Sunday 27 September 2020

To War 29.

Summer. Pirtgott. Corlinda. Melaurn.

Helbe the elven thief looks between the twin brothers. Noticing their differences, and their similarities.
Not necessarily the physical aspect of the two noblemen who are twins.
But more their attitudes, and demeanours. Which he confirms by reading both men's minds.
Wilmot the baron of Pirtgott is seething with barely suppressed anger as he stands there with his vassal knight sir Holjma.
Opposite his twin brother Gormica, the lord of Salmah Forest. Who is standing with one of his vassal knights, sir Deemus.
The lord from the province of Karricaw as he stands infront of the main gates of the city of Pirtgott.
Though he looks relaxed and confident, is nervous underneath the exterior calm.
As he looks at his twin brother, who he's not been this close to in two decades.
When he was last here in Pirtgott, just after his nephew, the baron's son, Krissner was born.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who is standing off to one side.
Drops his mind reading spell upon the noblemen who are twin brothers.
The highly talented elven magic user who is the envoy for the armies of Farque when dealing with those who have hired them.
Has been ordered to not interfere magically when it comes to those they're dealing with.
As it was when both baron Wilmot and the nobility of the province of Corlinda hired the first army of Farque.
Then again when lord Gormica of Salmah Forest hired the first army of Farque for the province of Karricaw.
The main objective of the elven envoy on this hot summer morning, here outside the main gates of the city of Pirtgott, in the middle of the province of Corlinda.
Is to observe and watch the opposing noblemen from the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda.
And if necessary to keep them from killing one another. At least keeping lord Gormica alive. As he's the one who has hired the first army of Farque at this time.
So the elven magic user, has another spell he's casting, which he still has up as he watches things.
The twin brothers, after glancing again at the figure of the elf in the white hooded cloak who is standing off to one side, between the four noblemen.
Lord Gormica of Salmah Forest looks to the nearby army on the road that branches off to the north gates of the city.
The nobleman who has led the province of Karricaw in the border conflict with the province of Corlinda.
Spots a young man upon a horse at the front of the army. Who from his appearance, can only be his nephew Krissner.
The lord of Salmah Forest hopes one day his nephew Krissner will be the next baron of Pirtgott. Just that it's not this day.
But as he looks again at his twin brother Wilmot standing opposite him by about ten paces. That's a distinct possibility.
The nobleman from across the border in the province of Karricaw, who was born, and grew up here in the city of Pirtgott.
Decides to break the silence again, and speaks.
With a flick of his right hand at the city behind him, lord Gormica of Salmah Forest says to his twin brother "Like what I've done to the place?" followed by "Thought it needed a bit of renovating".
Shaking his head, and sourly smiling, baron Wilmot of Pirtgott says to his twin brother "That keep was your home, and you destroyed it".
"That keep hasn't been my home in over twenty years" says lord Gormica, who knows his twin brother has never forgiven him for leaving the province of Corlinda, and marrying a noblewoman from the province of Karricaw.
The province to the immediate east, that's always been the rival of it's neighbour here in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
"And besides, you destroyed my castle at Salmah Forest" says lord Gormica, who continues with "So it only seems fair i destroy your home".
"I didn't actually destroy your home" loudly mutters the baron of Pirtgott with a sharp look directed at the elf in the white hooded cloak standing off to one side.
"No you didn't" concedes the lord of Salmah Forest, who follows on with "But you allowed them too".
The nobleman from across the border to the east, in the province of Karricaw, continues with "As i did here in Corlinda" he then adds "Like i did with the city's keep".
Wilmot of Pirtgott just grunts, as his only acknowledgment that his twin brother Gormica speaks the truth.
Then the older of the twins, by less than a quarter of sand glass if the rumours are true.
Quietly says to his younger brother, the lord of Salmah Forest "What are you doing here Gormica?".
The baron, who is surprised as any of the others, that he's keeping his anger in check, then adds "Gloating?".
