Sunday, 2 February 2025

Mercenary Tales 27.


"Lilén Vaïlnilth Gil Dalūlté nA" says Lord Farque as he looks down into the large pit, while it starts to lightly snow. 
"Hiltîgim Thōltel Halúmï Tomūl Sanūdïl Li`ad" replies Helbe the elven thief as they converse in the language of the royal elves. 
The undead warlord nods his full helmed head, then he switches to the common language, and tells the young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel "You better go and tell Tam and the others". 
The elven masterthief nods his hooded head, and says in the same language "You still planning on going?" followed by "Back to the capitol?". 
The large heavily armoured deathlord of Farque nods again, then says to the elf who is his envoy "I'll check on something first". "Oh?" says the highly talented elven magic user, who continues with "Such as?". 
"If there's a force in the general vicinity who will counterattack these idiots" is the reply of the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque. 
"Which I suspect there is" adds the unread being who has the elven name of Des'tier, which translates to, The Destroyer. 
The lord of the death realm then says to the elven master assassin "There's a mine they're trying to reopen as well?". 
"There is" is the reply of the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, who follows on from that with "Further to the east, in of a bit of a state really". 
He goes on to tell Lord Farque how Narladene the ground pixie has also found an old mine in this area of the hill country of northern Vexil, which has had fairly recent work done to it. 
The deathlord of Farque, who has the name of Draugodrottin that the people of his lands also know him by, says to the elven master archer "Keep snooping around" followed by "And see what else you two can find". 
Prince Helbenthril Raendril nods his hooded head, as does Narladene the ground pixie who is sitting upon the right shoulder of the young elven noble she's 'attached' to. 
"I'll send you a message if anything else happens" says the lord of the death realm who nods over to where Beldane the cleric and Dorc da Orc are waiting, and adds "Or Beldane will return, and the big fucking psycho and I will stay in the city". 
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel nods when he hears that. Then the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque walks away, and heads around the pit to where the powerful fighting cleric and the ork warleader are. 
By the time the undead warlord reaches the practitioner of magic who hails from the kingdom of Nastell and the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. 
Helbe the elven thief along with Narladene the ground pixie have disappeared. And are heading to where the rest of the group are, with a section of the mercenary army that's been gathered by the Geist Trading Company. 
"Where to?" asks Beldane the cleric as the snow on this early winter morning, continues to fall across parts of the hill country in northern Vexil. 
Pointing up into the cloudy sky, Draugodrottin tells the powerful spellcaster "Up" followed by "There's something we need to look for". 
The cleric in the church of Glaine looks sideways at Dorc da Orc and murmurs "Hmmm". As teleporting and levitating both require the equivalent of physical strength when it comes to magic. Especially if you cast the spells simultaneously. And to put it bluntly, the ork general in the Armies of Farque is heavy. Some would say fat. Though not to his face. 
The three of them disappear, and an instant later they're about five hundred feet in the air, below the low cloud cover as it continues to snow. 
"What are we looking for?" asks Beldane the cleric "An army" is the reply of the large, heavily armoured deathlord of Farque. 
"Fucken there" immediately says a grinning Dorc da Orc who always finds it a pleasure to be floating up in the sky. 
"Not that one, you big dumb fuckhead" dryly says undead being who is close to five centuries old, as he glances to where the large ork is pointing at part of the mercenary army that's been gathered by the Geist Trading Company, in particular the cousins Gamil and Farsen Geist. 
After the ork weaponsmith grunts in disappointment, Draugodrottin tells him and the powerful cleric "A Vexilian one, more than likely away to the south". 
Ignoring Dorc da Orc who mutters "Not north". Beldane the cleric starts floating the three of them southwards. 
Both the undead warlord and the ork general have the advantages of their enhanced senses to see long distances. 
While Beldane who can cast multiple spells at once because of how powerful he is. Has the advantage of his magic to find things far away. 
Added to that lord Farque can sense all life, not to mention death a long way in all directions. 
It's not long before all three of them find what they're searching for. Another army, about forty five miles away to the south. 
"See it?" asks the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque with a glance at the cleric in the half plate armour floating beside him in mid air. 
After the Nastellian born practitioner of magic nods as he sees it through a farsight spell he has cast, the large heavily armoured deathlord tells him "Take us there". 
A little while later, and the three of them are on the edge of some woodlands, south of the hill country of northern Vexil. In predominantly what's farmland in the northern half of the city-state. About three hundred yards away is a town, and in and around it is a sizeable army. 
