Thursday 11 March 2021

TYOFT - Lifetimes 5.

The Future.

The Southlands. Just over five hundred years into the future. And the god Krom looks at the large, heavily armoured figure standing beside him. Who strongly resembles someone he used to know when he was still a human being nearly forty thousand years ago. But is obviously someone else.
"Could be from any number of the Magistra planets" says Krom the war god of the orks.
In response to lord Farque asking him "What world do you think they're from?".
The undead warlord then mutters "Fucking mage" in reference to Mira Reinholt the mage, who first started this mess five centuries ago. And has done so again recently.
Krom looks away to their left, and spots the forest god Warefydel along with Narille, another war god like himself, walking this way.
The god of the orks spots the death god Madau walking amongst the wreckage in the distance.
No doubt checking on the dead, both those from here on Volunell, and the others who have come from offworld, through the most recent of the rift/voids.
Krom then slightly winces as he spots the undead ork warleader, Dorc da Orc. Also wandering through the nearby wreckage. A large troop transporter by the looks of it. That the war god of the orks is surprised it even came through what is essentially a Lorentzian Manifold.
Krom slightly nods as he recalls the actual name of a wormhole, or as it's called here on Volunell, a rift.
Or in this instance, one of the variations, a rift/void.
The war god of the ork race then looks again at the large, heavily armoured figure of the deathlord of Farque.
And refrains from staring in shock as he often does whenever the undead warlord takes off his full helm, which he's just done now.
As the gods Warefydel and Narille walk up, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque looks away to the right in the sky, then says "One of them is coming in".
Krom glances at the massive sword strapped to the back of the undead being.
And he knows exactly who lord Farque, or Draugadrottin as his people call him, is referring to.

Kye the Greater Dragon circles the plains, and comes down near the latest battle site, where the offworlders have come through to the world of Volunell.
Kye, who in his true form, has a wingspan of over a thousand feet in length.
Heads to where some of them are waiting near the site of the latest battle.
The Greater Dragon might be annoyed that they came through to the physical world from the god realm.
But deep down he's not that displeased that they have. As the world of Volunell needs all the help that it can get at the moment.
The largest and most powerful, not to mention, usually the laziest of the Greater Dragons, slightly rumbles as he spots the undead being with some of the gods.
"How Ryn can stand to be around that creature all the time, is beyond me" Kye the Greater Dragon mutters to himself in the language of his own kind.
A sour looking expression briefly appears on the maw of the largest of the Greater Dragons, as he thinks of the state of his fellow Greater Dragon Ryn that she's been in for the last millennium and a half. And wonders how she can stand it.
Beats me why she wants to be a sword, Kye thinks to himself, as he circles to land.
The Greater Dragon doesn't bother to change to a human form. For when he's actively doing something, he prefers to be in his natural, or true form.
He lands with a few backbeats of his wings, which would normally kill anyone who was too close.
But not the gods, or the undead being Krom lands beside.
He tucks his wings in and down his back, and as he couches low to the ground, he rumbles a greeting.
Of sorts, as it's more for the large sword strapped to the back of the undead warlord, more than it is for the others.
The Greater Dragon wonders if he'll get into an argument again with the undead being.
If he does, he knows he has to be cautious around the warlord who is dead.
After all, he did kill the Greater Dragon Kor a little over five hundred years ago.
And though Kor was the youngest of the Greater Dragons, who had willed himself into existence after the rest of them had created the world of Volunell. Well, planoform it really. As the planet was already here.
Is was still no mean feat that the undead being killed Kor.

Glancing up at the newly arrived Greater Dragon, lord Farque says "Kye" in greeting.
The Sword of Power Ryn hasn't specifically said it. But the undead warlord knows she would like him to be more civil to the Greater Dragons, in particular Kye.
"Farque" says the largest and the most powerful of the Greater Dragons.
Those beings who have lived millions, if not billions of years. Traversing the universe, creating worlds. Either from scratch. Or by planforming them, as they did here on the world of Volunell.
"Krom" says Kye in greeting to the war god, who replies with "Kye".
Then the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who is more or less leading the defence of the world of Volunell says to the massive creature on the low ridge line where they're standing looking down at the latest battle site, says "Well?".
"We'll protect the world no matter what" is the reply of Kye.
As if we wouldn't even consider it, the Greater Dragon thinks to himself.
The heavily armoured deathlord figured as much, as Ryn informed him that they will.
It's just that the lord of the death realm has learnt that the Greater Dragons are fairly lazy. And go about doing things in their own sweet time.
The undead being is of the opinion that they would've waited until much of the life on Volunell was wiped out before they got around to doing anything.
And he voiced this to the Sword of Power Ryn, who more or less told him that, that would be a distinct possibility.
It's why he forced the Greater Dragons to make a decision, and make the decision quick.
If not, he'd turn his attention to them. Before or after he's dealt to the threat to Volunell.

