Wednesday 28 March 2018

The Homecoming 68.

Battle Turns Again...

"What is it?" asks Tovis the war engineer "Looks like prisoners, a couple of their nobles i think" is the reply of one of the trebuchet crew, who has climbed halfway up the war machine. Well up the left side of the frame. Where he's got a good view away to the west, where the bulk of the army has moved off to.
"Taking them over to the other flank" continues the man up the frame, who then adds "To the baron i guess".
"More than likely" says the young engineer, who then asks "Many more of them left?". "Not much" is the reply of the crew member, who after a few moments pause, adds "Looks like their entire army has been wiped out".
Tovis glances at the workyard apprentice Larm, and some of the others nearby. And though they all feel jubilation at their victory. None of them are really happy with the way it came about.
The use of the cockatrice was fine. But what happened after that when the depleted ranks of the Lé Dic army continued to advance. None of them saw coming, even those few officers with them, such as the adjutant, senior captain Malcené. Who knew what was going to take place from up on the hilltop to their right, north of the trade road. Didn't expected that to happen.
He ripped apart the countryside, baron Harkonin's war engineer thinks to himself. Tovis instantly knew who it was that sent the wave of destruction down the hill, across the road, and the meadow, then into the Lé Dic army.
He doesn't know how the dark druid Palvarc got here. As he's supposed to be back at castle Harkonin. But it was the dark druid who was responsible for the destruction of the army from the neighbouring fief to the west.
His presence was confirmed a little while ago by the man up the side of the trebuchet. Who spotted the dark druid up the hill to the right. Then a bit after that. Saw him again on the meadow, at the left flank of the army. Where baron Harkonin and a number of the other nobles are at the moment.
"The ranks are moving slowly forward" says the trebuchet crew member up the side of the war machine, who continues with "Not many survivors out there". "They taking anymore prisoners?" asks Tovis "Not really" is the reply "Just nobles who might be alive by the looks of it" adds the man up the trebuchet, who follows that up with "They're dispatching anyone else they find alive".
The war engineer slightly grimaces when he hears that, but he isn't all that surprised this is happening. The baron has obviously planned to wipe out the Lé Dic army. And he's going through with that plan. Killing everyone who might of survived the recent destruction. With the exception of any enemy nobleman who might be found.
Tovis who is pretty much the most senior person here, now that senior captain Malcené and other officers have moved off with the majority of the soldiers and the rest of the army.
Says to the crews of the war machines, and nearby camp followers "Get things packed away and on their wagons" the young engineer continues with "No doubt we'll be moving soon". Where? He's not exactly sure. But Tovis suspects they'll continue west to the border. To retake the town of Falshire no doubt.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer looks up at the man up the second trebuchet, the one off the side of the road, and is about to tell him to come back down. When the member of the trebuchet crew looks down at him, and says "The beasts be coming back this way" he then adds "The cockatrice".
Tovis nods, as he guesses the naturally magical creatures probably travel better away from the rest of the army. When he's seen them back at castle Harkonin. He's thought them flighty, or a skittish type of animal.
Not exactly the kind of creatures you'd want around large amount of soldiers, horses and equipment.
Which he finds a little odd. As many armies throughout the Southlands, including the king's army of Druvic, has squads of cockatrice in their ranks.
These one's must be young and inexperienced, the war engineer thinks to himself, Tovis then silently adds, no wonder they were sent as a gift to the baron.
The young engineer looks up and says "Come on down" to the man up the side of the Trebuchet. Who nods his head, and gestures ahead, and to the left. Tovis looks that way, and spots the cockatrice heading, more or less in their direction as they head towards the trade road.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer slightly flinches when he sees them with their avian like heads looking in this direction. He knows they're harmless with their blinders on, and their handlers riding upon their backs, guiding and directing them.
But still, it's a little daunting when you see not just one, but two of them running towards you.
As they get closer, Tovis can clearly see the short, wyvern like wings they have. Useless appendages, as they're flightless creatures. Though they can hop a fair distance at times, whilst flapping their stubby wings.
The young engineer slightly winces when he gets a good look at their tails. Each one a serpent, with a serpents head. Whipping around and hissing at anything they go by.
He knows that the tail is just as deadly as the claws of their two powerful legs. Which can easily eviscerate a horse, let alone a man.
The war engineer slightly shakes his head, because the bird like, some say, cockerel's head, is so at odds with the rest of the creature's body.
Tovis is just glad that a creature that size doesn't make a call like a roster first thing in the morning. He can only imagine the racket it would make, if it did something like that.
"Let's get our stuff into that wagon" says the war engineer to the workyard apprentice Larm, who nods his head and gathers their recently acquired packs to put in the wagon they've been traveling in today.
As he does, Tovis looks back up at the member of the trebuchet crew who is up the frame of the large war machine, making his way back down.
It's just then that all hell breaks lose. When a loud squawk can be heard. The young engineer instinctively looks at where it came from. To between some of the wagons, and the trebuchet he's standing slightly behind and to the side of.
And he sees one of the two cockatrice has gone down with a large spear through the side of it.
Tovis quickly looks down at his feet just incase the blinders have come off the badly wounded creature that's squawking in pain, flapping it's stubby wings, trying to get up off the ground.
"Look down!" shouts Tovis in warning to those around him, it's repeated by others who have seen the naturally magical creature go down. Baron Harkonin's war engineer who is looking down, hears the other cockatrice still running, though much more slowly than it was previously.
He takes a step, when all of a sudden he hears a scream, and an instant later, a thud right infront of him.
He glances slightly up, and sees just half a dozen feet infront of him. The crew member who was up the side of the trebuchet, lying there motionless, with an arrow through his side.
Then there comes other screams and shouts from those near the war machines of the Harkonin army, and the young engineer who already knew it when he saw the cockatrice with a spear through it. Definitely knows that they're under attack now.
"Shit" mutters Tovis as he keeps looking down at the ground, the war engineer then yells out "We're under attack!" as others are shouting out as well.
"Keep your eyes down Dalin, keep your eyes down Dalin" Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy repeatedly murmurs to himself as he runs from the trees, following behind Dorc da Orc.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae follows the large ork, who is leading the way across the trade road, to amongst the war machines, and wagons of baron Harkonin's army.
The spy Tanith hears a chuckling Dorc da Orc say "Me got that fucker" followed by "Me just go and get that other silly fucken chicken".
As Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's more commonly referred to by the rest of the group, hears yelling and shouting from the war machine crews and camp followers. He hopes that the others still in the tree line, keep any of them, who happen to have weapons, away from him if he gets to close.
The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in the principality of Alínlae, sees the ork warleader fling out an arm to the right. Dalin heads that way, while Dorkindle continues more or less, straight ahead.
The elven spy, who hears shouting warnings to keep your eyes down, as well as yells of we're under attack. Sees that he's moving parallel to the trade road.
He bumps into someone, who yelps in fright, before falling over, Dalinvardél Tanith continues on his way, using his enhanced hearing to make his way forward, as much as his sight. Since he's jogging while looking down.
"Keep your eyes down!" calls out Dalin in the common language, he follows that up with "Ware the cockatrice!". He jumps over a body just infront of him, it's one of the few soldiers who remained behind as the bulk of the Harkonin army advanced upon the decimated Lé Dic army. The soldier has a longbow shaft through his neck and throat. That the spy Tanith easily identifies as being shot from the elven longbow that belongs to Riley Hait the mercenary ranger.
As he goes by the first trebuchet, the one on the trade road, the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae hears Dorc da Orc roar, and one of the cockatrice screech in reply.
The spy Tanith knows that the ork warleader must be confronting the other naturally magical creature. Which is in for the surprise of it's life. As no way would it expect to encounter something like Dorc. Who is immune to it's powers. And has easily killed many of it's kind over the years. Though it's not Dorkindle's intention to kill it at this time. The ork weaponsmith has something else in mind. It's to use the cockatrice as an distraction.
Dalinvardél Tanith quickly looks up, looking away to his right, across the trade road, back to the trees at the base of the hill.
He runs around one of the war machine crew, who is stumbling away, with a hand over his eyes. Dalin dodges another, who is running with his eyes closed. Then he looks back down at the ground, when out of the corner of his left eye, he sees he's approaching the other trebuchet, the one that's off to the south side of the trade road.
Tovis the war engineer calls out to the workyard apprentice, and tells him to come towards his voice. The young engineer is bumped by someone, who says "Run engineer". Baron Harkonin's war engineer recognises the voice of the young runner, as the one who has bumped into him. The runner continues with "There's a monster over there!".
Tovis frowns, as of course the cockatrice are nearby. But he suspects the youngster is referring to something else entirely different.
"Larm!" calls out the young engineer, who then adds "Follow me!". Tovis turns, and runs, keeping his head down. The war engineer runs into the edge of the trebuchet he's next to, and he stumbles to his knees.
He's about to get up, when someone grabs his left arm in a strong grip, and hauls him up, saying "Move!".
Tovis glances to the side, and realises it's someone fairly tall next to him, who says to him "Run!" followed by "Keep your eyes down!".
The war engineer who hears a slight accent of the voice next to him, which he can't quite place, hears the person call out "The blinders are off the other cockatrice!" Tovis gulps in fear at that. As the person still holding his arm, leads him around the back of the trebuchet, and towards the trade road.
Holding the arm of the war engineer Tovis, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy calls out again "The blinders are off the cockatrice!". Which is infact true.
For Dorc da Orc has tackled the other cockatrice, taking it's legs out from under it. The large ork who has got one arm around the neck of the ten foot tall creature. And a knee on it's back, to keep it pinned down as best as possible, as it flaps it's stubby wings trying to get up.
Has ripped it's blinders off, and is twisting it's head to and fro, pointing it at everyone who runs by. Those unlucky not to be looking down or away. Who happen to look at the eyes of the naturally magical creature. Instantly halt in their tracks, and find themselves standing there completely still, paralyzed with fear.
"Stupid chicken" mutters Dorkindle, who pronounces the word chicken as chick-on. The ork warleader who wretches the cockerel like head to one side, to point it at someone running by, with their head up. Growls as he's bit in the left shoulder by the tail of the squawking cockatrice. The large ork snaps his head to the left and bites the serpent head of the creature's tail that goes to bite him again.
Dorc da Orc who is totally immune to the poison of the serpent bite from the tail of the cockatrice. Repeatedly bites it's serpent headed tail over and over and over again. Saying "Nung, nung, nung, nung" with each quick bite. With one last final one, he tears off the serpent head. And the bloody tail flings about as the cockatrice squawks in pain.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks looks up and sees Dalinvardél Tanith running across the trade road towards the trees at the base of the hill, holding the arm of the war engineer named Tovis.
The large ork gets up, hauling the cockatrice up with him "Stop ya fucken squawky shit, cunt" mutters Dorkindle, who then kicks one of the legs of the cockatrice. If the creature's leg wasn't broken already. It is now. The warleader of the ork race whacks it across the side of the head, sending it to the ground again.
Dorc da Orc doesn't kill it, as the cockatrice will be more dangerous, not to mention a major distraction. Badly wounded, it's handler crushed to death beneath it. While it's blinders are off.
"See ya later you big stupid chicken" says the chuckling ork weaponsmith, who heads back the way he came from. Towards the trade road, and the trees, and the hill on the otherside of it.
"Into the trees" says the person still holding the arm of Tovis the war engineer. Running into the cover of the trees with two out of control cockatrice nearby sounds like an excellent idea to the young engineer.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer glances to the side, and see others on the trade road, heads down, running from where the war machines are.
He hopes his apprentice Larm has fled too, and hasn't looked at the eyes of the cockatrice.
The war engineer runs between the first of the trees, and slows down as the person next to him slows down, and let's go of his arm, and says "Should be safe now" followed by "Just don't look back across the trade road, what with those cockatrice still over there".
After nodding, Tovis the war engineer says "Thanks" the young engineer lifts his head to look at the person standing next to him. When all of a sudden, something hits him in the back of the head, and he blacks out. As he does, Tovis is pretty sure someone catches him, stopping him from falling onto the ground . . . . . .

