Sunday 13 October 2019

A Grand Design 43.

Winter. The Duchies Of Wostin & Fandell. Central Girdane.

The white worm has been dragged out of the clearing. And the hole in the middle of the clearing has been dug out, so that there's a sloping ramp that goes down into the liar of the white worm.
Tamric Drubine the field commander watches as dozens of soldiers and auxiliaries in the Farqian mercenary army flatten out the dirt ramp that goes down into the ground.
So that the horses, wagons and carts of the army can go down it, into the liar of the white worm. Where below ground is an old gnome hole, that has a portal.
The otherside of which ends up in eastern Girdane, not that far from the capital city Oaklynn.
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more commonly called by those who know him well. Turns and makes his way from the clearing. And heads through the woods.
The young field commander in the armies of Farque, has sent some of the scouts through the portal below ground. And Helbe the elven thief has gone through, and come back too.
But he doesn't want anyone else going down below ground, and through the portal in the gnome hole yet.
As he wants all of their army, their own, plus the armies of the dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar. All going through at the same time.
He doesn't want them turning up in the east of the kingdom in a piecemeal fashion.
Followed by a pair of Farqian soldiers trained by prince Helbenthril Raendril. Field commander Drubine makes his way through the trees.
The army from western Girdane have made camp amongst the woods, here in the countryside between some farms in the border region between the duchies of Wostin and Fandell in central part of the kingdom.
They're waiting for the rest of the Farqian army to turn up. Those who went east with lord Farque himself. And the companies, including the mounted one led by councillor Arvelle Ganard, who have gone searching for them.
The nobleborn teenager originally from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin, looks between the trees, and spots the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen. And a number of their officers, chatting away to one another near the edge of the woods.
The young field commander who doesn't particularly want to talk to them at the moment, heads around the edge of the woods, away from them.
As he does so, Tam is met by a messenger in the armies of Farque, who tells him "Councillor Reinholt says they're coming in field commander" the Farqian soldier who is speaking in elven continues with "They should be in sometime tonight".
About time, Tamric Drubine the field commander thinks to himself, who then tells the messenger in the language of the elves "Inform his highness i will speak with him shortly".
"Yes sir" says the messenger who then hurries off, while the nobleborn teenager who is a field commander in the armies of Farque, continues around the edge of the woods, checking on their forces who are camped here.
Preparing to go through the portal in the gnome hole beneath the woods, which will take them to eastern Girdane.
Lisell Maera the messenger reins up, then looks around. The attractive young woman originally from the city-state of Brattonbury. Then urges her mount forward along the road, here in the duchy of Fandell.
And it's not long before she encounters more riders in the army of Farque, who are heading the other way, back towards the duchy of Wostin.
"Councillor Reinholt's company?" asks Lisell Maera the messenger in the elven language.
"North of us messenger" replies the Farqian sergeant at arms in the same language, who the lean, athletic looking young woman has spoken to.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well.
Nods, then continues on her way, riding along the road that goes through this part of the duchy of Fandell.
She then turns off the road, and cuts across some farmland, heading northwards.
And it's not long before she starts encountering Farqian soldiers on foot. Columns of them, as they head southwest. Back to the border with the duchy of Wostin.
They're those soldiers with the force that left at the end of last week with lord Farque. Who went up into the Kaldel Plains, then eastwards before coming back down into the kingdom of Girdane to attack the enemy from behind.
As Lis rides by them, she asks again about the whereabouts of Councillor Ganard's company.
Then continues on her way northwards, when she's told they're in that direction.
It's late in the afternoon, when the attractive young woman who is a messenger, or runner in the scouts division of the armies of Farque.
Starts to encounter riders in the company led by Arvelle Ganard, who is a member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque.
And as she rides along a country lane here in the west of the duchy of Fandell. Lis sees that they've been in combat recently. As some of them are sporting some freshly bandaged wounds. Who haven't had time to be seen by a healer or spellcaster yet.
The messenger rides off the road, going behind a row of trees on the edge of a field. She heads towards a clump of trees, where she sees some of her fellow Farqian soldiers, dismounted, or sitting upon their horses.
As she gets closer, Lisell Maera sees that some of them have cloaked wrapped bodies on the backs of other mounts.
The messenger faintly grimaces as she knows what that means. As some of the Farqian soldiers have been killed during combat they've had recently.
"Councillor Ganard?" asks Lis in elven when she rides up "In there" replies a Farqian soldier in the same language, who nods into the clump of trees they're beside.
