Thursday 6 June 2019

Aftermath 28.

The Kaldel Plains...

"Tovis, you might want to go and get Beldane" quietly says Tamric Drubine the field commander as they lie upon the slight rise, watching the nearby village in the early morning sunshine.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin continues with "That mage just went through a rift, and took that sorceress with him".
"And that other one?" asks Lisell Maera who is lying on the otherside of the young field commander "The wizard i think?" adds the attractive young woman who hails from the city-state of Brattonbury.
"I'm not sure, he might still be there" replies field commander Drubine who is looking through his magical brass, cylindrical eyepiece.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, takes the instrument away from his face, and looks at the war engineer and says "Tell him to be cautious when he returns".
"I will" says Tovis the war engineer, who then gets to his hands and knees, and crawls backwards down the otherside of the rise.
Once he's down off it, the young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic. Stands up, turns around, and starts jogging in the early morning sunshine on what's another cool morning at the very end of summer, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
The war engineer is going to get Beldane the cleric, who is over five miles away to the east. As the fighting cleric had to leave in the middle of the night because he could no longer hold his power within himself.
Unable to do so, there was a fairly high chance he could of been located by one of the spellcasters amongst the illegal wreckers in the nearby village, especially the mage.
"You know, you could of sent me" quietly says Lisell Maera in the elven language, who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "I am a runner in the army after all".
"I know" says Tam in the same language, the young field commander in the armies of Farque slightly grins as once again he looks through his eyepiece, and he says "There's something we need to discuss".
"Oh?" says Lisell Maera who is more often referred to as Lis by the others in the group "Like what?" adds the attractive young woman who as a messenger, or runner, is in the scouts division of the armies from the lands Farque.
"Like, you going into that village there" quietly says the nobleborn teenager after a few moments of silence between the two of them.
The runner looks sideways at the young field commander, then says "Are you fucking nuts?".
Lis can speak her mind with Tam when the two of them are alone, and no one else is around. They've known one another long enough not to worry about such things. Even though the younger teen is her commander.
"Unfortunately not" says the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, which is located in the heavily forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"What makes you think this is a good idea?" asks the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father, who she never knew, was a sailor.
"It just is" says Tamric Drubine with a shrug of his shoulders, then the young field commander hands his eyepiece to Lis and tells her "Look for the plainsmen, there are some there. Locals mainly, though there's a handful who are actually part of those wreckers. Including that one we think is the leader".
The messenger nods her head, then looks through the brass, cylindrical eyepiece, which is also magical. Most of them are not.
"What about them?" asks Lis as she searches for some of the plainsmen in the village which is less than a quarter of mile to the west of the small rise they're on.
"Tell me what you see" says Tam "Well, they're taking apart those ships they basically destroyed last night" says the messenger, who continues with "And loading up that other, with magetubes, our ones by the look of it".
"Not that" says the young field commander in a wry tone, who then follows that with "I mean the plainsmen".
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury is quiet for a few moments, then says "Hmmm there's one" she continues with "That tall fellow with the bald head, the one we think is their leader".
"Pretty sure that's a plainswoman he's speaking to who just came out of the two storey house" adds the messenger in the armies of Farque.
"And what can you tell me about her?" asks the young field commander, who is of noble birth, and who is from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"She's quite tall too" quietly says Lisell Maera as she continues to look through the magical eyepiece.
"And that's why you're going in there, to do a bit of snooping" says Tamric Drubine, Lis takes the instrument away from her face, and looks at the field commander lying next to her on the rise, and says to him "You want me to go down there because I'm fairly tall?".
"Yes" is the reply from Tam "Why don't you go in there?" asks the runner, who continues with ""You're tall" she then adds "Or Tovis for that matter, or Beldane?".
"Because I'm too blue eyed and too blond" dryly says the nobleborn teenager, who continues with "And so is the cleric".
The young field commander in the armies of Farque, then adds "And Tovis is a good enough fellow, sturdy and dependable. But let's face it, he's better with a war machine than he'll ever be at snooping about in an enemy camp".
Tam then says "And besides, he doesn't look like a plainsmen" field commander Drubine follows that with "None of us do" he momentarily pauses before adding "Except for you".
"I'm not dark like that woman there" says Lis who had a feeling that the young field commander was thinking along those lines.
"No" says the nobleborn teen who is the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine "But you've got the same colouring as that tall, bald headed fellow" adds Tam, who continues on with "And you look like some of the fairer looking plainsmen and women we've encountered further to the south".
The dark haired messenger who has brown tanned skin like many folk along the coast of the Southlands, grimaces, then mutters "Hell" before she hands the brass, cylindrical eyepiece back to the field commander.
"And besides, you're in the scouts" says Tamric Drubine, who continues with "You've been trained to infiltrate the enemy, so you're the best one to do this".
"I've been trained to do it, doesn't exactly mean I've done it before" sourly says the attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury "No time like the present to learn" says field commander Drubine.
"I might very well look like one" says Lisell Maera who continues with "But i don't exactly resemble one".
"Over there" says Tam who as he points adds "There's washing out on a line, and if I'm correct, that's the clothes that plainswomen wear".
Lis grunts when she sees this, then she slightly nods her head, when the young field commander quietly tells her "We could never pull this off if anyone of us pretended to be a mercenary amongst those wreckers" he continues with "But you can definitely pass yourself off as one of the local women".
