Sunday 31 March 2019

The Hire 139.

The Duchy Of Phelm...

Helbe the elven thief appears upon a small hill behind a farmhouse, not far from a road that continues to the southwest through the duchy of Phelm.
Narladene the ground pixie immediately drops off his right shoulder.
And as the young elven noble senses towards the south and west. The naturally magical creature senses through the ground.
"Sense him yet?" asks Narladene the ground pixie after flying back up to the right shoulder of the elven magic user.
"He must be just out of my range" says Helbe the elven thief after shaking his head no in response to the question from the tiny winged creature.
Narladene slightly nods, then the ground pixie who is originally from the Sunreach Mountains says "He's in a village or small town".
The young elven noble who hails from the island principality of Laerel, nods his hooded head, then looks up into the sky to the west, and after seeing the position of the sun, says "Getting late in the afternoon" followed by "It'll be getting onto early evening before we know it".
And as the ground pixie nods in agreement with highly talented elven spellcaster, the elven princeling says "Hopefully we catch up to him soon".
Then just as the elven masterthief is about to teleport again to the southwest, the naturally magical creature quietly tells him "That airship isn't too faraway now".
"Definitely ours is it?" asks the elven master assassin who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
"It is" replies the ground pixie, who continues with "I recognise the spellcasters onboard".
The young elven noble who is a member of the royal family that rules the island principality of Laerel, nods then dryly murmurs in the royal elven language which Narladene doesn't understand "Least i know who to get in contact with if things go wrong".
Then looking away to the southwest, the highly talented elven magic user disappears as he teleports again.
A few moments later, and prince Helbenthril Raendril appears in a field near the road. As he does, he senses in the direction they're heading. The elven spellcaster blinks in surprise, as he momentarily senses his quarry, who suddenly disappears from the magical senses of the elven princeling.
"What the hell?" mutters councilor Raendril, who has been acting as the envoy between the mercenary army from the lands Farque, and the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains who have banded together to wage war upon duke Hargen of Phelm, here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
"Er" says Narladene the ground pixie, who after a brief pause says "He's gone".
The elven master archer sourly smiles and says in a tone to match his smile "I figured that".
"Through another gateway" says the naturally magical creature who attached herself to the highly talented elven magic user over a dozen years ago. Right after she first met him, in the city of Leeabra, the capital of the kingdom of Druvic.
"That weapon of his" adds the ground pixie who hails from the Sunreach Mountains, who follows that with "The magical mace".
"Great" sarcastically says prince Helbenthril Raendril, who then asks the tiny winged creature standing upon his right shoulder "Which way?".
"Still to the south and west" is the reply from Narladene "Well at least we're going in the right direction" dryly says Helbe the elven thief, who then silently adds, who knows if I'll ever catch up to him.
Beldane the cleric made his way into the town of Duste. The town he was first assigned to by the church of Glaine when he made the rank of cleric.
Many of the townsfolk and from the surrounding farms who were in town this afternoon. Were the same people from a decade ago when the powerful cleric was living here.
They warmly welcomed the cleric they knew so well. Who is a bit stuck at the moment, as his mace, which is magical, and has a mind of its own. Won't create a gateway so that he can return to the city of Almaic, and the battle that's taking place there.
And it's this what the townsfolk ask the powerful cleric about. As they've heard their duchy has been invaded by the forces of the robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains.
Beldane informed them that the enemy had laid siege to the capital Almaic. And that the baron's forces are repelling them.
Well, they were when the powerful cleric was still there. Before he was caught up in an explosion, which he escaped as his mace created a gateway that he fell through as he was blasted off the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
As he speaks to the gathered crowd of townsfolk and others from the surrounding farmlands. He sees a number of them that he knows well, from his time here a decade ago.
The shopkeeper and his wife. And their two children, both of whom are young adults now. The daughter who Beldane healed from a accident that broke her legs. Smiles as she listens to the member of the church of Glaine.
There's the farmer who Beldane corrected his broken foot that hadn't been seen to properly when it was first broken.
Next to him is the couple who have the orchard to the west of town. With them are two small children, who must be their grandchildren.
While behind them is the town's blacksmith, who grins when the powerful cleric looks his way.
And though Beldane spent just two years here in Duste. Where he administered the word of Glaine to the townsfolk and those in the surrounding countryside.
He became extremely popular with them. And not just because of his healing abilities.
He spoke for them when dealing with the local noble. Who Beldane has seen in the capital over the last two days. Who only arrived there with a token number of men from his estate's garrison.
And though the local noble is fairly well liked. He wasn't as popular as the powerful cleric when he was living here.
It's one of the reasons why the local noble didn't request a replacement for Beldane when he was reassigned by the church of Glaine. There's now a lay churchman from the local temple of Sairé in the town of Specq. Which is in the estates of the local lord who tends to the faithful here in Duste.
It's not often someone from another church or temple is given such a position who isn't a member of the church of Glaine. Since the worship of Glaine is the most popular god or goddess here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
After speaking to the gathered crowd, and they start to move off. Beldane speaks with a few of them individually.
And after he speaks with the orchard owners. As he's speaking with the blacksmith Zarl, who informs him that he's got another new apprentice.
That Beldane spots the young window Magwin. Who was watching him speak earlier. But he didn't see her as she watched him from within one of the nearby homes.
Seeing who has got the attention of Beldane, the blacksmith Zarl as they stand infront of his smithy and workshop, quietly says "Ah" followed by "She's remarried you know".
The powerful cleric looks sharply at him, and the blacksmith slightly winces then quietly says "I'd thought you'd aught to know".
"Who to?" quietly asks Beldane the cleric "A merchant's son who moved here from the capital about six years ago" says the blacksmith, who is the archetype of his profession, large and muscular as he stands there in his leather apron in the shade of the overhang in the front of his smithy.
"Sorry" quietly says Zarl who was born and lived all his life here in the town of Duste.
Beldane nods when he hears this, not knowing what to say as he watches Magwin talking to a couple of other townsfolk.
"You know, you could of married her" quietly says Zarl, who continues with "It's not as though your church bans you priests and clerics from marrying like some other churches and temples".
After a few moments of silence, the powerful cleric nods, then quietly says "I know" he silent for a few more moments, then adds "I was young, and didn't know what to do".
"Ah well, it's in the past now father" says Zarl who always found it weird to call Beldane by that honorific, especially when he was only eighteen when he was sent to Duste by his church. Though looking at the powerful fighting cleric now in his armour and vestments, it seems a bit more fitting now
"Yes the past" says Beldane as he watches the woman, who around his age, he fell in love with when he lived here in Duste a decade ago.
"Children?" quietly asks the member in the church of Glaine, who earlier this afternoon was fighting to protect the city of Almaic, who now finds himself in a town nearly forty miles to the southwest of the capital.
"Yes two little ones" is the reply of the large blacksmith, the powerful cleric nods when he hears that, and refrains from sighing at what could of been.
"Maybe I'll just go and have a word with her" says Beldane "You want me to come along with you?" asks Zarl in concern "No, it should be fine" says the cleric in the church of Glaine, who then silently adds, i hope.
The fighting cleric moves away from the smithy, as he does, he unconsciously rests a gauntleted hand on his mace. All of a sudden he steps into nothingness, and finds himself falling. He immediately realises he's falling through a gateway.
Beldane falls about three or four feet, and lands on a grass covered hillside. He looks up, and finds a stunned looking Zarl the blacksmith looking down through the otherside of the gateway. Which disappears just as suddenly as it appeared.
As he sits there on the ground, not knowing where he is. The powerful cleric sourly smiles as he looks at his mace and says "Was i in danger?".
He feels a slight bit of warmth coming from the magical weapon.
"From Magwin?" asks Beldane in surprise. There's no warmth from the mace after that.
The fighting cleric grunts, then says "Some other threat?". He gets a slightly warm feeling from the magical weapon there.
"Great" mutters the member of the church of Glaine, who then sighs, lets go of the mace on his belt loop, and stands up and looks around.
Beldane isn't exactly sure where he is. But the surrounding countryside looks vaguely familiar. And by the position of the sun in the late afternoon sky. Here's even further south and west of Almaic.
He's pretty sure he's a similar distance from Duste as it's from the capital Almaic. Which if his knowledge of the local terrain is correct. Makes him outside the duchy of Phelm now.
The powerful cleric sighs once more, then mutters to himself "I'm never going to get back at this rate".
"How far?" asks Helbe the elven thief after he reappears after teleporting again, and asks Narladene how far away she thinks their quarry is now.
"At least another twenty five miles" says Narladene the ground pixie again, who after a slight pause, continues with "And i mean at least that from where he went through this latest gateway" she then adds "Because that's how far i can sense, and I'm unable to sense him, just the direction the gateway took him".
"Oh you're fucking shitting me" mutters the young elven noble in the royal language of the elves, who continues muttering in that language with "I'm never going to catch him if he keeps disappearing through a damn gateway".
"What was that?" asks the ground pixie in the regular elven language "Nothing" is the reply from prince Helbenthril Raendril in the same language, who then sighs as he figures out what to do.
Then looking away to the north, the highly talented elven magic user asks the tiny winged creature on his right shoulder "Were exactly is that airship of ours?".
"There" says the naturally magical creature who points to the warship in the distance to the north.
When the elven master assassin spots it with his farsight, he says "Come on" followed by "I guess someone aught to know what's going on and what we're up to".
Narladene winces as she realises who that someone Helbe the elven thief is referring to.
A little bit later in the afternoon, and a good sixty miles to the northwest of the city of Almaic. Onboard the krean strikeship Fídiablo. Captain Kalrisian looks over at the chief navigator who has all of a sudden muttered "Fuck".
Most of the those in the wheelhouse look at the chief navigator in surprise, as he's usually a taciturn individual who rarely swears, especially when he's on duty and in the wheelhouse.
The captain of the Fídiablo clears his throat as he looks at the chief navigator. Who along with the other navigators, has taken a break from observing the battle of Almaic through a viewing spell.
To get in contact with the other airships of their fleet throughout the north of the kingdom of Nastell, as they do every day at this time, late in the afternoon.
"What is it?" asks captain Kalrisian, the chief navigator looks out one of the windows in the front of the wheelhouse, then he turns to his captain and instead of telling him out loud, he explains to him via mindspeech what he's just found out from one of the vessels in the fleet that's patrolling in the southwest of Phelm.
The dragon like features of a krean can be very expressive at times. And when the wheelhouse crew see their captain suddenly grimace, they know something is up.
"You want me to come along with you?" asks the chief navigator after he's told the strikeship's captain via mindspeech what's happened.
"No I'll do it by myself" says captain Kalrisian who then says to the crew in the wheelhouse "Carry on" before he steps out one of the side doors, and makes his way forward along the mastless deck of the Fídiablo.
Standing in the bow of the krean strikeship, lord Farque and the senior wardog handler Jessup and the scout Dargaven are quietly discussing the battle away to the south at the city of Almaic. Which they've observed on and off throughout the day thanks to spellcraft of the krean navigators.
"They've had it easy so far, this is the first hurdle they've really come across in the campaign to date" quietly says Jessup the senior wardog handler, who then adds "This battle will take longer than they expect".
The scout Dargaven nods his head in agreement with the senior wardog handler as the three of them stand there looking away to the southeast.
They fall silent as they hear and sense captain Kalrisian approaching them along the deck of the mastless strikeship.
"My lord" says the ship's captain, who when the three undead turn around, find him on one knee.
As both Jessup and Dargaven lift a questioning eyebrow, lord Farque says in the krean language "Rise captain" followed by "What is it?".
Taking a deep breath as he stands, captain Kalrisian who would rather have his wings clipped, then get shoved off the deck of the Fídiablo than what he's about to do.
Says a silent prayer to the sky gods of his people. Which is rather appropriate considering what he's about to say.
Then he explains the message they've received from one of the other warships in the fleet.
Jessup's draw drops open in surprise, while Dargaven from behind his full helm just stares in disbelief after captain Kalrisian finishes speaking.
While the ship's captain who has just done the bravest thing in his entire life. Wonders if he's still going to be alive in the next moment or two.
"What the fuck?" mutters Jessup, who falls silent as lord Farque lifts a gauntleted hand. Then the senior wardog handler and the scout move. Nodding for captain Kalrisian to come with them.
They walk back across the deck, towards the wheelhouse. And the captain of the krean strikeship feels the temperature suddenly drop behind them.
He sees one of the undead wardogs who has it's head sticking up from a ladder, suddenly drop down out of sight. While the other one, which is beside the wheelhouse, get up and hurry around behind it.
Captain Kalrisian wonders if he'll even have a ship left in a moment. For when he enters the wheelhouse and looks out one of the windows, and along the deck.
He sees the large, heavily armoured figure of the undead warlord. Glowing faintly blue as tendrils of cold vapour comes off him as he stands there in the bow looking away to the south . . . . . .