The messenger dismounts, and makes her way forward. She passes a large soldier in her army, carrying a cloak wrapped body, who informs her that Arvelle Ganard the plainsman is further back amongst the trees.
The attractive young woman who is from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury. Whose mother was a street prostitute, and whose father, who she never met, was a sailor.
Spots councillor Ganard off to one side, speaking with a scout, who Lis recognises as one of the water elementals.
While behind them, on the ground behind the clump of trees, she sees dozens, if not scores of bodies, men and mounts, scattered across the field. They're the enemy, in the crown's army by the looks of it.
As they're a mix of soldiers in the army of Girdane, along with hired mercenaries.
The messenger looks to the left, where soldiers in the armies of Farque, are wrapping up bodies in cloaks.
She walks over to them, and looks down at the dead, and as another Farqian soldier, picks up one of the cloak wrapped bodies and walks away.
Lis spots at the end of the row of dead bodies, someone she recognises.
The messenger looks down at the dead body of subaltern Almic.
Who she spent most of yesterday morning in the company of, talking with him, as they chatted about all sorts of things, never mentioning the campaign they're in at the moment.
Lisell Maera kneels down, and puts her right hand alongside the face of the dead subaltern. A young man she knew was attracted to her. But he never did anything in regards to that.
As she looks at his face, Lis wonders what could of been. Then she closes his eyelids. And with the help of another Farqian soldier. She wrap Almic up in a couple of cloaks.
The attractive young woman originally from the coast of the Southlands watches as the other soldier picks up the cloaked wrapped body of the young subaltern Almic, and carries him away.
It's a few moments before Lisell remembers why she's here, then she turns to where councillor Ganard and the scout are standing, and she finds the two of them watching her.
The messenger makes her way over to them, and when she stands before the tall plainsman with the shaved head, Arvelle Ganard the plainsman says "I didn't know you knew Almic".
"Not well" says Lis who like the council member is speaking the elven language "But i knew him" adds the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury.
The tall plainsman who previously was an illegal wrecker who plied his trade up on the Kaldel Plains, looks at the messenger for a moment. Who he knows never really gets close, or makes friends with anyone.
Those she's closest to, are still the members of the group she's traveled with since she left Brattonbury at the age of eleven. The group who have essentially raised her.
The tall plainsman who in actual fact is really a hordes outrider from the southern tundra by the name of Zubutai Timaginson. Who just happens to find himself inhabiting the body of Arvelle Ganard.
Thinks he and the others might of failed Lis, and to a lesser degree Tamric Drubine.
As not giving them a relatively normal childhood and adolescence. Has had an adverse effect on who they've become.
Then the former illegal wrecker remembers what the circumstances that both Lis and Tam were in previously in their respective homes homelands.
And if they weren't taken away from that. The two of them would definitely be dead by now.
They were taken for a reason, and they're alive and fulfilling that, Arvelle Ganard thinks to himself, who then silently adds, that's something i guess.
The member of the personal council to the lord and ruler of the lands Farque, then asks the messenger "So, what brings you here?".
"The field commander wanted to know if you had found the others yet" is the reply of the tall, lean, athletic young woman is a member of the scouts division in the armies of Farque.
Arvelle aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman nods his shaved head, then says "As you can see we did".
He gestures behind them to the field where the dead enemy lie and adds "And we ran into some of the enemy who have been sent out from the town of Summerton, to ride on the flanks of those who were retreating".
Lisell Maera nods in understanding, then the former illegal wrecker says "We're guessing more and more of them will come out from Summerton to try and locate us" he briefly pauses before continuing with "Good thing we're going".
As it looks like they'll be badly outnumbered by the enemy in no time at all, as more and more of them turn up from the east of the kingdom. Where the dukes and other lords, have joined with the crown to fight against the dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen who have rebelled against the crown.
"We might as well head back" says Arvelle aka Zubutai Timaginson, who nods between the trees, to where the last of the cloak wrapped dead have been carried away.
The council member glances at the silent water elemental and slightly nods. The scout disappears in a fine mist.
Then the tall plainsman, and the attractive young woman make their way through the clump of trees to where their horses are.
They're soon riding back to the border area between the duchies of Wostin and Fandell where the rest of their army is located.
It's just after dusk, and in the early evening light, on what's a cold start to the night.
Helbe the elven thief stands at the edge of the woods, watching the columns of Farqian soldiers on foot approaching the woods and entering it.
