Sunday 3 December 2017

The Homecoming 5.

A Road...

"There's a road up ahead through the trees" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy after he jogs back to the others "Is this place familiar Percy?" asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as he turns to look at the heavily armoured knight who has sat down upon a tree stump as they've briefly stopped for a rest.
"Hmmm I'm not too sure my good chap" replies sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he looks around, the now former earl of Lé Dic continues with "Once i see the road our fine pointy eared spy here has found, I'll be certain of our whereabouts I'm sure".
The ranger Hait nods his head, then quietly says to the spy Tanith in the elven language "Head back to that road, we'll follow along behind you". The elf from the principality of Alínlae nods, and moves off, as he does, the mercenary ranger who in the absence of lord Farque, Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief, is in charge of the group, says to the others "Come along, let's get going".
As the others get up from where they're sitting, well that's to say most of them are. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman rolls his eyes, then walks over to where Dorc da Orc is lying on the ground, where he's fallen asleep and is snoring, even though it's only mid morning.
The ranger Hait, who has learnt from experience where to kick the sleeping ork warleader, kicks him in the belly. Which causes the large ork to smile in his sleep, then chuckle softly in his sleep when Riley Hait does it again.
The mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, does it a third time. Though he stomps on the ample stomach of the ork weaponsmith this time, more than actually kicks it. And finally that large ork grunts and wakes up.
"We're going Dorc" says the ranger Hait "Dorc hungry" says Dorc da Orc as he sits up, scratching his stomach as he looks around "You're always hungry" dryly says Riley Hait which causes Dorkindle to chuckle then say "True cunt" as he gets up off the ground.
They head along the trail through the trees that the spy Tanith has gone ahead on. The mercenary ranger is in the front, while Shur Kee the monk is at the back of the group.
Walking beside Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson, is sir Percavelle Lé Dic. While they're followed by Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera. Dorc da Orc is walking behind the two teenagers, and infront of the short, statured monk at the rear.
This morning, like the previous days that's been since they briefly stopped in the city of Leeabra. It's cold here in the east of the kingdom of Druvic, even for winter.
And though there hasn't been much in the way of snowfall, being out and about, traveling on foot, hasn't been the most comfortable of experiences.
As they walk through the trees, the mercenary ranger who in actuality, is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait, asks the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che "Can you think of anywhere else where we could find this person?".
"Huh?" says sir Percavelle who is frowning as he looks around, wondering where exactly they are "What was that ranger?" says the nobleborn knight who then adds "I was distracted somewhat".
"The one we're looking for, do you know anywhere else we could find them?" asks the ranger "Oh" says the former earl of Lé Dic, followed by "That's right" as he recalls, that they've returned to his homeland, the kingdom of Druvic to actually find someone.
"Hmmm like we know, he could be in the service of the royal army, or any army of the peerage for that matter" says the heavily armoured knight, who wafts a gauntleted hand about, then adds "I do not normally concern myself with such persons, just as long as they do their job properly i do not notice them" he continues in a slightly dry tone with "When they're amok in their line of work, one definitely notices them".
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic then says "Though for all that, if he's not to be found in his majesty's army, or in employment with a lord or lady of the realm, then he could very well be in one of the orders of knights found throughout the kingdom".
As he listens to the nobleman walking beside him, the ranger Hait nods his head in agreement. For that's what he and the others have thought about the person they're trying to locate.
From where he's walking near the back of the group, Dorc da Orc who doesn't normally take notice of any of the conversations around him, especially one involving the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che. Speaks up as he was actually listening to the mercenary ranger and the former paladin.
"Fucken mercs too" says the large ork, who continues with "Lot's of them use cunts like that fucker we looking for you finds in mercs armies". Dorkindle may not recall the name of the person they're looking for. He definitely remembers what they do. After all it's a line of work that he has some interest in.
"That they do Dorc" says Riley Hait with a nod of his head as they make their way uphill on the trail through the trees. The mercenary ranger spots the elven spy Dalinvardél Tanith up ahead, where he's standing with the trees more spread out around him, as he looks down to the east of where they are.
As they near the spy Tanith, the former earl of Lé Dic loudly murmurs "You know, i think i know this place" then once they reach Dalin, sir Percavelle looks down to where a road is about forty yards away, and after looking around, he says in a triumphant tone "Ah ha!" followed by "I know where we are".