Thursday 28 March 2019

The Hire 138.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

"Damn" mutters Kalleb the second in command of the cavalry company, who then says "Thought we were going to hold that bit of the wall".
Next to him, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander nods in agreement with his second. After watching a pair of soldiers in their army from the lands Farque, finally go down to the enemy up on the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic.
Then the ladder they and others used to get up to the top of the wall. Is pushed away from the north wall of the city, and crashes to the ground where it breaks.
"Did you know them?" asks Darid Parsen the cavalry commander, his second in command nods his head yes, then says "Not well, as they're in the light infantry division" quietly followed by "I think they might of been a couple".
Commander Parsen, who is a member of lord Farque's personal council, grimaces when he hears that, then he mutters "Fucking hell" and sighs.
Then the cavalry commander who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen.
Goes back to watching the attack upon this half of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
Councilor Parsen nods his head as his second in command Kalleb points to another ladder, further west along this half of the north wall of the city.
Where a trio of soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque are about to climb a ladder that some of the men in the armies of the robber barons Gergus and Solamard are already going up.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman knows that if that trio from his own army are able to get to the top of the wall.
It will take a lot of effort from the enemy to clear them off the wall. As the mercenary soldiers from the lands Farque are far more skillful, and better equipped than any of the other combatants on either side of the battle for the city of Almaic.
As commander Parsen and his second in command Kalleb watch to see if that trio from their army get to the top of the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
Further along in the trench they're in. Beyond where a frustrated looking sir Percavelle Lé Dic is sitting on a barrel. Annoyed that he's not allowed to join in on the assault upon the north wall of Almaic. And even more annoyed his bitter rival Dorc da Orc has. And has survived a fall from the top of the north wall of the city.
The messenger Lisell Maera stands near the robber barons Gergus and Solamard. Along with their seconds and senior officers. Who are watching the assault upon the north wall of Almaic. Here in the last battleline before the city.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury who is a runner in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Wonders what decision the robber baron Gergus will make after their brief discussion they had earlier in the afternoon.
Lisell Maera, who is more commonly called Lis by those who know her well. Who spent a night of intimacy with Gergus the robber baron earlier in the campaign.
Basically offered the youngest of the five robber barons from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains. To hire the mercenary army from the lands Farque again, separately from his fellow robber barons. Before the battle for Almaic is won and over.
Because once it's over, it's pretty obvious that the five robber barons from the southern reaches in the unruled lands of the Colevar Mountains.
Will turn on one another, as they'll fight to see who will become the new duke of Phelm, here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
She hopes for his sake more than anything else. That he makes a decision in a timely manner. Because one of the other robber barons might think of the idea to hire the Farqian mercenary army again. So that they can take the ducal seat and the duchy of Phelm for themselves. Once they're victorious here for the battle of Almaic.
The scout Varric who is walking through the trench, stops beside Lis, and quietly asks her in the elven language "They haven't sent out any stupid orders to their men have they?".
"They haven't" is the quiet reply in the same language from Lisell Maera the runner, who after a brief pause, adds "Yet".
The scout in the cavalry company grins, then he looks away to the west, at the position of the sun in the afternoon sky, then he quietly says "It's getting late in the day" followed by "With the failure over on the east side of the city along the river. We could very well be fighting throughout the night".
Varric, who is the second scout in the cavalry company behind the water elemental spouter Zaneff. Looks back to the next battleline further behind them, then quietly says "That's if the field commander gives the go ahead to fight at night".
"You think she won't?" quietly asks the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, who is now a runner in the scouts division of the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Not a lot of us can see in the dark, apart from the elves and warleader Dorc's goblin battalion" says Varric, who nods towards the nearby robber barons as he adds "Their forces will be more of a hindrance fighting at night more than anything else".
The scout in the cavalry company commanded by Darid Parsen continues with "All the dwarves from up in their mountains are in Markell's army, over on the west side of the city with commander Talbot".
Lis nods in understanding, for that army is around on the west side of Almaic with field commander Talbot for a reason. And it's not just because the robber baron has the most spellcasters out of all the robber barons with him.
It's also because he has a large number of dwarven warriors with him. As there's a clanhold in the part of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains the robber baron Markell lays claim to.
And they have to be as far away from Dorc da Orc as possible. Because given the chance. The large ork would go off and kill them instead of figh the enemy.
"So, not that many night fighters" says the attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury who continues with "And it's getting later in the day" she pauses before adding "Which means only one thing".
Varric nods, and says "That's right, this battle will go into another day" the scout then adds "With things not working out with the river crossing, this battle is going to take some time" he momentarily pauses before continuing with "I wouldn't be surprised if it takes even longer than another day".
The scout nods towards the city of Almaic, and says "From all reports, they've got an awful lot in there defending the city" he gestures all around them, at the battleline they're in, and the ones further north of their position as he adds "They had just a small amount of their army out here. All to expand our time and forces to get to the city walls".
Lis nods, then looks over at the nearby robber barons. And catches Gergus glancing her way. Before he looks back to the battle along the north wall of the city of Almaic.
She figures he might have a bit more time to make a decision on what he'll do when the battle for the capital city of the duchy of Phelm is eventually won.
Lisell Maera has no doubt that they'll be victorious. It's just how long it will take for them to defeat the enemy, and take the city of Almaic under control. Having either captured or killed duke Hargen.
Over on the otherside of the road that leads to the gates in the north wall of the city that's under assault. Facing the eastern half of the north wall of Almaic. A similar conversation is taking place in one of the battlelines. Specifically in one of the makeshift fortifications that the enemy built.
On an archers platform where they're watching the assault upon the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital. As the subcommander Waiamin frowns as he looks westwards, and sees the sun starting to drop in the afternoon sky. On what's been another hot summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Tamric Drubine quietly says to Mira Reinholt the mage "If we don't take a number of sections along the wall soon, do you think we should fight into the night?".
The once powerful mage who is a member of lord Farque's personal council, shrugs his shoulders.
Then Mira Reinholt the mage, who speaks in elven like the nobleborn field commander is, quietly says "Well, they're sure as hell not going to light any torches along the top of the wall for us to see by".
The mage, who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil continues with "Which only leaves the elves in our army, along with that fat lump Dorc and his goblins able to fight with surety".
The spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, points to the base of the north wall of Almaic, and some of the soldiers in the armies of the robber barons Almard and Larimer who are waiting to climb a scaling ladder, and says "That lot will be near useless in the dark, getting in each others way, and getting in the way of our soldiers".
"So you're saying we shouldn't?" asks Tamric Drubine who is more commonly called Tam by those who know him well.
"I'm not saying anything of the sort" replies the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands. Until he was stripped of most of his powers when he accidentally cast a rift/void and went offworld.
"What i am saying, is that it's a decision up to you, Leivyn and Talbot" adds the Vexilian mage in exile.
The nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin, who is now a field commander in the armies of Farque. Who at seventeen is the youngest of the trio of field commanders here in this mercenary army from the lands Farque. Nods his head at what the mage Reinholt just said.
As he knows that ultimately, it's he and his fellow field commanders Leivyn and Talbot, along with general Halvane. Who has to make the decisions of what their forces will or will not do.
They might get input and planning from others. Like the councillors Reinholt, Raendril and Parsen. As well as the honorary councilor Shur Kee the monk. Along with the ork warleader Dorc da Orc.
But the final decisions are up to the three field commanders and the general.
"Maybe Talbot will push into the city before it gets dark?" quietly says Tamric Drubine, as the last message they received from around on the west side of the city. Is that field commander Talbot has had a lot more success than they've had here to the north of Almaic. And what general Halvane has had to the east of the city, where the attack across the Mareb river failed.
"He just might" says Mira Reinholt, who then continues with "But you never know".
The once powerful mage faintly smiles as he looks at the young field commander, and tells him "We've had it fairly easy so far in this campaign. Winning the battles along the border in no time. And taking the city of Savariss in less than a night".
The highly skilled swordmaster who hails from the city-state of Vexil continues with "The battle here possibly going into another day, or even longer isn't a setback".
The mage Reinholt then adds "Remember our plan today was to see if we could take the city as quickly as possible" he follows that with "If not, we know we can still take the city. It might take longer, and unfortunately more lives will be lost. But we will eventually take the city".
Tamric Drubine nods to that, then after a few moments of silence as they continue to watch the assault upon the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm, he asks "Then what?".
"We know what" says councilor Reinholt, who then shrugs his shoulders as he adds "They'll scrap over who'll be the new duke of Phelm" the exiled Vexilian mage then dryly says "If one of them had half a brain, they'd hired us separately for after duke Hargen is defeated".
"Think one of them will?" asks Tam who has thought of this very same thing a number of times, ever since they were first hired by the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the southern reaches of the Colevar Mountains, who have banded together to wage a war upon duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm.
"One might" says Mira Reinholt, who continues with "If not, it'll be a bloodbath worse than the actual campaign if they turn on each other after the duke is defeated".
"It still might, even if one of them does go ahead and hire us separately from the rest" says the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, who is the son and heir of a former Knight of  castle Drubine in his homeland.
The highly skilled swordmaster who hails from the city-state of Vexil, and is now a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, faintly smiles as he says "Not really".
"Oh?" asks the young field commander who lifts a questioning eyebrow as he looks at the mage Reinholt.
"If one does hire us again, we don't have to fight the armies of the other four" says the once powerful mage, who continues with "We just have to eliminate the other four" he then adds "And there's a certain thieving elven prince who can do with that ease".
Tamric Drubine nods in understanding, as he realises the exiled Vexilian mage is right. Then the teenage field commander says "I wonder where Helbe is at the moment?".
"Who the hell knows with him" dryly says Mira Reinholt who knows his fellow councilor and spellcaster, Helbe the elven thief could be anywhere at this moment . . . . . .

