Sunday 27 February 2022

The Thick Of It 29.


Beldane the cleric pops his head around the corner of a burnt out building in the abandoned village, as a number of magetube shots pass overhead. On their way towards the nearby enemy.
Who this morning are engaged with the forces of the ruling council of city-state of Kuradum.
The fighting cleric who is certain he sensed some enemy spellcasters nearby.
Almost jumps in fright when a familiar voice quietly says "I've taken care of them".
The cleric who hails from the kingdom of Nastell sourly smiles as glances to his right and finds Helbe the elven thief standing next to him.
The powerful cleric who is a member of the church of Glaine, a god predominantly worshiped in the north of his homeland.
Is just about to say something to the elven magic user, when the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel quietly says "They're coming through".
Beldane looks to where the elven masterthief nods, and the next moment he senses a pair of rifts forming.
One behind the nearby enemy lines, the other right amongst them.
The powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell is always amazed at how quickly the elven master assassin can sense things.
So he's not too surprised when the member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel says "And the others as well".
As Beldane looks further away to the left, to where he suddenly senses four other rifts forming.
Soldiers in the loyalist army from the Kuradum City garrison, rush from the first two rifts to attack the enemy.
The fighting cleric in the half plate armour looks back behind him and Helbe the elven thief, and up into the air.
And as more magetube shots pass overhead, on their way to the rear of the enemy ranks.
The churchman from the kingdom of Nastell sees the trio of Farqian warships veering away to the south.
Most likely to confront enemy airships the powerful cleric can sense a few miles away, heading in this direction.
Beldane looks ahead again when Helbe the elven thief quietly says to him "Look, there's the others coming through".
The young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, then adds "Keep the far right side of the enemy line back".
The elven master archer then adds "I'll take the center" before he disappears from beside the fighting cleric.
The practitioner of magic from the kingdom of Nastell steps away from the burnt out building, taking his mace from it's belt loop.
Beldane the cleric who has spotted lord Farque and the others have come out of one of the nearby rifts.
Hefts his mace upwards above his head, and the powerful magical weapon, which often has a mind of it's own, responds to his command.
From the clear morning sky, on what's a cold winter's day here along the main battlelines in the war between the forces of the loyalist army, against the rebel army.
A shaft of white light, almost as wide as a house, shoots down towards the far right end of the enemy battlelines.
Where it hits, and where a large, but totally silent explosion occurs. Sending enemy soldiers, and bits of them. Along with their earthworks, and snow covered ground, flying in all directions.
Others along the enemy line turn to watch it, as seeing a silent explosion. Is a little more eerie, not to mention disconcerting. Than a normal explosion, no matter how big, such as some of the explosions from magetube shots, which are far larger.
Though with the cleric's spell from the magical mace. It isn't just one explosion.
It's one silent explosion after another, after another, after another and so on.
As Beldane with the mace he holds aloft in his gauntleted hand. Moves in slowly to one side above his head.
And the continuous shaft of bright white light shooting down from the clear morning sky.
Moves along the enemy battleline, creating one silent explosion after another.
Sending dirt, debris, snow and bodies flying in all directions, and in silence. Much to the horror of the enemy further back in the ranks.
Then the powerful cleric, who wields a powerful magic weapon. Moves the mace forward above his head.
And the shaft of white light that's nearly as wide as one of the houses in the abandoned village. Responds to the command of the member of the church of Glaine.
And it heads back from the front of the enemy battlelines, as it was getting close to where the loyalist army was engaged with the rebel enemy army.
Now silent explosion after silent explosion occurs back from the very front of the enemy battlelines.
As Beldane the cleric, who with his magical mace, has tapped into the power of his god Glaine.
Sends the shaft of white light, back through the enemy ranks. Decimating them along the very end of their right flank. Here along the battlelines in the east of the city-state of Kuradum.
"There!" shouts out lord Farque, who continues with "To the right flank!".
As he notices the devastating spell that Beldane the cleric has done, has come to an end.
After it's wiped out a fair few of the enemy. Well over a hundred of them, closer to a couple hundred soldiers in the army of the so called duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Hearing the lord and ruler of the lands Farque calling out to the right. Commander Tracklen of the loyalist army yells "To the right!".
He steps aside of a sword swung at him, and before he can retaliate. His adjunctant, Morris runs the enemy soldier through.
"Attack them on the right!" adds the senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state.
Officers and sergeant at arms nearby under his commander. Yell out the same thing.
And soldiers from the Kuradum City garrison, veer away to the right. And hit the enemy in that position.
Where they've been decimated by what Beldane the cleric did to them a few moments ago.
"You two stay close" orders lord Farque to Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
Both of whom are likely to tear off on their own. And attack the enemy wherever they want.
Though both are just as likely to stay put. As they can both be pretty lazy. And often prefer those they intend to kill, to come to them.
The undead warlord, with the large ork, and the large, heavily armoured knight at his side.
Follow after most of the others in the group, as they and the forces of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Engage the forces of the rebel army. At the southern end of the battlelines, here in this part of the east of Kuradum.
On what's a cold, but clear winter's morning in this area of the city-state.
Zam the ex mercenary, jumps down into a crater, formed by an explosion from a magetube shot.
He follows Tovis the war engineer, and Lisell Maera the scout into the crater.
And a number of soldiers in the loyalist army of his homeland, Kuradum.
As the scout Maera kneels up, so that she can shoot her crossbow over the lip of the crater at the enemy.
Tovis the war engineer takes a quick assessment of the situation near them, then says to some of the Kuradian loyalists "You five with us".
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic who is a captain in the armies of Farque, adds "The rest of you go around that way, and attack that lot falling back".
Zam glances back in the direction of the abandoned village, the direction they've come from.
And he spots lord Farque, along with Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Approach the crater that they're in.
The trio, who the ex mercenary is pretty sure, are probably the three largest individuals in this morning's battle.
Hop down into the large crater and head this way. As the Kuradian loyalist soldier's Tovis ordered away to the right, to harass the retreating enemy.
Get up and out of the crater, and run away to the right, going after the enemy who are falling back.
The large, heavily armoured deathlord, the ork warleader, and the nobleborn knight.
Come to a stop just behind where Zam, Tovis, and Lisell are just down from the lip of the large crater.
The undead warlord takes a quick look around to assess things. Then he slightly nods his full helmed head as he sees what Tovis has just done.
"We gonna fuck up them cunts?" asks Dorc da Orc nodding at those of the enemy who are falling back.
"We aren't" is the reply of the deathlord of Farque, who then adds "But they are".
Referring to the loyalist soldiers who are in pursuit of the nearby enemy who are falling back.
"Why the fuck are we even here then?" loudly mutters the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
"We're here to keep a fucking eye on them ya cunt" says the undead being who also has the name of Draugadrottin that the people of his lands know him by.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque who has just gestured at the nearby loyalist soldiers, and the five who are still here in the large crater.
Then tells the ork weaponsmith "And they're here for their benefit". Switching to the ork language, lord Farque adds "So that they get a fucking victory, to build up how fucking good they can fucking be".
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts in understanding.
While sir Percavelle Lé Dic who has opened his mouth, and is just about to say something.
Falls silent when the lord of the death realm glances at him, and tells him "Shut up Percy".
As the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic stands there scowling, lord Farque says "In the next crater over to our left" then adds "Well, apart from Helbe and Beldane".
In response to Tovis the war engineer asking him "Where's the others?".
As he looks around, trying to locate the rest of the group. On this cold, but clear winter's morning, here along the battlelines in the east of the city-state of Kuradum.
As the undead being known as Des'tier in the elven language. Which translates to, The Destroyer.
Quickly tells them, along with the five loyalist soldiers in the crater with them, what they are to do next.
Forty yards away to the left, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy pops his head up out of the crater and has another quick look around.
Then he ducks back down and tells Tamric Drubine the field commander what's happening.
"That's good they're falling back along that flank" quietly says Tamric Drubine the field commander after hearing what the spy Tanith has seen.
Then the young noble from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin looks at Mira Reinholt the mage and Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit.
The once powerful mage is just standing there, waiting for the young field commander to give orders.
While the halfling, who like the mage Reinholt. Is a member of the personal council to lord Farque. Is busy digging a stone out of one of his boots.
There's about thirty loyalist soldiers in the crater with them, and field commander Drubine asks "Anyone see commander Tracklen?".
"Somewhere near the center of our lines is where i saw him last sir" replies one of the soldiers from the Kuradum City garrison.
"Oh well" murmurs Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Then the senior officer in the armies of Farque says to the loyalist soldiers "You lot, head to the right and help the others pushing back the enemy that way".
No questions are asked, and the soldiers loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Scramble out of the crater to carry out that order from the senior officer from the Farqian mercenary army.
As they do, Shur Kee the monk, says "Ah friend Mira, away to our left". The short, statured monk continues with "I do believe they are heading this way".
The spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who also happens to be a highly skilled swordmaster. Looks to their left, to the north.
As does Saanea the witch, as the lip of the crater isn't particularly high in that direction.
"By the shape of fire" mutters Mira Reinholt the mage, who notices Shur Kee has got into a fighting stance.
The councilor Reinholt, who doesn't particularly want to be around the acolyte in the order of Bru Li when he unleashes his unique power.
Quickly creates a mageglobe and flings it away before either Shur Kee or for that matter, Saanea the witch can do anything.
"Better duck down i guess" says Mira Reinholt the mage to the others in the crater with him.
Taking heed of the mage Reinholt's warning, who they know tends to overdo things a bit.
They all drop to the ground at the bottom of the crater. With most of them covering their heads, especially their ears.
Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who is lying next to the Vexilian mage in exile.
Turns his head, and looks at his fellow member of lord Farque's personal council. And he finds the once powerful mage grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh hell" mutters Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, who then grimaces as the sound of an explosion from nearby can be heard.
The halfling, who is a former air sailor in the fleet of the Sultanate of Dreese. A nation that lies on the far east coast of the continent.
Grunts as the blast from the explosion doesn't feel particularly violent. And it's no where near as bad as he thought it would be.
Then it suddenly gets hot. And Jarjin along with most of the others look up.
And they see a sheet of fire go across the top of the crater, just a dozen or so feet above them. As quickly as it appeared, it disappears.
"Bet they got burnt to a crisp" says Mira Reinholt the mage.
"You don't say" sourly says Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit, as he and the rest of the group get back up.
Tamric Drubine the field commander looks the way the approaching enemy were coming from.
And he doesn't see a single one of them now just to the north of the crater they're in.
"I guess we go that way then" says field commander Drubine.
"Sounds good to me" says the mage Reinholt.
In the other crater nearby, lord Farque has the same idea. And orders those with him, to follow the others in the next crater along.
As the battle, here at the southern end of the frontlines in the east of the city-state of Kuradum. On this cold, clear winter's morning, continues . . . . . .

