Sunday 24 November 2019

The Lost Ones 16.

Summer. Dreese. Island Chain Off The East Coast Of The Continent.

As he sits upon a fallen tree looking at the Sultan's tent that's only about fifty yards away.
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven the spy slightly shakes his hooded head as he sits there in the early morning light, remembering that day a few months ago in the spring.
The elven spy originally from the principality of the Alínlae woke up late that morning in the boarding house in the unruled lands about halfway between the kingdom of Girdane and the Maldin Hills in the Southlands.
He was sitting on his bed yawning when all of a sudden the ceiling in his room was tearing apart and being lifted upwards.
As he soon was, along with the rest of his room, as well as the most of the rest of the boarding house he and the rest of the group were staying in.
The spy Tanith doesn't know what happened next, as he was knocked out by a bit of flying debris.
Next thing he knew, was that he was lying beneath a pile of rubble and debris. And that he was in a garden of all places.
Then soldiers who he didn't know, and would later learn served the Sultan of Dreese. Dug him out of the pile of debris, and had taken him prisoner with the others who came through the miscast rift/void spell. Including some of the others in the group.
Helbe the elven thief had disappeared with Beldane the cleric. But of the rest of the group who had been pulled into and through the miscast rift/void spell.
They were prisoners. Due to the fact that Mira Reinholt was captured by a cadre of spellcasters under the control of the Sultan of Dreese.
And if they didn't comply, the once powerful mage who was the one who miscast the rift/void spell that they would later learn had brought them to the otherside of the continent. Would be killed if they didn't do what they were told.
Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those who know him well.
Clearly recalls seeing lord Farque contemplating being taken prisoner or not. As he weighed up the decision to see the mage Reinholt die or not.
As they could of easily escaped their prisoners, though it would of cost the Vexilian mage in exile's life.
Eventually the undead warlord allowed himself and the others to be taken as prisoners.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae.
Smiles at the memory of that, as he recalls when they were stripped of their weapons. That every one of their captors who took hold of lord Farque's sword instantly died. And in the horrible fashion that someone does, when they touch the massive weapon that's been in the lord and ruler of the lands Farque's family for well over a thousand years.
The Sultan's soldiers decided to let the heavily armoured deathlord keep it that day. As the threat of the mage Reinholt's death was enough to keep the lord of the death realm in check.
The group, along with the others in the boarding house who were pulled through the miscast rift/void.
Would eventually be released to serve in the military of the Sultan of Dreese. In his war against his younger brother the Viceroy, who attempted a coup and failed.
Helbe the elven thief and Beldane the cleric would rejoin the group then. Once it was safe to do so. And the young elven noble had found some spell gems that protected anyone, especially spellcasters.
From the powers of the Sultan, who has enscrolled not just a cadre of practitioners of magic. But untold others who serve him, mostly his concubines and his personal guard detachment.
The Sultan of Dreese, though he's an obese degenerate. Is extremely smart when it comes to his rule. Especially when it comes to matters of war.
As his senior military staff are not under any enscrollment, and serve him willingly like the vast majority of his forces.
And the Sultan's generals and senior staff soon learnt that they now had a military genius in their army.
And lord Farque was soon coming up with the tactics and plans to counter the Viceroy and his forces. Who though their coup had failed. Was still defeating the Sultan's military whenever they fought.
That all changed when the deathlord of Farque took over the Sultan's strategies. First driving the Viceroy's army off the mainland, and onto the chain of islands off the east coast of the continent.
All since the end of spring, and now in the warm tropical summer. The Viceroy's army has been driven north through the chain of islands that's part of the Sultanate of Dreese.
Dalin looks back into the camp, where it's quiet around the Sultan's tent as it always is first thing in the morning. As the supreme ruler of Dreese is a late riser.
And those enscrolled by him, have a semblance of freedom whenever he's asleep. Though they're never really actually free.
The spy Tanith sees once such individual make their way from the tent next to the large one that's the Sultan's.
Quietly speaking with two others in the same predicament who are already outside as the sun rises up across the ocean to the east, on what feels like is going to be another warm summer's day here in the chain of tropical islands.
The elf from the Southlands watches them, then sees the one in the black hooded cloak look around, then spot him sitting on the fallen tree nearby.
He walks over to the spy Tanith, passing some of the Sultan's personal guards. Who are a lot more calmer when their ruler is asleep,
Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy slightly nods his hooded head and quietly says "Morning" in the elven language.
When Mira Reinholt the mage sits down next to him on the fallen tree, and quietly says to him in elven "Morning".
"You have no idea how much of a relief it is when that fat prick fucks himself silly and sleeps in" quietly says the once powerful mage.
"So you've said before" says Dalin, the mage Reinholt slightly winces when he hears the tone in the voice of the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
The elf from the Southlands is sorry for the predicament that the Vexilian mage in exile is in at the moment.
