Tuesday 18 January 2022

The Thick Of It 14.


"Fine, we're holding our own" says the adjunctant Morris in response to his father asking him "And how goes the war?".
The officer in the army still loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum isn't specific when it comes to the war.
After all, members of his family are sympathetic to the otherside.
And though his father, as well as his mother, don't back the side led by councilman Hirrye.
They're indifferent to the war, and really couldn't care less who wins the conflict that's taking place in their homeland.
Morris, who doesn't mention the recent victories over the last few days the ruling council has had.
Just nods his head when his father says "See there's a large mercenary army on the council's side now".
The elder Morris shakes his head, as he continues with "Those black clad soldiers can be seen right across the city".
"Not interfering with business are they?" asks the adjunctant to commander Tracklen.
"No they're not" says the father of the army officer, who then adds "Thank the gods and anyone else who gives a damn".
They're in the old yards, and warehouses. On the property adjacent to the family manse.
Not all that far from the center of the city. Where a large portion of the rich and successful of Kuradian society live.
The old yards is one of the few large open areas in the city center that isn't a public park.
The adjunctant and his father have stopped at a bench seat next to a tree, as flakes of snow swirl through the air, on this cold winter's day here in the city of Kuradum.
Looking towards one of the warehouses, where a couple of wagons are being unloaded this afternoon.
"That's good to hear" says Morris, who only gave his parents one bit of advice when it came to doing business during the war.
And that's not to do any business with councilman Hirrye's side of the conflict.
So far they've stuck to that. And haven't had any dealings with the so called duke of Kuradum.
It's also helped that they've seen how those who collaborate with the renegade councilman are treated.
As more than a few businesses, predominantly traders. Have been shut down by the ruling council when they were caught selling goods to councilman Hirrye's side in the war.
And though executions for those who have collaborated with the enemy have so far been rare.
The adjunctant knows that will be changing, now that the foreign mercenary commander, lord Farque has taken over the council's campaign against the usurper Hirrye.
"Looks like a runner from the council building" says the parent.
The army officer looks away to the right down the path, and spots a young runner in the Kuradian army heading this way.
"I best be going" says the adjunctant Morris.
"Take care son" states the father of the Kuradian army officer.
"I will father" quietly says Morris as his father hugs him.
"Tell mother i said hello" says the adjunctant to commander Tracklen, who then turns and makes his way towards the oncoming runner.
With the teenage runner at his side, Morris makes his way from the old yards.
"There sir" says the young runner in the army still loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum.
They cross the street as two figures step out from between a pair of buildings.
One, tall. Well over six foot in height. Lean in appearance. Wearing a grey hooded cloak.
The other in black armour and black cloak. A young woman, tall, athletic and attractive.
"Return to the council runner" says Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy.
"Ah yes sir" says the young runner after glancing at the adjunctant Morris, who nods for him to do so.
"This way" says the spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, to the officer in Kuradian army still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state.
Morris follows after the spy Tanith and Lisell Maera the scout who head back between the two buildings.
Dropping back to walk beside Morris, letting the scout Maera lead the way.
Dalinvardèl Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly called by those in the group.
Quietly says to the local army officer "Best we get the serious planning done elsewhere, and not the council building" followed by "Now that we've found a couple others along with Nahor, who are working for the pretender Hirrye".
The elven spy, who is a battalion commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque then says "We'll keep feeding them information we want them to overhear".
Dalin then adds "Meanwhile the important things will be handled elsewhere".
As he walks beside the tall elf, the adjunctant Morris nods his head as they make their way through the city streets behind the attractive young woman who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury.
The officer in the Kuradian army still loyal to the ruling council, the faction led by councilman Sammis in the war against councilman Hirrye.
Finds himself being led to an inn, not one of the more opulent inn's in the city.
But definitely one of the better ones, just to the west and north of the city center.
With snow flakes drifting down and swirling around whenever the wind picks up, here on this cold winter's day in the city of Kuradum.
They make their way across the back courtyard of the inn, and enter it via the backdoor.
Waiting for them in the common room is the ex mercenary Zam.
The young man from here in Kuradum, gets up and leads the way upstairs.
To the large double room where the rest of the group is waiting for them.
With the group is commander Tracklen of the army of Kuradum.
Morris goes and stands beside his superior officer, who is at the table in the middle of the large room.
Standing there at the table, is lord Farque. As well as members of his personal council.
