Monday 4 June 2018

The Homecoming 112.

Castle East. Castle South...

Grabbing a Harkonin soldier by the throat, and picking him up and slamming him into the side of the siege tower to his right. Dorc da Orc roars then shouts "Get some ya Harky cunts!" as he biffs the dead soldier away.
The large ork who is making his way down the siege tower in the moat on the east side of the castle Lé Dic.
Grunts then mutters "Bitchtitty" as his right boot goes through the step he's just stood on. The ork warleader sourly smiles as he thinks that Tovis the war engineer should of built stronger load bearing steps to accommodate someone his size.
Then he basically jumps down the last half dozen or so steps to the landing below. Falling upon, and squashing a couple of Harkonin soldiers.
Who braver than their peers, have stayed to confront the big, burly ork who has rampaged his way down the siege tower, killing everyone he comes across.
Dorkindle grunts, and rolls off the two enemy soldiers he's just crushed to death. He grunts again as he pulls out one then a second crossbow bolt in his throat and neck. Which have been in there ever since he made his way onto the siege tower from the top of the east wall of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
"Yeah cunt, Dorc fucken fine!" calls up the ork weaponsmith in response to one of the trio of Lé Dic soldiers who followed him onto the siege tower, calling down "Sir ork, are you okay?".
The warleader of the ork race grins, then chortles at being called a sir. Then he kicks one of the dead Harkonin soldiers he's just crushed to death. And stomps on the head of the other, shattering the dead man's skull to pulp.
Grunting in satisfaction, the large ork then looks at the barn like doors facing the back of the siege tower, that have been closed and presumably barred from the otherside.
Dorkindle scowls, as he can not only smell and hear the enemy on the otherside of the doors. But also the water of the moat. As some of the Harkonin soldiers who were in here, have now joined those who are on the rafts directly behind the siege tower that's in the moat on the east side of castle Lé Dic.
The big, burly ork glowers in anger at the prospects of getting wet. Then taking a small hammer in one hand, and a small axe in the other. Well, they're small for him.
He steps back, then kicks open the barn like doors, shouting as he does so "Fucken get some!".
Shoving an elbow to his right, that connects with the side of a Harkonin soldier's face. Then headbutting another, which drops the soldier from the fief to the east. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic says in a loud, triumphant voice "Take that you cowardly villain!".
The former paladin who uses his armour as much as a weapon, as his actual weapons. Smashes the face in of another Harkonin soldier with the steel gauntlet on his right hand.
Then he picks up a fallen shortsword, and throws it down the steps at an enemy soldier who is trying to flee from the former earl of Lé Dic.
"Fine shot that Percy" says the heavily armoured knight as he congratulates himself at throwing the shortsword into the back of the fleeing enemy soldier.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, who is the Harkonin siege tower that's in the moat on the south side of castle Lé Dic. Heads down the steps from the platform he's on.
From what Tovis the war engineer has explained to him and the others in the group.
The next platform down in the siege tower, should be at the level of the water in the moat. Where the enemy in baron Harkonin's army enter the siege tower from the floating rafts they've poled across the moat to the back of the siege tower.
"I surely am!" calls out the nobleborn knight in response to one his niece's soldiers who has followed him onto, and then into the enemy siege tower, calling down from further above "Sir Percavelle are you down there?".
"Hurry up chaps, you don't want to miss out on all of the excitement of vanquishing these Harkonin vermin!" adds the former knight of the first class, who imagines the Lé Dic soldiers are just as enthusiastic as him to be taking on the enemy within the siege tower, and on the moat.
When infact they're scared out of their wits, and are making their way down the tower with caution. Not knowing if their former earl has left any of the enemy behind him.
He hasn't, well none who are in any shape to continue fighting. For if they aren't dead, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che has left them badly incapacitated.
"Drats, how inconvenient" loudly mutters sir Percavelle Lé Dic who gets down to the next platform within the siege tower, just as the barn like doors at the back, are slammed shut from the otherside.
The heavily armoured knight, who has a large, canvas bag over his right shoulder. Runs at the doors, hitting it with his left shoulder.
The nobleman who is both a landed, and a ordered knight, grunts as the doors don't open, and don't budge all that much.
Seeing that he'll need a bit of help to open the doors at the rear of the enemy siege tower, sir Percavelle or Percy as he's commonly referred to by the others in the group, calls up the steps "Make haste chaps!" followed by "We've got the Harkonin rabble on the run!".
On the east wall battlements, Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy looks to the Harkonin siege tower in the moat, away to the left of the main gates, which he's standing above.
The elf from the principality of Alínlae, has one of his last, yard long arrows notched to his longbow. As he watches the enemy siege tower that Dorc da Orc, and a trio of Lé Dic soldiers are in.