Tuesday 27 March 2018

The Homecoming 67.

In The Middle Of A Battle...

"Fucknuts" growls Dorc da Orc as the ground beneath them shakes, the large ork grabs a hold of the tree next to him so he doesn't fall over. Then he reaches out and grabs Tamric Drubine who is falling over, the big burly ork keeps the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin upright.
While behind the two of them, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger mutters "Shit" as he falls over on his rear end, as he can't keep to his feet due the ground shaking so much.
Then suddenly, about thirty yards further along the hilltop to the right from where sir Percavelle Lé Dic is clinging onto a tree trunk. While Shur Kee the monk, is crouched on the ground. Still able to keep from falling over.
A tree falls down, as does another, then another, and another, and so on. Earth and dirt erupts in the air where the trees have fallen. They're showered by dirt as they try to keep from falling over as the side of the hill they're on continues to shake.
They look down the hilltop, and see an almost wave like path of destruction heading down it, going to the southwest. Dirt and trees are flung up and out of the ground, as a wide line in the ground can clearly be seen going down the hill. Onto the flat, across the trade road, of which a forty foot long section of it, that's torn apart and thrown into the air.
Before the line of the destruction tears through the ground, going diagonally across the meadow, right into the already depleted ranks of the Lé Dic army.
Horses and their riders are hurled into the air with the ground that erupts beneath them as the path of destruction continues on it's way.
The clearly visible wave in the earth, can be seen rapidly changing direction, sweeping back and forth across the meadow as it plows through the surviving ranks of the army from the Lé Dic fief.
In then turns back towards the trade road, flinging and throwing up dirt and rock in all directions. As it heads alongside the road, going through the rest of the Lé Dic army that's near the road.
Those that are on the trade road, are the lucky one's really. As the wave of destruction doesn't seem to want to destroy the road that much.
That's until it gets to the very rear of lady Linara Lé Dic's army. There it plows into the trade road, sending hard packed earth dozens of feet into the sky. Along with those soldiers, all on foot who are on that part of the trade road.
Wagons and their horses are hurled about as the wave of devastation slams into the war machines at the very rear of the Lé Dic army. One catapult that's on the road is completed shattered apart. While the other, that's just off to the side of the trade road. Topples over, smashing down onto those that are next to it.
Soldiers and camp followers, at the rear of the army from the Lé Dic fief. Who were too far back to be effected by the two cockatrice. For the simple reason they couldn't see them.
Try to flee the wave of destruction traveling through the ground. Those that aren't knocked over by the violent shaking of the ground.
Are mowed down by the upturned earth as the wave runs them down. None of them are quick enough to evade the destructive forces of the earth being churned up, and hurled in the air all around them.
The wave of destruction continues on for a good few hundred feet behind the very rear of the last of the Lé Dic army. Out of sight from where it originally came from, the top of the hill on the north side of the trade road. It finally comes to a stop and disappears. Though the ground continues to shake for what feels like a long time, but is really only a few moments.
Once the side of the hill they're on finally stops shaking, and the ground below in the meadow, and back west beside, and along the trade road stops shaking.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, who is flat on the ground, rolls over and looks back up the hill, following the path of destruction, to see where it came from.
With a lot of the trees along a stretch of the hill, now knocked down, and others completely shattered apart. He can see a bit more clearly up to the top of the hill, where he can see movement.
"Fuck" mutters Riley Hait in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra, who then says in common to the others "Move!" followed by "Down the hill" he then adds "Through the trees".
"What fucking trees" mutters Tamric Drubine as a lot of the trees to their right have either fallen over or have completely gone. But he knows what the ranger Hait means. And heads down through the trees to their left, followed by Dorc da Orc, who along with Shur Kee the monk, was the only one to keep to his feet as the hill they're on violently tried to shake them from it.
The short, statured monk from the far eastern coastal kingdom of Wah Lee, who stood tall in a ball of white energy around him as the earth shook violently beneath them.
Helps sir Percavelle Lé Dic to his feet, Riley Hait hurries over and helps the heavily armoured knight too. And the three of them hurry into the trees to the left as they head downhill.
With the former earl of Lé Dic in absolute shock at what's just happened to his niece's army. Which looks like it's been all but wiped out.
Further down the hill, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who clung to the ground, as where he's located on the hill, didn't shake too violently. He suspects because he's directly above the ranks of the Harkonin army. Who don't seem to be effected by the violent earth shaking in any way.
Looks quickly uphill to see if Lisell Maera is alright. He quickly spots the orphan teenager from the city-state of Brattonbury getting up off the ground, from where she was huddling at the base of a tree trunk.
The spy Tanith hears the attractive young human woman muttering to herself, swearing actually. But she seems to be fine.
So he quickly looks back down the hill at the Harkonin army. And sees that they've been given the order to advance. As he sees both mounted soldiers, and foot soldiers. Moving off, heading west. To attack and kill any in the Lé Dic army who might of survived the wave of destruction that came down the hill, and churned up the earth as it plowed through the army from the Lé Dic fief.
Fuck, they've been wiped out for sure, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself as he looks towards the Lé Dic army. Or what's left of them. Which isn't much. If most of them aren't already dead. They're lying there wounded, just waiting to die from their injuries. Or the advancing Harkonin army who are making their way towards them.
There's very few in the Lé Dic army who are still on their feet uninjured. Even less who are still on horseback. Having miraculously avoided the wave of destruction that swept through their army.
Then the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae, remembers what he and the others are here to do. He looks back down at the Harkonin army. And now with most of them moving off. He can see more clearly those who are in and around the war machines.
They seem to be more relaxed, as it looks like they've been given the order to stand down. As the spy Tanith sees many of them chatting, and discussing what's just happened.
Then Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's often referred to by the rest of the group. Narrows his eyelids as he sees a few of those who have walked around to the back of the second trebuchet, the one that's to the south of the trade road.
The elven spy looks carefully at a young man in a workman's smock. Similar to a blacksmith's apron. Next to him is a teenager, as well as an officer, an adjutant by the looks of it.
And though the officer looks like he's the one in charge, of all the crews and soldiers of the war machines by the looks of it.
He's definitely acting in a deferential manner to the younger man who wears a leather apron over his clothes.
Come on turn around, and look this way, Dalin silently urges to himself, and a moment later, the young man he's watching, does so, as he briefly looks at the other trebuchet on the trade road.
"Found you" murmurs the elven spy in satisfaction as he recognises the war engineer named Tovis. Dalinvardél Tanith has seen the image of the war engineer cast by Helbe the elven thief plenty of times, and knows what Tovis looks like.
Dalin quickly looks back uphill, when he hears movement heading down through the trees in this direction. He easily hears with his naturally enhanced hearing, who it is that's coming this way.
He scrambles uphill to join Lisell Maera, and he quietly tells her in elven "The others are coming down" Lis nods, then her eyebrows lift in surprise, when the spy Tanith adds "Also, I've found our engineer".
It's not too long before the others get to them, they all get low, or behind trees. And as Lisell Maera quietly asks "What the hell happened up there?". The spy Tanith says "Forget that" he then tells the others "I've found him" followed by "The war engineer".
"Where?" asks Riley Hait "There" replies Dalin who points out the person they've traveled to the kingdom of Druvic to find.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait. Nods his head when he sees the person that the spy Tanith points out.
"That's him alright" quietly says the ranger Hait who recognises Tovis the war engineer from the images of him, that prince Helbenthril Raendril has cast and shown to them all.
"Looks like a cunt" says Dorc da Orc, giving his opinion of what he thinks of the young engineer when he spots him "We gonna kills him?" asks the ork warleader.
"No" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman with a roll of his eyes, then the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained by the warders of the elven principality of Envadarlen, adds "We're going to take him".
"How?" asks Lisell Maera, who then adds in a slightly dry tone of voice "If you haven't noticed, there's a bit of army down there at the moment".
"I'm working on that" murmurs the ranger Hait "I could grab him tonight" is the quiet suggestion of Dalinvardél Tanith who continues with "I could sneak down into their camp, knock him out, then bring him out" as he knows he'd be less likely to be noticed as an elf during the night, than he will during the daytime.
"No we get him as soon as we can" quietly says Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson, who then silently adds, what we need is a distraction.
The mercenary ranger who is the temporary leader of the group in the absence of lord Farque, Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief. Looks over at the most likely source of a distraction. Infact two such likely sources. Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
And though the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che still looks stunned at what's just happened to his niece's army. Many of whom he probably previously fought alongside, when he was earl, and before he had that title too.
Dorkindle looks bored already as he looks down at the rear elements of the Harkonin army. The ranger Hait knows a bored Dorc da Orc is a recipe for disaster, as he'll likely to do anything.
Perfect for a distraction, Riley Hait thinks to himself with a grin upon his face. The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen is just wandering what type of distraction the large ork could come up with.
When a distraction happens down near the trade road anyway. Infact two such distractions. As another happens on the advancing left flank of the Harkonin army.
"Milburn" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic who nods his full helmed head down to the trade road, where a lone rider, who has been wandering around aimlessly, is hauled down out of his saddle by a number of the forward elements of the Harkonin army.
While on the left, or southern flank of the Harkonin army. Those who are mounted there. Nobles by the looks of the armour they're wearing. Come to a stop as a number of people suddenly appear infront of them.
"Scouts" says Dalinvardél Tanith who can clearly see to the far flank of the Harkonin army who have momentarily stopped. The elven spy who once served in one of the more prominent noble house in the principality of Alínlae, frowns then adds "And some guy in a robe" he briefly pauses before continuing with "A spellcaster i guess".
"The baron's advisor i bet" says Riley Hait who continues with "That druid we've heard about" the mercenary ranger waves away to their right, and the scene of destruction that was caused just a short time ago, and he adds "He probably did that".
The ranger Hait looks down at the rear elementals of the Harkonin army, then quietly says to the rest of the group "Down the rest of the way to the bottom of the hill". When he sees a number of the soldiers who are part of the crews operating the war machines. Hurry forward when they see the nobleman from the Lé Dic fief, lord Kievar Milburn being hauled back through their forward lines.
"Get to the edge of the trees" quietly adds the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen as they start making their way down the rest of the tree covered hill. Well the trees still cover the part of the hill that they're going down. Not so much to their right, over that part of the hill.
"We're going to get ourselves a war engineer" quietly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman as they continue to make their way down the hill. As they do, the spy Tanith gestures at something, and the ranger Hait spots what he points at. It's the cockatrice, who once again with their blinders on. Are making their way back from near the clump of trees where they were positioned during the battle.
Well there's our distraction, that's if they come back this way, Riley Hait thinks to himself, the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen hurries over to Dorc da Orc, and quietly explains something to the warleader of the ork race.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks frowns as the ranger Hait tells him something. Then the large ork, who is in exile from his homeland of the Ork Range at the bottom of the world, in the polar region there. Suddenly grins when he understands what Riley Hait wants done.
"Get some" chuckles Dorc da Orc as they near the base of the hill "Get some indeed" quietly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, who then adds in a murmur "Get us hopefully that engineer" . . . . . .