With a grin upon his face, as he looks at the others, the nobleborn knight says "This is my fief we're in" he pauses for a moment, before he continues "Well i should say my family's fief wot".
Looking at the road below, Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin, says "I gather your family's castle is that way" as he points to the east.
"That it is" says the beaming nobleman, who has traveled the road below many a time, though not for quite a number of years.
"And the town you said?" asks the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen "It's at the castle" says sir Percavelle, who goes on to explain "The town is in front of the castle, you have to go through it to reach my family's home".
The ranger Hait nods his head, then says "Let's get going then" Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who has seen from his map, that there's at least a couple of villages on the road, or near it, on the way to castle Lé Dic.
Hopes to stop at one for the midday meal if they get a move on. As they could all do with a decent meal. Well not Dorkindle, who has had plenty to satisfy him over the last few days.
The large ork took a couple of the dead soldiers in the squad from the army of the earl of Gallus they encountered. He's happily been munching upon them while the rest of them have been eating trial rations, and whatever the spy Tanith and ranger Hait have been able to hunt.
They make their way eastwards along the road. That's a bit muddy in places, it is winter after all. But for the main, it's in fairly good condition. Both wheel ruts, and hoof prints can be seen on the road. Hoof prints of horses, donkeys, as well as large one's that both Riley Hait and Dorc da Orc immediately recognise as thunder beasts.
Sir Percavelle informs them that the large domesticated creatures that are originally from the southern tundra. Are used by wood cutters, to haul trees to the mills in the fief. Wood being one of the major commodities produced in the fief Lé Dic. Another one being arms and armour, as there's a few mines in the fief, where iron ore is abundant.
The fief in the Lé Dic family is one of the oldest in all of Druvic. One the family has held for since well before the invasion of the Southlands by the holy Norstran empire nearly four hundred and fifty years ago.
As Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera quietly discuss what's better for throwing in combat, small axes or small hammers. Riley Hait glances at the heavily armoured knight walking beside him, and wonders what type of welcome sir Percavelle will receive when they reach his ancestral home.
The mercenary ranger broaches the subject by putting it out there, and he says to the former earl of the fief they're now in "What type of welcome will we expect Percy?" the ranger Hait pauses before continuing with "And in particular, what type of welcome will you get?" he then adds "After all you've been gone since just before the civil war in the kingdom began".
"Oh the people will be delighted to see the great knight return" says sir Percavelle in a grandiose tone, the heavily armoured knight continues with "You know I'm rather popular with the peasants wot".
"And your family?" asks the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who continues with "And their vassals?".
In a rather tight lipped fashion, the now former earl of Lé Dic says "Charmed I'm sure".
"Now we're walking into a mess for sure" says Dalinvardél Tanith in the elven language from where he walks out infront of the others, the elven spy who is looking back at Riley Hait and sir Percavelle, continues in the elven language with "Let's just hope no one wants to go out of their way to take him out for abandoning them just before the war of succession broke out".
The ranger Hait slightly winces, then nods with what the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae just said, then Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman says to the former paladin "This young niece of yours, think she'll welcome you with open arms?". "Oh I'm sure of it" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a boastful manner to compensate for the previous tone he spoke in.
From behind the mercenary ranger and the heavily armoured knight, Tamric Drubine says in the elven language "We're fucked for sure". "I definitely agree" adds Lisell Maera in the same language, who then adds "If this girl is anything like he is, then by the gods this is going to be one hell of a time we're going to get".
"What are you discussing in that elvish chatter?" asks the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che "The weather" dryly says Riley Hait as he walks beside the now former earl of Lé Dic.
"Hmmm yes, it is a rather chilly this morning" muses the former paladin of the first rank as he looks around, sir Percavelle continues with "Not to worry, there's a village not too far ahead on this road, I'm sure there's a warm fireplace in the local inn, and a hearty midday meal the innkeeper is putting on for us to enjoy".
"No doubt" says the mercenary ranger who is the de facto leader of the group as lord Farque, Mira Reinholt, and Helbenthril Raendril is not with them at the moment.
Riley Hait who was a little bit worried about the reception they might receive when they show up at castle Lé Dic. Is a hell of a lot more worried about it now, especially after the encounter with the earl of Gallus men and his constable a few days ago.
And sir Percavelle's own admission that though he's beloved by the peasantry in his fief. He's not so popular with the nobility, or even his own family for that matter . . . . . .

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