Monday 28 October 2019

A Grand Design 53.

Winter. The City Of Oaklynn. The Capital Of The Kingdom Of Girdane.

They come and take away Sarmac the keeper first. Marching him out of his cell, and out the corridor in this part of the dungeons beneath the palace of the king.
Next the black clad mercenaries come for Haric the wizard. Picking up the portly unconscious spellcaster, and carrying him away.
Lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn, and his most trusted officer, captain Kilmane. Look across at each other. No saying anything, as they have a fair idea what's going on.
A little bit later, and they return for the captain in the regent's army. Who calmly walks from his cell after the door is opened.
And before he goes out of sight as he walks between some of the black clad mercenaries. He nods his head to his lord and regent as he's led away.
Lord Sammis, the regent of Oaklynn, and the last surviving member of the royal family. Is the only one left in the cells in this part of the dungeons.
He suspects he's going to his death, or at least a trial of some kind. But when eventually the black clad mercenaries return for him.
And taking assurance from the way Kilmane acted, he calmly walks from his cell.
He really has no idea where they're taking him. As he follows a pair of the black clad soldiers for hire, while two others follow right behind him.
It's not until he's led up a set of steps he recognises. As he's never been down in the dungeons, before he woke up in them.
Does he know where he's going, as they turn into a hallway, and he realises they're heading to one of the back entrances to the massive chamber in the middle of the main building of the palace, where court is held.
The regent of Oaklynn, who has absolutely no thoughts of escape. As the hallway is lined with more of the black clad mercenaries on either side.
Slightly frowns as he wonders why he's being taken to court. He suspects the rebel dukes have put one of themselves forward as either king, or at least regent.
He'll have something to say about that. As he's still regent, no matter what he's done.
Lord Sammis sneers as he's led to a pair of doors, which are opened as they approach them. And as he enters the massive chamber. The regent of Oaklynn suddenly comes to a stop as he sees who is actually in it.
It's near a complete session of court, with all the eastern dukes, and the lords and ladies of the eastern duchies. Along with most of the central dukes, as well as the lords and ladies from that part of the kingdom.
There's even some of the western dukes, lords and ladies in attendance too. Those who kept out of the rebellion of the three dukes from the very west of the kingdom, who of course are in attendance.
There's also advisors and officers from duchies right across the kingdom of Girdane in attendance.
Everyone in the massive chamber turn to look at who has just entered. And stare at the regent of Oaklynn. Who looks around, bewildered that court is actually in session.
Lord Sammis looks quickly towards the throne, and sees no one upon it. He also sees no one sitting on his chair, which as regent and the representative at court of the city council. Is down from the throne, and to the right of where it's sits upon a raised dias.
He sees that most of the ducal seats are occupied, or have a duke standing infront of it, or next to it. As they all look towards where he's standing. Even the trio of rebel dukes are at their seats, watching him like everyone else is.
The nobleman, who is the last surviving member of the royal family. Sees that just about everyone else is standing which is tradition. Lords and ladies, advisors, and army officers are on their feet watching him.
While he spots a number of people on some of the side benches in the massive chamber.
The regent of Oaklynn sees the three who were taken prisoner with him. Captain Kilmane, Sarmac the keeper, and Haric the wizard are on one bench. With the portly spellcaster in the ruby red robes, looking a little dazed as he looks around wondering what's going on.
They're guarded by some of the black clad mercenaries. As are those on the bench next to the one Kilmane, Sarmac and Haric are sitting on.
Sir Welson the advisor to the regent of Oaklynn is on that bench. Along with Jaqor Kaim, the former mercenary who commands the regent's army. With them is a few others in the senior staff of lord Sammis.
All of whom are looking at their lord. Wondering what they've heard so far here at court is true or not. It seems to be, and they're all in some form of denial, as they can't actually believe it's true.
The regent of Oaklynn is wondering what he'll say, most likely in his defence. As there's more than a few unfriendly looks from those here at court, directed at him.
Where he's nudged in the back, a sure signal for him to head to the middle of the chamber with his guards.
The nobleman whose family's lands are further to the north here in the duchy of Marsin.
Looks to the side, and spots on some of the benches by one of the side entrances to the massive chamber.
A number of people, including those mercenaries he spoke with down in the dungeons earlier this morning.
