Tuesday 30 November 2021

The Find 69.


The giant hole in the ground aka the ancient city of Dalphene aka The City of Ruins.
Later in the afternoon and Helbe the elven thief makes his way from the neutral zone in the City of Ruins.
And he heads south across the giant hole in the ground as it nears dusk, on what's been a cool autumn day, down here in the ancient city of Dalphene.
The elven magic user who as per usual, is blurred and shielded. Shifts southwards as he has a destination in mind.
"So where exactly are we going?" asks Narladene the ground pixie after the young elven noble shifts once more.
The naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, suspects where they're going.
So she isn't surprised, when Helbe the elven thief says to her "That village Maygam and his crew have under their control".
The tiny winged creature who is attached to the elven masterthief, and at the moment is standing on his left shoulder, nods her head when he tells her "For all we know, they might of made their way back there".
The two of them look away to their left at the same time. And they watch a bunch of wild goblins come out of the holes in the pit wall.
With it nearing dusk, the thirty or so goblins will no doubt be scavenging at night.
Trying to find anything useful they can take back to their underground caves.
The young elven noble who is from the island principality of Laerel. Infact he's a member of the royal family that rules that principality.
Quietly says to the naturally magical creature standing on his left shoulder "No doubt it'll be another typical night in the City of Ruins".
"No doubt" says Narladene as the two of them converse in the elven language.
Then the ground pixie crouches and holds onto the left shoulder of the highly talented elven spellcaster as she senses what he's about to do.
Helbe the elven thief then shifts away, continuing southwards down here in the giant hole in the ground.
Within which is the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's known wide and far, the City of Ruins.
The elven masterthief and the ground pixie arrive in the village at nightfall.
It's the northern most village or town, down here in the southern half of the giant hole in the ground. Not all that far from the eastern wall of the pit.
A village that's under the control of Maygam's mercenary company. Where everyone here either is in that particular company, or works for them in some kind of capacity.
Along with all of their families, if they happen to have any.
"We'll have to check all the houses too" quietly murmurs Helbe the elven thief to Narladene the ground pixie.
"I know they said they weren't down here" adds the member of lord Farque's personal council.
"But they might of turned up since they told us that, this morning" continues the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
The naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, nods her head in agreement with that.
Then Narladene gestures to the left, and quietly says "I'll start that way".
The blurred and shielded elven magic user nods his hooded head to the right, then says "I'll start there".
The elven princeling continues with "Meet me in the center of the village" followed by "Then we'll do the southern half if we don't find them in this half of the village".
The tiny winged creature nods, then she launches from the left shoulder of the young elven noble she's attached to.
And heads straight to the back wall of a house. Which the naturally magical creature passes through.
While the highly talented elven practitioner of magic user walks towards another house.
Which he enters through a slightly ajar back door after he takes a peek through an open window.
On what's a cool early evening down here in the giant hole in the ground. Within which lies the ancient city of Dalphene, known more commonly as The City of Ruins.
A little bit later in the evening, after going through all the houses, dwellings and other buildings in the northern half of the village.
Helbe the elven thief and Narladene the ground pixie meet up in the center of the village. In a small square, where a well is located.
"Nothing" quietly says Narladene when she lands upon the left shoulder of the blurred and shielded elven magic user.
"Same" says prince Helbenthril Raendril as stands beside the well and looks around.
As the two of them watch someone roll a barrel from the backdoor of a tavern on the southern half of the square.
The tiny winged creature says to the elven masterthief "Swap sides?".
The highly talented elven spellcaster shrugs his shoulders, then says "Might as well".
The member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the land Farque continues with "Meet you on the south side of the village".
The ground pixie nods, then with a flutter of her gossamer wings, Narladene is airborne. And heads to the nearby tavern to the right in the southern half of the village.
While the blurred and shielded elven magic user walks to the first building away to the left.
The tiny winged creature passes through a wall and enters the tavern. It's rather gloomy inside, with just the fireplace and candle lit lamps here and there, offering any illumination.
The ground pixie is not bothered about that, as she can see clearly no matter what the quality of the lighting is.
And as she wings her way around here inside the tavern, the naturally magical creature takes a good look at everyone at the tables, and standing at the bar.
Narladene looks away to the left, to a table in a corner. Where a group of five are seated, eating and drinking, and quietly chatting.
They're mercenaries, like most of the patrons of the tavern. Mercenaries in captain Maygam's company.
Narladene pauses in mid air, she takes a careful look as she hovers there for a few moments.
Then she wings her way to the left, and heads straight into the wall, and passes through it, and out of the tavern.
Helbe the elven thief who has just watched a family finish their meal, and start to clean up.
Is about to shift outside, as he looks out an unshuttered window, when Narladene suddenly appears upon his right shoulder.
"Found 'em" quietly says the ground pixie into the right ear of the elven masterthief.
"Where?" asks the young elven noble who hails from the island principality of Laerel.
"In the tavern across the lane to the right" is the reply of the tiny winged creature who is from the Sunreach Mountains.
Councilor Raendril nods, then he shifts outside through the open window, walks to the right and around that side of the house and into the lane, which he crosses to the tavern.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user enters the tavern through the front door when someone enters it infront of him.