Monday 26 March 2018

The Homecoming 66.

Battle Rages...

"Fuck, i can't see shit" mutters Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as he crouches behind a tree, further down the hillside than the rest of the group.
Lisell Maera is the closest to him, a further twenty five yards or so up the wooded hilltop from where he is.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae sourly smiles as he tries to ignore the slaughter happening below. And instead concentrates trying to find the war engineer that he and the rest of the group are searching for.
The spy Tanith who is watching the crews of the war machines in the Harkonin army. Can't get a good view of all of them. Especially those on the southern side of trade road. Or who are standing on that side of their heavy weapons. Opposite to where he is.
Dalinvardél or Dalin as he's more commonly referred to by the rest of the group. Dare not move further to the west along the south facing side of the hill.
That might put him in the line of sight of the two cockatrice that are out infront of the army from the Harkonin fief. That's something he definitely doesn't want to do.
Especially as every now and then, out of the corner of his right eye, he catches glimpses of the Lé Dic army who are getting mowed down by those soldiers with ranged weapons in the Harkonin ranks. Or by the heavier war machines, such as the trebuchets, catapults, ballista and scorpions.
The elven spy who was once in service to one of the more notable noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Glances back uphill, and spots Lisell Maera.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury on the coast of the Southlands. Sees Dalin looking back up at her, as she stands behind a tree, looking out from the side of.
The orphan teenager slightly shakes her head no, to indicate that she is having no luck trying to find the war engineer by the name of Tovis.
Dalinvardél Tanith sighs, then he looks back downhill to the trade road below. Still trying to locate the war engineer that they've travelled to the kingdom of Druvic to find.
Further back up the tree covered hill, they too are looking down at the Harkonin army, after Dorc da Orc informs them that though the cockatrice have their blinders off. They are looking directly westwards at the Lé Dic army, so that they have nothing to fear.
Not so the army from the Lé Dic fief. Who, not just those who are mounted, but also plenty of the foot soldiers. Are being cut down without much in the way of resistance.
Soldiers and officers. Commoners and nobles. Those that look at the pair of cockatrice, are paralyzed with fear. Either standing there without moving. Or sitting still upon the back of their horses. Just waiting to get hit by an enemy arrow or bolt.
Or something worse shot from the various war machines in the Harkonin army.
"Looks like some of them are going to make it to the enemy lines" quietly says Tamric Drubine, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger nods his head in agreement, then quietly says "Not enough of them though".
As they see a number of the mounted in the Lé Dic army haven't been effected by the cockatrice. For the simple reason they didn't make eye contact with the naturally magical creatures.
Now they're riding straight towards the Harkonin ranks. And though some fall as they repeatedly shot by arrows and bolts. Most continue on towards the front ranks of the Harkonin army.
That's that lord Milburn isn't it? the ranger Hait thinks to himself as he's sure he spots the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic amongst the riders approaching the front ranks of the Harkonin army, towards the right flank, near the trade road.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait. Looks over at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and sees that the heavily armoured knight is watching those in his niece's army, about to ride into the ranks of the Harkonin army.
The ranger Hait then looks back down to the trade road, just as riders on the right flank of the Harkonin army move to intercept the oncoming riders in the Lé Dic army.
Just as they do, Dorc da Orc grunts loudly, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman quickly glances at him, and sees the large ork is looking up through the trees behind them.
"What is it Dorc?" asks the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen as down below, the two groups of horsemen ride into one another.
The ork warleader who is sniffing deeply as he looks uphill, grunts loudly again, and the ranger Hait repeats "What is it Dorc?".
"Magic" replies Dorc da Orc, who after a slight pause, continues with "A magicky cunt".
All of them look away from the battle below, and look up the hill behind them instead. Including sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who has been watching the carnage below with intensity.
Up at the top of the hill they know are a number of Harkonin soldiers, scouts and signallers mostly. For the simple reason Dorkindle caught wind of them earlier as they made their way halfway up the tree covered hill to observe the Harkonin army below.
And because down below, signallers can be seen looking up at the top of the hill, which is the most obvious place to have lookouts in the area. Especially looking away to the west, the way the Lé Dic army has come from.
"You sure?" quietly asks Riley Hait as he glances at the ork weaponsmith "Yeah cunt, me knows what a magicky fucker smells like" replies the large ork, who then mutters "Fucken stinks of magics".
The others all glance at one another, as they wonder who it is that's appeared at the top of the hill.
"That's all of them then?" asks dark druid Palvarc "It is advisor Palvarc" replies the officer, a scout commander, who leads those upon the hilltop, on the northern side of the trade road.
He points west to the rear of the enemy, and adds "You can just make out some of the war machines they've brought with them" he briefly pauses then adds "Not that they'll make a difference to what's happening".
The dark druid who is the advisor to baron Harkonin, nods his head as he watches the battle below, a definite one sided battle. As he has always planned it to be,
Palvarc the dark druid briefly glances behind them, and quickly grins. Before he goes back to watching the battle below. Where the Lé Dic ranks are getting cut down. With very few of them making it to the front ranks of the Harkonin army.
The hilltop is the site of an ancient druid's circle. The stone markers are covered with moss and lichen, and have worn over the centuries. And there's trees growing in and around the circle. Which like most of the hilltop when the circle was first erected. Was cleared of trees. But they've grown back over the years.
Not that it matters, as this particular druid's circle is still active, and in working order for one who knows how to tap it's power. One, such as baron Harkonin's personal advisor. The dark druid Palvarc.
Who traveled here instantaneously a few moments ago, via the new druid's circle he had built near the village to the southwest of castle Harkonin and the town of Maliss.
A newly built druid's circle that he has connected to all of the ancient circles that are still functioning here in the east of the kingdom of Druvic,
The dark druid who is standing just outside the circle of standing stones, asks the scout commander "My apprentice Maren?" he continues with "Is he not with our army below?" as he cannot sense the apprentice dark druid.
After a slight pause, the officer in charge of the scouts and signal men on the top of the hill, shakes his head no, then says "He is not, advisor Palvarc" the scout commander continues with "He did not return from Falshire after the battle there".
The dark druid nods his head, as the officer explains to him "He might of been taken prisoner as other important members of our forces there were" he continues with "Lord Sarvaine was taken prisoner, they sent a messenger yesterday to ransom him".
Palvarc the dark druid knows there was a chance his apprentice Maren might not of escaped the recent battle of Falshire, which the scout commander tells him, was a short, decisive battle won by the enemy. Who took the border town in less than half a morning.
Baron Harkonin's personal advisor planned it so that the baron's army would lose Falshire. Though he didn't expect it too fall so quickly. But nevertheless, it's had the desired effect.
Having the Lé Dic army move into the Harkonin fief, along the trade road, to this very spot. Where the dark druid has planned their demise. He was a little surprised when he appeared in the druid's circle upon the top of the hill. That the battle had already commenced. He was expecting it to begin sometime early tomorrow morning, or late this afternoon at the earliest. Not now, in the middle of the day.
Ah well, if he's dead, it's simple enough to get another one, the spellcaster thinks to himself, the dark druid then looks down at the two armies battling one another. Though to be fair, it's a one sided battle if there ever was one. As the Lé Dic ranks are getting slaughtered.
"Someone important did escape the battle of Falshire, and make it back to the army with the other survivors" says the scout commander, who then adds "The baron's war engineer, Tovis". Palvarc frowns when he hears that, as his scrying showed him that the young engineer would be one of those who would fall in battle at Falshire. As the dark druid planned it.
For though the war engineer is quite popular with some of the nobility. And the common folk, all predictably like him.
Palvarc thinks the baron likes young Tovis a little too much, and gives him free reign. More so than any other commoner in the fief, with the exception of the dark druid himself.
It's the reason Palvarc wanted the war engineer with the forces at Falshire, where he wanted him killed.
No good having someone around who has nearly as much influence as himself. No matter how talented the young engineer is. And what skills and hard work, he gives of himself for the benefit of the fief.
Palvarc sees the war engineer as threat to his position. A threat that should of been taken care of during the recent battle at the border town of Falshire.
"Indeed" says the dark druid, who after a slight pause, continues with "That's lucky of the engineer isn't it?".
The scout commander who glanced sideways at the baron's advisor when he said that, and saw the sneer on the face of the dark druid.
Quickly changes the subject, and gestures down at the battle below them on, and around the trade road, and says "Looks like it will be an easy victory for the baron, advisor Palvarc".
"It does look like that, doesn't it" says the dark druid, who is silent for a few moments as he watches the one sided battle below, then baron Harkonin's personal advisor adds "But we don't want just an easy victory" Palvarc continues with "We want to wipe them out for good".
The dark druid commands "Give the signal that I'm about to begin" the scout commander nods, and says "Yes advisor Palvarc" then he gestures to one of the signal men to raise one of the banners. They've already signaled to those below that the dark druid has arrived. So baron Harkonin knows his advisor is now here. And that the next phase in the battle is about to begin.
"Stand to the side of the circle" commands the dark druid, who points to the southeast side of the circle of standing stones. The side behind the Harkonin army below.
As those scouts and signallers not already on that side of the circle, quickly move there. One of the lookouts says "The handlers are putting the blinders back on the cockatrice".
"Good" murmurs Palvarc the dark druid, who then tells the scout commander "You and your men better hold onto something". "Yes advisor Palvarc" says the officer, who quickly gulps in fear, before hurrying towards a tree.
Baron Harkonin turns and walks back into the druid's circle. In the center of it, he stands, and turns back, to look in the direction of the battle. Though he's looking off in the direction of the Lé Dic army. Further back in their ranks.
From beneath his robe like cloak, Palvarc takes a large stick. It's about two feet in length. And holding it in the middle with his right hand, he makes a fist.
The stick instantaneously grows in length so that it's a near six foot tall staff.
He sticks the pointy end of the staff into the damp ground in the center of the druid's circle. Hidden runes along the length of the staff illuminate in a bright white light. And white light bursts from each and every standing stone in the circle as he activates the power of the druid's circle.
Time to get rid of the Lé Dic army once and for all, Palvarc the dark druid thinks to himself, who then unleashes the power within the druid's circle on top of the hill.
The ground shakes, at first slightly, then suddenly violently. As the pent up power within the druid's circle is released.
Palvarc fiercely grins as he directs the newly unleashed power down the hill, heading southwest, down the incline, towards the direction of the Lé Dic army.
As the earth erupts, and trees fall along the path of the vast amount of power as it heads down the hill, towards the enemy army from the neighboring fief of Lé Dic.
Palvarc who has just released centuries old stored power of ancient druids, many of whom were dark like himself. Knows that years of planning with baron Harkonin has finally come to fruition. And that he's just not given the baron a decisive victory against their enemy. But he's finally wiping out the Lé Dic army for good . . . . . .