They're not in the public galleries, which the regent of Oaklynn, thankfully sees are empty with the exception of some of the palace officials. Nobles for the most part. Too minor to stand upon the floor with the rest of the nobility.
As he stands in the middle of the floor, lord Sammis wonders who'll speak. And figures it will be one of the rebel dukes. Presumably duke Hilloc of Dalmar, who sits upon his ducal seat, glaring at the nobleman who forced his younger sister, the lady Mera into marriage.
So it's a bit of a surprise to the regent of Oaklynn, when it's duke Furnek of Marsin who takes a step forward from where he's standing infront of his seat, and begins to speak.
"Lord Sammis" says duke Furnek of Marsin who doesn't greet the regent of Oaklynn at all.
"You've been accused of a number of heinous things" continues the duke of Marsin, who until earlier this morning, was still one of the staunchest allies of the regent of Oaklynn.
"It's no use trying to prove you're innocent" adds the nobleman whose duchy the city of Oaklynn lies in "Your cohorts have already confirmed to us what has taken place" says duke Furnek who gestures over to where captain Kilmane, the keeper Sarmac, and Haric the wizard are sitting.
Then the duke of Marsin beckons over someone from amongst those who are standing on the floor.
It's an officer in his own army, and duke Furnek tells him "Go ahead".
"Yes my lord' says the officer, who also happens to be sorcerer. Who then looks at the regent of Oaklynn and casts a spell.
After a few moments, the officer in the army of the duke of Marsin, looks at his lord, and nods yes.
"All of it?" asks duke Furnek "Yes my lord', all of it" is the reply from the officer in the dukes army, who briefly pauses, before adding "And some others".
"Like what?" asks the duke of Marsin with a slight frown upon his face.
The sorcerer takes a quick glance at regent Sammis. Then after he looks around, he approaches his lord, duke Furnek of Marsin, and has a quiet conversation with him.
As the officer speaks, the duke of Marsin watches lord Sammis, until he takes a quick look at duke Hilloc of Dalmar, and winces after his officer quietly tells him something.
The duke of Marsin then nods to his officer, and the sorcerer moves back to stand amongst the others who are standing out on the floor, here at court in the palace of the king of Girdane.
"Your crimes are too many to list Sammis" says duke Furnek, which causes the regent of Oaklynn to scowl. Not because of accusations of so called crimes he's committed. But because the way in which the duke of Marsin addressed him.
Calling him by his name, and not his title of regent, or even referring to him as a lord.
"But chief amongst them is inciting a rebellion through disease, in this case a plague" continues duke Furnek, who follows that up with "As well as attacks upon the people in the far west of the kingdom, by creatures of your creation"
The duke of Marsin briefly pauses, before he continues on with "The same creatures you used to commit the most heinous of your crimes, the murder of our king, king Jarnard the Second, and the rest of the royal family, all of whom are relations of yours".
Duke Furnek of Marsin, who the rebel dukes of Dalmar, Girnath and Falosen, put forth to take over proceedings here at court today, then says "What say you Sammis?" the duke of Marsin follows that with "Going to try and deny it?".
"Why bother?" says lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn, who continues with "You've already found me guilty without even giving me a fair hearing".
"We didn't have to" says duke Furnek, who follows that with "You proved your own guilt" adds the duke of Marsin, who gestures to the officer in his army, who came forward a little earlier, and says "He just read your mind, and everything i said you did" he briefly pauses before saying "You did".
The regent of Oaklynn scowls again, as spellcasters, who aren't part of the king's guards, or regent's guards like Haric the wizard is. Aren't allowed to cast at court.
Infact, most nobles who have practitioners of magic within their routine. Tend to not bring them to court at all.
"Spellcasters at court" angrily says lord Sammis who continues with "That's a violation of the laws of the kingdom".
"So is killing our king, but you did that anyway" says duke Hilloc of Dalmar in a cool tone of voice as he speaks up from where he sits "Even though he was your very own cousin" adds the duke of Dalmar.
Court falls silent, the murmurs of those in attendance cease, as everyone looks at the regent of Oaklynn.
Lord Sammis seeing an opportunity, snorts in disdain, then says "That's rich coming from you Hilloc, considering you went to war against my cousin Jarnard, and would of killed him if you had half the chance".