Thursday 24 February 2022

The Thick Of It 28.


Commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris along with one hundred and twenty soldiers from the Kuradum City garrison.
Are onboard one of the warships in the fleet of the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
The Kuradian army commander and his adjunctant share a look as one of the deck officers calls out what's expected of them when the time arrives.
"You lot have been chosen because you've already gone through a rift" calls out the deck officer in black, who follows that with "In your case, a gateway".
As he stands on the fore deck, looking aft, the officer from the lands Farque continues with "This is no different, you'll go through one of the two rifts that appear infront of you on deck".
He briefly pauses before calling out "Be prepared for battle, because that's what you're going into".
The officer in the fleet from the lands Farque briefly pauses again, before saying in a slightly dry tone of voice "Though we have to get there first".
The Farqian air fleet officer as he looks at them along the deck, then adds "Which will be an experience in itself". 
Commander Tracklen, his adjunctant Morris, the handful of Kuradian officers, and the hundred and twenty soldiers they've brought with them.
Are lined up along the deck of the twin masted frigate in the fleet from the lands Farque.
Half on the starboard side, and half on the port side as the warship heads east from the capital city, Kuradum.
There's two similar airships to aft, one on the starboard quarter, and the other on the port.
Both have a similar number of soldiers from the Kuradum City garrison onboard.
In total there's nearly four hundred soldiers loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum, on the trio of warships from the lands Farque.
The senior most officer in the army of the ruling council, along with his adjunctant turn as a voice says "You all ready then?".
They find the mage in the black hooded cloak, Mira Reinholt is standing there behind them.
The two Kuradian loyalist officers turn completely to face the spellcaster in black who has an odd, double bladed sword strapped to his back.
"We are" says commander Tracklen, who along with his adjunctant stand in a midships.
About halfway along the line of soldiers in the army of the ruling council of Kuradum, standing on the port side of the fighting ship from the lands Farque.
"We are" repeats commander Tracklen of the Kuradian loyalist army, followed by "As ready as we'll ever be".
The mage from the city-state of Vexil, his homeland that he's in exile from, nods his hooded head, then quietly tells the two of them "Be ready for just about anything on the otherside".
The once powerful mage with a faint smile upon his face then says "Though getting there will be just as, shall we say, exhilarating".
Then the adjunctant Morris who is looking to aft here on the port side, says "What's that in the distance".
The younger of the two officers in the loyalist army, who grew up amongst the wealthy and privileged of the city-state of Kuradum, adds "Whatever it is, it's moving fast".
Commander Tracklen and others from the army garrison in the city of Kuradum have noticed it too.
Then the local army commander says "What type of ship is that?". As the approaching vessel has what's essentially a flat deck, and has no masts.
"Thankfully the kind that's on our side" dryly says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
The Vexilian mage in exile who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, then says to the two local officers "Have everyone stand ready".
The practitioner of magic who was once the most powerful mage of his generation.
Until he was stripped of most of his powers when he went offworld through a rift/void spell that he accidentally cast.
Then says to the Kuradian army commander and the adjunctant "The ships are about to go through".
"The ships?" murmurs commander Tracklen, while next to him, Morris frowns as he isn't certain if the foreign mage actually meant to say that.
"Stand ready!" calls out the deck officer as he watches the local soldiers lined up along the deck.
Then the senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Feels the airship they're on, pick up speed as the crew tighten some of the sheets, and quarter some of the sails on the forward mast.
Tracklen looks to where his adjunctant Morris points. And he spots the strange looking airship with no masts, and a low wheelhouse to aft.
Has shot forward infront of the trio of warships in the fleet from the lands Farque.
On this cold, and slightly cloudy morning here in this region of the city-state.
Just a dozen or so miles to the east of the capital city of Kuradum.
They watch as the dark, sleek looking airship without any masts, starts to rise up into the sky.
Going straight up vertically, much to the astonishment of commander Tracklen, the adjunctant Morris and their men.
Then the odd looking vessel starts doing a loop, completely upside down as it passes back over the warship they're on, and the following two airships.
"That's impossible" murmurs the loyalist army commander, who then says "Huh?". In reply to his adjunctant Morris saying "Sir, up ahead".
The senior most officer in the army still loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Blinks in surprise as he sees what's up ahead of them.
"The fuck is that thing?" says a startled sounding commander Tracklen.
"Ship rift" is the reply of Mira Reinholt, who follows that with "That's what we're going through".
As up ahead, a multitude of glowing lights have appeared about five hundred yards infront of the twin masted warship.
As the airship quickly approaches, the coloured lights solidify, and becomes slightly opaque.
As commander Tracklen has seen in the past, rifts do. Though this one is at least fifty feet wide, and more than three times that in height.
"Prepare to go through!" shouts out the Farqian officer up on the fore deck.
"The hell?" murmurs an astonished sounding Morris, as he along with his superior, commander Tracklen and others in the loyalist army realise what's about to happen.
The senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Winces as he watches the foreign warship they're on rapidly approach what the mage Reinholt called a ship rift.
The next moment they're closing in on it, and the moment after it, they're going through the giant magical portal in the morning sky.
They fly out the otherside of the ship rift and the twin masted warship starts angling to port.
While to aft, the other two warships come through the ship rift one vessel at a time.
As the airship from the lands Farque tilts to port as it curves in that direction, commander Tracklen who is sure he hears shouting and yelling somewhere in the distance.
Notices that the morning here is clear and sunny, unlike the slightly cloudy conditions in and around the capital city.
Then the loyalist army commander hears orders being given from one of the nearby open hatches.
And the next moment, as his adjunctant Morris says "Sir look down there".
The port side magetubes of the twin masted warship open up. Firing all twenty four of the magical weapons on the port side.
"Hell" says commander Tracklen as he sees down below on the ground, away to the left, to port, a battle is taking place.
Between the loyalist forces on the frontlines in the east of the city-state of Kuradum, against the rebel forces. Whose leader is the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
As the two following warships fire their port side magetubes, the twin masted airship from the lands Farque starts dropping in altitude. Heading towards the ground, and the battle down below.
The local army commander looks back and sees the rest of the group of mercenaries coming up on deck from a nearby ladder.
"Get ready" says Mira Reinholt the mage to the Kuradian army commander and his adjunctant.
While up on the fore deck, the officer of the deck shouts out "Get ready to go through". After another volley of magetube shots fire off from the port side.
Heading over the loyalist army down below, and into the enemy positions further back.
As the first volley of magetube shots have already done, ploughing into the rear elements of the enemy.
Sending debris of bits of bodies, wagons, horses and snow covered ground flying in all directions.
The adjunctant Morris looks back to aft, and sees that one of the other warships is higher up in the morning sky than they are.
And the third warship is even higher up than that one. Being a good five thousand feet above the ground.
The adjunctant slightly nods as he realises none of the three airships are going to land, as the loyalist troops onboard have another way to disembark.
Commander Tracklen turns as well, as lord Farque walks up to him and his adjunctant, and the mage in the black hooded cloak.
"Your men will go there" says lord Farque as he points down at the battle on the ground.
"There's enough of you, that you'll be able to break their line there" adds the undead warlord, who continues with "You'll be in their midst, so best of luck".
"The warships?" asks the loyalist army commander as another volley of magetube shots come from the port side weapons.
As the trio of airships continue to fly at a tilted angle, firing down at the enemy positions on the ground.
"There's enemy vessels in the area, who are approaching" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"They'll be dealing with them once we've disembarked" adds the large, heavily armoured deathlord.
The commander in the army of the ruling council of Kuradum nods his head in understanding as the warship continues it's long curving swing to port.
Tracklen gets a better look at the battle down below, and sees the area he and his men will be sent to.
Towards the southern end of the battle, near a village that's been abandoned.
The loyalist army commander from here in the sky about five hundred feet above the battle.
Can see that if he and his element of nearly four hundred soldiers in the army of the Kuradian ruling council.
Can break through the enemy lines, and swing northwards, they'll be able to force the enemy to withdraw, most likely in a disorderly retreat.
The port side magetubes of the Farqian warship fire off once more. Sending balls of pure magical energy, some nearly twenty feet wide.
Hurtling down towards the ground, and into the ranks of the enemy.
Then as a volley of magetube shots can be heard firing from one of the other airships from the lands Farque.
The warship the Kuradian army commander and his adjunctant are on, starts to level out.
"Here we go" says Mira Reinholt the mage who nods his hooded head forward.
To where a pair of spellcasters in the mercenary army from the lands Farque have come up on deck.
They're standing on the steps to the fore deck, and the practitioners of magic, one wizard and the other a sorcerer, are casting.
The familiar sparkling colours of a rift spell start to form in front of both of the spellcasters.
Directly infront of those who are first in line of the troops from the Kuradum City garrison.
Then once the rifts form, one on the port side of the deck, the other on the starboard side. The Farqian officer on the fore deck shouts "Go, go, go!".
The Kuradian soldiers loyal to the ruling council of their city-state are moving.
Going through the two rifts as the Farqian warship circles above the battle that's taking place down below.
On this cold, clear and sunny winter's day here in the east of the city-state of Kuradum.
The line up ahead of them is moving, and commander Tracklen along with his adjunctant find themselves rapidly moving forward.
As one at a time, the soldiers further infront of them hurry through the rift that's at the base of the steps to the fore deck.
The commander of the loyalist army of Kuradum follows his adjunctant. While directly behind him are some of the mercenaries who travel with lord Farque.
He sees that some of them have disappeared, the elf in the white hooded cloak, as well as the fighting cleric.
While the other elf in the gray hooded cloak, along with the mage Reinholt are directly behind him.
Then in no time, the soldiers directly infront of the adjunctant Morris are rushing through the rift one at a time.
The local army commander slightly nods as he hears his adjunctant Morris murmur "Here we go". Just before he hurries through the magical portal.
A step behind him is commander Tracklen, who takes a quick breath to calm his nerves, before he rushes through the rift.
The otherside of which is down below on the ground, in the middle of a battle between the loyal forces of the ruling council of Kuradum.
And the rebel forces of the so called duke of Kuradum, the councilman Hirrye . . . . . .

