Thursday 21 June 2018

The Homecoming 125.

Across The Battle...

Swaying away from a blade swung at him, sir Percavelle Lé Dic shouts "Huzzah!" in a triumphant tone of voice as he slams his swordcatcher into the faceplate of sir Hamdell's full helm.
The former earl of Lé Dic rips the four inch long iron prongs out of the visor of the enemy knight's helm. Almost ripping it off sir Hamdell's head, before the knight from fief to the east drops to the road dead, with blood spraying from his ruined face.
The heavily armoured knight who is the uncle of the lady Linara Lé Dic, steps back from the enemy nobleman he's just killed.
Then looking ahead, the former paladin says in a cheerful tone "You seem to be running out of knights there Taevar old chap" the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che shakes his full helmed head as he continues with "A poor showing on your part if i do say so. Tis not one you would want for a commander of an army".
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic flips up the faceplate of his helm, and he grins as he says "Then we all know the only reason why thou is Raevar's army commander, is because you did bed that ugly troll like sister of his, whom you ended up marrying" the former knight of the first class then dryly adds "I thought my marriage to Marsaé was frought with danger" he continues with "Tis nothing compared to what you have to face every time you mount that ugly trollop that is your wife".
Seething in anger as he looks at the grinning former earl of Lé Dic. The Harkonin army commander sir Taevar goes to run and attack the uncle of lady Linara Lé Dic. But stops himself as he looks at the all the other nobleborn knights from the fief across the border to the east, who confronted sir Percavelle with him.
They all lie dead on the road here on the south side of the massive castle that's the ancestral home of the Lé Dic family.
Baron Harkonin's army commander glares at the former earl of Lé Dic who with ease, dispatched five of his fellow landed knights from the fief to the east.
And though they tried to attack the famous knight at once. And kind of achieved at times. They barely scratched the armour of the ordered knight.
Sir Taevar looks with disgust at the two weapons that sir Percavelle holds in his gauntleted hands. One a swordcatcher, or sometimes called a swordbreaker.
And the other, a strange looking weapon that looks like a long iron poinard, that has a lance like butt, as a hilt and grip.
Both weapons one would associate with a mercenary. Not a nobleborn knight. Especially a landed one from the rual, and conservative east of the kingdom of Druvic.
With a slow shake of his head, the Harkonin army commander backs up.
"Dost thou flee Taevar?" asks sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a cheerful manner, the nobleborn knight who is a member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che continues with "Such a disappointment you are Taevar. A thoroughly useless commander at arms, and a coward to boot".
The grinning former earl of Lé Dic then says "Slinking away after one little scuffle" the ordered knight looks around then says to the Harkonin army commander who is backing away "What dost thy men think of such a commander?" he then adds "Not much i would say".
The former knight of the first class briefly pauses, then he says "But i wonder what that self loathing cretin Raevar will say when you slink back to him with your tail between your legs, like the cowardly cur that you are".
Baron Harkonin's army commander snarls in outrage, then sir Taevar shouts "You pompous ass!" he follows that with "Do us all a favour and die!".
Then as he backs away along the road here on the south side of castle Lé Dic. Sir Taevar looks around at those Harkonin soldiers who are nearby, who have kept back from where the knights have been fighting.
After all, in a kingdom such as Druvic. When enemy noblemen fight. The common born soldier keeps well out of the way.
It's only when they're confronted by an enemy knight. Will a soldier of common birth, fight them in battle.
"Attack him!" shouts the Harkonin army commander, pointing his sword at the former earl of Lé Dic as he continues to back away along the road, heading further away from the moat, and the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che. Who is just as deadly and destructive in battle, as he's always been.
With resigned looks upon their faces. Those Harkonin soldiers who are nearby, who have yet to get on the water, to get over to the south wall of the massive castle that they're assaulting.
Move towards the former earl of the Lé Dic fief after being ordered to do so by their commander.
Sir Percavelle Lé Dic, or Percy as he's often commonly referred to, by the rest of the group.
Sourly smiles as he watches sir Taevar hurriedly back away along the road. While those nearby enemy soldiers approach him.
"And dost the coward flees back to his master" murmurs the former paladin with a shake of his full helm head as the Harkonin army commander, turns and basically runs away down the road.
Percy sighs, then drops his swordcatcher and the long, iron armour piercer into the heavy canvas bag at his feet.
Then he slaps closes his faceplate with a gauntleted hand. Then the heavily armoured knight grins, as he takes what looks like a long dagger, or a very shortsword. From the left hip on his belt.
He flips it in the air, catching it again by the hilt as he continues to grin. "Now who wishes to be first then chaps?" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic to the enemy soldiers, who now rush him.
I guess it will be you then, the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che thinks to himself, who sidesteps to one side, and thrusts the small sword forward at a Harkonin soldier who has just jabbed a short spear at him. Sir Percavelle Lé Dic hits him with the magical sword of knockdown.
Up on the south wall battlements of castle Lé Dic. Riley Hait the mercenary ranger rolls his eyes, and wryly smiles as he sees an enemy soldier across the moat, on the road. Go flying backwards with force, smashing into two of his fellow soldiers from the fief across the border to the east, before hitting the ground thirty feet from where he was just standing.