Wednesday 27 March 2019

The Hire 137.

The Battle Of Almaic...

Along the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic. Commander Berric of duke Hargen's personal guard looks to the west as he and his men make their way along the walkway on the western half of the wall.
The commander who is also an accomplished swordmaster. Sees in the distance, the heavy bombardment that's still going on over on the west side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
War machines from both sides of the conflict, as they've being doing all day. Are still slinging and flinging loads at one another's positions.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard can't see too much of the city that way, where it's built up beyond the watchtowers, and where a wall could of, and should of been built in the opinion of the common born commander.
But what he can see of it, is that there's extensive damage to many of the buildings out there beyond the city proper.
The famous swordmaster, who along with his younger brother Gallene. Who he doesn't know if he's alive or dead after the battle of Savariss.
Are the two most well known commoners in the entire duchy of Phelm.
Looks away from that side of the city, and looks at the walkway along the top of the wall, further infront of him, when he hears the experienced guard Ludoc behind him, say "They've topped the wall again".
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard sees that further to the west along the top of the wall. The enemy are on a section of the wall. Where the defenders, from the duke's army, both soldiers and mercenaries. As well as city guards, are fighting like crazy against them.
"Come on" says commander Berric to his men following behind him. They hurry along the walkway. And the swordmaster from the city of Savariss in northern Phelm. Flinches as a fireball cast by an enemy spellcaster. Hits the wards right next to him. Sending liquid flames upwards, and back out and away from the top of the wall.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard is just glad the wards there are still intact there. If not, he would of been burnt to a crisp.
Then the highly accomplished swordmaster is amongst the fighting along the section of the wall that the enemy has topped.
With longsword in hand, commander Berric wades forward through the melee. Pulling a city guard out of the way, who has been wounded. The swordmaster, not all that particularly tall. Stabs his blade to the side of a duke's soldier. Taking an enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains in the arm. Causing him to drop his axe. And end up with a sword of the soldier infront of the commander, crunching into the front of his face.
Seeing, and hearing who it is that's come up behind them. Most of the defenders along this section of the wall, back away, to give the famous swordmaster and his men, room.
Except for those who are actually engaged with the enemy. Which aren't all that many, less than half a dozen. Though another has just got to the top of the wall, after jumping up off the scaling ladder that they've come up.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard slams his longsword into the side of an enemy soldier, who turns to face him. Sending the enemy soldier, spinning by him. To have Ludoc who is right behind the swordmaster. Shove the enemy soldier off the top of the wall, to the street below.
Commander Berric sees another of the enemy go down beneath a pair of city guards, and the swordmaster from the city of Savariss in the north of the duchy of Phelm, to call out "Push that damn ladder off the wall!".
Then Berric, who is blocked by a pair of the duke's soldiers. Sees two of the enemy, cutting down anyone who gets close to them as they fight back to back.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard sees it's two of the mercenaries all in black. Armour that's all black, surcoats that are black. And one with a black, lightweight summer cloak. That one has a pair of shortswords in hand. While the other, who is a woman of all things. Is fighting with a longsword.
Berric the swordmaster watches them. And would easily admit that he would be hard pressed to fight either one of them, and come out alive.
"Hell, what kind of mercs are they?" is what the commander hears Ludoc say behind him, as the experienced guardsman has also spotted those two mercenaries all in black.
"Out of the way" orders the commander of the duke's personal guards to the pair of soldiers infront of him. Who turn, and seeing it's the famous swordmaster, get quickly out of his and his men's way.
Berric hops over an injured city guard, and as another of the duke's soldiers drops when his throat is slashed open. The common born swordmaster swings his weapon over the falling body of the soldier, at the enemy mercenary all in black, who is using a pair of shortswords.
Commander Berric's longsword is blocked, and he quickly steps back to avoid a shortsword stabbed at his face.
The enemy mercenary all in black steps back too. And after a quick glance at the swordmaster's weapon, then his stance. He narrows his eyelids and looks at the chest of the common born commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Oh hell, Berric the swordmaster thinks to himself as he suddenly realises he's up against a highly skilled opponent, who rushes him.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard barely gets his longsword up to block one of the shortswords swung at him. The swordmaster from Savariss spins to one side to avoid the other shortsword, this one stabbed low at him.
The enemy mercenary all in black after the initial rush, steps back to once again be back to back with his female comrade. Who has just used her longsword to cut down a mercenary for hire in the duke's army.
"Oh shit" is what Berric hears Ludoc say behind him, as the experienced guard realises they're up against formidable opponents here.
The swordmaster glances back and sees that Ludoc is still carrying a spear, and he quickly says to the experienced guardsman "Use that when you get the chance".
Then it's commander Berric on the advance. Moving quickly forward, slashing his blade up from low to high as he attacks the enemy mercenary all in black.
One shortsword blocks the longer blade of the swordmaster. And though the other shortsword comes quickly towards him. Berric who used just the one hand to wield his longsword. Punches the enemy mercenary in the face. Sending him staggering backwards, and his other shortsword to wildly miss the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
Then Ludoc, who is considerably taller than his commander, stabs the spear he took from the eastern half of the north wall of Almaic.
And thrusts it forward over the left shoulder of swordmaster Berric. Taking the black clad enemy mercenary in the right shoulder. And though he grunts in pain. He takes hold of the shaft of the spear, and pulls it out of the hands of Ludoc.
And with the spear still in his shoulder. He advances quickly upon commander Berric.
"Fuck" mutters the swordmaster from the city of Savariss, who quickly ducks to avoid the loosely swinging spear shaft. And the shortsword thrown at him.
The thrown sword goes over him, then barely misses Ludoc. Before it slams into the face of the next member of commander Berric's company behind the experienced guardsman.
The swordmaster dodges the enemy mercenary's other blade. And though he can't get his blade up quickly to strike the fellow in black. He is able to slam the hilt of his longsword into the man's face.
Staggering him backwards, and to the side. Seeing his opportunity, commander Berric grabs the spear shaft. And pushes with all his strength. Sending the black clad mercenary through a crenellation between two merlons. And off the top of the wall.
"Fucking hell" mutters the swordmaster who is breathing heavily, while behind him, Ludoc who is standing back upright, shouts out a warning of "Watch out!".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard barely gets his longsword up in time to block the fast moving blade aimed for his head.
Swordmaster Berric staggers backwards, and finds the female mercenary all in black, doing what he can only describe as stalking him.
Taking a deep breath, commander Berric gets his longsword up again, and once again barely blocks the blade of the female mercenary in black. Who of all things, has striking blue eyes. And in the opinion of swordmaster from the city of Savariss, is quite attractive.
Trying not to get distracted by the black clad mercenary's beauty. Berric slashes at her with his longsword. Which she deflects with her own blade, which is of similar length.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard sees a soldier in the duke's army approach the mercenary from the otherside.
She must realise that there's someone behind her. As she spins around, whipping her longsword out infront of her as she does. Slashing open the throat of the soldier who is swinging an axe at her.
She completes the entire spin just in time to block the stab at her from Berric's longsword. The female mercenary all in black grins a viscous looking grin as she stares at the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Fuck me, commander Berric thinks to himself as he knows he's up against an extremely skilled opponent, even if she's a woman.
Then as he's been taught since he was young by his father, who was a swordmaster too. Berric concentrates on his opponents chest, and shoulders. Which always gives away the movement of the person you're up against in battle. It's not the arms, or the hands holding the weapon or weapons they have. That give away their next move.
Berric takes another deep breath, as he notices that female mercenary all in black is doing the same thing. Concentrating on his chest and shoulders.
She moves first, and suddenly a dagger thrown by Ludoc, passes over the right shoulder of commander Berric. The black clad mercenary dodges it. And the swordmaster from the northern city of Savariss instead of swinging his sword at the enemy. Dives forward instead, beneath her slashing longsword.
Berric tackles her around the waist, and they go back a few feet through the air, before hitting the walkway. The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard. Finds himself being rolled beneath the woman, who though slimmer than him, is taller than the swordmaster.
Then Berric is stunned by a headbutt to the face by the good looking woman in black leather armour.
Though the swordmaster has his wits about him, to hold her right arm, so she can't drag her longsword between them, and cut open the throat of the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
Commander Berric grunts as he goes to shove the black clad woman off him. He doesn't have to, as she wrenches her arm free as she springs up off him.
The swordmaster quickly shakes his head. And as he goes to lift his blade up to defend himself. The female mercenary, has leapt up. And spun in midair, kicking as she does so.
Her right boot connects with the side of Ludoc's head as the experienced guard was charging her.
Ludoc goes staggering sideways, and thumps into a merlon, which he slides down, and slumps to the walkway, feeling more than a little dazed.
He's extremely lucky. For if the female mercenary in black had spun the other way, and had kicked him in the head with her left foot. The experience guardsman would of staggered off the back of the wall, and fallen to the street below.
Commander Berric who has a bloody nose and mouth from the headbutt he received. Stabs upwards with his longsword. As the enemy mercenary all in black, landed on her feet, facing him again.
Her own blade slashes to the right, blocking the swordmaster's weapon. Berric grimaces, and kicks out with his right boot, and finally gets lucky. As it connects with the female mercenary's left knee.
And using both hands on the hilt of his longsword, commander Berric basically roars as he swings the weapon from left to right with all his strength.
And though the black clad enemy mercenary goes to block the swordmaster's weapon. Her longsword is deflected. And the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard's blade slams into her right thigh above the knee.
As the female mercenary yells in pain and staggers sideways, wrenching Berric's sword out of his hands. She swings her longsword wildly down at him. Just missing his head and left shoulder. But cuts down his left arm. The swordmaster feels the blade bite through his leather armour and slice down his arm above the elbow.
Grunting in pain, Berric kicks out again as he lies there on the walkway. And gets the enemy mercenary again. This time in the right knee as she staggers sideways away from him. Unbalanced, she stumbles away, and with the commander's longsword still in her right leg, she falls off the back of the walkway, and goes out of sight as she falls off the top of the wall.
The swordmaster Berric lies there for a few moments, breathing heavily. Then wincing in pain from the cut to his left arm, he sits up.
And as others push away the nearby scaling ladder from the face of the wall. The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard looks over at the experience guard Ludoc, who is rubbing his head as he sits there slumped at the base of a merlon.
Ludoc looks his way, and says "Fuck". Commander Berric nods, and after wincing again as the cut along his left arm stings like hell, he says "Fuck alright" as he knows that they're lucky to still be alive . . . . . .