Sunday 25 March 2018

The Homecoming 65.

Battle In The Woods...

They find out they're under attack when a body comes flying out of the air, and slams down amongst the foot soldiers. Killing one, and knocking over two others.
Warning shouts come from the scouts ahead on the road, who thought they heard something, when they hear it again. It's the sound of a trebuchet being shot off.
A few moments later, over the trees up ahead. A large boulder can be seen hurtling through the air towards them. Soldiers in the van, those on foot and those who are mounted. Scattered as the boulder comes down towards them.
"Fuck!" yells lord Kievar Milburn as the boulder lands somewhere behind him amongst the soldiers. He starts shouting out orders, as does the army commander, sir Galmot. Other nobles, as well as officers also call out orders.
And for the most part, the army moves ahead quickly along the road. While others go through the trees. As a bombardment starts raining down upon them. From what can only be coming from enemy war machines, somewhere up ahead on the road.
A scout can be seen riding back towards them. And the commander of the army, sir Galmot who hears what the scout is shouting out, grimaces and looks over at lord Milburn.
"So there's an army of them up ahead is there" says the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic who also hears what the returning scout is calling out "Let's show these Harkonin bastards what we're made of" adds the lord of  Milburn manor.
The army commander nods as they ride ahead, then sir Galmot stands up in the stirrups, calling out "Advance!" he looks back at the majority of the army who are following, and yells at them "Attack them!" as he draws his sword, and waves it in the direction of the enemy, who are somewhere to the east of them.
Halfway up the hill to the north of the trade road, just back from the forward elements of the Harkonin army. Dorc da Orc says "Dumb cunts are riding into a trap" as he looks westward along the road, and is able to make out the Lé Dic army who are riding, and running towards the meadow, where the Harkonin army is positioned, on the eastern edge of it.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger nods his head in agreement, but instead of saying anything about it, he says "Don't bother with that" the ranger Hait gestures down at the Harkonin army, then adds "Keep looking down at them, and see if you can find that engineer".
The large ork grunts, then mutters in his native tongue "Me can't even 'member what that cunt s'pose to looks like". For all that, the ork warleader does look down at the Harkonin army. Searching for the war engineer that he and the rest of the group are trying to locate.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen looks over at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is standing behind a thick tree trunk with Tamric Drubine.
The former earl of Lé Dic is looking to the west and frowning as he watches his niece's army, who have come under attack from the Harkonin army.
As one of the two trebuchets launches another load, this one a netting full of rocks, that goes hurtling through the air towards the advancing army from the Lé Dic fief.
The ranger Hait still worries the heavily armoured knight will do something rash. Even though the former earl of Lé Dic gave his word that he won't.
Not trusting the word of the former paladin, the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained by the elven warders of Envadarlen. Has told both Dorc da Orc and Tamric Drubine to keep close to sir Percavelle Lé Dic. And to keep an eye on him. He's also told Shur Kee the monk to watch the former knight of the first class. And to make sure he keeps to the task at hand, and not to do anything else.
"Percy" says Riley Hait, the mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the ranger Hait, he continues with "That engineer is somewhere down there below us" followed by "Not on the road to the west".
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che grunts, then after one more look in the direction of the advancing Lé Dic army. He looks down at the Harkonin army, and continues to look for the individual they're trying to find. A war engineer by the name of Tovis.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks downhill through the trees, and wonders if Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy and Lisell Maera are having any better luck.
Then the ranger Hait looks down at the army from the Harkonin fief who are across the trade road, and to the south of it. Along the eastern edge of the meadow.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen looks towards the clump of trees, just in advance of the Harkonin army.
A couple of cockatrice are with the small squad of scouts behind those trees. Riley Hait knows that those two creatures will be decisive advantage for the baron of fief Harkonin.
He slightly shakes his head, then goes back to looking at the war machines behind the front ranks of the army. Trying to spot the war engineer that he and the rest of the group, have traveled to the kingdom of Druvic to find.
Behind and to the side of one of the trebuchets, Tovis the war engineer watches it being loaded again. The young engineer is just about to say something to senior captain Malcené, when Larm the workyard apprentice says to him "Sir, there's the signal for them being spotted by the front ranks".
Baron Harkonin's war engineer as he hears the soldiers at the front of the army. Yell and holler at the appearance of the enemy army on the trade road on the otherside of the meadow.
Nearby officers and sergeant at arms start calling out orders, and Tovis the war engineer says to his apprentice Larm, and the runner with them "Get ready to look down at the ground".
"Sir, we can't even see them from back here" says Larm, the not yet fourteen year old who works in the yards just outside of castle Harkonin.
"It doesn't matter" says the young engineer who continues with "Your eye will be drawn to them no matter what. It's just natural curiosity, it can't be helped" he follows that with "So look down at the ground" then the war engineer asks "Is that understood?".
"Yes sir" is the answer from Larm, while the runner says to Tovis "Yes engineer". "Good" murmurs baron Harkonin's engineer, who hears a crescendo of shouts and yells from the front of the Harkonin's army, before dying down, almost as quickly as when it started up.
Then an order passes through the ranks. And soldier after soldier starts looking down at the ground infront of them as they fall silent.
"Right" says Tovis, who then adds "Look down now" as they hear the order for the cockatrice to come out from behind the clump of trees they've been waiting behind.
The war engineer looks down, and contemplates the state of his boots, as he figures the two naturally, magical creatures are moving. And that their handlers will soon be taking the blinders of the cockatrice. Unleashing their formidable powers upon anyone who happens look at their eyes.
"Look at the ground" warns Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who then adds "They're removing the blinders from the cockatrice" as he looks at the ground.
The ranger Hait glances sideways at Dorc da Orc, and dryly says to him "Not you Dorc". The large ork looks back up, or more precisely down the hill at the Harkonin army.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson asks the ork warleader "What's happening Dorc?" knowing that the big, burly ork, like all of his kind, is totally immune to the effects of cockatrice. Or other similar creatures, that have the ability to stun or paralyze. Such as the more deadly bassalisk. Due to their mental capacity. Or to be exact, lack of mental capacity.
Dorkindle grunts, then says "Them big fucken chickens" he pronounces the word chicken as chick-ons "Are moving out from behind them fucken trees down there" adds the large ork.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks looks to the west, then tells the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen "Them other cunts are all racing this way along the fucken road, and cross the grass" he briefly pauses as he watches what's happening, then he chuckles before continuing with "They gonna get fucked".
Lord Milburn races ahead, keeping on the road. His grandson Jared rides near him, as do others. While crossing the grass to the south of the trade road, is sir Galmot and others.
With a fierce looking grin upon his face, the nobleman who is the grandfather of the young lady, Linara Lé Dic. Sees the formation of the enemy a bit better as he races towards them.
He slightly frowns as he sees that it's archers and crossbowmen at the front, when they're normally behind, or to the side of the normal foot soldiers.
Not too worry, the lord of Milburn manor thinks to himself, who sees that it's predominantly mounted soldiers on the flank that's the trade road, who he's racing towards.
Then he catches sight of something to the right, near a clump of trees across the meadow. Shouts come from those riding further to the right across the meadow.
"What?" murmurs lord Milburn, who quickly looks that way, then towards the clump of trees, which he sees riders further to the right, pointing towards.
At the last moment, the nobleman who sees himself the steward of the Lé Dic fief, essentially ruling it for his granddaughter Linara Lé Dic. Grimaces, knowing that he shouldn't of looked at the clump of trees again.
For he sees two cockatrice to the side of it now. Looking this way, to the west. At the rapidly advancing army from the Lé Dic fief.
Orders are given, and the front ranks of the Harkonin army, look up. Lifting their bows, longbows, and crossbows. Enemy horses are scattering as their riders no longer have control over them. While others are more or less still riding directly this way.
A few of the enemy riding at the front, are looking down. Still more or less in control of their mounts, heading this way. But not many, as most of the enemy riding towards the Harkonin army. As are a lot of the foot soldiers who were running behind them. Are now stunned, after looking at the cockatrice. Who are standing to the side of the clump of trees they were previously behind. Now with their blinders off, as they look to the west, at the advancing army from the Lé Dic fief.
Arrows and bolts fly through the air. As do the longer bolts shot from the scorpions amongst the front ranks of the Harkonin army. As well as long spears shot from the other wagon mounted weapons. The side by side ballistas that fire at the same time. That shoot off their missiles which are connected by various types of chains.
Further back in the Harkonin army, and the order is given to look up again, and for the war machine crews to resume their bombardment. The catapult crews join in too. As the enemy are now in range.
An enemy, many of whom are stunned, and are totally unresponsive as they're shot at. Unable to do anything in response, as they've looked at the two cockatrice, their eyes to be exact. And now they're watching their own demise. Without the ability to do anything to stop it.
Arrows, bolts, shafts and missiles slam into the charging ranks of the Lé Dic army. Rider after rider, mount after mount, drop in waves, as volley after volley from the front ranks of the Harkonin army strike them. Killing, wounding, and maiming them. Many of those who are initially wounded, snap out of the stunned state they're in from looking at the cockatrice. Only to look at the cockatrice once more, and end up being stunned again.
An officer who is knocked off his horse after getting hit by a longbow shaft that takes him in the shoulder. No longer stunned, stands up, and looks towards the cockatrice again. Catching the eye of one of the naturally magical creatures.
He stands their completely stunned again, only to get smashed over from behind by a horse, whose rider, sits in the saddle, completely unresponsive, as he's stunned due to looking at the cockatrice.
Scores of the Lé Dic army are taken out in similar ways. Many just fall from their mounts, and are trodden to death by following horses. While others are completely still as arrows,  bolts and missiles slam into them.
Noblemen in heavy plate armour have no chance, as multiple arrows and bolts slam into them. They're the main targets for the front ranks of the Harkonin army.
Nobles from the Lé Dic fief fall from their horses, their heavy armour pierced by dozens of shafts and bolts.
Sir Barid is one such Lé Dic noble. Who hit with over a dozen arrows, predominantly longbow shafts. Hits the ground after falling from the back of his mount, who also goes down, hit by arrow after arrow.
Miraculously sir Barid, who fought in the recent battle of Falshire, is still alive, and gets to his feet.
Until he's torn in two, just below the waist. By a spiked chain, that's connected to the back ends of a pair of long spears, shot from a side by side ballistas on the back of a wagon at the front of the Harkonin army.
Sir Barid dies in exactly the same way as his squire Mercent did during the battle of Falshire a couple of mornings ago.
The front ranks of the Lé Dic army is decimated by those from the army whose fief they've ventured into. The front foot soldiers are falling too, as they just stand there, while the bombardment from the Harkonin war machines resume.
It's starting to look like a total rout for the Lé Dic army as they attack the Harkonin army. But things have just started, and they're about to get a lot worse, much worse for the army from the Lé Dic fief . . . . . .

