Sunday 4 August 2019

Aftermath 69.

The Kaldel Plains...

Some of the smoke from the burning airships blow their way, and Darid Parsen the cavalry commander steps back as they stand beside a roundhouse on the edge of the village green.
Behind the cavalry commander and Lisell Maera the messenger who are out infront.
Tovis the war engineer who is beside Beldane the cleric, steps back too. And catches movement out of the corner of his left eye.
The young engineer who hails from the kingdom of Druvic, where he once served in the army of a baron Harkonin.
Looks south along this side of the village green. And doesn't see anyone behind the houses he's got a view of.
Tovis knows that even though he might not be able to see anyone, doesn't mean there isn't anyone about. As they've already run into plenty of the illegal wreckers this morning as they've attacked the large village.
As another cloud of smoke wafts by them again, Darid Parsen the cavalry commander quietly says "There's a few bodies that way, especially on this side" he continues with "But there doesn't seem to be anyone there at the moment" as he waves away some of the smoke that's drifting by them.
Next to the cavalry commander who is also a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
Lisell Maera the messenger says "Looks like it" the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury then says "Think they're inside?".
The cavalry commander who in actual fact is really a barbarian hordesman from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson, who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Darid Parsen.
Nods his head, then says "I'd say so" he continues in a slightly dry tone with "By the looks of those burning airships, Mira has been successful".
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman then gestures away to the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green they've been looking at, and he says "And the state of that house too".
Councillor Parsen follows that with "So they should be in there, taking the wreckers loot".
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group says "I don't see that plainsman lying amongst the dead next to that house".
The daughter of a street prostitute, and a sailor who she never knew, continues with "He might not of gone that way". Referring to the leader of the crew of illegal wreckers they chased this way.
"If he was smart he wouldn't of gone that way" says Darid aka Zubutai Timaginson "Probably the worst thing to do is to run into Mira" dryly adds commander Parsen.
"Running into Dorc?" says Lis "Well, yeah that's a given" says the member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
Looking behind him and the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, the cavalry commander asks "Do you know if Mira is about?".
"I can't sense him" says Beldane the cleric, who continues with "I can't sense him anyway, because of that medallion he wears"
Councillor Parsen grunts as he had forgotten about that, then he nods when the fighting cleric says "I can't sense any spellcasters in the village".
Beldane who is a member of the church of Glaine, continues with "I briefly sensed that wizard a short time ago, back towards the middle of the village" the cleric from the kingdom of Nastell then adds "Then suddenly i was unable to, as if".
"As if what?" asks commander Parsen when the powerful cleric falls silent for a few moments "As if he was killed" is the reply from Beldane.
"He probably was" says Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin who continues with "He probably ran into the royal thief" the councillor briefly pauses then says "Or Dalin" the cavalry commander then silently adds in a dry tone, or either one of those idiots Dorc or Percy.
Though councillor Parsen thinks Dorc da Orc is now somewhere on this side of the village, as they heard the large ork roar just a short time ago, and he sounded much closer to them than he was earlier.
Beldane who can't be sensed too, as he has a shield spell cast upon him by Helbe the elven thief, nods his head then says "Probably" followed by "Definitely felt like he was killed, more than if he was trying to hold his power within himself".
At least that's one more of them we don't have to worry about, Darid Parsen thinks to himself, who then nods across to the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green, and quietly tells the others "Let's go".
The member of lord Farque's personal council then adds "And keep an eye out for that plainsman who leads them" the cavalry commander continues with "Or any of them for that matter".
Then from where they are, next to a roundhouse on the eastern edge of the village green, Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman sets off.
Leading the way across the village green to the badly damaged two storey house to the northwest. Followed by the three others behind him.
Commander Parsen walks through some more of the drifting smoke that's coming off the nearby ships that are on fire.
As he does, the councillor lifts up the black traditional hordes cloth he wears around his neck.
And covers the lower half of his face, covering his mouth and nose as he wraps it around his head.
And though Darid aka Zubutai the son of Timagin usually wears it during combat.
He's found it over the years to be useful during a time like now. Where it's great to block out smoke. In this case coming from a pair of burning airships on the south side of the village green.
Samiel the mage steps out from next the roundhouse he's been crouching beside.
The powerful spellcaster originally from the city-state of Tuledare, where before he took up a life of crime, worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare.
Sees that the four strangers he's been watching, are gone.
Samiel grimaces, then heads north, keeping parallel to the east side of the village green.
The mage, the most powerful of the three spellcasters in the crew of illegal wreckers, who have have been creating havoc across the Kaldel Plains for the last year or so. By bringing down numerous airships, which they then strip, or wreck, as it's called.