"As a matter of fact" says Gormica of Salmah Forest, who continues on with "I am".
The nobleman who has led the forces of the province of Karricaw in the recent border war with Corlinda, then adds "To see you and your army, and your province humiliated, and embarrassed for what you've done".
As his twin brother Wilmot glares at him, lord Gormica says "You might of won the war along the border".
The lord of Salmah Forest momentarily pauses before continuing on with "It was only very briefly".
He then adds "I've retaken the border, and sent the maps of the new one off to the capital, for the crown to acknowledge".
Lord Gormica follows that with "But more importantly, i did something you didn't figure on" he continues with "And that was to expand the war, right across your province, and to exact revenge, and payment for what was done to Karricaw".
The baron of Pirtgott narrows his eyelids at the last bit, and the lord of Salmah Forest quietly says "Good, you understand clearly then".
Lord Gormica who has the upper hand, and knows that he does, then says "Unlike you, i didn't allow them".
He gestures at the figure in the white hooded cloak as he continues with "To destroy the crops and fields, and farms, villages and towns here in Corlinda, like what happened over in Karricaw".
The nobleman from the province across the border to the east, then says "But i did allow them to destroy the keeps, and castles of the nobility here in Corlinda" followed by "And take every damn coin you lot had hoarded".
Lord Gormica follows that with "That will not just pay them for however long i require their services" he follows that with "But it will also pay for the rebuilding of the province of Karricaw, and to buy everything we need to continue on, such as seed crop for our farmers".
Next to the lord of Salmah Forest, his vassal knight sir Deemus, nods his head in agreement with his liege lord.
The younger of the twins then says to his brother the baron of Pirtgott "When you defeated us on the border, you made a number of mistakes brother".
Wilmot of Pirtgott is silent as his twin brother continues with "First one was not paying the mercenary army from the lands Farque another week, and have them come after me, instead of you and your army doing so".
Gormica of Salmah Forest follows that with "But the main mistake, is realising what you always told me when we were youngsters, the provinces of Karricaw and Corlinda have always been rivals, and often enemies in the past".
The nobleman who was born here in the city of Pirtgott, but moved to the province of Karricaw when he was a young man, then says "So if there's going to be conflict between the two, why confine it to what the border should be between the provinces".
Lord Gormica continues with "Why not make it an actual, all encompassing war between the provinces".
He continues with "You unwittingly did so when you hired the mercenary army from the lands Farque, and they did what they did in Karricaw" followed by "But that wasn't your objective".
As he knows his twin brother only wanted the border changed, and seeing his younger twin dead, and Gormica's army wiped out.
"While i decided when i hired them after you stopped paying them, that's exactly what I'd do" says the lord of Salmah Forest, who follows that with "Bring your province to it's knees, and defeat you right across Corlinda".
Lord Gormica without pausing adds "Destroying every keep and castle, and taking all your wealth" followed by "Making the nobility of Corlinda paupers in just a few days".
The lord of Salmah Forest falls silent as he looks at his twin brother Wilmot.
Who may seem like he's still calm. But there's a slight tick in the muscle of his left cheek. Giving away that he's more than a little angry with what he has just heard from his twin brother Gormica.
The baron, who like his vassal knight, sir Holjma standing next to him, is roiling with anger beneath the surface.
Slightly nods his head as he looks at his twin brother just ten paces away, then he says "You might of won for now Gormica" followed by "But not forever".
"Oh?" says the lord of Salmah Forest, he then adds "What makes you think that?".
The younger of the twin brothers continues with "You and your army is the only force of significance left here in Corlinda".
With a nod at the elven envoy standing off to one side, lord Gormica says "All i have to do is give them the word, and they'll destroy your army with their fleet".
"Please" says baron Wilmot in a tone of disgust, who then continues on with "If you had wanted me dead, and my army destroyed, you would of done so already".
The baron of Pirtgott follows that with "I know you too well brother, there's no way would you'd attack us this close to the city".
