Sunday 18 March 2018

The Homecoming 60.

East Through The Woods...

Lisell Maera looks ahead trying to spot someone through the trees further infront of her. She eventually finds Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, and she hurries forward to join him.
Once beside the elf from the principality of Alínlae, she looks down at the road about fifty feet away from them through the trees.
There she sees a couple of the stragglers heading further east into the Harkonin fief. They're pretty much the last of the baron's soldiers to flee eastwards after being defeated in the battle for the border town of Falshire yesterday morning.
"Is he there?" whispers Maera Lisell in elven, the spy Tanith shakes his head no. "Damn" murmurs the young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
The elven spy nods, then takes off as they realise their quarry is further east. Lis looks back in the direction she's come from, and shakes her head no. She sees Shur Kee the monk slightly wince, then nod his head. Then the orphan teenager heads off after Dalinvardél Tanith. Keeping parallel with the trade road that heads further east into the Harkonin fief. While Shur Kee the monk turns and heads back to inform the others who are following a bit further behind, that they've still yet to locate the war engineer named Tovis.
A horse can be heard coming up the road behind them. They know it's Tamric Drubine because Dorc da Orc has said it's him. The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin soon catches up to them.
"You won't believe it" says Tamric Drubine as he brings his mount to a halt, then dismounts "What is it?" asks Riley Hait the mercenary ranger as they stand off to the side of the trade road that goes through a fairly substantial area of woodland here in the western part of the Harkonin fief.
"They're making a push into the fief" says the former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine in Sarcrin. The ranger Hait looks over at sir Percavelle Lé Dic "I thought you told them to consolidate in Falshire?" followed by "Use that as a position of strength, not overextend and come into the baron's fief?".
"Yes, well i did" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who then shrugs his heavily armoured shoulders, before adding "But alas i have no real power anymore in my family's fief, or over my niece's army" the former earl of Lé Dic continues with "Galmot controls her army, he makes the decisions" the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che then adds "And of course, so does lord Milburn".
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality nods his head when he hears the former paladin mutter "Unfortunately". Then Riley Hait asks Tam "What's exactly happening back there?".
"Lord Milburn has arrived in Falshire with the bulk of the army from castle Lé Dic and the town of Massic, they got there early in the morning" says the nobleborn teen from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, he continues on with "Must of been him who order most of them east into the Harkonin's fief".
"Even with what that lord Sarvaine, and the other prisoners have said?" asks the ranger Hait, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of the mercenary ranger named Riley Hait.
"He did" says Tamric Drubine, who then adds "Orders are to engage the enemy, hoping to take them by surprise".
"Not much of a surprise when all those who fled Falshire, tell the rest of the baron's forces heading this way, that lady Linara's army is in encamped at Falshire" dryly says Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, he looks over at the former earl of Lé Dic who has been listening. Who once again shrugs as he sees the mercenary ranger looking at him.
"Ah well, nothing much we can do about it" says the ranger Hait who is the nominal leader of the group since lord Farque, Mira Reinholt the mage and Helbe the elven thief aren't here.
"They'll catch up to the scouts sometime this evening most like" says Tamric Drubine, who was further back down the road with the leading scouts of the Lé Dic forces. When a messenger approached them from Falshire, informing them that lord Milburn and the bulk of the army from castle Lé Dic who left a day or so after the force led by sir Galmot, had now arrived at the border town.
"They turn up a day or so after the battle" says the mercenary ranger with a shake of his head, sir Percavelle Lé Dic snorts, then says "Milburn has never been the most punctual of individuals" the former earl of the Lé Dic fief adds "At times i had to almost threaten him to get him and his soldiers moving when we did go to war against the Harkonin rabble".
The ranger Hait slowly nods, and glances at Tamric Drubine, who lifts an eyebrow when he hears that. Riley aka Zubutai Timaginson then looks over at Dorc da Orc, who is sitting on the ground with his back to a tree. In the shade, on what's a warm day for this time of the year in this part of the kingdom of Druvic.
The large ork isn't paying any attention to the conversation, he's too busy eyeing up Tam's mount. The ork warleader has that look on his face indicating one of two things. The ranger Hait guesses it's both. The weaponsmith wants to eat, and fuck the horse. Not necessarily in that order. Most likely at the same time too.
The mercenary ranger who was brought up and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, wryly smiles as he looks at Dorkindle. Who finally looks away from Tamric Drubine's mount, when something else momentarily grabs his attention.
