Thursday 9 January 2020

The Lost Ones 42.

Summer. The Port Town Of Gilsom.

"Out of the way!" shouts Brossic the lowland mercenary as he pushes his way through the gathered crowd.
Away to his right, a frantic sounding Sharnd the flatland merchant is yelling the same thing.
While to the left of Brossic, Spranen the mercenary is using his size and bulk to barge his way through the crowd here at the edge of one of the shipyards.
At first when they got here to the ship building yards of Gilsom. Brossic didn't think it was their vessel that was on fire this night.
He thought it was the next one along, as there's is in the very northern shipyard.
But after Grunna the sorcerer teleported the five of them who have designs on having their own nation in the Maldin Hills. From the township of Gilsom to the edge of the airdocks.
And they started to hurry northwards through the shipyards. The panic that Brossic briefly felt back in the township outside the inn they're staying at. When he realised an airship in the yards was on fire.
Returned when he looked through the yards, and saw that indeed it was their own twin masted vessel that belongs to Sharnd, that was on fire in the very northern yard.
As he pushes his way through the crowd at the edge of the yard, Brossic notices a lot of them are carrying buckets of water.
And he yells at one of them "What are you doing?" followed by "Put out that damn fire!".
"We can't!" shouts back the man the lowland mercenary has just shouted at.
It's repeated by a few others as Brossic, and the four others who have plans on carving out their own nation up in the Maldin Hills push their way to the front of the crowd.
"What the fuck?" says a stunned sounding Spranen the mercenary as he gets to the front of the crowd, and comes to a sudden stop at what he sees.
Brossic stops beside him, and when he looks at their airship that's on fire this night. He blinks in surprise, and stands there dumbfounded at what he sees.
So much so, that he doesn't even notice Halnard the mercenary bump into him from behind.
Away to their right, Sharnd the flatland merchant shoves his way to the front of the gathered crowd, shouting obscenities at those with buckets of water, who are just standing there doing nothing as his airship burns.
The lowlander who is paying for the bulk of their plans to have a nation of their own in the Maldin Hills.
Instantly falls silent when he actually gets a good view of the shipyard and his airship that's ablaze.
Grunna the sorcerer, who is thinking of a spell that can create a lot of water as he pushes his way through the gathered crowd.
Shoves forward, and stumbles to a stop right next to Brossic, Halnard and Spranen.
"Why aren't they putting it out?" demands Grunna the sorcerer who has noticed all the people with buckets of water at the front of the crowd, who are just standing here at the edge of the shipyard.
The spellcaster from further down the coast of the Southlands, then sees why no one is doing anything to put out the burning airship.
"The hell?" mutters Grunna in shock, then after a few moments as he tries to contemplate what's happening in the shipyard where their airship is on fire, the spellcaster says "That's the same knight and troll from up in the Maldin Hills".
Next to Grunna, Brossic who leads the crew who intend to have their own nation in the Maldin Hill range, nods his head in agreement with the powerful spellcaster.
"Fuck this" says Grunna, followed by "We can't have this" then as he prepares to cast, he says to the others "We've got to put out that fire".
Then he casts his spell, straight at the knight who is just standing there infront of the burning airship.
A spell that comes right back at Grunna the sorcerer when it hits the knight's shield.
Even though he's knocked off his feet, and he slides backwards across the ground. And he also hears his bitter rival chortle at what's just happened.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he groans, can't help but grin at what's just happened.
As the spell that just hit him. To be exact, just hit the shield of Saint Mar-che that he was holding up infront of himself.
Just went back in the direction it came from. A lot quicker, and lot more powerful than it did when it hit the heavily armoured knight's magical shield.
Grunna the sorcerer, at the last moment, realises what's happening. And he slams up some hasty wards. Even so, he's picked up off the ground. And he goes flying back through the gathered crowd when his own blast spell that was cast at the large knight, hits him instead.
People go flying, and are knocked down to the ground, and stumble away as the sorcerer from further down the coast of the Southlands goes flying backwards through them.
One moment Grunna is standing next to him, the next the spellcaster is gone from next to Brossic.
"What the hell?" mutters the leader of the crew of mercenaries as the sorcerer goes flying backwards from the front of the crowd beside him.
Brossic who sees that the knight they encountered up in the Maldin Hills early yesterday morning. Is on the ground, and trying to get back up from where he is just infront of the burning airship.
Turns to look where Grunna has gone. But all he sees is a path of people on the ground, some unconscious or dead. While others are groaning in pain.
Brossic then looks quickly forward again, to the shipyard and their airship that's on fire this night, when he hears a roar and a shout.
The lowland mercenary who is pretty sure he can hear the town guard approaching the shipyards. Isn't quite sure what he just heard in a deep, growling, heavily accented voice.
He thinks it sounded like "Get some!" or something like that. He's not too sure.
After shouting "Get some!". Dorc da Orc glances back at his bitter rival sir Percavelle Lé Dic and says "Get up ya fucken lazy cunt".
The large ork chuckles as the former paladin groans as he tries to get up off the ground.
The ork warleader who knows exactly what happened to the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic.
After all, the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world has been hit by various spells over the years, and had the same thing happen to him.
Knows that whoever the spellcaster was that just cast at the former earl of Lé Dic. Is either dead, or at least knocked out. And won't be a threat again to the two of them.
Then the large ork, who is a general in the armies of Farque looks at the crowd at the edge of the shipyard who are watching him and sir Percavelle Lé Dic and the burning airship behind them.
He rears back with the throwing axe in his right hand when he spots one of those they encountered in a village up in the Maldin Hills early yesterday morning.
Dorkindle whose senses are overloaded as he's caught the scent of more than a few dwarves here in the port town of Gilsom when they got here a little earlier in the evening.
Then biffs his throwing axe at those in the front of the gathered crowd at the edge of the shipyard.