Tuesday 26 March 2019

The Hire 136.


"Another one?" asks sir Yarrim the sorcerer "Yes sir" replies one of his personal household guards who has just spoken to a messenger who has just come into the palace grounds.
"From the western side of the city again" adds the guardsman who is from the estate of the nobleborn sorcerer, which is located along the southern border of the duchy of Phelm.
"Sounds like they're being pushed there even more than along the north wall" murmurs the spellcaster, who is the second most influential noble in the duchy of Phelm, behind only duke Hargen himself.
His personal household guards with him, five now instead of the usual two. Watch him to see if he decides to do anything.
The powerful sorcerer nods his head, then says to his guardsmen "We'll go and check on that side of the city" sir Yarrim then silently adds, besides Berric is along the north wall, and i don't want to be around him.
The nobleborn sorcerer who is in a relationship with the lady Elaine, who is the younger sister of the duke, waves over one of the pages.
"Tell the duke my men and i will be checking the west side of the city, and how our defences are holding up there" explains the powerful sorcerer to the page, who nods and says "Yes sir Yarrim" before he hurries into the chamber where the duke and others have been coordinating the defence of the city of Almaic.
The nobleborn spellcaster and his personal household guards make their way out of the main building of the palace, and after he glances up at the clear afternoon sky, sir Yarrim says "We'll teleport to that side of the city".
The powerful sorcerer spots his fellow spellcaster, the wizard Melkar and waves to him, and informs the court wizard via mindspeech, where he's off to.
Then sir Yarrim, along with his five personal household guards, who are standing close around him, disappear.
They reappear on a roof of a large building just across the street from palace grounds. The exact same building to the west of the palace, that Helbe the elven thief observed the palace from this morning.
Sir Yarrim looks back, and checks on the wards he has around the palace grounds. Once he sees that they're secured. He looks away to the west across the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"You think they'll try for the gates that way Harvin?" the powerful sorcerer asks one of his guards.
"I think so sir" says one of the guards who has been with the nobleborn spellcaster all day "Even though they can enter the city where ever they like on that side" adds Harvin as he looks westwards across the city.
Sir Yarrim who is casting a farsight spell at the moment, nods his head, then drops the spell once he spots what he's looking for.
The nobleman whose estates are along the southern border of the duchy, doesn't even have to tell his personal household guards to stand close when he says "Right then, let's go" as they're already surrounding him.
They disappear as sir Yarrim teleports all of them to the west across the city that's the provincial capital.
A few moments later and they reappear on the roof of a tower that's used to store grain that's brought into the city from the surrounding countryside.
They're about a fifty yards away from where a wall would normally be along the west side of the city.
And just as sir Yarrim's personal household guards are wondering why he didn't teleport them to one of the watchtowers that runs up and down the west side of the city, where a wall would normally be.
They see a boulder smack into the top of one further to the north. Smashing apart a lot of the roof of that particular tower. Killing, or at least injuring all of those who were on that roof of that watchtower.
The powerful sorcerer, who is sensing all around, not bothering to hide himself by holding his power within himself. As he usually does, with a specific spell he's learnt that hides him from other spellcasters.
For he wants the enemy to know that he's close to them, here in the western quarter of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Looks like our forces are amongst them out there" says the guardsman Harvin who is peering ahead, looking towards the warren of buildings outside of the city proper. A lot of the buildings out there are either destroyed, or at least partly damaged. Especially those further away from where a wall would normally be on this side of Almaic.
"I'll have to be careful then" quietly says sir Yarrim, who has sensed a couple of dwarven delvers amongst the enemy spellcasters outside the city proper.
The powerful sorcerer knows they're the only two he has to be worried about. As he's not particularly threatened by any of the other enemy spellcasters.
He briefly thought he sensed an enemy sorcerer, a fairly powerful one at that. But he doesn't sense them anymore. And he must of been mistaken that there was one as powerful as that with the enemy along this side of the city of Almaic.
The sorcerer, who was trained by his friend Dominic's father. Nods his head as one of the guardsmen points to something. It's an enemy war machine that's being brought forward.
And though the duke forces are countering them with their own war machines. There's a lot less of them now, than there was this morning when the battle got underway.
Throughout the day a number of them have just broken down, while others have been destroyed or damaged by the enemy.
"I'll definitely have to be careful" the nobleborn spellcaster murmurs to himself, who decides to attack the enemy further out, instead of those closer to where a wall would normally be on this side of the city, where they're engaged with those defending the west side of Almaic.
He'll work his way back this way, steadily progressing this way as he attacks the enemy from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains.
"Keep an eye out on our lookouts on the watchtowers" says sir Yarrim to his men "If you see them concentrating on one thing, tell me about it" adds the second most influential noble in the duchy of Phelm. The personal household guards nod that they will.
Then the nobleborn spellcaster spots an enemy trebuchet in the distance, amongst the rubble of a couple of buildings. Further back from the city proper. Sir Yarrim slightly grins, then casts a spell.
"Ah captain" says one of the spotters up on the roof of the two storey building, who looks down at those on the balcony below.
"What is it?" asks Tovis the war engineer who looks up at the spotter looking down from the roof.
"One of the trebuchets is on fire" says the spotter in the engineering corp of the Farqian mercenary army, he follows that with "Like all most burnt to the ground already".
Larris the sorcerer hurries inside, into a room that looks back to the west. And the young engineer hears his second in command loudly swear, before he makes his way back out onto the balcony.
The fairly powerful sorcerer nods his head yes in reply to the enquiring look from the war engineer who holds the rank of captain in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
"Hell" mutters Tovis, who then asks his second in command "That enemy you sensed coming this way?".
"More than likely" says Larris the sorcerer, who has told the young engineer, that it's probably sir Yarrim. Who is known to be the most powerful spellcaster in the forces of the duchy of Phelm. Who is known to be here in the city of Almaic this day.
The second in command of the engineers corp, who is holding his power within himself, so he isn't detected by an enemy spellcaster "I think he's targeting our war machines".
Tovis nods, then quietly says "Doesn't want to attack our forces who are engaged with the enemy just incase he hits his own" Larris the sorcerer nods his head in agreement with that.
The young engineer who is originally from the kingdom of Druvic where he was the war engineer for a baron Harkonin, looks up at the spotter who is still looking down at the balcony, and tells him "Signal all our crews to bring every war machine forward as much as possible" Tovis continues with "Even the trebuchets".
The spotter nods and moves back out of sight. While the war engineer says to one of the officers in the Farqian mercenary army on the balcony with him and the others "Send some runners to the field commander and tell him what's happening".
There's an explosion away to the south of them, and they see chunks of wood, obviously a catapult, go flying into the air.
"Quick!" adds the young engineer who commands the engineering corp in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
As the officer details some messengers to go off and speak to field commander Talbot.
The war engineer asks his second in command "You think you could take him?".
Larris the sorcerer faintly winces, then says in reply "No, i don't think i can" the fairly powerful sorcerer continues with "Even if i was working in unison with other spellcasters".
Tovis grunts, then after a moment where he glances away to his right along the balcony, to someone standing towards that end.
He quietly says to his second in command in the elven language "What if you were working in unison with someone else?" the young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic then adds "Someone who isn't a practitioner of magic?".
Larris frowns, then glances to where the war engineer nods. The sorcerer in the Farqian mercenary army slightly nods, and in elven says to Tovis "Still don't think I'd be able to" followed by "Nevertheless he definitely would be able to".
The young engineer who holds the rank of captain in the armies of Farque nods in understanding, then he looks away to right along the balcony, and in common he says to the person they've been discussing "Shur Kee a word with you" he continues with "I was wondering if there's something you can do for us".
"Sir, the tower there" says the guardsman Harvin, who points to one of the watchtowers dotted up and down the west side of the city, where a wall would normally be.
"Something's got their interest" adds the guard in sir Yarrim's personal household.
The powerful sorcerer who is the second most influential noble in the duchy, behind only duke Hargen himself. Especially now, that the woman he's in a relationship with, the lady Elaine. Who happens to be the younger sister of the duke. Has been named as the new heir to duke Hargen.
Looks away to the watchtower that Harvin has indicated. There the nobleborn sorcerer sees the duke's men on the rooftop, pointing away to something.
Sir Yarrim looks to what they're pointing at, and in the distance he spots an enemy catapult moving forward along a street in the warren of buildings, outside of the city proper.
The powerful sorcerer sends a blast spell towards it. Then he quickly says to his men "We're going" as he senses something. His personal household guards stand close to him, and the next moment they disappear.
They quickly reappear down on the street next to the tower used for storing grain they were just on top of.
They look up, and see a fireball coming from the direction of the enemy, streaking through the afternoon sky towards the top of the tower they were just on.
"Harvin and Sallick with me" says sir Yarrim to the two guardsmen who have been with him all day.
The nobleborn spellcaster who is now hiding himself from other practitioners of magic, continues with "You other three move out" followed by "But stay within sight of us".
The nobleman whose estates are along the southern border of the duchy of Phelm moves out. Heading west along the street they're on. In the distance they can hear fighting. Which they steadily move towards, as they walk quickly to where a wall would normally be along this side of the city that's the provincial capital.
The powerful sorcerer is heading towards one of the watchtowers of the city guard. The one directly to the south of where the gates are.
Sir Yarrim, who can still cast and sense as he hides himself from other spellcasters, as he isn't holding his power within himself.
Can sense the enemy delvers in the area not too far from where the city gates are.
The nobleborn sorcerer slightly nods to himself, and though he senses other spellcasters amongst the enemy that are about. He isn't worried about them at all.
"Hurry" says sir Yarrim to his two personal household guards Harvin and Sallick, and they break into a run, heading to the nearby watchtower. Followed by the other three guards from the estate of the powerful sorcerer.
They run by one of the duke's catapults, where the crew is busy reloading it.
And sir Yarrim looks back at his trailing guardsmen, and points up at the roof of the watchtower they're hurrying towards.
The next moment, the nobleborn sorcerer and his two personal household guards Harvin and Sallick disappear.
They quickly reappear on the roof of the watchtower, where sir Yarrim says to those already on it "Clear the roof".
The powerful sorcerer who is hidden from other spellcasters, sends a firewave away to the right and down.
And though it's no where near as long as one he could create one at just fifty feet in length. It is extremely tall for that spell, as it's over twenty feet in height.
It heads towards where he can sense the two enemy spellcasters, who are dwarven delvers, who aren't all that faraway from one another.
"That will flush them out" murmurs sir Yarrim, who is ready to cast a pair of spells at once, as he continues to hide himself from other practitioners of magic. Who can only find him by sight alone, as they're unable to magically sense him now. Unless he drops the spell that masks his presence from other spellcasters. Or he's forced to drop it. Which he isn't intending to do.
As he waits for his firewave to reach its target, specifically two targets. Sir Yarrim spots the top of an enemy catapult not that faraway, behind a building. The powerful sorcerer destroys the top of it with a blast spell.
As they stand at the end of the balcony talking with Shur Kee the monk, they look back in the direction they came from, and see the top of the catapult that the war engineer directed behind a nearby building, explode in shower of wood.
"He's close" says Larris the sorcerer who is holding his power within himself.
They look towards the city proper, and Tovis the war engineer calls out to the others along the balcony, and up on the rooftop of the two storey building "Keep an eye out for an enemy spellcaster!".
Immediately from up on the roof, a voice calls back "There's a wave of fire in the air!" followed by "To the south of where the gates are".
They all look in that direction, hoping to spot the enemy spellcaster they suspect is sir Yarrim.
Tovis glances at his second in command Larris, then Shur Kee the monk. Hoping that the two of them can deal with the threat that is the enemy nobleman, sir Yarrim the sorcerer . . . . . .

