Tuesday 11 February 2020

The Lost Ones 63.

Summer. The Town Of Falmare.

In the warm late morning sun. Lisell Maera the messenger jumps up and grabs onto the eaves above her.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury pulls herself up onto the roof of a building, here on the east side of the town of Falmare.
The messenger, or runner as they're sometimes referred to. Gets her breath back before she gets into a crouch.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by those who know her well, looks around. And wryly smiles when she spots a tabby coloured cat on the next roof over.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands gets up, and runs across the rooftop she's on. Then leaps over the narrow lane below, and lands upon the roof of the building the tabby coloured cat is on.
Lis slightly winces, and carefully listens to make sure no one in the building she's on top of, heard her.
Then the messenger in the scouts and rangers division in the armies of Farque crosses over to where the cat is down on all fours.
Lisell Maera crouches down next to the tabby coloured cat, and slightly nods her head.
As directly beside the building they're on, is the trading shop of Sharnd the merchant. Lis found it earlier when she wandered through the town, following the tabby coloured cat, that is Saanea the witch's familiar.
The familiar gets up, and points it's nose in the direction of the building, across the courtyard behind the merchant's trading shop.
"They're in there are they?" quietly murmurs Lisell Maera the messenger who lies down flat upon her stomach, when she spots a few men wandering around the building in question.
The magical creature beside the attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury meows.
Lis nods her head as she watches the men wandering around the building across the courtyard from Sharnd the merchant's shop.
She immediately recognises them as some of the mercenaries who were in the inn earlier in the morning, when she beat up the two mercenaries from the port town of Gilsom, Spranen and Halnard.
Lis glances down and watches a quartet of men make their way out of the lane to the right, and cross the street and head to the building behind the trading shop of Sharnd the merchant.
The tall athletic looking, attractive young woman who is a messenger in the armies of Farque, faintly smiles. As those four, have been trying to find her as they search through the town of Falmare.
Those four are hired mercenaries, two of whom are pirates. They've been on her heels ever since she left the inn, where she beat up the two mercenaries Spranen and Halnard.
Lisell Maera sees them talk with some of the other mercenaries who have been walking around the building on the otherside of the courtyard of Sharnd the merchant's shop.
The attractive young woman from the coast of the Southlands, whose mother was a prostitute on the streets of Brattonbury, and whose father, a men she never knew or met, was a sailor.
Sees one of the four mercenaries knock on what seems to be a side door of the building across the back courtyard from Sharnd the merchant's trading shop.
A couple of moments later and the door opens, and Spranen the mercenary sticks his head outside, and has a quiet word with the mercenary who knocked on the door.
I wonder what they're discussing? Lisell Maera thinks to herself, who then silently adds, me no doubt.
Then the messenger, or runner as they're sometimes referred to, looks to her right, and wryly smiles as she finds the tabby coloured cat has disappeared.
Lis then looks away to the left, and out east. Across the last of the buildings here on this side of Falmare, and out of town.
She sees a number of people on the road, which leads all the way to the Maldin Hills. Which though is more than twenty miles away, can easily be seen in the distance on such a clear and sunny, summer's day here in the lowlands that lie between the hill country, and the coast of the Southlands.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury sees people both leaving and approaching the town of Falmare. Some on horseback, and in wagons. And quite a few on foot.
The messenger in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque looks carefully, and she spots a group of people off the road, coming around from the north.
Even from five hundred yards away, Lis recognises the short individual, wearing an odd conical shaped hat out infront with the large fellow, wearing what can only be a full suit of heavy plate armour, which is so shiny it's glistening in the sunshine.
She slightly frowns as behind two other people, at the back of the group. Is a rather portly individual.
Lisell Maera then nods her head in understanding, and she murmurs to herself "Interesting" silently followed by, Dorc looks fucking fat even when he's disguised as a human.
"You sure me a fucken human?" asks Dorc da Orc again as he holds up a hand infront of his face, that looks the normal green it usually is.
"Yes Dorc" says Tamric Drubine the field commander without looking back at the large ork who trails him and Saanea the witch.
"Don't fucken look like it" mutters the ork warleader once again, for though he can smell that there's a spell upon him, to his eyes, it certainly doesn't look like it.
Though for everyone else that looks at him, the illusion spell that's been cast by Saanea the witch. Has the ork weaponsmith looking like a rather fat human, blond, not particularly tall, and in his early twenties.
They cut across the open ground, heading towards the road on the east side of Falmare after making their way around from the northwest of the fairly large town here in this part of the lowlands.
"Will that spell last long?" quietly asks field commander Drubine with a nod of his head back at the rather portly fellow following him and the pretty looking hillwoman.
"It should" quietly replies Saanea the witch, who follows that with "It was either one that lasts a while, or two not as good, on him and sir Percavelle".
Tamric Drubine or Tam as he's more often than not, called by the others in the group, nods his head.
As he'd rather have Dorc da Orc disguised by a rather good illusion. Than the large ork and the heavily armoured knight disguised by two poor quality illusions, that might not last all that long.
The nobleborn teenager from the feudal kingdom of Sarcrin wants to ask the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills why it's difficult to cast two good illusion spells at once.
But figures, rightly as it turns out. That it's got something to do with the size of the big, burly ork from the southern polar region of the world.