"In battle perhaps" says duke Hilloc as duke Furnek looks on, a little annoyed that he's lost control of proceedings for the moment.
"Not murder him as he slept like you did" says the duke of Dalmar, who is on his ducal seat, one of a number, that's in a crescent formation, out to either side of the dais the throne is on.
"You seem to forget, we rebelled against the crown to dethrone the king" adds duke Hilloc, who continues on with "Not murder him and his family in their beds".
"And me?" asks the regent of the capital city.
"Well, that's another matter entirely different" says the duke of one of the three western duchies that rebelled against the crown.
"I would've gladly murdered you in your sleep" admits duke Hilloc who ignores the gasps from some of those in attendance at court.
"Figured as much" mutters lord Sammis, who has known that the duke of Dalmar has never really liked him. And has hated him, even since the regent forced the lady Mera into marriage.
"And why's that?" asks lord Sammis the regent of Oaklynn.
"You fucking know exactly why!" shouts duke Hilloc of Dalmar, who nearly rushes from his ducal seat. And doesn't, only when duke Korros of Girnath puts a restraining hand on his left arm, and quietly says to him "Easy Hilloc" followed by "He'll get what he deserves".
"Order!" calls out duke Furnek of Marsin as people react to the unseemly outburst from the duke of Dalmar. Eventually order is restored, and people settle down.
And the duke of Marsin looks at the nobleman who until this morning, was one of his closest allies, and tells him "Your punishment has already been decided".
Duke Furnek, follows that with "All we needed was confirmation of guilt" then he quickly says "For your schemes and designs that started a rebellion, and had you kill the king and the rest of the royal family, you and your three main cohorts are to be executed" the duke of Marsin momentarily pauses before he adds "Publicly".
The regent of Oaklynn winces when he hears that. And we he looks over at captain Kilmane, the keeper Sarmac, and Haric the wizard.
He sees that they're not surprised in the least. And the regent realises that they must of been told their fate already. Before he was brought up from the dungeons.
The duke of Marsin is just about to say something, when duke Korros of Girnath speaks up, and says "There's one other thing that needs to be decided".
The duke of Girnath, a fairly short fellow, in a suit of heavy iron plate armour, indicates his fellow rebel dukes, Hilloc and Lombasil sitting to either side of him, and says "We've decided that someone needs to sit upon the throne of Girdane".
The entire chamber falls silent, and duke Furnek blinks in surprise, as this wasn't discussed earlier before court was convened.
Looking straight at lord Sammis, duke Hilloc of Dalmar adds "And a new regent of Oaklynn too".
Both the dukes of Girnath and Falosen nod in agreement.
With a look of disgust upon his face, the regent of Oaklynn says "As if the three of you can decide that".
"Well, we do hold the capital city" says duke Lombasil of Falosen, who then adds "So we can pretty much do as we like".
"And i suppose one of you will be king?" demands lord Sammis, who quickly adds "And another regent". As figures Hilloc will put himself on the throne and be king. While Korros will be regent.
Before those here at court can protest, as this was definitely not discussed with them.
Duke Hilloc of Dalmar grins, and says "We could" he follows that with "But we won't".
Before the protests begin, they fall silent. As the nobility and others at court look at the trio of rebellious dukes.
Then the duke of Dalmar looks at duke Furnek of Marsin, and says to him "We thought your oldest son Marcco should be the regent. He's already a fine administrator for your duchy. We're sure he would to a similar job for the capital".
The duke of Marsin blinks in surprise, as he definitely wasn't expecting that. All he does is nod yes in reply to duke Hilloc asking him "Will he accept?".
Seeing the look of anger upon the face of lord Sammis, duke Hilloc of Dalmar can't help but grin.
Then he says "As for who shall take the throne" before he turns his head, and looks at the nobleman sitting on the ducal throne to his immediate left.
"We thought you should be the next king of Girdane" says duke Hilloc of Dalmar as he looks at duke Tremane of Isanor. Who looks absolutely flabbergasted at the suggestion. While there's absolute silence in the massive chamber.
Silence that's broken by lord Sammis, the now former regent of Oaklynn shouting "You can't do that!".
"Oh, but we can" says duke Hilloc, duke Korros and duke Lombasil nod in agreement with him, as the duke of Dalmar adds "We just did" . . . . . .

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