But he, like the rest of the group. Are definitely not sorry that Mira got himself, and them in the predicament they're all in at the moment.
The spellcaster who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster knows that lord Farque could of escaped when they were first captured, and would of freed the others at the expense of Mira's life if he had wanted to.
But he decided not, and now he and the others are serving in the Sultan's military. While the mage Reinholt is still enscrolled by the Sultan. Who is a spellcaster himself. Not extremely powerful in magic. But what he is though, is clever.
Who has a cadre of over twenty practitioners of magic, including the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil in the Southlands, under his control, doing his bidding.
Changing the subject, as he knows he only has a limited amount of time before the Sultan is awake, and has complete control over him again, unlike the partial control at the moment.
Still enough that the mage Reinholt can't wander off too far, unless he wants to fall over dead if he's not careful.
Quietly says to the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae "Has she been able to get any closer at all?".
"She still can't" quietly replies Dalinvardél Tanith as the two of them converse in the elven language.
"He has two of them" adds the elven spy from the Southlands as they look out across the ocean at the sun rising in the east.
"Must do" quietly says the highly skilled swordmaster, who is also a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"One of the wizards has seen one trapped in a crystal the Sultan has" quietly says Mira Reinholt, who continues with "It's a sprite".
"The lord says the other is a water pixie" quietly says Dalin, who follows that with "Narladene can't get close unless they're freed, until then they'll just keep warning the Sultan about her and anyone else".
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, nods a little glumly as he looks out across the water.
Then after a few moments of silence, the member of lord Farque's personal council, asks "Any other options?".
"None so far" is the reply from the elven spy who is an officer in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
The mage Reinholt grunts, then lets out a sigh. As he's been enscrolled, and held against his will for nearly two months now.
And those two months haven't been easy on him. And he's been in a number of bad situations in his life, but this has to be one of the worst.
"Any word on the location of the Viceroy?" asks the exiled Vexilian swordmaster, who knows that if all of the Viceroy's forces are defeated, and the Viceroy is brought before the Sultan. He, Mira will be released.
"Nothing" is the quietly reply from the spy Tanith as he watches the sun rise up in the morning sky.
"Helbe is out looking for him again" continues the elf who like the mage, is from the Southlands, which is on the otherside of the continent.
"Beldane and i will go out as well this morning" adds Dalinvardél Tanith, who then says "Hopefully when can find something out about where he is".
"Looks like that's the only way i can get free" quietly says the mage Reinholt.
The spy Tanith who would like to say something along the lines of, well you got us into this mess in the first place.
Just nods his hooded head, as he can't be bothered wasting his time on saying such things.
He knows Mira knows how he and the others feel about the situation they're all in at the moment.
And how it's all the Vexilian mage's fault because of the rift/void spell he miscast.
The only positive in all of it, is that they didn't end up offworld. Like the mage Reinholt did, the last time he miscast a rift/void spell over a dozen years ago.
After looking back behind them at the heavily forested volcanic mount that dominates the island, the highly skilled swordmaster asks "What's the plans?" followed by "He doesn't tell us much unless we're called into action".
"We'll head back to port, and make our way to the next island where they might be" says Dalin as the Sultan's army has just defeated the Viceroy's forces on this island. An island, like many in the northern half of the island chain where the local population is more than a little sympathetic to the Viceroy's cause. And who would rather be under the rule of the younger of the two brothers.
"At least you get to fly" says the spy Tanith, who sees a few people, concubines making their way out of the large tent that the Sultan lives in when he travels.
The supreme ruler of the nation of Dreese refuses to live or stay in a building when he's away from his palace over on the mainland. It's just one of a many quirks that the Sultan has.
"I'd rather sail than fly with that lot" mutters the once powerful mage as he looks at the men and women standing outside of the Sultan's tent.
As a lot of the concubines willingly go under enscrollment. Unlike the cadre of spellcasters, and his personal guards who serve him.
The elf from the Southlands slightly nods, then he smiles when the Vexilian mage asks him "How's he doing?" followed by "What's his name again?".
"Littlefoot" is the reply from Dalinvardél Tanith, who continues with "Jarjin Littlefoot".
"Littlefoot" says the mage Reinholt with a shake of his head, and a snort of laughter.
"I couldn't believe it when you showed up with him after we just got here" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who then adds "I nearly pissed myself laughing".
"I know the feeling" says Dalin who follows that with "I was laughing my head off when i realised it was really him".
"Whatever decided Farque to bring him back as that?" asks the mage Reinholt as he continues to grin as he recalls seeing the hobbit Jarjin Littlefoot, who in actuality is really Zubutai the barbarian hordesman. Who like him, is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"The lord just told Helbe to find a body that was intact, so that's exactly what his highness did" says the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae, who briefly pauses before he continues with "Though Helbe when he found the body of the halfling, thought it would be a laugh if the hordesman came back as that".