Tuesday 22 February 2022

The Thick Of It 27.


Nahor the assistant to councilman Kolmar makes his way out of the main council building after the meeting has come to an end.
The assistant to one of the more influential members of the ruling council of Kuradum.
Nods to the adjunctant Morris and commander Tracklen who were also in the meeting.
Who have just stopped to talk to one of those in the foreign mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Wherever that is, Nahor the assistant thinks to himself, as he like pretty much everyone else here in the city of Kuradum, or for that matter right across the city-state.
Never knew the lands Farque even existed until a few weeks ago, when the mercenary army from there was hired by the ruling council of Kuradum, in the war against the rebel leader, the councilman Hirrye.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar forces himself to not look back as he wonders what the army commander and his adjunctant are talking about to the mercenary.
The fellow in the black hooded cloak with an odd looking double bladed sword strapped to his back, who rumour says is a mage.
Nahor doesn't believe he is. For the simple reason he wears armour beneath his cloak. And not only does he have that strange looking sword, but also a number of other weapons upon him.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar knows for a fact that spellcasters, especially ones reputed to be as powerful as mages.
Don't wear armour, and carry an assortment of weapons on their body.
He's coming your way, says Mira Reinholt the mage by way of the mindspeech spell that's cast upon him.
The once powerful mage then goes back to the conversation he's having with commander Tracklen and the adjunctant Morris infront of the main building of the council of Kuradum.
All the while keeping an eye on the council functionary by the name of Nahor who is crossing the courtyard.
Nahor exits the council grounds at the northwest corner. And walks westwards along the boulevard that runs through the center of the city of Kuradum.
He can't help but glance away to his left, and look into the first of the city squares in this direction. The city square where the public executions take place.
There on the gallows, still hangs the body of Rahsan. The battalion commander of one of the northern elements of councilman Hirrye's army.
Who was brought in a couple of days ago by the group that travels with the leader of the foreign mercenary army, lord Farque.
Battalion commander Rahsan of the rebel army who was publicly executed early yesterday afternoon.
Much to the delight of the gathered crowd who came to witness the public execution.
Nahor might not know all the details, but he's for certain that the recently executed battalion commander in the rebel army.
Knew an awful lot about the plans councilman Hirrye has for the attack upon the capital city.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar just hopes that the self proclaimed duke of Kuradum, Hirrye.
Knows that the battalion commander was captured somewhere in the north of the city-state of Kuradum a couple of days ago.
Across the wide boulevard, sitting at one of the tables infront of a small bakery come wine shop.
Sits Saanea the witch, who faintly smiles and briefly clasps the hand of her lover, Tamric Drubine the field commander who has just sat down next to her, after he's just gone into the shop to order something for them to eat and drink.
Then the pretty looking witch who hails from the Maldin Hills, goes back to looking across the wide boulevard.
Where the assistant to one of the members of the ruling council of Kuradum has just walked by.
Saanea the witch slightly nods her head as she communicates via the mindspeech spell she is casting.
Nearing halfway along the wide boulevard, Nahor crosses it, and rounds a corner onto one of the streets that heads northwards off it.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar hasn't been able to get away recently as the councilman he serves has been busy.
But today, councilman Kolmar is having the midday meal at home with his family. And he's given his assistant the first half of the afternoon off.
And though Nahor told the councilman he serves that he'll be lunching at one of his favourite inns.
He infact has another destination in mind early in the afternoon, on this cool, but clear winters day here in the city of Kuradum.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar doesn't know it, but he's now being followed by someone.
Further back along the street, walks a fairly tall figure in a grey hooded cloak.
Who glances up into the clear midday sky and spots the crow that's heading northwards.
Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy slightly nods his hooded head as he listens to what Saanea the witch has to say to him, via the mindspeech spell she has cast upon him.
The spy originally from the elven principality of Alínlae, where he previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland.
Glances back up into the sky as he continues to follow Saanea's familiar, which unbeknownst to the assistant to councilman Kolmar, is flying a few hundred feet up, directly above him.
Nahor, crosses the street, and turns onto another one that heads west through the city.
The council functionary has a destination in mind. And though he's pretty certain he's yet to still be found out.
He's pretty cautious in his approach to moving about in the city. Just incase he's being followed by anyone or anything for that matter.
Nahor crosses a number of streets, and goes down a few lanes and alleyways as he continues westwards through the city.
Until he gets to the area of his destination. A residential neighbourhood in the west of the capital city of Kuradum.
He passes a small market in one of the squares in the neighbourhood. Where the stalls are semi-permanent. Unlike the street stalls in the poor quarter, in the south of the city, towards the city wall down there.
Nahor glances out of the corner of his eye, and spots the sign he's looking for.
A red tassel tied to one of the uprights of one of the stalls in the small market.
If it was yellow, his destination would be to the right at the end of the street.
But since it's red, he turns left onto the tree lined street in this particular neighbourhood in the west of the city.
On a rooftop, Helbe the elven thief quietly says "I see it". When Narladene the ground pixie points and says "There it's stopped, and is circling".
The highly talented elven magic user who is blurred and shielded, takes a look at Saanea the witch's familiar in the distance.
And shifts away in it's direction, with Narladene the ground pixie firmly holding onto his right shoulder.
A short time later, and Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy who is in a narrow lane between a pair of houses.
Isn't at all surprised when he hears the voice of Helbe the elven thief right beside him, quietly asks "Which one?".
"The one to our left" is the quiet reply of Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who follows that with "The two storey place with the wrought iron fence and gate".
"Keep an eye on the other place down the street, just incase they get some visitors too" quietly says the elven masterthief.
"Will do" quietly says the elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Nahor enters the safe house, one of two on this long, treelined street in one of the more quiet neighbourhoods in the city of Kuradum.
He nods to the armed guard in the guise of a mercenary who let him inside.
Then as the guard sits back down on his chair, just to the side of the door he in the entrance way after closing the door.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar heads to the stairs that go up to the second storey of the house.
That many believe is owned by a fairly successful businessman in this part of the city.
But that's just a front, as it's actually used by the forces of councilman Hirrye.
To be exact, one of his spy masters here in the capital city. And one of his most important, if not the most important spy who reports to him.
Is Nahor, the assistant to one of the more influential members of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum, councilman Kolmar.
Nahor finds the spy master in his usual place. At a desk in one of the upstairs rooms.
The assistant to councilman Kolmar doesn't have a clue who the man is. Just that he runs the spies in the service of councilman Hirrye, here in the capital city.
"They got" says Nahor the assistant to one of the more influential members of the ruling council of Kuradum.
He's interrupted by the spy master, who holds up a hand, and says "We know" followed by "Some of the others were in the crowd when he was executed".
The spy master, a fairly nondescript looking fellow in his forties, of average height and weight.
Who Nahor, like the other spies in the service of the rebel councilman here in the city of Kuradum. Has no idea of his true identity, or for that matter what his cover is.
Then says to the council functionary "Know if he spilled any secrets to them?".
Nahor shakes his head, then tells the spy master "I assume they know everything he knew" he briefly pauses then adds "Remember they've got plenty of spellcasters, both their own and those in that mercenary army".
The man sitting behind the desk grunts when he hears that as he figured as much as well.
Then he says to the assistant to councilman Kolmar "I understand there was a private council meeting this morning" followed by "What happened?".
As he floats outside the window listening to the conversation of the enemy spy master, and Nahor the assistant to one of the members of the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Helbe the elven thief is just about to enter the room, when Narladene the ground pixie points and whispers to him "There".
The blurred and shielded elven magic user looks to where the tiny winged creature perched on his right shoulder points to.
He looks closely, then lifts an eyebrow in surprise as he spots the spell he missed when he sensed the two storey house.
"Illusion spell hiding it" murmurs the elven masterthief, the naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains who is attached to him, nods her head in agreement with him.
Then the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel deactivates the hidden warning spell just inside the window that has it's shutters slightly ajar.
Then he shifts inside the room, to get a closer look, and listen to the conversation between Nahor the assistant to councilman Kolmar, and the spy master here in the city of Kuradum for councilman Hirrye.
"Though they went through some of the military plans this morning" Nahor is saying to the spy master.
"I've got a feeling they're leaving a lot of it out in their meetings with the council" continues the assistant to councilman Kolmar.
The enemy spy working as a council functionary then adds "Commander Tracklen and others have been going off and having their own meetings with those mercenary leaders from the lands Farque".
"Can you get yourself into one of those meetings?" asks the nondescript looking man behind the desk in the room.
"No" is the reply from the assistant to councilman Kolmar, who then adds "No one from the ruling council attends them".
The spy master for the rebel leader here in the capital city, grunts when he hears that, then he mutters "Be good if i knew what they were up to".
Then after a slight sigh, the spy master says "So what was discussed in this mornings meeting with the council?".
As Nahor the assistant to councilman Kolmar goes into detail about the meeting this morning between the ruling council of Kuradum, and those in charge of the war against the so called duke of Kuradum, councilman Hirrye.
Helbe the elven thief after a look around at what's in this room on the second storey of the enemy safe house. One of two they have on this long, treelined street in one of the more quiet neighbourhoods in the west of the city.
Reads the minds of both Nahor the assistant to councilman Kolmar, and the spy master to councilman Hirrye, here in the capital city.
The highly talented elven magic user who is blurred and shielded, isn't surprised after reading the mind of Nahor.
After all, he read his mind just a little while ago, when the council functionary was at the council meeting this morning.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel is a little surprised as he reads the mind of the enemy spy master here in the city of Kuradum.
Well, well, well, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself who briefly debates to himself if he should kill the enemy spy master a little bit later when Nahor has left.
The elven masterthief who is a member of the royal family that rules the principality of Laerel. Who is also a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Decides against killing the enemy spy master, for the simple reason the man would be more useful alive than dead.
In the war against the rebel army and their leader, councilman Hirrye who is wanting to set himself up as the duke of Kuradum.
The elven master assassin goes unnoticed during the meeting between Nahor and the enemy spy master.
The elven practitioner of magic leaves the same way he entered. And when he's outside, floating in the air next to the partially open window shutters.
He reactives the hidden warning spell that's covered by an illusion, just inside the open window.
As Helbe the elven thief floats up onto the roof, which he walks across it and looks down to the front of the two storey house. Wondering which enemy practitioner of magic cast that cleverly hidden warning spell.
Nahor the assistant to councilman Kolmar, makes his way downstairs and out of the safe house.
And as the council functionary heads back east through the city to the council buildings.
He has no idea that he's being watched and followed by a number of people, all the way back to the center of the city where the grounds of the ruling council of Kuradum is located . . . . . .

