Sunday 3 March 2019

The Hire 120.

The Kingdom Of Nastell. The Duchy Of Phelm. The City Of Almaic...

The two armies led by the field commanders Drubine and Leivyn, which are to the north of the city of Almaic. Make the final push to the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Charging towards the north wall of the largest city in northern Nastell.
Those in the forward elements who were closest to the north wall of Almaic. In the battlelines nearest to the city.
Waited a little bit, so that those further behind them. Especially those squads who have the scaling ladders. Got a little closer to the front. Before they took off across no man's land towards the wall, that's only a hundred and fifty feet away from some of them.
And though the practitioners of magic in their armies continue to fling spells at the wards the enemy have up along the north side of the city.
Their war machines, with the exception of the wagon mounted ballistas. Cease firing upon the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital.
Amongst those in the forward elements in the army of the young field commander Tamric Drubine who are some of the first across the open space between the north wall of the city, and the first of the battlelines.
Is the battalion of goblins in the Farqian mercenary army. Who are commanded by a small, bright green goblin by the name of Teabagger the goblin Cunt. And are led by their general, the ork warleader Dorc da Orc.
They tear across no man's land, or the killzone as it's sometimes called. Without a care in the world. Or so it seems.
Many of the goblins survive, and escape injury as enemy arrows, bolts, catapult loads, ballista missiles, and spells come flying their way. By simple chance more than anything else. As they trip up over themselves, and each other as they run. Narrowly avoiding death as they do so.
Teabagger himself as he runs behind his rather large general, who attracts the enemy's attention more than anybody else in their army.
Survives certain death when an enemy arrow that would've taken him in the throat. Goes flying over his head when he trips up over his own feet, and falls flat on his face.
He scrambles to his feet, and takes off after his general. Who is getting repeatedly shot by enemy arrows and bolts.
All of which just tends to put him an even angrier, and more demented mood than he's already in. As he loudly chortles, followed by a roar, then he usually yells something out in the incomprehensible language of the orks.
When the goblin commander finally catches up to his general again. The big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world. Who on this hot summer's day here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell. Is still wearing the rain poncho some of his goblin battalion made from him. Which has a number of arrows and bolts dangling from it.
Has stopped, and is picking up the enemy magetube that's lying out on the open ground, just fifty feet from the north wall of Almaic.
Teabagger often forgets at times how strong his general is. Because he slightly pauses as the large ork, who grunts. Picks up the magetube that must easily weigh over a thousand pounds. Then continue on his way towards the base of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
The goblin commander takes off after him. And without tripping up, over his own feet, or anybody else's in the battalion, he makes it to the base of the north wall of Almaic. Where he and others in the battalion, stand single file up against the wall.
After quickly glancing up, and hoping no one drops a large rock on his head. Teabagger glances at his general, who is calling out to some of the others who are charging towards the north wall of the city.
The ork weaponsmith is yelling at some of those following behind captain Weldin's company. Teabagger sees that they're the first of their army with scaling ladders.
"Over there ya cunts!" shouts out Dorc da Orc in the common language, who points a bit further away to the west as he yells at those who have closest of the scaling ladders.
The large ork is pointing to where he knows there's no hard wards, or barrier spells as they're more commonly called. Where if someone is climbing a scaling ladder, will find it easier to get to the top of the wall.
It seems that whoever is in command of those with the scaling ladders behind captain Weldin's company. Knows this too. As they're heading that way already.
Dorkindle grunts in satisfaction when he sees this. Then the big, burly ork who hails from the frozen bottom of the world says to those goblins closest to him "Come on cunts, move".
They start heading westward along the base of the north wall of Almaic, with Teabagger the goblin Cunt saying in warning "Watch out for any shit they might drop on us".
More than a few in the battalion look up as they hurry along the base of the wall. Heading in the direction of the road that leads up to the gates in the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
As they do, and as their own army rush towards them. The warleader of the ork race looks at the small slot along one side of the nine foot long magetube he's carrying. To see if it's still got power.
He grunts when he sees that it does. And though the wooden cradle, and wheels it normally sits in has been burnt away to nothing. The iron firing lever is still in one piece. And that's all that matters to the large ork. Who now knows he can use it.
Dorc da Orc knows that he could shoot it at the wall itself. And probably destroy the wards protecting that bit of the wall he'd aim at. And more than likely blast right through the thick city wall.
But he knows he's far too close to do that. As more than likely that bit of the wall would probably blast backwards in his direction, as much as it would go forward into the city itself.
So unusually for him, he sticks to the plan he came up with. And that's to get to the gates in the north wall of Almaic.
And as others in their army led by field commander Tamric Drubine make it to the base of the city wall. And the first of the scaling ladders start to go up.
The ork general, and pretty much all of his battalion of goblins, continue on their way along the base of the north wall of the city that's the provincial capital. Heading towards the road, and the gates in the north wall of Almaic.