The Vexilian mage in exile chuckles at that, then as he's just about to say something, he suddenly winces and mutters "Fuck".
As the spy Tanith sees the nearby concubines and personal guards of the Sultan suddenly stiffen in the morning sunshine, Mira Reinholt gasps "He's waking".
Dalin nods, then he stands, and helps the member of lord Farque's personal council to stand.
"Be careful Mira" quietly says the elven spy who is an officer in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"You too" murmurs the highly skilled swordmaster, who then stiffens and a slightly forced smile appears on his face.
Dalin who knows his fellow Southlander is back under complete control of the Sultan of Dreese.
Nods his hooded head as he sees that the eyes of the once powerful mage are the only thing about him that appears normal.
Mira Reinholt blinks his eyes in reply, then he turns and walks back to the tent that he and the other spellcasters stay in when they travel with the Sultan.
The spy Tanith watches the enscrolled mage for a few moments. Then as the Sultan's personal guards look his way. And before they come over, and ask him what he wants.
The elf from the otherside of the continent, turns and walks away. Heading back to the Sultan's army, which is camped a bit further away. A few hundred yards around the coast of the fairly large island, that's dominated by a volcano that's covered in a warm tropical forest.
As he walks to the camp, Dalin sees that the soldiers who are up, and packing their gear and equipment. Are in a good mood after another victory yesterday against the Viceroy's forces. Even though it was the most bloody and fiercest battles so far on any of the islands.
A battle that lasted a couple of days. When most of the engagements on the islands between the two forces, are over relatively quickly.
The soldiers that Dalinvardél Tanith pass, nod and call out in greeting to him. The elven spy nods his hooded head in reply. As the army, who serve a degenerate despot. Respect him and the rest of the group. Because of lord Farque, who has brought them victory after victory in the fight against the Viceroy's forces.
The spy Tanith spots lord Farque down on the beach, and he makes his way down to it, and the undead warlord.
Dalin sees a number of the senior army staff standing off to one side, about forty yards away. No doubt wanting a word with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
But they won't approach him unless he waves them over, or if he walks over to them.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland of Alínlae, stands next to the heavily armoured deathlord who is looking out to sea, as he stands on the white sands of the beach.
"How is he this morning?" asks lord Farque.
"He's fine" replies Dalinvardél Tanith, who after a slight pause, adds "Well, he was until the Sultan woke, and he was back under full enscrollment again".
The undead warlord nods his full helmed head, and the elven spy says "He did mention that a sprite is encased in a large crystal" followed by "One of the other spellcasters saw it".
"The water pixie is in something similar" says the deathlord of Farque, who shrugs his broad, heavily armoured shoulders, then says "No matter" followed by "I'll deal with him when the time comes".
Dalin nods his hooded head, as he knows when the time is right. The lord and ruler of the lands Farque will kill the Sultan of Dreese, or have Helbe the elven thief kill him.
Especially if the Sultan reneges on their deal to give them an airship, and release Mira Reinholt when the Viceroy's forces are finally defeated. And the Viceroy is brought before his older brother the Sultan of Dreese.
"I'll head off with Beldane soon" says the spy Tanith, who then asks "Is Helbe already around the island in the port town?".
"He is" says the undead being, who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands.
"He'll tell you two which way to go before he leaves the island" adds the lord of the death realm.
The elf from the Southlands nods his hooded head, then after he looks back at the camp behind them, that's being broken down, as the army prepares to head back around the island to the port town.
Dalin quietly says "That battle was a lot tougher than i thought it would be" followed by "And longer than i thought it would it last too".
"It was as long as it needed to be" quietly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, whose name in the elven language is Des'tier, which translates into common as, The Destroyer, who then adds "It went as long as i wanted it to be".
The spy Tanith lifts an eyebrow in surprise, then looks sideways at the heavily armoured deathlord, who stands even taller than him, and Dalin isn't exactly short, as he stands nearly six and half foot tall.
The elf originally from the principality of Alínlae glances over at the nearby senior staff in the Sultan's army.
Then he looks back at the army that's preparing to make it's way back around to the otherside of the island. An army that lost more soldiers, and had more wounded in the battle over the last two days. Than in most of the previous battles combined in the war between the Sultan and Viceroy of Dreese.
The elven spy from the Southlands slightly nods his hooded head in somewhat of an understanding, as he figures the undead warlord is up to something. Then Dalin says "I'll just get going".
He turns and makes his way back up the beach, to go and find Beldane the cleric so they can get underway for the day.
The spy Tanith glances back at lord Farque who looks out to sea as the sun continues to rise this morning. Then the heavily armoured deathlord waves over the nearby senior officers in the Sultan's army.
Dalinvardél Tanith looks ahead again, and wonders what plans the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has install for the group, and the Sultan's army they're serving in at the moment . . . . . .

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