Sunday 20 February 2022

The Thick Of It 26.


"Where?" asks subcommander Phogarn.
"Here" says the recently arrived messenger as he points at the map.
"And here as well" adds the messenger.
He briefly pauses before continuing with "There's rumour they've hit elsewhere".
The subcommander is silent for a moment as he glances across the room.
To where councilman Hirrye, along with commander Pierce, and the sorceress Losmena have paused their conversation, and are looking over here.
"And the rumours are where?" asks the subcommander in the rebel army fighting to take control of the city-state of Kuradum.
The messenger points out a few more spots on the map, a couple in the north of the city-state. Which causes the officer to lift his eyebrows in surprise.
"Very well" says subcommander Phogarn after he marks the rumoured spots on the map.
Then after listening to what else the messenger has to say, he gives the man an order, then dismisses him.
The conversation on the otherside of the room resumes. Though only between councilman Hirrye and the young sorceress Losmena.
As commander Pierce makes his way over to the table where the subcommander has just sat down behind.
The more senior officer looks at the map, and the most recent markings. And though not too surprised by most of them.
Pierce is surprised at the latest rumoured attacks by the enemy which are marked in a different coloured ink.
"The hell?" mutters commander Pierce, who then looks at the subcommander and quietly asks him "Think it's true about those two places in the northeast?".
"Maybe" quietly says subcommander Phogarn, who continues with "We or the general will have to send someone to those places to find out".
The commander nods his head in agreement, then quietly says "It'll have to be the general" followed by "We can't spare anyone at the moment".
Subcommander Phogarn is in agreement with that. As the forces they've gathered since councilman Hirrye returned to Kuradum from the unruled lands that lie to the north of the city-state.
Have been stretched to say the least in the war against the ruling council of Kuradum.
After a little while, councilman Hirrye, the would be duke of Kuradum. Along with the sorceress Losmena make their way over to the table.
Where the councilman takes a quick glance at the open map on the table.
The man at war with the ruling council of the city-state frowns as he sees something.
"What's this up here in the northeast?" asks councilman Hirrye who continues with "Marked in different ink".
"Rumoured attack sir" is the reply of commander Pierce, who then adds "The general will send some squads to check on it" followed by "Or one of the airships if they're available".
Still frowning, the councilman who wants to rule Kuradum says "If they have, that'll put pay to our diversionary attacks from the north".
Hirrye briefly pauses before continuing with "Or at least delay them".
"Delay if they actually have attacked them" says commander Pierce, who truth be told isn't too worried if the town of Falkin has been attacked.
Though the other town in the north that a rumoured attacked has taken place.
The town of Fosturn is another matter entirely different. Depending on how badly things have gone if it's been attacked.
"I don't like it" quietly says the councilman who split from the rest of the ruling council, because he doesn't like the way Kuradum has been ruled over the last decade or so.
Looking at the young sorceress, the councilman asks her "You know these places Losmena?". As he points at the two towns on the map. In the north, that have been rumoured the enemy have attacked.
Looking at the map on the table, the sorceress Losmena says "Not Falkin, never been to that part of the northeast".
The young spellcaster, who though powerful, is still a teenager, continues with "I know Fosturn though" followed by "I've been there a couple of times in the last few years".
Looking at the distance from here in the northwest of the city-state where they are at the moment. To the town of Fosturn in the northeast.
The rebel councilman asks the practitioner of magic "Can you get us there?".
After looking at the map, and their position in a small town about twenty miles to the east of Galmond Falls.
The attractive looking sorceress in the blue cloak over her clothes, quickly measures off the distance to the town of Fosturn, then says "I can" followed by "Fairly easily".
"We're going" says Hirrye the councilman, who has already declared himself the duke of Kuradum.
Though he knows he won't actually take up that position until he defeats the ruling council's forces.
And either killed off or deposed all of his former colleagues on the council that rules the city-state of Kuradum.
Knowing not to argue with the rebel councilman, commander Pierce says to the subcommander "Get a squad of the councilman's personal guards". As subcommander Phogarn hurries out into the hallway to speak with one of the runners.
The so called duke of Kuradum quietly says " Our plans for the attack upon Gensa are vital in the overall attack to take the capital".
"I know sir" says the commander, who is the second in command overall of councilman Hirrye's army and forces in the war against the ruling council.
Pierce quietly continues with "That's why I'm hoping it's only a rumour at the moment" he briefly pauses before slightly shrugging, then adding "If not, we'll have to change them, which won't be easy".
The rebel councilman just grunts in reply to that, then he falls silent as they wait for a squad of his personal guard to arrive.
It's not too long before a squad of the councilman's personal guards have been assembled.
And the sorceress Losmena creates a rift that they all head through. The otherside of which is on the side of a road, further to the east in the city-state of Kuradum.
"It's just around the bend in the road" says Losmena the sorceress who is last through the rift.
"Around that hillock up there" adds the attractive teenage spellcaster who drops her rift spell, which disappears behind her.
Both commander Pierce and subcommander Phogarn nod as they recognise where they are.
And send some of the guards off up ahead. The group make their way along the road, heading towards the town of Fosturn.
The weather here today is much more milder than it is in the northwest of the city-state.
And true there's still patches of snow upon the ground. Compared to the northwest. In the area of Galmond Falls. Where there was at least another foot of snow overnight.