"Soldiers" says Dorc da Orc or Dorkindle which is his given name, as he immediately recognizes the differences between this army, and the more lax mercenary army that the Geist Trading Company has gathered. 
"Vexilian regular army" says Lord Farque who points and says "And shock troopers too". The ork warleader grunts as he recognizes the heavy foot soldiers in question. 
The three of them who are invisible thanks to a spell cast by Beldane the cleric, continue to watch the Vexilian army for a little bit. 
Then the powerful practitioner of magic who hails from the north of the kingdom of Nastell, quietly says "You're right, someone has definitely set up those Geist cousins". 
Des'tier nods his full helmed head, then quietly says "If those fuckwits keep taking their time as they continue to split their army apart as they head south". 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque gestures at the nearby Vexilian army, and adds "This lot just has to head due north, and they'll wipe out that middle third of the Geist's army". 
Both Beldane and Dorkindle nod in agreement with that, then the undead warlord asks the cleric in the church of Glaine "How much does this invisibility spell of yours effect?". Draugodrottin continues with "Will it make anyone I touch invisible too?". 
"I'll have to change it a bit to do that" says the fighting cleric, who then asks "You think the one responsible for all this is here?" followed by "With this army?". 
"I doubt it" says the lord of the death realm who follows on from that with "Though someone of importance here might know whose responsible for all this shit going on". 
The powerful practitioner of magic slightly adjusts his invisibility spell, which Lord Farque who is immune to pretty much all magic, let's it affect him. 
Then the undead warlord says to the other two "Stay here, I won't be long" he then adds in orkish "Háal Cakl". Stay Cunt. 
Which causes the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of world to sourly smile as the lord and ruler of the Lands Farque heads to the nearby town, and the Vexilian army that's set up camp there. 
A little bit later, as Dorc da Orc sits on the ground leaning back against a tree. While Beldane the cleric paces back and forth. 
The ork warleader grunts then says "He fucken coming back" Dorkindle who can smell lord Farque walking through the town, adds "He got some cunt with him". 
The powerful fighting cleric who stops pacing, nods as he looks towards the town and surrounding army camp. 
And short while later, they see the undead warlord, who isn't invisible to the two of them. Walking back to the edge of the woods where they're waiting. 
Over the right shoulder of the large, heavily armoured deathlord is a Vexilian soldier. Who as the deathlord of Farque gets closer, they see is an officer. A senior one as it turns out. 
"Who this cunt?" asks Dorc da Orc after they move back amongst the trees, and the lord of the death realm drops the unconscious man on the cold ground. 
"A commander" is the reply of Draugodrottin, who follows that with "Second in command of that army I believe". 
The lord and ruler of the Lands Farque then tells Beldane "Read his mind, then wake him up" followed by "Find out everything he knows". 
The powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell nods, then does so again when Des'tier tells him "When he wakes, make sure he can't speak" followed by "Don't want him fucking shouting out or anything". 
The cleric in the church of Glaine casts, and a few moments later he starts telling Lord Farque and Dorc da Orc what he's found by reading the Vexilian commander's mind. 
The undead warlord lifts an eyebrow as he listens to what Beldane says, then after the fighting cleric in the half plate armour explains everything, the powerful practitioner of magic wakes the unconscious man. 
Putting a steel boot on the chest of the Vexilian army officer who wakes up not knowing what's going on. 
Draugodrottin leans down slightly and says to him "You can't speak, just nod yes, or shake your head no, to answer". 
He puts a little bit of pressure on the Vexilian's chest, and the man nods with a fair bit of vigour, though after he gulps in fear when he sees Dorc da Orc looming over him. 
"The ruling council doesn't do anything without the mage council's permission" says the undead warlord. 
The Vexilian army commander nods, then does so again when Lord Farque says to him "I assume someone on the mage council organized this?". 
The man on the ground, who is wincing in pain as Des'tier continues to apply pressure on his chest, then shakes his head no, in reply to the lord of the death realm asking him "Do you know who?". 
After glancing at Beldane the cleric who slightly nods his head to indicate the Vexilian army commander is telling the truth. 
The large heavily armoured deathlord says to the army commander on the ground "You and others in army command suspect that someone else not on the mage council, asked for you lot to be up here in the north, to repell an attack from across the border?". 
The Vexilian army commander nods his head yes again, then Draugodrottin who glances at Beldane the cleric who nods once more, quietly says to the powerful fighting cleric "Knock him out, and wipe his memory of this". 
The powerful spellcaster does exactly that, and ignoring Dorc da Orc's grunt of disappointment that they're not going to kill the Vexilian army commander. 
Lord Farque says to Beldane the cleric "Let's go" he follows on from that with "By gateway to the city of Vexil" . . . . . .

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