Sunday 10 March 2024

Soldier Of Gods

The Lands Farque. 

Among Jovan's first memories is running across the fields on his family's farm. It was a couple of miles from the nearby village. Which in itself was in an isolated area in the southwest region of the Lands Farque. An isolated nation, that also happens to be the largest nation not just in the south, but right across The Southlands. 
At the age of five, Jovan started attending the learning center in the nearby village. The village being small, there was never more than four of five children of various ages at any one time in attendance. 
Nevertheless, it was here just like at every learning center across the nation, that Jovan learnt of not just numerous subjects. But also of the people of the Lands Farque. The only nation not just in the Southlands. But across the entire world of Volunell where universal schooling is a thing. 
Even the elven principalities, do not have such a thing. For even in those nations, it's only those born into the noble houses, who are schooled from a young age. While others attend once their abilities come into fruition. 
Jovan like the other children of the village and the surrounding farms. Spent a lot of their time when they weren't busy in class, or playing about in their free time. Thinking about when they would go off for training. 
As everyone in the Lands Farque at the age of twelve are sent off for military training. Even if later in life, and you don't join the army, navy or aircorp. You still undertake training for a period of at least four years. 
Though even before that, at the age of five when one starts at their learning centers. Physical training and even weapons training is taught. 
So by the age of seven, Jovan knew the fundamentals of various weapons such as the sword, dagger, axe and even a bow. Though he personally preferred a hammer and mace, sometimes a staff. Which ordinarily is rather unwieldy in the hands of a child. 
It was around this age, that one of the two tutors at the learning center, started looking carefully at him. As if studying him more than the other four children of various ages in class. 
Then one day in early autumn, a day Jovan clearly remembers. The tutor, a younger man in his early twenties. After sending the children on a five mile run in the morning, a run that took them beyond Jovan's family's farm and back. 
Sat at his table at the front of the class, and went through an old leather bound book after studying Jovan in silence for a while. 
The tutor abruptly got up, and left the class. And returned a short while later with someone else, who greeted the children when she entered the class. 
It was the priestess from the village church. Well, a chapel really. As it's far too small to be called a church. 
The priestess, like all of those of that calling in the Lands Farque. Devoted their lives to all the gods of Volunell, well the human ones at least. Even though she was a member of the church of Kaēvin. And like all priests and priestesses in the Lands Farque. She was not a magic user. 
After looking at something in the old leather bound book that the tutor points out, and occasionally glancing at Jovan when she thought he wasn't looking. 
The priestess quietly spoke about something to the tutor, and after wishing the children a good day, she left the learning center. 
For the next week or so, nothing came about from that brief visit by the local priestess. Infact Jovan forgot all about it. Until an unusual event happened one morning. Well an unusual event for their small isolated village in the southwest of Lands Farque. 
An airship arrived, a small, single masted vessel. A patrol ship, one of which is usually seen flying in the distance towards the coast, which is a further twenty miles to the west. 
The five children in attendance that morning at the learning center, hurried to the windows and looked out at the vessel which put down just outside the village after their tutors, who along with the priestess went out to greet those who had come to visit their small village. 
Just two individuals, the ship's captain and another disembarked. That other was all in black, the usual colour worn by those serving in the military. Though he wore no armour, and only had a dagger on his belt. 
And though the children couldn't hear what was said, they clearly saw the small group standing next to the airship. And they were all looking towards the learning center as they discussed something. 
Jovan who speculated with his classmates that the soldier in black was an officer of some kind. Saw him calmly look in their direction, then slowly nod. Causing the others in the small group standing next to the single masted patrol ship, to fall silent. 
Jovan remembers it vividly. He saw both of the tutors wince, while a pained look briefly appears on the youthful looking face of the local priestess. Which quickly turns to a look of sadness. Followed by a look of calmness when she spots Jovan looking her way. 
The priestess then speaks to the officer and the ship's captain, and points away to the northwest. In which direction Jovan's house lies. 
Not long after, and the small single masted airship is airborne, and heading in that direction. The priestess of Kaēvin got onboard the vessel before it left. While the tutors returned to the learning center. To continue the day's classes. 
And though questions were asked by the students including Jovan about the visit by the patrol ship. The pair of tutors refused to answer them. 
After class was finished that day, Jovan hurried home. When he approached the farm house, he waved out to his older sister, who was in a field, with one of the dogs. 
His sister Maiya, who at thirteen had returned home from a break in training, watches her kid brother run by on the dirt road that leads to their home. 
Jovan doesn't notice it, but his sister's face is tear streaked. And she makes for a forlorn figure standing there in the middle of the field watching him run inside, calling out to their mother and father. 
Inside, Jovan finds his mother in the kitchen looking out the window. He doesn't see as he's putting away his day pack. But she quickly wipes her face, before she turns to him with a smile upon her face, and asks him how his day was. 
Jovan is fit to burst, and in a rush. Tells his mother all about what happened today. How a patrol ship came down and landed next to the village. And how the local priestess and tutors from the learning center spoke to some of those who disembarked. 
The seven year old boy, who is slight for his age. Though physically fit, as all children in the Lands Farque are. Can't wait to tell his father at what he saw today. 
And when he asks his mother where father is, she tells him he's taken a pair of the dogs for a walk in the stand of trees to the north of the farm, and that he'll be back later. 
Jovan hurries to his room, briefly wondering why his father went for a walk in the late afternoon. As he's usually busy with bringing in small herd of cows at this time of the day. 
