Monday 5 August 2019

Aftermath 70.

The Kaldel Plains...

Lisell Maera the messenger is knocked sideways to the ground, hit by parts of Darid Parsen the cavalry commander who has just exploded.
Infront of the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
The war engineer Tovis is knocked forward when he's hit by bits of the cavalry commander who has just been torn apart in an explosion when a mageglobe ended it's life, along with his.
The young engineer from the kingdom of Nastell hits the wards that Beldane the cleric has put up, and bounces back off them. And falls flat on his ass.
Tovis sits there on the ground, completely dazed, not knowing what's just happened behind him.
As for the fighting cleric himself. He staggers forward when commander Parsen is ripped to shreds by the relatively small explosion.
Beldane hits his own wards, but remains on his feet, as he completes the swing of his mace, unleashing a spell he casts with it's help.
Through a bit of smoke that drifts by, Samiel the mage sees the person he targeted with his mageglobe, get lifted up off the ground a couple of feet. Then get torn to bits in a small explosion.
And as body parts hit the other three strangers, knocking down two of them. The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare, senses magic. A kind of magic he did not expect to sense when he attacked the strangers.
Samiel senses cleric's magic, as he sees the fellow in the heavy half plate armour swinging a mace.
"Shit" mutters Samiel the mage as he quickly slams up wards, both barrier and protection spells.
The next instant, there's a flash of white light in the clear, cool morning sky above the village.
And a column of white light about three feet wide, shoots down out of the morning sky here in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
Where it strikes the powerful Tuledarian mage who is an illegal wrecker.
Inside the badly damaged two storey house on the northwest corner of the village green.
Mira Reinholt the mage who has just teleported another of the ship's lockers away as he looks out the north facing window. Frowns when he suddenly senses the mage amongst the illegal wreckers. Not that far away, just fifty yards or so away, out on the village green.
The once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil, who is unable to be sensed due to the amulet he wears on a silver chain he has around his neck.
Feels the nearby mage creating a mageglobe. When he does, the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster, quickly creates a mageglobe of his own, which rolls off his gloved right hand, and drops down onto the floor, which it disappears into.
Looking at Tamric Drubine and Shur Kee the monk, Mira Reinholt the mage quickly says to them "Trouble" as he heads across the room to the open door of the room and adds "Out on the village green".
The young field commander from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, and the short, statured monk who is from beyond the Southlands. Infact the far eastern coast of the continent. Where his homeland, the kingdom of Wah Lee lies. Quickly follow the Vexilian mage in exile out of the room.
Outside on the village green. Beldane the cleric watches as the holy strike spell cast with the aid of his magical mace, hits the illegal wrecker who is a mage.
The column of white light hits the powerful spellcaster, who has just attacked them, specifically Darid Parsen the cavalry commander.
As the fighting cleric from the kingdom of Nastell, which just lies to the east of the Kaldel Plains.
Watches his sustained spell, and hopes it's able to break through the wards the illegal wrecker has put up around himself.
He briefly feels something magical pass underneath him. For a brief moment Beldane isn't sure what it is.
But then he realises it's a mageglobe, which are notoriously difficult to sense. Which passes beneath him, on it's way towards the mage. Who isn't all that far from the fighting cleric and the others with him.
Samiel the mage grimaces as his wards take a sustained battering from the column of white light that's around him.
The powerful spellcaster who once worked for the airdock authority in the city of Tuledare. Realises that the cleric is a hell of a lot more powerful than he originally thought.
A cleric who he can just make out through the bright white light, but can't sense. But he can sense the magical mace that he wields.
Samiel has to wait for the cleric's spell to come to an end. As he dare not risk stop sustaining his wards to withstand the battering they're taking.
Then the powerful Tuledarian mage who as he's thinking of what he can do to retaliate against the nearby cleric.
Suddenly senses something right underneath him. The illegal wrecker knows immediately what it is. And he grimaces as he prepares, and braces himself for what's about to happen.
Then the ground erupts beneath him as a mageglobe explodes in the ground right below him. The powerful mage wonders if he'll survive this explosion like he did the earlier one, at the edge of the clearing in the middle of the large village. That he and the other illegal wreckers have lived in for the last year or so.
The mage globe created my Mira Reinholt explodes just a few feet beneath the spellcasting illegal wrecker, an explosion that goes upwards.
And though the explosion is smaller than the one earlier in the morning at the edge of the clearing in the middle of the village.
It's just as destructive as it hits the underside of Samiel the mage's wards. Which are already taking a battering from the column of white light that's all around him, and goes up into the morning sky.
Ground goes flying, as does the Tuledarian mage. Who screams in both panic, and agony as he's flung up and out of the column of white light that surrounds him.
He hisses in pain as he's briefly burnt from the column of white light as his wards fail from not one, but two magical attacks.
And as he goes flying backwards with dirt swirling all around him, Samiel wonders if he'll survive the impact with the ground when he eventually hits it.
He does, though barely. For when he hits the ground. The powerful spellcaster who is an illegal wrecker. Screams out in pain as he feels his right leg snap as it hits the ground first.
He lies there on the village green, groaning in pain. As dirt and bits of the ground rains down all around him. Samiel who has tendrils of smoke coming off him.
Groans as be rolls off his side, and onto his back. The powerful mage from the city-state of Tuledare winces in pain as he feels his broken right leg. While dirt continues to rain down all around him.
After looking at Tovis the war engineer, and seeing him sitting on the ground, shaking his head trying to clear it.