He sees what he thinks is a troll throw an axe towards the crowd. Halnard the mercenary from here in Gilsom, watches it rotate in the air as it comes flying in his direction.
The most cautious of the group of five who have plans to create their own nation in the Maldin Hills.
Ducks down, just in time too. And the thrown axe slams into the man behind him who is carrying a bucket.
And though the gathered crowd at the edge of the shipyard. Were more confused at what happened when Grunna the sorcerer went flying back through them. As they didn't know exactly what happened.
They definitely know what happened now. The large green creature that somewhat resembles a troll. Though is shorter and way bulkier, not to mention, way meaner looking than any troll any of them have ever seen before. Has just attacked them.
And that's a signal for panic. As people shout and yell, as they scramble away and flee from the edge of the shipyard this night.
"Run!" Halnard the mercenary shouts at Brossic and Spranen who are next to him as the crowd around them scatter when they see the large green creature calmly take another axe from the harness it wears.
While the knight who was knocked down, regains his feet. Though he's a bit wobbly as he stands there infront of the burning airship.
"The ship!" shouts back Brossic the crew leader.
"Fuck it" says Spranen the mercenary who has already made up his mind. And darts away to their right. And grabs the numb looking Sharnd the merchant and pulls him away, and runs back in the direction they've come from as the gathered crowd flees in a panic into the night.
"Hell" mutters Brossic the lowlander, who ducks as an axe comes tumbling end over end through the air, narrowly missing him and Halnard.
And hits a man in the back who is fleeing the shipyard. As that man is propelled through the air.
Both Brossic and Halnard have turned, and are running back the way they've come from.
The two mercenaries, one from the lowlands, and the other from right here in Gilsom. Briefly stop and pick up Grunna who they find unconscious.
And with the help of two of the mercenaries they originally hired, who have also come down to the shipyards.
They carry away the unconscious spellcaster who is from further south along the coast of the Southlands.
When he sees the gathered crowd at the edge of the shipyard fleeing, Tamric Drubine the field commander says "They're running away" followed by "Let's go".
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin along with Lisell Maera the messenger, Shur Kee the monk, and Saanea the witch.
Make their way behind the building they've been standing next to. And head through the shipyards, in the direction of the airdocks and the township.
The direction most of the gathered crowd has fled in. The same direction those they're after are fleeing in.
As they hurry, Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group. Looks back at the shipyard behind them. Where the airship they set on fire is well and truly ablaze now. As flames are now along the entire length of the twin masted vessel.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque sees the two large figures of Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic make their way from infront of the burning airship, and leave the shipyard and head in this direction.
The heavily armoured knight looks a little unsteady on his feet as walks quickly away from the shipyard and the airship they have set on fire this night.
While a few hundred feet above the shipyards and airdocks. A owl circles in the night sky. Looking down at the ground below, watching everything that's happening.
Paying particular attention to some of those who were in the gathered crowd at the edge of the shipyard with the burning airship.
Both Brossic and Halnard, and the two other mercenaries with them are breathing heavily as they carry the unconscious Grunna.
The spellcaster from down the coast of the Southlands is unresponsive to any attempt to wake him up, as he's carried away through the shipyards and airdocks of Gilsom, towards the township.
While just up ahead, amongst some others who are fleeing. Spranen the mercenary keeps a tight hold upon Sharnd the merchant. Who is in shock at what's happened. And is totally oblivious to what's going on around him.
And as town guards push through the fleeing crowd, and head in the other direction towards the shipyard with the airship that's on fire that's lighting up the night here on the east side of Gilsom.
The group who have designs on having their own nation up in the Maldin Hills flee back to the township, where the inn they're staying at is located.
"Are they going back to their inn?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander.
"It looks like it" is the reply from Saanea the witch who has just opened her eyes after briefly closing them.
"That's the direction they're heading in" continues the pretty looking hillwoman who is the newest member of the group.
Field commander Drubine nods at Lisell Maera, and the messenger picks up speed and quickly out distances the others.
Though Shur Kee the monk who also increase his pace. Isn't all that far behind the tall athletic, and attractive looking young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury. As they take a more direct route to the township that stands just on the inland side of the small mountain, in which is the town of Gilsom proper.
Tam looks back to make sure the two other members of the group are still following. And is relieved to see that they are, and that they haven't stopped to try and kill one another.
"Hurry up ya fucken useless knight cunt" says Dorc da Orc to the former paladin who is still a little unsteady as he runs.
The large ork refrains from grinning as he adds "Me gonna get them fucken first".
"Not if i can help it you filthy beast" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who adds a belated "Wot" as they follow behind the others and head to the nearby township.
The tall, heavily armoured knight who is admittedly a bit dazed, picks up the pace.
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic who is naturally quicker than the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, soon runs by the ork warleader.
The former earl of Lé Dic chuckles as he hears the ork weaponsmith grunt, and growl something in his native language disapprovingly.
As they follow the others out from the shipyards and airdocks, and into the township.
As sir Percavelle Lé Dic or Percy as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Runs by Dorc da Orc, and quickly leaves the large ork behind. The ork general in the armies of Farque grins from ear to ear.
And as they enter the township, and he doesn't see the former paladin look back at him. Nor does he see Tamric Drubine further up ahead do the same thing.
The warleader of the ork race veers off into the first lane to his left. Dorkindle chortles as he does so, and murmurs "Get some" as he moves off into the township, heading towards the closest dwarves he's caught the scent of, that he knows are nearby . . . . . .

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