"Someone's using that damn sword of their's now" dryly murmurs Riley Hait the mercenary ranger in the hordes dialect of the southern tundra as he watches sir Percavelle Lé Dic down on the road, on the otherside of the moat from the south wall of his family's ancestral home.
The ranger Hait who just witnessed the former earl of Lé Dic dispatch five enemy knights quickly and with ease. Shakes his head as the knight in the order of Saint Mar-che is being surrounded by those enemy soldiers near the road. Who have yet to get on the rafts that are crossing the moat to the south wall of the massive castle.
The mercenary ranger from the elven principality of Envadarlen knows the enemy won't surround the former paladin for long. Not with him now using his magical sword. The sword of knockdown.
Harkonin soldiers go flying backwards one at a time. Smashing into those further behind them.
While others go tumbling sideways through the air when the former earl of Lé Dic hits them from the side with his sword of knockdown.
One of them even goes straight up into air, when the heavily armoured knight ducks down, and slams the sword of knockdown up into the groin of that Harkonin soldier.
Who goes flipping end over end as he goes up more than thirty feet into the air. Before he comes back down, crashing into two of his fellow soldiers in the army of baron Harkonin.
The mercenary ranger who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who by circumstances beyond his control, just so happens to find himself inhabiting the body of one, Riley Hait.
Takes one of the new arrows that's been handed out to him and the other archers along the south wall battlements. Puts it to his elven made longbow. Draws the weapon back, and lets the shaft fly.
The arrow slams into the back of a Harkonin soldier who runs at sir Percavelle Lé Dic from behind.
"Push them off!" shouts the ranger Hait as another scaling ladder goes up against the face of the wall, this one further to the left, or west of the gates here along the south side of the massive castle.
Riley aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman who figures it must be late in the morning now, looks for another target. And spots one, when he sees an enemy soldier across on the otherside of the moat. Has loaded a crossbow, and has lifted it up.
And is waiting for the opportune time to shoot the former earl of Lé Dic. Who is surrounded for the most part. Though not for long, if he keeps hitting the Harkonin soldiers close to him, with his sword of knockdown.
The human ranger who was raised and trained by some of the elven warders in the principality of Envadarlen, notches another arrow. And draws it back as he takes aim. The ranger Hait shoots off the arrow, sending it flying towards the enemy soldier with the crossbow who is waiting for a clear shot to shoot sir Percavelle Lé Dic.
"Got him" murmurs Dalinvardél Tanith the elven spy as he hits an enemy soldier with a bolt he shoots from his crossbow. The elf from the principality of Alínlae, is making his way along the top of the east wall of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for a number of centuries.
The spy Tanith rolls his eyes as he looks to where Dorc da Orc is across the otherside of the moat. The large ork is more towards the southeast corner of castle Lé Dic.
There he's fighting a number of knights from the fief across the border to the east.
And as Dalinvardél Tanith or Dalin as he's more commonly referred to, by the rest of the group. Suspected would happen, the ork warleader is having little trouble dealing with those landed knight from the Harkonin fief, who have ridden around from the south side of castle Lé Dic.
"Watch out for those down there!" calls out the elven spy who points to a couple of rafts being poled down the moat, towards the southeast corner of the massive castle, near where Dorkindle is fighting the enemy knights.
There's less defenders upon the top of the wall in that direction. And the spy Tanith sends a couple of townsmen that way to help out those down that end of the parapet.
Then Dalin glances back across the moat to where the large ork is. The elf who was once in the service of one of the more prominent noble houses in his homeland of Alínlae. Winces as he sees what the ork weaponsmith has just done.
"Cuntface" growls Dorc da Orc who has just been stabbed in the left arm with a sword. He whips his arm to the side. Yanking the sword, which is still in the fleshy part of his upper arm. Out of the hands of the enemy knight who has just stabbed him.
"Get some!" shouts the large ork who then brings his axe down, across the front of the noblemen infront of him.
The axe cuts down through the black, beak like faceplate of sir Amarnéré. The knight from the Harkonin fief, who is in a suit of white plate armour. With the exception of his helm, which is all black. Falls backwards, minus the front of his full helm, including the beak like visor. Not to mention the front of his head.
Dorkindle chortles, then says "Told ya, you a fucken cuntface" as he looks down at the dead landed knight from the fief across the border to the east "A fucken bloody cunt too" adds the ork warleader with a laugh.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks then grunts, as well as grimaces, as rips the sword out of his arm.
He then throws it at one of the two remaining knights to of confronted him. It's the one who has staggered his way alongside the moat. After being thrown from the saddle, after his horse was killed by a spear the large ork threw at it.
Sir Timack doesn't even see the sword that's been biffed at him, come his way. But he certainly feels it, as it hits him right in the middle of the breastplate as he's turning this way.
He's picked up off his feet, and flung backwards a good dozen feet, and hits the edge of the moat with a splash.
He wasn't killed by the impact of the sword hitting him, as it didn't go through his armour. But he's doing a fine job of dying now, by way of drowning. As he starts to sink in his heavy armour. More dazed than he was when he came staggering this way.