Beldane the cleric looks back and sees Lisell Maera on the ground too. The messenger in the armies of Farque, groans as she tries to roll over onto her side.
The fighting cleric, who is a member of the church of Glaine, sees no sign of commander Parsen anywhere.
So he looks ahead again, and drops his holy strike spell he's cast in conjunction with his mace.
The powerful cleric from the kingdom of Nastell senses, and through the raining dirt and smoke just up ahead. He senses that the mage is still alive.
Beldane hurries forward, his wards moving forward with him. The spellcaster who is from the northern region of Nastell.
Knows that he has to deal with the mage as quickly as possible while he's down. As he knows he won't be able to take him on in a battle of magic if it lasts for a little bit of time.
It will be best to try and finish him off as quickly as possible. Especially now, after he was just caught up in an explosion from a mageglobe created by Mira Reinholt.
Beldane the cleric runs around the small crater in the ground. And heads back across the village green, in the direction they came from.
The fighting cleric runs through some drifting smoke, and the dirt filled air. He runs right to where he can sense the mage who is also an illegal wrecker.
Samiel the mage, coughs as he sits up. And even though he's got a broken right leg. At least he isn't unconscious. Like he was earlier, when he was caught up in a similar explosion. Which occurred on the edge of the clearing in the middle of the large village, which is located in the northeast of the Kaldel Plains.
The powerful spellcaster from the city-state of Tuledare briefly thinks about holding his power within himself.
But unlike earlier, his true nature as a mage comes to the forefront. Where holding one's power within themselves, is the absolute antithesis of what it is to be a mage.
Samiel, who winces as he looks around. Trying to see anything within the thick, dirt filled air. As well as the occasional puff of smoke that blows by with it.
Slaps at his steaming clothing. Then he frowns again, when he thinks he hears something away to his left. The powerful Tuledarian mage looks in that direction.
And taking no chance with what could be about, as he knows that there's both another mage, and a cleric nearby.
He sends a fireball in that direction. Which burns a path through the dirt and smoke filled air.
As he runs, Beldane the cleric tightly grins when he sees the fireball burning away everything in it's path as it heads south across the village green. In the direction he cast a simple echo spell of himself.
As he runs, the fighting cleric who is continually sensing. Who can't believe the illegal wrecker is doing nothing to conceal or hide his own presence.
Swings his right arm back, swinging his mace back and to the side in the process. Then he brings it forward, when through the air thick with dirt. He spots a figure sitting on the ground, looking away to the south.
Samiel the mage peers away to the south, trying to find who it is that he heard in that direction.
The illegal wrecker who hails from the city-state of Tuledare as he sits there upon the ground, with his right leg broken.
Suddenly hears something away to his right, and as he goes to look that way through the air that's thick with dirt from the recent explosion. Something slams into the side of his head.
Beldane doesn't use any spell or any of the powers of his magical mace. He just swings it like a basic weapon. And it whacks into the side of the mage's head as he sits there on the ground, trying to see what's happening around him.
The fighting cleric comes to a halt, and not knowing if the illegal wrecker is dead or not. It certainly looks like it, as he lies there on his side with a shattered skull.
Beldane swings his mace again, and gives him another club to the head. The powerful spellcaster from the kingdom of Nastell nods, as he sees he's cracked the mage's skull open with that blow to the head. And the man's brains are spread out over the ground.
Beldane looks at the dead illegal wrecker for a moment. Then he trudges back through the dirt filled air, to get back to the others.
Meanwhile, to the east of the large village that has been attacked this morning. Nearly five miles away from it.
Helbe the elven thief after turning around, mutters "Finally" when he sees the mageglobe that's been chasing him throughout the morning, disappear.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel. Nods his hooded head, when he spots Narladene the ground pixie waving as she flies towards him.
And once the naturally magical creature originally from the Sunreach Mountains gets to the elven magic user from Laerel, Narladene the ground pixie tells him "That mage is dead".
"I figured as much" says the elven masterthief who happens to be the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel.
Then the young elven noble who is a member of the personal council to lord Farque, says to the tiny winged creature "Let's head back" as he gestures away to the west, back to the village "Might as well see what's happened".
Narladene the ground pixie as she settles down upon the right shoulder of the elven princeling she's attached to, nods her head in agreement to that from prince Helbenthril Raendril.
Back in the village, on the north side of the village green, Lisell Maera looks up, and finds Tamric Drubine the field commander kneeling next to her, helping her to sit up.
"You okay Lis?" asks Tamric Drubine the field commander "I think so" replies Lisell Maera the messenger who is more commonly called Lis by the others in the group.
Infront of the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury, and the nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin. Shur Kee the monk is helping Tovis the war engineer to get up off the ground.
Then as they spot Beldane the cleric coming back this way through the dirt filled air, the messenger in the armies of Farque looks to her left where Mira Reinholt the mage stands, who asks "What's that?" as he nods his hooded head away to the right of Lis.
The attractive young woman glances that way, then looks quickly away. And as Tamric Drubine helps her to stand, Lisell Maera quietly says "Darid".
The mage Reinholt grimaces as he looks at the bits of body parts scattered everywhere.
The once powerful mage from the city-state of Vexil who is now a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque mutters "Fuck" followed by "The shape of fire".
Then the spellcaster who is also a highly skilled swordmaster sighs as he thinks about how his fellow councillor Darid Parsen the cavalry commander. Or to be correct, Zubutai the barbarian hordesman, has died once again . . . . . .

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