Thursday 1 March 2018

The Homecoming 50.

Border Town...

It's before dawn when they set out. It's decided that Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, Shur Kee the monk and Lisell Maera will be the ones to go first. For the simple reason that the three of them will move with the most speed, and make less noise.
While Riley Hait the mercenary ranger will remain behind with Dorc da Orc, Tamric Drubine and sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Mainly to keep an eye on the former earl of Lé Dic. Who along with the ork warleader, will be more than a bit noisy as they move out from the woods.
When the scouts from castle Lé Dic asks the ranger Hait why the other three are going so early. As sir Galmot and the rest of the force from castle Lé Dic and those who came with them from castle Duc de Laér have yet to come to the south side of the woods, from where they've camped three and half miles away to the north.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen just tells them that Dalin, Tam and Shur Kee are an advanced scouting party, who will infiltrate the town of Falshire before the main force attacks it. Hoping to strike against the leaders of baron Harkonin's forces who have taken over the town that lies on the border between the Lé Dic and Harkonin fiefs.
The soldiers take it as fact. Much to the relief of Riley Hait. Who though told them a lie. It also wasn't too far from the truth.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the ranger Hait.
Looks over in the darkness at Dorc da Orc who has just grunted at him.
He can just make out the large ork nodding away to the north through the woods. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods in understanding, as he knows that the ork warleader has heard, as well as caught the scent of sir Galmot and the force of about a hundred and fifty soldiers. Coming south through the woods towards them. As they plan to  attack Falshire just before dawn.
The mercenary ranger glances at the silent figure of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who stands there looking away into the darkness, towards the border town just over quarter of a mile away to the south.
Riley Hait who hopes the former earl of Lé Dic keeps out of trouble today. But knowing that probably won't be likely. Looks away towards Falshire too. He's lost sight of the elven spy, the physical adept and the orphan teenager some time ago, just after they left the woods.
He hopes they get to the border town undetected. And that if the engineer the group is searching for here in eastern Druvic. Is in Falshire. They're able to locate him. If not before the impending battle commences. At least before it gets too chaotic and hectic. As most battles, from what Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson has experienced over the years, usually turns out to be.
As it was early last night. It's only the second moon of Volunell, Aeviss that's up in the sky before the dim light of false dawn. It's cloudy again too. With little illumination as another day is soon to dawn upon the kingdom of Druvic and this region of the Southlands.
None of this matters to Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy. Who with his naturally enhanced low light and night vision. Can easily see in the darkness as if it was the middle of the day.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, leads the way to Falshire. With Shur Kee the monk and Lisell Maera following closely, and quietly behind him.
The spy Tanith doesn't have to worry about the two of them. As the short, statured monk, for a human who isn't enhanced with spellcraft. Has highly acute senses. And is able to move almost as silently as the elven spy.
Dalinvardél Tanith has learnt that the acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li. Trained from a young age, often with his eyes covered.
Enabling him to develop his other senses in dangerous and difficult situations.
As for Lisell Maera who is following right behind the monk from the far eastern coastal kingdom of Wah Lee.
She's been training as a scout and runner. Basically ever since she joined the group. But more exclusively ever since they returned from the north of the equator over two and half years ago.
The nearly eighteen year old attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury on the coast of the Southlands. Has been taught by prince Helbenthril Raendril, Dalinvardél Tanith and lord Farque himself. To move silently and quickly across all terrain, and in all conditions. Such as in the darkness before predawn.
Dalin isn't leading the other two directly towards Falshire. He goes more eastwards, across rougher ground. As he ntends to enter the town from the Harkonin side of the border.
Sir Galmot and the force he leads. Will come directly south out of the woods, and traverse across the more flatter looking ground. They have horsemen after all. And those who are heavily armoured would find it difficult to go the way that the spy Tanith is leading Shur Kee and Lis.
And the fact the foot soldiers, some in heavy armour too. Would be slow across the terrain that the elven spy, teenage orphan and physical adept are crossing at the moment.
Speed being essential to the surprise attack sir Galmot the commander of the Lé Dic army, hopes to spring upon baron Harkonin's forces who have taken over the border town of Falshire.
Dalinvardél Tanith moves swiftly between some sparse looking trees, then he drops down into a ditch behind a garden plot on the northeast side of town. After Shur Kee and Lisell Maera drop into the ditch beside him, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy quietly asks them "Ready?". Both the acolyte in the order of Bru Li and the teenage orphan nod that they are.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae quietly tells them what he sees in the town of Falshire.
Though in the darkness before dawn is fairly cool. It feels like the day when it arrives will be warmer than it was yesterday. Especially with the cloud cover overhead. The day will be more spring like, than yesterday's late winter like conditions.
And in the town of Falshire. At least on the north and east side of the border town. A woman is up early, getting a bucket of water from one of the town's wells. While a pair of soldiers, up early, wander by her, yawning as they head to the west side of town.
