Thursday 9 December 2021

The Thick Of It 3.


"No i won't send anymore out" says commander Tracklen as they walk through one of the vast hallways in the council building.
"And twenty is too small of a force to send to the front" continues the commander, who follows that with "The combined force of eighty we sent first thing this morning will have to do for now".
"Yes sir' says adjunctant Morris who was hoping the commander would send more men this morning.
But alas the commander of councilman Sammis forces refuses to.
They're heading through the council building, to meet with captain Forssen. The captain of the city guards.
They're followed by a pair of pages, who are the current runners for commander Tracklen.
"He's in the garrison building i take it?" asks the commander.
"He is" is the reply of the adjunctant, who continues with "Looking at some new recruits to the guards".
Tracklen, and man of average height, and blond hair, in his early thirties. Fairly young for the command of the army that hopes to keep the city-state of Kuradum united. So that it remains a council ruled land.
Grunts when he hears that, for it's winter, and the captain of the city guard Forssen must be scraping at the bottom of the barrel to get new recruits.
"Those too young, and far too old most like" quietly says the commander to his adjunctant.
The junior of the two officers in the army of Kuradum nods in agreement with his commander.
For even they have found it difficult since autumn to find new army recruits.
He can't imagine how hard it is for captain Forssen. As joining the city guard is the lesser in the minds of the populace.
For being a city guardsman has far less training, not to mention inferior equipment compared to those who join the army.
"At least everyone counts i guess" says commander Tracklen who then sighs. Making audible his frustration at the situation they're in.
For though the city guard remains loyal to the cause of the city council led by councilman Sammis.
The same can't said about the army of Kuradum. For more than half of which, predominantly those outside of the city of Kuradum.
Have sided with councilman Hirrye, and his cause. As he's declared himself the duke of Kuradum.
Not to mention councilman Hirrye's side of the conflict are hiring the lion share of the mercenaries who have joined the fray.
For the simple fact most mercenary companies traveling into the city-state after hearing about the conflict here in Kuradum. Encounter councilman Hirrye's forces first.
Rounding a corner, and entering another of the vast hallways here in the council building.
Commander Tracklen quietly says to his adjunctant "If only Jovin hadn't gone over to the pretender".
The pretender being the term to describe councilman Hirrye, the self styled duke of Kuradum.
There's a moment of silence, before the army commander mutters "Bastard".
Adjunctant Morris can only nod in agreement with that. For general Jovin was the overall commander of the Kuradian army.
Jovin who treated the younger Tracklen like a brother, almost like a son considering the near twenty year age gap.
The adjunctant is just about to mention something, to change the subject. As general Jovin is still a sore point with commander Tracklen.
When he spots a runner, running through the hallway, heading in their direction.
People in the vast hallway get quickly out of the way of the runner, as the army commander says "What's this then?" as he spots the runner heading their way.
A short while later, and commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris are hurrying out of the council building, following the runner who has just given the army commander a message.
The senior officer has just sent off his own two runners. One to get councilman Sammis, and the other to get captain Forssen of the city guard.
"Which hall?" asks the commander of the forces loyal to councilman Sammis.
"Second hall commander" is the reply of the runner leading the way.
As they cross the city square infront of the council building, commander Tracklen asks the runner "How much?".
Without looking back, the runner, a young teen in the army, says "A lot" he briefly pauses before adding "The recruitment officer said it's an army" he briefly pauses again, then says "Ten thousand strong".
Both the commander and his adjunctant's eyebrows shoot up when they hear that.
The two of them share a look as they hurry across the Kura Way, the long avenue that cuts through the center of the city.
"Hell" mutters the junior of the officers.
"Hell indeed" murmurs the senior officer who nods his head in agreement with the sentiment from his adjunctant.
They enter the second of the two guild halls that stand next to one another, opposite the city square where the council building is located.
The guild halls are where the forces loyal to the city council, are recruiting those who want to join the city-state's army.
Along with mercenary companies who want to join the faction led by councilman Sammis.
And though mercenaries were continually being hired during the early stages of the conflict in the autumn.
Now in the winter, very few mercenary companies, of any size really. Have signed up to fight on behalf of councilman Sammis and his faction, who want to retain the status quo in how the city-state of Kuradum is ruled.
They enter the guild hall, and stop in their tracks when they see who is in here.
It's fairly empty, with just a few tables along one wall, behind which are the recruiting officers.
Who are usually bored most days, as very few are joining the army of late. And hardly any mercenaries are joining too.
Not this morning though, for the trio of recruiting officers are all alert, and are sitting up.
And the dozen or so soldiers, and their sergeant at arms, are also alert here in the guild hall, on this fairly cold winter's morning in the city-state of Kuradum.
For sitting on some of the benches, and standing near them as well. Are a group, made up of the oddest of individuals you'll ever likely to see.
And even amongst the odd assortment, there's a few who stick out more than the rest. Especially one of them. Who happens to be green and massive, who is covered with weapons of every description imaginable.
"Holy shit" mutters the adjunctant Morris after they stand there for a few moments in silence, just staring at those on the benches.
"That's an ork" adds the junior officer with a shake of his head.
"Eh?" quietly says commander Tracklen in a tone of disbelief.
"That's an ork" repeats adjunctant Morris, who then goes onto explain "I saw one at the end of summer tourney, when i was a child" followed by "It was in the Lé Grande Melee and won after pretty much bashing up everyone else".
The younger, and junior of the two officers then adds "I'm pretty sure i remember it not even using it's weapons" he continues with "Took out knights, men at arms, mercs and others with just it's hands and feet".
As his adjunctant mutters "That one kind of looks the same as the i remember".
Commander Tracklen shakes his head at the differences in his and his adjunctant's childhoods.
