"Did the center column hit that town?" asks Gamil the older of the Geist cousins as he looks away to the west, trying to peer through the darkness of the night that's just fallen.
"They did" replies Kilmas the commander of the Geist Company guard, who briefly pauses before adding in a slightly dry tone of voice "Though not until late, just before sundown".
Gamil Geist sourly smiles, and he looks over at his younger cousin Farsen, who has a similar expression upon his face after hearing that from the guard commander.
"At least Mackrin and this lot here were quicker" says Farsen Geist who is the physical opposite of his older cousin Gamil.
The tall, lean, younger Geist cousin continues in a dry tone with "Helped that Hafnah's company was with this lot here".
Gamil Geist grunts in agreement, as like his younger cousin Farsen, they suspect the only reason the column of the army that they're with, was not that tardy in attacking their target.
Was because the mercenary captain Hafnah, and his company, which has nearly two dozen cockatrice with them, are with this third of the mercenary army that they've gathered.
As no one wants to be on the bad side of a bunch of magical creatures, who could easily turn upon the army they're part of, instead of any enemy they might come up against.
"So Marqand and the column he leads, are the only ones who attacked at midday as planned?" asks the rather large, as in fat, Geist cousin, Gamil.
"They were" replies the guard commander Kilmas, who follows that with "They've moved off too, after destroying that town, and sending any survivors off to the south".
Both of the Geist cousins nod at hearing that, as they knew they could trust captain Marqand and his company to get the column of the army they were leading, not just to the target promptly, then to attack it.
But also to move off, so they'll be ready, more or less, to attack the next target that their part of the army has been tasked to attack.
The Geist cousins Gamil and Farsen, and their guard commander, who are at the edge of the half burnt down town.
That was attacked by the column of their army that the mercenary captain Mackrin was in charge of.
On a night, that's far colder than the day, which was cold enough as it was. Especially for here, during wintertime in the hill country of northern Vexil.
Look back into the town, empty now of it's residents. Who if they weren't killed during the attack. Were sent off to the south. Hopefully to spread the word that the very north of the city-state of Vexil is under attack from an army that came across the border with the kingdom of Girdane.
The Geist cousins and their guard commander know that a lot of those who fled south won't make it.
Especially the old, and very young, as well those who are sick and injured. Because of the cold temperatures for what's the start of winter here in the hill country of northern Vexil.
All the same, they'll continue on with their plan of attack. A plan that was predominantly thought up by another Geist cousin, Misa.
"Get word to the center column" says Gamil Geist, who continues with "I want captain Dillason and his lot moving by dawn or else".
"I hope this lot here is on the move by then" dryly says the younger Geist cousin Farsen, which earns him a sour look from his older cousin Gamil.
"If they aren't" continues Gamil Geist to commander Kilmas, he then adds "I'll have Hafnah and those damn cockatrices go over and join them".
The guard commander nods, then calls over a runner to give him the latest order from the Geist cousins.
Then Gamil and Farsen, along with their guard commander, head back through the half destroyed town.
To the camp this part of the army has set up, in and around the part of town that's predominantly intact.
Which includes the inn, where the Geist cousins, the guard commander, and select others will spend this cold winter's night.
Before they move off before dawn, and head to their next intended target, here in the hill country of northern Vexil.
Someone else who has been in the town's inn, and pilfered a couple of barrels, and casks, and a bottle of certain type of liquor.
Is Helbe the elven thief, who from his position on top of a rooftop, on a building that's more or less still intact.
Watches the cousins Gamil and Farsen, along with their guard commander, Kilmas. Head through the town part of their army attacked in the afternoon.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user, who wraps his white hooded cloak a bit tighter around himself to ward off the cold of the night.
Is just about to shift away, when Narladene the ground pixie suddenly appears beside him, then land upon his right shoulder.
"He wants to see you" quietly says Narladene the ground pixie in the elven language.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel nods his hooded head, as he knows that there's only one 'He'. And that's lord Farque himself.
"I was going to head to them right now" says Helbe the elven thief, who follows that with "Where exactly are they?".
