Monday 18 March 2019

The Hire 130.

The City Of Almaic. The Duchy Of Phelm...

Commander Berric reins in, and looks up at the top of the north wall of the city, where he sees the flash, then fire of an explosion on the otherside, as an enemy spell hits the wards that are still up.
The swordmaster who is the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard, looks over at the experienced guard Ludoc, who says "Commander, over there".
Berric, who hails from the northern city of Savariss, looks away to the right, where to the east of the main gates in the wall. There's a few spots of major damage along the top of the wall.
The swordmaster who figures the wards haven't always been successful throughout the day, nods in that direction.
"That way" says commander Berric, who turns his mount to the right, and those with him from his company, ride along that street that runs behind the north wall of Almaic.
Once they've by the gates, and are behind the eastern half of the wall. The commander of the duke's personal guard dismounts at the base of the nearest set of steps, that leads up to a section of the wall that doesn't have any damage on it.
The swordmaster hands the reins to one of the city guards at the base of the steps. And along with Ludoc, they lead members of the duke's personal guard company up to the top of the wall.
"Hell, they're making a full on push against the wall" says the experienced guard Ludoc once they're at the top of the wall, and they see what's happening.
The commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard nods his head, then says to one of the nearby soldiers in the duke's army "Who commands along this part of the wall?".
"Commander" says the soldier, who like many a commoner, recognises the swordmaster who is the most important common born man in the duchy.
"That way it's captain Lelmasin" says the soldier, commander Berric nods as he knows of the knight, who is part of the southern nobility who didn't head north to help with the defense of the duchy up there.
The soldier points the other way, and says "A sorcerer has taken command that way, the one they call Dominic".
Once again, the famous swordmaster nods. As he knows of the sorcerer, who though common born. Is good friends with sir Yarrim the sorcerer.
If commander Berric understands it correctly, the father of Dominic the sorcerer taught both his son and sir Yarrim spellcraft when they were younger.
"This way" says the commander of duke Hargen's personal guard to his men, and he heads along the top of the wall, in the direction where the sorcerer Dominic is.
Even though the spellcaster is good friends with sir Yarrim. The knight, sir Lelmasin is a total ass in the opinion of the swordmaster from the city of Savariss. He's surprised the knight who is a captain in the duke's army, hasn't stepped off the back of the wall by accident. As commander Berric always thinks of the knight having a high opinion of himself. Who doesn't watch what he's doing, or where he's going.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard and those of his company with him, hurry behind one of the catapults here on top of the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
While behind them, the soldier the swordmaster spoke to. And others with him, help to push an enemy scaling ladder off the wall, that's just been put up.
Swordmaster Berric and his men continue along the top of the wall. Walking quickly behind the defenders who are repelling the enemy, who are in the midst of their heaviest assault upon this side of the city that's the provincial capital.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard spots the sorcerer Dominic, who he's met and spoken with many a time over the years.
And although the swordmaster wouldn't call him a friend. He's on friendly terms with him. Even though the spellcaster is good friends with sir Yarrim.
"Sorcerer" says commander Berric, the spellcaster turns around and sees who has just addressed him "Swordmaster" says the sorcerer Dominic who immediately recognises the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard.
"The duke?" asks the sorcerer "Safe in the palace" is the answer from commander Berric, who then asks the sorcerer "How do things fare here?".
Fairly well in the opinion of Dominic, who tells the famous swordmaster "We're holding them out" he continues with "A small number of them were able to top the wall a little while ago, but we cleared them off the wall fairly quickly".
The commander nods his head, then gestures away to further along the wall, closer to where the gates are on this side of the city, and says "Some of their spells get through the wards?".
"They didn't" says the sorcerer who helped cast the fixed wards, and then maintain them throughout the day.
"Up and over them" explains the spellcaster, who then mutters "Damn mage".
Dominic then quickly tells the swordmaster what's been happening here recently along this part of the north wall of the city, to the east of the gates.
The commander of duke Hargen's personal guard eyebrows lift in surprise when he hears about the cleric Beldane, who disappeared through a magical gateway in the middle of a large explosion which damaged part of the top of the wall.
The swordmaster knows of the powerful cleric and the magical mace he wields. And though he doesn't know the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine well. Everybody who speaks of him, likes him even though he's quite a forthcoming and boisterous fellow.
And there's the fact that the powerful cleric gets on the nerves of sir Yarrim. Berric the swordmaster suspects there might be some jealousy on the part of the nobleborn spellcaster there. As the cleric is almost, or just as powerful at magic as the sorcerer Yarrim.
The commander who knows the sorcerer Dominic is good friends with both the cleric Beldane, and the sorcerer Yarrim, asks him "Think he'll return?".
"He will if he can" says Dominic, who knows his friend Beldane will return if he's able to.
The swordmaster nods, then glances down off the top of the wall, and looks for the goblins and the troll that the sorcerer mentioned when he was telling him what had been going on recently.
Commander Berric is certain they were mentioned in the battle along the border that he was part of.
Beside him, Ludoc looks down too, hoping to catch sight of them as well.
"Away to the left there" quietly says the accomplished swordmaster, who then adds "Near where those others are trying to put up a ladder".