Up on the top of the north wall of the city, the cleric Beldane is walking along it, encouraging the defenders as he does so.
"Keep shooting at them lads" says Beldane the cleric to a couple of archers he walks by "The more of them we hit out in the open, the less we have to contend with at the wall".
The cleric in the church of Glaine continues on his way, saying to soldiers, mercenaries and city guards "Remember once they're at the base of the wall, start dropping those stones and rocks upon them".
He gets plenty of replies to that, a few of which are "Yes father" which is the correct way in which to address him, as he's not a noble, but actually still a priest who is a fighting cleric.
"Bless you" says the cleric to those, who said that to him, as he knows that they must attend his church regularly to address him so.
Beldane who is not a stickler for such things. Knows that the vast majority of those who worship his god. Which is the most popular deity here in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Don't actually go to church all that often. They might attend on feast days, or on festival days. Or go for a wedding, or alternatively for a funeral.
But by in large, they don't go week on week to church. Which he's perfectly fine with. The cleric isn't particularly zealous in the ways in which the followers of his god go about their worship.
And he knows that pretty much most of them will also worship other gods too. That's just human nature, and Beldane has always thought to deny that is rather idiotic. People need the comfort they can get where they can. And what they're comfortable with.
Just like him saying "Bless you" and giving a silent prayer to followers of his god, here in the middle of a battle. Is just a brief moment of comfort during a stressful time like now.
The fighting cleric pauses as he watches one of the ballista shoot at the charging enemy.
After the ten foot long heavy longspear goes flying off towards the enemy. The cleric in the church of Beldane hears his name being called out from somewhere behind him along the wall.
He looks back, and spots the officer who was beside him earlier, who he sees is pointing at something.
At first Beldane thinks he's pointing at the enemy with the scaling ladders, the first of them, which are close to the wall, and in moments will soon be up against it.
But he's pointing at something else, down at something as he calls out to Beldane about something. The fighting cleric catches what the officer says.
"Damn" mutters the cleric in the church of Glaine, who looks down between two of the crenellations, to the base of the wall, and looks westward.
Beldane looks back to where the magetube was lying on the ground, and sees that it's gone. He also sees those goblins who were the nearest battleline, are now at the base of the wall, and hurrying westwards in the direction of the gates.
The member of the church of Glaine spots the troll with them, or at least he thinks it's a troll. And he blinks in surprise as he sees it's carrying the magetube by itself.
"They must be stronger than i thought" murmurs the fighting cleric to himself, who then hurries back along the top of the north wall of the city.
Beldane's magic, like all magic cast by clerics, is more powerful and effective the closer they are to their intended target. With touch spells, either with a hand, or a weapon, usually a mace or blunt weapon of some kind. Because the vast majority of clerics no matter what god or goddess they follow shun the use of edged weapons.
For the simple reason a lot of them don't want to outright kill whoever they're up against in combat. After all it's easier to survive a broken arm from a mace, than a slash to the throat from a sword.
But Beldane has an advantage over most other clerics, and fighting priests and the like. As his mace is magical. And using it from a distance does work. Even so, it's still best to get as close to one's target when he uses it.
Beldane hurries back along the top of the north wall of the city that he calls home. He gets to near the catapult he was standing next to earlier.
And says to the officer who called out to him, and a handful of others who are waiting for the enemy to get to this section of the wall.
"You lot with me" says Beldane, who gestures at the enemy and quickly adds "They're not going to top the wall here" as no scaling ladders are heading this way.
"But they are there" continues the fighting cleric, who points further westwards, where his friend the sorcerer Dominic has just sent a fireball towards some of the enemy, a squad of whom are carrying a scaling ladder.
As Beldane sets off again, he says "And we've got to stop those goblins and that ugly troll" the fighting cleric tells the officer with him "I can't believe it hasn't used the magetube yet" he continues with "It must be smarter than it looks. My guess it's going to the gates, which will be easier to destroy, even with the wards up on them".
"Won't it have to get on the road to do that?" asks the officer in the duke's army, who then adds "With the pit traps in it?".
"Not for the first thirty or forty feet infront of the gates" says Beldane, the officer winces as he remembers that right infront of the gates the road is free of pit traps, just incase the defenders in the city were to counterattack.
As that would give them just enough space, especially if they were to counterattack on horseback. To get off the road once they exit the city. Before hitting the first of the pit traps that have been dug into the road that leads to the north gates of the city.
"Hurry" says Beldane the cleric to those with him, as they head westwards along the top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm. Heading to above where the gates are in the north wall of Almaic.
The sorcerer Dominic sees his friend Beldane approaching quickly along the top of the wall, and calls out to him "What is it?".
"Down at the base of the wall!" is the reply of the cleric in the half plate and chainmail armour "Those goblins and that troll!" adds the fighting cleric.