Who is holding his power within himself, as he knows there's another mage nearby. Another mage who almost killed him a little earlier, back near the middle of the large village.
Hurries to where he last saw the four strangers, who are definitely amongst those who have attacked the village, and the illegal wreckers, on this fine and sunny, though cold morning, here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
Samiel puts the crook of his right arm up to his face as smoke wafts into his face. As he stops, the powerful Tuledarian mage refrains from coughing.
And uses his free hand to wave away the smoke he walked into. As he does, the spellcaster who is an illegal wrecker, looks out across the village green.
"Shit" mutters Samiel the mage into the crook of his right arm as he sees the state of things across the village green.
The wide, circular open area, on the western edge of the large village that the crew of illegal wreckers have been living in for the last year or so.
The powerful spellcaster originally from the city-state of Tuledare, looks away from the pair of burning airships on the south side of the village green. And looks to the north, specifically to the northwest, where the house that Arvelle the plainsman has been living in since the crew of illegal wreckers took over the village.
Samiel can't see it too clearly as there's lots of smoke about. And he only catches a brief glimpse of it. And what the spellcaster who is holding his power within himself, does see. Is that Arvelle's house, is badly damaged
The powerful Tuledarian mage, slightly frowns as he thinks he spots someone in the smoke.
He wonders if it's those he's after. In particular one amongst the four he's been following for the last little bit.
Samiel then steps away from the side of the roundhouse he stopped next to. And starts making his way across the village green.
As he does, the spellcaster, who doesn't know he's the last of the three spellcasters amongst the crew of illegal wreckers to be still alive.
He walks slowly, waiting for a break in the smoke, as he does he gets ready to stop holding his power within himself. As he prepares to go on the attack.
They move quickly across the village green, heading towards the northwest corner, where the badly damaged two storey house is.
Even with the smoke drifting by as they approach it, they see the dead lying on the ground on this side, the east side of the house.
And there's no sign of the tall plainsman with the shaved head amongst the dead on the ground.
Then when the wind slightly changes, and the smoke from the burning airships starts to drift more to the south of them.
Darid Parsen the cavalry commander is about to say something, when suddenly Beldane the cleric says "Ware!" in warning.
The fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, first felt his mace in his hand go warm, the usual sign of danger.
Then the member of the church Glaine who is continually sensing, suddenly sensed a spellcaster not all that far behind them.
Beldane spins around as he warns the others, then the powerful cleric who can't be sensed at the moment due to the shield spell upon himself.
Slams up wards as he instantly knows it's the mage amongst the illegal wreckers who is somewhere behind them.
As he does, the fighting cleric swings his mace, to unleash some of the power of the magical weapon.
Walking across the village green, the wind suddenly shifts and the smoke that's drifting in his direction goes to the south of him. And Samiel the mage looks ahead and in a gap in the smoke he spots the four strangers he's been following.
The mage from the city-state of Tuledare stops holding his power within himself when he sees the one he figures is a mage too, though it isn't.
Samiel quickly creates a mageglobe, and it shoots away from his right hand. And heads towards the four about fifty yards infront of him. To be exact, towards the one the powerful Tuledarian spellcaster thinks is a mage like he is.
The living piece of magic, moves incredibly quickly. It's not the most powerful one Samiel has ever created. Nor is it the most destructive, infact it's not that powerful at all. But it is probably the most accurate one the mage who is an illegal wrecker has ever created. As it seeks out who Samiel has targeted.
The mageglobe skims around the wards that suddenly spring up, going around them, even though it could probably go through them. It swings back around, and goes right for it's target. Who isn't protected on this side by the wards. And it hits, and when it hits the living piece of magic comes to the end of it's brief life as it has completed it's task.
Hearing the warning from Beldane behind them, Lisell Maera the messenger spins around.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury sees the fighting cleric in the church of Glaine swinging his mace.
As he does, the messenger or runner in the armies of Farque, briefly catches sight of a small, faintly glowing red ball of light coming towards them.
It's moving so quick that Lisell or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group doesn't see it for long. And she loses view of it.
She recognised what it is, and is just about to shout out a warning, when he she catches sight of it again out of the corner of her left eye. As it must be circling them.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury goes to look back behind her, when it strikes. Hitting it's target, who is now behind Lis. Darid Parsen the cavalry commander.
The member of lord Farque's personal council doesn't even see the mageglobe that hits him after he's turned to see what Beldane the cleric has shouted a warning about.
The living piece of magic hits him in the middle of the back, and comes to the end of it's life.
Darid aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman yells in surprise as he's suddenly picked up off the ground, and briefly floats a few feet above the ground.
Then the cavalry commander in the armies of Farque, who is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra comes to the end of his life when he explodes . . . . . .

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