The tiny winged creature who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains, gives directions to where the lord and ruler of Lands Farque, along with Dorc da Orc are this cold winter's night.
Then the naturally magical creature tells the elven masterthief "He's got something important to tell you".
Narladene, who 'attached' herself to the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel a number of years ago, when she was dwelling in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic, then says "I've got to go and get Beldane" followed by "He wants to see him too".
Then the tiny winged creature, takes off from the right shoulder of the elven master assassin, and dives down through the rooftop, and through the building the elven master archer is standing on.
Narladene is quickly in the ground, and heads west to the part of the mercenary army gathered by the Geist cousins, that the rest of the group are with.
Helbe the elven thief, or to give his actual name, prince Helbenthril Raendril, wonders why Lord Farque wants to see the fighting cleric Beldane.
As he shifts away, to where he's secreted away the barrels and casks he took from this town's inn.
The young elven noble who is a member of Lord Farque's personal council, and who has been keeping a close eye upon the Geist cousins Gamil and Farsen, as their mercenary army attack a number of towns in northern Vexil.
When he gets to where he's stored the barrels and casks a half a mile out of town, amongst the trees of the forest to the north of the half burnt down town.
Sourly mutters to himself "Now I have to teleport all of this" followed by another sour mutter of "Not that he'll even thank me for it".
The highly talented elven magic user just shakes his hooded head as he readies to teleport the booze he's stolen for the ork warleader Dorc da Orc.
"He's heading this way" says Lord Farque without looking back at the large ork who is has just made his way through some bushes and trees.
After the undead warlord yelled at him to not take a shit next to him, which the ork weaponsmith was about to do.
"Who?" asks Dorc da Orc who went some distance away to take a crap, after the large heavily armoured deathlord looked back at him, and the ork warleader caught sight of a bright blue glow come from the eye slot of Lord Farque's full helm.
"That fucking elven thief" dryly says the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque who has the name of Draugodrottin that his people also know him by.
The big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world grunts, then loudly mutters "Hope the tree fucker got me some booze".
That's exactly what Helbe the elven thief brings when he shows up a short time later. A couple barrels of ale, and two casks of fortified wine for the large ork.
And while Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, sits off to one side beneath two overhanging trees, where the branches have grown tightly together. And broaches one of the ale barrels and starts drinking from it.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel takes out a bottle from an inner pocket of his cloak, and hands it to Lord Farque and says "Elderberry wine".
Draugodrottin slightly nods in appreciation, and sits down upon a log, while the elven masterthief leans against a small boulder close by.
"Going to snow later" quietly says the lord of the death realm in the royal elven language. Looking up at the night sky, the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel says "It is?".For though it's a little cloudy tonight, the day was sunny and clear, but definitely cold.
The undead warlord who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to The Destroyer, nods his full helmed head, then says "The big fucking idiot can smell that it will".
The elven master assassin slightly grunts at hearing that, then after quickly casting a spell, he tells the deathlord of Farque "He's right" followed by "It will".
The member of the royal elven family that rules the island principality of Laerel continues with "After midnight, closer to dawn actually". The undead being nods his full helmed head at hearing that, then he falls silent.
Helbe the elven thief doesn't ask any questions, as he suspects the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque will wait until Beldane the cleric shows up, so that he can tell them both at the same time, whatever it is he wants to discuss.
That's exactly what happens, for a little while later, when the fighting cleric shows up, after magically traveling to this spot.
Des'tier tells the highly talented elven magic user who is a member of his personal council, and his envoy "Get out your map of the north of Vexil".
Helbe the elven thief does exactly that, and creates a small light ball, about the size of walnut above it when he spreads it out in midair in front where lord Farque is sitting on the log.
"Right this is more or less what's going to happen when the Vexilians respond" explain Draugodrottin when Beldane the cleric and the elven masterthief gather close.
"Which is exactly what is intended for who was that came up with the plans for these Geist fuckwits" adds the large heavily armoured deathlord.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell and the elven princeling from Laerel share a look after hearing that.
Then lord Farque quietly tells them "This is what we'll do" and after a moments pause, he continues with "And in particular, this is what I want the two of you to do" . . . . . .
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