The temperature is mild for the middle of winter. With very little in the way of wind too.
"What's that?" asks councilman Hirrye as up ahead, the two guards who are out infront of everyone else.
Have stopped, and one is looking back, and is waving his left arm.
"Hell" mutters commander Pierce after he shares a look with subcommander Phogarn.
"Not good" says the commander in the rebel army as he looks at the councilman walking beside him.
Hirrye frowns, slightly dreading what they'll see when they round the corner up ahead, where two of his personal guards have stopped.
Just mere moments later and the entire group stop as they're finally able to see the town of Fosturn.
"Gods damn it" says councilman Hirrye in disgust as he looks at the town that one of his battalions had taken over.
A town that they were using not just for logistical reasons here in this part of northern Kuradum.
But also for building war machines as it's a town known for it's forestry and woodworking.
As woodlands surround it to the north and the east. A town that all year round has an ample supply of seasoned wood.
Commander Pierce, as well as subcommander Phogarn wince as they see that the rumoured attack upon the town of Fosturn is infact true.
Then the senior most officer after a quick look at the damage done to the town.
Slightly nods his head, then says "Targeted attack". He points as he adds "See there, just the work yards on this side of the town have been attacked".
Commander Pierce continues with "Most of the siege equipment and heavy weapons destroyed as well".
He follows that with "The town itself is fairly infact apart from the handful of buildings on this side that have been burnt down".
Looking at councilman Hirrye and the sorceress Losmena, commander Pierce says "Enemy spellcasters I'd say".
"I agree" says the sorceress Losmena with a nod of her head, who then continues on with "And by some of the size of those craters there, I'd say at least one of them was very powerful".
The councilman who sees himself as the duke of Kuradum just grunts at that, then he says "Let's go and see what else has happened".
They make their way to the nearby town of Fosturn. And they see soldiers in the rebel army cleaning up debris from the attack. Which they soon learn took place two mornings ago just after dawn.
Once in town, they make their way to the headquarters of the battalion stationed here in Fosturn, which is over to the west side of town.
As Hirrye and those with him make their way through town and his soldiers in his army notice him, he's cheered by the rebel soldiers.
For the councilman is a popular leader of his army in the rebellion against the ruling council of the city-state of Kuradum.
Not so the local townsfolk of Fosturn when they realise who it is that's just arrived in town.
There's silence and a lot of stares at the rebellion leader when he goes by with those he's with.
The rebel councilman maybe extremely popular with those in his forces, especially the Kuradian army who are fighting for his cause.
Not so much with the local populace here in the north of the city-state as he's brought war to their part of the nation.
At the inn the battalion here in Fosturn are using as their headquarters.
They find one of the battalion subcommanders in charge after commander Pierce asks "Where's commander Rahsan?".
Referring to the battalion commander here in the town of Fosturn.
"We believe he was taken by the enemy sir" says the battalion subcommander who continues with "One moment he was with us as we were rushing to the otherside of town to see what was happening".
He continues on with "The next moment he vanished from the middle of the group".
"Hell" mutters commander Pierce, while councilman Hirrye winces as they both know the battalion commander knew a fair amount of their plans to attack the capital city.
Not just the diversionary plans from here in the north of the city-state.
They also learn that the two spellcasters assigned to the battalion. A pair of wizards, were killed in the attack.
And that they were the only ones actually killed in town. As all the other casualties and fatalities were in the work yards to the east of town.
As they listen to the report from the battalion subcommander about the attack here on Fosturn.
The group who traveled here with councilman Hirrye are silent for the most part.
Until the battalion subcommander says "A couple of the men on the south side of town spotted something".
He follows that with "They were in two different places on that side of town, so I'm fairly certain what they both say is accurate".
The subcommander of the battalion stationed here in Fosturn goes on to describe how the two men saw a small ball of light. Red, about the size of an apple come shooting towards town.
And a few moments later, they heard one of the loud explosions that rocked the east side of town during the attack two mornings ago.
Councilman Hirrye, commander Pierce and subcommander Phogarn all look to sorceress Losmena.
Who slightly grimaces at hearing what the battalion subcommander has to say.
Then the attractive teenage spellcaster nods for them to join her over in a corner of the common room in the inn.
"What is it?" quietly asks commander Pierce after the sorcerers Losmena quietly tells them "That's not good".
The practitioner of magic then says "From what the subcommander just described, I'm more than certain that was a mageglobe those two men saw".
She briefly pauses before continuing with "And only mages can create those things".
"Hell, the council has no mages on their side do they?" asks subcommander Phogarn.
"Not that we know of" says commander Pierce, who follows that with "Though that doesn't mean that new foreign mercenary army they've hired doesn't have them".
"Looks like they have" quietly says Losmena, who though young is extremely powerful for a sorceress.
"Can you take one out?" asks councilman Hirrye.
"One on one, in a head on fight?" says the teenage spellcaster, who then adds "No chance".
The rebel councilman grunts at hearing that, then he says "We'll have to deal with that when we come across it".
Then he continues with "For now, we have to deal with this mess here, and see what we can salvage with our plans to attack the capital from this area".
The other three nod in agreement with councilman Hirrye before they start making changes to their plans to take the capital city of Kuradum . . . . . .

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