Thursday 22 March 2018

The Homecoming 64.

Woodland Battle...

"Sir wake up" is what Tovis the war engineer hears Larm the workyard apprentice say. The young engineer whose right shoulder is being shaken. Opens his eyes and finds Larm looking down at him from the wagon seat infront.
"Something happening?" asks Tovis the war engineer after yawning then sitting up. He looks around from the back of the wagon he's been sleeping in. And finds that they've moved well forward in the army of baron Harkonin.
"Think we're going to be in another battle soon sir" says young Larm, who points ahead, and adds "Look".
Tovis gets up to his knees and looks between the workyard apprentice and the wagon driver. And spots the cockatrice that the baron has recently acquired as a gift from someone in the king's court in Leeabra.
"By the gods" murmurs the war engineer in surprise at seeing the cockatrice out infront of the army.
That's at the edge of a meadow on the south side of the trade road. There's trees dotted here and there across the meadow. And back at the eastern edge of it, some thirty yards to the south of the road. Tovis finds that the wagon he's in, is beneath one of the trees.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer looks back, and sees the catapults and trebuchets are behind them. Some on the road, most off to the side of it. They're being prepared to be used, with the crews loading the war machines.
The young engineer who is in the back of a wagon full of equipment for repairs, mutters "Shit" followed by "I'm guessing the baron will want to see me before battle commences" Tovis then asks his apprentice, as well as the wagon driver "Has the enemy been seen?".
"Can't see them yet engineer" says the wagoner, while Larm adds "Word is the scouts have seen them" the young workyard apprentice, who is just thirteen years old, points to a nearby hilltop that's behind them, to the north of the road, and he says "Some of the scouts are up there" Larm continues with "They can see the enemy on the road from up there" he briefly pauses before saying "Rumour is that it's an army from across the border, way more of them than what we faced in Falshire sir".
Tovis slightly grimaces when he hears that, then he sighs, grabs his water sack, and his pack, and climbs from the back of the wagon "Come along Larm, it's off to see the baron" says the young engineer "Me sir?" asks the workyard apprentice "Yes" replies baron Harkonin's war engineer who continues with "You're my apprentice, so you stay by my side at all times"
"Yes sir" says Larm as he gets down off the wagon seat, bringing his water sack, and pack too. Tovis faintly smiles, as he wants the young apprentice out of harm's way. The young engineer knows he'll be ordered to the rear after he speaks with the baron. Who he knows, doesn't want his war engineer in any danger during a battle. Though more correctly, in the least amount of danger as possible. Because a battle, and the area near it, will always be dangerous.
Tovis is just wandering if he's been asked for, when he spots a runner coming their way. The young soldier, informs the engineer that baron Harkonin wants to speak with him. The runner leads the young engineer and his apprentice to where the baron and others are waiting.
As they make their way there. The war engineer notices that the ranks are already in position. He frowns as he sees that the archers, and those with crossbows are infront, with regular foot soldiers. Those in both, light and heavy armour. Behind the ranged squads. Many of the mounted soldiers, including the nobleborn, are on the flanks.
Tovis frowns as he sees this formation, then he looks ahead to where the cockatrice are. He figures they've got their blinders on. As their heads are moving about as they stand out infront of the army.
Then their riders, give the two naturally magical creatures a nudge and a prod with their sticks. And the cockatrice head to the left. To a clump of trees, where a small squad of scouts are.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer slightly nods when he sees this. As he figures the cockatrice won't be visible to anyone on the trade road coming from the west while the ten and a half foot tall bird like creatures are behind those trees.
Smart, Tovis thinks to himself, who then frowns as he continues to look around, paying particularly attention to the fairly open ground ahead, in what's predominantly woodlands.
The war engineer figures you wouldn't find a better place between here and the border for a battle to take place. The young engineer is immediately suspicious that the baron and his army are here, and basically ready for any sizeable force coming from the west along the trade road.
This is way too much of a coincidence, Tovis thinks to himself as the runner leads him and Larm to the left flank of the army, the furthest south from the road, that the baron's army has set up along, and to the sides.
The war engineer, correctly guesses that some serious long term planning has been going on. Which has to of included the taking of Falshire, and the defeat there. Which has lead the border town to fall back into the hands of the enemy from the Lé Dic fief.
Was that all a trap? Tovis thinks to himself in disbelief, who then slightly grimaces again, as if he's bitten into something sour. As he realises who it is that's most likely planned what's going on.
Palvarc, the young engineer thinks to himself, who then silently adds, this reeks of something that he would do.
And as the war engineer makes his way to where baron Harkonin sits upon his warhorse chatting to his fellow noblemen. The young engineer wonders what else the dark druid Palvarc has planned.
"My lord" says the young engineer when he and Larm are allowed forward through the baron's personal guards to speak to him.
"Ah Tovis there you are" says baron Harkonin as he sits upon his warhorse looking down at his war engineer. He gestures to the war machines, and tells Tovis "I want you back behind them, keeping an eye on them" the baron continues with "Make sure the crews know what to do if something goes wrong with any of them" he briefly pauses before adding "Want them working at their full capacity, they're vital in what we're about to do" he then tells the young engineer "You understand?".
"Yes my lord" says Tovis, who doesn't exactly know what the plans are for the impending battle, just that he's got to keep the war machines in working order.
"Sir Taevar's senior captain Malcené is in command of them, he knows what to do" says the baron, the war engineer nods, as he knows the army commander's adjutant, and has worked closely with him before.
"Get going, and keep an eye on that lot Tovis" says baron Harkonin by way of dismissal, after a brief pause as the young engineer turns and is about to walk away, baron Harkonin tells him "And Tovis keep out of harm's way, i don't want you amongst any of the fighting".
The war engineer nods, and walks away. Behind him he hears the baron tell those around him "Not that the fighting will get back there". Causing him and his fellow nobles to laugh.
And as Tovis and Larm make their way back through the ranks towards the war machines, the runner who took them to the baron, joins them. After baron Harkonin tells him to go with his war engineer, and to act as a messenger for him when, and if he needs one.
With the two youngsters in tow, Tovis walks to where he sees the adjutant Malcené next to one of the older trebuchets that's been hauled all the way from castle Harkonin with the army.
