Tuesday 13 February 2018

The Homecoming 38.

A Road East...

"He dead" says Dorc da Orc when he's told that he'll be guarding sir Percavelle Lé Dic from now on.
Riley Hait the mercenary ranger stands there with a sour looking smile on his face as he watches the large ork laughing uncontrollably.
The ranger Hait looks over at Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, whose idea it was for the ork warleader to guard the former earl of Lé Dic in the first place.
The spy Tanith rolls his eyes as he looks at the ork weaponsmith, who is bent over, hugging his sides, and crying as he continues to laugh.
"Dorc" says Riley Hait when he thinks the large ork has finally got himself under control, and stopped laughing.
Dorkindle chortles a bit longer, then sniggers when the mercenary ranger says "Dorc!" to get his attention.
"Yeah cunt, what?" asks the warleader of the ork race after he wipes the tears of laughter from his face.
"I'm serious, you'll guard Percy" says the ranger who was raised and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen.
The large ork frowns, then scowls as he thinks about that for a moment. Then he grins and says "Okay" followed by "He still gonna be dead 'cause Dorc is the worst fucken guard ever" the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks continues with "Some fucker could come along and kill that knight dick, when me having dinner or some shit".
With a put upon look on his face of sadness and remorse, the large ork says "Dorc will be so fucken sads when that haps" followed by "Aaaawww poor knight cunt".
His lie is destroyed by him trying to withhold a grin, which he does. And trying not to laugh, which he does when he snort chuckles.
"Will you be serious for a moment Dorc!" says the mercenary ranger, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait.
"Me is serious" says Dorc da Orc, who then with an innocent look upon his big, green, feral looking face, says "Since Dorc is so shit at being a guard, why not me just save you the trouble of some cunt coming along and killing that knight dick, sir shitface, and me kill him meself".
As the ranger Hait shakes his head no, the ork warleader says "Me just chop off that cunt's head, he don't fucken use it that much anyway, we all knows that".
As the mercenary ranger sourly smiles, and the elven spy refrains from grinning at that astute observation from the large ork.
Dorkindle explains to them "Yeah me chop off his fucken head, and use it as a, hmmm as a er, um, oh yeah use it as a piss pot" with a grin across his face, the ork weaponsmith says "Me fucken need one of them 'cause you cunts are always going on about me pissing all over the fucken place".
The large ork who is still grinning continues with "Telling me, Dorc don't fucken piss there, don't fucken piss on that. Dorc don't piss on that house, don't piss on that cat, don't piss on them peoples".
"Fuck" says Dorkindle, who then adds "What's an ork to do? Me can't fucken piss anywhere with the way you cunts go on about it" he follows that up with "So me needs one of 'em piss pots you fucken cunts do your wees in".
The ork warleader waves away to their right, then says "That fucken knight cunt's head will be perfect for it, ain't got nothin' in it anyway".
As the spy Tanith covers the grin on his face with a gloved hand, the ranger Hait after sourly smiling once again, says "That's a bit rich coming from you Dorc".
"What's that s'pose to fucken mean cunt?" says the large ork who scowls as he looks down at the mercenary ranger who was raised and trained by some of the warders in the elven principality of Envadarlen.
"You know perfectly well" says Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson, who ignores the deepening scowl upon the brutish looking face of the ork warleader who looms over him. "You're to guard Percy and that's final" adds the ranger Hait.
"Neh" says a scowling Dorkindle, who with a semblance of all laughter now gone, adds "Get fucked cunt".
"You'll do it, because i said so" says Riley Hait, who doesn't take a step back, when the large ork moves forward, after the mercenary ranger adds "You fat fucking idiot".
"Who you calling fat?" growls the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who after a slight pause as he realises what else the ranger Hait called him, adds in threatening growl "And who calling a idiot ya cunt?".
"You" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy who is standing off to one side, who ignores the glare directed at him by the ork warleader, and adds "Because you're fat, and because you're an idiot".
Dorkindle growls at the insult, and slaps a hand onto the hilt of the hammer that he has on his right hip at the moment as he glares at both the elven spy and the mercenary ranger.
There's usually only one person who insults him in such a way and gets away with it. For the simple reason that he can.
But lord Farque is not here. And Riley Hait and Dalinvardél Tanith are. And though they usually don't openly insult him. It wise for one's health not to. They did this time. And they don't seem to care that they did.
"You better fucken do 'pologies for that you cunts" growls Dorc da Orc as he glares at the human ranger and the elven spy.
Who with stony faced countenance, look at the glaring warleader of the ork race in silence.
Hmmm what these two cunts playing at? Dorkindle thinks to himself as he looks at Riley Hait and Dalinvardél Tanith.
'Telling you what's fucking what, that's what' silently adds the ork weaponsmith, who glares at the large ork skull tied to his belt.
'You fat fucking idiot' the ork warleader thinks to himself, who then mutters in his native language "Ah fuck up ya dirty old whore" because his 'Mother' has decided to speak up.
After seeing the large ork mutter something in the incomprehensible language of the orks at the skull of his long dead mother. The ranger Hait breaks his silence, and says to him "You'll do this Dorc, because I'm in charge at the moment".