Then as an enemy scaling ladder is pushed off from the face of the wall, just to the right of where the gates are on this side of the massive castle.
The spy Tanith is able to make out the doors at the rear of the Harkonin siege tower, swing violently open from the inside. And the large, green shape of Dorc da Orc jump across the gap to the floating raft that's being hastily poled away from the back of the siege tower.
"Crazy fucker" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy in his native language as he knows how much the large ork detests water, but still his urge to kill anyone and anything, overrides that. As he leaps to the raft that a fair few of the enemy are on. They're trying to get away from the siege tower, that some of them were just in. The spy Tanith draws back his elven made longbow, takes aim, and lets the cloth yard shaft to it fly.
With a look of both anger, and a fair amount of disgust upon his broad, green, brutish looking face at the chance of missing the raft, and hitting the water instead.
Dorc da Orc, with more than a little bit of relief. Lands upon the raft amongst the enemy. Sending a couple of them off into the moat, and the floating raft spinning.
Hissing like an enraged cat, as he's surrounded on all sides by water. Dorkindle gets up swinging the axe and hammer he has in his hands.
"Keep still ya cunt" growls the ork warleader as the raft tips to one side as he gets his balance, sending water flying, as his hammer slams down onto the head of one of the Harkonin soldiers, and the axe takes off an up raised arm of another.
The big, burly ork grunts as one of the enemy is flung off the back of the floating raft with a yard long arrow through the chest. The ork weaponsmith recognises the arrow and the fetching as belonging to Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy.
Hissing in anger again, and making a slashing motion with the axe he has in one hand at the moat as water laps over his boots.
Dorc da Orc who silently prays to his god Krom that he doesn't fall in the water. And that the raft can hold his considerable weight. Steps more into the center of the raft. And throws the hammer at one of the remaining Harkonin soldiers on it with him.
That soldier's head basically explodes as the hammer slams into his face, and he's knocked off the raft.
While another yard long shaft, the last of them that the spy Tanith has in his quiver. Takes one of the three remaining enemy upon the raft in the side, knocking him off the raft.
There's two Harkonin soldiers remaining on the floating raft. And after they both look at the scowling and growling ork warleader who shouts "Come get some!" at them.
They look at one another, then look back at the big, burly ork, then jump into the water.
Dorkindle grunts as he watches the two soldiers from the fief to the east, swimming away as fast as they can.
Then he reaches down, mutters "Yucky" as his hand gets wet from the water lapping over the boards of the raft as he picks up one of the poles.
The ork weaponsmith sticks it into the water, and hits the bottom of the moat, and pushes off. And starts polling across the water to the bank opposite the east wall of castle Lé Dic. Under fire from enemy bolts and arrows as he does so.
Dorc da Orc chortles in anticipation at getting amongst the enemy who are on the otherside of the moat. Not to mention getting off the water, which he angrily eyes as he poles the raft across the moat.
Up on the south wall battlements, Riley Hait the mercenary ranger who has just brained a Harkonin soldier with a rock he's pushed off the top of the wall.
Then helped a two soldiers and a townsman to push off an enemy scaling ladder off the face of the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
Makes his way back to above the main gates on this side of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for centuries.
As he does, the mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen. Looks at the enemy siege tower that's in the moat. And though there's smoke coming from the top of it.
The ranger Hait knows that sir Percavelle Lé Dic and a few of his niece's soldiers are somewhere in that Harkonin siege tower.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Riley Hait.
Frowns as he sees a number of the enemy on the floating raft directly behind their own siege tower. Weapons drawn, and waiting in anticipation.
The mercenary ranger nods in understanding, then he hurries over to the nearest ballista here on top of the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
"Here, give me that" says Riley Hait the mercenary ranger to the soldier who has been firing the heavy war machine, that's just been reloaded.
The soldier jumps off the bench that he's been shooting the ballista from, and the ranger Hait hops up. Grabbing the end of the heavy weapon, saying "To the left, and down" to the rest of the ballista crew. Who help the mercenary ranger from the principality of Envadarlen point the war machine that way.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman takes aim at the floating raft behind the enemy siege tower, then pulls up the lever at the back of the ballista, sending the more than ten foot long heavy spear flying towards it's target.
"Bravo chaps, well done" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic to the trio of his niece's soldiers who have just helped him to open the barn like doors at the rear of the siege tower, by simply running into it with him.
The former earl of the fief they're in, then grunts as he sees what's infront of them. Floating about a dozen feet back from the rear of the Harkonin siege tower.
It's one of the rafts used by the enemy, and a few of them are lying prone on it. While about three or four others are splashing around in the water near in.
The former paladin who is a member of the order of knights of Saint Mar-che. Blinks in surprise as he sees a Harkonin soldier floating off to the side of the raft, with a missile shot from ballista completely through him.