The senior captain who has been talking to some of the crew leaders of each of the war machines, sends them on their way. Then greets the baron's war engineer.
After Tovis greets him in return, senior captain Malcené says "They're almost in range". The young engineer looks across the meadow, and down the road that skirts along one side of it, as the adjutant to the army commander tells him "The scouts up on that hilltop will give the signal once they're at three hundred yards" he quietly adds "We've got marker points along this part of the road, have done since the middle of winter. Before the baron gave the order to take Falshire a couple of weeks ago".
Tovis nods, as he realises that there's been some serious planning going on with all this. Probably for quite some time too. No doubt if as he suspects, that this is all the dark druid Palvarc's doing. Then the planning might of been going on since the last border conflict with the Lé Dic forces over eighteen months ago.
Although he's not particularly close to Malcené, the adjutant is common born. And isn't as closed mouthed as some of the nobility when talking to commoners.
"I gather taking Falshire, then losing it was part of the plan?" quietly asks Tovis, the adjutant to the army commander glances around them, then quietly tells the young engineer "It was Tovis, well that's what sir Taevar told me yesterday" the senior captain, a lean man in his late thirties, greying, with a close cropped beard, quietly continues with "All to get the Lé Dic army to push into our fief".
"Damn" murmurs the war engineer, who then dryly adds "Would of been nice to of known that for those of us in Falshire".
The adjutant slightly nods his head, then quietly says to him "Lord Sarvaine didn't even know" he continues with "You lot who went to Falshire were basically bait to draw them further into the baron's lands" Malcené then adds "Hell, sir Taevar didn't even know until after we left castle Harkonin. And he was the first person the baron told".
Tovis nods his head, and isn't at all surprised at all the secrecy. Especially considering it's if he suspects, is all the dark druid Palvarc's plan.
After the senior captain calls the scorpions and the wagon mounted ballistas that Tovis has designed, to be brought forward.
The adjutant to the army commander says "We're probably the safest lot in the army here" he gestures to the right flank, and adds "Sir Dontast is in command of this side" Malcené grins then adds "Nothing but the best for us".
The young engineer briefly grins too, glad that the knight of Althilgah sir Dontast, the baron's most able field commander. Is in charge of the flank that they're closest to.
"Captain they're almost there" says one of the signallers standing nearby. The senior captain looks up at the nearby hilltop, the war engineer looks up their too. And spots some of the scouts up there amongst the trees. They're holding up banners on poles, signaling the range the enemy is at.
Tovis nods his head as the adjutant Malcené tells him "From where they're coming along the road, they can't see up to that part of the hill our scouts are up" the senior captain briefly grins then adds "That's not the only surprise we've got for them from up there" though his grin quickly disappears before he  quietly says to the young engineer "Though it's a major advantage, I'd rather the baron didn't actually go ahead with it".
As Tovis wonders what senior captain Malcené is referring to, the adjutant to the army commander calls out "Two get ready to send that Lé Dic bastard back to them!".
Baron Harkonin's war engineer looks forward and to the right, as does his apprentice Larm. Where they see the trebuchet on the road, is the one with the dead Lé Dic soldier strung up upon it.
"The baron wants that to be the signal for the battle to begin" says the senior captain with a nod of his head to the dead enemy soldier hanging from the pendulum of one of the trebuchets. As the pendulum arm is brought down on that war machine, and members of that crew grab the body of the enemy soldier, to get it ready to be flung away.
Tovis says "That'll end up back in the middle of their ranks for sure" the adjutant to the army commander nods, then says "I know" followed by "That's the idea".
The senior captain then looks over at his signal men, some who are up on the back of wagons, looking to the left flank, to where baron Harkonin is. While others are watching the scouts up on the nearby wooded hilltop to the north of the trade road.
"They're not going to know what's hit them" quietly says senior captain Malcené who nods his head forward to where all the wagons with mounted weapons, have joined the ranged squads, who have parted for them.
Then he nods to the clump of trees a bit advanced than the rest of the army. That a squad of scouts and the cockatrice and their riders are behind.
Tovis slightly grimaces as he can guess what will happen when the enemy comes into view.
"Keep your head down, and your eyes on the ground when the order is given for those creatures engineer" says the adjutant to the Harkonin army commander "I definitely will" says Tovis "You two youngsters as well" says Malcené to Larm the workyard appreciate, and the young runner.
"Yes captain" reply the two youngsters, then the senior captain tells the baron's war engineer "Get behind those war machines of yours Tovis" followed by "Make sure the crews keep them going".
"Will do" says the war engineer, who then adds "Stay safe". "You too" says the senior captain. Then the young engineer leads Larm and the runner, around, and further behind the trebuchet that senior captain Malcené and his signal men are standing next to.
Tovis then looks over at the other trebuchet on the road, that's a little at advanced of the one off the road, that he's standing further back from.
He sees the dead soldier from the Lé Dic army lying on the ground, the sling rope tied to it's legs. The order of silence is called out. And he looks up at the nearby hilltop, and sees one of the scouts lift a pole with a different banner.
There's a few moments of silence, and Tovis figures a signal is probably been given from the left flank of the army, where baron Harkonin and a number of the nobility are.
Then he hears senior captain Malcené call out "Two, release!. The crew leader of the trebuchet on the road yells "Release!". And his squad pull back on the release rope and chain. Sending the large war machine into motion.
The counterweight drops, and the swing arm which is back, swings up and forward, in what's called the pendulum effect. The load rope is dragged back, then up and forward, taking the dead body with it.
The thinner guide rope on the load one, is ripped away by momentum at the very top of the arc of the pendulum swing. And the body of the soldier from the Lé Dic fief is released and sent back the way he originally come from, back to the west.
Though he rode east into the Harkonin fief. He's going back west in the air. Well over a couple hundred feet up in the air. And going well over the normal range of a shot from the trebuchet he was just launched from.
As the dead body goes flying through the mid morning sky, it's the signal for the battle in the woodlands between the armies of the Harkonin and Lé Dic fiefs to begin.
It's just that only one of the armies knows that a battle has begun. The other army, the Lé Dic army, have no idea what they're about to walk into . . . . . . .

Wednesday 21 March 2018

The Homecoming 63.

Through The Woodlands...