Sunday 20 February 2022

The Thick Of It 26.


"Where?" asks subcommander Phogarn.
"Here" says the recently arrived messenger as he points at the map.
"And here as well" adds the messenger.
He briefly pauses before continuing with "There's rumour they've hit elsewhere".
The subcommander is silent for a moment as he glances across the room.
To where councilman Hirrye, along with commander Pierce, and the sorceress Losmena have paused their conversation, and are looking over here.
"And the rumours are where?" asks the subcommander in the rebel army fighting to take control of the city-state of Kuradum.
The messenger points out a few more spots on the map, a couple in the north of the city-state. Which causes the officer to lift his eyebrows in surprise.
"Very well" says subcommander Phogarn after he marks the rumoured spots on the map.
Then after listening to what else the messenger has to say, he gives the man an order, then dismisses him.
The conversation on the otherside of the room resumes. Though only between councilman Hirrye and the young sorceress Losmena.
As commander Pierce makes his way over to the table where the subcommander has just sat down behind.
The more senior officer looks at the map, and the most recent markings. And though not too surprised by most of them.
Pierce is surprised at the latest rumoured attacks by the enemy which are marked in a different coloured ink.
"The hell?" mutters commander Pierce, who then looks at the subcommander and quietly asks him "Think it's true about those two places in the northeast?".
"Maybe" quietly says subcommander Phogarn, who continues with "We or the general will have to send someone to those places to find out".
The commander nods his head in agreement, then quietly says "It'll have to be the general" followed by "We can't spare anyone at the moment".
Subcommander Phogarn is in agreement with that. As the forces they've gathered since councilman Hirrye returned to Kuradum from the unruled lands that lie to the north of the city-state.
Have been stretched to say the least in the war against the ruling council of Kuradum.
After a little while, councilman Hirrye, the would be duke of Kuradum. Along with the sorceress Losmena make their way over to the table.
Where the councilman takes a quick glance at the open map on the table.
The man at war with the ruling council of the city-state frowns as he sees something.
"What's this up here in the northeast?" asks councilman Hirrye who continues with "Marked in different ink".
"Rumoured attack sir" is the reply of commander Pierce, who then adds "The general will send some squads to check on it" followed by "Or one of the airships if they're available".
Still frowning, the councilman who wants to rule Kuradum says "If they have, that'll put pay to our diversionary attacks from the north".
Hirrye briefly pauses before continuing with "Or at least delay them".
"Delay if they actually have attacked them" says commander Pierce, who truth be told isn't too worried if the town of Falkin has been attacked.
Though the other town in the north that a rumoured attacked has taken place.
The town of Fosturn is another matter entirely different. Depending on how badly things have gone if it's been attacked.
"I don't like it" quietly says the councilman who split from the rest of the ruling council, because he doesn't like the way Kuradum has been ruled over the last decade or so.
Looking at the young sorceress, the councilman asks her "You know these places Losmena?". As he points at the two towns on the map. In the north, that have been rumoured the enemy have attacked.
Looking at the map on the table, the sorceress Losmena says "Not Falkin, never been to that part of the northeast".
The young spellcaster, who though powerful, is still a teenager, continues with "I know Fosturn though" followed by "I've been there a couple of times in the last few years".
Looking at the distance from here in the northwest of the city-state where they are at the moment. To the town of Fosturn in the northeast.
The rebel councilman asks the practitioner of magic "Can you get us there?".
After looking at the map, and their position in a small town about twenty miles to the east of Galmond Falls.
The attractive looking sorceress in the blue cloak over her clothes, quickly measures off the distance to the town of Fosturn, then says "I can" followed by "Fairly easily".
"We're going" says Hirrye the councilman, who has already declared himself the duke of Kuradum.
Though he knows he won't actually take up that position until he defeats the ruling council's forces.
And either killed off or deposed all of his former colleagues on the council that rules the city-state of Kuradum.
Knowing not to argue with the rebel councilman, commander Pierce says to the subcommander "Get a squad of the councilman's personal guards". As subcommander Phogarn hurries out into the hallway to speak with one of the runners.
The so called duke of Kuradum quietly says " Our plans for the attack upon Gensa are vital in the overall attack to take the capital".
"I know sir" says the commander, who is the second in command overall of councilman Hirrye's army and forces in the war against the ruling council.
Pierce quietly continues with "That's why I'm hoping it's only a rumour at the moment" he briefly pauses before slightly shrugging, then adding "If not, we'll have to change them, which won't be easy".
The rebel councilman just grunts in reply to that, then he falls silent as they wait for a squad of his personal guard to arrive.
It's not too long before a squad of the councilman's personal guards have been assembled.
And the sorceress Losmena creates a rift that they all head through. The otherside of which is on the side of a road, further to the east in the city-state of Kuradum.
"It's just around the bend in the road" says Losmena the sorceress who is last through the rift.
"Around that hillock up there" adds the attractive teenage spellcaster who drops her rift spell, which disappears behind her.
Both commander Pierce and subcommander Phogarn nod as they recognise where they are.
And send some of the guards off up ahead. The group make their way along the road, heading towards the town of Fosturn.
The weather here today is much more milder than it is in the northwest of the city-state.
And true there's still patches of snow upon the ground. Compared to the northwest. In the area of Galmond Falls. Where there was at least another foot of snow overnight.
The temperature is mild for the middle of winter. With very little in the way of wind too.
"What's that?" asks councilman Hirrye as up ahead, the two guards who are out infront of everyone else.
Have stopped, and one is looking back, and is waving his left arm.
"Hell" mutters commander Pierce after he shares a look with subcommander Phogarn.
"Not good" says the commander in the rebel army as he looks at the councilman walking beside him.
Hirrye frowns, slightly dreading what they'll see when they round the corner up ahead, where two of his personal guards have stopped.
Just mere moments later and the entire group stop as they're finally able to see the town of Fosturn.
"Gods damn it" says councilman Hirrye in disgust as he looks at the town that one of his battalions had taken over.
A town that they were using not just for logistical reasons here in this part of northern Kuradum.
But also for building war machines as it's a town known for it's forestry and woodworking.
As woodlands surround it to the north and the east. A town that all year round has an ample supply of seasoned wood.
Commander Pierce, as well as subcommander Phogarn wince as they see that the rumoured attack upon the town of Fosturn is infact true.
Then the senior most officer after a quick look at the damage done to the town.
Slightly nods his head, then says "Targeted attack". He points as he adds "See there, just the work yards on this side of the town have been attacked".
Commander Pierce continues with "Most of the siege equipment and heavy weapons destroyed as well".
He follows that with "The town itself is fairly infact apart from the handful of buildings on this side that have been burnt down".
Looking at councilman Hirrye and the sorceress Losmena, commander Pierce says "Enemy spellcasters I'd say".
"I agree" says the sorceress Losmena with a nod of her head, who then continues on with "And by some of the size of those craters there, I'd say at least one of them was very powerful".
The councilman who sees himself as the duke of Kuradum just grunts at that, then he says "Let's go and see what else has happened".
They make their way to the nearby town of Fosturn. And they see soldiers in the rebel army cleaning up debris from the attack. Which they soon learn took place two mornings ago just after dawn.
Once in town, they make their way to the headquarters of the battalion stationed here in Fosturn, which is over to the west side of town.
As Hirrye and those with him make their way through town and his soldiers in his army notice him, he's cheered by the rebel soldiers.
For the councilman is a popular leader of his army in the rebellion against the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Not so the local townsfolk of Fosturn when they realise who it is that's just arrived in town.
There's silence and a lot of stares at the rebellion leader when he goes by with those he's with.
The rebel councilman maybe extremely popular with those in his forces, especially the Kuradian army who are fighting for his cause.
Not so much with the local populace here in the north of the city-state as he's brought war to their part of the nation.
At the inn the battalion here in Fosturn are using as their headquarters.
They find one of the battalion subcommanders in charge after commander Pierce asks "Where's commander Rahsan?".
Referring to the battalion commander here in the town of Fosturn.
"We believe he was taken by the enemy sir" says the battalion subcommander who continues with "One moment he was with us as we were rushing to the otherside of town to see what was happening".
He continues on with "The next moment he vanished from the middle of the group".
"Hell" mutters commander Pierce, while councilman Hirrye winces as they both know the battalion commander knew a fair amount of their plans to attack the capital city.
Not just the diversionary plans from here in the north of the city-state.
They also learn that the two spellcasters assigned to the battalion. A pair of wizards, were killed in the attack.
And that they were the only ones actually killed in town. As all the other casualties and fatalities were in the work yards to the east of town.
As they listen to the report from the battalion subcommander about the attack here on Fosturn.
The group who traveled here with councilman Hirrye are silent for the most part.
Until the battalion subcommander says "A couple of the men on the south side of town spotted something".
He follows that with "They were in two different places on that side of town, so I'm fairly certain what they both say is accurate".
The subcommander of the battalion stationed here in Fosturn goes on to describe how the two men saw a small ball of light. Red, about the size of an apple come shooting towards town.
And a few moments later, they heard one of the loud explosions that rocked the east side of town during the attack two mornings ago.
Councilman Hirrye, commander Pierce and subcommander Phogarn all look to sorceress Losmena.
Who slightly grimaces at hearing what the battalion subcommander has to say.
Then the attractive teenage spellcaster nods for them to join her over in a corner of the common room in the inn.
"What is it?" quietly asks commander Pierce after the sorcerers Losmena quietly tells them "That's not good".
The practitioner of magic then says "From what the subcommander just described, I'm more than certain that was a mageglobe those two men saw".
She briefly pauses before continuing with "And only mages can create those things".
"Hell, the council has no mages on their side do they?" asks subcommander Phogarn.
"Not that we know of" says commander Pierce, who follows that with "Though that doesn't mean that new foreign mercenary army they've hired doesn't have them".
"Looks like they have" quietly says Losmena, who though young is extremely powerful for a sorceress.
"Can you take one out?" asks councilman Hirrye.
"One on one, in a head on fight?" says the teenage spellcaster, who then adds "No chance".
The rebel councilman grunts at hearing that, then he says "We'll have to deal with that when we come across it".
Then he continues with "For now, we have to deal with this mess here, and see what we can salvage with our plans to attack the capital from this area".
The other three nod in agreement with councilman Hirrye before they start making changes to their plans to take the capital city of Kuradum . . . . . .