Glancing at the fairly looking young human being standing next to him. Who will always remind Krom of ISS captain Kaivynn Farque.
Who led the expedition through the Fallian Cloud, to this world of Volunell.
Where the survivors of the ISS Kalvel 3. Became the gods of Volunell.
With the exception of one. Who went into stasis just after discovering the way in which the survivors could continue to exist here on Volunell.
A way in which turned them into the gods of this world.
While the other, captain Kaivynn Farque was in stasis for nearly thirty five thousand years.
Until coming out of it, five and a half thousand years ago. And became the founder of the lands Farque.
The being who was once Legion  senior commander Osaen Krom of the Imperial Magistra.
Who is glancing at the descendant of his friend Captain Kaivynn Farque, refrains from shaking his head as watches the living suit that the undead warlord wears.
And though it appears to be suit of dark blue, black heavy plate armour.
It's infact an ISS captain's ship's suit. That's absolutely crawling with nanites. The nanotechnology that was once prevalent amongst the Imperial Magistra military.
More nanites than Krom can recall ever seeing at once. And though they're for the most part torpid, and almost inactive. The war god knows they can snap into action in a nanosecond.
It's with them, coupled together with what lord Farque is. And who is first ancestor was, and the power he's inherited down his family line.
Why the lord and ruler of the lands Farque isn't afraid of either the gods of Volunell, or the Greater Dragons.
After all, he's the only being to destroy a Greater Dragon, apart from other Greater Dragons.

After rumbling, Kye says "We won't". In response to lord Farque asking him "Will you or any of the others come through?" followed by "Or go there by your own methods?".
Draugadrottin as he's known by, to the people of his lands figured as much. He knew the Greater Dragons wouldn't want to go offworld. And that they'll protect Volunell from here instead.
A point reiterated, when Kye loudly mutters "I should of left that mage in the Magistra all those years ago, and not brought the little shit back".
Slightly shrugging his broad, heavily armoured shoulders, lord Farque says "You did the right thing at the time".
The lord of the death realm has had this conversation with The Sword of Power over the years.
And the soul of the Greater Dragon Ryn, that inhabits the Farque family sword explained the reason why Kye brought Mira Reinholt the mage back to Volunell.
After the first time, the Vexilian mage went offworld, through a rift/void he accidentally cast at that time.
"You lot deciding to protect this world is good enough" says lord Farque, who now knows that Volunell, will be safe no matter what.
Though that still doesn't stop what's happening. With those from the Magistra. Which was the Imperial Magistra thirty five thousand years ago.
Coming through random rift/voids to the world of Volunell. Attacking anyone and anything they find.
And even though the Magistra military no longer has the tech and highly genetically altered humans who were the Legions and ISS of the Imperial Magistra.
The technology, and the other alien races that have been incorporated into Magistra since the time of the Imperial Magistra.
Still highly overpowering most of the inhabitants of the world of Volunell.
With only spellcasters, powerful magical items, magical creatures such as regular dragons, the undead of Farque, and his armies, the gods of Volunell, and now the Greater Dragons.
Able to defeat the Magistra military when they come through the rift/voids that randomly appear across the world of Volunell.

A wry look briefly appears on the maw of the Greater Dragon Kye, as he spots an ork, an undead one at that, across the site of the battle, ripping apart a downed enemy battle mech, to get the dead occupant out of it.
No doubt to eat, Kye dryly thinks to himself, who then grunts as that's exactly what the undead ork does.
Then the Greater Dragon looks down at those beside him, as lord Farque says to him "Do you know where this latest lot came from?".
Kye looks at the point where the rift/void was. Then looks beyond that through both space and time.
It doesn't take long for the Greater Dragon to find the position of the world on the otherside of the most recent rift/void.
A world thousands and thousands of light years away, within the heart of the space ruled by the Magistra.
"I do" says the Greater Dragon Kye, who then adds "Who wants the co-ordinates?".
With a nod of his head, the god Krom says "Here".
And though Kye has occasionally communicated directly into the mind of one of the gods of Volunell.
He always finds it a rather odd experience as the gods were once humans, and completely different beings to what they are now.
After he gives the war god Krom the co-ordinates, Kye rumbles then mutters "Beats me why that damn mage is always trying".
It's lord Farque who answers with "Because he's in love" he briefly pauses, before adding "Or i should say, was in love".
The gods and the Greater Dragon fall silent at that. For the gods no longer feel love, and haven't since they were humans.
While for Kye and the other Greater Dragons, love as both an emotion and a concept, is something they've never felt.
"I can understand why" says the undead warlord as he breaks the silence, followed by "Though that's still no fucking excuse for what he's doing".
As the mage, Mira Reinholt isn't just creating rift/voids to go offworld to go to the Magistra.
He's also creating them to try and go back in time, to just over five hundred years ago, to when he first went offworld, when he accidentally created a rift/void for the first time.

Lord Farque looks across the site of the latest battle, to where he sees the undead ork warleader Dorc da Orc, chewing on what appears to be a Sarkin, one of the alien, or xeno races in the Magistra.
After rolling his eyes, the deathlord of Farque loudly yells out "Dorc get over here!".
The undead warlord puts back on his full helm, then says to Krom, the war god of the orks who is standing beside him "Call the others" followed by "And those of yours who might want to come along this time".
A short time later, as the first of the rifts appears nearby, and out of it walks prince Helbenthril Raendril of Laerel.
And as Dorc da Orc has made his way to where the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, some of the gods of Volunell, and the Greater Dragon Kye are on the low ridge overlooking the site of the latest battle against the offworld forces of the Magistra.
Lord Kaiuss Farque says "We're going through again" followed by "Offworld to the Magistra".

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