"The monkey" says Dorc da Orc, who looks away to their left through the trees, before he goes back to eyeing up Tam's mount.
A little while later and Shur Kee the monk can be seen hurrying through the trees in this direction. The short, statured monk who is moving parallel to the trade road, soon reaches them.
"He is not there" says Shur Kee the monk when he joins them "Damn it" mutters Riley Hait, while Tamric Drubine mutters "Fuck". Dorkindle grunts, and sir Percavelle Lé Dic frowns at hearing what the acolyte in the order of Bru Li has just told them.
The mercenary ranger sighs then says "Come on then" followed by "Maybe he's with the next lot that Dalin and Lis find".
"Or he makes it to the baron's army who are heading in this direction first" says the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin. Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman scowls at Tam, who says in a defensive tone "Well he could".
"You don't have to fucking say it" says the ranger Hait in the elven language. Tamric Drubine slightly sighs, then nods.
"Let's get moving again" says the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen in common to the others. As the warleader of the ork race grunts, then stands up. And Shur Kee takes off at run down the road, before heading back into the trees, to try and catch up to Lisell Maera and Dalinvardél Tanith who are far out infront of the rest of them.
Tamric Drubine who gets back up into the saddle, says to the ranger Hait "They'll be sending a rider forward. Someone to negotiate with the baron's army. They're going to ransom off that lord Sarvaine".
Riley Hait nods, as he suspected such. When sir Percavelle Lé Dic mentioned that nobleborn prisoners, pretty much throughout the kingdom, especially important nobles. Are released in exchange for a hefty payment.
"Keep an eye on their progress" says the mercenary ranger to the nobleborn teen from the kingdom of Sarcrin, he then asks Tam "They care about us being so far forward of them?" the ranger Hait silently adds, not that it's their fucking business.
"They don't care" says the son of a former knight of castle Drubine, who glances in the direction of the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, who has set off down the road, slowly followed by Dorc da Orc. "I think they're glad to get Percy out of their hair" adds Tam in the elven language, who continues in that language with "And Dorc too" he then adds "Even though the two of them are the reason they were able to retake Falshire".
Riley Hait nods in agreement, then quietly says in elven "Exactly the reason to get the two of them away from them back there". After the short, and decisive battle for the border town was won. Both the ork warleader, and the former earl of Lé Dic, especially the former paladin. Were cheered and congratulated by the soldiers from castle Lé Dic, and even those from castle Duc de Laér. Who because of their mistress there, don't necessarily have the best opinion of sir Percavelle Lé Dic. Even though he's a hero, not just of their fief. But to many of the common folk throughout eastern Druvic.
"Get going" says Riley aka Zubutai the son of Timagin to the nobleborn teenager, who nods to him, turns his horse around. And heads back west, the direction he came from. The direction a large proportion of the army of Lé Dic are coming from as they move into the Harkonin fief.
The ranger Hait jogs to catch up to Dorc da Orc and sir Percavelle Lé Dic. As he closes on the heavily armoured nobleman and the big, brutish looking ork. The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen, hopes to the tundra gods that they're able to find the war engineer they're searching for, before the armies of the two fiefs encounter one another.
Meanwhile, further east along the trade road that goes through the Harkonin fief. Tovis the war engineer, and a few others who fled Falshire before the battle was over. Continue on their way, further into their fief. Hoping that they'll come across their army, who they know are heading westward. For the bulk of the army from castle Harkonin was to join them in Falshire.
"You okay there Larm?" asks Tovis the war engineer "All good sir" says Larm the workyard appreciate, who after a slight pause adds "Bit hungry though". The young engineer nods, as he too is hungry, as they've had little to eat since yesterday morning. It's now late afternoon the next day. And they, along with those with them. Continue to hurry eastwards along the trade road that goes through the Harkonin fief.
"Still can't believe we've hardly seen anyone else on the road" says Larm, Tovis tells him "People have been scared off when they've seen the others who fled further ahead of us". Baron Harkonin's war engineer has read a fair bit about battles and conflict. And knows that the local populace, especially in a kingdom such as Druvic. Even more so in a totally feudal kingdom like Sarcrin. Keep well away from any army, even their own. As soldiers will more often than not, take what the locals have. Without paying for it too, requisitioning it for the good of the land, and the people in it.