Thursday 17 February 2022

The Thick Of It 25.


Helbe the elven thief lowers the body of the wizard he's just killed to the floor.
The elven magic user retracts the spike puncher up into the right sleeve of his jacket. Then he takes off the amulet the wizard is wearing.
It like the other one on the first wizard he killed towards the east side of town.
Is on a necklace, which he quickly senses. And finds to be another single charge magical amulet.
Where the spell inside the gem, has to be charged every day for it to work. Unlike the one Mira Reinholt the mage wears, which is permanent.
The elven masterthief pockets the cheap magical amulet. Which along with the other he'll probably sell.
Then he stands up, and looks out the open window to his right. And with Narladene the ground pixie holding onto his right shoulder as she senses what he's about to do.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, shifts away.
The blurred and shielded elven spellcaster stands upon the roof of a two storey building towards the west side of town.
"Mira" says Narladene the ground pixie as they look towards the hillock about quarter of a mile to the south of the town of Fosturn.
"Mageglobe?" ask Helbe the elven thief as he senses southwards.
The tiny winged creature perched upon the right shoulder of the elven master assassin nods her head yes in reply.
The highly talented elven magic user senses for a mageglobe, which are notoriously difficult to sense and locate.
The elven masterthief in the white hooded cloak nods his head as he finally senses the mageglobe, which is underground.
Then the young elven noble who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
Eyebrows shoot up in surprise as he doesn't just sense one mageglobe, but three of them.
"Hell" mutters the elven master archer as he turns and looks away to the east of town, the direction the trio of mageglobes are heading.
On the east side of town, the forces of councilman Hirrye who are using Fosturn as a staging area for an upcoming attack upon the walled town of Gensa.
Have a number of wagon mounted ballista, as well as scorpions lined up along this side of town.
While just outside the eastern outskirts of town. Is a work yard that was built a few weeks ago.
There, catapults are being built. Along with small siege towers and scaling ladders for the planned attack upon the walled town of Gensa which lies further to the south and west, closer to the capital, here in the north of the city-state of Kuradum.
In the work yard are a number of recently built workshops, resembling barns.
Where engineers, and their workers. Carpenters and labourers. Cut, build and construct the war machines here in this part of the city-state.
In councilman Hirrye's efforts in the war against the ruling council of Kuradum.
Under the ground, speeding towards the east side of town from the wooden hillock that lies to the south of Fosturn. Are a trio of mageglobes created by Mira Reinholt.
As they near the town, the living pieces of magic. Which are following one another, less than five yards apart.
Move away from one another. With the first and second mageglobe veering away to the right.
While the third mageglobe, about the size of a small apple. Basically continues on straight ahead, slightly angling to the left.
The first piece of living magic, along with the second are heading towards the work yard on the outskirts of town.
While the last one, is heading directly towards the wagons lined up along the buildings, and homes on the east side of town.
The first mageglobe pops up from the ground, right amongst a pile of cut, and seasoned logs. Next to which are two uncompleted catapults.
The mageglobe, dark red in colour, comes to the end of it's rather brief existence.
And instant later, so does the second mageglobe, of similar colour. Which has shot up from the ground inside one of the barn like workshops.
Amongst some of the workers, who are just getting their day underway.
While a moment later, the third living piece of magic. This one a brighter red, shoots up out of the ground.
Between a pair of wagons, about halfway along the line of them that are lined up on this side of Fosturn.
The mageglobes being mageglobes. Which are the only living pieces of magic created by any human spellcaster.
Do what mageglobes do. And come to a predictable ending of their lives. They explode. In a typical, fairly predictable fashion as mage's creations goes. In a violent, and over the top manner, no matter how powerful the mage is.
There's a dark red explosion that rocks the early morning here in and around the town of Fosturn. To the east of town to be exact.
Wood and earth go flying in all directions, mainly up and out from the centre of the dark red, flaming explosion. Which is amongst a pile of logs used in the construction of catapults for councilman Hirrye's army.
Anyone caught up in that first explosion, are killed instantly. Mostly from flying debris. Which tears apart anyone it hits.
An instant later, there's another explosion. This one in the middle of the three workshops that have been recently built just outside the town of Fosturn.
The wooden building shatters apart in a fiery explosion, dark red in colour. Sending wood and other debris flying out from the epicenter of the explosion.
Which was right in the middle of the workshop. Next to a group of surprised workers, who were just getting their day started.
On what's a cold, and frosty morning here about a hundred and twenty miles to the north and east of the capital city of Kuradum.
As lethal debris goes flying out in all directions. There's a momentary pause after the second explosion.
Then there's a third explosion. This one right along the eastern edge of town.
An explosion that's slightly smaller than the first two. Though much brighter than the previous two.
And potentially more destructive. As it really is a fiery explosion amongst the line of wagons on this side of Fosturn.
Burning, liquid fire sprays out in all directions from the third explosion. Instantly consuming the two wagons it exploded between. Two wagons that had ballista mounted on them.
The liquid fire shoots across other wagons in the line. As well as spraying across a number of buildings and homes on this side of the fairly sizeable town here in the north of the city-state of Kuradum.
Further back from the line of wagon mounted ballista and scorpions. Are rows of fire and smoke wagons.
In them are dry materials, usually straw, under cover to protect them from the elements.
They're used to create smoke screens during a siege upon a defensive location. Like a castle, or a walled town.
A crow can be seen flying over the rows of fire wagons. Which start to live up to their name after the third explosion happens on the east side of town.
One after the other, the fire wagons on one of the rows start to catch on fire.
With the dry material in the back, in the wagon bed. Going up in flames in an instant.
As the raven, the familiar of Saanea the witch goes over that row of wagons.
The pretty looking witch has her raven fly back over the next row of fire wagons.
And one by one, they start to catch on fire. And true they're not engulfed in flames instantaneously like the wagons destroyed by the mage Reinholt's third mageglobe coming to the end of it's short existence.
They still catch alight quick enough, that those running around wondering who's attacking them.
Take a while to attempt to put them out. By the time they do, most of the fire wagons set alight by the witch from the Maldin Hills, are destroyed.
Suddenly one of the two remaining workshops, the one furthest from the edge of town.
Starts to glow a bright white light from a beam of light that has suddenly appeared in the early morning sky.
The white light is so bright, that after a while human eyes can't look upon it without tears flowing.
Then the workshop, the largest of the three recently built to the east of town. Shatters apart in complete silence.
Bits of wood, go flying in all directions. As do the equipment, and the materials inside of the workshop.
Not to mention the ten or so people inside of the workshop. Who were just getting underway for the day when the first explosion rocked the morning.
The silent explosion is so powerful that bits of debris go flying through and over the burning remains of the middle workshop.
And smash into the first of the workshops off to one side in the work yard.
Large chunks of flying timber go smashing through the side wall of the first of the workshops.
One large bit of lumber hits it so powerfully that goes in through one wall, and out the opposite wall.
And onwards, where it smashes into some of councilman Hirrye's soldiers. Who have run from town to see if they can put out the burning logs and catapults in the work yard.
"Looks like they're making a right old mess of the rebel councilman's war machines over there" quietly says Helbe the elven thief from the roof of a two storey building on the west side of the town of Fosturn.
On the right shoulder of the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
Narladene the ground pixie nods her head in agreement with the elven masterthief she's attached to.
The highly talented elven magic user senses another mageglobe come from the wooded hillock to the south of town.
This one he spots, as it pops up out of the ground a hundred yards south of Fosturn.
And as it heads towards the burning wreckage in the work yard to the east of town.
The elven master assassin who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, glances at Narladene the ground pixie, who winces as she says "That's going to be a nasty one".
A few moments later, and the elven master archer winces too. As the living piece of magic created by Mira Reinholt the mage comes to the end of it's short life, and explodes.
"Mira doesn't do things by half measures" dryly says the blurred and shielded elven magic user.
As he and the naturally magical creature from the Sunreach Mountains who is attached to him.
Watch the flaming ball of expanding fire, mushroom up into the morning sky from where the remaining workshop stood.
Helbe the elven thief winces again as can imagine the number of the enemy caught up in that fiery explosion from the mageglobe created by the spellcaster originally from the city-state of Vexil.
Then the elven princeling from Laerel and the ground pixie standing upon his right shoulder.
Watch as one by one, the small siege towers that have been completed. Get hit by a narrow shaft of white light that comes down from the morning sky.
Each time one of the siege towers is struck by the narrow shaft of white light, it shatters apart in a silent explosion.
The two of them watch the destruction away to the east of town for a bit.
Then the elven masterthief glances down at the nearby streets, where a fair few people. Both town folk and those in the army of councilman Hirrye stationed here.
Are running through the town, heading to the east side of Fosturn where the attack is taking place.
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel spots a group of the enemy, predominantly officers, hurrying along a nearby street.
And as usual when an opportunity like this arises, the elven master assassin reads a few of their minds.
"Now look at who we have here" quietly says the highly talented elven magic user who has the ability to cast multiple spells at once.
Something of a rarity, as most practitioners of magic struggle to cast two spells at once.
"Who?" asks Narladene the ground pixie as she peers down at the passing enemy officers.
"The battalion commander here" replies prince Helbenthril Raendril, who follows that with "Best i go and get him, and take him with us".
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel, who is the envoy and chief negotiator for the armies of Farque. Shifts away from the rooftop he's on top of.
The next moment on a nearby street, the commander of the battalion of councilman Hirrye's army stationed here in the town of Fosturn.
Is running between a pair of his subordinates, heading east through town, on this cold winter's morning, here in the north of the city-state of Kuradum.
The next moment the battalion commander suddenly disappears from between two of his subordinates.
Who like the others in the group, suddenly stop, and wonder where the hell their commander has disappeared to . . . . . .