"Table in the back left corner" whispers Narladene as she stands upon the right shoulder of the elven princeling she's attached to.
Without anyone in the tavern knowing he's here. Helbe the elven thief makes his way to the back of the common room in the tavern.
He looks at those sitting around the table, three men. One young, two a little older. A young woman, and a dwarf, a fairly young one by the looks of things.
After casting a cone of silence around himself, just incase the dwarven warrior hears him.
Helbe the elven thief quietly says to Narladene "That's them alright" he then adds "Go and tell lord Farque we've found them" followed by "I'll stay here".
"Right" quietly says the naturally magical creature, who drops off the right shoulder of the elven princeling, and she dives down into the floor, and through it, then into the ground beneath.
Narladene now in her natural element, heads northwards, flying far faster than she could ever do in the air.
It won't take all that long for the ground pixie to travel the five miles or so, to where the rest of the group are, just to the north of the neutral zone.
Down here in the giant hole in the ground, in which is the ancient city of Dalphene, also known as the City of Ruins.
"Never did care much for them" says Mira Reinholt the mage, who follows that with "Always seemed redundant to me".
The once powerful mage nods at what's on Beldane the cleric's belt, and he says "Even though yours is magical, I'd take a mace over a flail any day".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, then nods his hooded head to beyond the otherside of the fire, and he quietly adds "Even he uses a mace".
Beldane the cleric spots lord Farque about twenty yards away, just outside the ruins of a building they're in this evening.
"I'd stick to your mace" says the mage who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil.
"I agree" says Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who is sitting nearby.
"Even that idiot Dorc hardly uses his flails, and when he does, he hits himself about half the damn time, than he does the enemy" says the once powerful mage.
"I'll stick to the mace then" says Beldane the cleric as members of the group quietly chat as they sit around the fire in the shell of a building they've decided to spend the night in.
Mira Reinholt is just about to change the subject, when he spots lord Farque turn and look away to the southeast.
Then the large, heavily armoured deathlord steps out of view, and the Vexilian mage in exile mentions this to Jarjin Littlefoot and Beldane the cleric.
Nearby, Tamric Drubine the field commander and Saanea the witch. Along with Lisell Maera the scout and Tovis the war engineer.
They all look out the gap in the wall, to see what's happening. But they only see sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc. Both of whom are sitting outside on this cool evening. Down here in the City of Ruins.
The next moment, the large, heavily armoured deathlord steps back into view, and he makes his way inside of the ruins.
"We've found them" states lord Farque, who follows that with "Get your stuff, we're going".
As they gather their gear, the undead warlord says to the cleric who hails from the kingdom of Sarcrin "Be ready to cast a gateway".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then tells Beldane where he wants the gateway to go to.
Then the lord of the death realm tells his two councilors with him at the moment, to meet him outside, while the rest of the group wait here.
Mira Reinholt and Jarjin Littlefoot make their way outside, and they follow lord Farque, who leads them away.
Just fifty or so yards away to the west, to what looks like a mound of rubble.
There in the darkness, the undead warlord who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, says in the common language "Go and get your captain" followed by "I want a word with him".
The mercenary on guard duty nods, then he hurries back down into the tunnel behind.
A tunnel in a system of them, in this part of the giant hole in the ground, in which is the ancient city of Dalphene, or as it's more commonly called, the City of Ruins.
"Where are we going?" quietly asks the mage Reinholt as they wait.
"That village in the south of the pit this lot have under their control" is the reply from the lord of the death realm in the elven language.
"The royal pain in the ass has found them there" adds the large, heavily armoured deathlord.
Both the human spellcaster and the halfling former air sailor, nod when they hear that. Then they fall silent as they wait.
They don't have to wait long, for Maygam the mercenary captain and a number of others come up out of the tunnel a short time later.
"We've found the one we're looking for" states the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who follows that with "At that village of yours at the southern end of the pit".
After nodding when he hears that, Maygam the mercenary captain says "You'll be off to get them then?".
"We will" says the undead warlord, who continues with "And you'll come along with us".
Before the mercenary captain can protest, the lord of the death realm tells him "We can either take them by force, killing anyone in your village who gets in our fucking way".
He briefly pauses before adding "Or you can come along, and talk them into joining us".
Maygam the mercenary captain sourly smiles, then he says "I guess I'll come along then".
Maygam turns to his second in command, and tells her "Uren, you're in charge until i get back" followed by "The rest of you with".
"Only one other" says lord Farque as he interrupts the mercenary captain, who sourly smiles again, before saying "Lolm with me".
With Maygam and Lolmildíll the elven magic user, they walk back to where the rest of the group are waiting outside the nearby ruins.
As they do, the undead warlord tells the mercenary captain walking beside him "That Jorkamin is planning to go back on your deal later".
"Figures" says Maygam in disgust, who then grunts when the large, heavily armoured deathlord tells him "You've got about five days or so to plan before he starts attacking you again". 
"Thanks" says the mercenary captain as they approach the shell of the ancient building where the others are waiting.
Then Maygam asks the large figure walking beside him, who he doesn't know is an undead being "How are we getting there?".
"Portal" is the reply from lord Farque, who then adds "To be specific, a cleric's gateway" . . . . . .

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