" adds the former mercenary.
"That's if he comes back" dryly says Pallen the blademaster, who rather hopes the wizard doesn't show up. As that will give an explanation of what's happened with Mac and the theft of a large chunk of the wreckers fortune.
"That's true" murmurs Sasha as she looks around the center of the village, which is pretty quiet, as some of the wreckers this afternoon have returned to working on breaking down two of the three airships on the village green.
While most of the rest are still out and about searching for the missing dwarf, and the missing chests of gold and gems.
"I think summer is pretty much over" says Pallen who changes the subject, the tall plainsman who is a blademaster continues with "It's been fairly cool pretty much all day".
His lover, and fellow Girdanian nods her head in agreement, then as Sasha is just about to say something, they hear a shout from near the village green.
The two of them glance at one another, then take off running. They make their way through the center of the village, and hurry to the wide open, circular area on the west side of the village.
The two of them, the former mercenary and the dangerous blademaster head straight across the village green, to the northwest corner, where Arvelle's house is located.
Out the front of the two storey house, is the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers himself. He's with two of the other wreckers, larger men. Who between them, hold an irate looking Davon the wizard between them.
"Inside" says Sasha as she hurries up to those just out the front of the two storey house.
"No arguing Davon" adds the good looking woman from the kingdom of Girdane.
The spellcaster looks at Pallen, who nods for the two wreckers firmly holding the wizard between them, to follow Arvelle inside.
Once they're all inside the two storey house, and as Arvelle heads to a backroom to get something.
Sasha says to the two men holding Davon "You can let him go". When they release the wizard, the former mercenary tells them "Go back outside on guard".
After the two wreckers exit, and they shut the door behind them. Pallen the blademaster points at a chair and says to the spellcaster "Sit".
The wizard frowns, though he takes a seat, and when he goes to say something, Sasha quietly tells him "Just be silent for now Davon" followed by "We'll explain everything soon".
Still frowning, the spellcaster who has just returned to the village, nods his head, and remains silent.
He's just thinking about casting a spell to see what's going on when Arvelle returns to the main room, and says to the wizard "Here take this, and hold it".
Looking at what's offered to him, Davon the wizard frowns and says "A spell gem?".
"Just take it and hold it Davon" says Sasha, who continues with "And like i said, remain silent".
The spellcaster sighs, then takes the small gem and holds it in his right hand, looking at it Davon says "A truth spell?" as he senses the spell within the gem, he follows that with "Did Samiel cast it in here?".
"He did" says Arvelle, who then adds "Now be quiet" the tall plainsman with the shaved head who leads the crew of illegal wreckers then asks the wizard "Where's Mac?".
"Mac?" says Davon who then adds "I have no idea".
The other three wreckers, Arvelle, Sasha and Pallen look closely at the small gem in the right hand of the wizard, it doesn't glow, which they were hoping it would, as that would make things a whole lot easier.
The leader of the crew of illegal wreckers looks over at the couple from the kingdom of Girdane and sourly smiles, Arvelle then sighs and looks back at the wizard sitting on the chair, and asks him "Did you help Mac to steal the gold and gems?".
"What?" exclaims Davon in shock, quickly followed by "No". Once again the small spell gem doesn't glow.
"Fuck" mutters Arvelle in disgust, who walks away and kicks over an empty chair.
Sasha and Pallen share a look, then the former mercenary from Girdane says to the wizard "You can put it on the table" as she nods towards the spell gem Davon is holding.
After the spellcaster puts the small jewel on the table, he asks "What the hell has been going on?".
He looks over at Arvelle who is looking out one of the windows, staring at the activity in and around two of the airships on the village green. Then the wizard looks at the couple from the kingdom of Girdane.
"Might as well tell him" says the blademaster Pallen to his lover Sasha, who nods her head, then explains to Davon what's happened since he's been gone. How Mac the dwarf is gone, and so is a sizable chunk of the illegal wreckers fortune, almost a quarter of it.
"Fucking hell" murmurs the wizard in shock once the good looking woman with one eye explains to him what's happened.
"How did that happen?" asks Davon "We're not sure" replies Sasha, who glances towards Arvelle, who is looking more than a little moody as he looks out a window to the village green.
"Since it's pretty certain no one else helped him" says the former mercenary from Girdane, who continues with "There's a good chance he had outside help".
"I can't believe of Mac" murmurs the wizard, who looks over at Arvelle and slightly winces, as he realises it's their leader's best friend who has betrayed them.
"Outside help you say?" then says Davon as he looks back at Sasha, she nods her head to that, and the spellcaster quietly says "Wonder who could of helped him?".
The wizard who is from the kingdom of Nastell, shakes his head then says "Not really" in reply to Sasha asking him "Anyway you can find out what happened?".
"What about finding him?" asks the good looking one eyed woman "If i don't know where he went, it'll be impossible" says the wizard who continues with "It's a lot easier to find and locate other spellcasters than those who don't know magic".
Davon who is quiet for a few moments, then says "If i knew the area he's in, i might be able to scry him out". Sasha nods, as that was Sara the sorceress said too.
The wizard quietly says "He'd go south to that town quite a lot, when we'd sell stuff there" the spellcaster continues with "Maybe he got help down there?".
"We've thought of that" says the former mercenary from the kingdom of Girdane who continues with "Samiel and Gorlic have gone down there to check things out".
Arvelle sighs, then turns from the window, and makes his way back to the table, picks up the chair he kicked over, and sits down on it.
"Were you able to find any potential buyers?" asks the leader of the crew of the illegal wreckers "I did" says Davon who then adds "They'll be here in three or four days".
The wizard, who has been with the wreckers longer than Pallen and Sasha, says "Forget about that" he continues with "What are we going to do to find Mac?" followed by "And get back the gold and gems he stole?".