Tovis has always found that sadly funny, that in a kingdom such as Druvic. That the nobility will take from their own people in times of desperation in a war, instead of using their own stockpiles and supplies.
He would a thought that's something more common with mercenary companies from city-states and other such nations. But apparently not, as they tend to pay for things. After all, they're getting paid well to do so.
The young engineer looks over at Parker, the veteran soldier who is limping. The older soldier's limp is more pronounced, considering they've only stopped the once. And that was in the middle of the night, when they were too exhausted to continue on.
"You alright there Parker?" asks Tovis, who regularly asks after the wellbeing of the others "Still moving along engineer" says Parker, who then dryly adds "Even with this perfectly healthy leg of mine".
The war engineer faintly smiles at the levity from the veteran soldier, who like the other five soldiers with them. Is wounded or injured in some way. None too seriously, the worst is that one of the other soldiers has a broken arm. Which Tovis, with his minimal medical skills. Set with a splint, and made a sling from an extra shirt one of the other soldiers had in his pack.
The young engineer walks alongside Parker for a bit, and he slightly nods as the veteran soldier quietly tells him "The baron won't be too pleased we've lost Falshire" he continues with "Wonder if he knows already?".
"You think some of the others further along the road have run into our army?" asks baron Harkonin's war engineer, the veteran soldier looks at him, and quietly says to him "That too".
It takes a few moments for Tovis to figure it out, and when he does, he winces. Then after quickly looking around to make sure none of the others are listening, the war engineer quietly tells Parker "I don't think Palvarc was coming along with the bulk of the army, apparently he was going to stay back at the castle".
"Oh?" says a slightly surprised Parker, Tovis slightly nods, then quietly says "One of the few conversations i had with Maren his apprentice while we were in Falshire. He mentioned his master was staying back at the castle. Though if that's true or not, only the gods know".
"Well if it is true, that's a relief he won't be with the army when we run into them" quietly says the veteran soldier who has fought against the army of the Lé Dic fief many times in the twenty odd years he's been in the Harkonin army.
Parker shakes his head, then quietly says "Things have never quite been the same since that dark druid turned up" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Especially with the baron".
The young engineer nods, then quietly tells the veteran soldier "You might want to keep that to yourself" Tovis continues with "I know many people think that. But the baron won't be pleased if he actually heard that from you or anyone else" he briefly pauses before quietly adding "And Palvarc will definitely not be pleased if he heard that from someone".
"He probably already knows" quietly says Parker, who continues with "I swear that dark druid knows things already before they happen. Or what people say about him in confidence to others".
Tovis slightly nods in agreement, then Parker quietly tells him "But I'll take your warning to heart engineer. I'll keep quiet about that for sure".
The young engineer, who is probably the most highly placed commoner in the court of baron Harkonin. Will do likewise. Infact he already does. As he doesn't speak about his feelings concerning the dark druid Palvarc, and how baron Harkonin has changed over the years with the dark druid as his advisor.
It's a little while later in the afternoon, nearing dusk as the temperature cools. When they hear horses ahead of them on the trade road. They're just getting off the road, to get amongst the trees, when the horses come into view. And they see it's a pair of scouts from their own army.
"There's more of them" says one scout to the other, who nods, then spots Tovis, and says "Ho engineer, you alright there?". "I'm fine" replies baron Harkonin's war engineer "Well you and these others keep moving, you'll come across the rest of the army soon" says the scout who spoke to the young engineer.
The other mounted soldier then asks "Any others behind you lot?" Tovis answers with "There might be" followed by "Think there was at least a couple behind us".
"Might as well continue" says one scout to the other, who nods, and the two of them continue on their way. While Tovis, Parker, Larm and the other five soldiers with them from the battle of Falshire, get back on the road, and continue east along the trade road.
It's later at dusk itself, that they come upon the advanced party of the army. Who tell them to keep walking east, as the army is not too far away. And is stopping for the night. It's not too long after that they enter the camp of baron Harkonin's army. Much to the relief of Tovis the war engineer and those with him.
Just two miles further west, in the woods looking down at the trade road. Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy and Lisell Maera watch the two mounted scouts in the Harkonin army, give the two stragglers they saw earlier in the afternoon, a ride back east.
"Their army is probably close by" quietly says Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy, Lisell Maera slightly nods as the two of them stand behind a thick tree trunk, then she quietly asks "You think he made it to them?". The spy Tanith nods, and says "If he's not dead, then he probably did" . . . . . .

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