Then the commander of the duke of Phelm's personal guard, and the experienced guard next to him, move back and duck down when the sorcerer Dominic gives a warning to get down, as a powerful spell is coming in, that he doesn't know if the wards will hold against.
Dorc da Orc looks up, and grunts as further along the wall, there's a large explosion of blue flame where a large energyball from one of the spellcasters hits the wards the enemy have up infront of the north wall of the city of Almaic.
The large ork then goes back to what he and his battalion of goblins are doing.
"Nah cunts, get a fucken other one" says Dorc da Orc to those in the robber baron Larimer's army who are putting up a scaling ladder, the ork warleader then adds "So you gots two of the fuckers close".
Then the big, burly ork who is from the southern polar region of the world, who is sweltering in the afternoon heat here on a hot, summer's day in the north of the kingdom of Nastell.
Grabs the scaling ladder, and lifts it up against the wall of the city by himself, then says "Get one more of these cunts, and put it next to this fucker". As he's unable to climb this ladder. But if there's one right next to it, side by side. He could very well climb both of them. With a foot on a rung of each one as he climbs.
As some of the goblin battalion help their general hold the scaling ladder against the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
And some of the robber baron Larimer's men, both soldiers and mercenaries start climbing the ladder. A handful of others hurry off to the nearest lot who are attempting to bring a ladder up against the north wall of Almaic.
"Keep shooting up at them" orders Teabagger the goblin Cunt to the archers in the battalion as he stands next to the large ork in the rain poncho who is his general.
The small, bright green goblin who is the commander of the battalion of goblins in the mercenary army from the lands Farque. Sees that though his general is still a little bit unsteady on his feet. He's now got his wits about him. What little wits he has.
Which Teabagger doesn't think is necessarily a good thing. As the big, burly ork from the bottom of the world. Is bound to do something entirely stupid now. Something he wouldn't of done a little while ago, just after he regained consciousness.
Both the goblin commander and the ork general look up as they hear a catapult up on top of the wall. An instant later they see large rocks go flying from the top of the wall, headed towards those in the army led by field commander Drubine, who are attacking this half of the north wall of Almaic.
The ork weaponsmith sees that the soldiers and mercenaries in the armies of the robber barons Larimer and Almard. Are spreading out, and aren't bunched up as they assault the city wall.
Dorkindle grunts in approval at this, then the large ork who is part of the wolf tribe of orks, turns around when someone behind him says "Warleader".
The big, burly ork finds a trio of black clad soldiers in the Farqian mercenary army standing there, and he says to them "Hey cunts".
One of them, a sergeant at arms, who spoke, gestures further back to a scaling ladder being carried forward by those in the army of the robber baron Larimer, and he says "You wanted another one here in this spot?".
"Yeah cunt" says Dorc da Orc who never gets tired of being addressed as warleader, he continues on with "Right next to this fucken one" the large ork then mutters "So me can climb the fuckers to the top of the wall".
The sergeant at arms in the Farqian mercenary army immediately recognises what the ork general wants to do. And he calls out to those bringing the other ladder forward to hurry up.
While one of the men in robber baron Larimer's army climbing this ladder, falls from it near the top, and hits the ground to one side of where the ork weaponsmith is standing.
"He dead" says Dorkindle with a chuckle as he looks at the soldier in robber baron Larimer's army who just fell from the scaling ladder.
The weaponsmith from the wolf tribe of orks, who happens to be the son of the former matriarch of that particular tribe. Looks up as another of those climbing the ladder, gets near the top. He's stabbing his sword up at those on top of the wall. Who are using spears and polearms to try and push the scaling ladder away. They're having no luck, as the warleader of the ork race is one of those holding the ladder firmly up against the wall.
They have better luck, when one with a spear, stabs it into the face of the soldier in the robber baron Larimer's army who is near the top of the wall.
He screams and clasps at his face, and falls backwards off the ladder. Those on the ground beneath him, hurry out of the way, before he hits the ground with a thud.
"He dead as well" says a chuckling Dorc da Orc, who finds pleasure in seeing those on his own side getting killed, almost as much at seeing the enemy being killed.
The large ork who is lucky to be alive after being struck by a cleric's spell earlier in the afternoon, grunts when Teabagger says "Here it is general". As the other ladder reaches where they are. The sergeant at arms in the mercenary army from lands Farque takes charge of putting it, close to the other one, so that they're side by side.
The ork weaponsmith grunts in approval as that scaling ladder is lifted up, and placed right next to the one he's helping to hold firm against the north wall of the city that's the capital of the duchy of Phelm.
"You want us to go up them first general?" asks Teabagger the goblin Cunt "No" is the growled reply from the large ork. Who doesn't fancy goblins falling on top of him as he climbs the ladders. As that is bound to happen with some of them. Which would get annoying real quick in the opinion of big, burly feral looking ork, who the enemy think is a troll. A short and fat, not to mention an ugly looking troll. But nevertheless, that's what they think the large ork is.
"Warleader it's up" says the sergeant at arms in the Farqian mercenary army. Dorkindle grunts and though a few in the army of the robber baron Larimer scramble up the scaling ladders that are side by side.
The weaponsmith form the wolf tribe of orks, grabs them, and putting a foot on the bottom rung of each ladder. Dorc da Orc then says to Teabagger "You cunts follow your general up".
"Yes boss, er general" says the small, bright lurid green goblin commander, who watches as the large ork, use both scaling ladders, to climb up to the top of the north wall of Almaic, hoping that both of them can hold his rather considerable weight.
"Fucken get some" chuckles the ork warleader as he starts climbing the scaling ladders to the top of the city wall . . . . . .

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