Mira Reinholt the mage, Helbe the elven thief, and Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit. As well as field commander Tamric Drubine.
The rest of the group are scattered around the large double room here on the second floor of the inn.
With Dorc da Orc sitting in a corner next to an open window. While standing in the opposite corner from the ork warleader.
Is his bitter rival, sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Who is scowling as he watches the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
Commander Tracklen informs his adjunctant that there'll be another public execution later in the afternoon.
Another ranking officer in the enemy army. Who was captured this morning in the south of the city-state by lord Farque and the group who accompanies him everywhere.
The army commander Tracklen then says "We were just discussing the next phase of plans that lord Farque has devised".
As his superior officer explains a few things about the upcoming attacks, Morris the adjunctant slightly frowns.
"Why the change of plans?" asks the junior of the two local army officers as he looks across at the large, heavily armoured figure of lord Farque.
As these latest plans somewhat differ from the strategy the foreign mercenary leader had been planning to do in the coming days.
"New information we've obtained" says lord Farque, who doesn't elaborate on the information taken from the captain of a mercenary company hired by councilman Hirrye's faction, that they captured this morning.
Looking at the local army commander and his adjunctant, the undead warlord tells them "You and a detachment of two hundred of your men will be joining us and some of my forces".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque points at a spot on one of the maps on the large table they're standing around, and he says "To here".
The large, heavily armoured deathlord continues with "Be ready to depart the city a couple of glasses before midnight tonight".
The undead being who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, then says "Until then, i suggest you get some rest"
The lord of the death realm follows that with "Because it's going to be a cold, not to mention long night".
Commander Tracklen, along with his adjunctant Morris nod their heads in understanding.
Then after discussing few more matters with the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
The army commander, along with his adjunctant make their way from the double room, then head downstairs.
Once they're out of the front door of the inn, the two local army officers start heading back to the council building of Kuradum.
"What do you make of it sir?" quietly asks the adjunctant Morris, followed by "Bit odd they're changing it up like that".
Nodding his head in agreement with his adjunctant, the army commander quietly says "They must of found something out".
The senior most officer in the army still loyal to the ruling council then adds "Whatever it is, they seem to think it important".
Commander Tracklen briefly pauses before continuing with "Best we find the best two hundred soldiers we've got here in the city to take with us tonight".
"I'll see to it when we get back" says the adjunctant Morris, who follows that with "With us going in the night, I've got a feeling it's going to be rough going".
"Hectic for sure" says the army commander in agreement with the more junior of the two officers.
Then as they round a corner, and make their way along the wide boulevard that runs through the center of the city.
And the grounds of the council building of the city-state of Kuradum come into view.
Commander Tracklen quietly says "If we make a breakthrough all the better" he continues on from that with "Even if we don't, hopefully we can make a major dent in their efforts there".
The adjunctant Morris nods his head in agreement with his superior as they make their way back to the council building.
As flakes of snow continue to swirl about in the air, on this cold winters day here in the city of Kuradum.
Later in the night, a yawning adjunctant to the army commander watches as the two hundred men he's picked, gather in the marshalling yards infront of the army barracks.
The adjunctant Morris is joined by commander Tracklen, who gives the order to move out.
The column of soldiers is meet by Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy and Zam the ex mercenary. Who give commander Tracklen instructions of where to go.
The army commander and his adjunctant are slightly surprised that they aren't heading out of the city.
As they've done the other times they've traveled with lord Farque and his army by magical means.
Instead they head towards a nearby public park, here in the center of the city of Kuradum.
There they find lord Farque and the rest of the group, along with a gateway that forms as the column of soldiers approaches.
Following instructions, commander Tracklen orders the two hundred soldiers through, led by another of the officers, and a pair of scouts.
Tracklen and Morris go through last, then they're followed by the lord and ruler of the lands Farque and the rest of the group who go with him everywhere.
The army commander and his adjunctant step out of the otherside of the gateway.
And they immediately feel how much colder it is here compared to the city of Kuradum.
And back in the city it had stopped snowing in the early evening. Here, where they are now, it's snowing.
Much heavier than the snowfall that the city of Kuradum had experienced earlier.
Commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris share a look, then the subordinate quietly says "Well, here we go".
As they, and the others make their way through some woods this night, here in the south of the city-state of Kuradum . . . . . .

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