The nobleman who has led the province of Corlinda in the border war with the province of Karricaw, gestures away behind him, to the north as he says "They attacked Milson's army further away from the road, further from the city itself".
The older twin then adds "You won't attack me and my army on the doorsteps of the city".
Lord Gormica is silent, as his brother Wilmot is indeed right.
The lord of Salmah Forest as part of his negotiations in hiring the first army of Farque.
Was to if possible, leave the villages, towns, and the city of Pirtgott, here in the province of Corlinda alone.
As he didn't want them to do what they did in his province of Karricaw.
Gormica of Salmah Forest thought they might refuse that stipulation. As part of their terms of hire is to be able to do whatever they want in helping him to achieve his goals.
So he was relieved when the elven envoy who represents the Farqian mercenary army, agreed to that stipulation.
"You're right, i won't" says the younger of the twins, who pauses as his brother slightly smirks.
Then lord Gormica tells him "But what i will do, is have you surrender infront of your city, infront of your people" he briefly pauses before he continues with "And that you disband your army, and send those who aren't garrisoned here in the city, back to their homes throughout the baroncy".
The baron of Pirtgott is silent for a moment or two, before he says "Why the hell should i do that?".
The older of the twins puts a hand on the hilt of his sword, as he adds "Why shouldn't i just walk over there and cut you down?".
For as young men, he was the better swordsman of the two of them.
Though he doesn't know if his twin brother Gormica, who is militarily superior when it comes to tactics and the like. Has improved his swordsmanship in the last two decades.
"Well for starters, if you do surrender and disband your army, i might return some of your fortune you had hiding in the city counting house back to you" says lord Gormica, who falls silent for a few moments to let that sink in.
Then the lord of Salmah Forest continues with "And second of, if you come over here and cut me down".
The younger twin then grins, and says to his brother Wilmot "Well, why don't you try and find out".
The baron of Pirtgott doesn't need another invitation. He knows he's at a major disadvantage here.
So he's already moving before his twin brother finishes speaking. Pulling his sword out of it's scabbard while on the move.
Baron Wilmot doesn't even glance at the elven envoy who just stands there watching him, as he advances upon his twin brother Gormica.
The baron snarls as he swings his sword, as his twin brother just stands, continuing to grin at him.
The baron of Pirtgott's swinging blade hits the lord of Salmah Forest.
The older twin stumbles as his sword goes right through Gormica of Salmah Forest.
Then Gormica's vassal knight, sir Deemus. Who he realises is also grinning.
"That's what happens when you try and cut me down" says lord Gormica, followed by "Nothing".
As he and his vassal knight sir Deemus, stand in the tower room, looking down at what's happening infront of the main gates of the city.
In the room with them, is Mira Reinholt the mage, Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, and Beldane the cleric.
Who have all be silent as they stand off to one side, watching both the noblemen from the province of Karricaw in the room with them.
As well, as what's happening down infront of the north gates of the city of Pirtgott.
It takes a moment for baron Wilmot to realise what's happening, then he says in disgust "Magic".
As he waves a hand back and forth through the image of his twin brother Gormica.
"Yes" dryly says Helbe the elven thief, who then adds "That's how it tends to work".
As he watches the baron of Pirtgott step back from his Greater Illusion spells he has cast of lord Gormica, and his vassal knight, sir Deemus.
An actual projection of what they're actually doing at the exact same time.
While they're up in the tower room that they are with the others in the group, who are here in the city of Pirtgott.
On this hot summer morning, here in the province of Corlinda, in the south of the kingdom of Melaurn.
As his twin brother Wilmot steps back to stand with the vassal knight sir Holjma.
Lord Gormica, both the lord himself up in the tower room, and the illusion that's a perfect projection of him that's standing infront of the city gates, says "Well brother, what do you say?".
Gormica of Salmah Forest briefly pauses before he adds "Will you surrender or not?" . . . . . .

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