And because he knows it's difficult for practitioners of magic to cast multiple spells at once. Especially spells of quality and strength.
Instead, the young field commander in the armies of Farque quietly says "You can drop it if we run into trouble". The pretty looking hillwoman nods her head that she will.
While up ahead, Shur Kee the monk looks back at Tam, and gestures toward the road that goes into the east side of Falmare.
The nobleborn teen, who is the son and former heir of a previous knight of castle Drubine, a castle located in the forested north of the kingdom of Sarcrin, nods his head yes to the short, statured monk.
The physical adept who is an acolyte in the philosophical order of Bru Li, along with sir Percavelle Lé Dic who walks beside him, make their way to the dirt packed road, which they quickly reach.
Once they're on the road, and they turn towards Falmare, Shur Kee the monk quietly says to the large, heavily armoured knight walking beside him "Friend Percavelle, a little bit of advice".
The nobleborn knight from the kingdom of Druvic looks sideways and down at the monk wearing the odd, conical shaped hat.
"Of course, my fine short fellow" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic who more or less disregards much of what most people tells him. But he's always willing to listen to the physical adept.
Who from experience always has something wise to say.
Not to mention, the nobleman from kingdom of Druvic is always a little weary of the holy man from the far east coast of the kingdom.
For over fifteen years ago, when they first crossed paths. Shur Kee, with apparent ease, kicked him off the wall of a village in the Sunreach Mountains, when they were on opposite sides of a war at that time.
It was during the same battle, that the former paladin first ran into his bitter rival, Dorc da Orc.
"I think it best if you did not tear off like you usually do, and fight these mercenaries on your own" states Shur Kee, who happens to be the conduit, or living incarnation of the Jade Warrior, Bru Li.
The former earl of Lé Dic goes to open his mouth to protest, even though that's exactly what he was thinking of doing.
Instead he shuts his mouth, when Shur Kee says to him "Do you not think so?".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic grunts, then says "Yes, prudence would be advisable".
The member of the order of the Knights of Saint Mar-che then adds "I was just thinking of that myself, wot".
The large, heavily armoured knight, a man in his mid forties now. Who was not thinking of that all, then says "I'd say good chap, it would be best to know what we're actually getting ourselves into, wot".
The former paladin continues with "Maybe that evil witch will spread more light on what we can expect".
The nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic, looks back intending to ask Saanea the witch, what they can expect.
But all he does is laugh when he sees the short, fat, blond haired fellow, walking a bit behind the pretty looking hillwoman and the nobleborn teenager from the kingdom of Sarcrin.
The former earl of Lé Dic, which is his family's fief in eastern Druvic, snorts in derision at the sight if his bitter enemy Dorc da Orc, who is under the influence of an illusion spell cast by Saanea the witch.
Even Shur Kee the monk when he looks back, can't help but grin when he catches sight again of the large ork, who at the moment looks like a slovenly, overweight blond human from somewhere else in the Southlands.
"By Narille himself, that smelly green demon looks like a disgusting brute even in human form" says sir Percavelle Lé Dic, who is more commonly called Percy by those who know him well.
"Why am i not surprised, wot" dryly says the nobleman from the kingdom of Druvic.
He and the short, statured monk slow down so the others can catch up before they enter the town of Falmare.
As a couple of wagons go by, making their way from the large town.
Tamric Drubine and Saanea the witch, and finally Dorc da Orc catch up to Percy and Shur Kee.
"They're not all that faraway" quietly says field commander Drubine, who looks at the pretty looking hillwoman, who tells the others "Less than a hundred yards away" as she gestures ahead, as they enter the town of Falmare.
Tam who is glad the town isn't walled, and is also glad there's no town guards at the edge of the road, watching those coming and going from Falmare.
Quietly asks the spellcaster from the Maldin Hills "Which way?".
"This way" says Saanea the witch, who points the way in which to go.
Popping her head up a bit to get a better view, Lisell Maera the messenger catches a quick glimpse of the others entering the town of Falmare, before they disappear behind some buildings and homes on this side of town.
The attractive young woman from the coastal city-state of Brattonbury, who has taken her crossbow of her back, and has it beside her on the roof.
Looks towards the building that's on the otherside of the courtyard that's behind the trading shop that's owned by Sharnd the merchant.
The messenger in the scouts and rangers division of the armies of Farque is keeping low on the rooftop she's on.
So that those hired mercenaries wandering around the building she's observing, don't notice her. Gets ready for the others to show up.
Lisell Maera or Lis as she's more commonly called by the others in the group.
Also keeps an eye out for any of the other hired mercenaries, who have been recruited by those five who have intentions of creating their own nation up in the Maldin Hills.
The attractive young woman from the city-state of Brattonbury glances to the nearby lane when she hears people moving through it.
Lis as she's called by those who know her well, faintly winces as she sees a group of men walk from the lane, and cross the street.
They're all hired mercenaries who work for those who have plans to create a nation of their own up in the Maldin Hills.
They make their way behind the shop of Sharnd the merchant, and join those who are already at the building across the back courtyard of the merchant's shop.
"Hell, this is going to be interesting" the messenger in the armies of Farque murmurs to herself.
Who then looks away to her left, to the east, and catches sight of Tamric Drubine the field commander and the rest of the group making their way along one of the streets on this side of the town of Falmare.
"Definitely interesting" adds Lisell Maera in a murmur as she waits for the others to get here . . . . . .

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