Monday 25 March 2019

The Hire 135.

The City Of Almaic...

"Bring it around!" calls out Tovis the war engineer, who points across to a building away to the right.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic continues with "Get it behind that!".
The catapult crew he's calling out to, start moving their war machine to the building that Tovis has indicated.
The battle here along the west side of Almaic, has been hectic throughout the day. Mainly with the heavy bombardment from war machines on both sides of the conflict.
And as it turns out. Those who have been attacking this side of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Have had the most success of any attacking the city of Almaic.
As now, as mid afternoon has well and truly gone by, and it's getting later in the afternoon. They're fighting the enemy amongst the buildings, that have spilled out beyond where a wall would normally be on this side of the city.
Tovis, is in a half destroyed building with his second in command, the sorcerer Larris. Along with others in the engineering corp in the Farqian mercenary army. As well as Shur Kee the monk. And the scout officer, subaltern Jax. Who happens to be an assassin, who has been the shadow of Tovis since before the battle got underway.
Somewhere behind them, they hear the thunk of one of their trebuchets firing. Sending a large boulder flying into the city proper.
The young engineer who served as a war engineer to a baron Harkonin in eastern Druvic. Can't fault the plans of field commander Talbot.
Which have seen them finally enter the city of Almaic. Though admittedly outside of where a wall would normally be on this side of the city that's the provincial capital.
A number of soldiers and mercenaries in the army of robber baron Markell hurries by the building the war engineer and the others with him, are in.
With the robber barons men, is a dwarven spellcaster, known as a delver. The robber baron Markell has more spellcasters with his army than any of the other robber barons. Infact he's got more than the other four combined.
As one of the sergeants in the engineering corp directs the robber baron's men between a couple of buildings up ahead. One of which, a catapult is being pushed up behind.
The sorcerer Larris quietly says to the young engineer "Hell, we might get lucky and enter the city itself by nightfall".
"Lets hope so" says the war engineer, who knows that an awful lot can happen between then and now. Which could delay, or even stop their army from entering the city proper by nighttime.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic, who now serves in the mercenary armies of Farque, quietly says to the spellcaster who's his second in command "With the failure on the east side of the city" he continues with "And the all out attack upon the north wall now underway". They received a message a little earlier telling them about that.
"Who knows if that will succeed or not" adds the war engineer who is barely in his twenties "So we're the best chance of actually getting into the city itself" says Tovis, who continues "By nightfall would be good, but even earlier will be better".
The sorcerer Larris who is holding his power within himself at the moment, nods his head in agreement with the young engineer, who holds the rank of captain in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
Then the two of them, look up at the roof of the building infront of them, where one of the spotters in the engineers corp is positioned. He gives a hand signal, and points away to the right.
Tovis and Larris sees that the catapult crew who have pushed their war machine up behind the building that way. Have seen the signal from the spotter. The lead crew member calls out "How far?".
The spotter, as he kneeling upon the roof he's on, gives a couple of hand signals. And the catapult crew get busy loading their war machine, to send a load of rocks and broken masonry flying at the enemy.
As more soldiers and mercenaries in the army of the robber baron Markell go by, heading deeper amongst the warren of streets, lanes and buildings, here to the west of the city proper. The sorcerer Larris asks the young engineer "Should we move forward too?".
The war engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, looks back at Shur Kee the monk, who has found himself a chair, and is sitting with his eyes closed. Tovis correctly guesses the acolyte in the order of Bru Li is meditating.
Then the young engineer, who is a captain in the Farqian mercenary army glances at his shadow throughout the day.
The scout, subaltern Jax. Who isn't even looking at him. But looking out of the destroyed wall infront of them.
Tovis knows she might not be looking at him at the moment. But he knows she glances at him often. He's caught her out the corner of an eye, doing it a few times during the day.
The captain of the engineering corp in the mercenary army from the lands Farque never thought he'd have a constant bodyguard around him all the time. But here he is, he has one. Who has stuck close to him throughout the battle.
"We'll move forward again" says Tovis in reply to the question from his second in command "That way" adds the young engineer who points away to the left.
The sorcerer Larris nods his head, and goes and speaks to one of the sergeant at arms in the corp.
While the scout Jaxs moves back and quietly says "Councilor" to the meditating physical adept sitting upon a chair amongst all the rubble.
"Brother will do subaltern" says Shur Kee the monk who instantly came out of meditation when the assassin trained by prince Helbenthril Raendril spoke to him.
"Brother" says the scout to the honorary member of her lord's personal council. Who doesn't particularly care to be addressed as a councilor.
"We're going" quietly says the short, statured monk wearing the odd, conical shaped hat.
"You heard?" says Jaxs in a slight tone of surprise who thought the monk in the philosophical order of Bru Li, would be deaf to the world as he mediates.
Shur Kee nods, then stands up, and slightly stretches before saying "Shall we" as he gestures towards the others who are making their way out of the badly damaged building they've been in.
They head out, making their way to the left, between a pair of buildings, one that's basically a shell of what it was at the start of the day.
The war engineer, who with his second in command Larris. As well as subaltern Jaxs, and Shur Kee the monk. Are towards the rear of the group from the engineering corp in the mercenary army from the lands Farque.
One of the spotters, and the sergeant at arms that the sorcerer Larris spoke to. Are leading the way through the warren of streets and lanes. Searching for a building, or vantage point that best suits the needs of the young engineer.
As the catapult they left behind them, and away to the right. Flings a load of rocks and other broken bits of debris towards an enemy position.
They head towards a damaged two storey building. That has a few of their fellow black clad soldiers in the Farqian mercenary army. Hanging around it, and inside of it. With a larger number of soldiers and mercenaries in the army of the robber baron Markell.
"Might get a better look at what's happening" says Tovis with a nod of his head up at the second storey of the building they're hurrying towards.
They make their way through those outside of the building, and as the spotters hurry upstairs, and up onto the roof.
Tovis, along with Larris, Shur Kee and Jaxs. And a couple of others in the engineering corp, head upstairs too. And make their way onto a balcony of the two storey building they find to be partly damaged.
There's a few other officers in the Farque mercenary army on the balcony as well. Part of the forward elements who were first into the buildings here in the west of Almaic, where buildings have built up beyond where a wall would normally be.
They and those they command are holding back from the fighting unlike earlier in the day, when they were the only ones fighting the enemy up close.
Now the robber baron Markell's men are the ones who are predominantly doing the close quarter fighting. As the army led by field commander Talbot attempts to push into the city proper.
From the balcony of the two storey building. The war engineer Tovis can see that this side of the city does infact have a wall.
Not a normal wall as such. But bits of a wall. Of various lengths, though nothing over fifty or sixty feet in length. And of various heights too. Though nothing as high as forty five feet. Which is the height of the north and south walls of the city that's the provincial capital.
These small sections of wall are up and down the entire length of the west side of the city. Usually close to, and either side of where a watchtower is.
Though there's one stretch that looks exactly like the walls on the north and south sides of the city.
It's where the gates are on this side of Almaic are located. Which are kind of redundant. As you can enter the city proper on this side, basically anywhere you like.
But nevertheless, there's a set of gates, with walls to the sides of them. About fifty feet to either side. Gates, where the road from the west of the city leads up to.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Druvic, who only joined the armies of Farque fifteen months ago.
Sees that a number of the robber baron Markell's men, are fighting the enemy on the way towards those gates. And even from here, he can see that there's quite a lot of the enemy on and around the city gates.
For though you can enter the city just about anywhere along this side of the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
You can move larger numbers into the city proper, and deeper into it. More quickly if you go through the gates after coming up the road.
Tovis looks up above them to the roof, and says to one of the spotters in the corp "Have them all move forward if they're able to" the captain in the mercenary army from the lands Farque continues with "And see if one of the trebuchets can hit that" as he points away in the distance to the city gates, and the sections of wall that's on either side of them.
"Yes captain" says the spotter, who disappears out of sight as he moves to the otherside of the roof, to signal to the war machine crews who are further back, or are still outside of where the city has built up beyond where a wall would normally be.
Then all on the balcony, look away to the right, and further towards the city proper. Where an entire building explodes. And a ball of fire and debris mushrooms up into the clear and sunny afternoon sky, on what's been a hot, summer's day here in northern Nastell.
"That delver" says Larris the sorcerer with a nod of his head to the building that just exploded.
"The enemy were using that as a staging point" says one of the officers in the Farqian army on the balcony.
"Not anymore" says the fairly powerful sorcerer in a slightly dry tone of voice.
Tovis the war engineer nods. He knows that the robber baron Markell who has number of dwarven warriors in his army. Has a pair of delvers under his command. And that they're the most powerful spellcasters that any of the robber barons have under their command.
Then just as the young engineer figures the enemy will retaliate in some way for what's just happened.
Shur Kee the monk, who is standing to one side with his eyes closed, and is usually silent, speaks up and says "Something is about to happen".
Tovis looks sharply at his second in command Larris, who briefly stops holding his power within himself, and senses as far as he can into the city of Almaic.
And though the Farqian spellcaster senses a number of enemy spellcasters within the city proper. Before he holds his power within himself again. He catches the sense of a very powerful spellcaster in the city. Heading more or less to the western quarter of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Someone's coming this way" says Larris the sorcerer with a nod towards the city proper.
"Who?" asks Tovis the war engineer.
"A sorcerer" is the reply of the second in command of the engineering corp, who after a slight pause adds "A powerful one" . . . . . .

