The City-State Of Vexil.
"What exactly are we looking for?" quietly asks Narladene the ground pixie in the elven language as they look out across the hills, where a lot of the trees have a dusting of snow on them in the dawn light.
"Activity" is the quiet reply of Helbe the elven thief as he looks away to the west, in the direction of the nearest of the columns of the mercenary army gathered by the Geist Trading Company.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" mutters the naturally magical creature who is 'attached' to the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel.
The elven masterthief then explains to the ground pixie what Lord Farque told him last night when he met up with him.
The highly talented elven magic user then adds "They're drifting apart" followed by "And will continue to do so as they hit their next targets and so on, before they turn back to the border".
The tiny winged creature who is sitting upon the right shoulder of the elven master assassin on this morning that's dawned cloudy, as it snowed during the latter half of the night.
Nods her head in understanding, then does so again when the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel tells her "Not only that, if it made sense they would all be further east".
The elven practitioner of magic, who though not exactly powerful in magic like most elven nobles are, especially royal family members like him.
Is a once in a generation magic user, as he in his relatively short life. He's only around two hundred and thirty years old, extremely young for an elven royal who could easily live to over fifteen hundred years old.
Has created numerous new spells already, when the vast majority of magic practitioners, even long lived ones like elven nobles. Hardly ever create a single new spell in their lifetime.
Not only that, he has the ability to cast multiple spells at once. Something rare for any type of spellcaster.
And ever rarer, the elven princeling from Laerel has the power of Foresight. Something extremely rare, a natural ability that he shares with his grandfather Prince Raendril.
Though the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel has yet to master that power of his, and control it. As it tends to hit him whenever and wherever it likes.
"The main road from the border is further east of here" quietly says the elven master archer, followed by "They should be using that" he then adds "Both the Vexilians and the Girdanians hardly patrol that road and border crossing".
The highly talented elven magic user then says "After all the border has been calm and secure since the Battle of Vexil a quarter of a century ago".
"Hmmmm" murmurs Narladene, who after a moments pause as the blurred and shielded elven magic user shifts to further along the hill they're on, adds "And he thinks they're being set up?" followed by "And they'll be attacked?".
Prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head as he walks along the hilltop, with his boots barely making a sound even though he's walking through a light layer of snow.
"The question is, why?" says the young elven noble whose mother is the heir to the throne of Laerel. And whose father is the Warden of Quinthain.
"Someone hates them I guess" says Narladene the ground pixie, who nods when the elven master assassin says "Their cousin Misa?".
"That would be odd" says the naturally magical creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains "Though then again, some families are more than a little odd" dryly adds the tiny winged creature sitting upon the right shoulder of the elven masterthief.
Prince Helbenthril Raendril who has started pacing back and forth along the hilltop they're on, suddenly stops and looks sharply at Narladene after she says "Maybe it's the gold here".
Looking around, the elven master assassin who has seen a number of abandoned mines, and old mine shafts. Presumably dwarven, for in the past there was a large community of hill dwarves living here in the hill country that straddles the borders of the city-state of Vexil and the kingdom of Girdane.
But not now, and there hasn't been for quite some time. As there's only a small number of dwarves scattered across northern Vexil, still occasionally mining.
"There is?" asks the elven master archer who is suddenly interested in what Narladene knows, and he asks her "A lot?".
The tiny winged creature shrugs her shoulders, then tells him "A fair bit I guess" followed by "A lot of it's gone due to the digging and mining in the past".
The ground pixie continues on with "But I still see it as I fly through the ground, especially in the hills further east of here".
"Well, well, well" murmurs the elven masterthief who follows on from that with him saying "Imagine that".
Then the naturally magical creature points up into the cloudy dawn sky, and says "You'll be able to see something from up there".
"Oh" says the elven master assassin who then shifts a few hundred feet up into the sky, as sunlight attempts to break through the cloud cover and fails.
Floating in the air above the hills, the blurred and shielded elven magic user looks away to the east, to where Narladene points.
"There, further north" says the tiny winged creature from the Sunreach Mountains, who continues with "You can't see it until you get closer, but someone been digging a pit over there".
"How far?" asks the young elven noble who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council, and is the undead warlord's envoy.
"Hmmm about three miles I guess" is the reply of the ground pixie, who follows that with "Pretty hard to get to" she then adds "I saw just a track through the forest heading there".
The naturally magical creature who is between five and six inches tall, continues with "There's a small village nearby, I bet someone there knows what's happening".
Helbe the elven thief nods his hooded head, then he shifts away, heading east and north. And it doesn't take him all that long to cover the three or so miles to the location.
"Damn that's bigger than I thought" murmurs the elven princeling from Laerel as he hovers over a pit that's been dug in the ground.
The pit is about fifty feet deep in places, and about two hundred and fifty feet at it's widest. It's roughly circular in shape.
And is near impossible to see from the ground, as it's amongst a heavy part of the forest, tucked in behind one hill, near another hill, that's got a cliff, and river running beside it.
There's empty wooden huts amongst the trees to one side of the pit. A pit that has a massive pile of dirt at one end, while there's a good few feet of water along the rest of the bottom of it.
Water that collects the more it snows and rains, now that it's early winter here in the hill country of northern Vexil.
"They must of stopped digging because of the winter weather" quietly says prince Helbenthril Raendril after they inspect the huts beneath the tree branches.
The highly talented elven magic user doesn't stand too close to the edge of the bit, for he says to Narladene "That's subtle".
"I know" says the ground pixie, who points off to one side, closer to the very edge of the pit on the east side, and adds "It's there".
The elven masterthief grunts as he looks to where a hidden spell has been laid, a warning spell a caster has laid to catch anyone who maybe snooping about, like they are.
Then the elven master assassin's eyebrows shoot up in surprise when the tiny winged creature who is attached to him, quietly tells him "It's elven".
"Huh?" says councilor Raendril, who follows that with "Didn't expect that at all". Narladene who can sense and see magic no matter how much someone tries to hide it, nods in agreement with the elven masterthief.
As elves, those of the nobility who cast. Would never willing have anything to do with digging a large hole in the ground in the middle of a forest.
Even a forest they have no personal link to.
"How long ago was it locked?" asks the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel referring to the hidden spell that's nearby.
"A few weeks ago" is the reply of the naturally magical creature.
"End of autumn, before the weather turned" quietly says Helbe the elven thief, who then shifts away, up into the early morning sky again.
As he floats a few hundred feet above the pit that's been dug into the ground, the blurred and shielded elven magic user asks "They get anything?".
"Yeah they've found gold" replies Narladene the ground pixie, which causes the elven masterthief to grunt.
Then the elven practitioner of magic quietly says "We'll go and check on that nearby village, see if anyone there knows anything".
The elven master assassin "He will have to know what we've found". Referring to Lord Farque.
"They still here in the hills?" asks prince Helbenthril Raendril. The naturally magical creature sitting upon his right shoulder, who can sense magic a hell of lot further away than he can, says "Beldane is still here" followed by "They haven't left yet".
"Good" quietly says the highly talented elven magic user, who continues with "We better hurry up". Just before he shifts away, on this cold, but cloudy morning in this part of the hill country of northern Vexil . . . . . .