Ducking down behind a fallen tree so that he isn't seen. Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy frowns as he peeks around the end of the log, and watches the army passing by below.
The spy Tanith who is up a slight incline, is watching the Harkonin army heading west along the trade road. Specifically he's watching the rear elements of the army.
Where the war machines, and siege towers are being hauled by teams of horses. The elven spy is watching the squads of soldiers and support workers here at the back of the army. Looking for someone in particular, who he's still yet to locate.
Come on, where are you? Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself as he watches the army go by, the elf from the principality of Alínlae silently adds, i know you're there somewhere.
Dalinvardél or Dalin, as he's often referred to by those in the group. Is infact correct. The person he's looking for. Tovis, the war engineer to baron Harkonin, is indeed amongst the army going by on the trade road.
And amongst the rear elements of the army too. Those the elven spy is keeping a close eye on.
Unbeknownst to the spy Tanith, the war engineer Tovis is lying asleep in the back of one of the supply wagons going by. The young engineer who is dead tired after his ordeal over the last couple of days. Has got up into the back of one of the wagons, crawled beneath one of the canvas covers, and fallen asleep.
The very wagon that Tovis the engineer is in the back of, fast asleep. Goes by the position where Dalinvardél Tanith is hidden, watching the army of baron Harkonin pass by.
Could he be in uniform? Dalin silently asks to himself, the elf who once served in one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, wonders if the engineer he's trying to find, is in a tabbard, or uniform, as the soldiers are wearing.
As so far, all the workers he sees, those considered as camp followers. Smiths, wagoners, cooks, apprentices of all stripes, as well as the workers who are maintaining the war machines, presumably under the leadership of an engineer. Are all in normal everyday wear. Most if not all of them could pass for mercenaries.
No, i don't think he will be, the spy Tanith thinks to himself, who nevertheless, keeps a close eye on the soldiers at the rear of the army. Who appear to be auxiliaries, or more precisely conscripts. Recent one's too if the state of their armour, weapons and uniforms are anything to go by.
The spy from the elven principality of Alínlae gets up, and runs in a crouch towards some rocks just up ahead. He keeps to the shadows and shade provided by the trees. And trusting in the gray coloured hooded cloak he wears. Not to mention the poor eyesight of all the humans below. From being spotted by any of them on the road.
The spy Tanith is just glad there's no non humans in the army of baron Harkonin. As he's pretty certain if there was an elf, dwarf or goblin serving in the army of the Harkonin fief. He would of been spotted by now.
Dalinvardél Tanith crouches down behind the pile of moss covered rocks that has a small, gnarled looking tree growing out of the middle of them.
He continues to watch the passing army that's down below on the trade road that winds it's way through woodlands as it goes west.
The elven spy looks further to his right, in the direction of the front of the passing army. There he sees those who are mounted in the van of the army, are slowing down and coming to a halt.
What's happening here then? Dalin thinks to himself as the army of baron Harkonin starts coming to a stop.
Running through the trees, heading back east, is Lisell Maera. The teenage orphan from the city-state of Brattonbury on the coast of the Southlands. Has been watching the fore riders and scouts of the Harkonin army.
The attractive young woman, who is further back from the trade road, so that is way out of sight at the moment. Is running back to join the rest of the group, who have been shadowing the Harkonin army. With the exception of Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, who is right alongside the passing army. Keeping pace with the rear elements of it, as he tries to find the war engineer named Tovis that they're searching for. 
The teen from the city-state of Brattonbury leaps over a brook. Her long legs giving her good pace as she goes to the left through the woodlands. She like all the rest of the group, are on the north side of the trade road. As the tree cover on this side, is thicker and denser. With far less open areas and meadows.
Lis keeps running, and up ahead she spots the gleam of armour, and soon sees Tamric Drubine.
"They're stopping" says Lisell Maera as she runs towards the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Druvic "The Lé Dic army is on the road just up ahead" adds the attractive young woman as she runs by Tam.
"Oh shit" says Tamric Drubine, who turns and runs after Lis. It's not too long before they get back to the others. And Lisell Maera informs them what's happening.
"Hell" mutters Riley Hait the mercenary ranger once Lis has told them what she has seen "Can you see the Lé Dic army?" asks the ranger Hait "From a small hill just up ahead" replies the orphan teen from the city-state of Brattonbury, who then adds "The baron has sent some of his scouts up it. That's why i came back" she continues with "The Harkonin army has stopped, their fore riders have seen them".
"Verily, me thinks a battle is imminent" declares sir Percavelle Lé Dic "Huh?" mutters Dorc da Orc, who then adds "What you fucken mean cunt?". "He means the two armies are going to have a battle soon" Tamric Drubine explains to the large ork, who grunts at that.
"This isn't exactly the type of country for two good sized armies to go to battle in" says the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen "There's a bit of open ground just beyond that hill" says Lisell Maera who continues with "Harkonin's army are stopping just before it".
The ranger Hait nods, then says to the rest of the group "Let's head to where Dalin is watching the rear of their army" he continues with "This might be our best chance of grabbing that engineer" Riley Hait then silently adds, that's if we can even find him.
The mercenary ranger, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the ranger Hait. Nods his head towards Shur Kee the monk to lead the way to where Dalinvardél Tanith is.
The short statured monk, who is an acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, starts walking in the direction of the road. The rest of the group follows him.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman walks towards the back, next to sir Percavelle Lé Dic, with only Tamric Drubine further behind them, leading his horse. As he does, the mercenary ranger quietly asks the heavily armoured knight "You're not going to do anything outlandish when the baron's army attack your niece's one, are you?" the ranger Hait adds "Like charge them all by yourself, while we try to get this engineer?".
"Why of course not dear fellow" is the reply of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who keeps his voice fairly quiet compared to how he usually speaks in a booming voice.
The former earl of Lé Dic continues with "I shall endeavour to find this purveyor of tinkering and destruction with the rest of you lot".
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, though he looks sideways at the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, nods in satisfaction at the answer from the former paladin.
As for Percavelle Lé Dic, he's thinking about how he'll single handedly attack baron Harkonin's army, after they find the war engineer they're searching for. He won't comprise what they're here to do. But he will attack the enemy army to his family's fief once they're able to get this engineer named Tovis out of harms way.
After all it's the Lé Dic thing to do, attack and kill the Harkonin rabble, sir Percavelle Lé Dic thinks to himself as they head back through the woodlands towards the nearby trade road.
After coming down the incline, Dalinvardél Tanith is in a crouch, on one knee, behind a tree, just forty feet from the trade road. The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae slightly shakes his hooded head as he looks at the trebuchet that's just trundled by. With a corpse of a soldier from the Lé Dic army hanging from a rope tied to the top of the pendulum.
The war machines, catapults, trebuchets, scorpions, and siege towers and engines are still being hauled forward on the trade road. While for the most part the soldiers have got off the road. Predominantly on the otherside of the road from the spy Tanith.
Dalin frowns as he watches a pair of riders heading quickly back along the road, going back east in the direction the Harkonin army has come from.
He watches them until they're gone from view. Then he goes back to watching the army, and listening to the soldiers chatting on the otherside, the south side of the road.
It doesn't take him to long to hear why the army has stopped. A substantial sized army from the Lé Dic fief has been spotted further to the west, heading in this direction.
The spy Tanith who is watching the workers and auxiliaries with the war machines, still trying to locate the war engineer named Tovis. Frowns again as he listens to an officer who has come back through the ranks, talking to a few squad sergeants.
Huh? I wonder why that is? Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy thinks to himself as he hears the officer, a common born one, explain to the squad sergeants, that this is where baron Harkonin was going to stop anyway. Just before the open ground and meadows up ahead. Almost as if he was expecting the enemy army from the Lé Dic fief to come along, and that they'd be waiting for them.
Something's going on here, Dalin thinks to himself as he continues to watch and listen to the soldiers on the otherside of the road, while war machines and wagons still make their way westwards along the trade road. The very wagon that Tovis the war engineer is asleep in the back of, goes around a bend in the road just further to the right of where the elven spy is hidden behind a tree. A wagon Dalinvardél Tanith looked at briefly, but the wagon driver and the person on the seat next to him, that person being the workyard apprentice Larm, aren't who he's looking for.
The spy Tanith hears something in the trees back behind him, he quickly looks back in that direction, and in the distance through the murky light in the woods. He spots Shur Kee the monk, who is looking around a tree towards where he is.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae who suspects the rest of the group are with the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, and that they probably want to talk to him about something.
Dalin is just thinking about how best he can move away from where he is without being seen by those on the road and on the otherside of it. When he hears murmurs, and chatter from the soldiers that start to get louder.
The elven spy frowns and looks away to the left, back to the east along the road, as he sees many of the soldiers and others in baron Harkonin's army are looking back that way.
"Fuck" mutters Dalinvardél Tanith in the elven language, who then looks straight at the ground at his feet when he spots what's further back on the road to the east, heading this way fairly quickly.
The spy Tanith briefly pauses as he thinks about something, as he realises that those on the road, and off it on the otherside, are watching what's coming this way.
He looks back up, and looks back down the road, and slightly nods at what he sees, knowing that it's fine to do so.
Dalin watches a pair of cockatrice running along the road, heading this way. Their riders guide them, with both their knees, and a long, narrow wooden rod, they place along the naturally magical creatures necks. Because they have their blinders on at the moment. A leather band and cap, that's over the animal's heads, and across their eyes.
The spy Tanith winces as he watches the ten and half  foot tall, bird like creatures. Knowing that once the blinders are taken off them. They'll paralyze anyone who looks at them. Not paralysis as such, but make people immobile from fear. They're deadly efficient animals in a combat situation, giving the army who has them, an advantage in battle.
They must of had them further back behind the camp, following the army, Dalin thinks to himself, as he sees the mounted soldiers who he saw a little earlier riding quickly back down the road, following behind the cockatrice as they come this way.
The elven spy who definitely knows the Lé Dic army is going to have a tough time of it if they engage the Harkonin army in battle. Has a feeling all is not as it seems here.
What with the officer on the otherside of the road, mentioning that baron Harkonin was going to stop here anyway. And that the baron had cockatrice in waiting, following behind his army.
Was this all planned? Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, then he silently adds, is this a trap of some kind?
The elven spy who is starting to believe so, waits a little while. And when the cockatrice start weaving their way through the wagons, war machines, siege towers and engines on the road as they head to the front of the army.
He gets up, and moves backwards, slipping quietly away back through the trees to rejoin the others, undetected by those on the trade road, and on the otherside of it, who are preoccupied watching the passing cockatrice . . . . . .

Tuesday 20 March 2018

The Homecoming 62.

Border Region...