The sorcerer looks down between a crenellation, and looks straight down. He spots the last of the goblins going by, heading westwards. He looks that way, and spots the troll, or what he thinks is a troll, amongst them.
"Shit" mutters Dominic as he's pretty sure the large, green creature, which is wearing a rain poncho of all things, is carrying the magetube that was lying out in no man's land.
The sorcerer looks quickly in the other direction, and though the enemy are passing over the spot. He no longer sees the heavy magical weapon lying there.
Dominic looks quickly back to the west, and hurriedly casts an energyball. And after momentarily lowering the wards right infront of him. He sends the energyball after the goblins running at the base of the wall.
"Damn it" mutters the sorcerer who is almost skewered by an enemy arrow shot up at him before he can re-raise the wards up infront of him.
He sees that the energyball will strike the goblins, though further back amongst them from where the troll is.
"Worry about those ladders" says the cleric Beldane as he hurries by his friend Dominic, pointing at a pair of enemy scaling ladders that are about to put up nearby.
"I'll deal with them" adds the fighting cleric regarding the goblins and troll who is carrying the magetube that was lying out in no man's land.
The cleric in the church of Glaine, along with the officer, and the handful of soldiers with them. Get to a more open bit of the top of the wall. Where they can run.
As they do, the cleric Beldane takes his mace from the weapon loop on his belt. Just then, the energyball cast by his friend Dominic explodes down at the base of the wall.
Teabagger the goblin Cunt flinches as there's an explosion about forty feet behind him. The goblin commander following right behind his general, doesn't look back, but he instinctively knows whatever it was that exploded, probably a spell of some kind. Exploded amongst some of the battalion a bit further back from him.
He slightly nods as he hears his general loudly mutter "Fucken magicky cunts" in relation to what's just happened behind them.
They run just infront some of the soldiers in the army of the robber baron Almard's army. Who under the direction of a trio in the mercenary army from the lands Farque, are about to lift up a scaling ladder against the north wall of Almaic.
Teabagger winces as a rock smacks down onto the top of his general's head. Who just grunts and doesn't even pause as the rock bounces away after hitting the top of his head. Which would of brained anyone else, even if they were wearing a helm.
The goblin commander then hops over the body of one of the battalion who wasn't so fortunate. Who was just struck by a falling rock. Which splattered his skull to pieces.
The small, bright green goblin who hails from the southern kingdom of Melaurn. Doesn't look up, just incase he sees a large rock falling down towards him as he follows behind his general.
The ork warleader who is behind about a dozen of the battalion, while the bulk of them are following behind him.
Sees that they're almost at the gates in the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"Out of the fucken way cunts!" calls out Dorc da Orc to others in their army who have got to the base of the wall, and are waiting for the following scaling ladders to get to where they are.
Those soldiers hurry out of the path of the goblins, and the big burly ork from the southern polar region of the world, who is their general. Who happens to be carrying a magetube, as they run along the base of the north wall of the city of Almaic.
Seeing that they're close to the road, the ork weaponsmith who is huffing and puffing as he runs, says to Teabagger without looking back at him "You and the other cunts get ready to go through the fucken gates when me blast 'em"
"Yes boss" says the goblin commander who in the rush of excitement, and let's be honest, straight out fear, forgets to call the large ork, general.
Dorkindle who is cradling the magetube as he runs, swings the heavy weapon out to one side as he nears the road, he calls out to the goblins infront to get out of his way, and he angles out and away from the wall to get onto the road. While behind him, Teabagger calls out the order "Form up, and get ready to enter the city!".
The goblins, being a lot smarter than their general stay off the road. Even though the first thirty to forty feet of it is free of any pit traps.
And the fact that a shitload of enemy arrows and bolts go flying towards the large ork as he stands out in the open on the road infront of the gates in the north wall of Almaic.
Not to mention it's extremely dangerous to stand directly behind a magetube as it's fired.
On the road infront of the gates, about thirty feet out from them. A grinning Dorc da Orc who is repeatedly shot by enemy arrows and bolts. The vast majority of which hits the plate of natural dragon armour he wears over his chest, and ample stomach. Beneath the rain poncho he's wearing.
Lifts the magetube up, grins even more in anticipation as he holds it braced against his right hip, as he knows it'll send part of the shockwave from it firing through him, which is always a sensation he enjoys.
He grabs the lever at the back end of the nine foot long magical weapon that weighs in excess of a thousand pounds.
And he goes to lift it to fire the magetube. He hears over the noise of the battle, a loud and clear voice from on top of the north wall of the city, just above the gates, shout out "Holy strike!".
The next moment as he's about to fire the magetube, Dorc da Orc is struck by a column of blinding white light that comes down out of the clear, blue afternoon sky, to hit him and the ground he's standing on . . . . . .

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