A window shutter up on a second storey of a building briefly opens. Followed by a splashing sound before the window shutter closes again. Someone's just emptied a bed pan or piss pot. Definitely a soldier from castle Harkonin. As none of the local town folk would do such a thing.
These, and many other things. Is what Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he often referred to by the rest of the group. Tells Shur Kee and Lisell Maera about, as to what's happening in Falshire as dawn approaches.
The elven spy who has a pretty good idea of the layout of Falshire. After all the farmers he and the others in the advanced force spoke when they arrived in the woods to the west of the fields on the western side of the border town. Spoke to them freely, about who was in town, as well as the new buildings, and the tearing down of the older, more badly damaged ones from the battle just over eighteen months ago.
And he quietly tells the short, statured monk from the otherside of the continent, nearly elven thousand miles away. And the orphan teenager from the coast of the Southlands "Best bet to find him will be in the town's smithy's" he quietly continues with "Or at least somewhere close to them" the elven spy then adds "Failing that, grab anyone of them, hopefully an officer, even better a nobleman".
"Will do" murmurs Lisell Maera, and Shur Kee the monk nods then quietly says "We shall endeavour to". Dalin nods, then he glances back in the direction they've come from.
Though he doesn't get the best of views, the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae can make out the edge of the woods they're were in previously.
He's just able to make out some of the others, particularly Dorc da Orc. The large figure of the ork warleader is behind a tree, that doesn't really obscure him. It's far too thin to do so.
The spy Tanith sees that others are now with the rest of the group and the scouts at the southern edge of the woods to north of Falshire.
He knows that the force led by sir Galmot the commander of the Lé Dic army, are making their way through the woods, and have started to turn up.
Knowing what will so happen, Dalinvardél Tanith quietly tells Shur Kee and Lisell Maera "Let's get going. They're going to attack soon". The elf who was once in service to one of the more notable noble houses in the principality of Alínlae.
Hurries out of the ditch they're in, and makes his way to the back of a house. The short, statured monk and the tall, lean young woman follow behind him. As they go in search of the war engineer they and the rest of the group have travelled to the kingdom of Druvic to find.
Tovis the war engineer yawns, then splashes water from the hand basin onto his face. The young engineer shakes his head, then wipes his face with a hand. Then after dressing, he heads out of his room, and downstairs to the common room of the inn that he and many of the others who have come from castle Harkonin, and the town of Maliss, are staying in while they're here in Falshire.
Baron Harkonin's war engineer looks at the yawning innkeeper who is poking around in the coals of the fireplace. Using the iron fire poker to stoke it up, before adding a piece of wood onto it.
Tovis briefly considers getting something to eat here. But he decides not to, as lord Sarvaine is expecting the enemy to show up sometime today.
The young engineer heads outside, he briefly glances towards the smithy, and slightly grins as he sees a yawning Larm, and another work yard apprentice from Maliss. Have just woken up from where they sleep with other yard workers in the building joined to the smithy.
And are stoking the forge fires in the largest smithy in town, before they head into the inn, to get something to eat for breakfast.
The war engineer who expects the sound of hammers striking metal in the smithy soon when dawn arrives. Has something else to attend to early this morning. The engineer turns and heads north and west through the border town. Making his way to the three storey building in the northwest corner of Falshire, that the lord of the Long Reaches, lord Sarvaine. Is using as his headquarters while they're here in the border town that's been fought over so many times, between the Harkonin and Lé Dic noble families through the years.
Tovis crosses the trade road that goes through the middle of town as he heads to the building that's the headquarters of baron Harkonin's forces here in Falshire.
He looks east, and figures it'll soon be dawn, as the darkness of the night sky is slowly getting lighter.
He looks back in the direction he's heading, and misses the three figures hurrying by, a good fifty yards further to the right of him, across the trade road, towards the east side of town.
And although one of them spots him, they don't get a good look at his face, so all three of them move on, continuing their search for the person they've been looking for ever since they've arrived in the kingdom of Druvic.
The war engineer gets to the three storey building at the northwest corner of the town. He briefly looks in the direction of one of the nearby catapults. Then over at one of the covered wagons a bit further away.
He slightly nods to himself, then enters the building that's the headquarters of baron Harkonin's forces here in Falshire, after a couple of soldiers exit it.
Making his way down the wide hallway that goes through the middle of the building on the ground floor. A hallway lit by a pair of lanterns at either end of it.
The young engineer stops when he hears a hiss coming from the dim end of a set of stairs that goes up to the next floors.
Peering towards the dim spot, baron Harkonin's war engineer sees a hooded figure he recognises, he refrain from sourly smiling, and instead Tovis the war engineer quietly says "Morning Maren".
The apprentice to the dark druid Palvarc doesn't greet him, instead Maren the apprentice druid says "Inform lord Sarvaine they're here".
"What?" says the young engineer who frowns as he looks at Maren who steps out to where he can be seen a bit better "The enemy, you fool" says the apprentice dark druid, who then adds "They're here, in the woods to the north of town, and are about to attack".
Tovis the war engineer pauses for a moment as he looks at the devout follower of the old ways, who he dislikes. Then he nods, and hurries down the hallway, calling out for lord Sarvaine, and also calling out that the enemy are about to attack Falshire . . . . . .

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