"I guess so" murmurs the attractive young woman who is originally from the coast of the Southlands, the city-state of Brattonbury to be exact.
"Just find out what you can" quietly says Tamric Drubine who continues with "What they're up to, what they plan to do" he then adds "Anything really".
Lisell Maera nods, then the nobleborn teenager tells her "Try to put on that slight accent the plainsmen have".
"I know what to do" says the messenger in the armies of Farque as they watch a pair of young locals lead a small herd of goats from the village to the large area of scrubby looking trees a couple of miles to the south of the village.
"You should get across without being spotted" quietly says the young field commander who continues with "Considering nearly everyone is on the otherside of the village this morning, helping to take apart those damaged ships".
Lis nods then asks "When should i go?". "After they make it down to the trees there" is the reply from Tam gesturing to the pair of young locals leading the small herd of goats to the south.
After waiting a little while, and after field commander Drubine wishes her good luck. Lisell Maera gets up, and hurries down the small rise, and towards the village. One of two villages that a crew of illegal wreckers are based in.
The attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury crosses to the village fairly quickly. And at the rear of one of the houses. She takes clothes down from a line tied between the house, and pole in the ground.
Lis who left her cloak and crossbow back on the rise with Tam. Quickly dons the clothes. Putting the loose fitting leggings on over her own. Then trying the wrap around her torso, and up over onto her head like the plainswomen do.
The messenger who has tied her hair up, has a loose fitting hood on her head as the plainswomen have. To protect them from the sun. Though when indoors, they take the hood down.
The messenger in the scouts division of one of the armies of Farque glances around the corner of the house which is empty this morning.
Then she steps out, and starts walking around the village. Heading around to the north side of the village. As there's less people there from when she was looking through the eyepiece earlier on the rise.
Back on the rise to the east of the village, Tamric Drubine through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece watches the progress of the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
He watches as Lis disappears as she enters one of the houses. And a few moments later she reappears when she steps outside again.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin briefly looses sight of the messenger as she goes behind a house. Then he sees her again, going into a small storage building next to that house.
The young field commander briefly looks over his shoulder and to the east, and he spots Tovis the war engineer and Beldane the cleric in the distance jogging this way.
Tam goes back to looking through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece, and after a few moments, he spots Lis again. Who is moving in deeper into the village. And though the village has predominantly roundhouses like other settlements across the Kaldel Plains. There's quite a few more normal looking square shaped houses in the village too. A few of which are two storied.
One of which Lisell Maera is behind now, looking closely at. It's a house here on the northeastern side of the village that they saw the mage make his way out of first thing this morning.
The attractive young woman originally from the coast of the Southlands, wonders if she should enter the two storey house. And after a few moments of thinking about it. She decides not to. As you can never be too careful when dealing with the abode of a spellcaster.
As you never know what they might have cast upon the house. That might alert them about unwelcome visitors. Or even worse, something that could harm someone trying to get into their house when they shouldn't be.
Lis works her way along the south side of the two storey house that's the abode of the mage.
She glances around the corner, and quickly pulls her head back when she sees a pair of the wreckers walking across the way, heading in the opposite direction.
The messenger glances around the corner again and watches them for a few moments. One is a tall plainsman in leather armour with long hair. Who has a longsword on his left hip.
Lisell Maera immediately knows from the way he moves that the plainsman knows how to use that sword he's carrying, and use it well too.
Next to him is a woman, good looking it seems to the messenger. Though the runner can just make out a scar running down one side of her face. She too is in leather armour, and has a number of blades on her, including a sword on her left hip.
Lis watches them walk away from her, heading through the centre of the village, making their way to the east side.
Which the attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury has a good view of. Where the village green is, which is a hive of activity this morning.
As the wreckers are busy taking apart the trio of damaged airships. While the fourth vessel is being loaded up with magetubes. And other materials, which to Lisell's eyes, looks to parts and materials from other airships. No doubt parts of the Farqian warship that she and the others were flying on before it was taken down one night by the illegal wreckers in this village.
Lis heads back behind the two storey house, and continues on her way through the northern part of the village as she's less likely to encounter anyone on this side of the village.
"Where's Lis?" asks Tovis the war engineer when he and Beldane the cleric drops down to the ground next to Tamric Drubine.
"In there" says the young field commander in the armies of Farque with a nod towards the nearby village.
"Oh?" says both Tovis and Beldane the cleric, the nobleborn teenager nods, then tells them "She's gone to take a closer look at them and what they're doing".
Tam points, and even without the benefit of his eyepiece, both Tovis and Beldane spot the messenger in the village, wearing the clothing of a plainswoman. As she makes her way through the north side of the village, heading east.
"Any reason why?" asks the young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic, where he served in the army of a baron Harkonin.
"Information" is the reply of field commander Drubine.
"For what?" asks Beldane the cleric "For our plans" quietly says of Tam as he goes back to looking through his brass, cylindrical eyepiece.
Beldane the cleric and Tovis the war engineer share a look, then the war engineer asks the nobleborn teenager originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin  "What exactly are our plans?".
"I'm still working on that" says Tamric Drubine, who has a fair idea what he wants to do, and has plans for it. Though they're all dependant on what Lisell Maera can find out as she goes snopping about in the nearby village . . . . . .

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