The young elven noble from the island principality of Laerel watches them for a little while, as they walk into camp here in the woods between farms on the border of the duchies of Wostin and Fandell.
Then he turns and makes his way through the trees, heading to the command tent of field commander Drubine.
Who he finds standing outside his tent, in conversation with the dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar. The three most western duchies in the kingdom of Girdane, who have rebelled against the crown.
The elven magic user who is just glad there's been no hassle with the trio of dukes keeping up with their weekly payments in their contract of hire.
Join those infront of the command tent, where he's not surprised about the topic of conversation.
As the three dukes, along with their senior officers, are asking why they've stopped here, and not continued their pursuit of the enemy they defeated in battle.
For the elven masterthief, along with his fellow member of lord Farque's personal council, Arvelle Ganard. Along with field commander Drubine, decided to not tell them about the portal in the gnome hole that's under the woods they're in.
It's why Farqian soldiers are the only ones who have been allowed into the clearing, and just around it. While the armies of the three dukes have been closer to the edge of the woods.
Interrupting the conversation as he stands beside Tamric Drubine the field commander, Helbe the elven thief says "All will be explained shortly".
The young elven noble who is the grandson of the ruling prince of Laerel, continues with "The rest of our forces are coming in, once they're all in camp, we will explain what's happening".
The elven master assassin, along with his fellow councillor Arvelle Ganard, along with Tamric Drubine.
Thought it would be best the trio of dukes from the very west of the kingdom didn't know where they're going sooner, as it might cause complications.
As in all likelihood, their rebellion might be successful, a hell of lot quicker than they realise.
And as of yet, they've put very little thought into what they'll do once they've defeated the crown.
"What i can tell you is that we'll be leaving early in the morning" says prince Helbenthril Raendril who after a slight pause adds "Very early in the morning".
"And where will be going?" asks duke Hilloc of Dalmar, who is essentially the leader of the rebellion by the three most western duchies in Girdane against the crown.
"East" is the cryptic, though honest reply from the highly talented elven magic user.
"Now if you'll excuse me" says the elven spellcaster who has spotted away to the right, his fellow councillor, Arvelle Ganard along with others have just ridden into camp.
"I have some things to attend to" adds the nobleborn elf, who then nods his hooded head to the young field commander, then the trio of dukes, before he walks away.
The elven master archer joins Arvelle Ganard and the others who have just arrived, by a tie line, where they've put their horses.
The tall plainsman with the shaved head nods in greeting to his fellow councillor, and says to him "The last of them should be in shortly".
"Any problems?" asks the grandson of Prince Raendril of Laerel, who saw the cloak wrapped bodies of the dead being brought in a little earlier.
"A little" says Arvelle aka Zubutai the barbarian hordesman in a slightly bitter tone of voice, who watches as Lisell Maera who has just tied up her mount, make her way between the trees to where some Farqian soldiers are around a cook fire.
"What is it?" quietly asks the elven princeling "Nothing" says the former illegal wrecker, who after a slight pause adds "Everything" before shaking his head, and pointing in the direction of the clearing in the middle of the woods.
As they walk between the trees to the large clearing, the tall plainsman, who is actually taller than the young elven noble, who is relatively short at six foot two inches for an elf, especially a nobleborn elf.
Quietly asks the elven masterthief "Told them yet?" referring to the dukes of Falosen, Girnath and Dalmar.
"Not yet" says prince Helbenthril Raendril who like the former illegal wrecker from the Kaldel Plains, is speaking in the elven language.
"Just that we'll be going early in the morning" continues the elven master assassin who like the tall plainsman walking beside him, is a member of the personal council to lord Farque.
They stop at the edge of the clearing, where by burning torch light, Farqian soldiers continue to work on the ramp that goes down into the ground, along with the tunnel that's below the woods.
"Think we'll get the mounts through?" quietly asks councillor Ganard "They should go through without any problems" replies councillor Raendril, who follows that with "It's just the heavy wagons and war machine pieces and equipment we've got to worry about".
Arvelle aka Zubutai Timaginson nods in understanding, then looks at his fellow councillor, who quietly says "I'll go through first" followed by "And get in contact with them, as they're expecting me" he then adds "Then the rest of you come through".
He briefly pauses before continuing with "Then onto Oaklynn". Nodding his shaved head in agreement, Arvelle Ganard the plainsman says "Onto Oaklynn" . . . . . .

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