Tuesday 15 February 2022

The Thick Of It 24.


Beldane the cleric looks at the map one more time, then he says "Got it".
In reply to Helbe the elven thief who quietly asks him "Got it?".
The powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell folds up his map, as does the elven magic user with his one.
Then the member of the church of Glaine looks back at lord Farque, who nods his full helmed head in response to that look from the Nastellian cleric.
Next to Beldane, the elven masterthief puts out his lightball and the large room goes dark.
As he does, the fighting cleric casts. And a few moments later a portal starts to form. In this instance, a gateway, which is a spell used by clerics.
Once it fully forms, Beldane steps to one side and Helbe the elven thief hurries through it.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel is quickly followed by Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, and Lisell Maera the scout.
Then one by one the rest of the group go through the gateway. Until finally Beldane goes through, following after Dorc da Orc.
In the large room the group has on the second floor of the inn they've hired here in the city of Kuradum, the gateway disappears.
While in the north of the city-state, the otherside of the gateway vanishes when the powerful cleric drops his spell after he's walked away from it.
It's early morning, and here in the north of the city-state of Kuradum it's cold.
There's patches of snow covering the ground, testament of the snowfall that swept across much of northern Kuradum a couple of nights ago.
The group are on a wooded hillock, and at the northern edge of the trees, they get a good view of a town about quarter of a mile away.
A town about a hundred and twenty miles to the north and east of the capital city of Kuradum.
"Well, well, well, would you look at that" quietly says Helbe the elven thief as Beldane the cleric walks up next to him and lord Farque.
As Tamric Drubine walks over from behind a nearby tree, the undead warlord looks back, and waves Dorc da Orc forward.
As the large ork makes his way forward to the edge of the trees, Beldane the cleric quietly asks "How many of them down there?".
"There's about two thousand people down there" is the quiet reply of the large, heavily armoured deathlord, who then adds "Easily twelve hundred of them are their's".
As the ork warleader squats down next to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, and looks down at the nearby town.
Tamric Drubine the field commander quietly says "Mantlets, fire wagons and carts, scorpions, ballista" he gestures to the east of town and adds "Those logs and lumber are definitely building material for catapults".
The nobleborn field commander in the armies of Farque who was born in the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, continues with "Though i don't think they can make any trebuchets with that lot".
From where he squats, Dorc da Orc grunts in agreement with the young field commander who is a senior officer in the armies of Farque.
"And by the looks of it, i don't see any of their mercenaries down there" quietly says Helbe the elven thief, who looks away to the left, to the tree that Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy is standing behind, looking down at the nearby town.
The elf originally from the principality of Alínlae, nods his hooded head in agreement with the elven master assassin who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel.
"No trebuchets, I'm guessing they're not going to attack the capital with this lot" quietly says Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by the others in the group.
"And the fact we're a good a hundred and twenty miles northeast of the city" adds the young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who is the son of a previous Knight of Castle Drubine, which can be found in the forested north of that particular kingdom.
"The walled town of Gensa is only forty miles south, southwest of here" says lord Farque as he studies the town, and the early morning activity in and around it.
"That is this lot's target" adds the undead being who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands.
After quietly saying something in orkish to Dorc da Orc, and the warleader of the ork race grunting, and saying something back in his native tongue.
The lord of the death realm quietly says "There's a pair of spellcasters down there".
"There is?" say Beldane the cleric and Helbe the elven thief, in unison and in surprise.
While away to the right, behind another tree, Saanea the witch's arched eyebrows lift up in surprise.
As like the powerful cleric, and the highly talented elven magic user. She can't sense anyone of magical ability down in the nearby town.
While a quarter of a mile away, is about the limit of how far Mira Reinholt is able to sense.
And he's unable to sense anyone who is a spellcaster down there anyway.
"They've both got something similar to what Mira wears" says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who continues with "Either a ring or an amulet".
Both Beldane the cleric and Helbe the elven thief nod in understanding. Then the fighting cleric, who is holding his power within himself, as is Saanea the witch.
While the elven spellcaster has a shield up, and the mage Reinholt wears an amulet that does exactly the same thing.
Asks the undead warlord "They didn't sense the gateway did they?".
"Since no one has come here to see what's going on" says Draugadrottin, who then dryly adds "I'd fucking guess not".
Then the large, heavily armoured deathlord says to the elven master archer "Go and take care of those two spellcasters they've got".
Switching to the royal elven language that only he and the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel speak, lord Farque says "Get that annoying gnat of yours to show you who they are".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril faintly smiles as he glances sideways at Narladene the ground pixie who is perched on his right shoulder.
Invisible to everyone except for himself and the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Then a thoughtful frown appears on the youthful looking face of the elven masterthief who is the envoy for the armies of Farque.
And in the common language, the highly talented elven magic user asks "We're attacking them?" followed by "Just us?".
"Since we're here" says the undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer.
"We might as well" adds the lord of the death realm as he continues to watch the early morning goings on, down in the nearby town.
"Er, didn't you say there's about twelve hundred of them down there?" says Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit from where he stands next to Mira Reinholt the mage.
"Should make it a fair fight then" says lord Farque, who faintly smiles behind the visor of his full helm as the others, with the exception of Dorc da Orc, all look at him.
"Relax" says the large, heavily armoured deathlord, who follows that with "We're not going to take them all on".
Des'tier points, then adds "But we are going to destroy as much of that equipment and those heavy weapons of theirs as possible".
He continues with "It'll definitely put a dent in their plans to attack Gensa" followed by "Not to mention the idea of a siege attack during winter is pretty fucking idiotic".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque briefly pauses before adding "Bold though, but idiotic".
Helbe the elven thief nods his hooded head in reply to Draugadrottin telling him "Find out all you can about their plans before you take care of those two" then the undead warlord adds something else in the royal elven language.
The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel disappears as he first blurs himself, then shifts away.
As the highly talented elven magic user heads down into the nearby town of Fosturn.
The others devise a plan to attack the enemy. And in devise, that means lord Farque comes up with the plan, with the others, in particular the spellcasters minus Helbe the elven thief contributing.
As they're the ones who will do most of the heavy lifting, so to speak. Upon the enemy down in the town of Fosturn.
For Beldane the cleric, he knows he'll have to bare most of the attack upon the forces of councilman Hirrye, less than a quarter of a mile away from their position.
And true, Mira Reinholt the mage is the most destructive of the practitioners of magic in the group.
The mage from the city-state of Vexil is no where as powerful as he was when he was a young man.
After being stripped of most of his vast amount of powers a number of years ago.
When he went offworld through a rift/void spell that he accidentally cast.
Something he's done once again since then. Though without any major incident.
As that time, along with at least half of the group. Stayed here on the planet of Volunell.
And ended up on the far east coast of the continent. Where they ended up in the Sultanate of Dreese.
So Beldane, who is by far the most powerful spellcaster in the group, will be expected to take on the lion share of the attack on the enemy.
"Don't bother attacking any of their troops" quietly says lord Farque as he looks at the human spellcasters in the group. Beldane the cleric, Mira Reinholt the mage, and Saanea the witch.
"If you get any of them, fine" continues the lord of the death realm, who follows on from that with "But concentrate on their siege weapons and equipment".
As they stand behind a couple of the trees here on the northern edge of the wooded hillock.
The undead being who died nearly found and a half centuries ago, points out what he definitely wants destroyed.
After the trio of spellcasters explain what each one of them will do, and the lord and ruler of the lands of Farque is satisfied with what they'll do.
Draugadrottin quietly says to the rest of the group "Our job is to keep these three safe". As he gestures at the trio of spellcasters.
"If that lot down there figure out we're up here" says Des'tier, who continues with "We'll have to stop any of them who might get it into their thick fucking heads to come up here and explore things out".
Then the undead warlord says to Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic "You two stick close to me".
The ork warleader grunts, and the nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic nods.
The lord of the death realm knows that though the bitter rivals are often lazy when it comes to engaging with the enemy.
Both of them prefer that the enemy come to them, instead of them going to the enemy.
That doesn't mean either one of them wouldn't tear off down the hill and run at the enemy all by themselves.
So Draugadrottin knows it's best to keep the ork weaponsmith and the knight, who is a member of the order of The Knights of Saint Mar-che close to him in an attack like the one they're planning this morning.
After Beldane the cleric quietly says "You first Mira?". As he knows the once powerful mage is the quickest to act out of the trio of human spellcasters.
And Mira Reinholt the mage replies with "I will". As looks down at where there's ballista and scorpions lined up on one side of the town.
The powerful cleric originally from the kingdom of Nastell. Who isn't officially in the armies of Farque.
Infact, he's never even stepped foot in the lands Farque, even though he's been with the group that travels with the lord of the death realm for more than three years.
Walks over to where Draugadrottin is standing after the large, heavily armoured deathlord nods his full helmed head for the fighting cleric to join him.
"Get ready to cast a gateway back to the capital if things get more than a little hectic" quietly says Des'tier to the member of the church of Glaine.
A god that's predominantly worshiped in the north of Beldane's homeland, the kingdom of Nastell.
Then the undead warlord says to them all "That's one". As he senses Helbe the elven thief has just killed one of the enemy spellcasters down in the town of Fosturn.
Lord Farque and Beldane the cleric walk over to where Mira Reinholt the mage and Saanea the witch are standing.
As they do, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque senses that the elven masterthief is closing in on the second of the enemy spellcasters in the town of Fosturn.
The lord of the death realm quietly says after a few moments "Get ready".
Then after a little bit, the lord and ruler of the lands Farque nods his full helmed head, and says "And that's two".
As he senses that Helbe the elven thief has just killed the second of the spellcasters down in the enemy occupied town of Fosturn.
Beldane the cleric takes his magical mace from the loop of his wide belt, and goes to cast.
When lord Farque tells him, along with Mira Reinholt the mage and Saanea the witch "Go for it" . . . . . .

