Thursday 28 December 2017

The Homecoming 13.

A Palace...

"Hell" mutters Mira Reinholt the mage, who then adds "You didn't teleport in and out of there blind did you?".
"Of course not" says Helbe the elven thief in an offended tone of voice, the young elven noble continues with "I changed part of the ceiling to air so i look down into the cell". The once powerful mage grunts at hearing that as the elven masterthief helps him along a hallway.
"You know you could thank me for rescuing you" says the elven magic user who has taken the shackles off the ankles of the mage Reinholt, but not the anti-magic ones off his wrists.
"Thanks" dryly says the exiled Vexilian mage who continues in that same dry tone of voice with "But we're not exactly out of here yet" the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, then adds "Wherever the fuck here is?".
"A palace" says prince Helbenthril Raendril as they hurry down the empty hallway, Mira Reinholt winces then mutters "Fuck". "Don't worry, it's not a royal one, nor is it in the king's domain".
"That's only slightly better then" murmurs the spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil, who as he runs, holds out his hands and says "Take these damn things off me".
"They can't sense you with them on" explains the elven noble from the principality of Laerel, who continues with "Might as well keep them on for now".
"Makes sense" says the mage Reinholt, who then adds "I need my things, they must of taken them off me when they brought me here".
The elven master assassin nods in the direction they're going, and he says "Just up ahead" followed by "Then we're out of here for good".
They enter a room, which the once powerful mage sees is a guard room, there's a couple of unconscious figures slumped over a table, and another one on a stool next to the door.
The swordmaster Reinholt sees his things piled on a side table, and he goes and gathers them. With the help of the elven princeling, he puts on his two swords, and his other blades. As well as other assorted things.
The exiled Vexilian mage then searches around, then mutters "Damn" followed by "Where's my amulet?".
"Who knows" says Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "No time to look for it now, we've got to get the hell out of here".
Mira Reinholt frowns, then he looks sharply at his fellow spellcaster, and says in an annoyed tone of voice "Hand it over you thief".
"Why Mira, how could you say such a thing" says the young elven noble in an injured tone of voice "Because that's what you are, a thief" says the highly skilled swordmaster who then adds "Now hand it over you right royal thief".
With a wry smile upon his youthful looking face, the elven masterthief hands the once powerful mage the amulet. The Vexilian mage in exile puts the necklace on, then tells the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel "Now take these bloody things off me".
With a gesture from the elven princeling, the anti-magic shackles fall off the wrists of the mage Reinholt, and drop to the floor.
"Bring them along" says Helbe the elven thief who continues with "They're worth a shitload of coin" he pauses for a moment before adding "And the fact they could come in quite handy at times".
The spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands, nods in agreement. And he picks up the magical device, before saying "Now where?".
"This way" says prince Helbenthril Raendril who then leads the way back out of the guard room. Once in the hallway again, they head left, where in the distance the swordmaster Reinholt spots some steps going up.
The mage who is in exile from his homeland of Vexil, figures they must be under the palace. In a level just above the dungeons, where the cell that he was being held in, is located.
As they get to the end of the hallway, where a couple of unconscious guards a lying near the foot of the steps. Mira Reinholt asks "Any reason that lot in the cell with me aren't chasing us at the moment?".
As they pass the two guards who the elven master assassin knocked out as he was making his way down here to free the once powerful mage, the young elven noble says "They're still talking to you".
"They are?" says the mage Reinholt as they head up the steps "Well they think they are" says the elven princeling from Laerel who then adds "I doubt they'll ever figure it out they're not until i drop that illusion spell".
The exiled Vexilian mage nods in understanding, as he knows it's impossible to tell what's real from one of the powerful greater illusion spells cast by the elven magic user.
For as long as he's known prince Helbenthril Raendril, he can't tell the difference between what's real and one of his illusion spells. And the mage Reinholt knows what to look for too. But that still doesn't make a difference.
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who a little while ago, was sitting in a chair in the middle of a cell talking to his captors. And the next moment he was standing in a completely different room, held up by the young elven noble who freed him.
Says to the elven masterthief "Where is he?". "Outside" replies Helbe the elven thief, who continues with "Told me to hurry the fuck up and get you out of here as quickly as possible" the elven magic user then dryly adds "If not, he'd come in here and get you out instead".
The once powerful mage winces at that, as he knows if that would of happened. A lot of violence and dead bodies would of resulted. At least with the elven princeling freeing him, he did it without anyone knowing.
The same can't be said if it was lord Farque who'd entered the palace, and made his way down to the dungeons, to break the Vexilian mage in exile out of the cell he was being held in.
"Good thing you were here" murmurs Mira Reinholt as they continue up the stairs "It's so nice to be wanted" says the elven magic user who quietly chuckles as he leads the way up to the ground floor of the palace.
They get to the top of the steps, and prince Helbenthril Raendril glances around the corner, he looks back at his fellow spellcaster who he's known nearly a decade, and quietly asks him in the elven language "You want a bit of excitement?".
"Not particularly" dryly murmurs the once powerful mage who knows the young elven noble's form of excitement is a hell of a lot different than his own.
The mage Reinholt who can be daring in his own way, knows that he's got nothing on the elven princeling's sense of excitement. Which is just sheer danger in the opinion of the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster.
"Too late" murmurs the grinning elven masterthief, who then tells the exiled Vexilian mage "No need to blur the two of us".