Helbe the elven thief gets to the border town of Falshire around midday. Having left castle Lé Dic and the town of Massic just before midday yesterday.
The elven magic user who teleported and shifted a lot of the way between castle Lé Dic and Falshire. Also got a ride upon one of the many wagons on their way to the border.
Not that the wagon driver knew, because the young elven noble travels blurred and shielded.
As he still is now, as he gets off the back of the wagon as it comes into the border town of Falshire. The wagon, just one of many. Bringing in supplies in the wake of the Lé Dic army, that's taken over the border town.
Not that's there all that many of them here in Falshire. It's not long before the elven masterthief learns that most of them have moved off. Gone across the border into the Harkonin fief. Both pursuing the enemy who fled the border town during the battle two mornings ago. And to partake in some retribution for Falshire being briefly under control of the forces of baron Harkonin.
Both Helbenthril Raendril and Narladene the ground pixie have a look around the border town to find out what else that's happened.
It's not too long, before the elven princeling from Laerel finds the building that was previously used as the headquarters for the baron's forces here in Falshire. And is now being used as the headquarters of the Lé Dic army too.
The extremely talented elven spellcaster quickly finds out the rest of the group took part in the battle for Falshire a couple of mornings ago.
As he listens to some of the common born soldiers hanging around the three storey building. Helbe the elven thief hears that it's because of sir Percavelle Lé Dic and Dorc da Orc. That the force led by the army commander sir Galmot, was able to retake Falshire fairly easily, and quite quickly as well. With the battle for the border town taking less than half a morning.
The elven master assassin who has always found you can get more information from the gossip of ordinary soldiers compared to officers. Especially nobleborn one's as most officers are here in the kingdom of Druvic.
Goes exploring through the three storey building that's the headquarters for the Lé Dic army who have remained in the town of Falshire.
The elven magic user who finds a destroyed staff of druidic origin, with it's broken parts chucked into a fireplace. Which will take days to eventually burn away. Soon finds a prisoner down in the cellar beneath what's the largest building in the north of town.
The blurred and shielded elven spellcaster reads the mind of one lord Sarvaine, the lord of the Long Reaches, one of the nobleborn vassals of baron Harkonin.
The nobleborn prisoner who has been treated fairly by the looks of it. Is disillusioned that he lost the town of Falshire so easily. Especially considering that the bulk of baron Harkonin's army is heading this way.
Prince Helbenthri Raendril wonders if the Lé Dic army knows that the baron's army is heading to the border. He doubts it, as he didn't hear any of the soldiers and officers in the building above talking about it.
He lifts an eyebrow is surprise as he continues to read the mind of lord Sarvaine. Who is wondering if he was sent to Falshire, to be the bait for a trap. As he sits in a chair in the cellar, that's lit with just a small lamp. The lord of the Long Reaches in the east of the Harkonin fief suspects more and more that he and the force he led here in Falshire. Was just a small part in a larger plan, that he wasn't privy to. As he suspects baron Harkonin, and his advisor, a dark druid by the name of Palvarc have devised something, that they've neglected to tell him about. Neglected on purpose too, lord Sarvaine thinks.
So, it seems he was here, Helbe the elven thief thinks to himself when he finds what he was looking for in the mind of the nobleborn prisoner. The young elven noble, who hopes the war engineer Tovis survived the battle for Falshire. Lord Sarvaine seems to think so. Makes his way up and out of the cellar beneath the three storey building.
Just outside the large building that's being used as the headquarters for the Lé Dic army in Falshire. Narladene the ground pixie rejoins the elven princeling she's attached to. Once upon the right shoulder of the elven masterthief from the island principality of Laerel, Narladene the ground pixie quietly says "The others were here".
"I know" is the quiet reply of Helbe the elven thief who walks to the side of a building opposite the large, three storey one. The grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel continues with "From what i gather, they've gone into the Harkonin fief as has most of the Lé Dic army".
The naturally magical creature who is attached to the elven spellcaster, nods her tiny head, then quietly says "Gone to find this engineer Tovis most like". "Definitely" quietly says the elven master assassin who floats up to the roof of the building he's made his way to.
The blurred and shielded elven magic user looks around at the town from the roof he's on, before looking off to the east. Prince Helbenthril Raendril quietly asks Narladene "Can you sense them at all?".
The tiny winged creature, who has sensed both through the ground, and for the magic some of the others carry, in particular sir Percavelle Lé Dic's shield of Saint Mar-che and his sword of knockdown. As well as the sword of protection that Tamric Drubine has. Shakes her head no, and says "Nothing".
The elven masterthief slightly nods his hooded head and knows that the others must be at least more than twenty miles away. As that's about the outer limit of what Narladene can sense, both through the ground for movement, and for magic.
The naturally magical creature then tells the elven magic user "I can feel that army through the ground heading east" she continues with "There's a few scattered along that road there to the east. Mostly wagons and what feels like war machines" Narladene then adds "The first of a lot of the soldiers are about eighteen miles away, heading further east".
"Good chance they're going to run smack dab into an army coming the other way" says the young elven noble "Oh?" says the ground pixie, who then adds "I didn't hear that from those i listened to".
"There's a prisoner down in the cellar below that building" says Helbe the elven thief who gestures to the three storey building behind them, the elven master archer then tells the tiny winged creature "He's a noble from the Harkonin fief. He definitely believes the baron's army is coming this way".
"Be a battle out that way?" asks Narladene as they look out to the east, towards some woodland in the distance that the trade road goes through "More than likely" says the elven princeling, who then adds "The nobleborn prisoner, a lord Sarvaine. Thinks that our engineer, who was here during the battle a couple of mornings ago. Escaped and headed back east into their fief".
The ground pixie briefly scowls, then mutters "Great" followed by "He's going to be in the middle of another battle. A far larger one too, with the size of the army heading east".
"I know" murmurs Helbe the elven thief, who then adds "By the forest gods i hope the others can get him before the battle breaks out".
Eastwards, in the Harkonin fief. Lord Milburn along with sir Galmot the army commander, lead the bulk of their fiefdom's army into enemy territory. With them is more than three quarters of the army that was able to be quickly gathered at Massic and castle Lé Dic.
They're on the trade road that goes through the western part of the Harkonin fief. They ride in the van of their army with a number of other nobles from the Lé Dic fief. Riding behind lord Milburn is his grandson Jared. While behind sir Galmot, rides sir Barid. Who has been in a foul mood since the battle of Falshire a couple of mornings ago, where his squire Mercent was killed.
The grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic looks back behind them. And amongst the following nobles, he spots sir Parvin Dé Gorveré the range lord. The lord of Milburn manor slightly frowns as he looks at the large knight sir Parvin, who is a contemporary of sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
The nobleman who is basically the acting steward of the Lé Dic fief. Would prefer that the range lord wasn't riding in the van. Infact he wishes he didn't ride out with them at all. And that he and his men hadn't joined the army. Though he must admit, sir Parvin, who has got a bit portly over the years. Is a terror in battle. And is good to have with you in a fight.
It's just that the range lord who grew up with, and got his knighthood around the same time as his friend Percavelle Lé Dic. Doesn't belong in lord Milburn's inner circle. Nor does he feature in the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic's plans.
Plans that he if he knew, sir Parvin Dé Gorveré would violently react to. Especially if he found out that lord Milburn had his grandson Jared kill earl Maxiss Lé Dic during the last border conflict with the Harkonin forces a little over a year and half ago.
He's here, nothing to be done about it, lord Kievar Milburn thinks to himself, the nobleman who sees himself as the arbitrary leader of the Lé Dic fief, then silently adds, we just have to continue to be careful what we say around him.
Lord Milburn who has no fear that sir Parvin the range lord will overhear anything at the moment, there's too many riders between him and those at the front of the van, quietly says to sir Galmot riding beside him "Wonder if that messenger has reached any of them yet?".
"Well if they've got patrols out on the road, he probably has" says sir Galmot the army commander, who continues with "Probably taking him to Maliss and castle Harkonin now" the noble who led the forces that retook the border town of Falshire, then adds "You think they'll pay the ransom for Sarvaine?".
"They will" says lord Milburn, who was a little surprised that the lord of the Long Reaches was in command of the enemy forces in Falshire. He would of thought that someone like young sir Dontas the knight of Althilgah would of been in command at Falshire. As he's clearly a better field commander than lord Sarvaine.
For indeed it was sir Dontas who took Falshire in the previous conflict between the two fiefs eighteen months ago. And the only reason baron Harkonin lost the border town at the end of that conflict, was because he pulled sir Dontas out, and had another nobleman take command of his forces there.
"For our asking price?" asks the commander of the Lé Dic army "That's the real question isn't it" says lord Kievar Milburn, the nobleman in his mid fifties, who like all the other nobles in the army, is in either full plate or half plate armour, continues with "Harkonin has always been a tight fisted bastard with his coin. He'll pay for Sarvaine's release, though if he'll pay the full amount, that's another question".
"Unscrupulous sot" mutters sir Galmot, who then adds in a tone of disgust "One who mingles with a dark druid too" the army commander shakes his head, then says "Nothing good can come of that i tell you".
The grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic just nods his head at that, but doesn't say anything. Instead he falls silent for a while as he thinks about something.
Meanwhile sir Galmot tries to strike up a conversation with sir Barid again. And once again fails. As sir Barid answers one of his questions in a short, and terse manner. That the army commander knows to give up on talking with sir Barid. Unless you want him all of sudden to be shouting at you. As he's been in difficult mood since the battle when they retook Falshire. When his squire, Mercent was killed.
The army commander is just about to ask young Jared Milburn something, when one of his officers infront of him, says "Looks like one of the scouts has come back sir Galmot".
The commander of the Lé Dic fief stands up in the stirrups, and looks further ahead. There he sees one of the scouts in the distance in a long stretch of the road that goes through woodland, riding quickly in this direction to the advanced riders.
The scout briefly stops and says something to the riders in advance of the vanguard, before making his way back to the front of the van.
"Wonder if the scouts have run across one of their patrols?" speculates sir Galmot, who is a little surprised they have come across any enemy patrols as of yet. After all they're over twenty miles into the Harkonin fief, with the trade road going south for a bit to avoid some hills, before going east again.
"We'll soon find out" says lord Kievar Milburn as the scout rides back along the side of the road towards them. Sir Galmot recognises the scout, and when he reaches them, he asks "You and the other scouts finally run into some of them Pomíc?".
The scout Pomíc, who is a little breathless, quickly nods his head, then says "Yes sir Galmot" followed by "We've spotted them".
"Good" says lord Milburn, who then adds "Bout time we found some of them" the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic then asks the scout "How many of them are there?".
After slightly grimacing, the scout Pomíc says "There's an army of them lord Milburn". Silence greets that answer, as the nobles, all of them who can hear what the scout is saying, stare at him.
Sir Galmot is the one who eventually breaks their silence, by saying "How big of an army Pomíc?" the mounted scout replies with "Our best guess is about five hundred of them sir Galmot" he pauses before adding "Could be more, only got a quick look at them through the trees we spotted them from" he pauses once more, then says "They've got plenty of war machines like catapults and trebuchets, as well as siege towers too".
The army commander sir Galmot looks at lord Milburn, who mutters "Shit" the grandfather of lady Linara Lé Dic, then says "Well, we knew we'd eventually have a fairly large battle against them at some time" lord Kievar Milburn then adds "Looks like we're going to have it much sooner than we thought" . . . . . .