He shrugs his shoulders, and soon forgets about it. As he'll inform his father later when he returns about what happened today. 
A little over two weeks later, and it's heading towards the middle of Autumn, and the mornings are cool. 
Jovan is in for a surprise, as both the learning center tutors, and the local priestess. Turn up at his family's farmhouse on the morning of the seventh day. The day off for the children attending class at the village learning center. 
It seemed his mother and father were expecting them, for they were not surprised at all. Nor his sister Maiya, who for some reason hadn't returned to training. As she usually only has fortnight off every season. 
And when Jovan asked his older sister why she hasn't returned to training at the Winter Palace, which is further hundred miles to the north along the coast. She just told him that she had orders to remain at home for a little while longer. 
As his mother served tea and her sugar biscuits for their guests. Jovan who doesn't notice the occasional glance directed at him by everyone else. 
Is looking out a window, towards the top field, where one of the dogs is running around. It's on the brow of the small hill that way. Most likely chasing a rabbit. When it suddenly stops, looks away to the north, and starts barking as it runs back towards the farmhouse. 
Jovan is just about to mention this, when his father who has noticed the same thing after a quick look at his wife, suggests they all go outside and wait. 
They all troop outside, Jovan and his family, along with the tutors from the nearby village, and the local priestess who is a member of the church of Kaēvin. 
As they stand upon the dirt road on what's a cool but clear and sunny autumn morning. Jovan who doesn't notice that everyone has lined up. With his sister Maiya to the left, and the others to the right. 
Is looking at the brow of the hill on the top field, over which an airship appears, coming from the north, there it stops. And the young boy can only stare at it, as he's never seen such a vessel. 
Jovan blinks in surprise a few times for though he's never seen such an airship in the skies before. He's definitely read about it in class. 
And as he's just wondering why a Krean strikeship is here. The large vessel that has no masts, puts down upon the hill on the top field.
Figures in black disembark, soldiers in various types of armour and carrying all types of weapons. About fifty of them. 
Jovan who thinks they'll come down to the farmhouse, is surprised again, when they fan out in front of the Krean strikeship. And drop to their knees, while facing the large, sleek warship. 
All of a sudden, the tutors and the local priestess drop to their knees. Quickly followed by Jovan's parents and sister. Who pulls Jovan down beside her. 
As he's kneeling there wondering what's going on. Jovan sees some others are disembarking from the Krean strikeship. 
One of whom, who is massive and green, bristling with all manner of weapons causes Jovan to frankly stare, wondering who or more precisely what, he's looking at. 
Then the soldiers in black bow in unison, dropping their heads to the ground when another person. This one also large, but heavily armoured. And definitely human from what Jovan can tell. Disembarks from the mastless vessel. 
Those with Jovan on the dirt road in front of his family's farmhouse do the same. And he automatically does likewise. 
Jovan knows that they as Farqians, as all in their nation are taught they do not bow to anyone. Except for one person and one person only. 
Jovan with his forehead to the ground, glances at his sister beside him, and sees Maiya has her eyes closed. And is trembling, as he is also doing.
He can hear the local priestess quietly praying. Who suddenly falls silent when they all hear a number of people heading this way from the top field. 
Jovan who is wondering what the hell is going on. Hears his mother, directly to his right, take a deep breath to calm herself as the group approaches where they are on the road in front of the farmhouse. 
With his forehead to the ground Jovan can just can make out a pair of steel boots. Blue, black in colour. Of the individual in front of the others when they come to a stop. 
Jovan will always remember that person telling them to rise. And he and the others stood up from where they were kneeling in supplication. 
As he did, Jovan felt his sister Maiya briefly clasp his left hand tightly, before letting it go. 
Jovan looked at the group who had come across the top field, a young man and woman, older teenagers is his best guess, in black armour. 
Standing with a man in a black hooded cloak, who had a strange weapon upon his back. One with a blade at either end. 
Next to him is a short fellow in strange white clothing, and even stranger looking conical shaped hat. 
Behind them in a white hooded cloak, stands a taller figure with a long bow across his back. Obviously not human from the brief glimpse of the face Jovan sees, it's an elf. 
Next to him stands a dwarf in armour, who is sourly looking at the large, green figure standing off to one side. 
Who from what Jovan has read about the various races of the world of Volunell. Can only be an ork. Easily identifiable by the crazed, insane look upon it's face. And the rather pungent smell coming from it's direction. 
There's also a number of soldiers and officers in black standing behind them all. 
But Jovan, like his sister Maiya, their parents. Along with the tutors from the nearby village learning center. As well as the local priestess. 
Attention and focus is upon the large, heavily armoured figure, with a massive sword strapped to his back, standing out in front of the others. Who after bidding them to rise. Speaks to Jovan directly. 
"Jovan Garney?" says the large figure, in the dark blue, black suit of heavy plate armour. 
"Yes my Lord Farque" is the reply from Jovan after a moments hesitation as he can't believe he's being addressed by the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque. 
The large heavily armoured figure steps forward, and lightly rests a gauntleted hand upon the right shoulder of the young boy. 
"Know this Jovan, son of Fraylin and Marcus" Lord Farque says to Jovan "No matter what happens to you, and where life leads you" followed by "You will always be one of us". 
Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands, then raises his voice and a gauntleted fist in the air, and says "One of us!". 
"One of us!" Is the reply in unison from everyone else with the exception of Jovan. 
Who stands there knowing that he's just been given a high honour by his lord and ruler. But also wondering what is exactly going on. 
It's not until a number of years later that Jovan will know what happened on that cool autumn morning when he was seven years old . . . . . . 

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