Sunday 13 February 2022

The Thick Of It 23.


The afternoon here in the city of Kuradum is cold. Though not as cold as it was first thing this morning up in the northeast of the city-state.
Zam the ex mercenary still can't believe he's experiencing things like this.
Early morning in freezing, snowy conditions a couple hundred miles away to the northeast.
Where he took part in battle against the enemy in the war for control of the city-state of Kuradum.
Now this afternoon he's in the relative safety of the capital city. To be exact, in the south of the city of Kuradum. In the neighbourhoods where he grew up. And up until a little over a year and a half ago. Where he still lived.
The ex mercenary is with Tovis the war engineer, and Lisell Maera the scout.
Along with Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy, who is a little bit out infront of the other three.
On what's a cold, but clear and sunny afternoon here in the city of Kuradum.
Zam doesn't know why. But lord Farque gave Dalinvardèl Tanith an order earlier when they were at the barracks of the Kuradian army. During the meeting with the local army commander Tracklen, and his staff.
Now the four of them are in the south of the city, heading towards one of the bridges that crosses the river that runs along the south of the capital city.
"Use to hang out around that square a lot when i was younger" quietly says Zam the ex mercenary pointing away to their left as the walk along a street.
The young man from here in the city of Kuradum, who is walking to the left of Tovis the war engineer and Lisell Maera the scout, continues with "The local city guard garrison i joined is in that direction too".
Both the war engineer and the scout in the armies of Farque nod, as they've heard about how Zam was briefly in the city guards of Kuradum.
Until he was asked to leave for misbehaviour. Theft of weapons being the misbehaviour.
The only reason he wasn't more severely punished was because he had a forgiving sergeant. Not to mention a pretty lackadaisical garrison commander who missed a lot of infarctions amongst his guards.
The ex mercenary who grew up here on the poor side of the city, spots the spy Tanith up ahead, talking to a couple of stall holders.
Street side stalls are more common here in the southern quarter of the city than elsewhere.
Stalls and markets tend to be in squares and courtyards in other parts of the capital city.
Not here in the poorer areas, where stalls go up pretty much anywhere people can put them up.
Usually carts or old farm wagons, that can be moved around to various locations throughout the poor quarter of the city.
"Hold up for a bit" quietly says Lisell Maera the scout after spotting a subtle hand gesture from the elven spy up ahead.
The scout Maera, along with the war engineer and the ex mercenary stop out infront of a chandlers.
One of the more prosperous businesses in this neighbourhood in the poor quarter if the amount of people going in and out of it is anything to go by.
"Busy place" quietly says Tovis the war engineer in the elven language, who repeats it in the common language as Zam is still learning the basics of elvish.
"That's because there's a gambling den out back" quietly says the ex mercenary.
The scout Maera lifts an eyebrow in surprise, then she quietly says "Gambling isn't illegal here in Kuradum".
"The stuff they gamble on is" quietly says Zam in barely more than a murmur.
The young man, who at seventeen is the youngest member of the group who travels with lord Farque, continues with "Knife fights, sometimes to the death, those sort of things".
The scout and the war engineer nod as a couple more people enter the chandlers.
Then Lisell Maera, who grew up in similar neighbourhoods in the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, quietly says "Let's go".
As up ahead, Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy is on the move again. Heading towards one of the bridges that crosses the river along the south of the city.
As they make their way through the streets of the south quarter of the city, Lisell Maera quietly says to the war engineer and the ex mercenary "Gauge the mood of the people".
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is a scout in the armies of Farque quietly adds "See what they think of the war".
Then in elven, the scout Maera quietly says to the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic "You get to babysit the newbie".
Though he rolls his eyes, the war engineer who is a captain in the armies of Farque, does nod his head in reply to that from Lisell Maera.
"Come on Zam" says Tovis the war engineer, who gestures to the otherside of the street, and adds "We'll go over to that side and see what the people think".
The ex mercenary nods, then follows the Druvician war engineer across the street.
While Lisell Maera, or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group continues along this side of the street. Keeping an eye on Dalinvardèl Tanith who is up ahead of them.
Tovis and Zam stop infront of street side stall holder. And as the war engineer starts speaking to the stall holder.
The ex mercenary who is silent, recognises the man on the otherside of the cart.
Zam doesn't know his name, but over the years, when he's been able to afford it. He's bought the stall holders stuffed flat bread on a number of occasions.
The ex mercenary recognises him. The same can't be said for the stall holder in relation to him.
The man gives him a single look, before going back to speaking with Tovis. Who is asking him about how business is going and how the war is effecting him and his trade.
After a little while, as the war engineer and the ex mercenary walk away.
Zam realises the stall holder doesn't recognise him because all he sees is another black clad foreign soldier, in armour, with weapons.
And not the young man who grew up here on these streets, who on occasion would buy his wares.
The ex mercenary runs across this a few times, when he and the captain in the armies of Farque stop to talk to people.
Whether it's stall holders, shop keepers, or just people on the street.
Zam recognises quite a few of them, even a couple he knows quite well, who he knows by name, and they know him and his name.
But none of them even acknowledge him, as all they see is another soldier from a foreign land, who has been hired by the ruling council, in the war against the rebel councilman, Hirrye.
True, Zam has grown his hair out since he lived here in the poor quarter of the city of Kuradum.
But even so, his appearance hasn't changed that dramatically since he last lived here a little over a year and a half ago.
As he walks alongside Tovis the war engineer, Zam is surprised at how people just look at the perceived outside impressions of others. And not the finer details, with which would come recognition.
"Cross back over" quietly says the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic after they round a corner, and find Lisell Maera waiting at the edge of a small square.
"Well?" quietly asks the attractive young woman in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
"Most people aren't too effected by the war" is the quiet reply of Tovis, who follows that with "Apart from a few shortages of foodstuffs that aren't coming in from the countryside".
The Druvician who is a captain of one of the engineering corps in the armies of Farque continues with "Though a number of people did mention it's no worse than most winters".
Zam nods his head in agreement with the war engineer, who previously served a baron Harkonin in his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic.
"And their thoughts on the war?" quietly asks the scout Maera, who is looking at a shop a bit further down the street.
A street that leads straight to one of the bridges that crosses the river which flows along the south of the city.
"I get the feeling most people in this part of the city don't actually care who rules them" is the quiet reply of Tovis, who continues with "Most couldn't care if the ruling council, or that upstart Hirrye is victorious".
"I agree" quietly says Zam, who follows that with "Just as long as they can live their lives like they already do, they don't care who rules Kuradum".
"They'll bloody well care if that Hirrye comes in here from the south and his army starts killing them all" sourly says the scout Maera, who continues with "I'll guarantee you that they'll start fucking caring about who rules them then".
Both Zam the ex mercenary and Tovis the war engineer nod in agreement to that.
Then they follow the lean, athletic, attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
Whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father. A man she never knew, or for that matter, even met. Was a sailor who plied his trade upon the Great Western Ocean.
Lis has seen Dalinvardèl Tanith walk from the shop she had an eye on. And the elven spy originally from the principality of Alínlae. Gives a subtle signal by way of a hand gesture that the scout Maera recognises.
When they get to the spy Tanith, Lisell Maera lifts a questioning eyebrow, and he responds with a slight nod of his grey hooded head.
Then Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy points down the street, and says "Why don't we go down to the bridge and check things out before we head back".
The elf who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque, then adds "See how the traffic is, and who is coming and going".
They head off, and Zam finds himself walking next to the spy Tanith, while Lisell Maera the scout and Tovis the war engineer, move off infront of them.
Getting about twenty yards infront of the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, and the ex mercenary who grew up in this part of the city of Kuradum.
As they walk down the street, Dalinvardèl Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly called by the others in the group, quietly asks Zam "Find out the mood of the people in this part of the city?".
"We did" replies the Kuradian ex mercenary as he watches Lisell Maera and Tovis the war engineer up ahead of them.
Zam then quietly goes onto explain what they found out by talking to some of the locals, here in the southern quarter of the city.
"Nothing out of the ordinary then" quietly says the spy who previously served in one of the more prominent noble houses of his homeland, the elven principality of Alínlae.
As they near the bridge that crosses the river that runs along the south of the city, the spy Tanith glances sideways at the teenager who grew up here in this part of the city of Kuradum.
The elven spy who is a company commander in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque.
Sees that ex mercenary is watching the pair up ahead infront of them, more than their surroundings, and the others on the street.
Dalin slightly nods his hooded head in understanding before they come to a stop just to the side of the bridge, where Lis and Tovis are waiting for them.
They stay by the bridge for a little bit, occasionally chatting with someone either entering the city, or leaving it.
After maybe half a turn of a sand glass, Dalinvardèl Tanith quietly tells the other three "Let's head back".
Once again, Zam the ex mercenary finds himself walking with the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae.
While up ahead, leading the way back through the southern quarter of the city.
Is the war engineer from the kingdom of Druvic and the scout who hails from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury.
Knowing it's best to hit the subject head on, the spy Tanith quietly says to the human teenager walking beside him "You probably best to forget about it Zam".
The ex mercenary looks sharply at the tall elf in the grey hooded cloak walking beside him, then quietly asks "What do you mean?".
Nodding his hooded head to the pair up ahead of them, Dalin quietly says "Lis" followed by "She's not interested".
Zam's cheeks instantly go red with embarrassment, and he says a little defensively "What do you mean?".
Barely avoiding rolling his eyes, as he doesn't want to embarrass the ex mercenary too much, the elven spy tells him "You're a young man, she's an attractive young woman, you figure it out".
The teenage Kuradian goes to speak, but the company commander in the armies of Farque quietly tells him "Tovis felt the same way as you, and was rejected by the scout" followed by "Now there's an understanding between the two, and they're better off because of it".
Zam is silent as Dalinvardèl Tanith continues with "Trust me, you don't want to be rejected by her infront of the others" followed by "You'll never hear the end of it".
The elven spy then quietly says "And by whatever gods you believe in, don't do anything untowards to her, because she'll kill you if you do".
Dalin briefly pauses before adding "And if she doesn't, lord Farque will" the spy Tanith then adds "Trust me, you do not want that to happen, you won't just be killed, but your soul will be in peril if that happens".
Zam will admit it, he's physically attracted to Lisell Maera, pretty much has been since just after joining the group back in the autumn.
And as he walks beside Dalinvardèl Tanith through the poor quarter of the city of Kuradum.
He takes to heart the warning from the elven spy as they follow Tovis the war engineer and Lisell Maera the scout back to where the rest of the group are.
On this cold, but sunny winter's day here in the capital of the city-state of Kuradum . . . . . .