Sunday 24 March 2019

The Hire 134.

In Northern Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The City Of Almaic...

"Yes!" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic in a tone of triumph, who then adds in delight "The beast has fallen".
The large, heavily armoured knight notices the looks directed at him by  the runner Lisell Maera and Darid Parsen the cavalry commander.
So he slaps shut the faceplate of his full helm. From behind which, you can hear him chuckling.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, and the cavalry officer from the kingdom of Druvic, share a look.
Then they look away to the east, towards the half of the north wall of Almaic on the otherside of the road that leads up to the city gates.
Then the water elemental spouter Zaneff says "Think he's alright". Much to the relief of both the runner, and the cavalry officer who is a member of lord Farque's personal council.
Not so the former earl of Lé Dic. Who is never one to swear. Ever.
But from behind the closed visor of his full helm, the knight in the order of Saint Mar'che can be heard loudly muttering "Fuck" in a tone of what can only be described as, abject disappointment.
"Think he's alive?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander in a slight tone of a worry from where he's standing upon an archers platform in one of the enemy battlelines, watching the assault upon the north wall of Almaic. Specifically upon the eastern half of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"He'll be fine" says Mira Reinholt the mage in a dismissive tone as he stands bedside the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
"I've seen him fall from higher walls than these" dryly adds the mage from the city-state of Vexil, who is in exile from his homeland.
"I think he's alive" says subcommander Waiamin who is taller even than the mage Reinholt "Pretty sure he's moving about" adds the subcommander to Tamric Drubine.
"See, told you" says the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, who wasn't the least bit worried at what happened.
"You alright boss?" asks Teabagger the goblin Cunt in concern. His general Dorc da Orc groans as he lies there on his back on the ground after falling nearly forty five feet from the top of the north wall of Almaic.
Well to he didn't exactly fall. He was shunted off it by spellcraft. Much to the annoyance of the large ork who lies there groaning, gasping for breath.
"Boss" says the goblin commander who then looks to one of the black clad Farqian soldiers standing nearby, who just shrugs his shoulders, and nods his head to the big, burly ork lying on the ground.
The small, bright green goblin who is originally from the kingdom of Melaurn, looks at the ork weaponsmith, who is grimacing.
Teabagger is about to say something else, but Dorc da Orc gets in first with a gasped "General".
The ork warleader groans, then adds "It's general" followed by a gasp then "Not boss" then after another gasp, it's "You stupid" then a final gasp, before saying "Fucken gob-a-lin".
"Yes boss" says the commander of the goblin battalion, who can't help but grin before adding "I mean general".
The large ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world, scowls at the small, bright, green goblin, then after groaning, and trying to sit up, Dorkindle says "Help your fucken general up".
As a number of the goblins in the battalion help their general to sit up, one of the nearby soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, steps over then asks the ork general "Warleader what happened?".
"Got fucken spelled off" says Dorc da Orc, who takes a deep breath now that he's sitting up. He winces then grunts as Teabagger points and says "You got an axe in your face general" followed by "And an arrow".
The large ork, who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks, grunts as he looks up and sees the remaining ladder that he climbed, being pushed off the face of the wall. As a pair of goblins, and two soldiers in the robber baron Larimer's army, are climbing it.
"Fucknuts" mutters the ork weaponsmith as the already damaged ladder hits the ground, with the two goblins still holding onto it. While the two soldiers from north of the border, from the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains. Leap clear before it slams into the ground.
Dorkindle reaches up, and rips the axe out of face. And as blood spurts from the wound in his face, a wound that immediately starts to close.
He biffs the axe up at the top of the wall that he was just knocked off, thanks to an enemy spellcaster.
"Hell" says commander Berric, who along with the sorcerer Dominic, pull their heads back from over the top of the wall.
The next instant, an axe passes up and by them, narrowly missing the two of them.
"I can't believe it survived that fall" says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
"Nor can i" says Dominic the sorcerer, who continues with "That's one tough troll".
The commander, who also happens to be a highly accomplished swordmaster. Just nods, and doesn't mention the fact that one of his men, the experienced guard Ludoc. Doesn't exactly think the large green creature most of them think is a troll, is exactly a troll.
And as the sorcerer Dominic says to the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "I need to reapply the fixed wards here, the barrier ones have gone"
The swordmaster Berric, who hails from the northern city of Savariss. Looks over at the experienced guard Ludoc. Who looks at him and shakes his head no after checking one of the men in the company, who have come along with their commander.
Who is checking up on the progress of the battle. As the armies of the five robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, continue to attack the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Damn" mutters Berric the swordmaster at the death of one of his men.
Then the swordmaster, who is the senior most commoner in the entire duchy, who has a place of influence at the duke's court. Quickly looks down off the top of the wall again, and sees what might not be a troll. Sitting there on the ground, surrounded by goblins, as it pulls an arrow out of its face. Then another one out of the topknot on its head.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, steps back then says to the sorcerer Dominic "I'll be back in a little while" the swordmaster from the northern city of Savariss follows that with "Me and my men will continue to check on the city's defences". Along with how the battle is progressing, and how, and if the defenders of Almaic will be able to withstand the assault upon the city that's the provincial capital.
While commander Berric and his men continue along the walkway on the top of the north wall of Almaic. Heading westwards, and passing over the city gates.
Down on the ground infront of the north wall, Dorc da Orc has got to a knee after plucking the arrow out of his purple coloured, dreadlocked topknot.
Who winces as he's pretty sure he's got some broken ribs. And by the feel of it, a back that's broken too. None of which he's worried about, as he'll be fully healed within a day or two.
Waves some of the goblins out of the way, so he can see what's going on with the assault upon this half of the north wall of the city of Almaic. On this hot summer's afternoon here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Dorkindle grunts, then mutters, loudly "Need more of them fucken ladders".
As the two ladders that he used to climb up to the top of the wall, are useless as they're too badly damaged to be used again.
And the nearest ladder to where he and his goblin battalion are at the base of the wall. Is further away to the east, about forty yards to the closest one.
As Dorc da Orc looks back to see if anymore scaling ladders are being brought forward. One of the Farqian soldiers quietly says something in elven to another. Then says in common to the large ork "Is there anything else warleader?" followed by "Or anything else that's needed to be done".
The big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world, who always likes being addressed as warleader. Grunts as he continues to watch the assault upon this half of the north wall of Almaic.
Then the weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who is the son of the former matriarch of that particular tribe. Says what's needed to be done, as well as what's needed, specifically more scaling ladders.
Then as the large ork, scowls and growls at the goblins to help him stand up. The black clad Farqian soldier, glances at the other he spoke in elven too. And nods back to where field commander Drubine is watching the attack upon Almaic from a fortification in one of the battlelines further back.
The other black clad Farqian soldier, who is part of the scouts division in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Takes off running, heading back through the army that's assaulting the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"See anywhere else they've topped it on our half of the wall?" asks Tamric Drubine who has once again has taken out his brass, cylindrical eyepiece so he can get a close up look at what's happening along the north wall of Almaic.
"There, near the end of the wall" says Mira Reinholt, who points away to the east as he looks through his own leather wrapped, brass, cylindrical eyepiece. And though they're not all that far from the city wall. They want to see what's happening up close.
"Some of Larimer's or Almard's men are up there" adds the spellcaster, who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
"Don't know how long for though" says the exiled Vexilian mage, who continues with "They're rushing men along the top of the wall to help that lot defending that section".
"Hmmm" murmurs the nobleborn teenager as he looks through his eyepiece, and spots what the mage Reinholt has described.
Then one of the officers on one of the other archers platforms here in the makeshift fortification that the enemy built, calls out "Another scout coming back from the wall".
Subcommander Waiamin hurries down the ladder, and off the platform he's sharing with the field commander, and the member of lord Farque's personal council.
And as the subcommander goes to speak with the scout who has just come back from the wall.
Tamric Drubine, or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, quietly says to the councilor beside him "This could turn into a grind and take quite a while".
The spellcaster, who is also a highly skilled swordmaster nods his hooded head, then quietly says to the teenage field commander "We've had pretty easy, and relatively quick victories so far in the campaign".
The Vexilian mage in exile shrugs his shoulders then adds "If this turns into a long, drawn out battle to take the city, then we just have to deal with it".
Field commander Drubine slightly nods his head to that. Then taking his eyepiece away from his face, he looks down and away to the right. And sees his subcommander coming back this way.
After climbing back up the wooden ladder to the archers platform, subcommander Waiamin says "The warleader wants more scaling ladders" the subcommander then explains what else Dorc da Orc wants done.
Tamric Drubine and Mira Reinholt listen in silence, then the youngest of the trio of field commanders in the mercenary army from the lands Farque glances at the once powerful mage, who just lifts his eyebrows in response.
Tam slightly nods, then the nobleborn teenager who is originally from the kingdom of Sarcrin says "Order our own forces to assault the wall, starting with those not in the advanced elements" he then adds "You know where".
"Yes field commander" says the subcommander Waiamin, who starts calling out orders.
A similar order has been given on otherside of the road here to the north of the city of Almaic.
The cavalry commander Darid Parsen has just spoken with a runner who has come from field commander  Leivyn's position.
After the messenger hops out of the trench, and heads back to the fortification in the battleline behind the one they're in.
Darid Parsen the cavalry commander says "Our forces are to join in with the assault upon the wall".
As sir Percavelle Lé Dic gets quickly up off the barrel he's sitting on, and looks with anticipation at the commander Parsen. Kalleb the second in command of the company asks "Us?".
"Where to follow after those who weren't in the advanced elements who fought this morning" replies the cavalry commander who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson who just happens to inhabit the body of Darid Parsen.
As sir Percavelle, or Percy as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, grunts in disappointment, and sits back down on the barrel.
About thirty of their fellow soldiers in the mercenary army from the lands Farque hurry by the trench they're in. And cross the last of the ground before the north wall of the city of Almaic. As the Farqian mercenary army, finally joins in on the full on assault upon the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm . . . . . .

Thursday 21 March 2019

The Hire 133.

The City Of Almaic...