Narladene the ground pixie frowns, and drifts away from those in the main room of the two storey house who she's been watching, and listening to.
The naturally magical creature who is invisible to them, goes outside. Simply by flying through the door, as she can pass through any inanimate object.
The tiny winged creature pauses and continues to frown as she magically senses to the south.
"Shit" Narladene the ground pixie mutters to herself, for she thought she sensed something away to the south heading this way.
Not directly, it's heading more to the east of here. And Narladene knows exactly where. The naturally magical creature dives down into the ground. And takes off to where the four of Tamric Drubine, Lisell Maera, Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric are observing the village, and it's inhabitants.
"They haven't come out of the house" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as he continues to look through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece as they watch the village that's less than a quarter of a mile away from where they're lying on a slight rise.
"They're definitely still in there" adds the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin.
"Hopefully they're blaming that wizard for what's happened" says Beldane the cleric who is holding his power within himself.
"Hopefully" says Lisell Maera the messenger, next to her, Tamric Drubine nods his head in agreement.
Then the young field commander in the armies of Farque is about to say something, when he suddenly falls silent.
As he listens to Narladene the ground pixie hurriedly explain something to him.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, winces then hurriedly says "Quick" hastily followed by "Back to the spot in the trees east of here".
"Why?" asks Lisell Maera, the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury continues with "What is it?".
"No time to explain" says field commander Drubine who is crawling backwards off the rise.
The others hurriedly follow the nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin. Then once they're off the rise, and standing, Tam looks at Beldane and says "Hurry".
The powerful cleric quickly says "That wizard in the village might sense me". After a moment, the young field commander says "He's not sensing at the moment".
Beldane lifts his eyebrows in surprise, then with a shrug of his shoulders, the fighting cleric says "If you say so".
The member of the church of Glaine stops holding his power within himself, and hurriedly casts a gateway spell.
It forms relatively quickly as it doesn't have to go that far. And Tamric Drubine is the first one through after the invisible Narladene rushes through it just after it forms.
Lisell Maera is next, followed by Tovis the war engineer, and lastly Beldane himself. A moment or two after the powerful spellcaster has gone through the gateway, it vanishes.
"What are we doing?" asks Beldane the cleric when they're amongst the trees where they're camping out.
"I'm not too sure at the moment" says Tamric Drubine, who nods his head as he listens to the invisible ground pixie who is hovering next to his head.
After a moment, the young field commander says "We have to get the chests out of the ground".
"Why?" asks Lisell Maera with a frown upon her face "Because there's a mageglobe heading straight here" replies Tamric Drubine.
"And how do you know that?" asks the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine who looks around and senses.
"Sense to the south, southwest really" Tam tells the powerful spellcaster, the nobleborn teenager then adds "You should be able to sense it coming from that direction in a little while".
Field commander Drubine says "But for now, get those chests out of the ground" followed by "We need to get them away from here quickly, and preferably as far as possible too".
"Hell" mutters Beldane who thinks he can feel a mageglobe away to the southwest, but they're notoriously difficult to sense, and he knows he won't be certain about it until it's much closer.
Without asking anymore questions, and taking the young field commander's word for fact. The member of the church of Glaine quickly gets the stolen chests out of the ground with a series of dig spells.
"Gateway out of here Beldane" says Tam as Tovis the war engineer picks up one of the larger ship's lockers by himself.
Then as the powerful cleric casts a gateway spell, which takes a while to form as the otherside of it is to a spot he knows well over a hundred miles further to the east on the plains.
Beldane mutters "Damn" as he suddenly senses a mageglobe heading this way from the southwest. It isn't moving especially quickly, but it is moving at a steady pace, heading in a straight line, directly here.
The gateway forms, and Tovis is the first one through with a ship's locker, while Lisell Maera goes through next with one of the two small barrel casks.
The field commander and the powerful cleric pick up the other ship's locker, and head through the magical doorway.
A couple of moments later and Tovis followed by Lis come back through it. And the young engineer picks up the renaming chest, while the messenger picks up the other barrel cask.
The two of them hurry back through the gateway, as Narladene the ground pixie after quickly telling field commander Drubine something, comes out of it.
A moment later, the magical doorway vanishes, as on the otherside, Beldane the cleric drops the spell.
When it vanishes, the naturally magical creature originally from the Sunreach Mountains, who has spotted the mageglobe through the trees. Sees it suddenly stop in midair about thirty yards away.
Then it moves again, moving far quicker than it previously was as it hurries to the spot where the chests of gold and gems were buried.
The ground pixie studies the living piece of magic which is ignoring her as it noses around, so to speak, the holes in the ground.
Narladene grins, then wings her way to the mageglobe, coming to a stop infront of it, causing it to come to a halt in it's investigation of the holes in the ground.
"So you're looking for chests of golds and gems are you" says the ground pixie to the mageglobe which is basically staring at her as she's got it's attention.
The naturally magical creature who can communicate with living pieces of magic like mageglobes, continues with "Well, i know where some are".
Narladene starts moving away, and says "This way" to the mageglobe. The living piece of magic gives a little hop, and follows after the tiny winged creature. Who grins as she leads the mageglobe westwards to the village about five miles away.
Narladene knows it's task is to find five chests, and their specific descriptions. Well, there's still five exactly like the ones Tam and the others stole, still amongst the fortune the illegal wreckers have stored in the two storey house in the nearby village.
And as she and the mageglobe get closer to the village, the living piece of magic picks up the image of five of those chests that were described to it by it's creator the mage Samiel when it was formed.
The mageglobe which found the stolen chests fairly easily when it got in the area because they were isolated and away from similar things.
Hurries up, and almost overtakes Narladene as she leads it to the nearby village . . . . . .