Sunday 11 February 2018

The Homecoming 36.

Town & Castle...

"I see he's up and about" says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger turns around to look at who the spy Tanith is referring to. And he spots Jared Milburn, the cousin of lady Linara Lé Dic. Walking across the courtyard below, heading to one of the broach towers in the large castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
"The druid in town healed him" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger, who then adds in a slightly dry tone "Since the wizard here in the castle isn't up to much chop"
The spy from the elven principality of Alínlae nods his head, then after the young nobleman enters the tower he was making his way to, the two foreigners turn and look back down at the town of Massic.
The spy Tanith and the ranger Hait are up on the west wall of castle Lé Dic. On what's a clear, and relatively warm day for what's essentially the last week of winter. Even with a bit of a breeze blowing this morning, the day is warm, with almost spring like conditions.
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained in the elven principality of Envadarlen, quietly says to the elf leaning against the top of the wall beside him "A few in court here, aren't exactly happy with what Percy did in the grande melee".
"I know" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who like the ranger Hait, is speaking in elven, the elf who was once in service of one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae, then adds "Probably would of been better if Percy had eliminated those three outright"
Riley Hait slightly nods as he knows the spy Tanith, when he says eliminate, actually means kill. The mercenary ranger from Envadarlen quietly says "If he had, he'd probably get in trouble with his niece" the ranger Hait continues with "She looks up to her grandfather, and takes his advice on a lot of things" the mercenary ranger briefly pauses, then adds "Unfortunately".
"Unfortunate indeed" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith who is looking out across the town, to the road that leads away to the west, the elven spy who has spotted something in the distance, quietly tells Riley Hait "Riders approaching town from the west".
"Who?" asks the mercenary ranger who can't see anywhere near as far as the spy Tanith, and has yet to spot the riders on the road that the elf has already seen.
"Soldiers by the look of it" says Dalinvardél Tanith, who is often referred to as just Dalin by those in the group "Most of them anyway" adds the spy from the principality of Alínlae who after a brief pause, continues with "Not local that's for sure, think they're from the fief to the west, Gallus".
After a little while watching the riders on the road approaching from the west, the elven spy nods then says "Yeah they're from Gallus fief".
"Wonder what they want?" murmurs the ranger Hait, who then slightly grimaces as he remembers what happened as they traveled through the Gallus fief to get to the Lé Dic fief. "Us most likely" sourly says Riley Hait as he answers his own question, the mercenary ranger then tells Dalin "If anyone spotted us near where we killed those soldiers and that constable, we could be in trouble".
"That's all we need" dryly says the elven spy from Alínlae as he continues to watch the approaching riders. Next to him, the ranger Hait, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait, has finally spotted the riders from the Gallus fief too.
A short while later, and a squad of soldiers from the castle leave through the west gates, and head through the town of Massic. They intercept the riders from the neighbouring fief to the west, just outside town, on it's western edge.
Both parties talk for a bit, then they head through Massic as they make their way to the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
By that time, the spy Tanith and the ranger Hait have already made their way down off the west wall of the castle, and gone in search of the rest of the group.
The mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen, has Shur Kee the monk take Dorc da Orc into Massic, preferably to a tavern, inn, wine shop or ale shop. For the simple reason the large ork can stay in any one of those establishments, out of sight as he drinks the day away.
While the acolyte in the order of Bru Li, has to hurry after the large ork, as they go out the north gates of castle Lé Dic.
Dalinvardél Tanith who has found Lisell Maera in a practice yard, working on her sword skills with some of the soldiers. And told her to join Tamric Drubine to keep an eye on sir Percavelle Lé Dic in the main keep of the castle.
Hurries through the massive castle, and gets back to the west side of it, just as the horses of the soldiers who have just come in, are led away towards the nearest stables.
The elven spy sees that with the soldiers in the army of the earl of Gallus, is a nobleman. Dalin with his naturally enhanced hearing, catches that his name is sir Twimen. The spy Tanith slightly winces as he hears that the nobleman who has journeyed from the neighbouring fief to the west. Is the new constable of earl Gallus.
Dalin watches as the visiting party from the Gallus fief are led towards, then into the main keep of the castle.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, along with a number of other curious onlookers, head into the main keep as well. Where no doubt the visitors from the fief to the west, will be received by lady Linara Lé Dic.
Dalinvardél Tanith has a quiet word with one of the soldiers on duty at the doors to the main hall in the keep. A man he went out on patrol with just after the group arrived here at castle Lé Dic.
The soldier on guard at the doors allows Dalin in, while others who want to see the new arrivals, have to wait out in the hallway.
The elven spy moves behind one of the pillars in the main hall, standing in the shadows. He's so still, that even those who look in his direction, don't notice him as his grey cloak, with it's hood, blends in with the shadows.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, spots Lisell Maera sitting next to Tamric Drubine. The young noble from the kingdom of Sarcrin, is afforded a seat at the top table in the main hall, which has a number of people sitting at in, waiting to receive the visiting party from the Gallus fief.
In the seat to the right of the center one, sits lord Milburn, who has sir Galmot, the army commander to his right.
While the former earl of Lé Dic, sir Percavelle. Is seated to the left of the center one. And to the left of him, sits constable Kalleb, who has just made his way into the main hall, and sat down.