Wednesday 9 February 2022

The Thick Of It 22.


"Don't let them take me!" shouts the prisoner as he's hauled off down the hallway between a couple of local soldiers .
"Don't let them do what they did to Domore!" continues the prisoner, who is an officer in councilman Hirrye's army.
"You served with him Morris" adds the prisoner as he looks back down the hallway.
He then shouts out "By the gods what that green one did to him!".
One of the local soldiers dragging him away, slaps him across the back of the head.
The fight goes out of him then, and he slumps between the two soldiers taking him away.
The prisoner can be heard sobbing as they go around a corner, on the way to the nearby cells.
The adjunctant Morris, and commander Tracklen share a look. Then the two of them look over at the group who have just recently arrived here at the main council building. In the capital of the city-state of Kuradum.
Their leader, the lord Farque just shrugs his broad, heavily armoured shoulders in response to their look.
Then the commander of the local army, and his adjunctant share a look again.
As they both know how the mercenary army hired by the ruling council of Kuradum treat some of the prisoners they capture.
And they don't particularly want to know about whatever happened earlier today, wherever the group were.
After clearing his throat, Tracklen the Kuradian army commander says "I gather things were a success?".
"They were" replies lord Farque, who then says to the local army commander "Gather your staff".
"The council?" asks Tracklen, a man in his early thirties, the most senior of the army officers still loyal to the ruling council of Kuradum.
"No" says the undead warlord, who continues with "Your staff only".
The senior most army officer in the Kuradian council's army pauses for a moment, then nods his head, and says "Yes my lord".
In response to the large, heavily armoured deathlord telling him "Meet over in your rooms in the barracks" followed by "We'll be there soon".
The army commander and his adjunctant nod, then turn and head the otherway down the hallway.
Though not before looking one more time at the large green creature, that is undoubtedly an ork.
It's standing there with a wide grin upon it's broad, green brutish looking face.
Blood splattered across both it's face and body. A lot of it dried looking blood.
But plenty of it fresh. As blood drips from it onto the hallway floor, here near the rear of the main council building.
Commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris don't say a word. Apart from when the army commander gives an order to one of the pair of pages following him and his adjunctant.
The local army officers remain silent as they round the corner, watching the young page hurry away infront of them.
They don't speak again until they make their way out through a side door of the main council building, here in the heart of the city of Kuradum.
"What do you think that was all about?" quietly asks the adjunctant Morris.
"Not having any councillors?" says the army commander Tracklen.
"No" says the junior of the two officers, who follows that up with "What Harmit was going on about with Domore".
"Fairly obvious I'd say" is the quiet reply of the army commander, as the two of them, along with the following page, make their way through the gardens that lie to one side of the main council building.
On what's a cold, but clear winter's day here in the capital of the city-state.
"We've both seen what they do to the prisoners they take" says commander Tracklen who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "What prisoners they do take".
The junior officer nods his head in agreement to that. As the mercenary army from the lands Farque hardly takes prisoners at all.
As their lord is of the opinion wiping out the enemy is the best course of action during wartime.
"Seems to be working" says the commander of the ruling council's army in the war against the rebel councilman, Hirrye.
"We're getting reports of surrenders and others leaving the war" continues commander Tracklen, who follows that with "Kind of smart they let go a small number of prisoners who have witnessed what they do to the others they take".
The adjunctant nods his head in agreement to that as they enter one of the courtyards to the side of the army barracks.
They along with the following page, don't bother to go around to the parade grounds to get to the headquarters.
They just go through one of the barracks, entering through one of the side doors, and going out another on the otherside of the barracks.
The barracks, like most of them here in the center of the city, is fairly empty.
As most of the council's army are spread out across a lot of the city-state as they fight against councilman Hirrye's forces.
At most there's only five hundred soldiers in the capital of late. And though commander Tracklen was first against having so few of the loyalist army here in the capital.
He went along with lord Farque's plan to have so few here in the city of Kuradum.
A plan the foreign lord has yet to fully explain to the local army commander.
Though the senior most officer in the army loyal to the ruling council suspects the lord and ruler of the lands Farque has some elaborate plan with having so few of the loyalist army here in the capital.
They enter the headquarters, and the army commander and his adjunctant, along with the page, head to Tracklen's offices.
There they find a couple of the commander's staff already waiting for them.
Others start to arrive soon, well those still in the capital city on this cold but clear winter's day.
A short while later and the group of foreign mercenaries arrive. Some of them remain in the outer room. While the rest come into the main room,
Commander Tracklen and his adjunctant Morris share a look as they see the state of the large, green creature that's an ork.
It's no longer blood and gore splattered. It's now soaking wet, dripping water where it goes.
It has an absolutely murderous look upon it's broad, green, brutish looking face.
A look of disgust, mixed with anger. That's directed at the leader of the mercenaries, lord Farque.
Still, the ork, that stands seven and half foot tall, and must weigh well in excess of seven hundred pounds.
Goes and sits in a corner of the main office, when the lord and ruler of the lands Farque points there, and says something in the low, growling language that must be the ork tongue.
"What happened to the ork fellow" quietly says commander Tracklen to the elven envoy named Helbe, who along with lord Farque does most of the talking for the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"He fell into one of those ornamental ponds in the gardens next to the main council building" is the reply from Helbe the elven thief.
"Fell?" asks the adjunctant Morris, who finds it hard to believe the ork would fall into anything it didn't want to.
"He had a helping hand" dryly says the highly talented elven magic user with a glance over at lord Farque, who is quietly discussing something with Dalinvardèl Tanith the elven spy at the open doorway between the main office, and the outer one.
After the large, heavily armoured deathlord speaks with the spy Tanith, who makes his way into the outer office.
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque joins those around the table in the main office of the Kuradian army commander.
With commander Tracklen is his adjunctant Morris, as well as a trio of other officers in the loyalist army.
And with the undead warlord, and Helbe the elven thief, are other members of lord Farque's personal council. Mira Reinholt the mage, and Jarjin Littlefoot the hobbit. As well as the field commander Tamric Drubine.
While Dorc da Orc sits in a corner of the main office, feeling both angry and miserable for himself.
After the deathlord of Farque shoved him into one of the ornamental ponds in the grounds of the Kuradian city council.
After glancing at Helbe the elven thief, who tells him "All clear". Lord Farque points to one of the maps on the table.
"We wiped out one of their companies there at dawn" says the undead warlord pointing at a spot in the northeast corner of the city-state.
"Interesting thing is that the entire company was made up of local soldiers, defectors from your army" adds the large, heavily armoured deathlord, who continues with "Not a single mercenary with them".
Commander Tracklen frowns when he hears that. For the enemy tends to have mixed companies. Both local soldiers and mercenaries.
True on the frontlines, local companies amongst councilman Hirrye's forces may fight by themselves.
But you can guarantee the next company along will be a mercenary company that's been hired by the so called duke of Kuradum.
"Seems Hirrye doesn't entirely trust those he's hired" says the lord of the death realm.
The undead being who is also known by the name of Draugadrottin to the people of his lands, then adds "Especially the foreign mercenary companies he's hired".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque points at two other spots on the map that shows all of the city-state of Kuradum, and he says "One more is here in the east, and another in the south".
Lord Farque, who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer continues on with "And there's at least three other of these companies across the nation, where exactly, we're not sure" followed by "We hope to find out soon".
Commander Tracklen nods, then asks "What's their purpose?" the senior Kuradian army officer loyal to the ruling council continues with "He's up to something with those companies that are locals only".
The large, heavily armoured deathlord looks over at Tamric Drubine and nods his full helmed head.
The young field commander Tamric Drubine steps closer to the table, and says "Quite simple really".
Then he goes on to explain what these specific companies in councilman Hirrye's army are up to.
The Kuradian army commander, his adjunctant, and three other loyalist officers listen in silence.
Then after field commander Drubine stops speaking and steps back, commander Tracklen mutters "Son of a bitch".
"Indeed" dryly says the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, who continues with "That's why even with our attacks upon their supply lines and wagons, they're still able to resupply a lot of their army this winter".
The Kuradian army commander grunts in dissatisfaction, while next to him, his adjunctant shakes his head in disgust.
Then they both look at the maps on the tables as lord Farque says "That's why he was in the freelands, the unruled lands to the north".
The undead warlord continues with "He's got those up in Simsar doing his bidding" followed by "I suspect he's doing the same with the unruled lands to the east, and those directly to the south as well".
"Makes sense" mutters the army commander Tracklen, who then adds "No wonder we've had trouble getting supplies, as well as hiring mercenaries from the surrounding freelands" followed by "We've had to go further afield to get them".
Draugadrottin nods his full helmed head in agreement to that, then he says "What are we going to do?.
Followed by "We're going to change things, that's what we're going to do".
In response to the Kuradian army commander asking him "What are we going to do about it?".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then looks at the elven envoy, and says to him  "Tell them".
Helbe the elven thief nods his white hooded head, then he tells commander Tracklen, the adjunctant Morris, and the trio of local officers who are part of Tracklen's staff.
What they're going to do about these latest developments that they've learned about councilman Hirrye's plans in his attempt to overthrow the ruling council of Kuradum, and become the sole ruler of the city-state . . . . . .