"Capital, capital" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a cheerful manner with a grin upon his face, then backing up, the heavily armoured knight says "Out of the way chaps" to his niece's soldiers who are in the enemy siege tower with him.
They quickly get out of the way of their former earl, who after making sure the heavy canvas bag is secure over his right shoulder, runs forward, and leaps from the back of the Harkonin siege tower, shouting "Follow me chaps!".
The nobleborn knight easily jumps the dozen or so feet to the floating raft and lands upon it.
The former knight of the first class puts a sabaton into the ribs of an enemy soldier lying flat on the raft.
That soldier yells in pain from the steel boot to the side, and he rolls away, and off the raft, hitting the water which cuts off his scream.
"Take that you base born miscreant" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who knocks another of the enemy off the raft as he's standing up, by shouldering him off. Then from behind his back, the former earl of Lé Dic takes a handheld pick axe from his belt. And drives the pick end into the top of the head of the remaining Harkonin soldier who is getting up.
The heavily armoured knight pushes him off the side of the raft as he yanks the pick out of the man's skull.
Then looking back, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che, calls out "Come on chaps, you don't want to be left behind wot".
The trio of Lé Dic soldiers, who are still in the siege tower, all grimace. Then after they look at one another, the three of them jump. Well one does, and just makes it across to the floating raft sir Percavelle is on after he copies his former earl, and does a bit of a running leap.
The other two soldiers jump in the water, and swim to the raft. Which is starting to move away, as the nobleborn knight has picked up a pole, and starts polling the raft in the direction of the bank on the otherside of the moat from the south wall of castle Lé Dic.
It's probably safer in the water, as the former earl of Lé Dic is getting shot at by quite a few Harkonin soldiers with bows and crossbows on the bank of the moat.
Not that he cares, as behind the visor of his full helm, sir Percavelle Lé Dic is grinning from ear to ear as he'll soon be amongst the thick of the enemy who have yet to get onto water on this side of the massive castle that's been his family's home for generations.
Over on the east side of castle Lé Dic, Dorc da Orc who resembles a bit of a pin cushion, as he must have at least a dozen arrows and bolts in his upper body. Mostly his face and neck, and his bare upper arms.
Is still grinning, as he poles the raft he's on towards the bank opposite the east wall of the massive castle.
The ork warleader who has glanced back and seen that the trio of Lé Dic guards who followed him into the enemy siege tower.
Have fought their way onto another of the floating rafts, a smaller one, that was behind the Harkonin siege tower.
They're actually in the water now, swimming towards the bank across the moat, using the raft they've taken to keep a float. It's probably safer that they do, as the enemy are shooting arrows and bolts at them, like they are at the big, burly ork who has almost crossed the moat.
Dorkindle grunts as he hears the thunk of one of the ballistas up on the east wall parapet being shot.
He chuckles as the missile from it passes over his head, and slams into a couple of the enemy who are directly opposite him.
Then the warleader of the ork race, who grimaces in disgust as he's basically standing in water, as the raft he's on, is about an inch below the surface.
Runs forward, and with the pole he's been using to move the raft, still in his clutches, he leaps the last fifteen or so feet to the bank of the moat.
"Get some!" roars Dorc da Orc as he lands, and swings the heavy pole in his hands, whacking and smashing over a Harkonin soldiers who are backing away from the fearsome sight of the large ork, who has a dozen arrows in him, which don't seem to hinder him, as he laughs maniacally now that he's truly amongst the enemy.
"Righto chaps, lets run these buggers off my family's lands!" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic as he poles the raft he's on, across the moat on the south side of castle Lé Dic.
As an enemy arrow clangs off the reinforced helm of the heavily armoured knight. The former paladin narrows his eyelids as he looks at the enemy across from him.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is crossing the moat really for one reason only. True he wants to get rid of as many Harkonin soldiers as possible.
But he wants to fight the noblemen from the fief across the border to the east. And as of yet, none of them have entered the fray. And even got close to getting onto the water, to cross the moat to get to the walls of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
So if they won't come to him. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic will go to them.
And the former earl of the fief they're in, who is crouching down as he poles the raft he's on, stands up and runs forward shouting "Lé Dic!" as he leaps across the twelve foot gap between the end of the raft, and the edge of the moat.
The knight in the order of Saint Mar-che who is still holding the heavy pole, swings it at the enemy who rush him. Knocking a couple of them down, and sending a few others reeling.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic biffs the heavy pole at a couple of the enemy soldiers, and drawing his pick axe again, and a hammer. The former paladin, who makes sure the heavy canvas bag is still secure over his right shoulder, wades amongst the Harkonin soldiers, laughing loudly as he does so . . . . . .

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