The constable is the only commoner at the high table. Well, with the exception of Lisell Maera, who sits at one end next Tamric Drubine.
Those not already standing in the main hall, get up, as lady Linara Lé Dic enters from a side door.
The young ruler of the fief who follows a couple of soldiers into the main hall, is accompanied by her governess, the lady Hollis.
Who takes the seat behind, and to one side of the center one at the high table, after Linara Lé Dic sits down in the center chair, to receive the visitors from the Gallus fief.
Once those at the high table, and others in the front benches of the hall are seated. And introductions are made by the visiting party from the fief on the west border of the Lé Dic fief.
The elven spy from the principality of Alínlae looks around, trying to spot someone, that's if they've been able to get into the main hall of the central keep of the massive castle.
The spy Tanith's keen eyesight quickly finds Riley Hait the mercenary ranger sitting on a small bench near one of the side doors, the ranger Hait is quietly taking to a young woman. A local noble if Dalin recalls.
Why Riley, you charmer you, Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, with a flash of a grin upon his face. Then the unobtrusive spy who is listening to the introductions of the visitors from the Gallus fief, slightly winces as the constable to earl Gallus, explains the reason why he the squad with him, have traveled to the Lé Dic fief.
Fuck, the spy Tanith thinks to himself when he hears what sir Twimen has to say about his visit to the Lé Dic fief.
Fuck, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger thinks to himself when he hears why the constable from the neighbouring fief to the west, has come to castle Lé Dic.
At the high table, both Tamric Drubine and Lisell Maera think that very same thing, fuck. While sir Percavelle Lé Dic murmurs "Hmmmm" and frowns as hears the reason the new constable to earl Gallus is visiting the Lé Dic fief.
It's because the former earl of the fief, killed the last constable of the Gallus fief. Not that the new constable to earl Gallus, sir Twimen, knows that.
He's just trying to find any information about those who killed his predecessor, and the patrol he was with a couple of weeks ago.
"So any information about said event will be greatly appreciated" says sir Twimen the constable of the Gallus fief, a man in his late twenties, of average height, but lean in appearance. Though for all that, he's in heavy steel, half plate armour.
"All we know is that travellers passing through my lord's fief, either from here or who were coming here, were responsible for this outrage" adds sir Twimen, who to be fair isn't too displeased that he's the new constable of the Gallus fief. Though he's more than a little annoyed at how he got his new position in the Gallus court. As his predecessor sir Parreth, was a good friend, who he had known since childhood.
"Well constable, we'll endeavour to find out if anyone passing through our lands was responsible for this" says lady Linara Lé Dic after having a quiet word with her grandfather, lord Milburn.
The young lady of the fief, nods her head after listening to her grandfather murmur something to her, then the young noble who rules the Lé Dic fief, tells the visiting nobleman from the Gallus fief "Constable Kalleb here will help you with your investigation".
The local constable, nods to his counterpart from the fief to the west.
"Thank you m'lady" says sir Twimen "Now if you would like to clean up after your travels, I'll have rooms set aside for you and your lord's men" says the lady of the fief, who has been taught to accommodate visiting nobles, especially those who are neighbours, who they're not in conflict with.
"Thank you m'lady, that would be much appreciated" says the constable of the Gallus fief.
Standing behind one of the pillars in the main hall of the central keep, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy slightly moves to one side to get someone's attention.
The always attentive Riley Hait the mercenary ranger spots him after a short while. And the elven spy from the principality of Alínlae slightly nods to him.
The mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen slightly nods in return, as the two of them are thinking along the same lines.
That they hope the investigation of new constable of the Gallus fief. Doesn't lead to them. For though sir Twimen has no authority here in the Lé Dic fief. He can still appeal to lady Linara Lé Dic when it comes to justice, if he finds out who was responsible for the death of his predecessor, and a squad of his earl's soldiers.
And if that fails, he can go to the capital, and appeal to the king for justice.
Wonder if she'll give up her uncle if they find out he did it? Dalin thinks to himself as he looks at uncle and niece on the high table as people start to move away as the brief introductions of that visitors from the Gallus fief has come to an end.
Then after sir Twimen and his men are led away, and those at the high table are getting up to leave. The spy Tanith spots a runner, one of the page's, rush into the hall, and hurry up the steps to the high table. Where he quickly bows to the young lady of the fief, before quickly saying something quietly to lord Milburn.
What's this then? Dalinvardél Tanith thinks to himself, who didn't catch what the page said to lord Milburn, as it's a bit too noisy in the hall at the moment to pick up quiet conversations.
Whatever was said, it's had an impact on lord Milburn. Who has look of shock on his face, quickly followed by anger, he then remembers where he is, and he calms down before quietly saying something to sir Galmot the army commander as they make their way from the high table after lady Linara and her governess, the lady Hollis, are the first to leave the hall from the high table.
After seeing sir Galmot almost stumble as he's taken by surprise at whatever it is lord Milburn just told him.
The spy Tanith looks over at the ranger Hait, who has just said something in parting to the young noblewoman he was sitting next to.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman has seen the same thing, and he looks in the direction of the elven spy standing in the shadows of one of the pillars. The mercenary ranger lifts a questioning eyebrow when he spots him again.
Dalinvardél Tanith nods his hooded head, as he too wonders what lord Milburn was told by the page who rushed into the hall with a message for him . . . . . .

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