Wednesday 28 February 2018

The Homecoming 49.


As Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy predicted, they arrive in the woods to the north of Falshire during the night.
Sir Galmot who is in command of the force from castle Lé Dic, and those who joined them at castle Duc de Laér. Decides to make camp on the northern side of the woods, about three and half miles from the border town of Falshire. He intends to attack the enemy just before dawn when they least expect it. Or so he hopes.
As for the group, they wander away from the camp, and head south through the woods. They have an advantage. Dorc da Orc and Dalinvardél Tanith. Both of whom can see clearly in the dark.
It's the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae who leads them through the woods, heading south along the narrow road that he made his way up earlier in the day, just after dawn.
They traverse the three and a half miles to the southern edge of the woods fairly quickly. And meet up with the scouts sir Galmot sent ahead to observe the border town. That's only a little over a quarter of a mile from this end of the woods.
The spy Tanith gestures away to the west, to the woodland nearly two and half miles from Falshire. Where he and the rest of the advanced squad watched the border town from.
Between Falshire and there is nothing but farmland, fields actually. Nearly predominantly flat, with the trade road going through it, as it comes from the direction of castle Lé Dic to the border where Falshire lies.
The open farmland just to the west of the border town is the traditional battlefield where the armies of the Lé Dic and Harkonin fiefs usually always fight, when Falshire is up for grabs in one of their conflicts.
It's where a battle took place a little over eighteen months ago. A battle where the earl of the Lé Dic, earl Maxiss Lé Dic, was killed.
As the seven members of the group, wander away from the scouts through the trees. Dalinvardél Tanith, and occasionally Dorc da Orc explains to the others what they see.
There's very little illumination this cool evening, as there's quite a bit of cloud cover in the night sky. While only one of the three moons of Volunell is high in the sky. The smallest moon, Ovean. While the second moon Aeviss is low in the night sky, barely over the horizon to the northeast.
The first moon Ilnari, the largest of the three isn't even up. As is normal for this time of the night, at this time of the year, over this part of the Southlands.
Once Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy finishes describing what he sees, he quietly says to Riley Hait the mercenary ranger "You want me to sneak into town?" the elf from the principality of Alínlae continues with "See if that engineer is in there?".
The others, with the exception of Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic look at the mercenary ranger who grew up in the elven principality of Envadarlen, wondering what he'll decide to do.
"Maybe" murmurs Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who looks at the large ork who is leaning against a nearby tree, looking off to the south at the town of Falshire.
"Dorc can you smell a spellcaster in that town at all?" asks the ranger Hait, who knows the ork warleader can sometimes smell people, and things that are magical.
It's the best chance they've got at locating one amongst the enemy in Falshire. Considering they don't have a spellcaster of their own with them. Or with those who came from castle Lé Dic or those who came along with them from castle Duc de Laér.
"Huh?" grunts Dorc da Orc, who looks at the mercenary ranger and asks him "What was that cunt?". "Is there any spellcaster, er anyone magicky in the town there?" is the reply of Riley Hait who gestures to the town, that he can barely see, as no outside lights have been lit. And pretty much all the windows have been shuttered. You can occasionally see a bit of light from Falshire once in a while. Whenever someone opens and closes a door to one of the buildings.
"Hmmm" murmurs the big, burly ork with a frown upon his broad, green, feral looking face as he looks at the border town of Falshire, the ork weaponsmith repeatedly sniffs, then grunts, before saying "Don't know" followed by "Fucken maybe".
"Very well could be one there, if he's not too sure" quietly says the ranger Hait in elven to Dalinvardél Tanith "Best you not go in" adds the mercenary ranger, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the ranger named Riley Hait.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman looks quickly at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and spots the shield of Saint Mar-che the large, heavily armoured knight has strapped to his back. And also the blade he has on belt, that resembles a cut down longsword. Both of which are magical.
The mercenary ranger slightly winces as he looks at them, and the longsword on the hip of Tamric Drubine which is also magical. He knows that they can be sensed if a spellcaster was in Falshire, which is only a little over a quarter of a mile away. Who is alert, and is expecting trouble this way. Though they'll have to specifically be sensing for a magical item. Which Riley Hait has been told over the years by practitioners of magic, in particular Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief. Is harder to do than to sense another spellcaster.
The ranger Hait just hopes if there is a spellcaster of some kind in the border town of Falshire, serving in the army of baron Harkonin. That they're preoccupied with something else, and not paying too much attention to what could be coming from this direction.
Fuck, by the tundra gods, one can only hope, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson thinks to himself  with a shake of his head, then in common, the mercenary ranger says "Tam, you heard what Dalin and Dorc described" Riley Hait continues with "What would you do if you were attacking, as well as defending that town?".
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin is being trained to command. There's no secret about it nowadays, they all know he's been taught battle tactics and commands by lord Farque. As well as Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, though from him it's been predominantly in calvary tactics, particularly light cavalry.
Not to mention Dorc da Orc, as the ork warleader is highly skilled when it comes to warfare. Though Dorkindle is best suited to learn from, just right before a battle commences, and during it.
He's a bit lacking during the build up of a battle at times. As he often gets distracted. It's something lord Farque has been working on with him for years. Usually by hitting the ork weaponsmith to make sure he pays attention.
As Tamric Drubine explains what he'd do if he was in command of those attacking, as well as those defending the town of Falshire. The ranger Hait murmurs to the spy Tanith in elven "If there's a half decent spellcaster in there, we could be in for a right fucking" he follows that up with "Us as well as that lot we've traveled here with".