As he hurries forward, commander Berric sees an enemy soldier on top of the wall get stabbed in the chest with a sword, and whacked across the back of the head with a cudgel.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods his head in approval.
Then he pauses as the large green form of what he incorrectly assumes is a troll. Appears, rolling over the top of the wall between two of the merlons. Where it crushes to death one of the defenders as it drops onto the top of the wall proper.
The commander's men behind him on the walkway, including the experienced guard Ludoc, all pause too. As what they think is a troll, gets up roaring in anger amongst the defenders on that section of the wall.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard, who is the highest rank commoner in the duke's court.
Is amazed to see an arrow sticking out of the face of the so called troll. And another arrow sticking straight up out of it's purple coloured top knot.
Commander Berric, who also happens to be a highly accomplished swordmaster blinks in surprise as he sees that it's also wearing, of all things, what looks like to be a rain poncho. On what's a hot and sunny, summer's day here in the duchy of Phelm, in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
The swordmaster who hails from the northern city of Savariss. Also can't believe how big it is, now that he's relatively close to it.
What he wrongly assumes is a troll, is easily seven and half foot tall. And must weigh in excess of seven hundred and fifty pounds.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard is about to order those of his company with him, to attack. When he pauses again, as the so called troll. Moves a fair bit quicker than one would think it could ever move. And it slaps it's hands together.
On the head of one of the soldiers in the duke's army who goes to ram his sword at it.
The swordmaster Berric blinks in surprise, as that soldier's head explodes in a cloud of bone and brain matter between the massive, skillet sized hands of the large green creature, he thinks is a troll.
The headless soldier drops to the top of the wall, and the misidentified troll, rubs a bloody and brain covered hand down it's wide, green, brutish looking face. Licking it as it does so.
"Oh shit" is what the accomplished swordmaster hears behind him from the experienced guard Ludoc.
Then what they think is troll shouts something in a language none of them can understand, followed by a shout in the common language, which though a bit difficult to understand, the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard is sure was ""Get some ya cunts!".
"Careful" says commander Berric to his men, then realising he's probably the senior officer here, the swordmaster who is the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard, calls out "Those with bows and crossbows shoot it!". As he immediately sees that it would be best not to get too close to it.
Archers and crossbowmen go to shoot at what they think is a troll, while those close to it, duck down and try to get out of the way.
Arrows and bolts start hitting it, which only seems to enrage it even more. As it loudly roars. It roars so loud that those closest to it. Feel the roar reverberate through them.
"Keep shooting it!" calls out commander Berric, while behind him, Ludoc says "I don't think that's a troll".
The experienced guard, who has served in the duke of Phelm's personal guards for the last twenty five years. Infact duke Hargen is the second duke he's helped guard.
Has seen trolls before. Though none like this one. Which is about a foot and a half shorter than any troll he's ever seen in the past.
And is far more thickset than any troll he's run across. And the canines in it's mouth a way larger than a troll would ever have.
"Huh?" says commander Berric, who quickly glances back at Ludoc, and adds "What?".
"I don't think it's a troll" says the experienced guard who continues with "It's not like one I've ever seen, or heard of" then Ludoc shouts at those further along the top of the wall "Get down!".
As what he doesn't necessarily think is a troll, has picked up the headless soldier, and is going to throw him.
The body goes flying, a good twenty feet, where it slams into a crossbowmen, and another soldier, who are too slow to duck down.
Then it starts moving, roaring as it does so. Reaching under the rain poncho it wears for something. Which turns out to be a couple of weapons. An axe in one hand, and a hammer in the other.
And though the weapons look normal size in it's hands. It's obvious the weapons are what would be considered a heavy hammer and large axe if a human wielded them.
"Think we might be taking a section of that wall" says the field commander Tamric Drubine from a top of the archers platform in one of the makeshift fortifications the enemy built, that he's observing the attack upon the north wall of Almaic from.
"Well lets wait a bit" says Mira Reinholt the mage who is standing beside the nobleborn teenager.
The once powerful mage who has just pocketed the gold coin subcommander Waiamin just handed to him, then dryly says "This is Dorc remember, he still might fuck up".
Though the mage who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil. Thinks it's highly unlikely the enemy will clear the large ork off the top of the wall by mundane means.
They'll have to use magic in some way. And if any enemy spellcaster does so, they'll have to be incredibly careful in how they go about doing it.
As the ork warleader is protected from all mind spells. Because he's an ork and they're immune to them due to their high levels of insanity.
Added to that, the ork warleader is protected from a lot of physical spells. Because of what he wears beneath the rain poncho he's got on at the moment.
As under it, covering his chest, and much of his ample stomach. Is a plate of natural dragon armour. A plate taken from the corpse of a dragon that the mage Reinholt knew well, and even considered a friend.
Until it bit his left arm off at the elbow. Then briefly killed him.
The once powerful mage who was brought back to life by lord Farque. Thankfully back into his own body. And not as undead.
Then says to the youngest of the field commanders in the Farqian mercenary army that's in charge of the campaign for the robber barons of the unruled lands in the Colevar Mountains, against duke Hargen and the duchy of Phelm "They've got spellcasters along that wall, one of them might get lucky and take Dorc out".
Mira Reinholt who in the past, when he had all his powers, during a fit of rage, tried to kill Dorc himself with a powerful blast of lightning that the big, burly ork miraculously survived, then dryly adds "Knowing him, if they do, they probably won't kill the fat lunatic".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well, nods in agreement with the once powerful mage.
For in the past he's seen the ork warleader get hit by numerous spells that should of killed him, and survive.
Infact one did not so long ago, when he was hit infront of the city gates by a shaft of white light that came out of the clear blue sky, which felled the large ork.
Who is now up on the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic, the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
As they see an enemy soldier go flying off the top of the wall. They see a number of soldiers and mercenaries in the robber baron Larimer's army putting back up one of the broken ladders that the ork weaponsmith just used to top the wall.
While the other is still up against the wall. And though it's missing a few of the rungs in it. Others in the army of the robber baron Larimer are now climbing it, as are a few of the goblins in the battalion that Dorkindle is the general of.
Field commander Drubine, the mage Reinholt, subcommander Waiamin, and others in the senior staff of the young field commander, continue to watch the top of the section of the north wall of Almaic, that the ork general is on.
"Use spears if you can!" calls out commander Berric, who then nods to his right and says to Ludoc "Get them" as there's a few spears and polearms up against a merlon close by.
The experienced guard does, and hands them to others in the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
"Attack it unison if you can" says the swordmaster from the northern city of Savariss to his men, as they watch what may or may not be a troll.
Wade through the defenders upon the top of the wall, killing and dispatching anyone who it comes up against, as it heads this way.
A city guard is chopped basically in half. While a soldier's legs are kicked so hard, that one can hear them shattering.
That soldier in the duke's army drops to the walkway screaming in agony. His screams abruptly come to an end, when the large right black boot of what might be a troll, stomps down upon his head.
The large green figure's head snaps back as it's hit in the face with a bolt from just six feet away, shot from the crossbow of a mercenary hired into the duke's army.
It growls in anger, followed by a loud roar. Then it swings the hammer it has at the mercenary who is trying to back away, while fumbling to reload his crossbow.
The mercenary goes flying sideways off the top of the wall after getting hit in the side by the heavy hammer in the left hand of what may or may not be a troll.
And as the mercenary, falls to the street directly behind the north wall of the city of Almaic. The large green creature that's topped this section of the wall, batters away a spear that's shoved towards it.
"Stab up at it's face" says commander Berric to his men who now have either a spear or polearm.
"Stab it in the face with your spears!" calls out the swordmaster to those infront of him and his men. Though those infront of them, are rapidly dwindling in number as the large green figure heads this way.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard draws his longsword, and says over his shoulder "Remember distract it" followed by "Go for it's face".
Then after an archer is grabbed and flung away through a crenellation between two of the merlons. And a soldier's head disappears from a hammer blow. And another soldier is split open from his left shoulder down to his hips by the large axe in the other hand of what may or may not be a troll.
Commander Berric says to Ludoc and the others of his company here on top of the north wall of the city of Almaic "Go!".
Two of the men, one with a spear, the other with a polearm move forward, and stab the weapons up at the face of the large green figure wearing a rain poncho.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard runs forward between those two, as the large green creature roars and jerks back to avoid the spear and polearm directed up at it's face.
Berric drops down, and slides forward, feet first, between the legs of what Ludoc thinks isn't a troll.
The swordmaster gags as it reeks beyond belief, especially as he slides underneath it along the walkway.
Nevertheless the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard slices across the exposed fleshy part at the back of both legs of the large creature, which roars after getting hit.
As the swordmaster comes to a stop on the otherside of it, then springs to his feet swinging his longsword.
What might be a troll has grabbed the polearm, and swung it, and the guard in duke Hargen's personal guards holding, off the back of the wall.
And battered away the spear the other guard is trying to stab at it's face.
Then it roars again, as a hand axe thrown by the experienced guard Ludoc, slams into it's face, and sticks in to it, on the otherside from where the arrow that's stuck in it. Below the left eye, next to it's nose and mouth.
Commander Berric slams his longsword across the back of the large green creature. Which roars again. And spins far quicker than anything it's size has the right to do. To face the swordmaster who is the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard.
Then the swordmaster who is from the northern city of Savariss hears a familiar voice shout "Berric get down!".
Which is easy enough, as he was going to do that anyway as the large green creature spun around to face him.
Then suddenly what might be a troll, but the experienced guard Ludoc doesn't think it is. Goes staggering backwards uncontrollably, roaring in anger as it does so. It does so again, this time more quickly, and it windmills it's arms, as it falls backwards between two merlons, and topples off the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic.
Commander Berric turns and looks behind him, and sees the sorcerer Dominic hurrying along the walkway towards him.
"Hell, i didn't think i could get it off the wall" says the sorcerer Dominic when he gets to the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard "Had to eventually hit it in the legs" adds the sorcerer who hit the large green creature with a number of air punch spells, which only worked when he started aiming the spells at it's legs.
"Well at least you killed the damn thing" says the swordmaster Berric who didn't know how he was going to kill it, as he was doing his best to try and disable it, or at least slow it down.
"I don't think the sorcerer did" says the experienced guard Ludoc who is looking down off the top of the wall "Huh?" says the sorcerer Dominic "What?" asks commander Berric.
"I don't think it's dead" is the reply of Ludoc who nods down to the ground infront of the north wall of the city . . . . . .

Wednesday 20 March 2019

The Hire 132.

Almaic. Phelm. Nastell...