Mira Reinholt is just about to suggest that he'll turn himself invisible, and get himself out of here. When the young elven noble takes hold of his right arm, and the two of them disappear.
For the briefest of moments, the swordmaster Reinholt finds himself in mid-air, thirty feet above a marble floor in a large room within the palace.
A fraction of an instant later, less time than it takes him to blink, he's gone. The next moment he's standing outside on a street, in an area within the second domain that he recognises. Standing next to him is his fellow spellcaster Helbenthril Raendril.
Fucking hell by the shape of fire that was fast! Mira Reinholt thinks to himself. He knows he could of done the exact same thing that the elven magic user just did. But no where near as quickly. As he would've teleported, and not shifted like the elven princeling did to the two of them.
The once powerful mage who didn't even see whatever it was Helbe the elven thief looked out of to see where they'd end up, a window no doubt. Slightly grunts, then says "Fast" as the only compliment for what the young elven noble just did.
"Would of been even quicker if it was just me by myself" says the elven masterthief, the Vexilian mage in exile slightly winces at the idea of that, as he felt quite nauseous moving at the speed they went anyway. If he'd gone any faster, he's not afraid to admit it, that he'd probably would of thrown up.
They cross the street to where the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel points, once across the road, they go around a corner into a wide lane, where they find lord Farque leaning against the front of the first building to their left.
The two spellcasters, one human in his early thirties, and the other elven who is over two hundred and ten years old, join the undead warlord infront of the building.
"What's that illusion spell you're still casting there?" asks lord Farque who waves a gauntleted hand in the direction of the nearby palace where the mage Reinholt was being held "Mira" says Helbe the elven thief with a nod of his hooded head to the slightly shorter mage standing next to him.
"At the moment one of his captors has just punched him in the face because he keeps calling the man a pile of shit" says the elven magic user, the heavily armoured deathlord rolls his eyes, then he looks at the once powerful mage and asks him "What did you do this time?" followed by "Who did you fuck off now that they decided to capture you, and most likely kill you?".
"How did you know i did anything?" mutters the swordmaster Reinholt as the three of them walk down the wide lane "Because you're you Mira" dryly says the lord of the death realm who then continues with "You fuck people off constantly, hell you annoy the fuck out of me every single day, that i want to kill you most days" he then adds "And this is the kinder, gentler and more understanding Mira you are nowadays, and not the total fucking asshole you were before you went through that void you accidentally made".
Mira Reinholt winces, then he scowls at Helbe the elven thief who bursts out into laughter beside him.
"Ah fuck up" mutters the once powerful mage to his fellow spellcaster, who then clears his throat, and says to the large, heavily armoured figure of the undead warlord "I have no idea who they were" the Vexilian mage in exile then dryly adds "Except one was an old war buddy of mine who i can't even remember, who is pissed off that i turned on those who invaded the Sunreach Mountains".
"Figures" says Draugadrottin as he's also known by to the people of his lands faraway to the south of the kingdom of Druvic, he continues with "Bound to happen if anyone remembers who you were, and what you did back then".
The lord and ruler of the lands Farque then quietly adds "That goes for anyone of us who was here back then" the lord of the death realm says "We were all pretty visible back then, some people will remember us no matter what" he glances at the two spellcasters, and quietly tells them "After all we did set into motion their civil war with what we did when we attacked the capital".
Both Mira Reinholt and Helbe the elven thief nod in agreement. For not only the exiled Vexilian mage was highly visible back then here in the city of Leeabra.
But lord Farque himself brought down the dragon Nol out of the sky, and prince Helbenthril Raendril finally killed the dragon, along with Sephiryn the elemental, another member of the group at the time.
That happened in the Great Square, just infront of the Grand Arcade, which is only a couple hundred yards away from the lane they're walking through here in the second domain of the city of Leeabra.
As they head south into the city, Helbe the elven thief, who quickly read the minds of the captors who took the mage Reinholt, informs the other two to who they are.
"A liegeman to the Chancellor, the most important noble in the kingdom not in the royal family eh" says Mira Reinholt who then adds "Seems my old war buddy knows someone important" he looks at the elven magic user, and asks him "And that other is the Chancellor's pet mage?".
"He is" says the elven princeling, who continues with "The Chancellor who if current gossip is anything to go by, is the main rival to the current Provo Marshall, who by the way happens to be a commoner".
"Fucking politics" mutters lord Farque, the two spellcasters glance at one another. Since that's rather odd coming from the ruler of a nation. Though there is no politics in his lands. As he's the absolute ruler, and basically a dictator of the lands that bares his family's name.
Narladene the ground pixie appears on the right shoulder of Helbe the elven thief, and informs them all that the mage Reinholt's captors are still talking to, and still beating up the illusion of the once powerful mage that's in the cell that the swordmaster Reinholt was previously in.
"We're leaving i gather?" asks Mira Reinholt "We are" is the reply of lord Farque as they turn onto a street that takes them out of the second domain of Leeabra "Good" murmurs the human spellcaster from the city-state of Vexil.
Next to him, the elven magic user from the island principality of Laerel, drops the illusion spell he's been continually casting since freeing the mage Reinholt.
In a cell in the dungeon beneath the palace of the Chancellor, one of the guards who is the act of punching the prisoner. Stumbles forward as his fist passes through nothing, and clips the back of the chair.
There's a moment of confused silence as those in the cell wonder what's just happened, then they start yelling and shouting at one another, wanting to know what's happened to their prisoner, and where he's suddenly got to . . . . . .

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