While Morris comes from a well to do family here in the city of Kuradum. Who as a child attended the famous tourneys that the city hosts.
Tracklen comes from one of the poorer quarters, and he never got to see a tourney, until he joined the army when he was fourteen years old.
He spent his summers as a child, playing in the river that run alongs the southern side of the city.
Jumping off the bridges with his friends, keeping cool in the summer heat.
And though both his parents, now dead. Were proud he got into the army.
Tracklen knows the same can't be said about his adjunctant's family. Who were dead set against Morris joining the Kuradian army.
The commander hasn't looked closely into it. But he's certain that the parents of his adjunctant, are pretty sympathetic to the cause of councilman Hirrye.
For though there's no nobility here in the city-state of Kuradum. If there was one, then the Morris family would definitely be a noble family.
And they just might end up being one, if the self styled duke Hirrye, is victorious in the war for the control to rule Kuradum.
They go and stand by the tables where the recruiters are. And quietly speak with them as they wait for councilman Sammis and captain Forssen to arrive.
It's not too long before commander Tracklen's runners show up. With them is captain Forssen and a few other officers from the city guard.
As well as councilman Sammis, and some of his advisors and guards. Soldiers in the army that commander Tracklen personally assigned to the councilman.
After those who have just arrived, stop and stare at those sitting on the benches on the otherside of the hall.
Councilman Sammis and those with him, walk over to the tables where commander Tracklen is standing with his adjunctant Morris.
"What is it Tracklen?" quietly asks councilman Sammis, a short man in his early fifties, who has been on the ruling council of Kuradum for the last two decades.
"Those mercenaries are offering their services" is the quiet reply of the senior most army officer loyal to the ruling council.
The councilman frowns as he looks across to the otherside of the guild hall, then he quietly says "Then hire them" followed by "There's only a dozen or so of them, it shouldn't cost too much".
The leader of the faction that wants to retain the political status quo in the city-state, then mutters "What the hell is that big, bloody green thing sitting over there on the floor".
"You don't want to know councilman" dryly says the adjunctant Morris.
Before councilman Sammis can ask Morris what that means, commander Tracklen says to him "Not just them, but their army too".
Sammis blinks in surprise when he hears that, then he says "Huh?".
The army commander nods his head, then he gestures at one of the recruiting officers, and says "Subaltern tell the councilman what you know".
"Yes sir" says the subaltern, who then informs the others listening, with "They're offering the services of their army, which is a little over ten thousand strong".
He briefly pauses to take a breath, then says "Light and heavy infantry, light and heavy cavalry. Spellcasters including some clerics, and even a few mages" he then adds "Airships as well, not just any airships, but warships".
After closing his mouth, which dropped open in surprise, the councilman nods then says "I figured as much" in response to commander Tracklen telling him "They offered the same to the pretender and his lot, who turned them down".
Councilman Sammis nods again, then he quietly asks the subaltern "How much are they asking?".
The recruiting officer answers, and the others all listening wince or grimace.
They're all silent for a few moments, then the councilman looks at one of his advisors, who is in charge of the treasury, and asks him "Can we afford that?".
"They want to be paid weekly?" asks the treasurer who looks at the subaltern, who nods yes for an answer.
"Then yes we can pay them" says the treasurer, who continues with "For at least five or six weeks" followed by "If the fighting continues for longer, i don't know if we can afford to pay them".
The councilman nods, then he looks at commander Tracklen and captain Forssen, and asks the two of them "How many more do you think you can recruit?".
"In here, in the city, probably a couple hundred more" says Forssen the captain of the city guard, who then adds "Two fifty, three hundred at a stretch. Though no one from outside the city".
"Probably the same here in the city, possibly up to four hundred" says commander Tracklen, who continues with "And i guess a similar number from outside the city in those areas still loyal to the council".
The leader of the faction who wants to keep the rule of law, and the ruling council intact, nods then he falls silent after quietly saying "We're still well short of what the enemy can field".
Commander Tracklen nods in agreement with that, and knows it's getting worse as more and more mercenary companies from outside the city-state are signing up with councilman Hirrye's faction.
Councilman Sammis looks meaningfully at the senior most army commander, who nods yes.
"We'll hire them, then" says Sammis, who continues with "For as long as we're able to".
"Councilman, the one doing the talking, he says that they want command of their own army, as well as access to our battle plans" states the subaltern.
The councilman looks at the army commander, who though he slightly winces, he nods yes.
"Do it" says councilman Sammis, who then asks the recruiting officer "How quick can they get their army here?".
"Quick councilman" says the subaltern, who follows that with "Real quick, the one I've been talking to said they can have their entire army here by the day after tomorrow".
There's silence from all of them after hearing that, then councilman Sammis says "Hell, we might have a chance after all against the pretender".
Then he looks at his senior army commander and says "You'll take care of this Tracklen?".
"Yes councilman" is the reply of commander Tracklen.
"Good I'm off, I've got other things to attend to, tell me how things go" says councilman Sammis, who along with his advisors, depart.
"Which one is doing the negotiating?" quietly asks the army commander.
"The one in the white hooded cloak sir" is the reply of the subaltern, who then quietly adds "He's an elf"".
Tracklen pauses for a moment when he hears that, then he quietly tells the subaltern "Bring him over so we can work out the details of the deal".
"Yes sir" says the subaltern, who then looks over to the otherside, and gestures for the one he was talking to earlier, to come back over to this side of the guild hall.
Commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris stand to the side of the table, as they watch the figure in the white hooded cloak make their way over to the tables.
As they do, the senior army commander hopes this deal is successful.
For if it is, then he reckons they might have a slim chance at victory in the war against councilman Hirrye's faction this winter.
Because at the moment, he knows they've got no chance of defeating the pretender and his army . . . . . .

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