Dalinvardél Tanith, or Dalin as he's often referred to by the others, nods his hooded head in agreement with the mercenary ranger, and does so again, when Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin murmurs to him "Even if lord Milburn brings that wizard from castle Lé Dic along with the main force, we could still be in trouble if the enemy have a proficient spellcaster at their disposal in Falshire" the ranger Hait then adds "That court wizard serving Percy's niece is next to fucking useless".
As Tam continues to explain what he'd do if he was either attacking or defending the nearby town. With Dorc da Orc who is suddenly now interested in what's going on, as he starts butting in on what Tam's saying. As he puts forth what he'd do as well.
Riley Hait glances at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who has been the quietest of the group all day, and now into the night. Even more so than Shur Kee the monk, who is usually the quietest member of the group.
The heavily armoured knight who is the former earl of Lé Dic, has pretty much been silent since they left castle Duc dé Laér. Where he encountered his ex wife, Marsaé Duc de Laér.
The mercenary ranger who is the nominal leader of the group with the absence of lord Farque, Mira Reinholt and Helbenthril Raendril. Though glad that the normally boisterous sir Percavelle Lé Dic is so quiet.
He kind of hopes the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che snaps out of his reverie when they decide to move upon the town of Falshire early in the morning tomorrow.
For the simple fact, their main goal isn't to take part in wholly attacking baron Harkonin's forces in the border town. It's to locate the engineer they've been searching for since arriving in the kingdom of Druvic. And to get him to come along with them.
Though that's if he's even in Falshire. Which they've yet to determine.
You're not losing it Percy, are you? Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman thinks to himself as he watches the former earl of Lé Dic who is looking out at the farmland and fields to the west of Falshire.
Well, the ranger Hait thinks to himself, who then silently adds in a dry tone, not losing it more than usual.
After listening to what Tamric Drubine has to say, as well as Dorc da Orc who got more and more vocal, as to what he'd do. More so attacking the town of Falshire, not so much defending it.
The mercenary ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, quietly asks the others "So what are we going to do about locating this engineer when that lot we're with, attack the town first thing in the morning" Riley Hait briefly pauses, before adding "That's if he's even in there".
The others put forward their ideas. From the basic, such as Dorkindle suggesting they run into town, calling out for that engineer cunt, while he kills everyone he sees. Town folk, soldiers in baron Harkonin's army. Soldiers in the Lé Dic fief army who they came with. He doesn't care who, anyone and everyone will do.
To Tam and Lis suggesting they get into town first, and capture one of baron Harkonin's soldiers. Specifically an officer, or even better a nobleman. And getting one of them to tell them if the engineer they're searching for is in Falshire. And to have whoever it is, take them to where the elusive engineer is.
"You know, what the two youngsters came up with, is a pretty good idea" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, Riley Hait nods his head in agreement. Then as the temperature continues to drop, as following the cool day, the night is now cold. The mercenary ranger tells the others "We'll do what Tam and Lis have suggested" he continues with "We'll get into town as quickly as possible, and take one of the baron's officers prisoner or any of them really. See if they know of the war engineer, and see if he's in Falshire".
Seeing as that's the best course of action for now, as well as hoping there isn't a competent spellcaster with baron Harkonin's forces in the border town of Falshire.
The ranger Hait suggests they set up camp nearby, as it will be an early day for them tomorrow. They move off, to find a place to camp.
As they do, the mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the warders of the elven principality of Envadarlen looks back, and finds sir Percavelle Lé Dic still staring out at the fields to the west of Falshire.
Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson has to quietly call out to him a couple of times, before the former earl of Lé Dic eventually turns away, and starts to follow the rest of them.
The ranger Hait stops, and lets the heavily armoured knight walk by. The mercenary ranger continues to watch the nobleman when they final get to a spot that Dalinvardél Tanith deems is fit for them to camp at.
Riley Hait wanders over to where Dorkindle has sat himself down against the trunk of a large tree, and has taken out a whetstone and has started honing one of his axes.
Crouching down next to the large ork, who the mercenary ranger thinks could definitely do with a bath. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman quietly says to the warleader of the ork race "Dorc, tomorrow keep close to Percy".
Dorc da Orc grins, and slowly sliding the whetstone along the edge of the axehead he's honing, the ork weaponsmith says "Oh Dorc gonna keeps real fucken close to him alrights" he moves the whetstone slowly along the edge of the blade, until he gets towards one end of the axehead, then he flicks the whetstone right at the end, making a slight zinging sound.
"Reals fucken close" says Dorkindle with a chuckle. The ranger Hait sourly smiles, then he tells the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks "You know what i mean" the mercenary ranger then adds "Keep him out of trouble, keep him safe".
Seeing the large ork about to protest, Riley Hait quietly tells him "If you don't, and Percy gets himself killed. I'll tell Farque it was you who let the knight get into trouble, and ending up with him being dead".
The ork warleader scowls at the Ranger Hait, and for a moment there, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson thinks Dorkindle is going to grab him and shove that whetstone down his throat, then chop his head off with the axe he's just sharpened.
When the large ork, who was thinking exactly that, softly growls, then mutters "Fucken cunt, don't have to get all nasties and tells on Dorc".
The ork warleader grunts then sourly smiles as he looks over at sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is on the otherside of the fire that Dalinvardél Tanith has just lit. Getting out of some of his armour with the help of Shur Kee the monk and Tamric Drubine.
Riley Hait looks over at the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che too. And sees that the former earl of Lé Dic still looks distracted, as if he's dwelling on something. The mercenary ranger figures it's probably to do with Percy still thinking about the encounter he had with his ex wife, Marsaé Duc de Laér.
Which at the moment is partially correct. But for sir Percavelle Lé Dic at the forefront of his mind is something else at this time. Something that he'll come to terms with, and hopefully rectify tomorrow morning . . . . . .

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