There's only one of the landed knights left from the Harkonin fief who came around from the south side of castle Lé Dic to confront the big, burly ork.
Sir Parnak, who slowly backs away as he grips his long handled hammer in his gauntleted hands.
The noblemen from the fief across the border to the east watches as the large ork steps over the dead body of sir Galbín. That knight's coppertone armour is badly dented in a number of places. Most of them caused by the fists of the large, green, creature. That sir Parnak now definitely believes is an ork.
As he backs away, the landed knight who led the others around to this side of the massive castle that's been the home of the Lé Dic family for generations.
Steps around the dead sir Lameré. Who had a broken arm earlier when he was propelled backwards off his horse when the shield he had up as he was riding. Was hit by a hammer thrown by the big, burly ork.
Sir Lameré now lies there on his side on the ground with not just a broken arm. But also two broken legs. Not to mention the spear that's completely through him.
A spear that's punched through his steel breastplate. Through his body, and out through his steel backplate.
Until he saw it, sir Parnak never thought a spear could go through heavy, steel plate so easily. As if it was shot like a missile from a ballista.
That was the force in which the spear went through sir Lameré, who was already down at the time after his legs were broken by a hammer that was flung low at him by the large ork.
Now sir Parnak finds himself alone against the big, burly ork. The closest help to him, is a some of the baron's soldiers on a couple of rafts on the water. Trying to put up their scaling ladders down this end of the long east wall of castle Lé Dic.
The rotund knight in the heavy iron plate armour gulps in fear. As the large ork, who not just has a face covered in blood. But also has blood splattered up and down the front of his body. Nearly all of it nobleborn blood from the dead knights in baron Harkonin's army he's just killed.
Starts stalking him, with an insane looking grin upon blood smeared face.
"You'sa gonna die motherfucker" chortles Dorc da Orc as he walks towards the landed knight wearing the heavy iron plate armour. The large ork reaches down and picks up the hammer he threw earlier that broke the legs of one of the enemy knights.
And as one of the dead knight's mounts runs by thirty yards behind him. Dorkindle throws his hammer at the retreating enemy nobleman, who is backing up towards the moat which is behind him.
Sir Parnak ducks, swinging his long handled hammer to protect himself as he does so. He probably shouldn't of swung his hammer. As he would of avoided the hammer that was just thrown at him anyway.
For as it turns out, he swings his long handled hammer into the path of the thrown hammer, hitting it. The force of the impact knocks him down, and knocks his long handled hammer out of his gauntleted hands with a violent shudder.
Sir Parnak winces at the shock he felt going up his arms at his hammer getting knocked out of his hands. And as he goes to get up, he looks up, and finds the big burly ork standing over him.
"Going somewhere cunt?" asks the warleader of ork race, who stands on the enemy knight's hammer as the nobleman tries to grab it.
Sir Parnak yanks a long dagger from his belt, and rams it into the left calf of the large ork standing over him.
The ork weaponsmith growls after getting stabbed in the leg, he bends down and punches the nobleborn knight.
"Ouchies" mutters Dorkindle as he shakes his right hand after punching the prone knight in the breastplate.
And though he dented the heavy iron plate. It's no where near the size of a dent he would normally punch into heavy steel plate armour.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of the orks, reaches down and rips out the long dagger that's in his left leg, he throws it away. Then he grabs the prone knight on the ground, who is trying to roll away.
"Na cunt, me got you" says Dorc da Orc as he holds the nobleborn knight by the left arm, and starts dragging him towards the moat, which isn't all that far away.
The ork warleader is grinning as he makes his way to the water, while sir Parnak tries to struggle free. To no avail, as the large ork has a firm grip upon his left arm.
The ork weaponsmith who hails from the southern polar region of the world. Briefly hisses in anger and disgust as he stops at the water's edge.
Then he picks up the nobleman he's got a hold of, and tells him "Time for you to go for a little swim ya cunt".
"No!" shouts sir Parnak in panic, as he's picked up off the ground, then lifted up above the head of the big, burly ork.
The rotund knight, who weighs a fair bit to begin with. And is a hell of lot heavier as he's in his full suit of iron plate.
Tries to struggle out of the grip of the large ork, who holds him up above his head. Then sir Parnak feels himself thrown through the air, out across the moat.
There's a moment of brief silence, then he screams in absolute panic. Just before he hits the surface of the water, about fifteen feet out from the edge of the moat.
Dorc da Orc chuckles, then murmurs "Dumb fucken cunt, wearing that dumb fucken armour" as the enemy knight in the suit of heavy iron plate armour sinks quickly below the surface of the water, and even quicker out of sight as he sinks like the proverbial stone.
There's a wide grin upon his face as he sees the panicked ripples upon the surface of the water. Which doesn't last long, as that enemy knight isn't going to resurface anytime soon, or for that matter, ever.
Then the warleader of the ork race grunts as he looks across the moat, to a pair of rafts, that have a number of enemy soldiers on them.
"Now how me s'pose to get to them cunts and kill 'em?" mutters Dorkindle as he watches those enemy soldiers across the moat at the base of the east wall of castle Lé Dic . . . . . .

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