"The fuck" growls Dorc da Orc as both ladders shake under his considerable weight.
The large ork looks down and scowls, and though he's only about twelve feet off the ground.
He can see beneath him there's basically no one. They've all got out of the way just incase he falls from the ladders. For if he was to fall and hit any of them, he'd kill them.
The ork warleader sourly smiles as he sees that not even the goblins in the battalion, including their commander Teabagger. Aren't that close to the bottom of the scaling ladders. As they watch their general head up them.
The ork weaponsmith looks up, and sees that there's four soldiers and mercenaries in the robber baron Larimer's army above him on the ladders heading towards the top of the north wall of Almaic.
Dorkindle grunts, and lifts his right foot up, and winces as he pauses as his left foot is just on the ladder on the left, and it loudly creaks under his weight.
The big, burly ork who hails from the southern polar region of the world puts his right boot up on the next rung of that ladder. And reaching up, holding onto both ladders, he heads up the both of them. Which once again, alarmingly shakes under his considerable weight.
"Fuck me" mutters the large ork in his native language, who takes a deep breath, and looks up as he hears a strangled scream from above him.
As he looks he's hit in the head by a falling body. One of the soldiers above him, who was about to top the wall. Until a spear got stabbed down into his face by one of the enemy up on the top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks grunts as he's hit by the falling body, which continues on its way to the ground, which it hits with the thud.
Dorc da Orc who didn't even budge when the body struck him on the head on its way to the ground. Grimaces in disgust as both ladders that are side by side, violently shake under his weight, and the three others who remain on them, as they attempt to climb to the top of the north wall of Almaic.
"Dumb fuck" mutters the warleader of the ork race, who  looks down at the dead soldier and adds "Why you fall on Dorc like that?".
The ork weaponsmith shakes his head in disgust, then as he's about to climb another rung on one of the two ladders.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt calls up to him "Boss, i mean general, you okay?". While one of the trio of soldiers in the Farqian mercenary army who are at the base of the wall with the goblin battalion asks "You alright there warleader?".
"Yeah cunts me fine" is the reply from the ork, who to this day, is still the largest member of his tribe, the wolf tribe.
"Unless some silly fucker fall on me again" mutters Dorkindle in the ork language, he continues muttering in that language with "Or one of these fucken cunt ladders breaks" as he climbs up another rung on one of the scaling ladders, that are side by side, here on the eastern half of the north wall of Almaic.
Back from the north wall of Almaic, in one of the makeshift fortifications in one of the battlelines, where they're watching the progress of the assault upon the city wall.
Tamric Drubine the field commander looks at Mira Reinholt the mage and lifts a questioning eyebrow.
The once powerful mage responds with a rather wry looking smile and shrug of his shoulders.
Then the two of them go back to watching Dorc da Orc who is attempting to climb to the top of the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
Others in the fortification who are part of field commander Drubine's senior staff, are making quiet bets on if the large ork will make it to the top of the wall.
And though most bets are on him falling eventually. Nearly half of them are of him at least getting to the top of the north wall of Almaic.
For if there's someone who clearly looks like they shouldn't get to the top of the wall, but still might have a chance at making it. It's the ork warleader.
"Think those ladders will break before he gets to the top of the wall" quietly says subcommander Waiamin who is on the same archers platform the nobleborn field commander, and the mage Reinholt are on.
"Seems most likely" says Tamric Drubine the field commander as they watch the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, climb another rung on both of the ladders that are side by side against the face of the north wall of the city.
"He'll probably make it to the top knowing him, the fat lump" dryly says Mira Reinholt the mage, who has known the large ork longer than anyone else with the exception of lord Farque.
"Bet he gets to the top, then falls" adds the spellcaster who is in exile from his homeland, the city-state of Vexil.
"A gold coin?" asks subcommander Waiamin.
"A gold coin" replies the mage who is also a highly skilled swordmaster who confirms the bet.
As they continue to watch the ork general climb the two scaling ladders. Who has now definitely got the attention of the enemy. Who are shooting arrows and bolts down at him now. While those on the ground, predominantly the goblins with crossbows and bows, are shooting back up at the enemy trying to shoot their general.
Subcommander Waiamin says "A fall from the top of the wall, could be fatal for the warleader".
"He'll be fine if he falls" says field commander Drubine, the nobleborn teenager who hails from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin then adds "Even from that height".
"Especially if he falls on his head" dryly says the spellcaster who was once the most powerful mage of his generation to be found anywhere in the Southlands.
Until he went through a rift/void he accidentally cast, and ended up offworld. Where he was stripped of most of his powers whilst captive on another world in another galaxy.
Not that he remembers much or any of that experience. As it was wiped from his memory by the one who found him and returned him to the world of Volunell.
The Greater Dragon Kye, one of the creators of Volunell. Which is just one of the worlds the Greater Dragons have created in their lifetime. Volunell being the latest.
The mage Reinholt who wasn't joking about the ork warleader surviving a fall from the top of the north wall of Almaic, especially if he lands on his head.
Rolls his eyes, as the large ork's right boot slips from one of the ladder rungs, and he hangs their precariously for a few moments before he gets his right boot back on the ladder to the right.
"Come on you fat psycho, I've got a gold on you making it to the top" murmurs the mage who is a member of the personal council of the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Dorc da Orc who has an arrow sticking out of the top of his purple coloured dreadlocked top knot, who feels another one, or crossbow bolt bounce off the top of his head.
Frowns as he sees the next rung on the left above him looks like it's going to break as there's a large crack along it.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, reaches up to the next rung above that one, and continues on his way up the ladders that are side by side.
Dorkindle grunts, then scowls as a fairly decent sized rock hits him on the top of the head, bouncing off it, before it drops to the ground.
The big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world. Who is sweating profusely in the afternoon heat. More so than usual, since he refuses to take off a thick rain poncho that some in the goblin battalion made for him earlier in the campaign when it rained for a couple of days.
Looks up, and sees one of the others climbing the ladders, is hanging on for dear life, with an arrow in his side.
The warleader of the ork race then blinks as he sees another, a mercenary in the army of the robber baron Larimer. Is at the very top of one of the ladders, swinging his axe at the enemy, who are trying to kill him.
Whilst trying to shove the two ladders off the wall. They're failing miserably at that. As no way they'll push the ladders from the north wall of Almaic while the large ork is on them.
"Get some" Dorc da Orc murmurs to himself as he continues up the scaling ladders, who knows that if one of the others can get to the top of the wall, and distract the enemy along this section of the wall. It gives him a better chance of topping the wall himself.
Though the most likely reason for him not getting to the top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm, is himself.
More precisely his weight on the ladders. One of the scaling ladders could never hold his weight. And two of them are barely doing so.
Still, that doesn't stop the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world from continuing to climb them, to get to the top of the north wall of Almaic.
Up on top of the wall, commander Berric says "What's going on over there?".
Leaning out over the top of the wall, the experience guard Ludoc looks away to the left, then pops his head back before he's shot at by the enemy.
"Hell" says Ludoc, who then tells his commander what's happening away to their left along the north wall of the city.
"It is?" asks the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard after the experienced guard tells him what's happening away to their left, closer to where the city gates are.
"It is" replies Ludoc "No wonder those ladders haven't broken" murmurs commander Berric, who then silently adds, that troll isn't exactly small.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods for his men to follow him. And they make their way to the left along the top of the wall.
They have to climb over rubble, and down into, then up out of pretty large, and deep hole in the top of the wall, caused by an explosion.
The same one that the cleric Beldane disappeared in earlier in the afternoon.
"Looks like they can't push the ladders off" says commander Berric, who also happens to be a fairly accomplished swordmaster, who hails from the northern city of Savariss, which fell to the enemy just four nights ago.
Ludoc who has just helped one of the company climb up out of the hole in the top of the wall, says "The damn thing must be bloody heavy".
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard nods his head as they continue along the wall, where a number of the defenders are trying to push a pair of scaling ladders off the face of the wall.
While archers and crossbowmen are shooting down at those on the two ladders that are side by side.
And others are dropping rocks and bits of broken masonry and stonework down on to them.
"Good cunt" says Dorc da Orc as the soldier in the robber baron Larimer's army who was shot in the side, finally falls from the ladder he's on. And drops to the ground, just missing the large ork as he falls to his death.
The weaponsmith who is the son of the former matriarch of the wolf tribe of orks looks up as he climbs another rung in each ladder.
And sees that the mercenary who was at the top of the ladder, has been grabbed and is being dragged up and over the top of the wall by the enemy.
The last of the men on the two scaling ladders tries to grab his leg, but it slips from his grasp as the mercenary in the robber baron Larimer's army is hauled up onto the top of the wall.
Dorkindle grunts as he has a fair idea what's going to happen next. And a couple moments later there's a scream as the mercenary who was taken by the enemy. Is thrown off the top of the wall.
Falling by the ork general who continues to climb up the two scaling ladders that shake every time he goes up a rung.
The big, burly ork from the frozen bottom of the world climbs another couple of rungs fairly quickly, compared to how slowly he's been climbing the ladders so far.
And as he winces as he's shot in the face by an enemy archer, and has an arrow sticking out of the side of his face, to match the one in his topknot.
He looks up and sees the last of the robber baron's soldiers on the ladder is at the top of the ladders, not that far above the large ork, stabbing his shortsword up at the enemy trying to kill him.
He gets in a lucky blow, taking one of the defenders under the chin. Causing him to fall backwards, knocking over another of the enemy up on the top of the wall.
Dorc da Orc grunts, and reaches up with his left hand. And as the soldier from the unruled lands north of the border in the Colevar Mountains goes to step up.
The ork general takes a hold of his left boot, and thrusts upwards beneath it. Sending the soldier in the robber baron Larimer's army up onto the top of the wall, where he crashes into some of the enemy.
"Good cunt" says Dorkindle, who then adds "You kills some of 'em before me gets up there". As he climbs another rung. As he does, his rather fortunate luck finally gives out. And the rung under his right boot breaks.
"Cunt!" yelps the ork weaponsmith who hangs onto both ladders. Then looking up, he growls and pushes off the rung under his left boot. And reaches up with both hands, letting go of the ladders. As that rung he just pushed off, breaks as well.
Dorc da Orc grabs the top of the wall with both hands, and though something smacks down onto his left hand, which admittedly hurts like hell.
He growls as he hauls his considerable sized frame, all seven hundred and fifty pounds worth. Plus the couple of hundred pounds in weight in weapons, bits of armour, and equipment he has on him.
Up onto the top of the north wall of the city of Almaic.
"Huh" says the field commander Tamric Drubine in a tone of surprise, who then adds "He made it".
"Shit!" exclaims subcommander Waiamin in surprise at seeing the ork warleader get up onto the top of the city wall.
"You owe me a gold coin" says Mirs Reinholt the mage to the subcommander as they look to the top of the north wall of Almaic, where Dorc da Orc has just topped it . . . . . .