And knowing he's held back the one thing he knows will win any argument against the ork warleader. He brings it forth by saying "I'll inform lord Farque you didn't do this" the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen then adds "And if any harm befalls Percy because of you, or what you've let happen to him, I'll tell the lord know about that too".
A deep scowl crease the face of Dorkindle, who mutters "Fucken telltale cunt" after he quickly looks around, and takes a quick sniff to make sure that the lord and ruler of the lands Farque isn't anywhere around. He knows he isn't, but it's still best to make sure.
"Now get going and join the others" says the ranger Hait who gestures away to the right, to the east gate of castle Lé Dic.
Dorkindle picks up his sacks, that he's yet to tie to his weapon harness. He stomps away mutter "Me liked it fucken better when you was normal Zubu, not fucken pretendy Zubu".
The large ork might not know what's really happened to Zubutai the barbarian hordesman. His brain can't comprehend the concept of it. But he does knows that Riley Hait and the former member of the group, Zubutai Timaginson are some how connected.
As has the other bodies that the soul of the hordes outrider from the southern tundra has been inside of over the years since he first died.
As Dorkindle makes his way to the gate that the force is leaving the massive castle from, after word arrived this morning of the fall of the town of Falshire to baron Harkonin.
Dalinvardél Tanith and Riley Hait follow behind the grumbling ork warleader, with the elven spy quietly saying in his native language "I thought he was going to attack us there for a moment".
"So did i" quietly says the mercenary ranger in the same language, as they head out of the castle gates, and join the rest of the group just off to the side of the road that heads east.
"You just have to stand firm against him" adds the ranger Hait, who continues with "Just like in battle. If you start backing down, and show weakness, that's when he'll definitely attack you".
"Let's get going" says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman to the others in common, who then tells the spy Tanith "We'll see you there".
Dalin nods his hooded head, then takes the reins of the horse being held by Tamric Drubine, and gets up into the saddle.
The elven spy heads off, riding to the front of the column, where he'll join the advanced riders, who'll get to the town of Falshire way before the rest of the force.
"How me s'posed to keep up with that fucken fuckface since me his fucken guard eh cunt?" asks Dorc da Orc as he looks at the mercenary ranger, and waves a big, meaty, skillet sized hand in the direction of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is on a borrowed mount, chatting with a few of the other nobles who are going to Falshire.
"I guess you'll have to walk really fast" is the reply of the ranger Hait "Fuck" mutters Dorkindle who wanders off after the former earl of Lé Dic as the order to move out has been given.
With the exception of the twenty or so advanced riders, who include the spy Tanith. There's a little over a hundred and twenty of them heading out from castle Lé Dic, to the town of Falshire.
About forty are mounted, and the rest are foot soldiers, who include the group, with the exception of sir Percavelle Lé Dic, and Tamric Drubine, who has also been given a borrowed mount.
From tomorrow, more soldiers in the army of the fief will start heading to the border town of Falshire, as word spreads that it's been attacked, and taken over by the army of baron Harkonin. But for now, the column of soldiers and others leaving castle Lé Dic at the moment, will be the first response to the attack by the fief to the east.
As they head east along the road from Massic and castle Lé Dic, those on horseback are moving at a walk, so that the foot soldiers can keep up. Sir Galmot who is in command of the column, intends for them all to arrive at Falshire together, excepting the advanced riders.
Since they're moving at this pace, Dorc da Orc fortunately doesn't have to hurry to keep up with sir Percavelle Lé Dic. He's fortunate again, when the former paladin drops back, to ride beside the rest of the group for a while. Tamric Drubine drops back with him, as the heavily armoured knight wants a word with the ranger Hait.
Looking back at the castle, sir Percavelle Lé Dic, unusual for him, quietly says to Riley Hait "Not too sure about leaving young Linara at this time".
"I'm sure she'll be fine" says the mercenary ranger "If you say so" says the heavily armoured knight who has hoped off his horse, to walk with the others for a while.
The former earl of Lé Dic who can still see his niece upon the top of the east wall of his family's castle. Sees she's next to her governess, and his former sister inlaw, the lady Hollis. While lord Milburn and others are close by.
The knight in the order of saint Mar-che frowns as he looks at Linara's grandfather, and wonders what he'll get up to with them being gone.
Also looking back at the castle, Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, also spots some of the party from the Gallus fief who arrived this morning, standing upon the top of the east wall, watching the column head east along the road,
The ranger Hait knows that they'll send word back to their earl as soon as possible about the attack on Falshire by baron Harkonin, they've probably sent a rider already.
The mercenary ranger wonders what earl Gallus will do with that information. As he's fairly new to his station, having been handed it after the civil war here in the kingdom of Druvic. He might see opportunities with a war between the two fiefs further to the east of his.
Things are going to get interesting around here, Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson thinks to himself, who knows that they still have to locate the individual they've travelled to the kingdom of Druvic to find in the first place.
The mercenary ranger then glances back to his right, and grins as he sees a scowling Dorc da Orc following behind sir Percavelle Lé Dic who is leading his horse.
Definitely interesting, the ranger Hait thinks to himself . . . . . .

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